Consider muting or blocking me.
I hold to .. what I discover TESTS to be true.
I'm not social-process-obedient ( I'm autistic: blunt ),
or political-process obedient.
Here's AwakeSoul/Buddha Siddartha Gautama,
of the Shakyamuni clan,
*ordering* that empiricism,
relying only on what TESTS to be true,
be the basis of *all* valid understanding:
"Do not go by revelation;
Do not go by tradition;
Do not go by hearsay;
Do not go on the authority of sacred texts;
Do not go on the grounds of pure logic;
Do not go by a view that seems rational;
Do not go by reflecting on mere appearances;
Do not go along with a considered view because you agree with it;
Do not go along on the grounds that the person is competent;
Do not go along because "the recluse is our teacher."
Kalamas, when you yourselves know:
These things are unwholesome;
these things are blameworthy;
these things are censured by the wise;
and when undertaken & observed, these things lead to harm & ill,
abandon them...
Kalamas, when you know for yourselves:
These things are wholesome;
these things are not bameworthy;
these things are praised by the wise,
undertaken & observed, these things lead to benefit & happiness,
having undertaken them, abide in them."
Oftentimes I try to explain something,
but then get trying to explain something that *to others* seems completely unrelated...
That is because they, *in my* knowing,
aren't unrelated.
They are related in perhaps a way that conventional-knowing ignores, or rejects.
Sometimes it is the same underlying principle happening at different scales.
Sometimes it is the same underlying phenomena happening in different contexts.
That is one of the many mis-communication anti-patterns that commonly happens, with me.
I also reject that animal-reacting is valid.
All who want me doing the "Rah, Rah, Rah!" pushing of 1 side, in any current ( or ancient ) conflict,
because that side is "inherently" right,
are wanting me to desecrate Considered-Reason,
& I'm *not* divorcing objectivity, for any stampeding, or belonging/herd-approval.
Yes, *at the moment* Russia & Israel are genociding.
But given how history has shown that politics is really
*a continually-changing tide*,
genociding happening *this* way, at *this* time,
then *that* way, in *that* time...
( remember Vietnam?
Remember when it surfaced that we North Americans were napalming entire Viet villages?
Prove that that isn't as evil as what Russia's been doing, at industrial-scale..
All the "black prisons" the West established throughout the world?
All the removal of democracies because they were "socialist", therefore threatening moneyarchy?
Don't tell me how we're "right" and "good", when we invest sooo much in making-certain that the evil *we* do remains hidden for years, for appearances/politics' sake.
The *scale* at-which Russia & Israel are genociding, that is exceptional,
but will the Whites be genociding in the US,
once the Confederates have gained the White House?
Wait until the end of 2025, & see for yourself. )
I want Ukraina backed solidly,
& the EU growing-the-fuck-up instead of *appeasing* Orban, Putin's ally,
cutting Hungary from the EU, yesterday.
See this?
shows that the genociding that Russia has been doing in Ukraina isn't the *only* genociding going on...
( don't tell me that no Islamists have been genociding, though:
they've been doing it, off 'n on, for centuries.
What Boko Haram does to people is comparable to what Russia does, at its own scale, from what I've read.
The Catholic Inquisition?
Millions holocausted, through centuries, first in French regions, then everywhere they could.
The Nazis? They fly their flags openly, in North America, nowadays.
Crusaders? read about the atrocities they enforced.
The Rape of Nanking?
Chinese snuffing of Tibet & the Uyghurs?
ALL sides are unclean, and pretending otherwise is dishonesty.
We need to clean *ourselves* up, AND be standing-against abuse of other factions,
but the whole-system, politics-itself,
rewards human-evil,
and until the politics-itself system is broken from ruling this world,
human-evil retains advantage, tactical & sociopolitical/strategic, both. )
How about Hamas->Israel...?
"Deterrent" *requires* that both sides want to *avoid* being destroyed, right?
What happens when 1 side loses that wish,
and instead *becomes* nihilist?
Notice that all the torture-chambers the Russians create everywhere are expressing an *induced* nihilism/sadism, that *learned helplessness* .. *under a sadistic regime*, for too long ( generations? ) has created.
( I don't know to what degree the Mongol Yoke contributed to Russian nihilism/sadism,
but it is Learned Helplessness,
& abuse within that,
which expresses the way that both Russians & Israelis are expressing it now, as nihilism+sadism.
Notice that in the US, the homelessness, the racism, the smashing-of-health in long-covid, the economic-smashing of greedflation, etc,
are working at creating the *same* learned-helplessness that has altered Russians,
making the US population *become* more like that...
There *are* consequences,
when inequality gets rampaging on the "threat" of equal-validity, in a country:
it *changes the entire population*. )
What happens?
..what happens,
is exactly what Hamas demonstrated.
They went nihilist, and committed,
whether unconsciously or consciously,
to sacrificing all Palestinians,
in exchange for *guaranteeing* the annihilation of Israel within 1 decade.
So, they assaulted Israel.
Israel retaliated.
Nihilistically & sadistically.
And they're still doing it.
The old rabbis, & Jews who protest against Israel's genociding under the slogan "Not In My Name!",
call the ones doing this "Zionists",
so I'm trusting them to know what they're talking about.
So, what happens when Israel enforces sadism/genociding against Palestinians?
Well, at-1st, .. little...
However, tides *do* turn.
Eventually ( I'm writing this in 2023 ),
the *entire Muslim region* will be nihilist-enough to be willing to risk "martyrdom",
in order to annihilate Israel.
What happens then?
Israel's military "deterrent" disappeared.
Israel's military becomes *irrelevant* to deterrent, then.
It can kill/butcher/slaughter many, while it is being annihilated, then, .. but it, then,
will already *have made itself powerless* to stop/prevent its own annihilation.
Before 2033.
1 decade.
Simply wait & see.
You are looking at *predictable* history making itself happen.
How could things have been made different?
Adamant neutrality would have been required to *rule* in Palestine.
Not just "neutrality", .. but ABSOLUTE, no-politics-tolerated, NEUTRALITY.
It would have taken 2-3 generations, but once the politically-motivated were retired out from all positions-of-authority, then they wouldn't have been able to manufacture evil, on either side.
Has humanity the SPINE to do such thing?
Did it happen that way?
Obviously not.
The 2 Koreas?
No, humankind hasn't the spine to do that.
CAN that change?
WILL it change?
.. *sigh* not likely.
So? What is the consequence of humankind's non-spine?
The "reverse takeover" we're seeing in the US, of the Confederates ( & nazis, who openly fly their flags, now ), who only *pretended* surrender, many decades ago...
*actually is happening*.
Leninism wanted "proletariat dictatorship", and Murdoch, etc, are creating "populist dictatorship", which is the right's version of exactly the same dictatorship.
What's really pathetic?
Rupert Murdoch's remapping of Leninism from left to right, & from brainwashing "education" to brainwashing TV, is the most effective propaganda regime this world has ever known.
The most-effective "Leninist" in the world is Murdoch, for his right faction.
( Leninism's evil, in my eyes:
Education's *supposed* to boost lives up into their autonomy, their GodGivenPotential, & let them have as much of the world's gift/realizations/engaging that they can manage.
Breaking human potential so that humanity can be managed beef-animals or diary-beasts, is obscene )
Anyways, now you have some concept of my "view" on the world.
So, again..
Feel free to mute or block me.
Why should your eyes have to see anything "I" say?
I want to see *actuality*.
I am tired of the self-delusion.
I am tired of the political dishonesty.
I am tired of the cultural self-dishonesty.
I am tired of ideology-addiction & prejudice-addiction's sickness, and its speech.
We need to grow *the fuck UP*, and NOW,
and honesty & spine are means, not ends
( the endstate required must include much more than just honesty & spine! ).
iow, I'm an old, worthless-to-"society", bastardaceous autistic, who "delusionally" believes that the predictions in this introduction are going to be demonstrated as historical fact.
Wait & see.
*That* is scientific-method.
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