
maybeanerd's avatar

@[email protected]

Now that I moved instance, it's time for a new !

I'm a fullstack software engineer who loves and is based in Germany.
In my free time I like to contribute to and build fun stuff like bots for .
Oh, and I play a lot of games.
Both videogames on and , as well as tabletop games like or .
Also into

y.o.n.a. :heart_transgender:'s avatar
y.o.n.a. :heart_transgender:

@[email protected]

Hi! My name is Yona. It’s great to see you here 💜

I am a human girl living on this swiftly tilting planet with my lovely partner @model_subject and a very silly cat named Archer. I’m trans and I exist and I try every day to express the joy this brings me. :blob_cat_heart:​

Sometimes I also drink coffee, code, dream, work on music, play games, grow hot peppers, yearn, take selfies, and try to understand my life and the world I live in. I probably have too many hobbies, but I’m always finding something new to consume my interest. I love seeing what you are all interested in too!

I’m here to build community, and create a real alternative to the capitalist hellscape that dominates our lives. Let’s create a space together where we are all free to be our true unapologetic selves :heart_transgender:​

(cw: selfie, eye contact)

a girl standing in her doorway and smiling. she is wearing a teal hoodie and a pink top.
a girl standing in her doorway and smiling. she is wearing a teal hoodie and a pink top.
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼's avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼

@[email protected]

is a logging library for and . It provides a simple and flexible logging system that is easy to use and easy to extend. The highlights of LogTape are:

• Zero dependencies
• Designed to be used in libraries as well as apps
• Supports virtually every runtime: .js, , , edge functions, and browsers
• Structured logging
• Logger categories (names) are hierarchical
• Dead simple sink (destination) interface


Screenshot: log messages printed out on the terminal
Screenshot: log messages printed out on the terminal
Screenshot: log messages printed out on web browser's console
Screenshot: log messages printed out on web browser's console
Emelia 👸🏻's avatar
Emelia 👸🏻

@[email protected]

Okay, okay, at @nova's behest, an post:

Hi 👋🏻 I'm Emelia, from , , I'm trans queer and kinky.

I'm a princess 👸🏻 currently working most with , currently working on Fediverse Trust & Safety tooling

I'm most known for my work on , and contribute to & other fediverse software

In 2020, I became the of Unobvious Technology, aiming to improve the safety, and profitability of and advance the

Callionica's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Callionica's post

And of course the syntax equivalent to the above so you can use it directly in your code:

* @template { new (args: any) => any } Class
* @template { object } Properties
* @typedef { new (...args: ConstructorParameters<Class>) => (InstanceType<Class> & Properties) } AddProperties

Callionica's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Callionica's post

^ This is useful for when you're using 's dynamic capabilities with classes and you want to let know about what you're doing.

`AddProperties` takes a class as the first argument and returns a class. Instances of the returned class have the properties that you specify in the second argument as well as all the stuff from the original class.

Callionica's avatar

@[email protected]

Adding properties to a class (AKA constructor function) in

class X {
x: number = 1;
constructor(o : number) {}

type AddProperties<
Class extends new (args: any) => any,
Properties extends object
> = new (...args: ConstructorParameters<Class>) => (InstanceType<Class> & Properties);

const Y = X as AddProperties<typeof X, { name: string }>;
const y = new Y(1);

This is just the TypeScript side of things.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼's avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼

@[email protected]

is an server framework in & . It aims to eliminate the complexity and redundant boilerplate code when building a federated server app, so that you can focus on your business logic and user experience.

The key features it provides currently are:

• Type-safe objects for Activity Vocabulary (including some vendor-specific extensions)
client and server
• HTTP Signatures
• Middleware for handling webhooks
.js, , and support
• CLI toolchain for testing and debugging

If you're curious, take a look at the Fedify website! There's comprehensive docs, a demo, a tutorial, example code, and more:


casraf :typescript: 🇮🇱's avatar
casraf :typescript: 🇮🇱

@[email protected]

I guess it's time for an .

I'm a freelance full-stack & mobile developer at trade and love playing with different techs in my free time.

Love problem-solving, finding ways to introduce creativity into code, and creating quality-of-life dev tools and libraries whenever I can.

I have some packages for and and other nice stuff on my website at casraf.dev/projects :) feel free to say hi!

Keith J Grant's avatar
Keith J Grant

@[email protected]

😅 So I did not fully appreciate the power of hashtags on this place when I wrote my , so I'm giving it a second go.

• I'm a front-end web developer in Spokane, WA. I work for Red Hat on Ansible Controller using , , . I don't write so much here as I have at previous gigs, but, I'm okay at that too…

• I'm the author of CSS in Depth 📘 manning.com/books/css-in-depth

• I enjoy mixing and have my recipes available in a : sidecar.us

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected]

Fedify is an server framework in & . It aims to eliminate the complexity and redundant boilerplate code when building a federated server app, so that you can focus on your business logic and user experience.

The key features it provides currently are:

If you're curious, take a look at the website! There's comprehensive docs, a demo, a tutorial, example code, and more:


Thomas Lockney's avatar
Thomas Lockney

@[email protected]

When it comes to learning , one of my favorite tools is Deno's kernel (lnkd.in/g2GPc_gM). It makes writing quick examples easy and accessible. I'll need to eventually write up how this all works, but the combination of , Jupyter, , and Juno Connect (an iOS/iPadOS Jupyter client) have given me the ability to play around on the go.

From: @deno_land

Deno's avatar

@[email protected]

curious about TypeScript, but haven't had time to learn?

check out our new Bites series — short, digestible lessons to learn 👇️


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

I never use vanilla , I always code in instead, and Node.js is a pain in the neck with TypeScript settings.