
Flaki's avatar

@[email protected]

Time for a proper introduction!

I'm an open-source enthusiast and self-hosting masochist. Initially a developer, still doing all things web, big fan, recovering conference addict. I am a focusing on & OSS communities in particular. Also a staunch advocate of flexible, async remote work.

I co-founded ¹ with @jer & @skade :ferris:

Frequently have Opinions™ and post about , especially online, , my & hobby (currently rebuilding, follow along at )

At my day job at radiopaedia.org I mostly complain about Ruby/Rails or DICOM² :ablobcatbongokeyboard:

For Canine Cuteness head to , @lumi & @iris :blobdogheart:

Other contacts and chat: link in bio :brows:

📸 by Juli Racsko

¹ proper fediverse presence coming soon, in the meantime check out @eurorust!
² Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DICOM

Flaki sitting on a bench in Tallinn with the coastal Noblessner area in the background. He has a white hoodie, jeans and lace-less black shoes, looking directly into the camera a bit squinty. His right hand is held up to the side, where Lumi the young blue merle collie is lying on the bench, sniffing his palm in search of treats. His left hand is full of colorful dog things, including a fox toy and Lumi's bright blue lead. The rest of the picture has a an overall faded, bluish tint and a white border that makes it almost feel like an album cover.
Flaki sitting on a bench in Tallinn with the coastal Noblessner area in the background. He has a white hoodie, jeans and lace-less black shoes, looking directly into the camera a bit squinty. His right hand is held up to the side, where Lumi the young blue merle collie is lying on the bench, sniffing his palm in search of treats. His left hand is full of colorful dog things, including a fox toy and Lumi's bright blue lead. The rest of the picture has a an overall faded, bluish tint and a white border that makes it almost feel like an album cover.
Erlend Sogge Heggen's avatar
Erlend Sogge Heggen

@[email protected]

@zicklag is ‘Investigating a Streamlined Connection Between Weird Core (Rust) and SvelteKit’


Thoughts anyone?

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼's avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼

@[email protected]

is a logging library for and . It provides a simple and flexible logging system that is easy to use and easy to extend. The highlights of LogTape are:

• Zero dependencies
• Designed to be used in libraries as well as apps
• Supports virtually every runtime: .js, , , edge functions, and browsers
• Structured logging
• Logger categories (names) are hierarchical
• Dead simple sink (destination) interface


Screenshot: log messages printed out on the terminal
Screenshot: log messages printed out on the terminal
Screenshot: log messages printed out on web browser's console
Screenshot: log messages printed out on web browser's console
Ed S's avatar
Ed S

@[email protected]

Here's my ...
I'm into and , am a #6502 fan, but I like green spaces and days which not overcast, I like science and - mostly and stories - , aka or , I like for his music and his thoughtful writings and funny videos, I write just a little code in and and and generally spend a lot of time on the internet.
Isn't the world a lovely place but in a fine old state though?

.:\dGh/:.'s avatar

@[email protected]

Okay, is a pain to work with on an internal network. If you're using GitHub for your things, that's okay, but for everything else is not.

Is there any other alternative?

BTW, this is Coolify: coolify.io/

.:\dGh/:.'s avatar

@[email protected]

Just going to nonchalantly shove in some awareness to my GitHub Sponsorship.

If you value my contributions to Open Source and Laravel, just leave a small tip or become a sponsor. It helps me pay the bills.


Callionica's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Callionica's post

And of course the syntax equivalent to the above so you can use it directly in your code:

* @template { new (args: any) => any } Class
* @template { object } Properties
* @typedef { new (...args: ConstructorParameters<Class>) => (InstanceType<Class> & Properties) } AddProperties

Callionica's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Callionica's post

^ This is useful for when you're using 's dynamic capabilities with classes and you want to let know about what you're doing.

`AddProperties` takes a class as the first argument and returns a class. Instances of the returned class have the properties that you specify in the second argument as well as all the stuff from the original class.

pospi 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar
pospi 🏳️‍⚧️

@[email protected]

I'm !

If you do interesting things in the space that aren't predicated on market-based solutionism, I would love to come write & apps or work on and infrastructure with you. I also do pretty decent and in teams which aspire to be human-centered.

I'm especially interested in roles within organizations lead by and peoples and groups doing efforts.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼's avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼

@[email protected]

is an server framework in & . It aims to eliminate the complexity and redundant boilerplate code when building a federated server app, so that you can focus on your business logic and user experience.

The key features it provides currently are:

• Type-safe objects for Activity Vocabulary (including some vendor-specific extensions)
client and server
• HTTP Signatures
• Middleware for handling webhooks
.js, , and support
• CLI toolchain for testing and debugging

If you're curious, take a look at the Fedify website! There's comprehensive docs, a demo, a tutorial, example code, and more:


Michael's avatar

@[email protected]

After turning up here a couple of weeks or so ago, I figured it's time for an

I'm a full stack web developer, currently working mostly with () and Vanilla and . Still love too.

Outside of that, my main interests are around , , and just learning new stuff.

Husband, father of 2 boys, speaker of and with some basic understanding of

Started running my own instance just for fun, and loving it.

casraf :typescript: 🇮🇱's avatar
casraf :typescript: 🇮🇱

@[email protected]

I guess it's time for an .

I'm a freelance full-stack & mobile developer at trade and love playing with different techs in my free time.

Love problem-solving, finding ways to introduce creativity into code, and creating quality-of-life dev tools and libraries whenever I can.

I have some packages for and and other nice stuff on my website at casraf.dev/projects :) feel free to say hi!

Keith J Grant's avatar
Keith J Grant

@[email protected]

😅 So I did not fully appreciate the power of hashtags on this place when I wrote my , so I'm giving it a second go.

• I'm a front-end web developer in Spokane, WA. I work for Red Hat on Ansible Controller using , , . I don't write so much here as I have at previous gigs, but, I'm okay at that too…

• I'm the author of CSS in Depth 📘 manning.com/books/css-in-depth

• I enjoy mixing and have my recipes available in a : sidecar.us

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected]

Fedify is an server framework in & . It aims to eliminate the complexity and redundant boilerplate code when building a federated server app, so that you can focus on your business logic and user experience.

The key features it provides currently are:

If you're curious, take a look at the website! There's comprehensive docs, a demo, a tutorial, example code, and more:


The New Oil's avatar
The New Oil

@[email protected]

(dot)io supply chain attack impacts over 100k sites


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

I never use vanilla , I always code in instead, and Node.js is a pain in the neck with TypeScript settings.

Tane Piper's avatar
Tane Piper

@[email protected]

How did we go back to the world of being an absolute sausage fest - absolute state of this where there are no women in list until #28 (and then only one) - it's almost exclusively white men

A screenshot of The State of JS 2023 results - absolutely no women on the list "Which individuals do you read, follow, or just want to highlight in the JavaScript community?" Up to 28
A screenshot of The State of JS 2023 results - absolutely no women on the list "Which individuals do you read, follow, or just want to highlight in the JavaScript community?" Up to 28