洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · 764 following · 866 followers

An intersectionalist, feminist, and socialist guy living in Seoul (UTC+09:00). Who's behind @fedify and @hollo. Write some free software in , , , & . They/them.







モナコ広告 :fedibird1: @技術・雑談's avatar
モナコ広告 :fedibird1: @技術・雑談

@[email protected]

QT: hollo.social/@hongminhee/01944

Esurio's avatar

@[email protected]


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to KAGAMI🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️'s post

@saschanaz 음, 조금 찾아보려고 했는데 오히려 세 자리 끊어쓰기를 제 기억보다 훨씬 오래 전부터 이미 하고 있었다는 증거만 나오는 것 같군요. 제 기억이 잘못된 것 같기도 합니다. 😅

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

저 어릴 때는 國民學校(국민학교)에서 低學年(저학년)數字(숫자)는 네 자리마다 쉼표로 끊으라고 알려줬는데, 몇 () 지나니까 어느새 세 자리마다 끊으라고 알려주더라고요.


맹꽁이's avatar

@[email protected]

BotKit 개쩌네 ㄷ

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post



Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

:botkit: スタンドアロンのActivityPubボットを作成するためのTypeScriptフレームワーク、BotKitを発表します!




洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

使用法(사용법)이나 앞으로의 로드맵 () BotKit에 ()質問(질문)을 받습니다. 自由(자유)롭게 물어보세요!


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

:botkit: 독립형 ActivityPub 봇을 만들기 위한 TypeScript 프레임워크인 BotKit을 소개합니다!

일반적인 Mastodon 봇과 달리, BotKit으로 만든 봇은 플랫폼의 제약 없이 완전히 독립적으로 동작하는 연합우주(fediverse) 봇입니다. 간단하고 직관적인 API로 TypeScript 파일 하나만으로도 봇을 만들 수 있어요.

현재는 Deno만 지원하지만, Node.js와 Bun 지원도 계획하고 있습니다. 견고한 Fedify 기반으로 제작되었습니다.


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

I love to hear questions about , like how to use it or the roadmap for the future, so feel free to ask!


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected]

:botkit: Introducing : A framework for creating truly standalone bots!

Unlike traditional Mastodon bots, BotKit lets you build fully independent bots that aren't constrained by platform limits. Create your entire bot in a single TypeScript file using our simple, expressive API.

Currently -only, with Node.js & Bun support planned. Built on the robust foundation.


import {
} from "@fedify/botkit";

// Create a bot instance:
const bot = createBot<void>({
  // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain":
  username: "greetbot",
  // Set the display name:
  name: "Greet Bot",
  // Set the profile icon (avatar):
  icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"),
  // Set the bio:
  summary: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${
  // Store data in memory (for development):
  kv: new MemoryKvStore(),
  // Use in-process message queue (for development):
  queue: new InProcessMessageQueue(),

// A bot can respond to a mention:
bot.onMention = async (session, message) => {
  await message.reply(text`Hi, ${message.actor}!`);

// Or, a bot also can actively publish a post:
const session = bot.getSession("https://mydomain/");
setInterval(async () => {
  await session.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);

export default bot;
import { createBot, InProcessMessageQueue, MemoryKvStore, mention, text, } from "@fedify/botkit"; // Create a bot instance: const bot = createBot<void>({ // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain": username: "greetbot", // Set the display name: name: "Greet Bot", // Set the profile icon (avatar): icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"), // Set the bio: summary: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${ mention("@[email protected]")}.`, // Store data in memory (for development): kv: new MemoryKvStore(), // Use in-process message queue (for development): queue: new InProcessMessageQueue(), }); // A bot can respond to a mention: bot.onMention = async (session, message) => { await message.reply(text`Hi, ${message.actor}!`); }; // Or, a bot also can actively publish a post: const session = bot.getSession("https://mydomain/"); setInterval(async () => { await session.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`); }, 1000 * 60 * 60); export default bot;
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

今回福岡に行った中で一番良かった経験の一つは、Engineer Cafe。韓国にも튜링의 沙果(チューリングの林檎)という同じ様なコンセプトの空間が有るが、Engineer Cafeの方が建物が素敵で雰囲気が良かった。午後3時には集まってコーヒーチャットをする時間も決まっているので、ネットワーキングにも最適。次回もEngineer Cafeに行く為に、また福岡に行きたくなるくらいだ。


발리스네리아's avatar

@[email protected]

[botkit](botkit.fedify.dev) 로고가 귀엽다..

Week in Fediverse's avatar
Week in Fediverse

@[email protected]

Week in Fediverse 2025-01-10


- Hubzilla v10.0.6
- Akkoma v2025.01
- PeerTube v7.0.1
- Manyfold v0.92.0
- snac v2.68
- Castopod v1.13.3
- Ktistec v2.4.4
- tootik v0.14.1
- Untitled Gaming Social: ActivityPub platform that bridges game screenshots and achievements to the fediverse
- “Event Bridge For ActivityPub” plugin released on WordPress.org


- Mastodon for Android v2.9.4
- Mastodon for iOS v2024.12
- Dhaaga v0.12.0
- PeerTube Mobile v0.5.5
- Tesseract v1.4.28
- RaccoonForFriendica v0.4.0

Tools and Plugins

- Fedinesia v3.3.2
- poduptime v5.4.2

For developers

- BotKit: A framework for creating ActivityPub bots


- Fediverse tech roadmap 2025
- Last Week in Fediverse – ep 98


#WeekInFediverse #Fediverse #ActivityPub

Previous edition: https://mitra.social/objects/01942e1c-9727-6a7b-ff14-2a50884355ec

Deno's avatar

@[email protected]

Deno 2.1.5 just landed —

▸ new QUIC API
▸ improved Discord.js compatibility
▸ better tasks support in workspaces


Deno's avatar

@[email protected]

Deno is committed to web standards - that's why we co-founded WinterCG two years ago. Today marks the next step in that journey: WinterCG moves to Ecma International as technical comittee 55 (TC55).

Goodbye WinterCG, welcome WinterTC!


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

LLM은 채팅 UI로 쓸 줄만 알지 내가 만든 소프트웨어에서 API로 가져다 쓰는 건 ()혀 몰랐는데, 오늘 어쩌다 LangChain 文書(문서)를 읽게 되면서 어떻게 돌아가는지 조금은 알게 된 것 같다.

モナコ広告 :fedibird1: @技術・雑談's avatar
モナコ広告 :fedibird1: @技術・雑談

@[email protected]

BotKitの初出って(たぶん)これじゃん。1ヶ月どころか2週間も経っていない…​ :meowsurprised:
QT: hollo.social/@hongminhee/01941

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

I'm currently brainstorming a framework for creating fediverse bots called , based on . It's less flexible than Fedify, but the goal is to make it possible to create simple fediverse bots with much less code. What do you think?

import { createBot, mention, text } from "@fedify/botkit";
import { RedisKvStore } from "@fedify/redis";
import { Redis } from "ioredis";

// Create a bot instance:
const bot = createBot({
  // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain":
  username: "greetbot",
  // Set the profile icon (avatar):
  icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"),
  // Set the bio:
  bio: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${
  // Use Redis as a key-value store:
  kv: new RedisKvStore(new Redis()),
  // Use Redis as a message queue:
  queue: new RedisMessageQueue(() => new Redis()),

// A bot can respond to a mention:
bot.on(/hi|hello|what'?s\s+up/i, (ctx) => {
  return ctx.reply(text`Hi, ${ctx.actor}!`);

// Or, a bot also can actively publish a post:
setInterval(async () => {
  await bot.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);

export default bot;
import { createBot, mention, text } from "@fedify/botkit"; import { RedisKvStore } from "@fedify/redis"; import { Redis } from "ioredis"; // Create a bot instance: const bot = createBot({ // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain": username: "greetbot", // Set the profile icon (avatar): icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"), // Set the bio: bio: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${ mention("@[email protected]").}`, // Use Redis as a key-value store: kv: new RedisKvStore(new Redis()), // Use Redis as a message queue: queue: new RedisMessageQueue(() => new Redis()), }); // A bot can respond to a mention: bot.on(/hi|hello|what'?s\s+up/i, (ctx) => { return ctx.reply(text`Hi, ${ctx.actor}!`); }); // Or, a bot also can actively publish a post: setInterval(async () => { await bot.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`); }, 1000 * 60 * 60); export default bot;
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​'s post

@chris_hayes Although your idea seems to be outside the scope of the BotKit project, it sounds very good! I think BotKit or Fedify would be a great foundation for such a project.

甘瀬ここあ ☕'s avatar
甘瀬ここあ ☕

@[email protected]


Daniel Supernault's avatar
Daniel Supernault

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

@fedify This is soo cool, great work!!

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 甘瀬ここあ ☕'s post

@cocoa_vrc その通りです!

甘瀬ここあ ☕'s avatar
甘瀬ここあ ☕

@[email protected]


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post



Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

:botkit: スタンドアロンのActivityPubボットを作成するためのTypeScriptフレームワーク、BotKitを発表します!




洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

使用法(사용법)이나 앞으로의 로드맵 () BotKit에 ()質問(질문)을 받습니다. 自由(자유)롭게 물어보세요!


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

:botkit: 독립형 ActivityPub 봇을 만들기 위한 TypeScript 프레임워크인 BotKit을 소개합니다!

일반적인 Mastodon 봇과 달리, BotKit으로 만든 봇은 플랫폼의 제약 없이 완전히 독립적으로 동작하는 연합우주(fediverse) 봇입니다. 간단하고 직관적인 API로 TypeScript 파일 하나만으로도 봇을 만들 수 있어요.

현재는 Deno만 지원하지만, Node.js와 Bun 지원도 계획하고 있습니다. 견고한 Fedify 기반으로 제작되었습니다.


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

I love to hear questions about , like how to use it or the roadmap for the future, so feel free to ask!


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected]

:botkit: Introducing : A framework for creating truly standalone bots!

Unlike traditional Mastodon bots, BotKit lets you build fully independent bots that aren't constrained by platform limits. Create your entire bot in a single TypeScript file using our simple, expressive API.

Currently -only, with Node.js & Bun support planned. Built on the robust foundation.


import {
} from "@fedify/botkit";

// Create a bot instance:
const bot = createBot<void>({
  // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain":
  username: "greetbot",
  // Set the display name:
  name: "Greet Bot",
  // Set the profile icon (avatar):
  icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"),
  // Set the bio:
  summary: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${
  // Store data in memory (for development):
  kv: new MemoryKvStore(),
  // Use in-process message queue (for development):
  queue: new InProcessMessageQueue(),

// A bot can respond to a mention:
bot.onMention = async (session, message) => {
  await message.reply(text`Hi, ${message.actor}!`);

// Or, a bot also can actively publish a post:
const session = bot.getSession("https://mydomain/");
setInterval(async () => {
  await session.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);

export default bot;
import { createBot, InProcessMessageQueue, MemoryKvStore, mention, text, } from "@fedify/botkit"; // Create a bot instance: const bot = createBot<void>({ // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain": username: "greetbot", // Set the display name: name: "Greet Bot", // Set the profile icon (avatar): icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"), // Set the bio: summary: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${ mention("@[email protected]")}.`, // Store data in memory (for development): kv: new MemoryKvStore(), // Use in-process message queue (for development): queue: new InProcessMessageQueue(), }); // A bot can respond to a mention: bot.onMention = async (session, message) => { await message.reply(text`Hi, ${message.actor}!`); }; // Or, a bot also can actively publish a post: const session = bot.getSession("https://mydomain/"); setInterval(async () => { await session.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`); }, 1000 * 60 * 60); export default bot;
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 안녕's post

@annyeong 네, 그렇기도 하고, 예를 들어 skip: boolean 같은 인자를 받는다고 하면 true가 스킵인지 false가 스킵인지에 대한 정보가 타입 자체에는 없어서 매개변수 이름에 그 정보가 따로 부호화되어야 하는 게 문제인 것 같아요.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 안녕's post

@annyeong 궁극적으로는 boolean도 필요 없는 게 아닌가 싶어요…


안녕's avatar

@[email protected]

으악 제발 합타입을 사랑해줘

const someType: number; // 0이면 뭐고 1이면 뭐

이러지 말고

const someType: "뭐뭐" | "솨솨"

이렇게 해줘...

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

:botkit: スタンドアロンのActivityPubボットを作成するためのTypeScriptフレームワーク、BotKitを発表します!




Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

:botkit: 독립형 ActivityPub 봇을 만들기 위한 TypeScript 프레임워크인 BotKit을 소개합니다!

일반적인 Mastodon 봇과 달리, BotKit으로 만든 봇은 플랫폼의 제약 없이 완전히 독립적으로 동작하는 연합우주(fediverse) 봇입니다. 간단하고 직관적인 API로 TypeScript 파일 하나만으로도 봇을 만들 수 있어요.

현재는 Deno만 지원하지만, Node.js와 Bun 지원도 계획하고 있습니다. 견고한 Fedify 기반으로 제작되었습니다.


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected]

:botkit: Introducing : A framework for creating truly standalone bots!

Unlike traditional Mastodon bots, BotKit lets you build fully independent bots that aren't constrained by platform limits. Create your entire bot in a single TypeScript file using our simple, expressive API.

Currently -only, with Node.js & Bun support planned. Built on the robust foundation.


import {
} from "@fedify/botkit";

// Create a bot instance:
const bot = createBot<void>({
  // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain":
  username: "greetbot",
  // Set the display name:
  name: "Greet Bot",
  // Set the profile icon (avatar):
  icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"),
  // Set the bio:
  summary: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${
  // Store data in memory (for development):
  kv: new MemoryKvStore(),
  // Use in-process message queue (for development):
  queue: new InProcessMessageQueue(),

// A bot can respond to a mention:
bot.onMention = async (session, message) => {
  await message.reply(text`Hi, ${message.actor}!`);

// Or, a bot also can actively publish a post:
const session = bot.getSession("https://mydomain/");
setInterval(async () => {
  await session.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);

export default bot;
import { createBot, InProcessMessageQueue, MemoryKvStore, mention, text, } from "@fedify/botkit"; // Create a bot instance: const bot = createBot<void>({ // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain": username: "greetbot", // Set the display name: name: "Greet Bot", // Set the profile icon (avatar): icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"), // Set the bio: summary: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${ mention("@[email protected]")}.`, // Store data in memory (for development): kv: new MemoryKvStore(), // Use in-process message queue (for development): queue: new InProcessMessageQueue(), }); // A bot can respond to a mention: bot.onMention = async (session, message) => { await message.reply(text`Hi, ${message.actor}!`); }; // Or, a bot also can actively publish a post: const session = bot.getSession("https://mydomain/"); setInterval(async () => { await session.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`); }, 1000 * 60 * 60); export default bot;
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