
Alexandre B A Villares 🐍's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares 🐍


Cheers, friends!
I'm going to try out something, let's see what happens... next Saturday (2025-03-29) and possibly on some other Saturdays after that. I'm going to host an online space where I show something about Creative Coding with and . I'm calling it "Python Creative Coding Free Walking Tour". I'll also do some "py5 Office Hours", Q&A and on-boarding.

It will be free, and I'll accept donations, just like the free walking tour we have showing off nice spots of São Paulo for tourists. I hope it will be even better than that: as I studied architecture I find the tour guide's explanations a bit over the top and sometimes missing the point, but maybe mine will also be an over the top creative coding tour, who knows? you'll have to judge by yourselves.

The first, "walking tour" part will be from 11:00AM BRT (UCT -3) to 12:00 and then, the second, "office hours" part, will be from 12:15 to 13:00, when people will be able to ask me anything about py5 and I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge, it will also be an opportunity to get help setting up your tools/environment in order to take your first steps drawing with code.

Glyph's avatar

@glyph@mastodon.social · Reply to Glyph's post

That's it for now — trying to take it easy on the self-promo for the moment because I think I'm getting close to actually launching one of these apps for real, and then I'll get REAL obnoxious. Maybe I'll even remember one of those hashtags like or next time

Alexandre B A Villares 🐍's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares 🐍


Cheers, friends!
I'm going to try out something, let's see what happens... next Saturday (2025-03-29) and possibly on some other Saturdays after that. I'm going to host an online space where I show something about Creative Coding with and . I'm calling it "Python Creative Coding Free Walking Tour". I'll also do some "py5 Office Hours", Q&A and on-boarding.

It will be free, and I'll accept donations, just like the free walking tour we have showing off nice spots of São Paulo for tourists. I hope it will be even better than that: as I studied architecture I find the tour guide's explanations a bit over the top and sometimes missing the point, but maybe mine will also be an over the top creative coding tour, who knows? you'll have to judge by yourselves.

The first, "walking tour" part will be from 11:00AM BRT (UCT -3) to 12:00 and then, the second, "office hours" part, will be from 12:15 to 13:00, when people will be able to ask me anything about py5 and I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge, it will also be an opportunity to get help setting up your tools/environment in order to take your first steps drawing with code.

Perrick's avatar

@perrick@mamot.fr · Reply to Chris Adams's post

@mrchrisadams In 2018, was chosen "unofficially" to be taught to all pupils in France (at the Lycée level, for 16 to 18 years old). In 2020 it became official, and not only for mathematics. I guess we're reaping some rewards now !

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


I have a code section where I must select one of 4 pyparsing classes based on the settings of 2 arguments - whether to match a string with or without case sensitivity, and as or as not a keyword.

See examples below - I had hoped to make this a poll, but apparently my client will only permit images _or_ polling :( So respond in replies please.

Two ways in Python to select 1 of 4 options based on values of 2 bool values

# 1 - nested if-else
if caseless:
    if asKeyword:
        parse_element_class = CaselessKeyword
        parse_element_class = CaselessLiteral
    if asKeyword:
        parse_element_class = Keyword
        parse_element_class = Literal

# 2 - dict with bool tuples
parse_element_class = {
    (True, True): CaselessKeyword,
    (True, False): CaselessLiteral,
    (False, True): Keyword,
    (False, False): Literal,
}[(caseless, asKeyword)]
ALT text detailsTwo ways in Python to select 1 of 4 options based on values of 2 bool values # 1 - nested if-else if caseless: if asKeyword: parse_element_class = CaselessKeyword else: parse_element_class = CaselessLiteral else: if asKeyword: parse_element_class = Keyword else: parse_element_class = Literal # 2 - dict with bool tuples parse_element_class = { (True, True): CaselessKeyword, (True, False): CaselessLiteral, (False, True): Keyword, (False, False): Literal, }[(caseless, asKeyword)]
Greg's avatar


dicts are ordered (as of 3.7) by insertion order. But Sets are not. Seems ilke an oversight...?

There are 102 comments on this suggestion to add an OrderedSet but why not just enhance Set to work like dict keys? (A lot of the comments aren't helpful either because they just say 'ah you rube, sets aren't ordered' which is appeal to mathematical definition instead of how people use them irl)


Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


Pyparsing 3.2.2 cleans up a formerly internal-only utility method make_compressed_re(), and makes it part of the public API. Given a list of strings, it generates a regex to match those strings and only those (so no cheating like ".*").

Here are before/after expressions for matching chemical symbols.

A regular expression for matching chemical symbols:

An optimized regular expression for matching chemical symbols:
ALT text detailsA regular expression for matching chemical symbols: Ac|Ag|Al|Am|Ar|As|At|Au|Ba|Be|Bh|Bi|Bk|Br|B|Ca|Cd|Ce|Cf|Cl|Cm|Cn| Co|Cr|Cs|Cu|C|Db|Ds|Dy|Er|Es|Eu|Fe|Fl|Fm|Fr|F|Ga|Gd|Ge|He|Hf|Hg| Ho|Hs|H|In|Ir|I|Kr|K|La|Li|Lr|Lu|Lv|Mc|Md|Mg|Mn|Mo|Mt|Na|Nb|Nd|Ne |Nh|Ni|No|Np|N|Og|Os|O|Pa|Pb|Pd|Pm|Po|Pr|Pt|Pu|P|Ra|Rb|Re|Rf|Rg| Rh|Rn|Ru|Sb|Sc|Se|Sg|Si|Sm|Sn|Sr|S|Ta|Tb|Tc|Te|Th|Ti|Tl|Tm|Ts|U|V| W|Xe|Yb|Y|Zn|Zr An optimized regular expression for matching chemical symbols: A[cglmrstu]|B[aehikr]?|C[adeflmnorsu]?|D[bsy]|E[rsu]|F[elmr]?|G[ade] |H[efgos]?|I[nr]?|Kr?|L[airuv]|M[cdgnot]|N[abdehiop]?|O[gs]?|P[abdmo rtu]?|R[abefghnu]|S[bcegimnr]?|T[abcehilms]|U|V|W|Xe|Yb?|Z[nr]
Marcos Dione's avatar
Marcos Dione


It's probably nice that `psycopg2` decided to go with `%s` as the interpolator for prepared statements (even when one would expect other types like `%d`), but I have to wonder why it only supports those and not `?` like many other db interfaces, including the builtin `sqlite`. Does anyone know?

Alexandre B A Villares's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares


Code at: github.com/villares/sketch-a-d
More sketch-a-day: abav.lugaralgum.com/sketch-a-d
If you like this, support my work: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_butt

A map of the central region of São Paulo about 2km around Praça da Sé, with data from OpenStreetMap
ALT text detailsA map of the central region of São Paulo about 2km around Praça da Sé, with data from OpenStreetMap
Saaste's avatar


Julkaisin äsken Ilmatieteenlaitoksen avoimesta datasta säätietoja ja ennusteita hakevasta Python-kirjastosta uuden version. Ennusteita voi hakea nyt neljän päivän sijaan aina 10 päivää tulevaisuuteen.

Muutos ei ole omaa käsialaani, vaan kunnia siitä kuuluu CedericN-nimimerkkiä kantavalle käyttäjälle :github:

Ainakin Home Assistant -käyttäjät saattavat hyötyä tästä, mikäli HA-komponentti vaan päivitetään tukemaan näitä pidemmän jakson ennusteita ☺️

Kirjasto: pypi.org/project/fmi-weather-c

Lähdekoodi: github.com/saaste/fmi-weather-

Saaste's avatar


Julkaisin äsken Ilmatieteenlaitoksen avoimesta datasta säätietoja ja ennusteita hakevasta Python-kirjastosta uuden version. Ennusteita voi hakea nyt neljän päivän sijaan aina 10 päivää tulevaisuuteen.

Muutos ei ole omaa käsialaani, vaan kunnia siitä kuuluu CedericN-nimimerkkiä kantavalle käyttäjälle :github:

Ainakin Home Assistant -käyttäjät saattavat hyötyä tästä, mikäli HA-komponentti vaan päivitetään tukemaan näitä pidemmän jakson ennusteita ☺️

Kirjasto: pypi.org/project/fmi-weather-c

Lähdekoodi: github.com/saaste/fmi-weather-

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


The Python version diagram has been updated to show the bugfix/security split for each release. (Before, the bars were either completely green or yellow.)


It's also zoomed in and shows fewer releases than before. There's another chart further down the page showing all of 2.6 to 3.14. And the wording in the status key has been refreshed to make it clearer.

Thanks to @nedbat and @encukou for updating it!

Chart showing horizontal bars for Python releases, and time long the X axis. 2.7 and 3.6-3.8 are red because they're end-of-life. 3.9 and higher have their bar split into green and yellow segments. A vertical line for today crosses the yellow segment for 3.9-3.11, they're in the security phase. 3.12-3.13 are in bugfix.
ALT text detailsChart showing horizontal bars for Python releases, and time long the X axis. 2.7 and 3.6-3.8 are red because they're end-of-life. 3.9 and higher have their bar split into green and yellow segments. A vertical line for today crosses the yellow segment for 3.9-3.11, they're in the security phase. 3.12-3.13 are in bugfix.
Similar chart but showing all versions from 2.6 up to 3.14.
ALT text detailsSimilar chart but showing all versions from 2.6 up to 3.14.
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


The Python version diagram has been updated to show the bugfix/security split for each release. (Before, the bars were either completely green or yellow.)


It's also zoomed in and shows fewer releases than before. There's another chart further down the page showing all of 2.6 to 3.14. And the wording in the status key has been refreshed to make it clearer.

Thanks to @nedbat and @encukou for updating it!

Chart showing horizontal bars for Python releases, and time long the X axis. 2.7 and 3.6-3.8 are red because they're end-of-life. 3.9 and higher have their bar split into green and yellow segments. A vertical line for today crosses the yellow segment for 3.9-3.11, they're in the security phase. 3.12-3.13 are in bugfix.
ALT text detailsChart showing horizontal bars for Python releases, and time long the X axis. 2.7 and 3.6-3.8 are red because they're end-of-life. 3.9 and higher have their bar split into green and yellow segments. A vertical line for today crosses the yellow segment for 3.9-3.11, they're in the security phase. 3.12-3.13 are in bugfix.
Similar chart but showing all versions from 2.6 up to 3.14.
ALT text detailsSimilar chart but showing all versions from 2.6 up to 3.14.
Alexander Tikhonov's avatar
Alexander Tikhonov


@pycharm has a handy feature like adding a name import by ⌥+Enter on an underlined unknown name. If you use it and suffer from the fact that the name is added to the existing "from" import at the end, and not in alphabetical order, as linters want, then this option will solve your problem. It is located in Editor → Code Style → → Imports.

The image displays a user interface with settings for optimizing imports in a coding environment. It highlights options such as sorting import statements and imported names, with checkboxes for enabling these features. The layout includes tabs labeled "Imports," "Other," and more.
ALT text detailsThe image displays a user interface with settings for optimizing imports in a coding environment. It highlights options such as sorting import statements and imported names, with checkboxes for enabling these features. The layout includes tabs labeled "Imports," "Other," and more.
Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


If your test suite can run on 3.14, and you use branch coverage measurement, please get Python 3.14.0a6 and coverage․py 7.7.0 and let me know how the speed compares to older versions! It will be faster!

Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


If your test suite can run on 3.14, and you use branch coverage measurement, please get Python 3.14.0a6 and coverage․py 7.7.0 and let me know how the speed compares to older versions! It will be faster!

SnoopJ's avatar


part of what makes so satisfying to write for me is that it provides an easy-to-access Mersenne Twister implementation

MT19937 is so so good

I love writing little programs with deterministic randomness

Glyph's avatar

@glyph@mastodon.social · Reply to Glyph's post

_one_ day I will remember to put the hashtags on this sort of post

jacob's avatar

@jacobpy@mastodon.social · Reply to Robert Roskam's post

@raiderrobert I'm making customized cms for few customers and I'm more friendly with than , so looks as good solution than . Wagtails StreamFields are AWESOME. Building selfhosted site right now - not easy, but i'm still surprised how it works ))

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared March 16, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Perrick's avatar

@perrick@mamot.fr · Reply to Chris Adams's post

@mrchrisadams In 2018, was chosen "unofficially" to be taught to all pupils in France (at the Lycée level, for 16 to 18 years old). In 2020 it became official, and not only for mathematics. I guess we're reaping some rewards now !

Monoka's avatar


Share of programming languages used by / applications (2025-03-16):

06% ++
04% Other:

63% use GTK4 (90% of them use ), while still 37% use GTK3

Method: Source [1] lists 543 awesome (3/4) applications and their

[1] github.com/valpackett/awesome-

@GTK @gnome

Monoka's avatar


Share of programming languages used by / applications (2025-03-16):

06% ++
04% Other:

63% use GTK4 (90% of them use ), while still 37% use GTK3

Method: Source [1] lists 543 awesome (3/4) applications and their

[1] github.com/valpackett/awesome-

@GTK @gnome

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Permutations with no consecutive elements. ~ John D. Cook. johndcook.com/blog/2025/03/15/

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Especially for π day and !

Just released: Python 3.14.0a6 🚀



This release brought to you by a Karelian pie (Karjalanpiirakka), a strawberry and gooseberry pie (mansikka-karviais piirakka) and a slice of blueberry pie (mustikkapiirakka).

Three pies on a plate.
ALT text detailsThree pies on a plate.
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Especially for π day and !

Just released: Python 3.14.0a6 🚀



This release brought to you by a Karelian pie (Karjalanpiirakka), a strawberry and gooseberry pie (mansikka-karviais piirakka) and a slice of blueberry pie (mustikkapiirakka).

Three pies on a plate.
ALT text detailsThree pies on a plate.
Alexandre B A Villares's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares


Code at: github.com/villares/sketch-a-d
More sketch-a-day: abav.lugaralgum.com/sketch-a-d
If you like this, support my work: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_butt

A map of a central part of São Paulo with most buildings gray and some buildings with saturated colors (probably only those that have an "amenity" text on OSM data)
ALT text detailsA map of a central part of São Paulo with most buildings gray and some buildings with saturated colors (probably only those that have an "amenity" text on OSM data)
Alexandre B A Villares's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares


Code at: github.com/villares/sketch-a-d
More sketch-a-day: abav.lugaralgum.com/sketch-a-d
If you like this, support my work: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_butt

A map of a central part of São Paulo with most buildings gray and some buildings with saturated colors (probably only those that have an "amenity" text on OSM data)
ALT text detailsA map of a central part of São Paulo with most buildings gray and some buildings with saturated colors (probably only those that have an "amenity" text on OSM data)
Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


The PSF is excited to share that Thomas Wouters has been awarded our Distinguished Service Award for his 25 years of service, dedication, and behind-the-scenes work which have helped shape the PSF and the community into what they are today 👏👏

Wolf's avatar


I had many concerns about things **not** provided by when I started this journey. I tooted about them. You can look back at my history to see. As I have learned, I have seen what Rust has instead of each missing feature. about `catch_unwind` and looked deeper into `Result`s. So now I feel better about Rust not having exceptions.

I still don’t see a replacement for Python’s keyword arguments or default values in function calls. Every time I mention this, people reply that I shouldn’t have so many arguments that I need these things. That’s absolutely not why I want them. I want them because they are better than comments at helping the reader understand what is happening without diving down into the function definition.

Areskill's avatar


I hate to crawl web pages whether it be with or .
But things never got as snappy than with *rust-scraper*.

Use it with *reqwest* and literally swallows websites in minutes. 😏

If you don't need to render , I recommend.
Else you'll have to combine it with the crate. 🕵


Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


The PSF is excited to share that Thomas Wouters has been awarded our Distinguished Service Award for his 25 years of service, dedication, and behind-the-scenes work which have helped shape the PSF and the community into what they are today 👏👏

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


The PSF is excited to share that Thomas Wouters has been awarded our Distinguished Service Award for his 25 years of service, dedication, and behind-the-scenes work which have helped shape the PSF and the community into what they are today 👏👏

Leonard Ritter's avatar
Leonard Ritter

@lritter@mastodon.gamedev.place · Reply to Leonard Ritter's post

what's this piece of python code going to output? no peeking!

L = []
for i in range(10):
    def f():
        return i

for f in L:
ALT text details L = [] for i in range(10): def f(): return i L.append(f) for f in L: print(f())
Areskill's avatar


I hate to crawl web pages whether it be with or .
But things never got as snappy than with *rust-scraper*.

Use it with *reqwest* and literally swallows websites in minutes. 😏

If you don't need to render , I recommend.
Else you'll have to combine it with the crate. 🕵


Allyn's avatar


I’ll be giving a talk for Python Ireland this Wednesday, hosted by Pinterest Dublin!

I’ll be speaking about the new wave of open source social media platforms, such as Mastodon (a replacement for Twitter) and Pixelfed (a replacement for Instagram) and demonstrating how to build bots for them.

The talk is booked out at the moment but we’re anticipating some last minute drop outs, so keep an eye out for a free slot - register here:

Allyn's avatar


I’ll be giving a talk for Python Ireland this Wednesday, hosted by Pinterest Dublin!

I’ll be speaking about the new wave of open source social media platforms, such as Mastodon (a replacement for Twitter) and Pixelfed (a replacement for Instagram) and demonstrating how to build bots for them.

The talk is booked out at the moment but we’re anticipating some last minute drop outs, so keep an eye out for a free slot - register here:

Nicola Rennie's avatar
Nicola Rennie


I've started collecting together some of my examples of data-driven art 📊 (with accompanying code) into a gallery 🎨

Link: nrennie.rbind.io/data-art/

(Blog post coming soon about what I think data art is and why it's useful, alongside a tutorial-style example!)

screenshot of the data art gallery website showing a grid of data art examples, including bob ross painting colours, and orca sightings.
ALT text detailsscreenshot of the data art gallery website showing a grid of data art examples, including bob ross painting colours, and orca sightings.
Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


I like that the Virtual Keypunch includes a fictitious punchcard: masswerk.at/keypunch/

Glyph's avatar


pro tip: do you want to edit a script which:

1. can only ever be a script
2. should never be imported as a module
3. you want to be recognized by your editor as a python file without faffing around with extra hints
4. for whatever reason you don't want to have a __main__ block?

don't make it a .py file, make it a .pyw file.

halcy​:icosahedron:'s avatar

@halcy@icosahedron.website · Reply to halcy​:icosahedron:'s post

As expected, here's a quick Mastodon.py release that fixes some issues people found, mostly pagination related. Upgrading from 2.0.0 to this should be perfectly safe, it's bugfixes only~ Thank you to everyone who reported an issue or even contributed a PR to immediately fix it <3 🐍

* Changelog on GitHub: github.com/halcy/Mastodon.py/r
* Docs: mastodonpy.readthedocs.io/en/v
* PyPi: pypi.org/project/Mastodon.py/2

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


The PSF is excited to share that Ewa Jodlowska has been awarded our Distinguished Service Award for her pivotal role in transforming and stewarding the PSF to better serve the community and its future 👏👏

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


The PSF is excited to share that Ewa Jodlowska has been awarded our Distinguished Service Award for her pivotal role in transforming and stewarding the PSF to better serve the community and its future 👏👏

Helsinki Python's avatar
Helsinki Python


🇫🇮🐍 Welcome to our next meetup on Wednesday 19th March 2025 at Taiste:


✒️ @hamatti - Why developers should write blog posts

💉 Sakari Cajanus - Dependency injection in Python (or why Python is not Java)

🦀 Mislav Novakovic - Refactoring to Rust

And the famous HelPy quiz!


Please also drop us a line if you’d like to give a talk in April or beyond ⭐

Helsinki Python's avatar
Helsinki Python


🇫🇮🐍 Welcome to our next meetup on Wednesday 19th March 2025 at Taiste:


✒️ @hamatti - Why developers should write blog posts

💉 Sakari Cajanus - Dependency injection in Python (or why Python is not Java)

🦀 Mislav Novakovic - Refactoring to Rust

And the famous HelPy quiz!


Please also drop us a line if you’d like to give a talk in April or beyond ⭐

alltechpacks's avatar


alltechpacks's avatar


Fancy Sandwiches's avatar
Fancy Sandwiches


Petition to rename Python's __init__ method to __boa__ so we can call them Boa constructors

Fancy Sandwiches's avatar
Fancy Sandwiches


Petition to rename Python's __init__ method to __boa__ so we can call them Boa constructors

Max Frischknecht's avatar
Max Frischknecht


If you ever find yourself in the position to calculate mean sea surface temperatures using Python from global netCDF4 data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), here you go:

🔗 github.com/hslu-dda/dda-introd

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


If we sell one ticket a day until 2025…

… we will have sold no fewer than 53 tickets. Plus the three I've already told you about. Plus…

… oh never mind.

Buy your ticket today! pretix.northbaypython.org/nbpy

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


If we sell one ticket a day until 2025…

… we will have sold no fewer than 53 tickets. Plus the three I've already told you about. Plus…

… oh never mind.

Buy your ticket today! pretix.northbaypython.org/nbpy

Yngve Mardal Moe 🐍🐢🪡's avatar
Yngve Mardal Moe 🐍🐢🪡


It's happening, @marieroald and I are doing our third , this time with a tutorial on Packaging with uv and a talk about in !

Fancy Sandwiches's avatar
Fancy Sandwiches


Petition to rename Python's __init__ method to __boa__ so we can call them Boa constructors

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


API going back to version 1.0.0 (2003) has used a camelCase name scheme for its methods and argument names. In versions 3.0-3.1 (Oct 2021-Jun 2023), I added PEP8-compliant snake_case names, while maintaining synonym definitions for the legacy names for backward compatibility.

Soon, pyparsing will begin emitting DeprecationWarnings for the legacy names. To ease this transition, the next release 3.2.2 will include a utility to convert in place scripts that use the legacy names.

Yngve Mardal Moe 🐍🐢🪡's avatar
Yngve Mardal Moe 🐍🐢🪡


It's happening, @marieroald and I are doing our third , this time with a tutorial on Packaging with uv and a talk about in !

Trey Hunner 🐍's avatar
Trey Hunner 🐍


Did you know that Death Cab For Cutie wrote a song about how 's variables work?

It's called Different Names for the Same Thing.

Nicola Rennie's avatar
Nicola Rennie


I've started collecting together some of my examples of data-driven art 📊 (with accompanying code) into a gallery 🎨

Link: nrennie.rbind.io/data-art/

(Blog post coming soon about what I think data art is and why it's useful, alongside a tutorial-style example!)

screenshot of the data art gallery website showing a grid of data art examples, including bob ross painting colours, and orca sightings.
ALT text detailsscreenshot of the data art gallery website showing a grid of data art examples, including bob ross painting colours, and orca sightings.
North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


It's our full program! 18 talks, a mix of talks sharing the joy of , and broader topics that we think are super-important for the moment we're in right now.

Check out the list: pretalx.northbaypython.org/nbp

Join us, April 26th & 27th: pretix.northbaypython.org/nbpy

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


It's our full program! 18 talks, a mix of talks sharing the joy of , and broader topics that we think are super-important for the moment we're in right now.

Check out the list: pretalx.northbaypython.org/nbp

Join us, April 26th & 27th: pretix.northbaypython.org/nbpy

halcy​:icosahedron:'s avatar

@halcy@icosahedron.website · Reply to halcy​:icosahedron:'s post

As expected, here's a quick Mastodon.py release that fixes some issues people found, mostly pagination related. Upgrading from 2.0.0 to this should be perfectly safe, it's bugfixes only~ Thank you to everyone who reported an issue or even contributed a PR to immediately fix it <3 🐍

* Changelog on GitHub: github.com/halcy/Mastodon.py/r
* Docs: mastodonpy.readthedocs.io/en/v
* PyPi: pypi.org/project/Mastodon.py/2

halcy​:icosahedron:'s avatar

@halcy@icosahedron.website · Reply to halcy​:icosahedron:'s post

As expected, here's a quick Mastodon.py release that fixes some issues people found, mostly pagination related. Upgrading from 2.0.0 to this should be perfectly safe, it's bugfixes only~ Thank you to everyone who reported an issue or even contributed a PR to immediately fix it <3 🐍

* Changelog on GitHub: github.com/halcy/Mastodon.py/r
* Docs: mastodonpy.readthedocs.io/en/v
* PyPi: pypi.org/project/Mastodon.py/2

Nicolas Fränkel 🇺🇦🇬🇪's avatar
Nicolas Fränkel 🇺🇦🇬🇪


Hypermodern 2025


Nicolas Fränkel 🇺🇦🇬🇪's avatar
Nicolas Fränkel 🇺🇦🇬🇪


Hypermodern 2025


nogajun🍉's avatar




clonbg's avatar


Aprender Django myblog.clonbg.es/aprender-djan clonbg.es

Photo by Faisal / Unsplash
ALT text detailsPhoto by Faisal / Unsplash
Kattni's avatar


My First Major Open Source Project Contribution - In which I join up with BeeWare and end up with an amazing experience kattni.com/my-first-major-open

clonbg's avatar


Aprender Django myblog.clonbg.es/aprender-djan clonbg.es

Photo by Faisal / Unsplash
ALT text detailsPhoto by Faisal / Unsplash
Ur Ya'ar's avatar
Ur Ya'ar


My first python program 😂 😜 😂

Screenshot of a file named "learn.py" containing the command
and below a terminal running this file as python program.
ALT text detailsScreenshot of a file named "learn.py" containing the command print("Hi!") and below a terminal running this file as python program.
Ur Ya'ar's avatar
Ur Ya'ar


My first python program 😂 😜 😂

Screenshot of a file named "learn.py" containing the command
and below a terminal running this file as python program.
ALT text detailsScreenshot of a file named "learn.py" containing the command print("Hi!") and below a terminal running this file as python program.
Sage Sharp's avatar
Sage Sharp


Advice wanted, boost for reach

Which static html generating tools should I use for my blog?

- open source
- easy to import WordPress posts
- Python based tools preferred
- friendly community open to supporting newcomer questions

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


ok I think enough speakers have confirmed their talks that we can start sharing some of our talks with you all

behold: 14 of what will be the 17-18 talks that make up 2025.



Alexandre B A Villares's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares


Code at: github.com/villares/sketch-a-d
More sketch-a-day: abav.lugaralgum.com/sketch-a-d
If you like this, support my work: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_butt

A map of the central region of São Paulo about 2km around Praça da Sé, with data from OpenStreetMap
ALT text detailsA map of the central region of São Paulo about 2km around Praça da Sé, with data from OpenStreetMap


Over the clouds: CPython, Pyodide and SPy via @paulox lobste.rs/s/idtjjj



Over the clouds: CPython, Pyodide and SPy via @paulox lobste.rs/s/idtjjj

0x40k's avatar


Hey everyone, what's cooking in the open-source universe? 🤯 I just stumbled upon something that's seriously mind-blowing.

So, there's this Python library pretending to be a music tool (automslc), but get this – it's actually illegally downloading songs from Deezer! And the worst part? It turns your computer into an accomplice in a huge music piracy operation. Seriously, a digital pirate cove. 🏴‍☠️

And then there's this npm saga with @ton-wallet/create... Crypto wallet emptied, just like that! 💸

The moral of the story? Open source rocks, but blindly trusting everything is a recipe for disaster. Always double-check those dependencies! Automated scans are cool, but a real penetration test? That's pure gold. 🥇

Clients are always so appreciative when we can spot and fix this kind of stuff beforehand!

Now, I'm curious: What are your go-to methods for keeping your codebase squeaky clean and secure? Any tips or tricks you'd like to share?

ゆらのふ's avatar


未経験者含む高校生で校内のWebアプリを作ろうとしたら失敗した話。 - Qiita qiita.com/harryp0tterK/items/e

> 学校の探究の時間というグループ探究の時間がありまして、そこで、プログラミング経験者一人と未経験者五人で校内の学習Webアプリを作ろうとしたら失敗した話です。自分の記録として残しておきます。


Denis N.'s avatar
Denis N.


A nice article about adding open telemetry to Django

Denis N.'s avatar
Denis N.


A nice article about adding open telemetry to Django

Augier (fr & en) 🏴☭'s avatar
Augier (fr & en) 🏴☭


Turn YunoHost into a domestic NAS OS?


"A few years ago, I encountered a situation with my personnal computer. Overnight, it started mounting my /home as read-only. Everything seems to indicate that my hard drive was about to fail. I was doing regular backups, but not nearly often enough… After making an emergency backup and changing the falty disk, it was time to consider a more reliable solution…"

Jonathan Hartley's avatar
Jonathan Hartley


Inspired by a woodland hike under the first blue skies we've seen this year, I got home and showed my kiddo how to draw an tree with recursive functions. The shape is very sensitive to parameters like the factors by which each branch is thinner and shorter than its parents, but we tuned them until our results looked like the trees we'd seen in the afternoon.

Vector graphics of clear blue skies behind the dark silhouette of a winter leafless fractal tree, bifurcating iteratively from a stout trunk to a flurry of tiny twigs.
ALT text detailsVector graphics of clear blue skies behind the dark silhouette of a winter leafless fractal tree, bifurcating iteratively from a stout trunk to a flurry of tiny twigs.
Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


I spent last week in Valtournenche with @antocuni and Hood Chatham and managed to use SPy to accelerate my code in the browser. It's too early for general adoption, but not too early to get excited.


Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


I spent last week in Valtournenche with @antocuni and Hood Chatham and managed to use SPy to accelerate my code in the browser. It's too early for general adoption, but not too early to get excited.


Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


I spent last week in Valtournenche with @antocuni and Hood Chatham and managed to use SPy to accelerate my code in the browser. It's too early for general adoption, but not too early to get excited.


Kattni's avatar


My First Major Open Source Project Contribution - In which I join up with BeeWare and end up with an amazing experience kattni.com/my-first-major-open

Glyph's avatar


Does anyone out there on the fediverse happen to know how I could embed Sparkle in a application using and packaged with ? I gather that the --frameworks option is involved, but … is it just as simple as downloading the bundle from github.com/sparkle-project/Spa and then pointing the `--frameworks` option at the `.framework` dir in there? If I do that, what is the right incantation to get some pyobjc bindings packaged and finding it both in dev and in dist?

Amethyst 🌸's avatar
Amethyst 🌸


You really do need to get your talk proposal submitted today! To help get my fellow procrastinators inspired, I’ve provided my own selection of favorite barn cat conference photos from the past year’s event.

You don’t want to miss it, and the best way to make that happen is to propose a talk that we want to hear!

🐈 :python:

A very fluffy tan and black cat laying on its side on top of a picnic table, next to a person using their laptop.
ALT text detailsA very fluffy tan and black cat laying on its side on top of a picnic table, next to a person using their laptop.
An extremely fluffy cat sitting upright on a picnic table gazing into the camera, with conference attendees in the background.
ALT text detailsAn extremely fluffy cat sitting upright on a picnic table gazing into the camera, with conference attendees in the background.
A shorthair orange and white cat sitting between two people at a picnic table patiently waiting for someone to share their delicious BBQ lunch.
ALT text detailsA shorthair orange and white cat sitting between two people at a picnic table patiently waiting for someone to share their delicious BBQ lunch.
Amethyst 🌸's avatar
Amethyst 🌸


You really do need to get your talk proposal submitted today! To help get my fellow procrastinators inspired, I’ve provided my own selection of favorite barn cat conference photos from the past year’s event.

You don’t want to miss it, and the best way to make that happen is to propose a talk that we want to hear!

🐈 :python:

A very fluffy tan and black cat laying on its side on top of a picnic table, next to a person using their laptop.
ALT text detailsA very fluffy tan and black cat laying on its side on top of a picnic table, next to a person using their laptop.
An extremely fluffy cat sitting upright on a picnic table gazing into the camera, with conference attendees in the background.
ALT text detailsAn extremely fluffy cat sitting upright on a picnic table gazing into the camera, with conference attendees in the background.
A shorthair orange and white cat sitting between two people at a picnic table patiently waiting for someone to share their delicious BBQ lunch.
ALT text detailsA shorthair orange and white cat sitting between two people at a picnic table patiently waiting for someone to share their delicious BBQ lunch.
José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared February 20, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

jonny (good kind)'s avatar
jonny (good kind)


Are there any good web accessibility checkers for python? We have received some really helpful feedback from blind and visually impaired people and I wanted to honor their time by adding tests to prevent regression, and i am finding I am wanting to write a bunch of the WCAG guidelines as selenium tests in pytest. I know that a lot of the guidelines can't necessarily be automated, but stuff like "all images have alt, headers are in correct order and start at h1, buttons have labels," etc. Can be. I figured there should be some tool that I can point at a webpage and be like "tell me whats busted here" like I can to some extent with the Firefox accessbility properties inspector but am not finding any. Any tips?

jonny (good kind)'s avatar
jonny (good kind)


Are there any good web accessibility checkers for python? We have received some really helpful feedback from blind and visually impaired people and I wanted to honor their time by adding tests to prevent regression, and i am finding I am wanting to write a bunch of the WCAG guidelines as selenium tests in pytest. I know that a lot of the guidelines can't necessarily be automated, but stuff like "all images have alt, headers are in correct order and start at h1, buttons have labels," etc. Can be. I figured there should be some tool that I can point at a webpage and be like "tell me whats busted here" like I can to some extent with the Firefox accessbility properties inspector but am not finding any. Any tips?

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Lista cuadrada. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared February 19, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


PICTURE: Poppy Barn-cat is demanding to know why you haven't submitted a talk proposal for yet, and also reminds you that you need to do so by Friday.

Details, and a place to submit your proposals here: pretalx.northbaypython.org/nbp

Poppy, the orange-and-white barn cat, standing on a polished indoor concrete floor, which is reflecting blue skies from the top of the photo, has a very loud meow face and is looking at you. 

You feel compelled to aquiesce to her demands, whatever they may be.
ALT text detailsPoppy, the orange-and-white barn cat, standing on a polished indoor concrete floor, which is reflecting blue skies from the top of the photo, has a very loud meow face and is looking at you. You feel compelled to aquiesce to her demands, whatever they may be.
STRÖMBLAD's avatar


I'm a complete noob when it comes to source code management through git (one developer only).

Are there any good "for dummies" resources with clear and systematic workflows for how a single developer can work?

I'm trying to wrap my head around "branching/committing" often, tags and what not.

Right now I'm doing something wrong because I'm getting PRs on my own repo, I don't get it.

Need to learn.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Máximos locales. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared February 18, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Matrices de Toepliz. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared February 17, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Bhavani Shankar's avatar
Bhavani Shankar

@bshankar@mastodon.online · Reply to James Gayfer's post

@jgayfer It also depends on your personality.

I have seen careful and pedantic coders build impressive things with python and js while I tend to make a mess that's impossible to maintain. I also waste many hours debugging.

So for me, a strictly typed language leads to long term productivity. I also take on bigger problems with confidence.

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


Hello py-friends!

Our call for talk proposals is open for another few days (until Friday), but it's already looking like a vintage . Why not put your name in and maybe join us?

Details and our submission form are at pretalx.northbaypython.org/nbp

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


To type or not to type? ~ Jonathan Chun. blog.jonathanchun.com/blog/202

Juliet Merida, Dum Tran Elf 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar
Juliet Merida, Dum Tran Elf 🏳️‍⚧️


Started trying to learn Django (again( this evening and got frustrated about how different learning resources use different conventions. It got too confusing for me trying just to set an overall index page that I had to stop.

Why don't tutorials show you how to set up a main index page before diving in to the app part? Why do I have multiple apps in a site and multiple sites in a project? Tell me
why we're doing these things!

nogajun🍉's avatar



ゲームで学ぶPython! Pyxelではじめるレトロゲームプログラミング:書籍案内|技術評論社: gihyo.jp/book/2025/978-4-297-1

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Primos equidistantes. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Barbara Shaurette :python:'s avatar
Barbara Shaurette :python:


Who's got a personal site living somewhere other than AWS or Google Cloud? I'm working on a Flask site that I want to launch on a smaller host, so if you're happy with yours, I'd love a recommendation

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


@leo @faassen
Python doesn't follow SemVer and there are indeed breaking changes in every Python minor version.

Tip: pay attention to deprecation warnings, and check the release notes for deprecations:


and removals:


There's also a dedication section to warn of upcoming removals:


❯ python3.11
Python 3.11.9 (v3.11.9:de54cf5be3, Apr  2 2024, 07:12:50) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cgi
<stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning: 'cgi' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13
>>> ^D

❯ python3.12
Python 3.12.9 (v3.12.9:fdb81425a9a, Feb  4 2025, 12:21:36) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cgi
<stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning: 'cgi' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13
ALT text details❯ python3.11 Python 3.11.9 (v3.11.9:de54cf5be3, Apr 2 2024, 07:12:50) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import cgi <stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning: 'cgi' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13 >>> ^D ❯ python3.12 Python 3.12.9 (v3.12.9:fdb81425a9a, Feb 4 2025, 12:21:36) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import cgi <stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning: 'cgi' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13 >>>
Leo's avatar


People: Rust is a stable language that takes backwards-compatibility very seriously.

Rust: This code compiles on 1.81 and fails to compile on 1.82.


At least Python doesn't pretend to be backwards-compatible when they break things.

ploum's avatar


If you are a Unix nerd and wish you spend less time using your mouse while watching flashy colors, I recommend that you give Offpunk a try:


I’m trying to make it easier to get started with offpunk. Feedbacks and discussions are welcome on the mailing-list :


or on the fediverse, using the hashtag. Or on your blog. That would be awesome to read blog posts about people using offpunk

ploum's avatar


If you are a Unix nerd and wish you spend less time using your mouse while watching flashy colors, I recommend that you give Offpunk a try:


I’m trying to make it easier to get started with offpunk. Feedbacks and discussions are welcome on the mailing-list :


or on the fediverse, using the hashtag. Or on your blog. That would be awesome to read blog posts about people using offpunk

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Simon Willison's post

@simon Here's a real-life application of the new tail-calling interpreter in 3.14.0a5, a full build of the CPython docs is 1.26 times faster, saving 7.5 seconds!

Output of hyperfine, one running "make -C Doc clean venv html" with Python 3.14.0a5, the other running 3.13.

The new one averaged 28.457 seconds across 10 runs, the old one 35.985 seconds.
ALT text detailsOutput of hyperfine, one running "make -C Doc clean venv html" with Python 3.14.0a5, the other running 3.13. The new one averaged 28.457 seconds across 10 runs, the old one 35.985 seconds.
Fractal Kitty's avatar
Fractal Kitty


Played with my haiku data today at recurse and made a toy to explore the original poems before becoming oulipo'd

This is very rough at the moment, but having fun.


circles of blues - some larger and other small with fading opacity as you go radially out and larger circles in the center - packed with a little pad.
ALT text detailscircles of blues - some larger and other small with fading opacity as you go radially out and larger circles in the center - packed with a little pad.
Seth Michael Larson's avatar
Seth Michael Larson


Did you know that premier talent uses @pycon Sponsors pages as a high-signal "Job Board"? Sponsoring a Python conference shows that your company is serious about Python and wants the community of practitioners to know it! 💜

This is how I found my previous job at . Elastic was a Gold tier sponsor for PyCon 2019, thank you Elastic! 👏

So what Python talent are you missing out on by not having your name on this page, both this year and next? 🤔

👉 us.pycon.org/2025/sponsorship/

Seth Michael Larson's avatar
Seth Michael Larson


Did you know that premier talent uses @pycon Sponsors pages as a high-signal "Job Board"? Sponsoring a Python conference shows that your company is serious about Python and wants the community of practitioners to know it! 💜

This is how I found my previous job at . Elastic was a Gold tier sponsor for PyCon 2019, thank you Elastic! 👏

So what Python talent are you missing out on by not having your name on this page, both this year and next? 🤔

👉 us.pycon.org/2025/sponsorship/

Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


Today is a good day. I built installers for 3.14.0a5 for both Windows and macOS. My little fix to immediately landed in a new release that was immediately picked up by . They're also shipping Python 3.13.2. Upgrading was seamless.

I also upgraded to WezTerm yesterday and it's awesome. Images in the terminal? Why not! Let's make one with Alpha 5!

You can also test the release on your system by downloading it from

Wezterm with a vertical split. On the left you see bpytop, on the right some code golfing that produces a Mandelbrot set image from a Mandebrot set-looking piece of Python code. Executing with Python 3.14.
ALT text detailsWezterm with a vertical split. On the left you see bpytop, on the right some code golfing that produces a Mandelbrot set image from a Mandebrot set-looking piece of Python code. Executing with Python 3.14.
Abhinav 🌏's avatar
Abhinav 🌏


: There is more than one way to do it.
: There should be one obvious way to do it.
: There is no straightforward way to do it.
: There is no way to do it.

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


We've extended our talk submissions window for another two weeks (until Feb 21st!) If you missed our original opening, fret not, and submit your talk ideas today! pretalx.northbaypython.org/nbp

Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


Today is a good day. I built installers for 3.14.0a5 for both Windows and macOS. My little fix to immediately landed in a new release that was immediately picked up by . They're also shipping Python 3.13.2. Upgrading was seamless.

I also upgraded to WezTerm yesterday and it's awesome. Images in the terminal? Why not! Let's make one with Alpha 5!

You can also test the release on your system by downloading it from

Wezterm with a vertical split. On the left you see bpytop, on the right some code golfing that produces a Mandelbrot set image from a Mandebrot set-looking piece of Python code. Executing with Python 3.14.
ALT text detailsWezterm with a vertical split. On the left you see bpytop, on the right some code golfing that produces a Mandelbrot set image from a Mandebrot set-looking piece of Python code. Executing with Python 3.14.
Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


Today is a good day. I built installers for 3.14.0a5 for both Windows and macOS. My little fix to immediately landed in a new release that was immediately picked up by . They're also shipping Python 3.13.2. Upgrading was seamless.

I also upgraded to WezTerm yesterday and it's awesome. Images in the terminal? Why not! Let's make one with Alpha 5!

You can also test the release on your system by downloading it from

Wezterm with a vertical split. On the left you see bpytop, on the right some code golfing that produces a Mandelbrot set image from a Mandebrot set-looking piece of Python code. Executing with Python 3.14.
ALT text detailsWezterm with a vertical split. On the left you see bpytop, on the right some code golfing that produces a Mandelbrot set image from a Mandebrot set-looking piece of Python code. Executing with Python 3.14.
North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


We've extended our talk submissions window for another two weeks (until Feb 21st!) If you missed our original opening, fret not, and submit your talk ideas today! pretalx.northbaypython.org/nbp

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: Python 3.14.0a5 🚀



Also recently released!

blurb 2.0.0
cherry-picker 3.5.0
pypistats 1.8.0
PrettyTable 3.13.0 & 3.14.0
tox-dev/action-pre-commit-uv 1.0.2
em-keyboard 5.0.0

Barbara Shaurette :python:'s avatar
Barbara Shaurette :python:


Who's got a personal site living somewhere other than AWS or Google Cloud? I'm working on a Flask site that I want to launch on a smaller host, so if you're happy with yours, I'd love a recommendation

Richard MacManus's avatar
Richard MacManus

@ricmac@mastodon.social · Reply to Richard MacManus's post

2/2 I have to thank @stefan for his inspiration and @botwiki website — a great bots resource! Also shoutout to @simon, whose post guided the structure I chose: til.simonwillison.net/mastodon. I'm using a script running on GitHub Actions, with screenshots taken via Playwright.

Other credits:
- ChatGPT helped me build this.
- I’m hosting my bot on @tchambers Indieweb.social instance.
- And finally, of course, I’m using @internetarchive's Wayback Machine for the content snapshots.

Richard MacManus's avatar
Richard MacManus

@ricmac@mastodon.social · Reply to Richard MacManus's post

2/2 I have to thank @stefan for his inspiration and @botwiki website — a great bots resource! Also shoutout to @simon, whose post guided the structure I chose: til.simonwillison.net/mastodon. I'm using a script running on GitHub Actions, with screenshots taken via Playwright.

Other credits:
- ChatGPT helped me build this.
- I’m hosting my bot on @tchambers Indieweb.social instance.
- And finally, of course, I’m using @internetarchive's Wayback Machine for the content snapshots.

Richard MacManus's avatar
Richard MacManus

@ricmac@mastodon.social · Reply to Richard MacManus's post

2/2 I have to thank @stefan for his inspiration and @botwiki website — a great bots resource! Also shoutout to @simon, whose post guided the structure I chose: til.simonwillison.net/mastodon. I'm using a script running on GitHub Actions, with screenshots taken via Playwright.

Other credits:
- ChatGPT helped me build this.
- I’m hosting my bot on @tchambers Indieweb.social instance.
- And finally, of course, I’m using @internetarchive's Wayback Machine for the content snapshots.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Proving the coding interview: A benchmark for formally verified code generation. ~ Quinn Dougherty, Ronak Mehta. arxiv.org/abs/2502.05714

Spencer Magnusson's avatar
Spencer Magnusson


Hello, I'm Spencer Magnusson 👋🏻 CG pipeline engineer by day, Blender enthusiast by night. And weekends. I love solving problems and telling stories with digital mediums and 3D graphics -- animation, code, CGI, games.

Proud husband and father. Singleplayer gamer but terribly slow in catching trends. Past experience in web development and visual effects, both short films and TV.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Anagramas. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

weltraumpoet's avatar



ich suche zur Zeit einen als im Raum oder
Ich bin Diplom- -er mit 12 Jahren Berufserfahrung.
Bisher arbeitete ich mit

, &

Auch , Gitlab- oder Azure DevOps sind mir nicht fremd. Ich bewegte mich bisher auf , , und auch ein wenig auf MacOS.

Irgendwo anzukommen und mich in einem konstruktiven Umfeld einzubringen, fände ich sehr schön.

Ich arbeite mich gerne in neue Felder ein, so würde mich unter Anderem die Embedded-Entwicklung interessieren, aber auch Sprachen wie Rust.

Ich spreche mich gern im Team ab oder lasse mich durch Kollegen in meiner Arbeit inspirieren, und bringe gerne meine Erfahrungen ein.

Auf Anfrage mit ein paar Informationen schicke ich gerne eine Bewerbung oder Ähnliches.

Vielleicht findet sich ja etwas über diese Plattform.

Vielen Dank.

weltraumpoet's avatar



ich suche zur Zeit einen als im Raum oder
Ich bin Diplom- -er mit 12 Jahren Berufserfahrung.
Bisher arbeitete ich mit

, &

Auch , Gitlab- oder Azure DevOps sind mir nicht fremd. Ich bewegte mich bisher auf , , und auch ein wenig auf MacOS.

Irgendwo anzukommen und mich in einem konstruktiven Umfeld einzubringen, fände ich sehr schön.

Ich arbeite mich gerne in neue Felder ein, so würde mich unter Anderem die Embedded-Entwicklung interessieren, aber auch Sprachen wie Rust.

Ich spreche mich gern im Team ab oder lasse mich durch Kollegen in meiner Arbeit inspirieren, und bringe gerne meine Erfahrungen ein.

Auf Anfrage mit ein paar Informationen schicke ich gerne eine Bewerbung oder Ähnliches.

Vielleicht findet sich ja etwas über diese Plattform.

Vielen Dank.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


Funky Bob's avatar
Funky Bob


Hello, again ... seems my contract is winding up sooner than expected.

Anyone need a / / Web / senior dev with decades of experience?

Comfortable with and

And can tune your DBMS to keep it delivering

Based in Melbourne, Australia, and quite practiced at working remote.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@hollo.social · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

A implementation of the signature algorithms (HTTP Signatures, Linked Data Signatures, and Object Integrity Proofs) being developed by Amase Cocoa (@cocoa_vrc).


paku :himagine_icon:'s avatar
paku :himagine_icon:


人は寒すぎると何になる?~7400Tweetを分析して見えた答え~ - Qiita qiita.com/odanny/items/6727b3f813dd4e0ff406

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared February 6, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Diagonales principales. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Augier (fr & en) 🏴☭'s avatar
Augier (fr & en) 🏴☭


Plus le temps passe et plus je trouve que le système de visibilité de Java/Kotlin (internal/private/public) est mauvais. Je préfèrerais un système à la Python où la visibilité n'est qu'indicative mais le langage ne t'empêche pas d'aller mettre tes mains dans les entrailles du système.

Combien de fois j'ai pu patcher des bugs ou des fonctionnalités manquantes dans Django parce que Python me le permettait ?

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


🎈🐍🎈 Exciting news! I've joined @sovtechfund's Sovereign Tech Fellowship to maintain critical digital infrastructure in the world!


And meet my fellow Fellows:


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


🎈🐍🎈 Exciting news! I've joined @sovtechfund's Sovereign Tech Fellowship to maintain critical digital infrastructure in the world!


And meet my fellow Fellows:


José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Elisp cheatsheet for Python programmers. ~ Charles Choi. github.com/kickingvegas/elisp-

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Funky Bob's avatar
Funky Bob


Hello, again ... seems my contract is winding up sooner than expected.

Anyone need a / / Web / senior dev with decades of experience?

Comfortable with and

And can tune your DBMS to keep it delivering

Based in Melbourne, Australia, and quite practiced at working remote.

Profoundly Nerdy's avatar
Profoundly Nerdy


All languages have life cycles. Hell, some even go dormant and become popular — or unexpectedly critical – again.

What would qualities would a language need to have to eventually threaten Python's dominance? My fear is any innovative ideas will just get absorbed. Yes, I realize much of 's muscle is marketing by big industry players.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared February 4, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


【M5 Stack Module LLM】NPU上で文章生成~音声生成をまるっと行う

Mika's avatar



I'm a
/. I'm most fluent in , have some basics in and , but I'm also taking up new languages like and others in my eternal journey of getting better and minimising the impostor syndrome that befalls pretty much all programmers (I feel). I'm also very experienced in / technologies, and have been the one devising solutions and maintaining infrastructure in a fast-paced startup environment in my previous employment.

I'm passionate in what I do and those that know me here or IRL would know that I'm always
yapping about the things I'm learning or working on - I love discussing them, and I love helping people out - esp those on the same boat as me.

This passion has led me into writing and maintaining tons of
projects like Mango: a content distribution framework based on for and that powers various bots of mine like @lowyat@mastodon.social and @waktusolat@mastodon.social, Charts: a chart repository for an easy and reproducible deployment strategy for all my projects and everything else I self-host on my , and Orked: O-tomated distribution, a collection of scripts I wrote that are comprehensively documented to enable everyone to self-host a production-grade cluster for absolutely free in their homes.

I'm based in Malaysia, but I'm open to just about any on-site, hybrid, or remote job opportunities anywhere. In the meantime though, I'm actively looking for a job in countries like
and , in a bid for a desperate lifestyle change. I've linked below my Portfolio (which you too, could self-host your own!), for those who'd wish to connect/learn more of me. Thank you ❤️

🔗 https://l.irfanhak.im/resume

Mika's avatar



I'm a
/. I'm most fluent in , have some basics in and , but I'm also taking up new languages like and others in my eternal journey of getting better and minimising the impostor syndrome that befalls pretty much all programmers (I feel). I'm also very experienced in / technologies, and have been the one devising solutions and maintaining infrastructure in a fast-paced startup environment in my previous employment.

I'm passionate in what I do and those that know me here or IRL would know that I'm always
yapping about the things I'm learning or working on - I love discussing them, and I love helping people out - esp those on the same boat as me.

This passion has led me into writing and maintaining tons of
projects like Mango: a content distribution framework based on for and that powers various bots of mine like @lowyat@mastodon.social and @waktusolat@mastodon.social, Charts: a chart repository for an easy and reproducible deployment strategy for all my projects and everything else I self-host on my , and Orked: O-tomated distribution, a collection of scripts I wrote that are comprehensively documented to enable everyone to self-host a production-grade cluster for absolutely free in their homes.

I'm based in Malaysia, but I'm open to just about any on-site, hybrid, or remote job opportunities anywhere. In the meantime though, I'm actively looking for a job in countries like
and , in a bid for a desperate lifestyle change. I've linked below my Portfolio (which you too, could self-host your own!), for those who'd wish to connect/learn more of me. Thank you ❤️

🔗 https://l.irfanhak.im/resume

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Posiciones de las diagonales principales. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared February 3, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

advokatt's avatar


just finished the docs and published my uptime monitoring system written in as free software.

pyng is boring software, and it is finished software.



cc @glyph

advokatt's avatar


just finished the docs and published my uptime monitoring system written in as free software.

pyng is boring software, and it is finished software.



cc @glyph

Jons Mostovojs's avatar
Jons Mostovojs

@jonn@social.doma.dev · Reply to alexandra's post

@xandra I'm so happy that someone's doing what I wanted to[1]. I'd be happy to write as well as contribute during review process if someone needs contributions.

Sadly, I've decided to post what I have worked on for in my blog, but in the spirit of 5th code jam[2], I could write a how-to article about setting up swarms of virtual machines on .

Alternatively, I can write an entry-level article about how to archive web pages and scrape stuff easily with (ugh) and/or .

Even more alternatively, as the most "good-interenetey" option, I can write an article about how and why to use for team and community management: guidelines, topic structures, etc.

[1]: social.doma.dev/@jonn/11220204
[2]: 32bit.cafe/~xandra/events/code

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: La bandera tricolor. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



nev's avatar


Okay fedi. I *know* you can help me with this.

New OS. (My /home is a separate partition, but everything else is new.) New year (of the Snake). I wanna do things right from now on and run every Python thing in a venv and what not. Can I just, like, delete the ~/.local/lib/python-3*/site-packages directories and start over and be fine? I am okay with reinstalling everything.

(I'm not talking /usr/local/lib. JUST the stuff in my home directory.)

SnoopJ's avatar


After a long period of quiet, I have released an update to the `unicode-age` package


The package now supports 16.0

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


メソッドとは? 〜ロボットで例えると〜🤖

Matthias Wiesmann's avatar
Matthias Wiesmann


Treasure Hunt – Braille Hints

So I prepared a treasure hunt for my older daughter, which involved some form of coded message. I found a braille table I could 3D-print, using a real system instead of some made-up code gave me the opportunity to explain how/why this was used in reality, you find braille codes in lifts, staircase handrails.


Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


Here are some emojidentifiers for your next Python code:

import math
乁_ツ_ㄏ = None
乁_益_ㄏ = math.nan

def minnums(values: list | 乁_ツ_ㄏ = 乁_ツ_ㄏ):
if (
values is 乁_ツ_ㄏ
or not all(isinstance(n, (float, int))
for n in values)
return 乁_益_ㄏ
return min(values)

Hynek Schlawack's avatar
Hynek Schlawack


There is some beauty in the fact that my oldest project `first` is still in the top 1% of PyPI. The last release was six years ago, I don’t expect another one ever again, and yet its functionality never made it into the standard library due to gatekeeping.


Vincent Willcox's avatar
Vincent Willcox


My name is Vince, I live in in the

I love to talk and play with all sorts of including but not limited to , and much more.

I watch on repeat and .

I like to tinker with code in mainly.

For a day job from 1st Jan 2024 I am now the Technical Support Manager for in their Local Government department.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



SnoopJ's avatar


After a long period of quiet, I have released an update to the `unicode-age` package


The package now supports 16.0

SnoopJ's avatar


After a long period of quiet, I have released an update to the `unicode-age` package


The package now supports 16.0

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 31, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


You can write a generator even if it's only used in one place to make a list.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Ordenación por el máximo. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Mario Munoz's avatar
Mario Munoz


Alright... finally got some documentation up for my League Manager package up on @readthedocs

Take a look!


Mario Munoz's avatar
Mario Munoz


Alright... finally got some documentation up for my League Manager package up on @readthedocs

Take a look!


Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


I had always thought that BytesIO.getvalue() copied all the memory. Turns out I was wrong, and the CPython developers had a trick up their sleeves.


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


I had always thought that BytesIO.getvalue() copied all the memory. Turns out I was wrong, and the CPython developers had a trick up their sleeves.


yossarian ('s avatar
yossarian (


you can now archive projects on PyPI!

this work was done by my teammate Facundo and is part of a larger multi-year arc of work dedicated to landing security and usability improvements on PyPI:


ploum's avatar


Released Offpunk 2.5 which add custom "aliases" and improve compatibility with and version < 3.11

What is Offpunk?


You are welcome to discuss and ask questions on the offpunk-users list:


If you are familiar with python development, join the offpunk-devel list to help intregrate offpunk and unmerdify, a new library developed by @vjousse :


yossarian ('s avatar
yossarian (


you can now archive projects on PyPI!

this work was done by my teammate Facundo and is part of a larger multi-year arc of work dedicated to landing security and usability improvements on PyPI:


LeonianUniverse😁's avatar


Any programmers out there, I am seeking help. You see, one of my biggest projects was to learn how to code using , but I don't know where to get started in an accessible way. I am looking to find accessible resources so that I can learn how to do this in a viable way, and I need help to find some as I've done my own research and can't really determine which ones are the best to use to get started with learning. Any help would be appreciated for sure.

ploum's avatar


Released Offpunk 2.5 which add custom "aliases" and improve compatibility with and version < 3.11

What is Offpunk?


You are welcome to discuss and ask questions on the offpunk-users list:


If you are familiar with python development, join the offpunk-devel list to help intregrate offpunk and unmerdify, a new library developed by @vjousse :


LeonianUniverse😁's avatar


Any programmers out there, I am seeking help. You see, one of my biggest projects was to learn how to code using , but I don't know where to get started in an accessible way. I am looking to find accessible resources so that I can learn how to do this in a viable way, and I need help to find some as I've done my own research and can't really determine which ones are the best to use to get started with learning. Any help would be appreciated for sure.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Pythonのパフォーマンス最適化Tips 必須知識

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



AdrianC's avatar



I'm Adrian, a FullStack looking for a job either in (or from it if you allow for remote work), with a permanent and open visa

I have experience building and maintaining web apps and APIs, designing systems, doing and a bit of , and

I'm experienced using , , , , , , and ; and on the DevOps side in CI/CD pipelines (either and Gitlab CI/CD), and a bit of

I was tasked with a lot of the happening in my previous company, researching tools, librairies, patterns or general technologies either for our own or for our products

I also wrote a lot of technical and non technical documentation and internal presentations, and even participated in a few meetups. You can read some of my writing on my blog: blog.adrianc.eu

You might also have seen me on a few Elixir-related Discord servers, or even Bluesky (@adrianc.eu) and Twitter ; either sharing tech news, helping people, reading in book clubs or just chatting

I’m open to full-time right now, contracting work can be discussed.

I'm looking for any developer position, not only , even though it represents most of my experience. And if the technology you're using isn't on my resume, give me a chance! I'm a fast learner and I might anyway have studied it in class :P

DM me for more info, like github link, my resume or anything :)

Boosts, responses and DM welcome, of course!

Paolo Melchiorre's avatar
Paolo Melchiorre

@paulox@fosstodon.org · Reply to psycopg's post

@psycopg I am honored to have participated in the resolution of issue #999 :)


AdrianC's avatar



I'm Adrian, a FullStack looking for a job either in (or from it if you allow for remote work), with a permanent and open visa

I have experience building and maintaining web apps and APIs, designing systems, doing and a bit of , and

I'm experienced using , , , , , , and ; and on the DevOps side in CI/CD pipelines (either and Gitlab CI/CD), and a bit of

I was tasked with a lot of the happening in my previous company, researching tools, librairies, patterns or general technologies either for our own or for our products

I also wrote a lot of technical and non technical documentation and internal presentations, and even participated in a few meetups. You can read some of my writing on my blog: blog.adrianc.eu

You might also have seen me on a few Elixir-related Discord servers, or even Bluesky (@adrianc.eu) and Twitter ; either sharing tech news, helping people, reading in book clubs or just chatting

I’m open to full-time right now, contracting work can be discussed.

I'm looking for any developer position, not only , even though it represents most of my experience. And if the technology you're using isn't on my resume, give me a chance! I'm a fast learner and I might anyway have studied it in class :P

DM me for more info, like github link, my resume or anything :)

Boosts, responses and DM welcome, of course!

Center for Health Data Science's avatar
Center for Health Data Science


🚀 We’re here! Meet HeaDS – Center for Health Data Science! 🚀

The () is now on Mastodon! 🎉
We offer support through , , , , , & more!

📚 Free &
📊 Data support via
🤝 at seminars

Follow us for , & updates! 🌐 heads.ku.dk/

Center for Health Data Science's avatar
Center for Health Data Science


🚀 We’re here! Meet HeaDS – Center for Health Data Science! 🚀

The () is now on Mastodon! 🎉
We offer support through , , , , , & more!

📚 Free &
📊 Data support via
🤝 at seminars

Follow us for , & updates! 🌐 heads.ku.dk/

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


Pyparsing sightings - recent posts/pages using pyparsing (2/2):

- ciscoconfparse parses configuration files for various network devices using pyparsing

- moto is a mocking package for AWS boto API, using pyparsing for an internal infix notation parser

- Pegasus SaaS application builder uses pyparsing internally

- EasyABC is an editor for the ABC music notation language

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


Pyparsing sightings - some recent posts/pages using pyparsing (1/2):

- Pyparsing is embedded as a parsing engine for Juniper Networks Junos PyEZ automation environment for smart devices.

- Pyparsing included in the examples for the Python Packaging User Guide.

- Papercrawler uses pyparsing to extract metadata from published papers, journals, and conference proceedings.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


MCP (Model Context Protocol) の仕組みを知りたい!

Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸's avatar
Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸


Writing cross platform is a story, but packaging it properly for users is mostly crying.

Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


Looking at PyPI download stats and Google Trends, it seems like Pipenv still has a very significant user base, albeit a stable one. But my sense of the zeitgeist is that it's not being adopted for new projects as much. What's your sense?

Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


Looking at PyPI download stats and Google Trends, it seems like Pipenv still has a very significant user base, albeit a stable one. But my sense of the zeitgeist is that it's not being adopted for new projects as much. What's your sense?

Schreini's avatar


Last week I reported about some accesors I released (, ). Over the weekend, I thought about a generic approach to making class methods and properties available via series accessors, and wrote a prototype. I stuck to my naming pattern and called it "Dynamic Pandas Accessors" .

I was curious what other users thought of it, so I published it on . It should be useful in and for .

🔗 codeberg.org/Cs137/DynPaAc

Feedback appreciated 🙂

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


uvとPyO3でPythonからRustを呼ぶ①(プロジェクト作成・Hello World実行まで)

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Andrew Kuchling's avatar
Andrew Kuchling


RIP to Python core developer Michael Foord, who wrote & maintained the unittest.mock module, and suggested holding the Language Summits, which have ever since been an annual event at PyCon US.

Memorial thread on discuss.python.org: discuss.python.org/t/in-memori

Jack Leightcap's avatar
Jack Leightcap


Hey all! I'm due for an (re-)introduction: I'm Jack, an engineer in the NYC area from a firmware & cybersecurity background, currently working in something like hardware-software co-design.

Technical work is often with , and in all-too-rare moments stuff like and

I've never been much for social media, usually preferring to keep interests local: a better-detailed to follow as I figure this out 🙂

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Andrew Kuchling's avatar
Andrew Kuchling


RIP to Python core developer Michael Foord, who wrote & maintained the unittest.mock module, and suggested holding the Language Summits, which have ever since been an annual event at PyCon US.

Memorial thread on discuss.python.org: discuss.python.org/t/in-memori

Andrew Kuchling's avatar
Andrew Kuchling


RIP to Python core developer Michael Foord, who wrote & maintained the unittest.mock module, and suggested holding the Language Summits, which have ever since been an annual event at PyCon US.

Memorial thread on discuss.python.org: discuss.python.org/t/in-memori

Andrew Kuchling's avatar
Andrew Kuchling


RIP to Python core developer Michael Foord, who wrote & maintained the unittest.mock module, and suggested holding the Language Summits, which have ever since been an annual event at PyCon US.

Memorial thread on discuss.python.org: discuss.python.org/t/in-memori

Andrew Kuchling's avatar
Andrew Kuchling


RIP to Python core developer Michael Foord, who wrote & maintained the unittest.mock module, and suggested holding the Language Summits, which have ever since been an annual event at PyCon US.

Memorial thread on discuss.python.org: discuss.python.org/t/in-memori

Andrew Kuchling's avatar
Andrew Kuchling


RIP to Python core developer Michael Foord, who wrote & maintained the unittest.mock module, and suggested holding the Language Summits, which have ever since been an annual event at PyCon US.

Memorial thread on discuss.python.org: discuss.python.org/t/in-memori

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


初学者向け:PythonとLINE Notifyで環境構築からトークン取得まで、簡単にLINE通知機能を実装してみた

Chris McDonough ✅'s avatar
Chris McDonough ✅


This hits pretty hard. Python's Michael Foord (developer of mock, and many other things, and a solid person) has died.


Brian Okken :python:'s avatar
Brian Okken :python:


Goodbye Michael Foord.
You will be missed.
- Nice write up by Nicholas Tollervey: ntoll.org/article/my-friend-mi
- 2021 interview with him: testandcode.com/episodes/145-f

Óscar J. Baeza's avatar
Óscar J. Baeza


Aunque llevo años por aquí, ésta es mi .

Soy ingeniero de software con +20 años programando en , haciendo mis pinitos en , y , y trabajo en remoto desde 2007.

Escribí durante años en blogs profesionales (e incluso un libro), empecé en el en el 2007 con @kafelog y madrugo para ir a hacer .

Me gusta la tecnología, comer bien, el café, el vermú, la ciencia ficción, el terror cósmico y las zapatillas.

¡Hola! 👋🏻

Sabrina's avatar


Hallo! Ich lerne Deutsch und Python (101 haha) und möchte beides verbessern. Hat jemand eine Empfehlung für Ressourcen für mich? Zum Beispiel w3schools, aber auf Deutsch? Dankeschön!

Sabrina's avatar


Hallo! Ich lerne Deutsch und Python (101 haha) und möchte beides verbessern. Hat jemand eine Empfehlung für Ressourcen für mich? Zum Beispiel w3schools, aber auf Deutsch? Dankeschön!

Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


It's been a while, huh? The core․py podcast is back with an episode about reference counting! 🎙️

I know y'all are waiting for the GC episode but we need to eat the veggies first. Pablo and I hope it's fun anyway. We bet it is! 🍀


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


PythonのPydanticとC#を比較してみた + C++ DCOMの思い出

Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


So there was a time when if you wanted compiled extensions in your Python project, but you didn't want to install a _package_, you'd have a setup.py, and you'd do:

python setup.py build_ext -i

Thing is, calling setup.py directly is now deprecated.

Is there any way to do the above that isn't calling setup.py? I've seen a suggestion of calling setuptools internal API directly, which ... ok, I guess. But wondering what people do in practice. Just make everything compiled an installable package?

"pip install -e ." is not equivalent! E.g. if you're using setuptools-rust it will build in non-release mode.

EDIT: To clarify, what are people using setuptools doing? I understand other tools may have options for this.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Google Map上に賃貸情報一覧をパッと表示したい

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 23, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

sc0v0ne's avatar



- linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php
- bmansoori.ir/book/Linux%20for%
- flaviocopes.pages.dev/books/li
- kroah.com/lkn/
- linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/downl


sc0v0ne's avatar



- tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Gu
- lamed-oti.com/school/rl/os/lin
- theswissbay.ch/pdf/Books/Compu
- drago1234.github.io/Surviving_
- idris.lecturer.pens.ac.id/file


sc0v0ne's avatar



- tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Gu
- lamed-oti.com/school/rl/os/lin
- theswissbay.ch/pdf/Books/Compu
- drago1234.github.io/Surviving_
- idris.lecturer.pens.ac.id/file


sc0v0ne's avatar



- linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php
- bmansoori.ir/book/Linux%20for%
- flaviocopes.pages.dev/books/li
- kroah.com/lkn/
- linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/downl


José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Advanced Python course. ~ Michael Foord. agileabstractions.com/advanced

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 22, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


TIL that the `uv pip install` is partially faster because it doesn't compile the bytecode for Python packages it installs.

Specifically, it has the opposite behavior of `pip install`: you can ask for byte compilation, it's opt-in rather than pip's opt-out. It actually uses more CPU than pip when you do bytecode compilation! Still faster on my computer cause I have lots of CPUs, but in CI it'd be slower I suspect.

Lack of bytecode compilation means slightly slower startup the first time you run the program (or _every_ time if you're using a Docker image and didn't opt-in to bytecode compile). Probably still worth it given how much faster uv is in other ways.

Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


TIL that the `uv pip install` is partially faster because it doesn't compile the bytecode for Python packages it installs.

Specifically, it has the opposite behavior of `pip install`: you can ask for byte compilation, it's opt-in rather than pip's opt-out. It actually uses more CPU than pip when you do bytecode compilation! Still faster on my computer cause I have lots of CPUs, but in CI it'd be slower I suspect.

Lack of bytecode compilation means slightly slower startup the first time you run the program (or _every_ time if you're using a Docker image and didn't opt-in to bytecode compile). Probably still worth it given how much faster uv is in other ways.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Iguales al siguiente. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻's avatar
Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻

@mapache@hachyderm.io · Reply to Charlie's post

@cdp1337 @blog I would love to see github.com/mahomedalid/almost- implemented in

On purpose I did not name the project almost-static-activitypub-dotnet, because I really want to have different implementations there.

So, if you are up to the task, I would gladly help.

SnoopJ's avatar


developers, please.

I am BEGGING you.

PLEASE, do not ever automatically "fix" a problem by invoking pip. Give me an error message and suggest a command to me, if you think that command is appropriate.

I cannot overstate how badly this well-meaning but extremely poorly-implemented idea goes wrong when it does go wrong.


José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 20, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Primos consecutivos con media capicúa. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


新幹線の歴史をPython (pandas, folium, PyQtなど)で可視化しながら学ぶ

nogajun🍉's avatar



schtobia/pelican-plugin-activitypub: Experimental readonly ActivityPub endpoint for Pelican - schtobia's Forgejo: git.schmidl.dev/schtobia/pelic

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 18, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


In , @classmethod can used to create alternate constructors for making objects in other ways. Here's a simple example:

An example class called Pet with an alternate constructor.  Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/b83352b2e20e0dc297ea99a37e172a8c
ALT text detailsAn example class called Pet with an alternate constructor. Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/b83352b2e20e0dc297ea99a37e172a8c
Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


Some things I'm especially proud of in plusminus (my Python package for parsing and evaluating infix notation arithmetic):
- |absolute value| expressions
- ° symbol as a unary postfix operator, to convert degrees to radians: sin(π/2) vs. sin(90°)
- exponents ² and ³
- √ and ³√ operators (both unary and binary, so you can write 2√2)
- mathematical constants e, π, φ, and τ
- set operators ∈, ∉, ∩, and ∪
- safe eval of untrusted inputs
Try it at ptmcg.pythonanywhere.com/plusm

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Mastermind. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 17, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Veronica Olsen 🏳️‍🌈🇳🇴🌻's avatar
Veronica Olsen 🏳️‍🌈🇳🇴🌻


Windows C++ devs:

My main project is a Python + Qt GUI application. Distributing that as-is on Linux is easy. On Windows, a little trickier.

What I do now is distribute it with Python embeddable and pure Python code. That's fine, but it makes the launching a little tricky.

I'm currently trying to create a trivial C++ exec that just launches the correct files via CreateProcess().

Does this sound like a good idea? Code linked below.


Veronica Olsen 🏳️‍🌈🇳🇴🌻's avatar
Veronica Olsen 🏳️‍🌈🇳🇴🌻


Windows C++ devs:

My main project is a Python + Qt GUI application. Distributing that as-is on Linux is easy. On Windows, a little trickier.

What I do now is distribute it with Python embeddable and pure Python code. That's fine, but it makes the launching a little tricky.

I'm currently trying to create a trivial C++ exec that just launches the correct files via CreateProcess().

Does this sound like a good idea? Code linked below.


José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Determinación de los elementos minimales. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

FlohEinstein's avatar


Python, meet Shakespeare

Python source code in Visual Studio Code
class Madness with a method that returns "in't"
ALT text detailsPython source code in Visual Studio Code class Madness with a method that returns "in't"
FlohEinstein's avatar


Python, meet Shakespeare

Python source code in Visual Studio Code
class Madness with a method that returns "in't"
ALT text detailsPython source code in Visual Studio Code class Madness with a method that returns "in't"
José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 16, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

alltechpacks's avatar


alltechpacks's avatar


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



rogeliop's avatar


That's why I only program in BASIC, Logo, Pascal, FORTH, straight C (no fancy # nor ++), 6809ASM... it's less stressful 😁

rogeliop's avatar


That's why I only program in BASIC, Logo, Pascal, FORTH, straight C (no fancy # nor ++), 6809ASM... it's less stressful 😁

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Suma de los números amigos menores que n. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Sucesión de números amigos. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Nicholas R's avatar
Nicholas R


@dansup In most cases is faster than both and

What I want to happen is for and to become so popular, that it hast to be upgrade to just for the performance!

FemmeNoire's avatar


Liebe Leute, der Mann ist aktuell auf .
Er sucht etwas als (Senior) bzw. oder .
32h pro Woche bei 4 Tagen, Techstack und , (50:50 Office:HO) in .

Auf diversen Plattformen sind wir bereits unterwegs, aber vielleicht gibt's ja Stellen, die nicht darüber zu finden sind.

Gerne teilen :BoostOK: bzw. mir was drunter posten :ReplyOK: da er selbst kein Interesse an Social Media hat.

FemmeNoire's avatar


Liebe Leute, der Mann ist aktuell auf .
Er sucht etwas als (Senior) bzw. oder .
32h pro Woche bei 4 Tagen, Techstack und , (50:50 Office:HO) in .

Auf diversen Plattformen sind wir bereits unterwegs, aber vielleicht gibt's ja Stellen, die nicht darüber zu finden sind.

Gerne teilen :BoostOK: bzw. mir was drunter posten :ReplyOK: da er selbst kein Interesse an Social Media hat.

Jay Shaffstall


I do some consulting on the side, and a fun bit of a recent project was to use pyparsing in Python to evaluate an algebraic expression that could include dice and variables. So 2+3d6-sin(foo^2) would be a valid expression that should produce a result (assuming that foo contained a value). That was my first time with pyparsing, and it was a joy to work with.

veer66's avatar


added __post_init__ with a validator to a dataclass.

context: this project doesn't use SQLAlchemy.

It looks nice.

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: Python 3.14.0a4 🚀



Here's one amazing reason to try it out! 🗓️🎨

Output of "python3.13 -m calendar" showing an ASCII representation of the calendar for 2025.
ALT text detailsOutput of "python3.13 -m calendar" showing an ASCII representation of the calendar for 2025.
The same output with python3.14, this time today's date is highlighted in yellow.
ALT text detailsThe same output with python3.14, this time today's date is highlighted in yellow.
Glyph's avatar


Surprise! I will be streaming some Python programming over at <twitch.tv/glyph_official/> in a little over 30 minutes. We are all gonna take a couple hours to STOP getting mad and depressed at recent events and START getting mad and depressed about cross-platform GUI development

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Rimu's avatar


Lines of code

: 241,630
: 148,817
: 100,135
: 37,389

according to openhub.net

Rimu's avatar


Lines of code

: 241,630
: 148,817
: 100,135
: 37,389

according to openhub.net

Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


Comparison operators in can be chained together, but using them that way could be controversial. I wrote this this other day:

Checking two variable are equal and not zero: n_passed == n_tests != 0.  Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/6f92fe29bdb47c0a36be0d29f5dd92ae
ALT text detailsChecking two variable are equal and not zero: n_passed == n_tests != 0. Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/6f92fe29bdb47c0a36be0d29f5dd92ae
September, Eternal's avatar
September, Eternal


Due to the impending shutdown of my old server, I'm moving here from my account @deoxys314@neovibe.app. And so a new is in order! I'm a software developer with a degree in and . I mostly work in and . My personal interests include ( is my favorite), , , , , and , to name a few.

I have some old posts I'll bring over here, mostly longer threads that are worth preserving.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Snowflake CortexのLLM機能まとめ

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Pythonの非同期処理: これだけは知っておきたい!

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Pydantic入門: 型制約付きフィールドからFastAPI連携まで

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 11, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻's avatar
☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻

@peterrenshaw@ioc.exchange · Reply to wraptile's post

@wraptile I tried bottle, Flask is a POS. The sample code & libs do not work. I now avoid it and use instead.

When cost more than $10 and required more API changes (data api) I wrote my own static engine based on () and when the compile times blew out re-wrote it in .

Static HTML is the fastest & pretty much hack proof. cc @bluetea


Ferrari Festival, Lygon St Melbourne
Last weekend took out the time to see the 2007 Grand Prix Ferrari Festival celebrating the 60th year of Ferrari in Lygon St in Melbourne.
Taken at the corner of Lygon & Argyle Place, Lygon St, near Case Del Gelato. In typical Melbourne style, the weather started warm, got a bit sunny then overcast and rained.

source https://www.flickr.com/photos/bootload/416173287/
ALT text detailsFerrari Festival, Lygon St Melbourne Last weekend took out the time to see the 2007 Grand Prix Ferrari Festival celebrating the 60th year of Ferrari in Lygon St in Melbourne. Taken at the corner of Lygon & Argyle Place, Lygon St, near Case Del Gelato. In typical Melbourne style, the weather started warm, got a bit sunny then overcast and rained. source https://www.flickr.com/photos/bootload/416173287/
AstraLuma's avatar


Hey, , how do you manage your venvs?

Feel free to discuss in the comments how I categorized these tools.

EDIT: I forgot to include "idk, my IDE just does it"

Manually: python -m venv45 (52%)
Semi-Manual: uv, virtualenvwrapper, direnv, etc13 (15%)
Automatic: pipenv, poetry, pdm, etc22 (26%)
Other6 (7%)
AstraLuma's avatar


Hey, , how do you manage your venvs?

Feel free to discuss in the comments how I categorized these tools.

EDIT: I forgot to include "idk, my IDE just does it"

Manually: python -m venv45 (52%)
Semi-Manual: uv, virtualenvwrapper, direnv, etc13 (15%)
Automatic: pipenv, poetry, pdm, etc22 (26%)
Other6 (7%)
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Pydantic入門 – Pythonでシンプルかつ強力なバリデーションを始めよう

AstraLuma's avatar


Hey, , how do you manage your venvs?

Feel free to discuss in the comments how I categorized these tools.

EDIT: I forgot to include "idk, my IDE just does it"

Manually: python -m venv45 (52%)
Semi-Manual: uv, virtualenvwrapper, direnv, etc13 (15%)
Automatic: pipenv, poetry, pdm, etc22 (26%)
Other6 (7%)
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Números amigos. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 10, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Máxima suma de caminos en un triángulo. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Luciano Ramalho's avatar
Luciano Ramalho


I used a micro:bit to build a speed monitor for H0-scale model trains. It's programmed in .

Today I wrote the calibration code, which gives instant feedback when aiming the lasers at the light sensors.

Video showing two lasers illuminating sensors on the other side of H0-scale train tracks. The sensors are read by a micro:bit board that measures and displays the speed of the train converted to real scale. A 4-car SBB passenger train pulled by an Re460 locomotive goes by at 209km/h.
ALT text detailsVideo showing two lasers illuminating sensors on the other side of H0-scale train tracks. The sensors are read by a micro:bit board that measures and displays the speed of the train converted to real scale. A 4-car SBB passenger train pulled by an Re460 locomotive goes by at 209km/h.
Luciano Ramalho's avatar
Luciano Ramalho


I used a micro:bit to build a speed monitor for H0-scale model trains. It's programmed in .

Today I wrote the calibration code, which gives instant feedback when aiming the lasers at the light sensors.

Video showing two lasers illuminating sensors on the other side of H0-scale train tracks. The sensors are read by a micro:bit board that measures and displays the speed of the train converted to real scale. A 4-car SBB passenger train pulled by an Re460 locomotive goes by at 209km/h.
ALT text detailsVideo showing two lasers illuminating sensors on the other side of H0-scale train tracks. The sensors are read by a micro:bit board that measures and displays the speed of the train converted to real scale. A 4-car SBB passenger train pulled by an Re460 locomotive goes by at 209km/h.
Marijke Luttekes's avatar
Marijke Luttekes


People are now confessing to editor light theme preferences en masse at the Python Office Hours. 😱

Athoune 🥕🔪's avatar
Athoune 🥕🔪


Avis aux pythonistes en herbe, voici une initiation à , framework pour créer des jeux à l'ancienne, comme sur la SNS ou la Gameboy Color.

Un éditeur de média est fourni.

Le moteur en assure la fluidité, et l'API python est minimaliste.

Les jeux tourneront sur Linux/Mac/Windows et même dans un navigateur web, avec


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


【🚨無職発生注意報🚨】ヒトはこうして仕事を奪われる~Browser Use Tutorial~

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 9, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Jay Shaffstall


I do some consulting on the side, and a fun bit of a recent project was to use pyparsing in Python to evaluate an algebraic expression that could include dice and variables. So 2+3d6-sin(foo^2) would be a valid expression that should produce a result (assuming that foo contained a value). That was my first time with pyparsing, and it was a joy to work with.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Ollama で Llama 3.2-Vision のテストと翻訳

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Marc-Andre Lemburg's avatar
Marc-Andre Lemburg


We are having our next Python Meeting Düsseldorf on 2025-01-22. If you happen to be in or near Düsseldorf, Germany, we'd love to have you join.

Here's the Meetup page with the details and registration: meetup.com/python-meeting-duss

Marc-Andre Lemburg's avatar
Marc-Andre Lemburg


We are having our next Python Meeting Düsseldorf on 2025-01-22. If you happen to be in or near Düsseldorf, Germany, we'd love to have you join.

Here's the Meetup page with the details and registration: meetup.com/python-meeting-duss

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Wagtail's avatar


If a new year means a new open source for you, give Wagtail a try. With the power of and a polished editing experience, we got a lot to offer people who need to manage custom at scale.

Give our Starter Kit a try and see why. 👇


José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


ChatGPT: Cómo hacer (y mejorar) mi Trabajo de Fin de Carrera de la Universidad en un par de minutos. ~ Chema Alonso. elladodelmal.com/2025/01/chatg

Wagtail's avatar


If a new year means a new open source for you, give Wagtail a try. With the power of and a polished editing experience, we got a lot to offer people who need to manage custom at scale.

Give our Starter Kit a try and see why. 👇


Karsten Johansson's avatar
Karsten Johansson


WARNING: Awesome code follows

I just read there is a more accurate way to calculate a dog's age in human years than simply multiplying by 7 (which does produce a lot of oddities, especially when it comes to dogs giving birth at "7" years old lol). The progression through the first, second and then subsequent years are handled in a manner that is much closer to how dogs typically age compared to humans.

Here are and functions demonstrating the new calculations. Feel free to use them as you wish. Especially if you have one or more dogs.

Feel free to improve or comment on the code in the comments or elsewhere. I always post these kinds of functions for conversation and community, I'm just learning python, so don't bark too loudly.

The formats are:

(dogs-age years months)
dogs_age(years, months)

There is no error checking, so use zeros when necessary.

Don't be strangers. Shake a paw!

(defun dogs-age (years months)
"Calculate the human age equivalent of a dog given its age in years and months."
(let ((human-age 0))
((< years 1)
(setq human-age (* (/ months 12.0) 15)))
((= years 1)
(setq human-age (+ 15 (* (/ months 12.0) 9))))
((>= years 2)
(setq human-age (+ 15 9
(* (- years 2) 5)
(* (/ months 12.0) 5)))))

def dogs_age(years, months):
Calculate the human age equivalent of a dog given its age in years and months.
if years < 1:
human_age = months * (15 / 12)
elif years == 1:
human_age = 15 + months * (9 / 12)
human_age = 15 + 9 + (years - 2) * 5 + months * (5 / 12)

return human_age

Hey, @praetor you might be interestd in this, even if it isn't about cats. If you change the subsequent years from 5 to 4, it'll work for cats just the same, apparently. :ablobdj:

Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


prompt: A landscape using only primitive shapes.

This is an evolution of my "42 lines of code" entry from Jan 3rd. This one's well over 200 lines of code.

Made with :

A classic "synthwave sunset" with a hilly wireframe horizon and a segmented burning setting Sun in the middle. The road in the middle is flat, we're flying over it.
ALT text detailsA classic "synthwave sunset" with a hilly wireframe horizon and a segmented burning setting Sun in the middle. The road in the middle is flat, we're flying over it.
Łukasz Langa's avatar
Łukasz Langa


prompt: A landscape using only primitive shapes.

This is an evolution of my "42 lines of code" entry from Jan 3rd. This one's well over 200 lines of code.

Made with :

A classic "synthwave sunset" with a hilly wireframe horizon and a segmented burning setting Sun in the middle. The road in the middle is flat, we're flying over it.
ALT text detailsA classic "synthwave sunset" with a hilly wireframe horizon and a segmented burning setting Sun in the middle. The road in the middle is flat, we're flying over it.
☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻's avatar
☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻

@peterrenshaw@ioc.exchange · Reply to wraptile's post

@wraptile I tried bottle, Flask is a POS. The sample code & libs do not work. I now avoid it and use instead.

When cost more than $10 and required more API changes (data api) I wrote my own static engine based on () and when the compile times blew out re-wrote it in .

Static HTML is the fastest & pretty much hack proof. cc @bluetea


Ferrari Festival, Lygon St Melbourne
Last weekend took out the time to see the 2007 Grand Prix Ferrari Festival celebrating the 60th year of Ferrari in Lygon St in Melbourne.
Taken at the corner of Lygon & Argyle Place, Lygon St, near Case Del Gelato. In typical Melbourne style, the weather started warm, got a bit sunny then overcast and rained.

source https://www.flickr.com/photos/bootload/416173287/
ALT text detailsFerrari Festival, Lygon St Melbourne Last weekend took out the time to see the 2007 Grand Prix Ferrari Festival celebrating the 60th year of Ferrari in Lygon St in Melbourne. Taken at the corner of Lygon & Argyle Place, Lygon St, near Case Del Gelato. In typical Melbourne style, the weather started warm, got a bit sunny then overcast and rained. source https://www.flickr.com/photos/bootload/416173287/
☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻's avatar
☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻

@peterrenshaw@ioc.exchange · Reply to Tea and BlueTeam's post

@bluetea “Colophon Redux”

Back in 2008, I whipped up this site with two hundred line hack using a newly created web framework called web.py and a brand new google project, App Engine. From 2008 to today, that’s how worked.

From the user perspective it looked like plain HTML pages being served. Behind the scenes, code read markdown and converted it to HTML.

❝ Every time my blog ran, a little bit of Aarons code would execute

This was prior to the various web frameworks for python we take for granted today. Web.py utilised WSGI and I chose googles new toy, GAE to run it.

/ / / / / / <seldomlogical.com/redux.html>

An autumn day in 2015 walking in the bush. Bracken in the foreground, trees behind framing a sharp blue sky. 

source https://flickr.com/photos/bootload/17091172186
ALT text detailsAn autumn day in 2015 walking in the bush. Bracken in the foreground, trees behind framing a sharp blue sky. source https://flickr.com/photos/bootload/17091172186
Leonard Richardson's avatar
Leonard Richardson


I've published Beautiful Soup 4.13.0b3 to PyPI. I'm hoping to get another round of feedback before the final release, which I'm targeting for early February. Details: groups.google.com/g/beautifuls

pip install beautifulsoup4==4.13.0b3

Leonard Richardson's avatar
Leonard Richardson


I've published Beautiful Soup 4.13.0b3 to PyPI. I'm hoping to get another round of feedback before the final release, which I'm targeting for early February. Details: groups.google.com/g/beautifuls

pip install beautifulsoup4==4.13.0b3

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 4, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire

@ptmcg@fosstodon.org · Reply to Paul McGuire's post

pyrac (ptmcg.pythonanywhere.com/pyrac) is my own version of Racter, which was a crude prose generator from the early 80s (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racter). Racter composed this fragment as part of a larger story, "The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed":

More than iron, more than lead, more than gold I need electricity.
I need it more than I need lamb or pork or lettuce or cucumber.
I need it for my dreams.

Originally offered as an AI, it is actually just a compositor with a rich set of templates.

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


Earlier today I posted about a spoof site of mine on , 𝐹º𝑛t 𝘔ⅸᵉ𝐫, which converts identifiers in ASCII to equivalent identifiers by randomly selecting Unicode points that normalize back to the original ASCII, and are therefore directly runnable, even though they look like a ransom note. Remember, builtins and all stdlib names can be denormalized this way.

I went to check the web logs, and found that someone found another PA site of mine, ptmcg.pythonanywhere.com/pyrac...

clayote's avatar


I am a developer of a decade or so, with four years of data engineering experience on and , looking for work anywhere in . Here is my CV: zacharyspector.com

clayote's avatar


I am a developer of a decade or so, with four years of data engineering experience on and , looking for work anywhere in . Here is my CV: zacharyspector.com

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


備忘録まとめ記事:頭の中のモヤモヤを整理し、AWS CDKでTypeScriptが主流な理由を考察してみた

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧's avatar
mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧


By the way, we've reached the point when packaging standards avoid Python, because we need to account for pure tools.

I'm not complaining, mind you. Just pointing out the irony.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen


Coding daily nowdays even on holidays. So fun! Just released my 700th code repository:

wordpress-to-obsidian: github.com/ronilaukkarinen/wor

A Python script to convert WordPress blog posts to Markdown files for @obsidian. The script fetches posts from WordPress RSS feeds and organizes them into a year/month folder structure.

Works great with my headless Obsidian sync: rolle.design/setting-up-a-head

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen


Coding daily nowdays even on holidays. So fun! Just released my 700th code repository:

wordpress-to-obsidian: github.com/ronilaukkarinen/wor

A Python script to convert WordPress blog posts to Markdown files for @obsidian. The script fetches posts from WordPress RSS feeds and organizes them into a year/month folder structure.

Works great with my headless Obsidian sync: rolle.design/setting-up-a-head

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire

@ptmcg@fosstodon.org · Reply to Axel Rauschmayer's post

@rauschma Ah! I did something similar in Python - this is valid Python code:

def ℎ𝕖𝐥l𝙤():
ℎ𝙚𝕝𝗹𝘰_ = "Hello"
w𝔬𝓇ˡ𝚍﹎ = "World"
𝖕𝘳𝒊𝖓𝑡(f"{𝗵𝒆𝘭𝓵𝚘﹍}, {𝑤º𝘳l𝑑︴}!")
except T𝗒ₚ𝕖E𝗿𝗋𝗈𝓻 as ᵉ𝒙ⅽ:
𝐩ᵣ𝚒𝖓𝓉("failed: {}".𝕗𝕠r𝑚𝖺𝘵(ⅇ𝔵𝚌))

if _︳n𝗮𝖒𝓮﹍︳ == "__main__":


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Agentariumの `Agent` クラスをコード読みしてみた(2025年1月時点)

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


With the latest 3.2.1 release of pyparsing, I also cleaned up the README for the examples directory. Much improved over the hand-coded HTML from 20+ years ago!


José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Caminos en un triángulo. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 3, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

alturiak's avatar


Hi! 👋
Ich bin nicht wirklich , aber gerade wieder von einer Sharkey-Instanz zurückgezogen und hatte bisher ohnehin kein neuhier-Posting.
Im echten Leben ursprünglich aus und inzwischen mit der Lieblingsmenschin wohnhaft in fühle ich mich eigentlich als |er. Das Futter für meine Mischlingshündin 🐶 (folgt dem !) verdiene ich mit -Security, und der . Privat verbringe ich die Nächte gerne auf den diversen norddeutschen -Tanzflächen oder auf den einschlägigen Festivals 🦇. Musikalisch darf es dabei gerne schwarz, elektronisch und schnell sein. Auch sonst mag ich viel Schwarzes (fritz-kola, Klamotten, Humor, ...), aber keinen Kaffee.

Die eigentlich nicht vorhandene Restzeit verbringe ich gerne mit , |n 📚 (bevorzugt -Fi und ), |n, -Spiele|n oder . Ansonsten kann ich mich auch für , und überhaupt ganz viel technischen Spielkram begeistern.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Gemini で数式対応 OCR

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Mayor órbita de la sucesión de Collatz. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Will McGugan's avatar
Will McGugan


Arbitrary text selection is working in Textual.

This was an *ordeal* to get working. A few more gray hairs in my beard from this PR.

Lisa Hornung's avatar
Lisa Hornung


On a mapping run - Bauhaus inspired grid map of europe. Each country is coloured by the first letter of their ISO name. 🟠 🔵 🟡

Maybe a little puzzle to figure out the grid I used 😅

Initial map made in using then refined in Figma. Code: github.com/Lisa-Ho/small-data-

grid map of europe. Each country is represented by a big circle and positioned approximately generating a geometric grid. Each circle is coloured by the first letter of their ISO name. Names are grouped into five categories: A-C (Black), D-G (Yellow), H-L (Red), M-Q (Pink), R-Z (Blue)
ALT text detailsgrid map of europe. Each country is represented by a big circle and positioned approximately generating a geometric grid. Each circle is coloured by the first letter of their ISO name. Names are grouped into five categories: A-C (Black), D-G (Yellow), H-L (Red), M-Q (Pink), R-Z (Blue)
Lisa Hornung's avatar
Lisa Hornung


On a mapping run - Bauhaus inspired grid map of europe. Each country is coloured by the first letter of their ISO name. 🟠 🔵 🟡

Maybe a little puzzle to figure out the grid I used 😅

Initial map made in using then refined in Figma. Code: github.com/Lisa-Ho/small-data-

grid map of europe. Each country is represented by a big circle and positioned approximately generating a geometric grid. Each circle is coloured by the first letter of their ISO name. Names are grouped into five categories: A-C (Black), D-G (Yellow), H-L (Red), M-Q (Pink), R-Z (Blue)
ALT text detailsgrid map of europe. Each country is represented by a big circle and positioned approximately generating a geometric grid. Each circle is coloured by the first letter of their ISO name. Names are grouped into five categories: A-C (Black), D-G (Yellow), H-L (Red), M-Q (Pink), R-Z (Blue)
Will McGugan's avatar
Will McGugan


Arbitrary text selection is working in Textual.

This was an *ordeal* to get working. A few more gray hairs in my beard from this PR.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 2, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

maco's avatar


EDIT: started a new job last week!
Hey friends,

I'm restarting my job search; I had an offer, but it fell through.

Remote US preferred, but hybrid Washington, DC works too. I have 17-ish YOE as a software engineer, and have worked on both frontend and backend, but I lean toward the backend.

, , and are what I know best.

Hoping to

Edit: adding my LinkedIn

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Ternas pitagóricas con suma dada. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared January 1, 2025. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Michael Kennedy's avatar
Michael Kennedy


Need some advice:

I'm looking for an open source text-to-speech library I can run locally or in a server. I needs to be pretty pleasant to listen to even if generation takes a bit longer. Ideally as the language but I'm open to looking around.

Recommendations? Found StyleTTS2 so far.

Michael Kennedy's avatar
Michael Kennedy


Need some advice:

I'm looking for an open source text-to-speech library I can run locally or in a server. I needs to be pretty pleasant to listen to even if generation takes a bit longer. Ideally as the language but I'm open to looking around.

Recommendations? Found StyleTTS2 so far.

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Suma de múltiplos de 3 o de 5. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Chris is.'s avatar
Chris is.


Does this error strike any other peeps as wrong?

“Return type mismatch: base method returns type "Literal['']", override returns type "str""

It's giving me a type error when I override a method that returned a literal string with a string I construct. That doesn't make any sense.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


I just released pyparsing 3.2.1 with a very cool addition to the railroad diagrams that pyparsing generates for its parsers - non-terminal diagram elements now link to their definitions elsewhere in the diagram! This is pretty handy when the diagram is for a complex parser, as in this demo of a parser/evaluator for time references like "3 weeks from today" or "0800 two days from now" or "in exactly twenty-four hours".

Video showing navigation through a complex parser railroad diagram. Clicking on a non-terminal diagram element links to that element's definition!
ALT text detailsVideo showing navigation through a complex parser railroad diagram. Clicking on a non-terminal diagram element links to that element's definition!
Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


I just released pyparsing 3.2.1 with a very cool addition to the railroad diagrams that pyparsing generates for its parsers - non-terminal diagram elements now link to their definitions elsewhere in the diagram! This is pretty handy when the diagram is for a complex parser, as in this demo of a parser/evaluator for time references like "3 weeks from today" or "0800 two days from now" or "in exactly twenty-four hours".

Video showing navigation through a complex parser railroad diagram. Clicking on a non-terminal diagram element links to that element's definition!
ALT text detailsVideo showing navigation through a complex parser railroad diagram. Clicking on a non-terminal diagram element links to that element's definition!
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


ElixirでAtCoder ABC386を楽しむ!PythonとRustと比較しながら学ぶ

Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


Happy New Year!

Printing "Happy New Year 2025" with two different sums and powers using range(10).  Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/7eb9222bf0d3466f2bbf6381ccaf89ec
ALT text detailsPrinting "Happy New Year 2025" with two different sums and powers using range(10). Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/7eb9222bf0d3466f2bbf6381ccaf89ec
Nicco Kunzmann's avatar
Nicco Kunzmann


Thanks to @nlnet and their funding, the libraries and recurring-ical-events support calculating times in files. ❤️ 🐍

Now, you can create Python scripts that react to you setting an alarm ⏰ in your favourite calendar app! 📆



Nicco Kunzmann's avatar
Nicco Kunzmann


Thanks to @nlnet and their funding, the libraries and recurring-ical-events support calculating times in files. ❤️ 🐍

Now, you can create Python scripts that react to you setting an alarm ⏰ in your favourite calendar app! 📆



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


SIGNATE Cup 2024 備忘録

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


2024年 Python / データ分析 / 生成 AI 関連の人気Qiita記事150選

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


ElixirでAtCoder ABCを楽しむ!PythonとRustと比較しながら学ぶ

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared December 29, 2024. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Hans-Cees 🌳🌳🤢🦋🐈🐈🍋🍋🐝🐜's avatar
Hans-Cees 🌳🌳🤢🦋🐈🐈🍋🍋🐝🐜


Introduction time, since new server.
Ecologist, did some university environmental stuff, then policy analysis (6 years)
No PhD () then turned to IT.
Ciso now for a Dutch organization
Found out I'm at age 53,, . 2 kids, married with photographer
Interested in many many things, but deeply into # nature (as a ) Also like to use to make cool things to fill @bomengidsnl

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Exponente en la factorización. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared December 26, 2024. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Python Weekly 🐍's avatar
Python Weekly 🐍


Performance comparison of Clojure, Ruby, and Python


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://www.wedesof

Python Weekly 🐍's avatar
Python Weekly 🐍


Performance comparison of Clojure, Ruby, and Python


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://www.wedesof

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Reconocimiento de potencias de 4. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared December 25, 2024. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared December 24, 2024. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Qiita APIを使ってアドベントカレンダーを盛り上げてみた

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: El teorema de Navidad de Fermat. glc.us.es/~jalonso/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Producto de los elementos de la diagonal principal. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared December 23, 2024. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

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:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Philip Zucker's avatar
Philip Zucker


[New Blog Post] Symbolic Execution by Overloading `__bool__` philipzucker.com/overload_bool

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


2024年版 Python標準ライブラリ完全網羅ガイド

danzin's avatar

@danzin@mastodon.social · Reply to Norbert Preining's post

@norbu I feel your pain, every new version means a lot of updating stuff and I always forget something that bites me later.

However, that usually happens between "major" versions (3.xx) and not minor ones (e.g. 3.13.xx). CPython doesn't use semver, so what looks like minor versions are actually major versions.

If you are having trouble between minor versions that's worth filling an issue, and I can do that for you if you want.

Edit: I'm wrong on names docs.python.org/3/faq/general.

Norbert Preining's avatar
Norbert Preining


Another Python upgrade on my system, another set of many many packages that got broken.
Why do devs don't understand the concept of **compatibility**. Linux does it. Perl does it. Windows does it. Python ... let me break everything every fu**ing minor version!

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


The state of Julia for scientific machine learning. ~ Edward Berman, Jacob Ginesin. arxiv.org/abs/2410.10908

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Kat Marchán 🐈's avatar
Kat Marchán 🐈


I am absolutely overjoyed to announce the release of 2.0.0!! kdl.dev

It's a significant overhaul of the language to make it SO MUCH NICER in so many ways.

This is the culmination of over 3 years of work (4 if you count from before 1.0.0), by SCORES of contributors.


I want to give huge thanks to everyone who supported all of us through this, who jumped in and had some really amazing discussions weighing all sorts of interesting trade-offs.

The end result is absolutely not something any one person could've reasonably come up with.

I hope y'all enjoy it <3

As part of this release, several implementations have already launched with full support for v2.0.0, so you can try it now!

👉 github.com/kdl-org/kdl-rs
👉 / / github.com/tjol/ckdl
👉 github.com/IceDragon200/kuddle
👉 / github.com/bgotink/kdl
👉 github.com/tabatkins/kdlpy

KDL is already used in all sorts of projects, and by various folks as a DSL for their own small hobby things: github.com/kdl-org/kdl?tab=rea

There are around 8k .kdl files out on GitHub, which is a lot considering it's usually a config language!

I fully expect this to be the last version of KDL ever released. We really really tried, but I don't think there's anything we can reasonably improve on.

From here on out, the language is in the (stable!) hands of the ecosystem.

Also, we're hoping to have GitHub syntax highlighting support soon!

(Boosts welcome!!)

syntax-highlighted zellij config ported to 2.0.0 format.

// This config is just like `zellij.kdl`, except it shows what it would look
// like if modifiers were done using `+` instead of spaces (thus needing to be
// quoted).
keybinds {
    normal {
        // uncomment this and adjust key if using copy_on_select=#false
        /- bind Alt+c { Copy }
    locked {
        bind Ctrl+g { SwitchToMode Normal }
    resize {
        bind Ctrl+n { SwitchToMode Normal }
        bind h Left { Resize Left }
        bind j Down { Resize Down }
        bind k Up { Resize Up }
        bind l Right { Resize Right }
        bind "=" + { Resize Increase }
        bind - { Resize Decrease }
    pane {
        bind Ctrl+p { SwitchToMode Normal }
ALT text detailssyntax-highlighted zellij config ported to 2.0.0 format. // This config is just like `zellij.kdl`, except it shows what it would look // like if modifiers were done using `+` instead of spaces (thus needing to be // quoted). keybinds { normal { // uncomment this and adjust key if using copy_on_select=#false /- bind Alt+c { Copy } } locked { bind Ctrl+g { SwitchToMode Normal } } resize { bind Ctrl+n { SwitchToMode Normal } bind h Left { Resize Left } bind j Down { Resize Down } bind k Up { Resize Up } bind l Right { Resize Right } bind "=" + { Resize Increase } bind - { Resize Decrease } } pane { bind Ctrl+p { SwitchToMode Normal }
a section of a syntax-highlighted example KDL document based on a GitHub Actions yaml configuration, ported to KDL 2.0.0.

    steps {
      step uses="actions/checkout@v1"
      step "Install Rust" uses="actions-rs/toolchain@v1" {
        profile minimal
        toolchain "${{ matrix.rust }}"
        components clippy
        override #true
      step Clippy { run cargo clippy --all -- -D warnings }
      step "Run tests" { run cargo test --all --verbose }
      step "Other Stuff" run="""
        echo foo
        echo bar
        echo baz
ALT text detailsa section of a syntax-highlighted example KDL document based on a GitHub Actions yaml configuration, ported to KDL 2.0.0. steps { step uses="actions/checkout@v1" step "Install Rust" uses="actions-rs/toolchain@v1" { profile minimal toolchain "${{ matrix.rust }}" components clippy override #true } step Clippy { run cargo clippy --all -- -D warnings } step "Run tests" { run cargo test --all --verbose } step "Other Stuff" run=""" echo foo echo bar echo baz """ }
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Pydantic AI × Llama 3.3で最新情報もバッチリ!超強力リサーチAI-Agentを作ろう!

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared December 20, 2024. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Plone's avatar


The Plone Foundation welcomes Rafahela Bazzanella & João Henrique Gouveia @jhgouveia to the Board of Directors and wishes to thank Paul Roeland @polyester & Kim Paulissen for their many years of service! buff.ly/4iJcmJt

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



advokatt's avatar


is an extremely powerful and reliable platform well worth using even in 2024 (and 2025).

what brought me back to Twisted after 20 years was asyncio's inability to deal with stdio, which Twisted solved with ease. happy to share some code: bpa.st/ELZA

I also moved my Pyng monitoring framework to Twisted, and working on an event processing engine for Exim. looking forward to some nerdy holiday evenings!

cc @glyph

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


: Reiteración de suma de consecutivos. jaalonso.github.io/exercitium/

Kerrick Long (code)'s avatar
Kerrick Long (code)


I’ve never understood or written bindings to other languages. But now, I’ve found motivation. The UI library written in looks amazing, and is a binding for it. Can anybody recommend books, videos, or other resources to learn the skills I’d need to write Ruby bindings for it?


Trey Hunner 🐍's avatar
Trey Hunner 🐍


Anyone know whether there's ever been a PEP for storing the end of life date for each Python version within Python?

I'm imagining a sys.supported_until datetime object.

I'd love to ask each of my current Python installations whether they're supported rather than looking that information up in online docs.

Trey Hunner 🐍's avatar
Trey Hunner 🐍


I think I just found my least favorite way to accurately check whether a string (value) represents a number in . 😬

value.removeprefix("-").replace(".", "", 1).isnumeric()

Sean Fulmer's avatar
Sean Fulmer


I thought uvx was cool but this is even better - lazy self-installing scripts with uv!😎


(via bsky.app/profile/savannah.dev/)

danzin's avatar


This time I've attempted to create an illusion. Probably would work better if based on physics and perception tricks, feel free to improve on it!

The code is available here: gist.github.com/devdanzin/81c5

Made using the portable distribution made by @villares: github.com/villares/thonny-por

Animation of rotating colored stars that grow and become transparent, in an attempt to create the illusion of the stars approaching the viewer.
ALT text detailsAnimation of rotating colored stars that grow and become transparent, in an attempt to create the illusion of the stars approaching the viewer.
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



ngmi's avatar


🚀 Introducing llmstxt: Your Python tool for LLM-friendly code compression!

✨ Features:
• Smart code compression
• Multi-language support
• GitHub Actions integration
• Preserves semantic meaning

Try it: github.com/ngmisl/llmstxt

Welington  🐘's avatar
Welington 🐘




? ⁉️❓❔

Olivia Appleton-Crocker's avatar
Olivia Appleton-Crocker


Oh dang, my post is waaay out of date now. Let's do it again!

I have a in and . I went to for undergrad and for my graduate degree. I currently work at for the , which focuses on helping young children acquire language (and therefore other learning skills) faster.

In my spare time, I develop such as

I spend a fair bit of my time these days on , specifically into the Sequence and its extensions.

I'm also a hobbyist editor on OpenStreetMap.

, , and happily engaged to my sweetheart.

We have two cats: and (yes, from )

Two cats are by a sliding glass window. The one towards the top of the frame (named Ophelia) is laying on a heat pad and staring at the second cat. The second cat (named Maya) is towards the bottom of the frame. She is sat on the entry rug with her body poked between the blinds on the window, so that she can look outside.
ALT text detailsTwo cats are by a sliding glass window. The one towards the top of the frame (named Ophelia) is laying on a heat pad and staring at the second cat. The second cat (named Maya) is towards the bottom of the frame. She is sat on the entry rug with her body poked between the blinds on the window, so that she can look outside.
There are two cats in frame, near a very small cat tower. On top of the tower, Ophelia is laying down. Below, in a meercat-like pose, is Maya. She is trying to get a better view of the other cat. They didn't know each other very well at this time.
ALT text detailsThere are two cats in frame, near a very small cat tower. On top of the tower, Ophelia is laying down. Below, in a meercat-like pose, is Maya. She is trying to get a better view of the other cat. They didn't know each other very well at this time.
A gray cat, Maya, is laying on the couch. She is curled up such that her belly and paws are all exposed, though her tail is tucked near her feet. She looks peacefully asleep
ALT text detailsA gray cat, Maya, is laying on the couch. She is curled up such that her belly and paws are all exposed, though her tail is tucked near her feet. She looks peacefully asleep
A gray/gray-orange cat is laying on a white blanket. Her name is Ophelia, and she has one eye half open, which is a brilliant green-orange. She is very relaxed. You get the faint impression of a person's legs underneath the blanket
ALT text detailsA gray/gray-orange cat is laying on a white blanket. Her name is Ophelia, and she has one eye half open, which is a brilliant green-orange. She is very relaxed. You get the faint impression of a person's legs underneath the blanket
danzin's avatar


Another experiment, this time using the portable distribution made by @villares: github.com/villares/thonny-por

It's an animation consisting of falling colored stars, with random colors, sizes and number of points.

The code is here: gist.github.com/devdanzin/a5bd

Animation of about 25 stars falling in straight lines from the top to the bottom of the image. The stars are randomly colored and sized, and have random numbers of points (from 4 to 8).
ALT text detailsAnimation of about 25 stars falling in straight lines from the top to the bottom of the image. The stars are randomly colored and sized, and have random numbers of points (from 4 to 8).
Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


Please congratulate our newest PSF Fellow Members for Q3, 2024! Their continued contributions to the Python ecosystem are so very important to our community.

Tommi 🤯's avatar
Tommi 🤯


Mastodon.social alt text analysis report! 🧐

Me and my friend Cristal just published a report on image description usage on mastodon.social, as a group project for the Introduction to Data Science course of the Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Societies Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program.

Thoughts and feedback are welcome 💕

A huge thanks to @stefan for publishing the dataset on which we based our analysis!

NOTE: We are absolutely aware that the report has very little actual relevance, as the dataset contains a super limited amount of posts from one instance only. It was mainly an experimentation to test our data analysis skills.

danzin's avatar


Here's a demo working with stars in .

While the trigonometry might not be obvious at first (it isn't to me), I hope the code is clear enough to allow anyone to tinker with it.

Big thanks to @villares@ciberlandia.pt @villares@pynews.com.br who taught me everything I know about . You really should consider supporting him, using his freely available teaching materials and following him.

python-fiddle.com/tools/pyp5js was used to write this.

Code: gist.github.com/devdanzin/0716

A geometric pattern created by a star that rotates, moves left to right and back, contracts and expands. The pattern has many points forming an almost circular shape, and it's possible to discern that each point was the point of a star that was drawn before. This image is tan with black lines delineating the old star shapes, all against a black background. Near the center there is a small star with a circle at its center and chubby points, because that's how they get when the star contracts.
ALT text detailsA geometric pattern created by a star that rotates, moves left to right and back, contracts and expands. The pattern has many points forming an almost circular shape, and it's possible to discern that each point was the point of a star that was drawn before. This image is tan with black lines delineating the old star shapes, all against a black background. Near the center there is a small star with a circle at its center and chubby points, because that's how they get when the star contracts.
A multicolored geometric pattern created by a star that rotates, moves left to right and back, contracts, expands and changes colors. The pattern has many points forming an almost circular shape with visible layering, and it's possible to discern that each point was the point of a star that was drawn before. This image has many colors as the stars randomly change colors, all set against a black background. Near the center there is a medium star with a circle at its center and medium points, because its in the middle of the expansion-contraction cycle.
ALT text detailsA multicolored geometric pattern created by a star that rotates, moves left to right and back, contracts, expands and changes colors. The pattern has many points forming an almost circular shape with visible layering, and it's possible to discern that each point was the point of a star that was drawn before. This image has many colors as the stars randomly change colors, all set against a black background. Near the center there is a medium star with a circle at its center and medium points, because its in the middle of the expansion-contraction cycle.
An animation of a five-pointed tan to pinkish star circumscribed in a circle and both contract and expand. There is a medium red circle behind the star and a yellow circle inside it. The circles and the star move horizontally while expanding and contracting, and the star also slowly rotates.
ALT text detailsAn animation of a five-pointed tan to pinkish star circumscribed in a circle and both contract and expand. There is a medium red circle behind the star and a yellow circle inside it. The circles and the star move horizontally while expanding and contracting, and the star also slowly rotates.
zeitgenosse's avatar


$ pip3 search something
RuntimeError: PyPI no longer supports 'pip search' [...]. Please use pypi.org/search (via a browser) instead. [...]

Sure, no problem. Let's see …

»JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Please enable JavaScript to proceed.«

Urgh, but okay, is a package manager, they're good guys. Let me just open and temporarily allow pypi.org ... oh no, it wants to run from …


That's what you get after 30 years of using the term instead of .

C.'s avatar


So, after being laid off a few months ago, I find myself still looking for work.

If you are looking for a senior software engineer who has specialized in Python work for twenty years, and who has worked in virtually every area of software from embedded firmware to GUI applications, with almost 20 years as a full-time remote employee, contractor, and consultant, I'm available.

Full resume available, references upon request.

If you know someone looking for such, I'd appreciate you referring them to this.


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Oh, and taking inspiration from , I added colour to output in this one 🎨


Terminal showing unit tests running on Python 3.13, all white text on black. Followed by the same in 3.14, which has green dots for passing tests, yellow s for skipped tests, red E for errors. The error tracebacks are now in colour (shades of reds and orange), plus the summary has failures in red and skips in yellow.
ALT text detailsTerminal showing unit tests running on Python 3.13, all white text on black. Followed by the same in 3.14, which has green dots for passing tests, yellow s for skipped tests, red E for errors. The error tracebacks are now in colour (shades of reds and orange), plus the summary has failures in red and skips in yellow.
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: Python 3.14.0a3 🚀



This release brought to you by tea and homemade mince pies.

A mince pie and a mug of tea.
ALT text detailsA mince pie and a mug of tea.
A half-eaten mince pie with crumbly pastry revealing the moist mincemeat within.
ALT text detailsA half-eaten mince pie with crumbly pastry revealing the moist mincemeat within.
Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


Announcing the Partition Principle of Pedagogy:

No matter what you are showing people or how unusual it is, if it uses str.partition() most of the comments will be, "I didn't know about str.partition()!"


BTW: also str.rpartition()...

Philipp :emacs: :nixos:'s avatar
Philipp :emacs: :nixos:


To all users currently using as their language server: switch to basedpyright. If only for import completion.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


RustバインディングでPython Lambdaを高速化

José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


'Lean-style' tactics in Knuckledragger. ~ Philip Zucker (@sandmouth.bsky.social). philipzucker.com/knuckle_lemma

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Open WebUIにSwarmを組み込む

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Microsoft の「MarkItDown」で Officeファイルを Markdownファイルに変換【Python】

Feoh's avatar


peeps: I switched from pyenv to but am confused about PATH management.

If you use uv to manage your python installs, how do you handle adding it to your PATH?

Andy Todd's avatar
Andy Todd

@andy47@aus.social · Reply to Andy Todd's post

I mean, 3 has only been around for, what, 16 years?

Andy Todd's avatar
Andy Todd


TIL the ‘stable’ version of Trac, a software project management tool, requires 2.7 - trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracIns - which was last supported over 4 years ago. Crikey

Socket's avatar


PyPI confirms no security flaws were exploited in the Ultralytics supply chain attack and the team is working on two new efforts to nudge developers towards more secure publishing configurations.

socket.dev/blog/pypi-on-ultral @pypi @ThePSF

Glyph's avatar

@glyph@mastodon.social · Reply to Glyph's post

If you are interested in supporting my development, or my writing projects on my blog, you can sign up at patreon.com/creatorglyph and you too will be able to read these weekly updates as well as have a surprisingly significant (BUT FOR LEGAL REASONS, VERY MUCH _NOT_ GUARANTEED) influence over which things I focus on at various times!

Alejandro Baez's avatar
Alejandro Baez


I discovered , and now I want to use it. It's like skipping using in . Similar to , but less low level. 😅

With pyinfra, you still have things like ansible roles abstractions. But you write your roles all in . 😎 All I know is here I go again with this rabbit hole. 🫠


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


Llama 3.2 3B Instruct を使って Slack を「賢く検索」するアプリを作ろうとしてみた話(タイトル詐欺)

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Anubhav's avatar

@anubhav@hachyderm.io · Reply to Simon Willison's post

@simon I have been using using zoneinfo.ZoneInfo for python v3.9+ (else, pytz.timezone, specifically for v3.6).

I take it if I am not doing any time zone conversions & only using UTC date-time, then zoneinfo is not needed (not to mention an extra import)?

Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸's avatar
Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸


Almost 10pm and I am still reading through .

Will McGugan's avatar
Will McGugan


Textual 1.0 has been released. 🥳

Three years in the making. A TUI framework that is bigger than the terminal.

To celebrate, I want to give away some trade secrets. Because I am appalling at keeping secrets.

Tell me what you think of the diagrams...


KwonHan Bae's avatar
KwonHan Bae


looking for speakers for PyCon APAC 2025 May 1~2
Philippines, Quezon City ( Near Manila )
we want more python friend from the outside of apac


Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


Is this too compact? Perhaps, but there could be useful things to learn. Full explanation unpacked at nedbatchelder.com/blog/201802/

A Python function to unpack ranges like "1-5,7,9,10-13" into a list of numbers.  Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/01fe96aac4a7d35bbd95e0fe9d5c6649
ALT text detailsA Python function to unpack ranges like "1-5,7,9,10-13" into a list of numbers. Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/01fe96aac4a7d35bbd95e0fe9d5c6649
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事


タイピングでチョコ1個分のカロリー消費!? 1日の運動量を可視化してみた

KwonHan Bae's avatar
KwonHan Bae


I'm the 100th person join the PyCon US 2025!
will you join us?

I didn't expected that number haha.

Andrew Baldwin's avatar
Andrew Baldwin


import numpy as n,PIL.Image as I
def W(x,y,z):
for i in range(1,9):
return d,l
while t.any():

A colourful 3D fractal made up from spheres all different colours, with smaller spheres at each corner. Background is black.
ALT text detailsA colourful 3D fractal made up from spheres all different colours, with smaller spheres at each corner. Background is black.
José A. Alonso's avatar
José A. Alonso


Readings shared December 10, 2024. jaalonso.github.io/vestigium/p

Helsinki Python's avatar
Helsinki Python


Thanks to everyone who came along, and especially our speakers:

Nazaal Ibrahim who told us about JAX for machine learning and numerical computation

Jussi Pakkanen @jpakkane for how he took inspiration from Knuth and wrote his own build system (Meson) and PDF library (CapyPDF)

Akseli Lukkarila for showing how easy it is to use Rust from Python and Python from Rust

And of course to for graciously hosting us in their wonderful office!

Happy 🎅🎄❄️

Nazaal presenting about JAX.
ALT text detailsNazaal presenting about JAX.
Jerry doing the famous HelPy quiz.
ALT text detailsJerry doing the famous HelPy quiz.
Jussi presenting about Meson and CapyPDF.
ALT text detailsJussi presenting about Meson and CapyPDF.
Akseli presenting about Rust.
ALT text detailsAkseli presenting about Rust.
Python Weekly 🐍's avatar
Python Weekly 🐍


Open source maintainers are drowning in junk bug reports written by AI - Python security developer-in-residence decries use of bots that 'cannot understand code'


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://www.theregi

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


Congratulations to the new Python Steering Council!

🗳️ Barry Warsaw @pumpichank
🗳️ Donghee Na @dongheena
🗳️ Emily Morehouse
🗳️ Gregory P. Smith @gpshead
🗳️ Pablo Galindo Salgado


This is the third year we have members who each are serving their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th sequential terms.

Also welcome @dongheena for the first time and thank you to Thomas for your five years' service!


Chart showing the members of each council over time.

This is the fifth year Pablo, fourth for Greg third for Emily, second (in a row) for Barry and first for Donghee.
ALT text detailsChart showing the members of each council over time. This is the fifth year Pablo, fourth for Greg third for Emily, second (in a row) for Barry and first for Donghee.
The same chart but including Guido's 28 year stint as BDFL.
ALT text detailsThe same chart but including Guido's 28 year stint as BDFL.
Raphael's avatar


I'm looking for work(AUS/Remote)!

If you need an experienced backend developer who likes to get things shipped, please reach out! Main experience is in + , but I am comfortable in all parts of the stack.

Some greatest hits of things I've written🧵

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


Shout out to all the organisers, volunteers and speakers at this weekend's excellent @pyladiescon!

The videos are already online, I recommend starting with @glasnt's brilliant keynote "Turning 'wat' into 'why'":

Then check out the rest here:

PyLadiesCon's avatar


🎉 PyLadiesCon 2024 Has Wrapped Up! 🐍💻

A huge THANK YOU to our amazing community for making this event a massive success! 🙌💖 This year, we not only broke all the stats from last year, but we also created unforgettable memories and connections.

✨ Relive the highlights and see the full recap here:
👉 conference.pyladies.com/news/p

Thank you for being part of PyLadiesCon 2024. Let’s keep celebrating women in tech and building a more inclusive community! 💪🌟

Glyph's avatar


Hey did you know that I do programming livestreams once a week on Tuesdays? In about 24 and a half hours from now I will be doing it again: twitch.tv/glyph_official/sched

Feel free to drop by, but also please feel free to give me some suggestions for what to work on. Last week we had a comedy of errors due to a Patreon subscriber's suggestion that I do some cross-platform GUI work on Pomodouroboros

Philip Bernhart's avatar
Philip Bernhart


I'm a senior backend engineer, did most stuff with . I like know also the usual scripting stuff, . I know a little bit did ( ) and containers. My preferred database is

Is someone searching for in ? I mean finding a job should not be hard with that kind of profile, right?

Alvin Ashcraft 🐿️'s avatar
Alvin Ashcraft 🐿️


How to generate unit tests with GitHub Copilot: Tips and examples.


Back In Time


🌟 Release 1.5.3 of Back In Time 🌟

🔹 support
🔹User manual migrated to a new format and build system
🔹User manual content improved (user callbacks & example scripts)
🔹GUI: English strings and their improved
🔹 language available in both Latin and Cyrillic scripts
🔹Added () language
🔹Extensive refactoring of the code base
🔹 version supported raised to 3.9

👉 RELEASE: github.com/bit-team/backintime
👉 CHANGELOG: github.com/bit-team/backintime

EpicBear's avatar


I’m really enjoying looking at everyone’s . The most interesting part for me is how each language can more easily/naturally solve different aspects of the daily problems. I’m curious to hear from others what they think the strengths/facilities of their chosen language lends to that day’s problem.

Hispa-Emacs.org's avatar


Emacs es nuestra Caja de Herramientas: " Manos a la obra ... a programar"

En esta ocasión vimos en acción a
Emacs como herramienta para programar - IDE (LSP)

..., hablamos de un montón de cosas: aquí una lista desordenada... :

- LateX

- LSP ~ emacswiki.org/emacs/LanguageSe
- Eglot
- microsoft.github.io/language-s - múltiples lenguajes de programación en Emacs
(HTML5, , ... y mucho más!)

cc @Notxor @andros fediverse.tv/w/vJCtHpK241o2hLH

^Kur0den\d{4}$ :irai_houki_tyuu:'s avatar
^Kur0den\d{4}$ :irai_houki_tyuu:


『SQLiteのインメモリモードとファイルモードの性能を比較してみた - Qiita』 - https://qiita.com/ytkj/items/33dc4f1b2df542eff3c9

Harro van der Klauw's avatar
Harro van der Klauw


Where are you on the type hint scale

Any2 (7%)
Dict3 (11%)
Dict[str, Any]15 (56%)
Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, Dict[..]]]7 (26%)
Chaos Computer Club Dresden's avatar
Chaos Computer Club Dresden


Bitte boosten!

Die Leute von @fsfwdresden haben bis zum 06. Januar 2025 noch für ihr Projekt einige Programmieraufgaben zu einer Lernsoftware zu verteilen.
Bis dahin läuft noch eine Förderung des sächsischen Kultusministeriums für dieses Projekt.
Wer Zeit und Lust hat, gegen eine übliche und angemessene Vergütung einige der zu erledigenden Aufgaben an diesem Projekt umzusetzen kann sich gerne bei der FSFW oder bei schulstick@c3d2.de melden.

Florian Haas's avatar
Florian Haas


Are any of you ⁠istas aware of an array of sorts that Python processes always keep in memory, with a size of 8 bytes times the applicable nofiles (number of concurrently open file handles) ulimit? I don't know where to start looking/searching. If that rings any bell at all, please holler. Thanks!

Boosts OK.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@fosstodon.org · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

It supports , .js, , , , , , and out of box. Excellent! I with it would support as well though.


Mike Fiedler, Code Gardener's avatar
Mike Fiedler, Code Gardener


I wrote a report on a recent package uploaded to over here: blog.pypi.org/posts/2024-11-25

Athoune 🥕🔪's avatar
Athoune 🥕🔪


Avis aux pythonistes en herbe, voici une initiation à , framework pour créer des jeux à l'ancienne, comme sur la SNS ou la Gameboy Color.

Un éditeur de média est fourni.

Le moteur en assure la fluidité, et l'API python est minimaliste.

Les jeux tourneront sur Linux/Mac/Windows et même dans un navigateur web, avec


Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


Classes in can define their own formatting mini-languages for f-strings by defining __format__. Full details: nedbatchelder.com/blog/202204/

A latitude/longitude class that can be formatted in various ways.  Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/4deeb3c4277bb29bf55bf5fb1d11b33e
ALT text detailsA latitude/longitude class that can be formatted in various ways. Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/4deeb3c4277bb29bf55bf5fb1d11b33e
Alexander Tikhonov's avatar
Alexander Tikhonov


Just published 3.15 with the plugin system! 🎉 I guess the next thing will be plugins for serialization and deserialization. Who knows, maybe this will be my ticket to strict validation and speeding up with . On a side note, I believe I’m among the last developers to discontinue support for 3.8.


krita's avatar


Llevo varios días bicheando en esto del y ando bastante asombrada de no haber sabido antes de su existencia.
A modo de decir que suelo usar las redes en modo "voyeur": busco información interesante (o simplemente pasar el rato y dejarme sorprender) y no suelo postear mucho; así que no esperéis demasiado contenido por mi parte, pero si algun que otro like (se dice así por aquí?).
Estoy empezando a aprender cositas de y en general. Cuanto más aprendo más veo que no tengo ni idea de nada, pero me gusta leer tips&tricks y artículos (nivel principiante).
Me gusta , pero me gusta aún más comer así que si tienes o recomendaciones de en (o cualquier otra ciudad) serán más que bienvenidas.
Un saludo!

yossarian ('s avatar
yossarian (


PyPI's support for PEP 740 now includes GitLab, extending support beyond the initial scope (which was GitHub). that means that, if you're a GitLab CI/CD user, you can now upload attestations to PyPI and the index will verify and re-serve them!

docs here: docs.pypi.org/attestations/pro

screencap of https://docs.pypi.org/attestations/producing-attestations/#gitlab-cicd
ALT text detailsscreencap of https://docs.pypi.org/attestations/producing-attestations/#gitlab-cicd
Radhitya's avatar


My question is pretty simple. I want to create my own social media based on activitypub for learning purposes.

I usually prefer C or Python for programming languages, even though I'm not an expert.

The question is, would someone create a list or to-do list? What should I do?

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


Support PyOhio, a PSF Fiscal Sponsoree, and help ! 🐍 This annual, regional PyCon brings together users from the Midwest, with content for all levels—from beginners to experts.


On the left side there is "Power Python" text inside of a yellow lightbulb graphic on a blue background. On the right side, a graphic in the shape of Ohio with "Py" inside, underneath It states "Support PyOhio, a Fiscal Sponsoree of the Python Software Foundation! Your donations make all the difference." Python Software Foundation Logo at the bottom.
ALT text detailsOn the left side there is "Power Python" text inside of a yellow lightbulb graphic on a blue background. On the right side, a graphic in the shape of Ohio with "Py" inside, underneath It states "Support PyOhio, a Fiscal Sponsoree of the Python Software Foundation! Your donations make all the difference." Python Software Foundation Logo at the bottom.
Slab Bulkhead's avatar
Slab Bulkhead


Re-. Old in , with connections to . by day ( mostly), gamer by night, host at all hours as they see fit. Into , , , , .

Cat tax:

Patches the cat (domestic medium hair, white with black tail and black patch over left half of face) sits at a closed door with an expectant look on her face. She believes she could make it in the outside world. She is wrong.
ALT text detailsPatches the cat (domestic medium hair, white with black tail and black patch over left half of face) sits at a closed door with an expectant look on her face. She believes she could make it in the outside world. She is wrong.
danzin's avatar


I have just republished @vstinner's fuzzing tool fusil:

It's a library for creating fuzzers. I've been using it to find crashers in (23 found so far) and (15 found so far).

The works by generating random code with function/method calls using random arbitrary (and interesting) values, then recording code execution and matching specific error messages.

I'm only Python, feel free to use it for whatever you want ;)

cc @cfbolz

Sharon Machlis's avatar
Sharon Machlis


The DicePlot 📦 “allows you to create visualizations (dice plots) for datasets with more than two categorical variables and additional continuous variables.” Also pyDiceplot for . Under active development.

Sample output visualization from the Diceplot package.
More detailed description from Claude.ai “A dice plot matrix showing relationships between different pathology variables across brain cell types. The plot compares 10 biological processes (Signal Transduction, Neurotransmitter Release, Apoptosis, Synaptic Transmission, Cell Cycle, Inflammation, DNA Repair, Metabolism, Lipid Metabolism, and Protein Synthesis) against 5 cell types (Microglia, Oligodendrocyte, Endothelial, Neuron, and Astrocyte). Each intersection contains dice symbols showing Cancer (pink/gray), Stroke (gray), and Flu (red) markers. The background of each cell indicates if the relationship is Linked (dark gray), UnLinked (light gray), or Other (white). The visualization helps compare disease impacts across different cellular processes and brain cell types."
ALT text detailsSample output visualization from the Diceplot package. More detailed description from Claude.ai “A dice plot matrix showing relationships between different pathology variables across brain cell types. The plot compares 10 biological processes (Signal Transduction, Neurotransmitter Release, Apoptosis, Synaptic Transmission, Cell Cycle, Inflammation, DNA Repair, Metabolism, Lipid Metabolism, and Protein Synthesis) against 5 cell types (Microglia, Oligodendrocyte, Endothelial, Neuron, and Astrocyte). Each intersection contains dice symbols showing Cancer (pink/gray), Stroke (gray), and Flu (red) markers. The background of each cell indicates if the relationship is Linked (dark gray), UnLinked (light gray), or Other (white). The visualization helps compare disease impacts across different cellular processes and brain cell types."
Displaying multidimensional categorical data often poses a challenge in life sciences to get a comprehensive overview of the underlying data. This is not limited to but holds in particular for pathway analysis across multiple conditions. Here we developed a visualization concept to create easy to understand and intuitive representation of such data. We provide the implementation as python as well as R package to ensure easy access and application.
ALT text detailsDisplaying multidimensional categorical data often poses a challenge in life sciences to get a comprehensive overview of the underlying data. This is not limited to but holds in particular for pathway analysis across multiple conditions. Here we developed a visualization concept to create easy to understand and intuitive representation of such data. We provide the implementation as python as well as R package to ensure easy access and application.
Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


For loops in can assign to more than just plain names. Any assignment target is allowed:

Using `for params["page"] in ...` to move through paged results in a search API.  Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/d04b7d1bef5fb84542f23126424c814c
ALT text detailsUsing `for params["page"] in ...` to move through paged results in a search API. Full text at https://gist.github.com/nedbat/d04b7d1bef5fb84542f23126424c814c
Negative12DollarBill's avatar


I asked the other day how to auto-follow everyone who follows you on , so here you go, this works.

First you need to create an app which has access to your account (you do that at <your instance>/settings/applications) then you'll have a token.

Then this script should do it:

import mastodon
from mastodon import Mastodon
import time
m = Mastodon(access_token=<YOUR TOKEN HERE>, api_base_url=<YOUR INSTANCE HERE>)
follow_notifications = m.notifications(types=['follow'])
for follow in follow_notifications:
    print('follow notification:       ' + follow['account']['acct'])
    print('following back id:         ' + str(follow['account']['id']))
        print("couldn't follow")
    print('dismissing notification:   ' + str(follow['id']))
        print("couldn't dismiss")
ALT text detailsimport mastodon from mastodon import Mastodon import time m = Mastodon(access_token=<YOUR TOKEN HERE>, api_base_url=<YOUR INSTANCE HERE>) follow_notifications = m.notifications(types=['follow']) for follow in follow_notifications: print('follow notification: ' + follow['account']['acct']) print('following back id: ' + str(follow['account']['id'])) try: m.account_follow(follow['account']['id']) except: print("couldn't follow") print('dismissing notification: ' + str(follow['id'])) try: m.notifications_dismiss(str(follow['id'])) except: print("couldn't dismiss") time.sleep(3)
Thea Koutsoukis's avatar
Thea Koutsoukis


Hey! I'm Thea. I teach digital technologies / mathematics up in Meanjin / Brisbane. In the process of making a website to share all of my resources and lessons (mainly related).

PyLadies Dublin's avatar
PyLadies Dublin


First post! We've moved from xitter and will be posting here, IG/FB and LinkedIn.

Bear with us as we transition over.

Oh, we'll be at tomorrow, find @whykay at the tables for chats, stickers and # zines!

Python Podcast's avatar
Python Podcast


Neue Episode: @cfbolz, @shezi @oryon_dominik und @jochen unterhalten sich über Python 3.13: python-podcast.de/show/python-

Alexander Tikhonov's avatar
Alexander Tikhonov


I'm curious what are all those people who got used to shorten to t.Callable, t.Mapping, t.Coroutine etc. going to write instead in the post-python 3.9 era when these imports will eventually be removed?

Alexander Tikhonov's avatar
Alexander Tikhonov


IDE is my enemy on the way to not use deprecated aliases from typing module in . Just thinking out loud.

Stefan Bohacek's avatar
Stefan Bohacek


If you run a Mastodon server you probably already know about some of the existing tools for collectively managed domain blocks.

As an alternative, I created a simple Python script that lets you copy public domain blocks from servers you trust for an easy import.


Keeping your community safe should be a number one priority!

Rye's avatar


Thinking in Python

Write a Python program that creates a new database in a file called original.db containing a single table called Velocity, with a single field called reading, and inserts 100,000 random numbers between 10.0 and 25.0

Alexander Tikhonov's avatar
Alexander Tikhonov


If you have a large tree-structured project in @pycharm where you’ve changed or added many files, you can make it easier to find the modules that need unit tests written or updated by enabling the option to highlight directories with changes. Go to Version Control → Confirmation → Highlight directories that contain modified files in the Project tree. Don’t forget to add new directories or files to your future commit, otherwise they won’t be highlighted.

Gytis Repečka's avatar
Gytis Repečka


Attention Python developers who love Bash! :t_blink:

Open source contribution: super happy to have my shell prompt customization theme merged into Bash-it :ablobcatattention:

Now everyone can change their :terminal: prompt from dull:


To something like this, displaying :python: version in active Python virtual environment:

┌──[2024-11-06 17:59:18] 🐧 gytis 💻 gytis-laptop 🐍 3.9.20 on [general39] 📂 general39

And of course work with :git: in visually pleasant yet non-intrusive manner, seeing active branch and status:

┌──[2024-11-06 18:02:47] 🐧 gytis 💻 gytis-laptop  📂 bash-it on 🌵 theme-inretio ✓ 

If you are not using any Bash prompt customization yet, install Bash-it now and just switch to inretio theme by adding following to your profile config:

export BASH_IT_THEME='inretio'

Do you use any terminal prompt customizations already? :awesome:

#opensource #bash #shell #python

Inretio theme for Bash-it - shell configuration and prompt customization framework. Showing KDE terminal application Konsole with prompt styled with my theme: timestamp, penguin emoji, username, computer name, current folder are shown along with Python and Python version and venv name, as well as Git branch and status
ALT text detailsInretio theme for Bash-it - shell configuration and prompt customization framework. Showing KDE terminal application Konsole with prompt styled with my theme: timestamp, penguin emoji, username, computer name, current folder are shown along with Python and Python version and venv name, as well as Git branch and status
Donghee Na :python:'s avatar
Donghee Na :python:


Today, I organized the CPython sprint as the extension event of PyCon KR 2024: 2024.pycon.kr
Many people in Korea participated in the sprint, and people submitted around 8 PRs during the sprint :)
I hope people have experienced the joy of contributing to the OSS project.

Captain Steph :php:'s avatar
Captain Steph :php:


Writing a GUI with and is way easier than with and . It also starts instantly!

Paolo Melchiorre's avatar
Paolo Melchiorre


“Python becomes the most used language on GitHub, overtaking JavaScript after a 10-year run as the most used language. This is the first large-scale change we’ve seen in the top two languages since 2019…” 🏆


Graph showing the growing of Python programming language to the first position
ALT text detailsGraph showing the growing of Python programming language to the first position
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released! PrettyTable 3.12 🚀


🪑 Add new themes to ColorTable
🪑 Drop support for Python 3.8
🪑 Deprecate hrule and tableStyle constants
🪑 Use SPDX license identifier
🪑 Add lots of type annotations
🪑 Generate __version__ at build to avoid slow importlib.metadata
🪑 Release to PyPI using Trusted Publishing and PEP 703 digital attestations
🪑 Fix drawing headerless coloured tables with title
🪑 And more!

Examples of two new themes for ColorTable: High contrast has white text, blue horizontal lines, orange verticals and yellow joiners. Lavender has three shades of pink for the text and joiners, verticals, and horizontals.
ALT text detailsExamples of two new themes for ColorTable: High contrast has white text, blue horizontal lines, orange verticals and yellow joiners. Lavender has three shades of pink for the text and joiners, verticals, and horizontals.
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released! Python Docs Sphinx Theme 2024.10 🚀


📚 Add support for Python 3.13

📚 Drop support for Python 3.8

📚 Add script for handling translations

📚 Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

This is the theme used by docs sites such docs.python.org and typing.readthedocs.io

tom ☠'s avatar
tom ☠


In which multiverse are you currently in?

pip3 (50%)
poetry2 (33%)
uv1 (17%)
Alexander Tikhonov's avatar
Alexander Tikhonov


Removing support for 3.8 in mashumaro is like a therapy for me.

PyPodcats's avatar

@pypodcats@fosstodon.org · Reply to PyPodcats's post

@pyconasia @mariatta I found role models and a place where I belong when I attended PyLadies lunch. I see people who look like me. Women who code. Asian women who code.

PyPodcats's avatar

@pypodcats@fosstodon.org · Reply to PyPodcats's post

@pyconasia @mariatta
I was told that being a woman is just being a bride.
But I was rebellious and I went to study.

Sergey Silaev's avatar
Sergey Silaev


The latest release of uv (0.4.27) now supports `[dependency-groups]` (PEP 735), yay! 👏

Mariatta 🤦🏻‍♀️ :python:'s avatar
Mariatta 🤦🏻‍♀️ :python:


PSF membership drive at PSF booth at PyCon APAC.
Welcome the new PSF members from Indonesia. 👏🏻


PSF booth.
A few people behind the booth from PSF. (Kwon Han, Georgi)
The other side are about a dozen Indonesia Python community members.
ALT text detailsPSF booth. A few people behind the booth from PSF. (Kwon Han, Georgi) The other side are about a dozen Indonesia Python community members.
mborus's avatar


@pyconde just mailed out a save the date for 2025.

April 23-25, 2025 in Darmstadt.


There's a newsletter and it asked for feedback on the topics you want to see next year - you have until Nov 1st to answer it and make your voice heard.

Juanlu's avatar


The incompatibility between PyYAML 5.4.1 and Cython 3 will haunt the ecosystem for years to come, it seems

      AttributeError: cython_sources
      [end of output]
ALT text details AttributeError: cython_sources [end of output]
Pillow's avatar


Pillow just crossed the 3 billion downloads mark on PyPI! 🚀📈🚀📈🚀📈

Total downloads: 3,001,836,264


PyData Madrid's avatar
PyData Madrid


¡Nos vemos hoy en The Bridge! 🛒

Hacemos reunión conjunta con MLOps Community Madrid.

El gran Alejandro Vidal nos hablará sobre su desarrollo de una feature store en Python, e Ignacio Peletier y Jesús Lópeznos hablarán sobre métodos psicométricos para evaluar el nivel de inglés.

Inscripciones en nuestro Meetup o en el Luma de MLOps Community Madrid:


Cartel de PyData Madrid, 🛒 Creando una Feature Store y métodos psicométricos para evaluar idiomas, jueves 24 de octubre de 2024, 18:30-20:30, logo the The Bridge
ALT text detailsCartel de PyData Madrid, 🛒 Creando una Feature Store y métodos psicométricos para evaluar idiomas, jueves 24 de octubre de 2024, 18:30-20:30, logo the The Bridge
Tom Casavant's avatar
Tom Casavant

@tom@tomkahe.com · Reply to Tom Casavant's post

@ohgo small update to the wrapper, I introduced the ETag property that ohgo uses to check if results have changed since the previous search.

Zło To


Today I've released Lapidary 0.12.0 - a python DSL for Web API clients.

This version adds a small paging helper, support for middleware and some bug fixes.

Now we can work with Web API that promises in OpenAPI `Content-Type: application/json; version=2.4.42` but only sends back `application/json` 🤷


Juanlu's avatar


I know several *frameworks* that started its life building upon existing *libraries*.


Werkzeug ➡️ Flask
Starlette ➡️ FastAPI
Omegaconf ➡️ Hydra

Do you know of famous frameworks that *gave birth* to, or spun-off, smaller, more reusable library components?

Boosts appreciated!

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released! stravavis 0.5.0 🚀

Create artistic visualisations with your exercise data.


🚴 Drop support for EOL Python 3.8

🏃 Skip segments in GPX tracks with empty trkseg

🛶 Fix pandas warnings

A heatmap of Helsinki and surrounding with black lines indicating bike rides.
ALT text detailsA heatmap of Helsinki and surrounding with black lines indicating bike rides.
PyCon AU's avatar
PyCon AU


Life is short.

Buy the PyCon AU tickets.


life is too short to limit yourself pycon.org.au/attend
ALT text detailslife is too short to limit yourself pycon.org.au/attend
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: flake8-implicit-str-concat 🚀

🎱 Add support for 3.12-3.13, drop 3.7-3.8

🎱 Switch from Flit to Hatchling + hatch-vcs for dynamic versioning

🎱 Release to PyPI with Trusted Publishing


This plugin helps tidy up after Black:

$ cat 1.py
s = ('111'
$ black 1.py
reformatted 1.py
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file reformatted.
$ cat 1.py
s = "111" "222"
$ flake8 1.py
1.py:1:10: ISC001 implicitly concatenated string literals on one line

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: blurb 1.3.0 🚀

blurb is the CLI we use for managing CPython's news/changelog entries.

🗞️ Add support for Python 3.13

🗞️ Drop support for Python 3.8

🗞️ Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

🗞️ Allow running blurb test from blurb-* directories by

🗞️ Add version subcommand

🗞️ Generate __version__ at build to avoid slow importlib.metadata


Daniel Andrlik's avatar
Daniel Andrlik


Setting up a new home on a personal instance, just like one of the big kids. 😂

Hi, I’m Daniel. I’m a Product exec, SFF writer, developer, voice actor, TTRPG player, and the producer/GM for the Numenera actual play podcast, Explorers Wanted.

I talk a little bit about all of the above with occasional shitposts for spice.

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


Two packaging PEPs accepted today!

PEP 735 – Dependency Groups in pyproject.toml, by Stephen Rosen

PEP 753 – Uniform project URLs in core metadata, by @yossarian

Viktor Nagornyy's avatar
Viktor Nagornyy


If you're an maintainer, how have you tried monetizing or earning income with your project?

Donations, paid support, crowdfunding, etc.

Would love to learn more. Working on my presentation for 🙂

Boosts highly appreciated 🙏

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧's avatar
mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧


And once again some person forked an unmaintained package, and published a new version on using a different name.

Of course, what they didn't do was:
• updating any of the visible metadata to indicate that it's a fork
• updating URLs to point to the actual fork
• requesting name transfer

And of course, now what we have instead are two different PyPI packages installing the same Python import name, with dozens of packages requiring the metadata to use the original name, and one package requiring it to use the new name.

And I'm too tired to even start working this shit around to bump the package introducing the conflicting dependency in .

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: norwegianblue 0.19.0 🚀

🦜 Drop support for Python 3.8

🦜 Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

🦜 Test with tox-uv

🦜 Lint with pre-commit-uv


norwegianblue is a CLI to show EOLs from endoflife.date

A CLI call of "eol python" showing a coloured table of each Python feature release, its latest x.y.z version and date, and the dates of when it enters security-only and EOL.
ALT text detailsA CLI call of "eol python" showing a coloured table of each Python feature release, its latest x.y.z version and date, and the dates of when it enters security-only and EOL.
Miikka's avatar


Time for .

Professionally I'm a software developer and that's a topic I care about a lot. How to do it well, how to do it sustainably? I've worked on web backends for a long time and now I'm focused on databases. Used to be active in the community; now I'm using and .

I read a lot, or at least regularly, (classics/literary fiction/sci-fi) and blog a bit. I like and paddle a . A year ago I got very into (indoors) .

KwonHan Bae's avatar
KwonHan Bae


we are looking for the PSF Community Events Coordinator role!!


Mudd ~: :blinking_cursor:'s avatar
Mudd ~: :blinking_cursor:


Hello! Let's get my going here.

Professionally right now I work as an SME in a group for a regulatory company, but it's really not my bag of tea in the long run. That I can feel. I much prefer to be in an investigatory and tool-making field for something related to . I was especially happy doing of .

I'm into reverse engineering, assembly languages like and recently / , programming (old classics like C/C++ / but learning the newer stuff like ), big into , and projects and such.

Still trying to figure out what I am career wise, though, like job title and such! It's all great fun to me, just haven't found the direct niche to sink into.

Hobby wise, I'm also really into ! Long time gamer at heart.

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: pepotron 1.3.0 🚀

🔩 Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

🔩 Drop support for Python 3.8

🔩 Generate __version__ at build to avoid slow importlib.metadata

🔩 Test on CI with uv


Pepotron is a CLI for opening PEPs in your browser. For example, try:

$ pep 8

$ pep 3.14

$ pep dead batteries

$ pep calendar

Infrapink (he/his/him)'s avatar
Infrapink (he/his/him)


So apparently I was supposed to make an post. Oh well, better late than never.

I'm an early , and I'm further left that most people on most issues.

I use /#Linux, currently satisfied with .

Also a big guy because all have sinned and fall short of the perfection of .

I'm a somewhat active contributor and I sporadically work on a converter written in 93% and 7% .

I'm pretty obsessed with calendars.

Baptiste Mispelon's avatar
Baptiste Mispelon


Today I find myself having to parse ~1 million SQL queries (of various complexity) using

Here's a runtime of the few options I tried, in case anyone is interested (incidentally, in the order in which I tried them):

- sqlparse: 1h estimated (I killed the process before it finished)
- sqlglot: finished in about 15 min, failed to parse about 900 queries.
- sqloxide: finished in 2 minutes (!!!), failed to parse 10 queries. 🏆

Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes


I know I'm singing to the choir here but as someone that hasn't used Python in my day job until recently, I continue to be happy with its extensibility and usefulness.

It is so obviously built by real people that use it to solve their everyday problems. Parsing files, creating reports, evaluating messy data. Wish I had this in my toolbox sooner.

Etienne / Tek's avatar
Etienne / Tek


question: is there any library allowing to have a precise JSON formatting? Like indentation but also handling some compact data that can be specified? (neither json nor pprint provide that)

Jeff Triplett's avatar
Jeff Triplett


🎉 I published my first package on pypi using UV today.

I didn't spend any time to figure out why ~/.pypirc wouldn't work, but instead my steps were:

1. I created a new publishing token on pypi


3. `uv build`

4. `uv publish`

5. Then I told you about it


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: Python 3.14.0a1 🚀


🐍 PEP 649: deferred evaluation of annotations

🐍 Improved error messages

🐍 And more!


Trey Hunner 🐍's avatar
Trey Hunner 🐍


Have you ever tried pasting a class into the Python REPL?

Read more 👉 trey.io/swt1y9

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: pypistats 1.7.0 🚀

📈 Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

📉 Drop support for EOL Python 3.8

📈 Generate __version__ at build to avoid slow importlib.metadata


Example use, showing an ASCII chart:

❯ pypistats python_minor pillow --last-month
│ category │ percent │   downloads │
│ 3.10     │  16.80% │  20,297,555 │
│ 3.11     │  15.78% │  19,062,442 │
│ 3.7      │  14.86% │  17,958,611 │
│ 3.9      │  13.68% │  16,530,171 │
│ 3.8      │  12.32% │  14,887,891 │
│ 3.6      │  11.73% │  14,169,137 │
│ 3.12     │   9.56% │  11,548,054 │
│ null     │   4.73% │   5,716,677 │
│ 2.7      │   0.50% │     598,393 │
│ 3.13     │   0.03% │      34,987 │
│ 3.5      │   0.02% │      20,237 │
│ 3.4      │   0.00% │         817 │
│ 3.14     │   0.00% │         232 │
│ 3.3      │   0.00% │          14 │
│ 3.1      │   0.00% │           5 │
│ 3.2      │   0.00% │           2 │
│ Total    │         │ 120,825,225 │

Date range: 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
ALT text detailsExample use, showing an ASCII chart: ❯ pypistats python_minor pillow --last-month ┌──────────┬─────────┬─────────────┐ │ category │ percent │ downloads │ ├──────────┼─────────┼─────────────┤ │ 3.10 │ 16.80% │ 20,297,555 │ │ 3.11 │ 15.78% │ 19,062,442 │ │ 3.7 │ 14.86% │ 17,958,611 │ │ 3.9 │ 13.68% │ 16,530,171 │ │ 3.8 │ 12.32% │ 14,887,891 │ │ 3.6 │ 11.73% │ 14,169,137 │ │ 3.12 │ 9.56% │ 11,548,054 │ │ null │ 4.73% │ 5,716,677 │ │ 2.7 │ 0.50% │ 598,393 │ │ 3.13 │ 0.03% │ 34,987 │ │ 3.5 │ 0.02% │ 20,237 │ │ 3.4 │ 0.00% │ 817 │ │ 3.14 │ 0.00% │ 232 │ │ 3.3 │ 0.00% │ 14 │ │ 3.1 │ 0.00% │ 5 │ │ 3.2 │ 0.00% │ 2 │ │ Total │ │ 120,825,225 │ └──────────┴─────────┴─────────────┘ Date range: 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: @pillow 11.0.0 🚀

🎨 Add support for Python 3.13, including experimental freethreaded wheels!

🖌️ Drop support for EOL Python 3.8

🎨 Remove a whole load of deprecations

🖌️ Add, change and fix a whole lot more stuff

🎨 Add some more deprecations, to be removed in Pillow 12 next October

🖌️ More info at pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stabl

🎨 And even more at github.com/python-pillow/Pillo

Pillow's avatar


🐍🚀🎨 11.0.0 has been released!

* Added support for 3.13, including experimental wheels!

* Dropped EOL 3.8

* Removed PSFile, PyAccess and Image.USE_CFFI_ACCESS, TiffImagePlugin IFD_LEGACY_API, and support for WebP 0.4

* A bunch of new deprecations, to be removed in 12.0.0 in October 2025

* Default resampling filter for I;16* image modes has changed to Image.BICUBIC

* XMP data can be saved to JPEG and MPO files


11.0.0 (2024-10-15)
Backwards Incompatible Changes
Python 3.8
Pillow has dropped support for Python 3.8, which reached end-of-life in October 2024.

Python 3.12 on macOS <= 10.12
The latest version of Python 3.12 only supports macOS versions 10.13 and later, and so Pillow has also updated the deployment target for its prebuilt Python 3.12 wheels.

The PSFile class was removed in Pillow 11 (2024-10-15). This class was only made as a helper to be used internally, so there is no replacement. If you need this functionality though, it is a very short class that can easily be recreated in your own code.

PyAccess and Image.USE_CFFI_ACCESS
Since Pillow’s C API is now faster than PyAccess on PyPy, PyAccess has been removed. Pillow’s C API will now be used on PyPy instead.

Image.USE_CFFI_ACCESS, for switching from the C API to PyAccess, was similarly removed.

TiffImagePlugin IFD_LEGACY_API
An unused setting, TiffImagePlugin.IFD_LEGACY_API, has been removed.

WebP 0.4
Support for WebP 0.4 and earlier has been removed; WebP 0.5 is the minimum supported.
ALT text details11.0.0 (2024-10-15) Backwards Incompatible Changes Python 3.8 Pillow has dropped support for Python 3.8, which reached end-of-life in October 2024. Python 3.12 on macOS <= 10.12 The latest version of Python 3.12 only supports macOS versions 10.13 and later, and so Pillow has also updated the deployment target for its prebuilt Python 3.12 wheels. PSFile The PSFile class was removed in Pillow 11 (2024-10-15). This class was only made as a helper to be used internally, so there is no replacement. If you need this functionality though, it is a very short class that can easily be recreated in your own code. PyAccess and Image.USE_CFFI_ACCESS Since Pillow’s C API is now faster than PyAccess on PyPy, PyAccess has been removed. Pillow’s C API will now be used on PyPy instead. Image.USE_CFFI_ACCESS, for switching from the C API to PyAccess, was similarly removed. TiffImagePlugin IFD_LEGACY_API An unused setting, TiffImagePlugin.IFD_LEGACY_API, has been removed. WebP 0.4 Support for WebP 0.4 and earlier has been removed; WebP 0.5 is the minimum supported.
FreeType 2.9.0
Deprecated since version 11.0.0.

Support for FreeType 2.9.0 is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 12.0.0 (2025-10-15), when FreeType 2.9.1 will be the minimum supported.

We recommend upgrading to at least FreeType 2.10.4, which fixed a severe vulnerability introduced in FreeType 2.6 (CVE 2020-15999).

Get internal pointers to objects
Deprecated since version 11.0.0.

Image.core.ImagingCore.id and Image.core.ImagingCore.unsafe_ptrs have been deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 12 (2025-10-15). They were used for obtaining raw pointers to ImagingCore internals. To interact with C code, you can use Image.Image.getim(), which returns a Capsule object.

ICNS (width, height, scale) sizes
Deprecated since version 11.0.0.

Setting an ICNS image size to (width, height, scale) before loading has been deprecated. Instead, load(scale) can be used.

Image isImageType()
Deprecated since version 11.0.0.

Image.isImageType(im) has been deprecated. Use isinstance(im, Image.Image) instead.

ImageMath.lambda_eval and ImageMath.unsafe_eval options parameter
Deprecated since version 11.0.0.

The options parameter in lambda_eval() and unsafe_eval() has been deprecated. One or more keyword arguments can be used instead.

JpegImageFile.huffman_ac and JpegImageFile.huffman_dc
Deprecated since version 11.0.0.

See the release notes for more.
ALT text detailsDeprecations FreeType 2.9.0 Deprecated since version 11.0.0. Support for FreeType 2.9.0 is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 12.0.0 (2025-10-15), when FreeType 2.9.1 will be the minimum supported. We recommend upgrading to at least FreeType 2.10.4, which fixed a severe vulnerability introduced in FreeType 2.6 (CVE 2020-15999). Get internal pointers to objects Deprecated since version 11.0.0. Image.core.ImagingCore.id and Image.core.ImagingCore.unsafe_ptrs have been deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 12 (2025-10-15). They were used for obtaining raw pointers to ImagingCore internals. To interact with C code, you can use Image.Image.getim(), which returns a Capsule object. ICNS (width, height, scale) sizes Deprecated since version 11.0.0. Setting an ICNS image size to (width, height, scale) before loading has been deprecated. Instead, load(scale) can be used. Image isImageType() Deprecated since version 11.0.0. Image.isImageType(im) has been deprecated. Use isinstance(im, Image.Image) instead. ImageMath.lambda_eval and ImageMath.unsafe_eval options parameter Deprecated since version 11.0.0. The options parameter in lambda_eval() and unsafe_eval() has been deprecated. One or more keyword arguments can be used instead. JpegImageFile.huffman_ac and JpegImageFile.huffman_dc Deprecated since version 11.0.0. See the release notes for more.
API Changes
Default resampling filter for I;16* image modes
The default resampling filter for I;16, I;16L, I;16B and I;16N has been changed from Image.NEAREST to Image.BICUBIC, to match the majority of modes.

API Additions
Writing XMP bytes to JPEG and MPO
XMP data can now be saved to JPEG files using an xmp argument:

im.save("out.jpg", xmp=b"test")
The data can also be set through info, for use when saving either JPEG or MPO images:

im.info["xmp"] = b"test"
Other Changes
Python 3.13
Pillow 10.4.0 had wheels built against Python 3.13 beta, available as a preview to help others prepare for 3.13, and to ensure Pillow could be used immediately at the release of 3.13.0 final (2024-10-07, PEP 719).

Pillow 11.0.0 now officially supports Python 3.13.

Support has also been added for the experimental free-threaded mode of PEP 703.

Python 3.13 only supports macOS versions 10.13 and later.

C-level Flags
Some compiling flags like WITH_THREADING, WITH_IMAGECHOPS, and other WITH_* were removed. These flags were not available through the build system, but they could be edited in the C source.
ALT text detailsAPI Changes Default resampling filter for I;16* image modes The default resampling filter for I;16, I;16L, I;16B and I;16N has been changed from Image.NEAREST to Image.BICUBIC, to match the majority of modes. API Additions Writing XMP bytes to JPEG and MPO XMP data can now be saved to JPEG files using an xmp argument: im.save("out.jpg", xmp=b"test") The data can also be set through info, for use when saving either JPEG or MPO images: im.info["xmp"] = b"test" im.save("out.jpg") Other Changes Python 3.13 Pillow 10.4.0 had wheels built against Python 3.13 beta, available as a preview to help others prepare for 3.13, and to ensure Pillow could be used immediately at the release of 3.13.0 final (2024-10-07, PEP 719). Pillow 11.0.0 now officially supports Python 3.13. Support has also been added for the experimental free-threaded mode of PEP 703. Python 3.13 only supports macOS versions 10.13 and later. C-level Flags Some compiling flags like WITH_THREADING, WITH_IMAGECHOPS, and other WITH_* were removed. These flags were not available through the build system, but they could be edited in the C source.
Python Podcast's avatar
Python Podcast


Neue Episode: @shezi , Dominik und @jochen unterhalten sich über Arrays und Sequenzen: python-podcast.de/show/arrays-

Scott Small's avatar
Scott Small


Hi, 👋​ I'm Scott!

I'm a technology enthusiast from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. By day I build software used to run labs in . I've also worked with and in the past. I've worked professionally as a web developer for fifteen years but I've been programming since I was eight (started with )!

I love , especially old / stuff. I own a IIfx, an SE, and a IIgs which I use for and . I even wrote a Mastodon app, , for vintage Mac OS!

I recently picked up an as well, which I'm still learning how to use.

When I'm not at work or on side projects I enjoy and watching .

I also have a passion for , and have visited four continents and over twenty-six countries! My profile picture is from a visit to Cuba in 2019.

My other interests include , , , , and .

Nice to meet you all!

Nate Gaylinn's avatar
Nate Gaylinn


Time for a new

I'm a candidate at the of (). There, I'm doing and with Josh Bongard and many others. Themes include , , innate , , , and .

I believe should be open and accessible, so I write about my ideas on a , review relevant on , and publish my source code on (links in my profile).

I'm passionate about , , , , , and all things . In my personal life, I love , , , , , , and .

I worked for many years on as a , , and . I used to be proud of that, but lately I have concerns.

My favorite language is , but I know many more, and lately have been quite enjoying programming in .

Siddhant Goel 👨🏻‍💻's avatar
Siddhant Goel 👨🏻‍💻


Keeping Beancount importers up to date often feels like an ongoing game of cat and mouse. Banks can rearrange their CSV exports at any time, leaving maintainers scrambling to update their importers — essentially CSV parsers — to keep up.

On a brighter note, I just published a newer version of beancount-n26. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jeff Forcier's avatar
Jeff Forcier


I'm on Mastodon! Here's a brief (though bitprophet.org/bio/ will be more in depth)!

🐍 Longtime developer & maintainer of various popular libraries (Fabric, Paramiko, Invoke, &c)
💻 Longtime () & engineer (so many distros, currently experimenting with )
😻 Owned by 2 (and grew up with )
🇺🇸🗽 Resident of
🌹🍞 Bit of a and who still votes when necessary
⚔️🚀 fan
& much more! ✨

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: 2.3.0 🚀

This tool creates backports for CPython when the Miss Islington bot can't, usually due to a merge conflict.

🍒 Add support for 3.13, drop EOL 3.8
🍒 Resolve usernames when remote ends with a trailing slash
🍒 Optimize validate_sha() with --max-count=1
🍒 Remove multiple commit prefixes
🍒 Handle whitespace when calculating usernames
🍒 Publish to PyPI using
🍒 Generate attestations
🍒 And more!


ari :autism: 's avatar
ari :autism:


I should probably make a proper #introduction post. So guess now is fine?

Hello! I am Ari Archer. I am an #LGBT 17-year-old #OpenSource #Autistic developer from #Lithuania who likes to mess around with #software, #backend development, and of course my favourite #programming languages: #C (ANSI #C89 is my favourite C standard) and #Python :) I can fuck around in Assembly too, although I tend to think it's not practical in most cases, although I don't do that much low level programming for it to matter, I do enjoy occasional #ProgrammingLanguage development, though.

I have a (shitty) #website on https://ari.lt/ (which I need to re-re-re-write (I need to rewrite it for the 3rd time, the 2nd time was fine I think, but I kinda made it bad now ;-; because it's basically all #JavaScript), I also have a #blog at https://blog.ari.lt/ which I post random #thoughts, #progress, #tutorials, #recipes, etc. on, could I call it #lifestyle content? I don't know. I also like #cats (and I have one named Tina and I love her very much), #cooking, and #researching random things which I yap about to my friends.

I am very pro-#selfhosting and feel like more people should do it, maybe not anything large or mainstream, but at least try to, #learning about things is fun, and self-hosting teaches you a lot, as well as making it easier for people to migrate to #foss easier, which I believe to be a good thing. Most of my beliefs are centred around "by people for people" as in everything should be accessible, open source, and #free as in #freedom.

I hope I enjoy my stay on #fedi these days as I haven't really been on fedi for a while now, in the mean time you can reach me on #email (ari@ari.lt), #matrix (@ari:ari.lt) or #Git/#GitHub (https://ari.lt/gh).

#Hello, Fedi!
Bruno Rocha ⭐'s avatar
Bruno Rocha ⭐


It was never so easy to get a new #python interpreter installed

uv self update
uv python install 3.13
uv run -p 3.13 python
Python 3.13.0 (main, Oct  8 2024, 01:04:00) [Clang 18.1.8 ] on linux
Kelsey Jordahl's avatar
Kelsey Jordahl


I have a doctorate in and and now work at Planet Labs PBC (planet.com) in and development. Previous research in and . Open source software, original author of (though no longer an active maintainer). Professional interests in

Personal interests

Inland NW

Dr. Doro (she/her)'s avatar
Dr. Doro (she/her)


New job and new place means new post!

Hi, I'm Doro!
I'm a PostDoc at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics near , Germany! I play with ultracold atoms in lattices of laser light to simulate other quantum systems!
I'm also a fan of open source software (), , and I code in for work and for fun!
I love SciFi in all forms, especially and .
No tolerance for discrimination of any kind. :lgbtq:

Python Cerrado 2024's avatar
Python Cerrado 2024


👏Uma salva de palmas para a @ThePSF 🐍 por patrocinar a ! 👏

Gráfico promocional para a Python Software Foundation (PSF) como Patrocinador Diamante. Ela apresenta o logotipo da PSF com o texto: “A missão da Python Software Foundation é promover, proteger e avançar a linguagem de programação Python, além de apoiar e facilitar o crescimento de uma comunidade diversificada e internacional de programadores Python.” Um link para o site da PSF (https://www.python.org/psf) é fornecido ao lado de um ícone do GitHub com o rótulo “psf”. Na parte inferior, os logotipos da Plone Conference Brasília e do Python Cerrado são exibidos juntos, indicando colaboração ou patrocínio conjunto. O design inclui elementos geométricos abstratos e um grande ícone de diamante, simbolizando o nível de patrocínio.
ALT text detailsGráfico promocional para a Python Software Foundation (PSF) como Patrocinador Diamante. Ela apresenta o logotipo da PSF com o texto: “A missão da Python Software Foundation é promover, proteger e avançar a linguagem de programação Python, além de apoiar e facilitar o crescimento de uma comunidade diversificada e internacional de programadores Python.” Um link para o site da PSF (https://www.python.org/psf) é fornecido ao lado de um ícone do GitHub com o rótulo “psf”. Na parte inferior, os logotipos da Plone Conference Brasília e do Python Cerrado são exibidos juntos, indicando colaboração ou patrocínio conjunto. O design inclui elementos geométricos abstratos e um grande ícone de diamante, simbolizando o nível de patrocínio.
C.'s avatar


I'm told I need pinned posts on my profile.

I'm a living in , , the middle of the prairies. I've worked in countless domains, but find generally useful for many of them, and have been using it for nearly 30 years.

I'm a enthusiast and have had them for more than 20 years.

Other hobbies include , music / playing , writing , and enjoying novelty music & / / .

Lena, a medium-sized white house rabbit, lays atop a pile of well-shredded cardboard in a living room.  She is reaching towards the camera with her head, and her ears stick out at right angles from each other.  The viewpoint is dramatized because the photo is taken from very short range with a wide-angle lens, making her nose and ears appear relatively huge.
ALT text detailsLena, a medium-sized white house rabbit, lays atop a pile of well-shredded cardboard in a living room. She is reaching towards the camera with her head, and her ears stick out at right angles from each other. The viewpoint is dramatized because the photo is taken from very short range with a wide-angle lens, making her nose and ears appear relatively huge.
Gracie, a large grey lopped-ear house rabbit, is poking her head out of the cardboard box she's currently using as a hidey-hole.  She appears to be trying to determine if whoever is bothering her has brought her a snack.
ALT text detailsGracie, a large grey lopped-ear house rabbit, is poking her head out of the cardboard box she's currently using as a hidey-hole. She appears to be trying to determine if whoever is bothering her has brought her a snack.
A "Super Computron 4500" light prop / toy, which is an array of 18x18 blinking blue LEDs.  The LEDs all blink at slightly different rates, causing complex patterns to form and re-form continually.

I sell kits to build this, or the smaller 12x12 "Computron 3000", in a choice of colours or colour-morphing RGB, in my Etsy shop.
ALT text detailsA "Super Computron 4500" light prop / toy, which is an array of 18x18 blinking blue LEDs. The LEDs all blink at slightly different rates, causing complex patterns to form and re-form continually. I sell kits to build this, or the smaller 12x12 "Computron 3000", in a choice of colours or colour-morphing RGB, in my Etsy shop.
Jason Kaczor 🇨🇦's avatar
Jason Kaczor 🇨🇦


Who me? Just a , IT Consultant and "all-around-".

I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons, original re-runs, reading & (not SyFy), lots of and eventually graduated to and gaming. 

My first computer was a Vic-20 - at school, we learned graphical on PETS and Apple IIe's... crashed the Unisys ICON network often before getting my first PC - grudgingly - really wanted an .

Eventually, it was time for college - I *thought* I would be heavily involved in the physical aspects of technology, circuit design, and hardware engineering - instead, I gravitated to .

My first professional language was 1.0; eventually, jumping into Borland 1.0 and - still dabble with , a smidge of , a lot of and some . My is ancient...

You can find me online at - linktr.ee/jasonkaczor

Wagtail's avatar


Wagtail is an content management system written in and built on top of the @django framework. We have a growing community of contributors and we're always excited to work with new folks.

Check us out at: wagtail.org/

Nicd's avatar


as posts aren't migrated:

Software dev from , . Worked on full stack and / projects for 10+ years, on my free time I use & (hope in the future at work!).

Main hobby project is codestats.net/, a free programming stats project. I also enjoy , , and video games.

Blog: blog.nytsoi.net/ (engine: git.ahlcode.fi/nicd/scriptoriu)

Some packages:

Working on UI.

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


It's that time again: we're kicking off this year's Python Developers Survey in partnership with JetBrains! Contribute to the understanding of the Python community and join in the 2024 survey 🐍📝

Itamar Turner-Trauring's avatar
Itamar Turner-Trauring


Application developers this month: What new features can I use in Python 3.13?

Open source library maintainers this month: What new features can I use in Python 3.9?

MadMike77's avatar


I'm a fan of . Programming and and learning . I'm into . I like and . Got . I'm married and father of 3 kids. Living in . I'm runnning a local .

Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:'s avatar
Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:


Ah, this is the moment where a lot of folks would start realizing their use cases were perfectly well handled by multiple processes or by C libraries doing threading for them, and GIL wasn't really the problem.

(But congrats to those who really needed GIL-less Python, for sure.)

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: Tablib 3.7.0 🚀

🦛 Add sparkly new Python 3.13
🦛 Drop EOL Python 3.8
🦛 Add styling to datetime, date and time values for ODS
🦛 Add styling for date/time types for XLS
🦛 Fix time and datetime export in ODS format
🦛 Avoid normalizing input twice in import_set/book


clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛's avatar
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛


pipx run uv install uv 😄

uv is a tool written in Rust that replaces as a 95% drop-in replacement pip, pipx, pip-tools and a few other things.

So far it's looking pretty cool. It's faster, I guess, and the output is a bit neater and more "interactive" or "live".

One great thing is that you can have a globally installed uv and it will operate correctly in whatever your current Python environment, whereas with pip-tools you always need to take care to run the one installed in the environment you're compiling the pinned dependencies for, or it will calculate python version wrong for the dependencies that are conditional on that.

Funky Bob's avatar
Funky Bob


Trying again: anyone here want to hire me?

Australian resident, prefer to work remote but can hybrid in Melbourne.

- (30+ years)
- (25+ years)
- (16+ years)
- (10+ year)
- Javascript / TypeScript
- React (5 years)

... and a slew of other tools and toys!

Tom Casavant's avatar
Tom Casavant


Wrote a quick blog post about making a python wrapper for the Ohio Department of Transportation's OHGO API (and built a bot that posts random images from traffic cams around Ohio, @ohgo)


Linh Pham's avatar
Linh Pham


Why hello there, Python 3.13.0!


Tim Donaghy's avatar
Tim Donaghy


OK, a brief post!

I'm originally a physicist and studied gamma-ray bursts and their usefulness for cosmology. I used to carry a beeper to wake me up whenever our instrument detected a burst.

These days I do research in the advocacy world. At UCS I studied political interference in the work of federal scientists. I am currently the Research Manager for Greenpeace USA and focus a lot on climate and energy.

I dabble in , , , & other random things.

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: termcolor 2.5.0: ANSI colour formatting for terminal output

🖥️ Added `strike` attribute
🖥️ Now generates and uploads attestations to PyPI
🖥️ Dropped support for oh-so-very-nearly-EOL Python 3.8


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


Just released: em 4.4.0, the CLI emoji keyboard 🚀⌨️✨

✨ Upgraded to emojilib 4.0.0: "The keywords include most if not all the :shortcode: from different platforms"

✨ Dropped support for oh-so-very-nearly-EOL Python 3.8.


Martijn Faassen's avatar
Martijn Faassen


I wrote a lot of code in . Dynamically typed, thoroughly unit tested. I think with a pretty low bug rate. I dared big refactorings. It was like riding my bicycle without hands, and I did that for two decades.

Then in the last 6 years, I slowly stepped into modern static typing. Here I have a lot more safety features. I still write lots of tests, but maybe a few less. And I start wondering whether I would still want to refactor without types and what that means.


Simone Conradi's avatar
Simone Conradi


Roots of parametric polynomials.

Roots of parametric polynomials.
Made with , , and .

Juanlu's avatar


¡Arranca la en Vigo!

Foto de un hombre tras un atril en un escenario, se ven los logos de la PyConES, así como de varios patrocinadores
ALT text detailsFoto de un hombre tras un atril en un escenario, se ven los logos de la PyConES, así como de varios patrocinadores
Olivier D'Hondt's avatar
Olivier D'Hondt


As a big fan of ... This is like Christmas!

Olivier D'Hondt's avatar
Olivier D'Hondt


EO-Tools version 2024.9.2 is out! It is now easy to apply the well-known Goldstein filter to reduce phase noise.

Here is a tutorial: eo-tools.readthedocs.io/en/lat

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧's avatar
mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧


Rewriting packages in is going great, right?

That's why for almost a year now users have a problem, because Rust parts of Cryptography are clashing with Rust parts of BCrypt. But it's great!

And the best thing is Cryptography authors' attitude — has to deal with it, let's close the bug and lock comments. We really should have more critical packages like that.


Moof is on Sabbatical's avatar
Moof is on Sabbatical


Hi! I’m Moof! And as I’ve changed to this server, an is in order
I'm -ish, and speak (and write in) , , & . I live in , and I'm (he/him)
I programme boring things for interesting businesses centring around , mostly in on these days.
I filter my life through . I am an , and I drink oodles (and oolongs) of both in mugs and style.
You can also expect me to get excited round time.

kit 🌃👶☕'s avatar
kit 🌃👶☕


I think it's time for a new pinned intro post. So here are some of my interests, in rough groupings:

- and generally

- and
- and

- and and
- (especially with and )

- and
- , , and
- and

Also I'm always interested in whatever you're geeking out about!

Juanlu's avatar


🚄 Madrid - Vigo 🚄 camino a la

gerardcl's avatar


:ferrisdance: New [renfe-cli](github.com/gerardcl/renfe-cli) minor release [v5.1.0](github.com/gerardcl/renfe-cli/) which provides support for both "Horarios de alta velocidad, larga distancia y media distancia" (default option, as in the web) and "Renfe Cercanías" GTFS datasets. :python: :rust:

Taggart: ~# :idle:'s avatar
Taggart: ~# :idle:


ICYMI, I just launched a project that's been several months in the making! for Defenders, Pt. 2 is designed to empower security professionals with the tools of programming and data science to better analyze their telemetry and forensic evidence.

This paid course ($14.99 USD) supports the work of @thetaggartinstitute to provide high-quality, low-cost technology training to people around the world.

I hope you'll check it out! taggartinstitute.org/p/python-

Python for Defenders, Pt. 2 Banner. Sci-fi font in front of a cyberpunk city at sunrise.
ALT text detailsPython for Defenders, Pt. 2 Banner. Sci-fi font in front of a cyberpunk city at sunrise.
Python España's avatar
Python España


🙏 ¡Gracias a la Xunta de Galicia por colaborar con ! 🌟 Su apoyo impulsa la innovación y fomenta el crecimiento del ecosistema tecnológico en Galicia 🌐💪 ¡Juntas seguimos construyendo comunidad y potenciando el talento local! ❤️

Logo de la Xunta de Galicia, arriba pone "Colaborador", abajo a la derecha el logo de la PyConES Vigo
ALT text detailsLogo de la Xunta de Galicia, arriba pone "Colaborador", abajo a la derecha el logo de la PyConES Vigo
gianarb's avatar


I feel like I do not have a primary language and I don't like this feeling.

Probably the smartest decision is to embrace that is the winner

MovingPandas's avatar


Hello Fosstodon & !
We are the user-friendly movement data analysis library bringing you convenient data handling, processing, and visualization capabilities

Small multiples visualization illustrating MovingPandas interactive map plotting capabilities
ALT text detailsSmall multiples visualization illustrating MovingPandas interactive map plotting capabilities
Anita Graser 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇬🇪's avatar
Anita Graser 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇬🇪


Hello Fosstodon,

Greetings from , .

I'm a working on at the . I serve on the and PSCs and am the lead developer of @movingpandas, a library for .

Tanguy Fardet's avatar
Tanguy Fardet


Just released version 0.4 of mpl-chord-diagrams with support for directed chords 🎉



If you're looking for a simple library in to make with , then this is for you!

You can simply install it via pip.

Directed chord diagram using the "summer" (yellow-green) colormap.
Chords are sorted by distance.
ALT text detailsDirected chord diagram using the "summer" (yellow-green) colormap. Chords are sorted by distance.
Undirected chord diagram with a gap between arcs and chords.
It uses gradients to show the link between the two extremities of each chord.
Colormap is viridis.
ALT text detailsUndirected chord diagram with a gap between arcs and chords. It uses gradients to show the link between the two extremities of each chord. Colormap is viridis.
Christopher Neugebauer's avatar
Christopher Neugebauer


Random request: Can anyone find me a link to a FOSS bug report (good, but not essential if it's in a mozilla product) that stayed open for a ridiculously long time (years?), but did eventually end up with a fix?

jbz's avatar


— Loris Cro
「 Python could very well continue relying on the support of the Big Tech industry for a very long time but, even if we were to set aside the otherwise extremely real problems of power dynamics between organizations, the long-term sustainability of an exponentially growing dataset still remains and Python is now mature enough to start inspecting and fixing the foundations its ecosystem is built upon 」


Brandon Rohrer's avatar
Brandon Rohrer

@brohrer@recsys.social · Reply to Brandon Rohrer's post

It's still too early to say whether will become a industry standard, but it's more than good enough for me.



Berkubernetus's avatar

@fuzzychef@m6n.io · Reply to Berkubernetus's post

Web : create website, services, and templates for open source projects: redhat.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/e

Engineer: build out systems for analyzing OSS community metrics in new ways: redhat.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/e

Please forward/retoot! (2/2)

Juanlu's avatar


uv breaking the ceiling and no signs of slowing down 😱

Line chart showing uv downloads, it just crossed the 5M line (roughly weekly downloads)
ALT text detailsLine chart showing uv downloads, it just crossed the 5M line (roughly weekly downloads)
Ádám's avatar


Heyho , I’ve just transferred here, so this is my short .

I’m Ádám, a software engineer. My background is in mathematics and algorithmic modelling. I’ve worked with radars, satellites and now I’m in the nanotech field.

I like travelling, and moved around quite a bit, currently living in Austria.

I’m interested in anything related, , , .

I love , I’m a big fan of jrpgs. I love to geek out on anime, fantasy & sci-fi stuff.

ruthpozuelo's avatar


Welcome to curbal.social
The following accounts are available for you:

For : @powerbi@curbal.social
For : @python@curbal.social
For : @energy
For : @synology

For : @democracy NEW!
Here is where others have joined so far:

Column chart showing how many people have joined the different accounts in this server.
ALT text detailsColumn chart showing how many people have joined the different accounts in this server.
Open Neuroscience's avatar
Open Neuroscience


Hello Mastodon!
After a long delay, here is a bit of info on this project...
open-neuroscience.com is a community driven website for & projects related to .

The idea is to make it easy for people to find interesting projects that they could use and/or contribute to.

It is super easy to add your project to the website! simply fill out a form (forms.office.com/e/5QtUtMc3hw), and a bit of code will transform it to a webapge! [1/n]

Scott Hanselman 👸🏽🐝🌮's avatar
Scott Hanselman 👸🏽🐝🌮


Looking for FEEDBACK. Embedding real within to make data science (and life) easier! Https://tonybaloney.github.io/

Tiago Peixoto's avatar
Tiago Peixoto


Good news everyone! A new version of :gt: graph-tool is just out! @graph_tool


:gt: @graph_tool is a comprehensive and efficient :python: Python library to work with networks, including structural, dynamical and statistical algorithms, as well as visualization.

It uses :cpp: C++ under the hood for the heavy lifting, making it quite fast.

This version includes new features, bug fixes, and improved documentation: graph-tool.skewed.de/static/do

One of the new features is scalable and principled network reconstruction: graph-tool.skewed.de/static/do

Single line installation:

Anaconda ⤵️
conda create --name gt -c conda-forge graph-tool

Homebrew ⤵️
brew install graph-tool

Debian/Ubuntu ⤵️
apt-get install python3-graph-tool

Gentoo ⤵️
emerge graph-tool

Docker ⤵️
docker pull tiagopeixoto/graph-tool

You can also play it with in colab: colab.research.google.com/gith


Chris May's avatar
Chris May


Hey everyone!
I recently joined and am excited to contribute to the community.
After graduating with an art degree, I learned to program as an adult. It opened doors for me, but I learned many things the hard way. Now I'm helping people learn to give them the superpowers they can use every day to live the lives they want.
I post resources at everydaysuperpowers.dev/

Kedro's avatar


Hello Fediverse! ✨

This is the Mastodon account for Kedro, an open source, opinionated Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular machine-learning code.

Follow this account for tips on how to make 🔶 Production ready data science with ease 🔶

Give us a star on GitHub! github.com/kedro-org/kedro/

Screenshot of Kedro-Viz, showing the visualization of a data pipeline and other GUI elements
ALT text detailsScreenshot of Kedro-Viz, showing the visualization of a data pipeline and other GUI elements
Kedro's avatar


Big announcement: our 3 hour video introduction to Kedro is live! 🔥 youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-J

The course covers an introduction to what Kedro is, a walkthrough of the Spaceflights tutorial using both Jupyter Notebook and VSCode, new stuff in Kedro 0.18 like dataset factories and the OmegaConfigLoader, how to use S3 and MinIO for your filepaths, and how to deploy Kedro to a Docker image or Airflow.

We hope you enjoy it! 🔶

Banner with the title "What is Kedro?"
ALT text detailsBanner with the title "What is Kedro?"
Kedro's avatar


New blog post: Exploring our new release: Kedro 0.19 🔶

We recently unleashed a new major release of Kedro containing a host of new features, bug fixes, and documentation improvements.

Check out our blog post about Kedro 0.19 to find out more about recent enhancements and improvements to Kedro. We’ll walk you through changes to configuration management, dataset loading and more.

Read on: kedro.org/blog/explore-kedro-0

Bas Nijholt's avatar
Bas Nijholt


Introducing pipefunc: Simplify Python Function Pipelines 🐍🚀

Excited to share my new open-source project! pipefunc is a lightweight Python library for easy function composition and pipeline creation.

Key features:
• Automatic execution order
• Pipeline visualization
• Resource profiling
• Map-reduce support
• Type validation
• Auto-parallelization (local/SLURM)

Perfect for scientific HPC/ML workflows!

Docs: pipefunc.readthedocs.io
Source: github.com/pipefunc/pipefunc

Short video of a terminal recording that shows how to use pipefunc.
ALT text detailsShort video of a terminal recording that shows how to use pipefunc.
Juanlu's avatar


Muy pronto

Mapeando viviendas turísticas ilegales con Python

Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez
5 de octubre de 2024
PyConES 2024 @ Vigo

ALT text detailsMapeando viviendas turísticas ilegales con Python Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez 5 de octubre de 2024 PyConES 2024 @ Vigo hello@juanlu.space
Scott Williams 🐧's avatar
Scott Williams 🐧


Here is my draft for future plans for the (unofficial) Remote Client CLI. This is also some low hanging fruit for anyone that might want to contribute a bit of for a feature you might want to see land sooner than later.


Philip Gillißen's avatar
Philip Gillißen


Nun noch Mal eine . Ich bin Philip, mag und , programmiere nur noch in der Freizeit etwas , interessiert an , Kochen und Selbermachen. Lebe im Raum Düsseldorf und trage gerne zu und anderen Projekten bei.
Meine Pronomen sind er/ihm.

PyData Madrid's avatar
PyData Madrid

@pydatamadrid@masto.ai · Reply to PyData Madrid's post

Arranca Jesús Montes presentando Cabify

Foto de una persona junto a una mesa alta y una pantalla gigante, se ve material de Cabify
ALT text detailsFoto de una persona junto a una mesa alta y una pantalla gigante, se ve material de Cabify
Tom Casavant's avatar
Tom Casavant


Trying to disprove Fermat's theorem. can you guys run this on your end so we can get through the numbers faster? thank you in advance

Screenshot of python script:
import time

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # TODO: Add more numbers
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # TODO: Add more numbers
c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # TODO: Add more numbers
n = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] # TODO: Add more numbers

def test_equation(a, b, c, n) -> bool:
    print(f"Testing if {a}^{n} + {b}^{n} = {c}^{n}\n")
    print("Simplifying equation...\n")
    a_n = a**n
    b_n = b**n
    time.sleep(2) # Allow time for pc to process
    print(f"Simplified equation: {a_n} + {b_n} = {c}^{n}\n")
    print("Simplifying equation...\n")
    c_n = c**n
    a_b_n = a_n + b_n
    time.sleep(2) # Allow time for pc to process
    print(f"Simplified equation: {a_b_n} = {c_n}\n")
    print("Checking result...")
    result = a_b_n == c_n
    time.sleep(2) # Allow time for pc to process
    print(f"The equation is {result}")
    return result

for a_val in a:
    for b_val in b:
        for c_val in c:
            for n_val in n:
                if test_equation(a_val, b_val, c_val, n_val):
                    print("UH OH theorem disproven\n\n")
                    print("Theorem needs more proving\n\n")
ALT text detailsScreenshot of python script: import time a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # TODO: Add more numbers b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # TODO: Add more numbers c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # TODO: Add more numbers n = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] # TODO: Add more numbers def test_equation(a, b, c, n) -> bool: print("------------------\n") print(f"Testing if {a}^{n} + {b}^{n} = {c}^{n}\n") print("Simplifying equation...\n") a_n = a**n b_n = b**n time.sleep(2) # Allow time for pc to process print(f"Simplified equation: {a_n} + {b_n} = {c}^{n}\n") print("Simplifying equation...\n") c_n = c**n a_b_n = a_n + b_n time.sleep(2) # Allow time for pc to process print(f"Simplified equation: {a_b_n} = {c_n}\n") print("Checking result...") result = a_b_n == c_n time.sleep(2) # Allow time for pc to process print(f"The equation is {result}") print("------------------\n") return result for a_val in a: for b_val in b: for c_val in c: for n_val in n: if test_equation(a_val, b_val, c_val, n_val): print("UH OH theorem disproven\n\n") break else: print("Theorem needs more proving\n\n")
J. R. DePriest :verified_trans: :donor: :Moopsy: :EA DATA. SF:'s avatar
J. R. DePriest :verified_trans: :donor: :Moopsy: :EA DATA. SF:


Since there has been a huge influx of new users, I decided to write a new and actually pin it to my profile.
I'm pushing 50 years old and I live in a Red State that is trying to make me illegal. I'm a / woman married to a heterosexual cisgender woman who frequently talks about the current hellscape for people like me in my Toots.
I'm / which is probably why all of these sentences start with "I".
I've worked in for a little over 20 years. I've had lots of roles in , , and . I taught myself , , , and . I'm decent at . I can read and . I enjoy automating things and turning manual processes into scripts.
I've been the primary to my wife for 8 years since she developed a chronic condition and went on disability.
My hobbies including short fiction, journaling my , and playing on my laptop and .
I prefer over over . Still waiting for Amazon to do something, anything with the Stargate property.
While we loved the including and , in general we prefer over .
I'm a fan of / , and , especially the existential dread of or . I tend to sympathize with the nameless terrors. I am not a fan of mindless slashers, unrelenting gore, or torture porn. Over-the-top, egregious gore that crosses into the absurd is fine, though, so I am a Sam Raimi fan, obvs. Also, are underappreciated.
I'm slowly reconnecting with my roots. I knew some stuff about and had a friend who as a tree a lifetime ago and I'm trying to rekindle that.
We've got and they are our kids. I also happen to love , but we don't have any of those.

Andy Todd's avatar
Andy Todd


Is there a better way in of converting a float to a decimal with specific precision that doesn't involve converting the value to a string first?

Oliver Andrich's avatar
Oliver Andrich


Wrote a few lines about my journey with uv yesterday and how I managed to setup my environment by just using uv. No homebrew. No pipx. No pyenv. I love it, that I can get up and running by just using a single tool.


Austin Zani :BlobhajReach:'s avatar
Austin Zani :BlobhajReach:


I never did a Mastodon so here we go.

My name is Austin and I love my family, Sports, Music, and Tech.

I am a software developer at . At my job currently I work primarily with , , and . I know some and hope to publish an app in the AppStore in 2023. I am going to try to here.

I am a fan of the , , , , , , and .

Leandro (Cerberus1746)'s avatar
Leandro (Cerberus1746)


I just realized I could execute my game engine inside Blender because it is nothing but a python module...

...I don't know what to do with this amount of power.

Chema Cortés *ℝ's avatar
Chema Cortés *ℝ


Ahora que en scala 3.5 puedo hacer esto para calcular el factorial 1000!:

scala -e "println((BigInt(1) to 1000).product)"

No se me ocurre una forma así de simple en python.

sergio_101's avatar


Just out of curiosity, how many folks are doing and as their main gig? Is there work out there?

Autumn64 🏳️‍⚧️ :gnu: :linux:'s avatar
Autumn64 🏳️‍⚧️ :gnu: :linux:


Acerca de mí:
¡Hola! Soy Mónica Gómez, también conocida como Autumn64. Soy una estudiante mexicana de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales, soy una mujer transgénero y soy activista por el movimiento del .

También soy y de . Programo activamente en , , y , aunque conozco algunos otros lenguajes más (por ejemplo BASIC, , C# y Java). Puedes ver todos mis proyectos en : codeberg.org/Autumn64

En redes me dedico a la promoción y difusión del Software Libre, así como de sus ventajas técnicas y éticas desde el punto de vista latinoamericano e hispanohablante.

También soy independiente, hago : autumn64.xyz/src/es/music.html

Esta es mi cuenta principal, y además tengo otras cuentas en el . Si quieres verificar que realmente soy quien digo ser, por favor revisa mi clave pública: autumn64.xyz/src/es/key.html

Más acerca de mí: codeberg.org/Autumn64/AboutMe/

¡Cómprame un café! (de forma totalmente voluntaria ;)): liberapay.com/autumn64/

Carsten Habicht's avatar
Carsten Habicht


Hi, I'm Carsten.
Previously @chabicht@fosstodon.org.

Coder. Spending most of my day messing with and a bit less with .

I'm also into , .

Offline, there is always a dog to walk, something at the house that needs repair, or some firewood to chop. 🪓

Mattia Rigotti's avatar
Mattia Rigotti


This from Ye et al. (UC Berkeley) looks pretty cool:

gsplat: An Open-Source Library for Gaussian Splatting with Python bindings


Training run in gsplat fitting the "The Creation of Adam" of Michelangelo
ALT text detailsTraining run in gsplat fitting the "The Creation of Adam" of Michelangelo
Joachim's avatar


Nouvelle / pour le Fediverse.

Je fais du et du ( ) à . Je m'essaye au développement (, je collabore à @bookwyrm), je fais du surtout en , j'aime la () même si je ne pratique plus autant qu'avant.

Je parle souvent de , parfois de (). Ma chatte Pourriel est la plus belle du monde.

( et pour que le motdièze marche sans l'accent)

Photo d’une chatte très mignonne. Elle est blanche et grise avec les yeux bleus.
ALT text detailsPhoto d’une chatte très mignonne. Elle est blanche et grise avec les yeux bleus.
PyData Madrid's avatar
PyData Madrid


¡Vuelve PyData Madrid! ✨

Tendremos charlas de Fiorella Piriz sobre orquestación de datos con Apache Airflow y de Jose Mussach sobre cómo hace para ponerse al día con cualquier tecnología en segundos con Python.

Inscripciones en Meetup meetup.com/pydata-madrid/event

Cartel de PyData Madrid, título ✨ Orquestación con Airflow y aprendiendo cualquier tecnología en segundos, fotos de dos personas, fecha jueves 19 de septiembre de 2024 a las 19:00
ALT text detailsCartel de PyData Madrid, título ✨ Orquestación con Airflow y aprendiendo cualquier tecnología en segundos, fotos de dos personas, fecha jueves 19 de septiembre de 2024 a las 19:00
Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


The first edition of the PSF Board Office Hours is about to begin 🐍 🗒️ 1 PM UTC. Join us to share how we can help your community, express your perspectives, and provide feedback for the PSF!

Python España's avatar
Python España


¡Ya está disponible el programa de la ! 🔥


¡Nos vemos en un mes!

Captura de pantalla del programa de la PyConES 2024 en Vigo, muestra 5 sesiones en paralelo y 3 días
ALT text detailsCaptura de pantalla del programa de la PyConES 2024 en Vigo, muestra 5 sesiones en paralelo y 3 días
Python España's avatar
Python España


>>> print("¡Hola Fediverso! 👋")

Somos Python España, una asociación sin ánimo de lucro cuyo propósito es promover el uso del lenguaje de programación Python en nuestro país y servir como punto de encuentro a aquellas personas interesadas en su uso.

La asociación fue creada en 2013 y desde entonces ha prestado apoyo contable y organizativo a la PyConES, la conferencia nacional sobre el lenguaje Python, así como ayuda financiera a las comunidades locales.

Nos vemos en la en Vigo, Galicia 🍤

Y mientras tanto, ¡encuentra la comunidad Python más cercana a ti en nuestro mapa! es.python.org/comunidades/

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


@ofek Hello and welcome to Mastodon!

people: give @ofek a follow, he's the author of the project manager and the build backend, plus cool tools like github.com/ofek/pypinfo, and wrote "Inline script metadata"!

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


🐍2️⃣🚀 The **final** release candidate of Python 3.13 is out!

➡️ Library maintainers, please upload wheels to PyPI **now**, especially if you have compiled extensions (there are no more ABI changes), so everything is in place for the big 3.13.0 release in 3 weeks!

🔒 Also! Security releases have been made for the full set of Python 3.8 - 3.12. Please upgrade!

ℹ️ discuss.python.org/t/python-3-

🧪 dev.to/hugovk/help-test-python

Python Weekly 🐍's avatar
Python Weekly 🐍


Adding Python to Docker in 2 seconds using uv's Python command


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://mkennedy.co

Juanlu's avatar


New instance, time for an !

Hello 👋🏼 I'm Juan Luis (he/him/él), everybody calls me Juanlu. I've been on Mastodon since 2021 fosstodon.org/@astrojuanlu/105

I work as Product Manager for an project and have 10+ years of o̶b̶s̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ experience with the ecosystem. I'm interested in , , the , and anything that can offer an alternative to capitalism. You'll see occasional posts about , , and rants in Spanish.

Jelloeater 🥥🌴🚫🔙's avatar
Jelloeater 🥥🌴🚫🔙


on 🙏

Víctor Vicente-Palacios's avatar
Víctor Vicente-Palacios


A 2nd is needed:

I'm Victor, Clinical Data Scientist researching in applied to medicine.

Although AI is something that interests me from many aspects (technical, mathematical and critical) I do not limit myself to write only about this as I have many other interests (, , , , , , , etc.).

Also, I speak SP, EN, DE & FR

Looking forward to interact with the Dair-community.

PyBay's avatar


Want to improve your Python code quality? Maggie Moss will show you how types can make a big difference! Join Maggie at PyBay 2024.

Tickets and full speaker lineup at pybay.org

Like and follow for updates on PyBay.

PyBay's avatar


At long last, the PyBay 2024 speaker lineup you’ve been waiting for has arrived! Check out the lineup at pybay.org/speaking/ and purchase your tickets! 🐍

Alex's avatar


My on my new shiny mathstodon.xyz account! I'm slowly deprecating my @alexmath account but I'm kinda bad at fediverse stuff 😅

Hi all! I am Alex (she/her), a mathematician with a PhD in extremal combinatorics now working in as a data scientist. I am a deeply curious experimentalist and I love to learn different topics. My favorite programming languages are and but I've had some fun with GPGPU, too :) I like machine learning as a scientific problem-solving tool, but not the stuff that involves weapons, theft, and violence.

Presently, I live in with my fluffy orange cat Angus and my partner. I got a new bike and wish I could lose the car forever. Still masking in public. Still getting vaccines. Eternally exhausted, but hopeful and curious.

Fediverse etiquette suggestions welcome!

A gorgeous fluffy orange cat atop a kitchen counter. His mane poofs out, and his eyes, deep and black, peer down lovingly at the camera-holder.
ALT text detailsA gorgeous fluffy orange cat atop a kitchen counter. His mane poofs out, and his eyes, deep and black, peer down lovingly at the camera-holder.
Wayne Werner's avatar
Wayne Werner


Hi there! I'm ketmorco, a refugee from mastodon.technology! I'm a firm believer that all life is valuable, and humans all deserve to be happy, healthy, and safe! I used to love technology in its entirety, but I have seen how it gets misused. Most of what we need to be productive and happy already exists!

Follow me if you like:


LibreOffice's avatar


Run interactive code directly in your LibreOffice spreadsheets with this new extension! extensions.libreoffice.org/en/

Screenshot of LibrePythonista creating a chart from data in a spreadsheet
ALT text detailsScreenshot of LibrePythonista creating a chart from data in a spreadsheet
Lisa Hornung's avatar
Lisa Hornung


Hi Fediverse, after creating an account a few weeks ago it's finally time for an .

I'm passionate about all things data, , , . I work mostly with but I'm always keen to learn new tools.

When not working, I like to cycle, practice yoga, try new sourdough recipes or get hooked on logic puzzles (currently it's figure.game/).

Looking for a community to learn, share and get inspired 📚 😍 Still active on the bird platform, but you know ...

Alexandre B A Villares's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares


my main account for interactions is @villares@ciberlandia.pt you may tag it in your replies and I'll see them more readily (here I'll mostly just post my sketches and some news)

flora rubia's avatar
flora rubia


🔁 flora looking for a job 🔁

flora is looking for a better job. she brings:

  • multiple years of linux/nixos experience
  • 5+ years of Python (1+ years professionally)
  • a wide collection of skills and knowledge in different technology areas

preferably 100% remote (she is currently based in Germany) and in part-time.

flora isn't really picky regarding a specific job position as long as it has to do with computers and allows her to use her skills and knowledge.

feel free to write flora over fedi, matrix, xmpp, or email:

email: flora [ät] genosse [punkt] eu
matrix: @ flora:catgirl.cloud
xmpp: flora [ät] hot-chilli [punkt] eu

zuggamasta's avatar


More jamming, I still need to add my deep copies but here’s another one!
Controlling Rample, FXAid and noise reap Paradox.

Paolo Amoroso's avatar
Paolo Amoroso


A journalist and writer tells why he learned programming in his 50s, how he did it, and his moving encounter with the Python community.


Simon 🐮's avatar
Simon 🐮


Hmmm, , things that interest me hashtags...

(stickertrade.me 😬 )

(alternate spelling for countries with an E in their name :D )

About me:
Tinkerer, idiot, see my bio, BSc in Applied Physics.

I can probably think of more right after I hit that toot button.

mathieui's avatar


Une brève : Je suis développeur à temps plein, je fais du logiciel libre sur mon temps perso (quand je trouve la force) autour de / depuis plus de 10 ans, je suis secrétaire de l’association dont je co-administre le serveur. J’aime le chant mais j’en fais plus à cause du covid, et je fais de la en amateur.

Ci-joint une photo de héron.

Un héron perché au milieu de la loire
ALT text detailsUn héron perché au milieu de la loire
Rye's avatar


Introduction Post

Tidbits About Me:

I thrive on humor, sarcasm, and embracing awkward moments. Having space to
make mistakes and explore failures with kindness is vital to me. A firm
"No" from me is an act of self-care, so don't hesitate to seek
clarification if needed.

Committed to Imperfect Nonlinear Growth:

Embracing imperfection and nonlinear growth is central to my journey as a
human being. I opt out of approaches that demand perfection or punishment.

Building Relationships:

I prioritize nurturing communicative relationships over time, fostering
mutual understanding and support. Real-life, face-to-face interaction
allows for a deeper connection and insight into each other's worlds.

Approach and Caution:

I urge caution in online interactions and forming parasocial
relationships, as safety and ethics transcend titles or affiliations.
Vigorously vetting individuals and content is crucial, although it doesn't
guarantee complete safety.

Personal Health:

I prioritize wearing N95+ masks in public or crowded spaces.

Advocacy Stance:

I stand in solidarity with movements advocating for justice and equality,
including Black Lives Matter, Indigenous Lives Matter, Trans Lives Matter,
and Black Trans Lives Matter.

I'm Rye!
I'm a genderqueer (Any Pronouns)
Artisan, Solarpunk, Digital Sorcerer.

Background in forensics, and RF systems.


Programming in Python

A desert landscape at night with lightening streaking across the sky. The clouds are illuminated and the ground is brown dotted with green shrubs and trees
ALT text detailsA desert landscape at night with lightening streaking across the sky. The clouds are illuminated and the ground is brown dotted with green shrubs and trees
🅹🅴🅳🅸🅴 🇺🇦🕊️'s avatar
🅹🅴🅳🅸🅴 🇺🇦🕊️


Python Software Foundation News:

White House recommends use of memory-safe languages like


Juhis's avatar


Python is a great programming language with even greater community.

One part of this wonderful community are the many podcasts of which I've picked four favorites to write about.


Python Weekly 🐍's avatar
Python Weekly 🐍


500 Python Interpreters


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://izzys.casa/

Julia Silge's avatar
Julia Silge


We at @Posit are hiring an engineer with experience in developer or data science tooling to work on :python:

Take a look and let me know if you have any questions!


Carsen Stringer (she/her)'s avatar
Carsen Stringer (she/her)


Make your next discovery using , a visualization method for large-scale neural data in . Paper now out: biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/20 (CLICK ON THE GIF)

gif of neural activity re-sorted by Rastermap algorithm
ALT text detailsgif of neural activity re-sorted by Rastermap algorithm
Brian Okken :python:'s avatar
Brian Okken :python:


“Hello, pytest!” course is now live

It’s about 90 min and covers
- Core pytest features: Test Functions, Parametrization, Fixtures, Markers
- Design for Testability: Modular Code, Isolating Complexity, Using APIs
- Basic script param parsing with agrparse

Python Bytes's avatar
Python Bytes


Latest episode asks the important question: Do you dare to enter the Bash dungeon? With @mkennedy & @brianokken


Brian Okken :python:'s avatar
Brian Okken :python:


Top pytest Plugins | PythonTest pythontest.com/top-pytest-plug

Ragnar Heiðar Þrastarson's avatar
Ragnar Heiðar Þrastarson


Oh no I forgot the Here we go!

I currently work at the Icelandic Met Office as a Coordinator in . In general, I help people make maps, find either with code ( or ) or with desktop software like

I love the outdoors and enjoy hiking, climbing and biking. I've been involved with Icelandic Search & Rescue for many years, both on the frontline (mountain rescue) and as an instructor for new team members.

Father of twins since 2016

Family of 4 on a picknick in Iceland
ALT text detailsFamily of 4 on a picknick in Iceland
Nicoco's avatar


Yoohoo! I tagged v0.1.0 of Slidge, the lib to write gateways in


Gabriel Weindel's avatar
Gabriel Weindel


Masto exclusive 🥳

Last month together with @jelmerborst and Leendert van Maanen we created a package to estimate the __by-trial__ onset of different processing stages in reaction times by relying on hidden semi-Markov models applied to
electro-encephalographic data:

hsmm_mvpy see github.com/GWeindel/hsmm_mvpy

We made some significant improvements on both the method and especially the
documentation and everything should be much clearer I hope

An illustration of the general method from the hsmm_mvpy package: decomposing reaction times into bumps in the eeg signal
ALT text detailsAn illustration of the general method from the hsmm_mvpy package: decomposing reaction times into bumps in the eeg signal
Anselm Schüler's avatar
Anselm Schüler



what does this evaluate to?


Juhis's avatar


Python's sqlite bindings make sqlite a great prototyping companion.


SeaFury 🦜's avatar
SeaFury 🦜


Collating data from my experiments. Reading from separate files to collate into one huge dataframe in python. How do I open files in a directory one after the other? In the past, I've assigned a different var for each file name and then looped through them. Is there another way to do this?

Juhis's avatar


I don't only like using command line tools, I love writing my own too. Python's argparse is a nice built-in way to parse arguments, options and subcommands for custom CLI tools.


shimst3r's avatar


Hey community! :BoostOK:

Are you a working in software development (maybe or ) in Germany and want to answer a few questions (via Mastodon)?

Asking for a friend* who is curious about doing freelance work.


David Larlet's avatar
David Larlet


J'ai bien envie de travailler avec des équipes localisées au en ce moment.

Si les quelques personnes vivant à qui me suivent ont des idées, je suis super ouvert.

Je sais faire des trucs autour de et du . J'aime accompagner des personnes dans l'acquisition de savoirs et d'autonomie autour de la technique. J'apprécie de concevoir des produits qui respectent et prennent en compte leurs utilisateur·ices.

Je ne cherche pas forcément du (très) lucratif.

Repouets 🆗

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@hongminhee@fosstodon.org · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

I'm sharing a prototype of written in , codenamed “FediKit.” Many of the ideas for Fedify were already implemented in this prototype, albeit in a different language.


Terri K O 🍁's avatar
Terri K O 🍁


post since I never did one:

Hi, I'm Terri!

I mostly post about with other maker stuff thrown in. Lately that's and and but I dabble in and too.

I'm an developer and maintainer, mostly working with or related stuff. (My PhD is in Web Security.) I coordinate for Python every summer & mentor some folk directly.

I also do and and talk about sometimes.

Terri K O 🍁's avatar
Terri K O 🍁


CVE Binary Tool 3.3 is released! (At long last!)

This is my work open source project that lets you scan for known vulnerabilities in your binaries, package lists and SBOMs. It's meant to make it easier (and cheaper!) to make secure open source software.

3.3 has new features from our Google Summer of Code 2023 contributors including EPSS metrics to help users assess risks associated with vulnerabilities, a new GitHub Action to make scanning easier, and a mirror of the NVD data backed by the same servers that do Linux distro mirroring so you don't have to deal with rate limits, downtime, and servers only located in the US.

Release notes: github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/

And get the code on pypi:

Boosts appreciated!

daschoe's avatar


Hello world!
I'm daschoe and I've been hopping on and off making games for a decade. With some friends, I'm now finally making games worthy of showing to others (read that as actually finishing them). I'm mostly native in and currently working with but try to start also looking into !
During working hours I'm pursuing a PhD in Acoustics researching noise perception. I also volunteer in a local arcade museum repairing and maintaining the machines.
Besides programming or playing games, I'm interested in fibrecrafts, , pen and paper, reading fantasy novels, , and making stuff.

Ariel (🐿 arc)'s avatar
Ariel (🐿 arc)


> Most “packaging problems” are actually bootstrapping problems. With imports and versioning sprinkled on top.

From a fun little article on the history of Python packaging. I quite enjoy Bite Code.


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)


I've rewritten several times and in several languages. The first time it was written in , then , then C#, then back to TypeScript. (It was codenamed FediKit at the time of development.) I settled on TypeScript for the following reasons:

• It has a decent JSON-LD implementation.
• Lots of people use it. (I wanted Fedify to be widely used.)
• It's type-safe enough.

Even if I were to build Fedify again, I would choose TypeScript.

GeneBean's avatar


Updated time! I'm a geek dev'ing on the ops at LTN Global and used to do the same at @puppet. I'm a & an . I support the 2nd Amendment here in the US and .

I have been using since I leaned in 2004. I've done end user desktop support, & Active Directory administration, Linux administration, networking, firewalling, a touch of programming, and a boat load of scripting in bash, , and .

PyLadiesCon's avatar


📢 Calling All Pythonistas! 🚀

PyLadiesCon 2024 Call for Papers is open! 🌟

Be part of an online conference focused on diversity, learning, and empowerment in the community.

📅 December 6th-8th

📝 Submit your talk:👇

PyLadiesCon's avatar


📢 We are thrilled to present one of the panels at .🐍🎉

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best and connect with the community.🐍

🗣️ Language: English

🕒Track: APAC

Register for PyLadiesCon now:👇

PyLadiesCon's avatar


📢 We are thrilled to present one of the panels at .🐍🎉

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best and connect with the Python community.🐍

🗣️ Language: Spanish
🕒 Track: EMEA

Register for PyLadiesCon now:👇

Paolo Melchiorre's avatar
Paolo Melchiorre


I am honored that Python Software Foundation announced yesterday that I have been named a PSF fellow member, along with Adam Johnson 🐍

I wrote about it on my blog 👇

CC @ThePSF @adamchainz

Nicklas Johnson 🏳️‍🌈's avatar
Nicklas Johnson 🏳️‍🌈


Trying out this wacky thing out. It seems like IRC for Twitter?

By way of , I'm a who has worked in since the early 1990's. I also dabble in / under the project name World Control. I'm very fluent in and .

I'm a massive fan of and .

I also dabble in and simple . I also love , , & .

is my favorite word.

Juan Luis's avatar
Juan Luis


I blogged a thing: Python Packaging is Great Now: `uv` is all you need


tl;dr: Just use `uv` for everything, it's fine already.

cc @thepracticaldev

Stu's avatar


A new after moving! Feel like I've made my home at , after watching Local for a while.

I'm from Wales but have lived in the Midwest for over a decade now. My background is and I currently work for an non-profit. Mostly elicitation, defect triage and . I also help "automate the boring stuff", typically in or .

You'll likely find me posting about , or (this post is being written on one!)

Juan Luis's avatar
Juan Luis


Replacing `pipx` with `uv tool` today and not looking back

Terence Eden's avatar
Terence Eden


Boring technical question which neither the documentation nor ChatGPT can answer.

I want to automate screenshots using 's Webdriver with .

This works - but the non-logged in experience of Twitter forces dark-mode.

I want a light-mode screenshot.

I can't find a way to set SEC-CH-PREFERS-COLOR-SCHEME in Selenium. Nor can I find a light-mode toggle for non-logged in Twitter users.

Any clues gang?

(I want to automate replacing my Twitter embeds with a screenshot.)

HashBang (#!⌨)'s avatar
HashBang (#!⌨)


Bonjour le Fediverse !

Une petite : @hashbang est une de services numériques basée à Lyon, spécialisée sur (et en particulier ) et qui met ses compétences au service des structures de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire, du développement durable et du logiciel libre.

@hashbang est impliquée dans l'@LesScopAura, la cress-aura.org, lagonette.org, et le label "Engagé à Lyon".

La coopérative est composée de 8 salarié·e·s dont 5 sociétaires (sur 7).

Steve has ☕️ for brains's avatar
Steve has ☕️ for brains


Hey folks, just got laid off after 4 years with my employer.

I’m a 25y veteran python developer (web, backend, and data processing) with many years of experience working remotely for companies in the US and Europe.

I have the most experience working with web, backend and data systems, and am also drawn to opportunities to improve internal tooling and web services that give coworkers the information and capabilities to do their thing better.

Robert Roskam's avatar
Robert Roskam

@raiderrobert@mastodon.social · Reply to Robert Roskam's post

Since people often learn best by doing, here’s a list of other property-based testing frameworks in several languages. Take them each out for spin!

- 's hypothesis: hypothesis.readthedocs.io/
- / 's fast-check: github.com/dubzzz/fast-check
- 's pbt: github.com/ohbarye/pbt
- 's proptest: proptest-rs.github.io/proptest
- 's Rapid: github.com/flyingmutant/rapid

Keira (She/Her)'s avatar
Keira (She/Her)


Time for an

Hi I'm Keira 👋
My pronouns are she/her.

I'm a , an hobbyist, and enthusiast. One of those self taught tech people with an arts degree.

Previously worked in public sector management and policy, , political (must all hash tags be in American english?), and personal training.

For fun I read , and cosy , I paint and , and I bake treats.

I'll definitely post about feelings, , and maybe life.

Big on exercise - I swim, dance, lift weights and am learning to run. But there'll be no triggering diet or weight nonsense from me .

That's so long! Such a departure from Twitter.

RoedigerRG's avatar


. We are a research group at Cottbus - Senftenberg in (Germany) working in the field of bioinformatics (, ), functional bioanalytics and personalized medicine. Forensic research is also a topic with us.

Mitex Leo's avatar
Mitex Leo


Hey everyone!

I'm a 19-year-old from Bangladesh, part of the Gen Z generation. I’m passionate about privacy, FOSS, and freedom of speech. As a practicing Muslim, I find balance and peace in my faith.

I love programming, mainly in Python and C for now, and I'm an avid reader. Recently, I fell in love with chemistry after reading "The Disappearing Spoon."

I stand firmly against any forms of racism and genocide. As an introvert, I grew up feeling a bit lonely because I didn't find many people like me.

Looking forward to connecting with like-minded folks here!


James Wynn 🧐's avatar
James Wynn 🧐

@jameswynn@mastodon.social · Reply to James Wynn 🧐's post

I have to admit I've been a bit disappointed in the maturity of libraries/frameworks for though. I'm working on a fledgling AP project in Python and finding very little.

It seems that and have gone the route of writing their implementations from scratch. Its great reference material, but a common library we could all build from would be a huge boon for the community.

James Wynn 🧐's avatar
James Wynn 🧐


It seems that I have become, among other things, a developer. I never expected or planned that. But I find myself writing more and more Python code and getting involved in more and more Python based projects. Is this just a testament to its popularity, or is it just really common in the niches I find myself in?

Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)'s avatar
Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)


Ich bin Aljoscha, , -Dev, etwas , etwas , bin in cloudbasierten Lösungen unterwegs (, ), designe Landschaften, Data Flow, Data Mesh, , usw. usf.

Hobbys: Reisen, Garten, Lesen, Rad, Wandern, Pi-Basteleien, habe 1 Hund.

MrBerard 😎👉👉's avatar
MrBerard 😎👉👉


Mastodon's global search only works on hashed tags, not text, so:


PsypherPunk's avatar


Yes, an . Quite.

Presently an Engineering Manager, formerly a Data Engineer, Software Engineer, Web Archiving Engineer...I've been doing a disservice to the title of "Engineer" for a couple of decades, it seems.

I'm enthusiastic about , and tech. generally with an overt fondness for infosec. and the occasional .

I use the phrase far too often and in a wholly non-ironic way.

I listen to music my wife describes as "shouty".

James Gallagher's avatar
James Gallagher


Updated Python awhile back on this machine and didn't rerun a bunch of scripts until today. The joys of new warnings and errors along with packages not installed in the new venv. Warnings and errors were down to my laziness e.g. leaving “\s” in regex strings leading to Python going “that's not one of my escape sequences”

MR.e's avatar


👋​ I'm excited to finally say hello to all you amazing folks of the 🌐 with my post! Calling the southeastern U.S. home, my life is a vibrant mix of , , , and delving into the fascinating intricacies of technology. I'm in the thick of my graduate studies in leadership, focusing on integrating cybersecurity with product management processes for more resilient software and services.
I passionately believe that breaking down the cybersecurity silo in organizations means leveraging concepts, making cybersecurity practical and understandable for every role.
I'm a sponge for knowledge, and I'm building my tech understanding in , , cloud, and machine learning concepts. I'll be the first to admit I have much to learn.
Reading is my haven 📖 - you'll find me lost in the spellbinding worlds of , , the Dune series, and The Expanse 🚀. I also have a soft spot for books like 'The Cuckoo's Egg,' 'Spam Nation,' and 'Sandworm.' I'm always on the lookout for new recommendations! 📚
As an out individual, I'm committed to building inclusion around gender and feminist issues. I aim to help dismantle "male defaults" and foster more equitable work and community environments for a better future for everyone.
The camaraderie and shared learning in the echo the Linux User Groups and Hackerspaces culture I cherish. It's an absolute joy to be a part of a community that upholds these principles.
If you love dissecting the latest in , exploring software, or immersing yourself in a gripping or book, let's connect! Follow me and drop a comment about your favorite tech trend, current read, fediverse tip, or your efforts toward a more inclusive tech community. Can't wait to hear from you!

I'm eager to learn, share, and grow with you all.

Bruno Rocha :verified:'s avatar
Bruno Rocha :verified:


All I need to be productive every day.

- Any editor with decent syntax highlighting
- Terminal
- pdb

extra: Solarized Light Theme

Full IDE vs simple Editor
ALT text detailsFull IDE vs simple Editor
Tariq's avatar


The 2nd Edition of "Make Your Own Mandelbrot" is out!

✅ updated to 3
→ easy → DIY
✅ expts in filters, 3d landscapes
✅ new chapter on Distance Estimation Methods for very detailed renders (see cover image)
✅ all code on GitHub


Make Your Own Mandelbrot - Second Edition

(book cover)
ALT text detailsMake Your Own Mandelbrot - Second Edition (book cover)
too many names's avatar
too many names


time - ahoy, I'm a fruitco eng, (formerly Dropboxer and repenting FBer) focused on all things non-consumer (❤️ and ❤️)

My github gists are full of horrible hacks and I've written ObjC bridging code in at least 5 or 6 languages at this point. And if you don't stop me, I'll friggin' do it again. I know more about , ctypes, and than is legally allowed.

I inhale and books. I have no shelf control. Pets outnumber humans 5 to 1 in this household. Say hi

Trey Hunner 🐍's avatar
Trey Hunner 🐍


In , I tend to avoid map, filter, and reduce.


The map & filter functions predate Python's comprehension syntax, which I see as an alternative to map & filter that's often much more readable as well.

And reduce can often be replaced by a reduction function.

Instead of this:

single_word_names = list(map(str.lower, filter(lambda name: " " not in name, names)))

I'd prefer this:

single_word_names = [
for name in names
if " " not in names

(1/4) 🧵

kirch's avatar


I am a human, I can sign something for you from keybase.io/jkirchartz if you'd like

Here is a list of my interests, in no particular order.

statsrhian's avatar


Exciting opportunity 🚀

We're helping to build the future of open source data science in health and social care at the Strategy Unit, and we need you to help us.

- Data Scientist (Band 7/8A) jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/jobadver
- Lead Data Scientist (Band 8B) jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/jobadver

Expect lots of & fun, contributing to national healthcare projects on team who values open-source and best practices. 💙

Birmingham-based (hybrid / UK remote). Closes August 26th
Happy to chat 😊

Michael Kearns's avatar
Michael Kearns


Okay people - I know there are lots of you on fosstodon.

I’ve worked with Python professionally a few years back, and on my own projects occasionally, but now I’m wanting to get back to a true ‘flow’ state with the latest and greatest (ignoring packaging, as that’s always a mess).

Any suggestions as to where best to catch myself up, and see what I’ve missed ?

No ‘beginner’ things please, as I’ve been around a long time, but any cool/useful/important things from 3.6 onwards I guess.

Noa 🐍 🏳️‍🌈's avatar
Noa 🐍 🏳️‍🌈


"To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."

(esp )
(esp )
(esp )
(esp )
(esp )
(esp )

HT: @runoutgroover

Terence Tao's avatar
Terence Tao


Had an unwilling flashback to early 2000-s style computing earlier today when I tried to install a package (pycddlib) for . Due to some weird dependency bug in the most recent versions of python, this ended up taking two hours of downloading various bits and pieces of software (in no particular order: cython; .NET SDK; gmp; MPIR; VSCode Solution Explorer; vcpkg (attempted, but abandoned); CMake (attempted, but abandoned); MSYS2; a single file longintrepr.h (manually downloaded from a github repo); several unrelated github projects that shared some of the dependencies (but did not ultimately advance the resolution, probably due to the lack of fundamental understanding of what I was actually doing at some stages of the process); and several manual compilations and "make"s, updates of PATH environment variables and reboots), as well as multiple google searches (mostly to stackexchange sites and similar) and consultations with AI, before finally succeeding (after three partial successes in which the immediate error message was resolved, only to encounter a fresh error message). This sort of extremely tedious problem-solving is a task which I will be very happy to see become a thing of the past when personalized AI-empowered digital assistants become commonplace!

Benjamin Alan Jamie's avatar
Benjamin Alan Jamie


Do I have any music (or sound in general 😃) lover here that knows and have some free time? is much appreciated.

Jan Ulrich Hasecke's avatar
Jan Ulrich Hasecke


Die zweite Auflage meine Buches über ist erschienen.

"Sphinx ist ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug für die Dokumentation von Software. Ursprünglich geschrieben, um die Programmiersprache zu dokumentieren, entwickelte sich Sphinx in der Python-Community schnell zum Standard. "


Cover des Buches "Software-Dokumentation mit Sphinx"
ALT text detailsCover des Buches "Software-Dokumentation mit Sphinx"
markwalker's avatar


Setuptools has finally removed the test command in v72, after 5 years of the depreciation warning.

Now it seems lots of modules are failing because they never did change their test suite.


PyOhio's avatar


Is HERE!!!

Welcome everyone, an awesome conference awaits us today!

Welcome to PyOhio Sign with registration desk and staff in the background
ALT text detailsWelcome to PyOhio Sign with registration desk and staff in the background
🌈 ☯️Teresita🐧👭's avatar
🌈 ☯️Teresita🐧👭


This little digression in shows how the partial sum of a Fourier series converges toward a square wave as terms are added.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸's avatar
Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸


I wrote about on applications. kushaldas.in/posts/multi-facto

A demo showing after username/password login, the page is asking for TOTO token for the authentication.
ALT text detailsA demo showing after username/password login, the page is asking for TOTO token for the authentication.
Marcos Dione's avatar
Marcos Dione



:sad_face: enthusiast (most of them) (not much of it)

Father of two, make my own maps and computer tools, have my own home server, fix as many things as I can myself, love to drive and travel by car but not for the city, and much more.

Mostly boosts, in several languages, including some I can't speak, write or read.

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


🐍🔐 Python lockfiles are back!

Read @brettcannon's new PEP 751 – "A file format to list Python dependencies for installation reproducibility":


Discuss it:


DJM (freelance for hire)'s avatar
DJM (freelance for hire)


Maths, so complex...

ChatGPT 4o
Prompt: 9.11 and 9.9 — which is bigger
ChatGPT: 9.11 is bigger than 9.9. Prompt: subtract them
ChatGPT: To subtract 9.9 from 9.11, you perform the following calculation:
9.11 - 9.9 = 0.21
Prompt: use python
ChatGPT: The result of subtracting 9.9 from 9.11 in Python is —0.79. This discrepancy is due to the way floating-point arithmetic is handled in Python, which can lead to small precision errors. The actual intended result should be 0.21.
ALT text detailsChatGPT 4o Prompt: 9.11 and 9.9 — which is bigger ChatGPT: 9.11 is bigger than 9.9. Prompt: subtract them ChatGPT: To subtract 9.9 from 9.11, you perform the following calculation: 9.11 - 9.9 = 0.21 Prompt: use python ChatGPT: The result of subtracting 9.9 from 9.11 in Python is —0.79. This discrepancy is due to the way floating-point arithmetic is handled in Python, which can lead to small precision errors. The actual intended result should be 0.21.
Andy Todd's avatar
Andy Todd


Hi , my brain isn’t working today. What’s the simplest way (preferably in ) to get my posts from an ActivityPub server - either or ? Do I need to have a full blown ActivityPub client or is there a simpler way to do it?

Cosmonic's avatar


TUTORIAL: Run Python (and any other language) in CNCF wasmCloud. Now WASI 0.2.0 is in the wild, it's the perfect opportunity to walk through the steps we take to run a generic component - using in this example - in wasmCloud. Dive in to this new post from @ericgregory


wraptile's avatar


and people are putting an incredible amount of work modernizing server side js.

The energy is reminding me of early day - so many new tools made with proper care behind rather than most of NodeJS ecosystem which is just glued together with band-aids and staples :blobcatgrimacing:

That being said, after working with Deno for the past week it still feels a bit too bleeding edge though it does work with !

Kidsan's avatar


I find myself in that uncomfortable situation like many others who work in tech lately, and will be looking at a layoff in the next few months. If anyone is aware of cool jobs in Germany, probably remote-first, working with (or even ) please reach out. I have ~9 years of backend experience and consider myself someone who gets shit done.

NicTea's avatar


New server, time for an updated post. (formerly NicTea@tech.lgbt)

I'm Nic, based in , and I work as a (in & ) & .

Much of the rest of my time is spent playing and doing , along with tinkering with and other

Figured out I was about a year ago, and it's been a wild ride since.

Henry's avatar


Now I’ve been here a few weeks, found the fire exits, amenities and snacks, I should probably add an post.

Hello 👋 I’m Henry, and professionally I do and in the industry, mostly with and

Unprofessionally I spend my time two children along with my wife and occasionally manage to find time to play 🎸 improve my use of and hack at too many half forgotten projects.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven's avatar
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven



I'm Jeroen from the Netherlands and a problem solver.


( )

NiceMicro's avatar


I realize, that while I've been on this platform for a while, I haven't introduced myself, so here it goes.

I'm Nice Micro, scientist (semiconducting materials and semiconductor devices) by day, free software enthusiast, script kiddie, wrangler, waiter and avid gym goer by whatever part of the day I'm not working.

I'm on YouTube with , and gaming content.

:python: :bash: :linux: :archlinux: :neovim: 🎥

Mike Driscoll's avatar
Mike Driscoll


Pop Quiz 🐍❓

What does the following code output?

A) True
B) False
C) None of the above

Sasha's avatar


Hey! on a new server with my favorite tech peeps! My name is Sasha and I am a

a reformed to be a , with experience in , , , , interested in programming

a that ironically has a broad interest in all dev things, but not enough time and energy to get to them all

I believe that and also that and are underrated.

More here: blog.ferrata.dev/hey-there/

Stylus's avatar


I've named this account after my first AD&D character whose name I can recall. Hoo boy was that long time ago.

Interests inlude:

Languages: English; some French and German

Jeff Triplett's avatar
Jeff Triplett


🦆 DuckDB may be the tool you didn't know you were missing


Jakub Nowosad's avatar
Jakub Nowosad


🔥Major Announcement🔥

We created a new home for all of our resources on reproducible geographic data analysis, modeling, and visualization with open source software!

Visit geocompx.org/.

Dr. Sarah Pohl's avatar
Dr. Sarah Pohl


So, eine Englische Vorstellung hab ich, dann fehlt jetzt noch das deutsche .

Während ich auf Englisch Richtung und unterwegs bin, geht's im Deutschen eher in den Bereich der und . Ich bin viel mit dem unterwegs - und zur Kita - und möchte mich sicher auf den Straßen bewegen können! Beruflich bin ich sehr interessiert an der , die ist daher auch ab und zu Thema bei mir.

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


As we continue to work on transparency and improvements to the PSF Grants Program, the PSF Board is pleased to share updates on the program and plans for the future. Learn more on the PSF blog.

PyPodcats's avatar


Sneak peek into our 5th episode of !

Meet Mona Obedoza!

Learn about Mona’s journey. She started learning to code at the age of 5, making video games using Scratch and Python. Even though Mona is still in high school, she is already a frequent public speaker at Python and tech conferences, and is inspiring other kids to code.

Hosts: @georgically & @terezaif

Full episode is coming on July 24, 2024! Subscribe to our podcast now!

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


We're excited to announce the results of the 2024 election for the PSF Board & Bylaw changes! Thank you to the nominees, our outgoing Board member, and our community for participating this year- we are so grateful to be in community with you 💙💛

Juan Luis's avatar
Juan Luis


What modern books do you use to teach basic Python for data science instead of @jakevdp's "Python Data Science Handbook"? jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataSc

I used to teach with that book from 2017-2023 but it got quite old already, I'm looking for a fresh perspective (or just an updated version of the book)

cc @thecarpentries @yabellini

Jobs for Developers's avatar
Jobs for Developers


Sentry is hiring Senior Software Engineer, Platform

🌎 Toronto, Canada
⏰ Full-time
🏢 Sentry

Job details jobsfordevelopers.com/jobs/sen

Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸's avatar
Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸


Do you know any good tutorials explaining various scenarios of handling (structure and data save/retrieval)? Things to read and learn more on this topic?

S. Lott's avatar
S. Lott


You want the Python Real-World Projects book. Order today.


S. Lott's avatar
S. Lott


My E-Books.



Small. Focused.

Hynek Schlawack's avatar
Hynek Schlawack


Even though this account is over five years old, this is a start-over, so time for a !

I’m Hynek from Berlin, and (still) like computers. I strive to have informed and nuanced opinions.

I’m best known in the community, where I wrote many blog posts, gave many conference talks/keynotes, created foundational projects like attrs, argon2-cffi, or structlog, and still help push the ecosystem forward.


Albert Cardona's avatar
Albert Cardona

@albertcardona@qoto.org · Reply to Albert Cardona's post

The web-based open source software was devised as "google maps but for volumes". Documentation at catmaid.org and source code at github.com/catmaid/CATMAID/

Modern enables hundreds of researchers world wide to collaboratively map neuronal circuits in large datasets, e.g., 100 TB or larger, limited only by bandwidth and server-side storage. The goal: to map and analyse a whole brain .

Running client-side on and server-side on , it's a pleasure to use–if I may say so–and easy to hack on to extend its functionality with further widgets.

The first minimally viable product was produced in 2007 by Stephan Saalfeld (what we now refer to, dearly, as "Ice Age CATMAID), who demonstrated to us all that the web, and javascript, where the way to go for distributed, collaborative annotation of large datasets accessed piece-wise. See the original paper: academic.oup.com/bioinformatic

See also public instances at the virtualflybrain.org/ particularly under "tools - CATMAID - hosted EM data such as this first instar larval volume of its complete nervous system l1em.catmaid.virtualflybrain.o)

Screenshot of CATMAID software illustrating various widgets to analyze neurons and neuronal circuits.
ALT text detailsScreenshot of CATMAID software illustrating various widgets to analyze neurons and neuronal circuits.
Albert Cardona's avatar
Albert Cardona


Have you discovered the image processing forum yet? forum.image.sc

Featuring tutorials, requests for guidance, help, discussion of new features and documentation for open source software and many more.

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


The July edition of the PSF Grants Program Office Hour is kicking off shortly 🐍📋 9AM EST, 1PM UTC. Join us if you have any PSF Grant related questions!

Humphrey (is looking for work)'s avatar
Humphrey (is looking for work)


I have just cast my vote in the @ThePSF Board of Directors Election. If you have not cast your vote please do so. Voting closes today at 2pm UTC.

Paolo Melchiorre's avatar
Paolo Melchiorre

@paulox@fosstodon.org · Reply to Paolo Melchiorre's post

@ThePSF You can watch all the videos of the Nominees for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board Election on the playlist of the YouTube account of the PSF 👇

Paolo Melchiorre's avatar
Paolo Melchiorre

@paulox@fosstodon.org · Reply to Paolo Melchiorre's post

@ThePSF You can read the nomination details of all the Nominees for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board Election on the PSF website 👇

Paolo Melchiorre's avatar
Paolo Melchiorre


I just voted in the Python Software Foundation Board of Directors election 2024 🗳️

If you are a PSF member, you have until 2PM UTC on Tuesday 16 July 2024 to participate in the vote 🏃

More information on the PSF blog 👇


Screenshot of the vote receipt page for the Python Software Foundation board of directors election 2024
ALT text detailsScreenshot of the vote receipt page for the Python Software Foundation board of directors election 2024
KwonHan Bae's avatar
KwonHan Bae


thanks @ThePSF
for supporting meetup.com for Cebu Python User Group ( PizzaPy ), they can re-construct User Group!
if you have time to visit Cebu, Philippines meet them.


ɗ𐐩ʃƕρʋ's avatar


I'm a programmer by day, and by night I do whatever I am currently obsessed with. My obsessions, in no particular order include:

software, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Real_JamesCain's avatar


Hi, I’m James and this is my .

I'm originally from a rural town in middle Missouri but now call my home. I have a love for the American southwest (my Mom is from New Mexico) and for the coastal city of .

I'm single, live alone with two () named Amelia and Penelope. I'm a , can't stand money in , and yearn for a day when the improve their messaging and start fighting back.

What I'm into: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and you'll find I'm a bit of an all-around nerd.

I’m also , suffer from , , and . Forgive me in advance if I reach out.

I'm sarcastic as all get out but I have a big heart, that's easily broken when I see people (or animals) hurting.

PyConZA's avatar


We're a South African :python: conference organised by the community for the community. za.pycon.org/

🐍 is happening in Cape Town and online on the 3rd & 4th of October (with tutorials scheduled on the 2nd, and sprints on the 5th & 6th).

Talk submissions are open! 📢 za.pycon.org/news/call-for-sub

So are ticket sales! 🎟 za.pycon.org/tickets/buy-ticke We explain the different ticket types here: za.pycon.org/tickets/ticket-pr

We'd love to see you there, whether in person or virtually!

Paolo Melchiorre's avatar
Paolo Melchiorre


I'm Paolo Melchiorre, aka , hiker, swimmer, reader, traveler, living in 🏖️

graduated from the of 🎓

developer, member of and 🐍

contributor, member, and organizer and coach 🦄

Organizer of and co-organizer of the 🇮🇹

Conference , at , , etc 🗣️

user and advocate 🥑

blogger 🐦

Joshua Oliphant's avatar
Joshua Oliphant


I wrote up a project last night that uses the API to analyze my conversations, which I downloaded, with the goal of extracting reusable prompts. Check it out here: github.com/JoshuaOliphant/chic

Thomas Wouters's avatar
Thomas Wouters


Here's a post that took us (the Python Steering Council) a little longer than we wanted to, responding to a discussion from a few weeks ago: discuss.python.org/t/inclusive

This stuff matters. We have a moral obligation, as well as a practical need, to be as open, welcoming and inclusive as we can be. It's existential to the longevity of Python. Inclusivity is in the eye of the beholder, and so we _have_ to listen to feedback from everyone.

PyCon AU's avatar
PyCon AU


😱 Wait, wait, wait! The CFP application date is already next Sunday!

From development and frameworks to APIs and all things data. First-time speaker or seasoned expert! Professional or student!

You have to apply now and share your knowledge with the world!


BECOME A SPEAKER Applications close July 21st, 2024 pycon.org.au/program, program@pycon.org.au
ALT text detailsBECOME A SPEAKER Applications close July 21st, 2024 pycon.org.au/program, program@pycon.org.au
Trey Hunner 🐍's avatar
Trey Hunner 🐍


Time for another I think 🤔

My name is Trey. 👋 I help developers sharpen their Python skills. I mostly teach core , , and . 🐍

I run a Python team training company and made PythonMorsels.com to help individuals and small teams level-up their skills.

I love , I'm into /#vegan cooking, I'm interested in Python on , & I'm a . I've also acquired a habit of posting daily-ish on Mastodon (thanks @simon).

Lily's avatar


I'm looking for a new role. I've been working professionally with for 12 years. For the past year and a half I've also been working with .

In open source, I've contributed multiple headline features to and I'm a maintainer of .

I'm based in the UK and I'm comfortable with remote work or hybrid.

My ideal role would involve both Python and Rust. I'm open to considering other roles too.

Josh at Foxley Talent's avatar
Josh at Foxley Talent


Final Summer Django Social is booked before an August break and I am hoping for good weather.

This is for families and friends as well as our Django community. I will be bringing my wife and twins to play along as well.

I really hope this is an inclusive social and we can have a record attendance. It's a picnic next to the park with some football rounders.

I hope to see you there: meetup.com/djangosocial-uk/eve

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


🐍🧪 Python 3.13.0 is due out in October 2024 and work is underway to implement *experimental support* for PEP 703 "Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython".

As the Steering Council noted in their acceptance of the PEP, to succeed it's important to have community support.

I wrote a little guide on how you can help test out the beta in your project, and help us find bugs in CPython:


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


📣🐍📚 Calling all Python library maintainers!

Python 3.13 is now in beta, with the second of four beta releases out later today!

It's now time to start testing your libraries with 3.13 and report any problems back to CPython so they can be fixed before the big October release. And make any updates you need to upgrade your library; keep an eye out for removals and deprecations.

Here's how to test 3.13 on GitHub Actions:


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

At 20:26 this evening I published PEP 2026 to propose Python adopts calendar versioning!


This means that starting with the 2026 release, the version will be 3.YY.micro; Python 3.15 will cease to be, and will instead be Python 3.26.



Read @sethmlarson's blogpost of my Language Summit talk:


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@hugovk@mastodon.social · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Here are my slides from the Language Summit:

Should Python adopt CalVer?

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade


I just kicked off PyCon 2024 with the first talk of the Language Summit (and my first talk at PyCon!): "Should Python adopt CalVer?" It was an interesting discussion, let's see!

Slide with a photo of my silhouette when cycling on the sea:

Should Python adopt CalVer?

Hugo van Kemenade

Dead Set Bit
Core developer since 2022
3.14 & 3.15 release manager
ALT text detailsSlide with a photo of my silhouette when cycling on the sea: Should Python adopt CalVer? Hugo van Kemenade Helsinki Dead Set Bit Core developer since 2022 3.14 & 3.15 release manager
The view of the language summit from the lectern.
ALT text detailsThe view of the language summit from the lectern.
Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


Want to learn more about this year's candidates for the PSF Board? Check out this YouTube playlist to get to know the nominees 🤩

Mexorcist :virginia_badge:'s avatar
Mexorcist :virginia_badge:


The .

I'm a 50-something dad of 2 boys who play some combination of , , and . I've been married 18 years, living in since 1997. We have a German Shepherd mix rescue; she is the best girl.

I work in and other stuff. Been at the same company since 1997. It's a great place to work.

: Unfortunate fan . Favor the over the . I try to follow but cannot stand Verstappen. Since the older son plays, we find ourselves watching the more often. They are terrible.

lover of . I love , amateur , and also beers.

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧's avatar
mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧


Since I'm moving here from Fosstodon, I suppose it's a good opportunity for a re-.

My name's Michał Górny. You may know me as a Gentoo developer, though my social media usage extended beyond that.

I've joined in 2010, back when I was still a student. You could say that we've both matured together, perhaps became less bleeding edge and more stable. There are some things that I'm still doing all these years later, notably the maintenance of ecosystem in Gentoo (which is superior to other distributions, I must say), , and some other random packages, building Distribution Kernels. I also create software (mostly tools related to Gentoo package management), work in QA, and either do or have done a lot of random stuff that simply needed to be done.

Professionally, I used to be a programmer. However, I quit my last job in 2022 due to health breakdown and haven't managed to find a good job so far. Right now, I'm mostly surviving on what I've managed to save years ago, with some help from my gracious sponsors (thank you for your donations!). I've started a new job recently, though onboarding is taking quite long and it's not yet clear if I'll manage to actually make any profit.

I am very . I always enjoyed and fast walks around , and since I've been diagnosed with in 2022, this changed from just a pastime to a necessary exercise. That said, I don't like repeating the same routes too often, so I go around by . My main interchange stations are , , and .

A few years ago I adopted three stray siblings: Blackie (or Lulu), Ruh and Mr. Gray (or Mr. Ek!). They are going to cyclically appear in my avatars and profile backgrounds. That said, they made me realize I'm actually a cat, and a big cat too (that's why the "territory" I keep patrolling has roughly 200 km radius).

I hate and I'm quite angry that I am forced to take interest in it. I'm a strong believer in the ideology (I don't even have a driver's license). I will sometimes rant in the mood, with a sprinkle of and in the face of .

I enjoy reading (fiction and non-fiction alike), watching or (though I usually don't manage more than 30 minutes at a time) or playing computer (preferably slower, older, single-player games these days).

I generally toot simultaneously in english and polish (except for word plays that don't make sense in the other language). My polish account is: pol.social/@mgorny

WhizKidz's avatar


Check out the awesome online platform at codepad.site. It's FREE! There's support for / / , , and .

WhizKidz's avatar


If you know little or nothing about but want to learn, then check out whizkidzcc.com/summer. We've turned students that didn't think they could code to not only become proficient but to actually enjoy programming.

We offer one-week online workshops on , , , / , and more! These classes are taught by trained instructors. It is project-based and very hands-on. Use the coupon code "mastnew" for $100 off for first-time customers!

Mitex Leo's avatar
Mitex Leo


Hey everyone!

I'm a 19-year-old from Bangladesh, part of the Gen Z generation. I’m passionate about privacy, FOSS, and freedom of speech. As a practicing Muslim, I find balance and peace in my faith.

I love programming, mainly in Python and C for now, and I'm an avid reader 📚. Recently, I fell in love with chemistry after reading "The Disappearing Spoon."

I stand firmly against any forms of racism and genocide. As an introvert, I grew up feeling a bit lonely because I didn't find many people like me.

Looking forward to connecting with like-minded folks here!

#intro #introduction #fediverse #programming #foss #GenZ #islam #python #clang #chemistry #introvert
user8e8f87e's avatar


Kennt sich hier jemand mit WebScraping aus?

Ich will alle Elemente von dieser Seite bekommen, dafür muss man ein paar mal den Button unten drücken. Ich versuche es mit und cfscraper/requests und , aber ich bekomme die richtige POST-Anfrage nicht hin.

Jemand Ideen?

Hier ist die Seite: neubaukompass.de/neubau-immobi

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions

Link: nicholashairs.com/posts/major-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Python Weekly 🐍's avatar
Python Weekly 🐍


Summary of major Python changes between versions


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://www.nichola

Matt Cengia (seeking work)'s avatar
Matt Cengia (seeking work)


Hey , I'm on a . I'm a systems engineer and developer with 15+ years' experience, based in , Australia. I have a high attention to detail & lots of experience working with people (15+ years community organising/Scout leading). Motivating values: free/ software, accessibility, diversity, equity, inclusion, privacy, and security, analysing/improving/automating systems/processes. Recent personal projects involve , , .
Ideally seek remote role with communicative/cohesive team, variety, flexible hours, ideally max 4 days/week.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mattcen/
Resume: blog.mattcen.com/resume/

AstraLuma's avatar


Ok, time for an post!

Hi, I'm AstraLuma, trans woman, programmer, computer booper, cow. Currently living in .

I'm neurodivergent, occasionally have cursed ideas, and boost a lot.

I play and , write a lot of , and run when I can.

Matthieu Viry's avatar
Matthieu Viry


👋 Hi all ! I am a research engineer at CNRS 🇫🇷, working at the UAR RIATE on the development of applications or libraries for the visualization or the processing of geographic information.
I did my PhD in Grenoble 🏔️🚁 about Semantic Web and geovisualisation.

I love , , , , , , and in general.
Also maintainer of magrit.cnrs.fr 🗺️ (thematic cartography tool).

James Bennett's avatar
James Bennett


A belated :

I'm James (he/him).

If you knew me prior to appearing over here on Mastodon, it was probably because of something related to and . I've served in a lot of roles within the Django project, though a couple years ago I stepped down from everything except the security team, where I still occasionally can weigh in with some institutional knowledge or bits of Unicode arcana.

A quick biographical sketch:

For a variety of mostly-economic reasons, I didn't have reliable access to the internet or even a PC until I went to college. I did a degree in philosophy, and have never taken a formal Computer Science or Software Engineering (or other "related field") course in my life. I got into web dev sort of by accident in the early 2000s, and almost didn't make it -- I was struggling to make ends meet freelancing, and only managed to stick around because I effectively won the lottery: I got interested in Django pretty quickly after it was open-sourced, and about six months later I was hired by the little newspaper company in Kansas where it was originally developed. I owe my entire subsequent career and success to a combination of privilege (I'm a white dude who could pass for middle-class, so a lot of doors opened, or opened more easily, for me) and that lucky break.

I believe tech hiring and interviewing are awful, and have worked to improve them both indirectly through writing/speaking about them, and directly at various employers over the years. I have no patience for gatekeepers, "your language/library/framework sucks" zealots, "brilliant assholes" and other assorted malefactors.

My politics are progressive but NOT populist, and that is an important distinction, because a lot of allegedly "progressive" causes and people... aren't.

I like baseball. I'm pretty bad at chess but enjoy it anyway. I read a lot, sometimes new things, sometimes old favorites. I like to cook.

I'm still figuring out what parts of myself I want to put into this account and what I want to get out of it.

Alastair :wq's avatar
Alastair :wq



James Scholes's avatar
James Scholes


Ouch. The voting page for the Software Foundation () Board of Directors 2024 Election is completely inaccessible with a keyboard.

It's hosted by OpaVote, which is presumably a third party. None of the director candidate checkboxes or bylaw change radio buttons can be navigated to, nor can their state be determined with a to make sure I'm voting for the intended things.

Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸's avatar
Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸


Py introduced our next speaker ntoll in

Brett Cannon's avatar
Brett Cannon


Since it seems to be the tradition ...

I live in , (on unceded territory; vancouver.ca/people-programs/l).

I am a core developer on the programming language (19 years and counting).

Spare time is:

- (github.com/brettcannon/ , snarky.ca/)
- (letterboxd.com/nothingbutsnark)
- shows (trakt.tv/users/brettcannon)
- (mostly Destiny 2 and Marvel Snap ATM)

Robert Roskam's avatar
Robert Roskam


Top 5 people for by followers:

@mkennedy, Michael Kennedy with 4.1k
@glyph, Glyph with 4k
@brettcannon, Brett Cannon with 3k
@pamelafox, Pamela Fox with 3k
@kushal, Kushal Das with 2.7k

PyCon Africa's avatar
PyCon Africa


📢📢 Have an interesting proposal? There’s still time! Submit your proposal for and present it at one of Africa’s largest Python conferences.

🔗 Submit Your Proposal Here: africa.pycon.org/2024/talks/sp

Why present at PyCon Africa?

🌍 Diverse audience
🤝 Network with leaders
🚀 Share your ideas
📚 Build your portfolio

Hurry, CFP closes in 5 days!

Eric Matthes's avatar
Eric Matthes


The Django from first principles series has been a lot of work to write, but it's been really interesting to dig into.

After implementing most of the blog functionality, the original single file is about 50 lines long. But, it has five very distinct sections:

blogmaker_lite.py, with colored rectangles highlighting 5 main sections: import statements, admin registration, view functions, URL patterns, and WSGI handler
ALT text detailsblogmaker_lite.py, with colored rectangles highlighting 5 main sections: import statements, admin registration, view functions, URL patterns, and WSGI handler
Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


Lightning talks are submitted by attendees during the Language Summit at 2024. This year saw talks from @encukou, @davidhewitt, Emily Morehouse, @ambv, Pablo Galindo Salgado, and Yury Selivanov. See the summaries on our blog:

Feoh's avatar


OK so I'm staring at @ThePSF board of directors ballot and nominations page, and holy cow these all seem like sincerely amazing people in their own right:


The community is just amazing y'all.

Python Weekly 🐍's avatar
Python Weekly 🐍


Trending Django projects in the past 30 days


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://django.wtf/

Barbara Shaurette :python:'s avatar
Barbara Shaurette :python:


I've been here for a few weeks and am just finally getting around to a proper

I've been a software for 20+ years, writing for at least 10 of that (I used to teach at )

Last year I switched over to and I really like the work but still have a lot to learn

In my (very little) free time I try to make art - you can find me at instagram.com/b_shaurette_art/

I'm , a queer , I believe ... also

Mariatta 🤦🏻‍♀️ :python:'s avatar
Mariatta 🤦🏻‍♀️ :python:


I'm Mariatta, in Vancouver 🇨🇦

I work at Google as Senior Developer Relations Engineer, maintaining open source Python client libraries for Google Cloud.

As one of the core developers, I care about documentation, workflow, bots, and contributor experience.

I'm the Chair of 2023-2024, Fellow member of @ThePSF and Community Service Award recipient.

My pets are a variety of tropical freshwater fish and some Amano shrimps.

I love food, traveling, and kdrama 👋

Mariatta 🤦🏻‍♀️ :python:'s avatar
Mariatta 🤦🏻‍♀️ :python:


I know y'all are now binging on those 2023 keynotes and talk videos which are now released on YouTube, but your experience won't be the same unless you also watch the welcome message from your conference chair 😊 (youtu.be/eZwHvBsoPn4)

We shared our 20 years of @pycon flashback 🤩.
I get to introduce my tradition. 🍦🤳
I shared how PyCon has changed my life, and thus I wish for you to experience the magic of PyCon too ✨

Sumana Harihareswara's avatar
Sumana Harihareswara


I'm Sumana Harihareswara, a woman in New York City. I have a consultancy changeset.nyc, Changeset Consulting and provide short-term project management services for projects. I'm writing a book on maintainership skills and have accidentally developed expertise in packaging tools.

I'm married, a stand-up comedian & fanvidder, a frequent poster on & , Indian-American. Just moved from mastodon.social!

Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


ATTN PSF Voting Members: The 2024 PSF Board election vote is now open until July 16th! If you affirmed your intention to vote in this year's election, you should have an email with voting instructions 🗳️ Learn more on our blog.

Christopher Neugebauer's avatar
Christopher Neugebauer


I just voted for all three of the bylaws changes in the @ThePSF election, because _of course I did_.

Glyph's avatar

@glyph@mastodon.social · Reply to Glyph's post

While we are talking about talk videos though, the youtube channels of every conference have *weirdly* low view counts. If you write Python code, you should probably be subscribed to youtube.com/@northbaypython and youtube.com/@pyconus and probably a dozen regionals I haven’t been to. The value in these talks is massive, and I know a lot of people can’t be at the events live. You should peruse the catalog on pyvideo.org and see which ones capture your interest.

Glyph's avatar


You can now watch the talk on "The Perfect Python Project" that I gave on Saturday at North Bay Python on YouTube. Please share and enjoy. youtube.com/watch?v=kcfERM6fcg

Ed S's avatar
Ed S


Here's my ...
I'm into and , am a #6502 fan, but I like green spaces and days which not overcast, I like science and - mostly and stories - , aka or , I like for his music and his thoughtful writings and funny videos, I write just a little code in and and and generally spend a lot of time on the internet.
Isn't the world a lovely place but in a fine old state though?

Mark Shane Hayden's avatar
Mark Shane Hayden


Since there has been a huge burst of new activity out there, and everyone has been doing I guess I should (re)do a hashtag-laden of my own.

I am a mid-century modern weirdo from aka that runs coales.co Hometown/Mastodon site out of the garage in his back yard (the servers are literally bolted to the ceiling in there...told you I was weird)

Like a lot of people here I am a computer nerd who codes a lot of and tinker with and and uses mostly. Professionally I do stuff.

That said I often (sometimes mostly) post random and sometimes weird stuff. Occasionally political but put it behind content warnings. I am generally and I dunno maybe if I had to label it.

Also like weird like and , and cute fuzzy animals (not like THAT jeez) and and I'm occasionally a necromancer of old

Glen Downton's avatar
Glen Downton


Since I've just switched instances, it's time for a new

I am a in , mostly C/C++ (), , learning and , dabbled in many others. Interested in image processing, , sports analytics, with a continuously growing list of side projects which may or may not ever get "finished".

When I'm not doing that I'm a who occasionally gets paid to shoot events.

And while I have your attention, on a completely different note ...

Australia's Head of State should be an Australian, by birth or by choice.

Any Australian should be able to aspire to be our Head of State.

All Australians should have a say in who is our Head of State

Marcos Huerta's avatar
Marcos Huerta


New instance, I must repost and re-pin my !

My background is in astrophysics. I worked in science policy in DC for about a decade: for my professional society, as a congressional fellow, and then at the Department of Energy Office of Science.

I changed careers to in 2019 and now work in the private sector.

I learned first, but now work and do my side projects with . See all my side here:


PyCon AU's avatar
PyCon AU


Have you ever wanted to know what happens behind-the-scenes at conferences like PyConAU? We're looking for volunteers to help out in November (After exam season!)

No prior experience required! It’s a fantastic opportunity to get to know the community, and learn something new!

Sign up at pycon.org.au/attend/volunteer

Call for Volunteers let’s do it! pycon.org.au/attend/volunteer
ALT text detailsCall for Volunteers let’s do it! pycon.org.au/attend/volunteer
Jérémy Garniaux's avatar
Jérémy Garniaux


It's time:

I'm a geographer working as a mapmaker and codewriter for the open science in archaeology. , & are my favorite tools right now.

Beside geospatial and web, I've worked before as a performer & artist. I'm into & I've been during a couple of years. I'm fluent in French, English & Spanish, and playing music is my happy place!

I'm also the admin of mapstodon.space. Quite excited to see y'all around here!

Tyrone Slothrop's avatar
Tyrone Slothrop


An perhaps?

I’m this middle-aged dad from Germany. I have a wonderful partner, 4 kids and a cat.

I care about society and technology. A retired activist, these days I work at a globocorp doing IT stuff for trains 🚄

My interests include baking , stuff, paddling a whitewater , n00bing around with , and , and oh so many books.

There’s never enough time, and I haven’t been bored in more than a decade.

Ciarán McNally's avatar
Ciarán McNally


Hello all 👋
Am a self-employed consultant of 10+ years via securit.ie/

I regularly enjoy live sports/music (likely to post about), I code & and am unafraid of low-level / reverse engineering, builder, breaker, cocktail shaker. Lefty af ☭. An aspiring cyberterrorist armchair general on main

codeismycanvas's avatar


- Hello Mastodon people, I'm an engineer and artist in . I thought you might enjoy the and other algorithm-based artwork I make using custom code.

I may also occasionally post about and my .

Fractal made of sine and cosine functions.
ALT text detailsFractal made of sine and cosine functions.
jonny (good kind)'s avatar
jonny (good kind)


Here's an ~ official ~ release announcement for

repo: github.com/p2p-ld/numpydantic
docs: numpydantic.readthedocs.io

Problems: @pydantic is great for modeling data!! but at the moment it doesn't support array data out of the box. Often array shape and dtype are as important as whether something is an array at all, but there isn't a good way to specify and validate that with the Python type system. Many data formats and standards couple their implementation very tightly with their schema, making them less flexible, less interoperable, and more difficult to maintain than they could be. The existing tools for parameterized array types like nptyping and jaxtyping tie their annotations to a specific array library, rather than allowing array specifications that can be abstract across implementations.

numpydantic is a super small, few-dep, and well-tested package that provides generic array annotations for pydantic models. Specify an array along with its shape and dtype and then use that model with any array library you'd like! Extending support for new array libraries is just subclassing - no PRs or monkeypatching needed. The type has some magic under the hood that uses pydantic validators to give a uniform array interface to things that don't usually behave like arrays - pass a path to a video file, that's an array. pass a path to an HDF5 file and a nested array within it, that's an array. We take advantage of the rest of pydantic's features too, including generating rich JSON schema and smart array dumping.

This is a standalone part of my work with @linkml arrays and rearchitecting neurobio data formats like NWB to be dead simple to use and extend, integrating with the tools you already use and across the experimental process - specify your data in a simple yaml format, and get back high quality data modeling code that is standards-compliant out of the box and can be used with arbitrary backends. One step towards the wild exuberance of FAIR data that is just as comfortable in the scattered scripts of real experimental work as it is in carefully curated archives and high performance computing clusters. Longer term I'm trying to abstract away data store implementations to bring content-addressed p2p data stores right into the python interpreter as simply as if something was born in local memory.

plenty of todos, but hope ya like it.

[This and the following images aren't very screen reader friendly with a lot of code in them. I'll describe what's going on in brackets and then put the text below.

In this image: a demonstration of the basic usage of numpydantic, declaring an "array" field on a pydantic model with an NDArray class with a shape and dtype specification. The model can then be used with a number of different array libraries and data formats, including validation.]

Numpydantic allows you to do this:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from numpydantic import NDArray, Shape

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    array: NDArray[Shape["3 x, 4 y, * z"], int]

And use it with your favorite array library:

import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
import zarr

# numpy
model = MyModel(array=np.zeros((3, 4, 5), dtype=int))
# dask
model = MyModel(array=da.zeros((3, 4, 5), dtype=int))
# hdf5 datasets
model = MyModel(array=('data.h5', '/nested/dataset'))
# zarr arrays
model = MyModel(array=zarr.zeros((3,4,5), dtype=int))
model = MyModel(array='data.zarr')
model = MyModel(array=('data.zarr', '/nested/dataset'))
# video files
model = MyModel(array="data.mp4")
ALT text details[This and the following images aren't very screen reader friendly with a lot of code in them. I'll describe what's going on in brackets and then put the text below. In this image: a demonstration of the basic usage of numpydantic, declaring an "array" field on a pydantic model with an NDArray class with a shape and dtype specification. The model can then be used with a number of different array libraries and data formats, including validation.] Numpydantic allows you to do this: from pydantic import BaseModel from numpydantic import NDArray, Shape class MyModel(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape["3 x, 4 y, * z"], int] And use it with your favorite array library: import numpy as np import dask.array as da import zarr # numpy model = MyModel(array=np.zeros((3, 4, 5), dtype=int)) # dask model = MyModel(array=da.zeros((3, 4, 5), dtype=int)) # hdf5 datasets model = MyModel(array=('data.h5', '/nested/dataset')) # zarr arrays model = MyModel(array=zarr.zeros((3,4,5), dtype=int)) model = MyModel(array='data.zarr') model = MyModel(array=('data.zarr', '/nested/dataset')) # video files model = MyModel(array="data.mp4")
[Further demonstration of validation and array expression, where a Union of NDArray specifications can specify a more complex data type - eg. an image that can be any shape in x and y, an RGB image, or a specific resolution of a video, each with independently checked dtypes]

For example, to specify a very special type of image that can either be

    a 2D float array where the axes can be any size, or

    a 3D uint8 array where the third axis must be size 3

    a 1080p video

from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
import numpy as np

from numpydantic import NDArray, Shape

class Image(BaseModel):
    array: Union[
        NDArray[Shape["* x, * y"], float],
        NDArray[Shape["* x, * y, 3 rgb"], np.uint8],
        NDArray[Shape["* t, 1080 y, 1920 x, 3 rgb"], np.uint8]

And then use that as a transparent interface to your favorite array library!

The Coca-Cola of array libraries

import numpy as np
# works
frame_gray = Image(array=np.ones((1280, 720), dtype=float))
frame_rgb  = Image(array=np.ones((1280, 720, 3), dtype=np.uint8))

# fails
wrong_n_dimensions = Image(array=np.ones((1280,), dtype=float))
wrong_shape = Image(array=np.ones((1280,720,10), dtype=np.uint8))

# shapes and types are checked together, so this also fails
wrong_shape_dtype_combo = Image(array=np.ones((1280, 720, 3), dtype=float))
ALT text details[Further demonstration of validation and array expression, where a Union of NDArray specifications can specify a more complex data type - eg. an image that can be any shape in x and y, an RGB image, or a specific resolution of a video, each with independently checked dtypes] For example, to specify a very special type of image that can either be a 2D float array where the axes can be any size, or a 3D uint8 array where the third axis must be size 3 a 1080p video from typing import Union from pydantic import BaseModel import numpy as np from numpydantic import NDArray, Shape class Image(BaseModel): array: Union[ NDArray[Shape["* x, * y"], float], NDArray[Shape["* x, * y, 3 rgb"], np.uint8], NDArray[Shape["* t, 1080 y, 1920 x, 3 rgb"], np.uint8] ] And then use that as a transparent interface to your favorite array library! Interfaces Numpy The Coca-Cola of array libraries import numpy as np # works frame_gray = Image(array=np.ones((1280, 720), dtype=float)) frame_rgb = Image(array=np.ones((1280, 720, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) # fails wrong_n_dimensions = Image(array=np.ones((1280,), dtype=float)) wrong_shape = Image(array=np.ones((1280,720,10), dtype=np.uint8)) # shapes and types are checked together, so this also fails wrong_shape_dtype_combo = Image(array=np.ones((1280, 720, 3), dtype=float))
[Demonstration of usage outside of pydantic as just a normal python type - you can validate an array against a specification by checking it the array is an instance of the array specification type]

And use the NDArray type annotation like a regular type outside of pydantic – eg. to validate an array anywhere, use isinstance:

array_type = NDArray[Shape["1, 2, 3"], int]
isinstance(np.zeros((1,2,3), dtype=int), array_type)
# True
isinstance(zarr.zeros((1,2,3), dtype=int), array_type)
# True
isinstance(np.zeros((4,5,6), dtype=int), array_type)
# False
isinstance(np.zeros((1,2,3), dtype=float), array_type)
# False
ALT text details[Demonstration of usage outside of pydantic as just a normal python type - you can validate an array against a specification by checking it the array is an instance of the array specification type] And use the NDArray type annotation like a regular type outside of pydantic – eg. to validate an array anywhere, use isinstance: array_type = NDArray[Shape["1, 2, 3"], int] isinstance(np.zeros((1,2,3), dtype=int), array_type) # True isinstance(zarr.zeros((1,2,3), dtype=int), array_type) # True isinstance(np.zeros((4,5,6), dtype=int), array_type) # False isinstance(np.zeros((1,2,3), dtype=float), array_type) # False
[Demonstration of JSON schema generation using the sort of odd case of an array with a specific dtype but an arbitrary shape. It has to use a recursive JSON schema definition, where the items of a given JSON array can either be the innermost dtype or another instance of that same array. Since JSON Schema doesn't support extended dtypes like 8-bit integers, we encode that information as maximum and minimum constraints on the `integer` class and add it in the schema metadata. Since pydantic renders all recursive schemas like this in the same $defs block, we use a blake2b hash against the dtype specification to keep them deduplicated.]

numpydantic can even handle shapes with unbounded numbers of dimensions by using recursive JSON schema!!!

So the any-shaped array (using nptyping’s ellipsis notation):

class AnyShape(BaseModel):
    array: NDArray[Shape["*, ..."], np.uint8]

is rendered to JSON-Schema like this:

  "$defs": {
    "any-shape-array-9b5d89838a990d79": {
      "anyOf": [
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/$defs/any-shape-array-9b5d89838a990d79"
          "type": "array"
        {"maximum": 255, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer"}
  "properties": {
    "array": {
      "dtype": "numpy.uint8",
      "items": {"$ref": "#/$defs/any-shape-array-9b5d89838a990d79"},
      "title": "Array",
      "type": "array"
  "required": ["array"],
  "title": "AnyShape",
  "type": "object"
ALT text details[Demonstration of JSON schema generation using the sort of odd case of an array with a specific dtype but an arbitrary shape. It has to use a recursive JSON schema definition, where the items of a given JSON array can either be the innermost dtype or another instance of that same array. Since JSON Schema doesn't support extended dtypes like 8-bit integers, we encode that information as maximum and minimum constraints on the `integer` class and add it in the schema metadata. Since pydantic renders all recursive schemas like this in the same $defs block, we use a blake2b hash against the dtype specification to keep them deduplicated.] numpydantic can even handle shapes with unbounded numbers of dimensions by using recursive JSON schema!!! So the any-shaped array (using nptyping’s ellipsis notation): class AnyShape(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape["*, ..."], np.uint8] is rendered to JSON-Schema like this: { "$defs": { "any-shape-array-9b5d89838a990d79": { "anyOf": [ { "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/any-shape-array-9b5d89838a990d79" }, "type": "array" }, {"maximum": 255, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer"} ] } }, "properties": { "array": { "dtype": "numpy.uint8", "items": {"$ref": "#/$defs/any-shape-array-9b5d89838a990d79"}, "title": "Array", "type": "array" } }, "required": ["array"], "title": "AnyShape", "type": "object" }
Rust Weekly 🦀's avatar
Rust Weekly 🦀


120ms to 30ms: Python to Rust


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://old.reddit.

Peter Drake, he/him, LFHCfS 🔥's avatar
Peter Drake, he/him, LFHCfS 🔥


I couldn't find a good reference diagram of the relationships between types, so a while ago I made one.

Is-a relationships between Python types like int, list, dict, range, Sequence, Container, and Hashable.
ALT text detailsIs-a relationships between Python types like int, list, dict, range, Sequence, Container, and Hashable.
Andrew Kuchling's avatar
Andrew Kuchling


: I do and programming for a healthcare in . Mostly I work remotely from my home in , out in the DC suburbs. Most posts will be about and , , some and news, and the occasional glimpse of daily life.

Thiago (Zozô) A. Ozores 🖖 ⚜️'s avatar
Thiago (Zozô) A. Ozores 🖖 ⚜️


Hello and welcome to my "bubble" inside Mastodon!

I'm Thiago Ozores a.k.a Zozo, and I'm Site Reliability Engineer

Some of my major interests are:

DopeGhoti's avatar


I suppose now that I've talked more than zero people in to joining me in testing the waters of Mastodon that it's high time for an post.

Hi, it me, @DopeGhoti. I'm an increasingly old fan of , , , , , , and . I like playing both and with my friends and noodling around with .

nick's avatar


Re-doing my now since I'm trying to be here a bit more ...

G'day I'm Nick, from the NE suburbs of , Australia.

I work as an (mostly ) doing remote work for various clients, and I'm also interested in or, as I like to call it, computers back when I was a kid.

I'm into (slowly) and working up to doing some miles around Victoria this summer, and eventually elsewhere in the world.

I'm into generally and I'm (also slowly) learning to play and learning a bit of music theory along the way.

I'm also doing some set design & construction for a group my daughters & their friends all seem to be in!

I'll probably be posting about those things more than work, tbqh. Older stuff, mostly tech-related, is on my blog at nick.zoic.org/

Thomas Lockney's avatar
Thomas Lockney

@tlockney@fosstodon.org · Reply to Thomas Lockney's post

These days, my interests are pretty much all over the place, but of late I find myself paying attention to: , , , , , , , and probably a couple dozen other things that I'll probably think of as soon as I hit publish on this. 😂

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


We have 8 tickets left for the amount of food we've ordered. If you're thinking of coming to , but have been leaving it to the last minute, try to get your order in tomorrow morning, so we might be able to order more food.



Christopher Neugebauer's avatar
Christopher Neugebauer


Updated #Introduction!

I'm an Australian, living in glorious Petaluma, California with my partner, Robin.

I believe in deliberate community building, prefer collective ownership (that's why I'm on social.coop), and often prefer Open Source software.

I like .

You may know me from conferences I've run: North Bay Python here in Petaluma, linux.conf.au in 2017, and PyCon AU 10ish years ago, or various talks at various PyCons.

I enjoy cooking, gardening, travel, and our cats: Pico & Astra.

North Bay Python's avatar
North Bay Python


is back, and we want to hear from you!

We're welcoming your talk proposals from _right now_ until April 12th. Have something to share about Python, or that people who like Python need to hear? We want to hear from you!

All the details, including key dates, policies, and proposal guidelines are at 2024.northbaypython.org/speak

An orange and white cat is walking at you, next to a black stage curtain along a polished concrete floor. Her tail is up, and she looks happy to see you. The background looks like it could be inside a barn.
ALT text detailsAn orange and white cat is walking at you, next to a black stage curtain along a polished concrete floor. Her tail is up, and she looks happy to see you. The background looks like it could be inside a barn.
Python Software Foundation's avatar
Python Software Foundation


We're excited to announce the nominees for the 2024 PSF Board Election 🤩🤩 make sure to check out everyone's nomination statements to learn more about this year's candidates!

Will McGugan's avatar
Will McGugan


Does anyone have any experience optimizing *shutdown* time in ?

Some complex app can take 1 or 2 seconds to shutdown. And that's after the very last statement in the code.

Can that delay be avoided? What actually is going on in that time?

Ned Batchelder's avatar
Ned Batchelder


Are you sure you know how decorators work? This should be no problem! 😈 🤯 🤓

A program using decorators in unusual ways to print a message.  Full text at https://gist.github.com/17d06368952619c3d36f92d3e8bb2aa0
ALT text detailsA program using decorators in unusual ways to print a message. Full text at https://gist.github.com/17d06368952619c3d36f92d3e8bb2aa0
Matthias Wiesmann's avatar
Matthias Wiesmann


Treasure Hunt – Braille Hints

So I prepared a treasure hunt for my older daughter, which involved some form of coded message. I found a braille table I could 3D-print, using a real system instead of some made-up code gave me the opportunity to explain how/why this was used in reality, you find braille codes in lifts, staircase handrails.


Leonardo Uieda's avatar
Leonardo Uieda


Natural disaster, flood in southern Brasil

Satellite images of the on-going floods in , Brazil. I wrote a post showing how to use from 8 and some code to create RGB composites and an animation of before and during the floods:


See the blog post for a gif flipping between the images from before and during the floods.

Satellite image showing a large amount of brown water at the center of the image where there were city and farms.
ALT text detailsSatellite image showing a large amount of brown water at the center of the image where there were city and farms.
Satellite image showing a city at the center and few rivers running through it.
ALT text detailsSatellite image showing a city at the center and few rivers running through it.
Möph's avatar

@M@nerdculture.de · Reply to Möph's post

Dissertation - progress

Es geht weiter. Tatsache bin ich lange nicht zu was gekommen, aber heute hab ich paar Dinge geschafft.

+ Ein paar Auswertungen gefahren
+ Diagramme und Text
- (meine IDE) auf dem Arbeitsrechner gegrillt.
Was update ich den Scheiß auch. 🤦

37 Seiten Inhalt
21 Abbildungen
3 Tabellen
96 Quellen (106 Zitate)

PS: Die neuste Grafik

Ein Diagramm von 6 Messkurven. Dargestellt ist die Intensität der Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie über der Bindungsenergie. Hervorgehoben sind die spezifischen Linien der Elemente Kobalt, Sauerstoff, Kohlenstoff und Silizium. Die Kurven entsprechen den Temperaturen 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, und 250 °C.
Je wärmer es wird, desto höher werden die Peaks, die Kobalt repräsentieren.
ALT text detailsEin Diagramm von 6 Messkurven. Dargestellt ist die Intensität der Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie über der Bindungsenergie. Hervorgehoben sind die spezifischen Linien der Elemente Kobalt, Sauerstoff, Kohlenstoff und Silizium. Die Kurven entsprechen den Temperaturen 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, und 250 °C. Je wärmer es wird, desto höher werden die Peaks, die Kobalt repräsentieren.
Claude M. Schrader's avatar
Claude M. Schrader


I’ve been here for a while, but I never actually did an post.

I live in , and work in with a background in , , , , and . These days, I spend a lot of time with , , and . I’m part of a nonprofit working to preserve safe greenspace in .

OpenAndroidInstaller's avatar


🐣📱 This Easter, hatch something new with your device! 🐰✨ Dive into the beta release of v0.5.3-beta and give your phone a fresh start.

Now supporting a wider range of devices including Mi A2, Redmi Note 10 Pro, and Galaxy S5 mini. 🌼🔧

🚀 Experience the latest with 3.11 and Platform Tools 35.0.1. Available for , , and ! 🐣


The start screen of the OpenAndroidInstaller for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro (sweet).

"Get the phone ready"
ALT text detailsThe start screen of the OpenAndroidInstaller for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro (sweet). "Get the phone ready"
Ryan Anderson's avatar
Ryan Anderson


I'm excited to announce that my PyHAT software is once again publicly available!


If you work with spectra or multivariate regression and don't want to reinvent the wheel, check it out. If it doesn't do what you need it to do, let me know and we can add capabilities to make it work for you!

Logo for PyHAT: the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool
ALT text detailsLogo for PyHAT: the Python Hyperspectral Analysis Tool
Matthieu Bessat's avatar
Matthieu Bessat


Hello to all of you people of mastodon! 🤗
This is my
Here I will share stuff and links that I would like more people to know, I will also try to write some reflexions and though on my projects. I live in Normandy, France. My current topics of interests are various:
I speak french 🇫🇷 and english 🇬🇧 .

d33p.js's avatar


"Quick" Question: If you would build a new , what would currently be "the best" development language and/or () for that?

"Best" as in reliable, , easy to get personal and future proof?

Would it be with or or or something completely different?

Alexandre B A Villares's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares


EN: If you like my work and would like to support me, check out the links below.
Liberapay page: en.liberapay.com/villares/
PayPal: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_butt
Gumroad: gumroad.com/villares

I'm also available for & introductory private classes and workshops.

PT: Se puder me apoiar, use os links acima. Estou tdisponível para aulas e oficinas de e ensino introdutório de programação com Python!

danzin's avatar


Hi, I'm Daniel but you can call me danzin.

I have a wonderful son.

I'm a biologist and a public employee.

I'm a leftist and support human rights, social justice and LGBTQIA+.

Programming is a hobby and a way to improve my mental health. I love . In a past life, I helped a lot triaging bugs at bugs.python.org.

I'm autistic and I fight against depression and anxiety.

A long time ago I thought I'd be a photographer. I want to get back into photography.

danzin's avatar


Olá, sou o Daniel mas pode me chamar de danzin.

Tenho um filho maravilhoso.

Sou biólogo e empregado público.

Sou de esquerda, apoio direitos humanos, justiça social e LGBTQIA+.

Programar é um hobby e uma forma de manter minha saúde mental. Adoro . Em uma vida passada, ajudei bastante a fazer triagem dos bugs em bugs.python.org.

Sou autista e luto contra depressão e ansiedade.

Há muito tempo, achei que ia ser um fotógrafo. Quero voltar a fotografar.

Tom's avatar


I guess I should have an #introduction on here as well:

I'm a programmer and #FreeSoftware enthusiast. I've been using #Linux as my main desktop and #Emacs as my... everything... since 2008. I started off with a lot of distro hopping, my journey took me through #Ubuntu, #Fedora, #Zenwalk, #Gentoo, and #Exherbo before settling on #ArchLinux, now with #Guix on top.

I love writing software in #Lisp (either #CommonLisp or #Scheme or any other), but I don't get enough of a chance to. Except #EmacsLisp, basically all my personal projects end up being written in that. Other than that I've enjoyed writing things in #CSharp, #PHP, #Python, #JavaScript, #Ruby, #Groovy, and several other languages.

My main account is @ryuslash, this is my account for experimenting with self-hosting.

Dustin's avatar


Messing around with programmatic graphics to display on a 1.8" TFT display connected to my Pi Cluster. The is not a whole lot of pixel real estate to display much, but I think I've got the basics down.

Pink - current CPU temperature
Orange - CPU utilization graph (span is about 30 minutes)
Blue - Memory utilization graph (span is about 30 minutes)

Each node runs a python script from a cronjob. The master node uses ansible to fetch all the data JSON files.

A black image split into for rows of text and graphics. Each row has white letters in the top left indicating the node hostname. Each row then has the CPU temperature in pink and either a green or red word indicating if the node is up or down. Each row also has a graph below the text where the orange filled line indicates the CPU utilization and the blue line indicates the memory utilization.

The third row down is unique in that it is indicating the node is down and all the text and graphics are dark gray except the word Down which is red, giving a good visual indication that something is wrong.
ALT text detailsA black image split into for rows of text and graphics. Each row has white letters in the top left indicating the node hostname. Each row then has the CPU temperature in pink and either a green or red word indicating if the node is up or down. Each row also has a graph below the text where the orange filled line indicates the CPU utilization and the blue line indicates the memory utilization. The third row down is unique in that it is indicating the node is down and all the text and graphics are dark gray except the word Down which is red, giving a good visual indication that something is wrong.
ale's avatar


He conseguido arrancar la imagen oficial docker de #python en la pestaña de un navegador. Un pin 🤌

Nikita @ #DevFest Berlin 2024's avatar
Nikita @ #DevFest Berlin 2024


Time to update my !

Hi Fediverse, I am Nikita :BlobhajReach:
I am a 24-year-old full-stack web developer from Braunschweig 🇩🇪

Things I like: F(L)OSS (duh), , , , the Fediverse, , and U+1E9E Latin Capital Letter Sharp S (ẞ)

Things I dislike: How everything BigTech touches tends to get worse. Also fermented milk products (unless it's cheese)

I blog (rarely) at kytta.dev, and I code (less rarely) at github.com/kytta

Christophe's avatar


Heya !
I’m Christophe, a .

My posts are either:
- cool stuff I learn
- simplified concepts
- tricks for 2D/3D
- sometime my art/code

I try to help anyone curious about and/or with what I learn

✨ Moar about me ✨
- I speak French and English 🇨🇦
- I work in a non-profit research center
- I use tools most of the time
- I like
- I like , and
- I like tiny birds and big dogs
- I like @adrian alot 🏳️‍🌈

R Tyler Croy 🦀's avatar
R Tyler Croy 🦀


By day I lead a very talented team of data and ML developers.

By night... I lead a very talented team of data and ML developers, for hire.

If you need or data work done, especially with Delta Lake and/or Databricks, I believe I can help!


Wind (Vējš)'s avatar
Wind (Vējš)


Hi, about time I do an post!

I'm not a migrating bird, haven't done much on social networks. I hope to find that warm "turn of the century Internet" feeling on mastodon.

I may post an occasional or engage in some tech topics on , , , , or .

Other interests include , , and some stuff.

In my day job I solve problems related to with , or .

CJ's avatar


Hello Polymaths.social! For those of you that don't yet know me, my name is Rogue. 👋🏻

I'm a university student in the US studying Electrical Engineering, with a specific interest in radio frequency studies.

My main hobbies that I love to talk about are #AmateurRadio, #DartBlaster Modifications, and #Film. I also write some code on the side as well, in #JS and #Python and hope to learn other languages in the future.

I'm constantly working on side projects so expect my Polymaths feed to be a load of non-sense but I'm happy to be here :)


Piko Starsider :verified_paw:'s avatar
Piko Starsider :verified_paw:


Awesome surprise gift by @elfalsopastor@telegram of myself doing scripting, for helping him with some Blender stuff.

A drawing of my foxcat fursona typing on a keyboard while grinning mischievously, with icons of Blender and Python in bubbles, implying I'm doing some scripting in Blender.
ALT text detailsA drawing of my foxcat fursona typing on a keyboard while grinning mischievously, with icons of Blender and Python in bubbles, implying I'm doing some scripting in Blender.
Roberto Plà's avatar
Roberto Plà


Estoy jubilado, soy curioso y tengo un interés casi universal por la vida, la tecnología y el arte. Me gusta tener ideas, hacer cosas y aprender como funcionan las cosas.

En esta red social busco personas interesadas en los mismos temas que yo para poder intercambiar conocimiento, experiencias y charlar de esos temas.

Tengo un blog denominado "Lo Marraco" en:


Mis intereses son bastante diversos:

Y algunos otros, más o menos relacionados:

Retrato de 2014 con un globo en el que aparece mi correo electrónico y una camiseta con la dirección de mi dominio en Internet
ALT text detailsRetrato de 2014 con un globo en el que aparece mi correo electrónico y una camiseta con la dirección de mi dominio en Internet
Jane Adams's avatar
Jane Adams


I finished my summer internship this week! I spent 4 months working with a team of biologists and statisticians at The Jackson Laboratory, building visualization software for their research needs. The lab I worked with focuses on analyzing genetics, the microbiome, and addiction-related traits. Here's an overview of some of the EDA tools I built for them in ☺️

If you're doing cool work with data vis + bio, lmk!

A background section explaining the reasons for doing mouse research to understand human disease; the importance of understanding heritability for treating addiction; and introducing the complexities of the data being analyzed (large, k-partite, high dimensional)
ALT text detailsA background section explaining the reasons for doing mouse research to understand human disease; the importance of understanding heritability for treating addiction; and introducing the complexities of the data being analyzed (large, k-partite, high dimensional)
A summary of a project to use conditional inference trees to understand interactions between microbes in predicting certain behavioral traits
ALT text detailsA summary of a project to use conditional inference trees to understand interactions between microbes in predicting certain behavioral traits
An overview of a project to create a Sankey diagram comparing clustering methods applied to differential co-expression data. Everyone has their favorite clustering method, so how do we find strong signals in gene-gene similarities? By creating tools to spot concordance across methods
ALT text detailsAn overview of a project to create a Sankey diagram comparing clustering methods applied to differential co-expression data. Everyone has their favorite clustering method, so how do we find strong signals in gene-gene similarities? By creating tools to spot concordance across methods
Project overview for a software tool that allows users to upload stacks of distance matrices, threshold on distances and features of interest, concatenate data as edgelist, and render interactive k-partite graphs to show association or anti-association between genes, microbes, and traits
ALT text detailsProject overview for a software tool that allows users to upload stacks of distance matrices, threshold on distances and features of interest, concatenate data as edgelist, and render interactive k-partite graphs to show association or anti-association between genes, microbes, and traits
mri's avatar


Post Update!

I like girly from the 90s, coffee, , , and things, , stuff and music. Posts are mostly in de, en and/or jp.

I'm a learning right now.

Feu d'jais 🥑's avatar
Feu d'jais 🥑



C'est l'heure de l' !

Je viens de migrer sur eldritch.cafe. J'étais auparavant sur une autre instance mais pas assez active à mon goût. Je suis venu·e ici car j'apprécie la modération de eldritch.cafe, de ce que j'en connais et les valeurs défendues ici me plaisent ! En plus il y a tout plein de gens cool ici (dont mon incroyable future femme @Divine_lu) ! 😊

Je suis une personne non-binaire, développeur·euse (principalement en ). J'aime le logiciel libre et bidouiller. J'héberge d'ailleurs chez moi un serveur et une instance Shaarli que vous pouvez retrouver ici : links.plaws.fr/. J'y partage des liens liés à l'actualité qui me semblent importants et qui pourront former un corpus quand on cherchera un sujet en particulier.

Sinon je joue un peu aux , si vous voulez faire une partie un jour, n'hésitez pas à me DM.
Je joue également à et d'autres jeux vidéo.

Voilà et il y a tout plein d'autres choses que j'aime dans la vie mais l'idée c'était de faire une petite intro pas une liste exhaustive.

Au plaisir d'échanger avec vous ! :blobhaj_tiny_hearts:

SnackTraces's avatar


Introduction - new server

during the day to support my , , and habits.

I talk a bunch about helping those new to programming and software dev.

No patience for folks being uncool to others that look or live different than they.

Spend a lot of time with

Always interested in meeting cool people. (he/him)

Graham Knapp's avatar
Graham Knapp


Why am I spending time on Meetup organisation at the moment? What's my ulterior motive?
It's about community and feeling connected to other people. I'm not hiring, not looking for students, no hidden agenda.

Vytautas Butėnas's avatar
Vytautas Butėnas


esu programuotojas, mėgstu , . Dabar bandau prisijaukinti
Mėgstu komiksus, ir viską, kas aplinkui.
Auginu autistišką sūnų, esu Autisto tėtis.

z3z's avatar


I made a thing! Every Scottish castle that's on Wikipedia mapped.


I'm neither a coder nor a web developer so this was quite a challenging project for me, but I learned a lot and it was fun.

Just a warning, the map's not great on a mobile because some of the pop-ups are quite large.

The Exiled King's avatar
The Exiled King


I never wrote an or at least don't remember.

I'm Tim - a dedicated and enthusiast. I dream of doing but tend to lose focus and drive early on.

Things I will post about:
- lots of them
- - my backlog makes dragons jealous
- as I work through my backlog

*Probably not an actual King

Aurora 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar
Aurora 🏳️‍⚧️


time for an

I'm Tuula Aurora, a trans woman living in Finland and trying to figure out the world.

I tend to switch from hobby to hobby when it strikes my fancy.

I like coding and switch from language to language (, , ). Sometimes I try to wrap my head around or .

I also like and doodle silly things on the margins now and then.

Also, tell me about your cool project. I love hearing what people are creating.

Shred's avatar


I'm here for more than a year now, and I still owe you a proper .

Hi, I'm Richard! I started computers when I was about 9 years old. My first computer was a ZX81 (figure out how old I am now). and software development has always been my passion. My favorite programming languages are , , and . 😁​

If you follow me, you'll mainly read a lot of stuff, especially about refurbishing and programming , and machines. I also like and . My other, much too much neglected interests are , and .

I live in Germany. I post in English and German, and try my best to tag the language of my posts correctly. (You can filter languages on Mastodon!)

Nice to meet you! 😀​

Pekka Väänänen's avatar
Pekka Väänänen


Hello I'm Pekka and I do experiments in computer graphics, video art, and machine learning. I also read a lot. I mostly post about my hobby projects (or I'm reading).

At the moment I'm working on stuff and making some mashups tracks. Occasionally also coding with or without :)

Cornell box on the Nintendo 64
ALT text detailsCornell box on the Nintendo 64
The Mona Lisa converted to a low poly model.
ALT text detailsThe Mona Lisa converted to a low poly model.
A diagram of a machine learning system that uses tiny neural cellular automata (NCA) to combine a gbuffer+depth to a painterly color image.
ALT text detailsA diagram of a machine learning system that uses tiny neural cellular automata (NCA) to combine a gbuffer+depth to a painterly color image.
An illustration showing how tree sprites are spawned in our demoscene production A New World Awaits (2021).
ALT text detailsAn illustration showing how tree sprites are spawned in our demoscene production A New World Awaits (2021).
Andreas Neustifter's avatar
Andreas Neustifter


I'm Andreas, I've been here for quite some time now, in order to stay I run my own .
I code and for a living in or (yes, those are more or less the extreme ends of the spectrum).
During the first Covid lockdowns here in I started learning to play the guitar. I have built 4 or 5 (lost count) and one is currently in the works, is amazing. The current count in our household is 7.5.

Amand Tihon's avatar
Amand Tihon


Long overdue post.
Hi, I'm Amand, welcome here !

I'm a from .

I love and mostly because it gets me to better understand how computers work.

Also in , and

Currently trying to make a processor using discrete logic.

My other hobbies include , and , , , and more.

I mostly post in English, sometimes in French.

Gervasio Marchand 🦄's avatar
Gervasio Marchand 🦄


It's time for my post on the new server :)

I'm Gervasio, I'm a runner, an aspiring magician, a father and a software engineer.

I live in and I'm working at a small startup (you can see a beautiful "coming soon" page at sumble.com) and before this I worked at twice.

I enjoy , but right now I'm working on . I'm after interesting problems more than interesting technologies :)

I came to mastodon multiple times, but this became my home in the end of 2022. I tried to build a community (discovered I don't have the skills to do so) and then settled on a single user instance.

One thing I noticed when I was spinning up my server was that I couldn't discover relevant content, so I built (an API to import content into a Mastodon instance) and then (as an example to use FakeRelay).

If you're curious about those, I recommend you first check out , as it's simpler to run. If you still want to use FakeRelay, hit me up and I can get you started.

Alexandre B A Villares 🐍's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares 🐍


I offer private lessons (online) in and with .

- Individual sessions & workshops for groups on Python & Creative coding themes;
- Licenses to use my artwork and I'm available for commissions of new work;
- Consulting on generative design projects (subject to time constraints).

ngmi's avatar


Created a app which gives you a quick summary of the last 24 hours in

App: ngmisl-streamlit-cryptonews-ap
Blog: mirror.xyz/metaend.eth/2t9zi3V

Using and as feeds and as

Open Journey generated image showing Cryptocurrency Logos
ALT text detailsOpen Journey generated image showing Cryptocurrency Logos
Scarlet the Fox's avatar
Scarlet the Fox


Hello new instance neighbors (and imported followers)! I'm Scarlet, and I'm a fox. I'm an arctic fox, to be specific. We're cuddly, cute, and endangered (some populations at least), so please do what you can to save the environment. :blobfoxheart:

Outside of my fursona, I'm a Black socialist non-binary person with a love for , , and other technology things. I'm .

My other interests include toppling the patriarchy, trans rights, and economics.

crows and pawns :flag_bisexual:'s avatar
crows and pawns :flag_bisexual:


New instance, new

1. I'm bad at shitposting
2. Generally very and enthusiastic about lots of topics.
3. Married, dad, , he/him
4. Originally a scientist, now work for a non-profit, but the goal for this account is to not think (or post) about work too much
5. Activist left-wing politics
6. Formerly @crowsandpawns@mastodon.lol

Likes: , most types of , most types of , basically any I can get my hands on

Dislikes: mean-spirited bigots, billionaires

Solomon Hykes's avatar
Solomon Hykes


How Dagger uses Ruff: dagger.io/blog/ruff

Faster python linting, implemented in Rust ❤️

Coverage.py's avatar


Introduction: coverage.py is the coverage measurement tool for . It's popular enough that people don't realize there's a already a coverage tool in the standard library!

I'd love your help! There are interesting issues to diagnose, exotic execution environments to support, and lots of people will use your work: coverage.readthedocs.io/en/lat

"I" is @nedbat, maintainer and sole proprietor.

☄️ jskherman's avatar
☄️ jskherman


Hello world, I'm Je Sian. I am a Chemical Engineer (ChE) that graduated from Bicol University.

I do some as a hobby. Currently, I'm interested in doing data analysis related to with my own data with .

I joined to be better exposed to mathematically-oriented content and the \( \LaTeX \) support because it's nice!

I also like 🍨 ice cream, ☕ iced coffee, and 🍹 iced tea, in no particular order.

Anthony Gladman's avatar
Anthony Gladman


Hi, who dis?

I have migrated over to epicure.social to hang out with fellow food and drink types, so here's my again.

I'm a from .

My book will be published in September 2023.

I write about , , and . (Sometimes with a or angle.)

I mainly post about but also sometimes — I like to automate my boring admin using and .

I also post about and particularly , and what it's like living the .

Mahmoud Hashemi's avatar
Mahmoud Hashemi


👋 Hey again .

Giving this a spin again, whatever the future of general purpose social media may be.

I'm into , , , , , , , , and . Oh, and lately, .

More about me on my site: sedimental.org/about.html

taedryn 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar
taedryn 🏳️‍⚧️


post, because I need a new one.

Hey, I'm Taedryn! You'll quickly discover that I'm a person, who's also , and that's a lot of what I talk about.

I talk less about in and , playing the , , , , and my , , and the other biplane I'm in my garage. But those are important too.

The take-away you should get from all this? Huge freakin' here.

Paul Cutler's avatar
Paul Cutler


I just switched instances, so here is my :

I'm Paul and I live just outside of Minneapolis, MN.

I'm a maker who is into and programming with and - there's just something about interacting with hardware that I love.

I love : I have a large record collection and built silversaucer.com to interact with my record collection.

Other interests include retro gaming, building an arcade cabinet, reading, and cooking.

Marc Schulder's avatar
Marc Schulder


Time for a re-:

I am a researcher in . I work at the project at , creators of the largest discourse corpus of . My background is in (aka ) and currently I focus a lot on and ethical for sign language data.
I program mostly in and enjoy tinkering with .
I'm a big fan of Terry Pratchett's . And of . Cats are nice ❤️

Wolfensteijn's avatar


New server, new . Which reminds me that I still need to create one of those on my current main account of @wolfensteijn@mastodon.wolfschouten.nl

My name is Wolf, I'm 41 and I live in in the

My day job is being a technical application manager and systems administrator at a Water Consultancy firm.

My hobby's and interests include (but are not limited to)

moving to scholar.social's avatar
moving to scholar.social


I'm not new to the Fediverse but an introduction is never bad!

I'm a white male from Italy. I'm anti-fascist and vegetarian. Pronouns are he/they.
I love using my bike to move around the city 🚴‍♂️

I'm dad of 2 children, and husband of my wife. I work for the Ministry of Culture. PhD in although I now work in Liguria. I maintain small open source tools, mostly in and . I have a website and a capsule (links are in the profile)

Please don't request to follow unless we know each other from previous interactions or offline.

Vivo a . Faccio l'archeologo. Lavoro al Ministero della

Uso ə tutte le volte che mi pare. Gli sono cacca puzzolente.

CleoQc aka Nicole 🦜🌈🧶🐍🍁 :mstdn:'s avatar
CleoQc aka Nicole 🦜🌈🧶🐍🍁 :mstdn:


I'm guessing I sorta need an after a server move? Maybe?

anyway, I'm CleoQc, a software dev who does more operationals/supply chain than actual software development, but if I were to write code, would be my language of choice. Otherwise French or English, equally.
I tend to be a pusher in Montreal.
I teach kids the basics of electronics and coding. I also train teachers in bringing code into their classroom

I also and .

Conor Hughes's avatar
Conor Hughes


Relatedly, as for re- . I’m a guy in the East Bay Area doing software in mainly ++ and , sometimes; I also enjoy and the . Team . On the non-technical side I enjoy a good (or just interesting) or , petting my adorable asshole of a dog, eating dumplings (for example, burritos and beef Wellington) and telling the absolute worst, most groan-inducing jokes imaginable.

Brian Sullivan's avatar
Brian Sullivan


So this thing seems to be a thing -- been here a couple of weeks and was unaware.

I am a retired software developer (50 years on the job) having worked over the years on , 8088s, Cemcorp Icons, CP/M, , , and probably others that don't immediately come to mind. A father with 2 adult children with their own children. I am a Formula 1 fan, owner and active high performance driver education participant.

Nigel Small's avatar
Nigel Small


My new blog post, in which I compare and contrast the latest versions of the popular libraries and , and ask whether requests still offers anything unique in 2022.


Cordelya's avatar


en Français:

Je suis amateur de programmation et micro-électroniques. D'habitude, je me spécialise dans et .

Je fais beaucoup de projects avec des ordinateurs monocartes et .

J'aime apprendre, faire et enseigner les arts et les sciences pré-industriels et passer des week-ends vêtus de drôles de vêtements lors d'événements .

Je suis situé dans le centre-sud de la PA USA depuis 2018.

J'ai commencé à apprendre le français en nov 2020 avec .

Cordelya's avatar



I'm a development & micro-electronics hobbyist who specializes in and for the most part.

I do a lot of projects using single-board computers and a bit also with gadgets.

Games I enjoy: , , &

I also enjoy learning, doing, and teaching pre-industrial & sciences and I spend some weekends in funny clothes, hanging out with people at events.

Located in south-central (USA) since 2018.

Luca Visentin's avatar
Luca Visentin


I forgot to do this, so here it is:
Hello ! I'm Luca, a student in at the University of Turin ().

I mainly work in and . My project involves the study of the , and its role in the overall .
I code in and , but i'm trying to (slowly) learn about . I use , btw.

I also play a ton of and . I love (s) and own a myself.

Alexandre B A Villares 🐍's avatar
Alexandre B A Villares 🐍


- I'm currently working on a PhD at Unicamp
- I should be tooting less and concentrating, but… ask me about drawing with ! Check out and , they bring in the drawing vocabulary from &
- I’d like to collaborate on open resources to teach programming in a visual context & I keep a list of tools for teaching Python with visual output at github.com/villares/Resources-
- I make a new drawing with code everyday & I put the results at github.com/villares/sketch-a-d
- 2024 Update: Adding more "please support me" things in my profile links!

marcink's avatar


on the occasion of switching instances.
I'm Marcin, he/him, mostly ; /#golang these days, earlier , Javascript, C++, Perl, Java, to Pascal and Basic 30+ years ago. I burn through hobbies fast; photography and music stuck for longer, both in "I have no idea what I'm doing but this is fun" mode. Also and building stuff for festivals, from to night clubs in Nowhere.

Paul McGuire's avatar
Paul McGuire


I'm excited and honored to be included in this group of authors - "Python in a Nutshell, 4th Ed" gets released this month! New features in this edition:
- detailed coverage of Python versions 3.7 through 3.11
- all new material on recent Python features, including type annotations and structured pattern matching
- an appendix cataloging changes by each version 3.7 through 3.11
- selected online chapters and all source code examples available in a Github repository

LinuxUserGD :godot:'s avatar
LinuxUserGD :godot:


Released a cli tool "gdscript-transpiler-bin" which translates basic gdscript files to python

Python code can later be compiled into a standalone executable


Source code: codeberg.org/LinuxUserGD/gdscr

Mathieu Comandon's avatar
Mathieu Comandon


I'm the creator and maintainer of , a video game platform for Linux dedicated to preservation.

While I want to keep this account mostly tech focused (, and ), I also post and from and any animal I can find.

Max, whispers to you too now's avatar
Max, whispers to you too now


Hey !

Here's a longer

I am an entomologist. I am interested in , especially immunity and in . I'm interested in and in general. I love

I make a about insects :

I speak english and , and I am trying to learn and

I am also interested in:

in and
(pen & paper)

See you around!

Ed Rogers's avatar
Ed Rogers


Suppose I should provide a brief

- Background in
- Use and to solve challenging problems in
- Live in
- Organizer of our local meetup group -- see @madpy
- Perennially hopeful fan
- Devoted drinker
- Proud papa of two

Adam Cox's avatar
Adam Cox


Intro! Happy to be here on mastodon and meeting new people! I am a geospatial developer most interested in and new applications of and geo things like that. Currently I'm mainly using and .

My current project is a site for georeferencing fire insurance maps of US cities: oldinsurancemaps.net.

Brian Campbell's avatar
Brian Campbell


An since I've just migrated from @annodomini

Brian Campbell (he/him).

Day job is working in DevOps at Beta Technologies, an electric eVTOL startup. I also help out with telemetry and software verification. I work mostly in and there.

At night, I prefer .

To many hobbies to list; a few:

* Learning to
* (medieval group)

Thanks @nova for hosting!

Trike Homard's avatar
Trike Homard


New toot, since I moved over to my own instance:

I'm Mike. He/him, il/lui. I live on unceded and unsurrendered Wolastoqey territory. I'm and . I have two partners, one kid, one dog. I have . I'm a , mostly working in , and I code a little in . I write fiction and poetry on the side. I play and . I like , , , , , , , etc.

Andrew Ross's avatar
Andrew Ross



Now that I’m somewhat-settled on my new instance, I’ll (re)introduce myself… If you know me from I'm Hewlett Smackard or just Smacky. Otherwise I’m Andrew.

Interests include:

Kyle R. Conway's avatar
Kyle R. Conway


- I'm Kyle. I like

I'm full of &


26+ yrs of formal
- Fine

Works with organizations. Previously many things ― e.g.

Desktop user since 2008 -

Plays & Enjoys
& words
I make

Use software like & & & too many to count to do all sorts of &

Say hi!

Lucas Werkmeister's avatar
Lucas Werkmeister


: I’m Lucas, bi software developer and Wikimedian from Berlin. I like writing tools for , mainly in , though I’m also working on a library to use the MediaWiki API; on the projects, I’m mainly active on and . I play the and occasionally live-stream that or post recordings. I’m making my way through ’s The History of Middle-earth. I speak German, English and some Portuguese. Nice to meet y’all 🙂

Gabriele L.'s avatar
Gabriele L.


After two years of lurking, I think it's time for a proper .

I'm a software developer from Italy, I love and . I'm also some kind of , I maintain a wide range of services for myself and my friends, including a instance, a server and this instance.

Thomas Hurst's avatar
Thomas Hurst


New server, new . Hi!

I'm Thomas, a quadragenarian nerd from the north-east of England.

I mess about a lot with computers - I run , self-host much of my internet presence, and program in , , and a bit of and .

If you've downloaded a Linux ISO on in the past 15 years, I probably helped.

I like , weird PC , , , and disapproval of our collapsing cyberpunk dystopian corporatist hellscape.

Thomas Sandmann's avatar
Thomas Sandmann


after moving from mastodon.social

I'm a Computational Biologist at Denali Therapeutics in California's Bay Area.

My journey includes a Masters in Biochemistry, a PhD in Developmental Biology and high-throughput experiments exploring genetic interactions.

You can usually find me either collaboratively designing experiments or analyzing genomics data.

Next, I would love to learn about image analysis.


Andy Britton :gdal:'s avatar
Andy Britton :gdal:


(ver. mapstodon.space)

Hi, I’m Andy, a planetary geologist living on Planet Houston. I currently work at NASA-JSC for a contractor company. I spend my time crafting maps for Artemis Program. Previously, I targeted CTX for a little over 5 years at MSSS. I mostly use , , , and ImageMagick to get stuff done but am looking to always learn more software.

Other interest include: , , , scuba diving, and hiking.

Gene Boggs's avatar
Gene Boggs


Hey hey. I record and engineer - Often together. :D

and are my go to languages, but I use JS & , , etc. and even !

My music has been described as "cinematic" or "game soundtrack."

Links off my github.com/ology page.

Dungeons's avatar


D&D-like campaigns, led by the results of public polls. No D&D knowledge required, see dungeons.astrelion.com for more info!

Made by @astrelion, posts made by me (and not the bot) are tagged . If you have questions/suggestions please include an @ for my personal account.

This is actively being developed; features are subject to change and improve.

py5coding's avatar


This is the post for , a new version of for . The goal of py5 is to create a new version of Processing that is integrated into the Python ecosystem (python 3.8+). Py5 makes the Processing jars available to the CPython interpreter using JPype. It can do just about all of the and drawing Processing can do, except with Python instead of Java code. Visit py5coding.org/ to learn more!

cube with multicolored sides at a slight angle
ALT text detailscube with multicolored sides at a slight angle
Dave Mackey's avatar
Dave Mackey


Software Engineer. Insatiable learner across an eclectic collection of topics: , , , , / , , etc.

Introvert, but friendly. Slowly working towards building a to replace .

Live in , from upstate .

Currently working on ; these days I primarily code in and

Previous work includes , , , .

Fatiando a Terra's avatar
Fatiando a Terra


Hello Mastodon! Here's an .

We're Fatiando a Terra (fatiando.org), a community of geoscientists and software developers building tools in for and . See the thread below 👇🏽 for an overview.

First, a little trivia: "Fatiando a Terra" is Portuguese for "Slicing the Earth", a reference to the project's Brazilian 🇧🇷 roots and ambitious goals to model the entire planet.

for tool in fatiando:

Screenshot of the Fatiando logo (the Earth with a slice cut off showing the inner layers).

Text says:

An open toolbox for the Geosciences. Fatiando provides Python libraries for data processing, modeling, and inversion across the Geosciences. It is built by a community of geoscientists and software developers with a passion for well-designed tools and helping our peers. All of our code is free and open-source, distributed under the permissive BSD 3-clause license.

Below it, there are the logos of our main Python tools: Verde, Pooch, Harmonica, Boule, and Ensaio.
ALT text detailsScreenshot of the Fatiando logo (the Earth with a slice cut off showing the inner layers). Text says: An open toolbox for the Geosciences. Fatiando provides Python libraries for data processing, modeling, and inversion across the Geosciences. It is built by a community of geoscientists and software developers with a passion for well-designed tools and helping our peers. All of our code is free and open-source, distributed under the permissive BSD 3-clause license. Below it, there are the logos of our main Python tools: Verde, Pooch, Harmonica, Boule, and Ensaio.
deliverator's avatar


Hello world! Been lurking a few days, time for an I guess.

Been in infosec for almost 14 years now (wow time flies!). Went the military way - studied computer engineering, then ended up in a infosec type junior leadership position straight out of uni.

Worked with some great people and had some awesome opportunities. Worked in forensics and building up training programs. But it was here where I largely realized I didn't want to play the promotion/leadership game. I like doing technical work more than people management work.

I worked in mil/government for a few more years, did some SIEM engineering work and then packet and malware analysis.

Now in the private sector but in a largely infra/operations role, working on automating all the things. Lots of work with , , .

I think this toot is probably more text then I ever wrote on the birdsite over many years.

Ike's avatar


👋 Hi! Like many of you, I'm trying new social products, including Mastodon. Say 'hi' and consider following if we share interests:


👨‍✈️ Aviator / Pilot /

👨‍🎓 BBA, MBA

🛠 &

🏔 Mountaineer Mt.Whitney, HalfDome (4x) & South Sister

🎮 , , , and games

🏍 + 🏕

👨‍💻 Hobbyist coder

💻 Tech industry vet 2

😇 Angel/Advisor

🏙 Formerly

CJ Shearwood :pmgpurple:'s avatar
CJ Shearwood :pmgpurple:


Obligatory intro post:

I'm CJ, a wargame designer, miniature sculptor and painter and software engineer living in Nottingham, UK.

Expect toots primarily about games, miniatures and space. Be forewarned about arcane programming complaints.

Rohit Farmer, Ph.D.'s avatar
Rohit Farmer, Ph.D.


I am looking for people who can translate example codes in to an equivalent , , or code for my .


poliastro's avatar


Hello ! Time for an 🚀

poliastro is an (MIT) pure library for interactive and . It provides a simple and intuitive API, it's fast thanks to , and it handles physical quantities with units thanks to .

🌐 Website poliastro.space/
:github: Source code github.com/poliastro/poliastro

We will be posting tips, news about the project, and cool plots. Stay tuned!

Three dimensional schematic plot of the Earth and two orbits around it, one of them highly eccentric and inclined
ALT text detailsThree dimensional schematic plot of the Earth and two orbits around it, one of them highly eccentric and inclined
Two dimensional schematic plot of the inner Solar System plus the trajectory of the Florence asteroid
ALT text detailsTwo dimensional schematic plot of the inner Solar System plus the trajectory of the Florence asteroid
Three dimensional schematic plot of the Earth with several close debris fragments orbiting around it, plus the orbit of the International Space Station crossing the debris cloud
ALT text detailsThree dimensional schematic plot of the Earth with several close debris fragments orbiting around it, plus the orbit of the International Space Station crossing the debris cloud
Porkchop plot (contour plot) of an Earth - Mars launch window for the year 2005, showing energy, travel time, departure velocity, and more
ALT text detailsPorkchop plot (contour plot) of an Earth - Mars launch window for the year 2005, showing energy, travel time, departure velocity, and more
Andrew Williams's avatar
Andrew Williams


I should actually re-post and pin this since my move from mastodon.social:

Hi, I’m Andy, a techie from the UK with a particular obsession with over engineering my home network setup. I operate dimension.sh (a tilde/pubnix), I’m also a Disney parks fan, Texans fan, and when I get a spare moment I enjoy a bit of wood working.

Érico Andrei :plone: :python:'s avatar
Érico Andrei :plone: :python:


Hello Fediverse!
time for me.
Érico Andrei, a software developer, retrocomputing aficionado, and open source evangelist. Based in São Paulo, 🇧🇷.
Nowadays, I'm a core developer, developer, maintainer of , and member of the Brazilian and communities. Former president of the @plone Foundation.
Touts will be in and I may go off-topic and post about , , and .

Johan Wärlander 🦀's avatar
Johan Wärlander 🦀


An might be in order, as I'm starting to settle in! 👋

At my day job I'm doing backend development ( / ), some engineering / analytics, some , and helping to evolve our architecture as we grow.

Beyond that I find fun & often useful, I am an occasional (mostly console), and I enjoy home improvement projects.

Currently I'm really focusing on digging deeper into Rust, as I've enjoyed working with it a lot!

Aki Vehtari's avatar
Aki Vehtari


All three books I've co-authored are freely available online for non-commercial use:

Data Analysis, 3rd ed (aka BDA3) at stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/book and lectures plus , and code at avehtari.github.io/BDA_course_

and Other Stories at avehtari.github.io/ROS-Example including and code

Active Statistics at avehtari.github.io/ActiveStati

The websites also have links to the publishers' web stores if you prefer hard copies of these

Cover of the book Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd ed
ALT text detailsCover of the book Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd ed
The cover of the book Regression and Other Stories
ALT text detailsThe cover of the book Regression and Other Stories
Cover of the book Active Statistics: Stories, Games, Problems, and Hands-on Demonstrations for Applied Regression and Causal Inference by Andrew Gelman and Aki Vehtari
ALT text detailsCover of the book Active Statistics: Stories, Games, Problems, and Hands-on Demonstrations for Applied Regression and Causal Inference by Andrew Gelman and Aki Vehtari
Virgile Andreani's avatar
Virgile Andreani


Hi! My name is Virgile, I am happy to be here! 👋

I am a physicist who loves computer science and works in biology. I really enjoy scientific computing and usually do so in :rust: or :python:.

Currently, I am working on antibiotic resistance 💊 , and learning enthusiastically about statistics 📚.

When I am not in front of my computer, I might be long-distance 🥾 ⛰️ ⛺ or learning 🕺.

Free Radical's avatar
Free Radical


Posting an for a pseud is a bit weird. Expect a bit of everything. I’m trained in synthetic organic . I’m an enthusiast, amateur programmer, enjoyer of various nerdy things such as with an ‘e’ and . I enjoy cooking, and I sometimes post pictures of my cats.

Martin B 🏳️‍🌈's avatar
Martin B 🏳️‍🌈


After settling in, I guess it's time for an :

Hi, I'm Martin from . I also lived in (love the food 🍝) and (love the furniture🪑).
I did my in theoretical . My research was about and .
I've seen every episode at least 47 times and like most other (, , etc)
Recently been looking more into ( / ), maybe want to do it also professionally in the future.

Simon Wolf's avatar
Simon Wolf


Adding to the posts…

I co-own mindme.care (we provide GPS devices for ) but I’m really a software developer who’s current love is but I also tinker with too.

I live in the , detest and am getting more and more left-wing as I get older.

I’m interested in , and (despite living in a small village in the countryside) and would one day love to build a sustainable, eco-home.

Tali's avatar


I guess I'll fire off an like all of the cool kids are doing... Hashtags incoming!

Hello, I'm Tali, a turned now doing cool stuff at . Mostly into and but slowly learning and

I have just a few hobbies... ...

Joe Kaufeld's avatar
Joe Kaufeld


Reposting for new people!

Hi, all! I'm Joe Kaufeld: developer, , and 3d printing weirdo. I run filamentcolors.xyz and do far too much for any one human. Welcome to Mastodon!

Searge :fedora:'s avatar
Searge :fedora:


Hello 🖖

I'm Sergij from the northwest of Ukraine 🇺🇦

Currently, I'm DevOps Engineer at Smile.eu. I am working on the automation of deployment and provisioning with &

Interested in

I own TuxOps Channel about some related stuff: :telegram_logo: t.me/tuxua

Andrea Grandi 🦕's avatar
Andrea Grandi 🦕


I'm mainly here to stay in touch with existing friends but also for or content and anything related to or
plus I'm interested in players and nice

Please say 👋 hello if you think we should follow each other.

Ryan Anderson's avatar
Ryan Anderson


In my post I didn't realize the importance of hashtags yet, so here are a bunch of things I'm interested in! Follow me, I'll follow you, everyone wins!



Jonathan Carroll's avatar
Jonathan Carroll


time! I'm Jonathan Carroll, known around the sites as jonocarroll and on the bird site as carroll_jono (the other name was taken).

My PhD (2009) was in theoretical physics (Fortran90). I've since worked in fisheries (stats), then cancer immunology with Genentech, and most recently precision autoimmunology with a biotech startup HIBio. I'm mostly but learning , , and for fun. I work remotely from and I blog at jcarroll.com.au

glasnt ✨'s avatar
glasnt ✨


👋 Hi! I'm Katie (they/them).
🐨 I live in Naarm (Melbourne), Australia.
🧵 I craft a bunch (wool tapestry, cross-stitch, blackwork embroidery)
🧑‍💻 I work as a Developer Relations Engineer (My job explained poorly: "I get frustrated with new tech so you don't have to.").
🦜 I like emoji. Even made some!
🎤 I run and speak at a lot of , , and events. Like, a lot.
👟 I also like running (events and trails!)
☕ I enjoy both coffee and tea (🧋 and 🍵 )


Jouni Seppänen's avatar
Jouni Seppänen


: I'm a software developer and occasional data scientist living in . Favourite technologies include , (I started the PDF backend way back), , . Currently employed as a consultant at Reaktor. I coach olympiad contestants and am trying to learn .

I am single-sided deaf because of an acoustic neuroma, so I'm not very good company at cafes or parties or on the phone, and get tired easily when talking to people.

Martin Peck's avatar
Martin Peck


Hello everyone! Here's my ...

I'm a software engineering manager at , living in the . I'm interested in , , and .

I tend to favour when , and spend most of my time in .

In my spare time I like , , , and am enjoying studying for a degree with the .

Alex H :firefox: VA7OMM CN89's avatar
Alex H :firefox: VA7OMM CN89


Are you a dev? This tool I built might be useful: gitlab.com/harford/logzy

It checks and fixes log statements that are using f-strings.

It needs a bit more polishing, but it works in the most common cases.

Mario Munoz's avatar
Mario Munoz


Hi all. First post on here... middle of the night for me. I code Python for fun. (Doesn't everyone?)

What I mean is, I've learned it on the side, when time allows, which is, you guessed it... Mostly at night.

I built a website called pythonbynight.com

I write sporadically on things I'm learning or occasionally about events I've attended.

Say hi!

Ralf Stubner's avatar
Ralf Stubner


My :

I studied and am now working as Solutions Engineer for Posit PBC (f.k.a. RStudio), I like riding my , I am interested in , I am concerned about the (born at 329 ppm), I try to use and more generally as much as possible, I sometimes dabble with using or , I like good and use to produce it, I am still looking for a way to get back into analog B&W .

Jan-Theo Wassink's avatar
Jan-Theo Wassink


In het kader van (was weggevallen door verhuizing van instance):

Interesse in , programmeren (op dit moment meestal , ), databases () en in het algemeen.

Speel (), (modern) klassiek en af en toe jazzy/Zuid Amerikaans (Bijv. Antonio Lauro; de Venozolaanse walsen).

Mark Reid's avatar
Mark Reid


I got a suggestion to use hashtags to help kickstart my network here. So here's a hashtag-dense list of my interests:

I'm a data-focused engineer at , working with , , and which I write with a accent. I used to work in .

I enjoy long distance and and am training for my first .

In my spare time I make electronic /#Eurorack music and am learning and the .

chrysn's avatar


I never did proper post in the 3 years since joining. I'm a nerd of all trades (and master of none), so I'll just pick some:
I like working with systems, and linking them across the Internet (which some call ). As I want those to be efficient, interoperable and secure, I spend much time around the stack of protocols -- both contributing to its specs at , and writing implementations in , and on @RIOT_OS (in C).

Professor Charles Haas's avatar
Professor Charles Haas


I work at the intersection of , , and the . Lots of work in , ( ),

organisms of current interest include:

Interested in , , ,

tools used:

Preslav Rachev's avatar
Preslav Rachev


🐘 Hi there 👋! I'm a seasoned software engineer, educator, and author with a deep love for , , and .

When I'm not immersed in code or bridging the gap between academia and the IT industry, you'll find me hitting the trails, indulging in my passion for long-distance running.

Beyond the tech and the tracks, I'm on a mission to spread positive vibes and . In a world filled with noise, I believe in highlighting the good, the hopeful, and the inspiring.

treefit's avatar


Hi, I'm treefit, a dev working on . I'm responsible for the desktop client together with @jikstra.
My favorite coding language is , but I "speak" , , , , too.
I'm also capable in and , but not as much.

I'm new to the mastodon/toot style of communication (never used Twitter, either), so I'm still learning of how this all works.

My goal is to give you some behind-the scenes peeks onto the DeltaChat development.

Allan :emacs:'s avatar
Allan :emacs:


I program for a living, mostly in these days. I love and the system and have biases towards . I'm currently trying to use scheme more often to better understand this wonderful . My day job mostly involves hacking on proprietary software and .

Other hobbies revolve around , , and travel. I'm especially obsessed with .

I live in , I'm a proud father of three, and I enjoy being a dad.

LinuxUserGD :godot:'s avatar
LinuxUserGD :godot:


I've written a tool which transpiles basic syntax to working code using search-and-replace.
CI releases are available at itch.io linuxusergd.itch.io/gdscript-t
Binaries are bootstrapped using , for source code see codeberg.org/linuxusergd/gdscr

Yann Büchau :nixos:'s avatar
Yann Büchau :nixos:


My first scientific paper has been published! 📰 🎉

Büchau (2022): An Autarkic Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations


In my PhD I am building a wireless CO2 sensor network with mostly components. This paper describes it.

Code and hardware designs are available here: gitlab.com/tue-umphy/co2mofett

An Autarkic Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations

In this study an autarkic low-cost wireless network infrastructure suitable for areas spanning a couple of
hectares is introduced. Open source hard- and software components make up the infrastructure’s core,
rendering it very scalable in terms of cost and deployment density. The network is designed to operate
continuously throughout the year in a wide range of weather conditions.Four different embedded, low-cost
Sensirion SCD30 non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO 2 sensors are evaluated under laboratory conditions
and tested for cross-sensitivity on water vapour and linear characteristics, of which the Sensirion SCD30
sensor exhibits the best overall performance. An in-field comparison of eleven Sensirion sensors with
an eddy-covariance station verifies its outdoor applicability. The network’s suitability to monitor natural
CO 2 emissions was tested at a site in the upper Neckar Valley in southwestern Germany. A station with
a single Sensirion sensor observed a strong diurnal cycle of the near-surface CO 2 concentration over the
course of several months. While only slightly elevated CO 2 levels above 400 ppm prevailed during the day,
concentrations reached the sensor’s output limit of 40 000 ppm during the night when wind speeds are low.
ALT text detailsAn Autarkic Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Abstract In this study an autarkic low-cost wireless network infrastructure suitable for areas spanning a couple of hectares is introduced. Open source hard- and software components make up the infrastructure’s core, rendering it very scalable in terms of cost and deployment density. The network is designed to operate continuously throughout the year in a wide range of weather conditions.Four different embedded, low-cost Sensirion SCD30 non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO 2 sensors are evaluated under laboratory conditions and tested for cross-sensitivity on water vapour and linear characteristics, of which the Sensirion SCD30 sensor exhibits the best overall performance. An in-field comparison of eleven Sensirion sensors with an eddy-covariance station verifies its outdoor applicability. The network’s suitability to monitor natural CO 2 emissions was tested at a site in the upper Neckar Valley in southwestern Germany. A station with a single Sensirion sensor observed a strong diurnal cycle of the near-surface CO 2 concentration over the course of several months. While only slightly elevated CO 2 levels above 400 ppm prevailed during the day, concentrations reached the sensor’s output limit of 40 000 ppm during the night when wind speeds are low.
Figure 1: Aerial view of the Starzach site taken in summer 2019 by Martin Schön and map of Germany with part of the Neckar valley
region as orientation. Visible focused CO 2 exhalation spots are marked as yellow dots, their size loosely indicating the apparent intensity.
Fields of diffuse degassing are indicated as purple areas. Degassing spots appear in SW-NE direction across the site and are discussed by
Lübben and Leven (2018) to be associated with a geological fault line. Map data ' OpenStreetMap contributors (2021).
ALT text detailsFigure 1: Aerial view of the Starzach site taken in summer 2019 by Martin Schön and map of Germany with part of the Neckar valley region as orientation. Visible focused CO 2 exhalation spots are marked as yellow dots, their size loosely indicating the apparent intensity. Fields of diffuse degassing are indicated as purple areas. Degassing spots appear in SW-NE direction across the site and are discussed by Lübben and Leven (2018) to be associated with a geological fault line. Map data ' OpenStreetMap contributors (2021).
Figure 3: Network infrastructure schematic. An on-site single-board
computer acts as a central station and establishes a Wireless Local
Area Network (WLAN) to which all stations connect. Stations store
their sensor data locally and transmit it wirelessly to the central
station, where data is logged to a database. The central station
maintains an internet connection to an off-site server to enable
remote maintenance and live data monitoring. This server mirrors
the on-site network traffic and relays a selection of the measurements
to the openSenseMap platform for data display and live monitoring.
ALT text detailsFigure 3: Network infrastructure schematic. An on-site single-board computer acts as a central station and establishes a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) to which all stations connect. Stations store their sensor data locally and transmit it wirelessly to the central station, where data is logged to a database. The central station maintains an internet connection to an off-site server to enable remote maintenance and live data monitoring. This server mirrors the on-site network traffic and relays a selection of the measurements to the openSenseMap platform for data display and live monitoring.
Figure 4: General design of a sensor station. (a) An ESP8266 microcontroller mounted on a custom circuit board in a weatherproof box
is powered externally via a 12 V two-wire cable. (b) A custom circuit board capable of holding up to eight Sensirion SCD30 CO 2 sensors
mounted below a simple radiation shield is connected to the microcontroller via a patch cable with RJ45 connector. (c) Radiation shield
holding a custom multi-sensor circuit board with Sensirion SCD30 CO2 sensor, Bosch BME280 environmental sensor (atmospheric pressure,
temperature, relative humidity), CUBIC CM1106 CO 2 sensor and theben CO 2 Sensor Module.
ALT text detailsFigure 4: General design of a sensor station. (a) An ESP8266 microcontroller mounted on a custom circuit board in a weatherproof box is powered externally via a 12 V two-wire cable. (b) A custom circuit board capable of holding up to eight Sensirion SCD30 CO 2 sensors mounted below a simple radiation shield is connected to the microcontroller via a patch cable with RJ45 connector. (c) Radiation shield holding a custom multi-sensor circuit board with Sensirion SCD30 CO2 sensor, Bosch BME280 environmental sensor (atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative humidity), CUBIC CM1106 CO 2 sensor and theben CO 2 Sensor Module.
Ваня's avatar


Я программист, сейчас на пишу всякие штуки. Последнее время упарываюсь в , то есть , децентрализация и всякое такое. В вебе со времён и ES3, но про них обычно вспоминают как о страшном сне. Могу ещё писать на и .

Но вообще когда-то давно хотел стать дизайнером. Не потому что творчество люблю, а потому что люблю делать красиво и удобно.

В свободное время... Скажем, что в свободное время я тюленю перед компом, пытаясь найти в интернете всякого интересненького. Не так давно нашёл вот Mastodon и потихоньку задумываюсь о том, чтобы сделать свой сайт в лучших традициях

Вот такой вот получился у меня

Что буду сюда писать пока не знаю, я скорее чукча-слушатель, а не писатель.

:uffda: Kacey's avatar
:uffda: Kacey


Hi! I am a resident.

My main hobbies are
and the ancient game or -- I'm 1-5k, always looking for people who want to play in person regardless of level!

At times I also do and .

By day I am a engineer (, , ++) specializing in systems and hardware integration.

I also have 2 super-sweet orange kitties named Shadow and Tommy :blobcatsurprised: :blobcatpats:

Fixstern's avatar

@dunkelstern@kampftoast.de · Reply to Fixstern's post

Hi, I am known as dunkelstern almost everywhere, in real life just call me “jo”.

I am a backend-developer using and by day, but i am living on github by night too and working on one of those unfinished projects there (, , python and )

If I am not tinkering with my you will find me in the guts of some or fiddling with some

On the weekend you’re likely to find me in our habitat augsburg

Fixstern's avatar


Hi, ich bin fast überall dunkelstern, im echten leben sagen die leute meistens Jo.

Ich arbeite als backend-entwickler mit und , bin aber auch privat auf github zuhause und kippe dort meine drölf millionen unfertige projekte ab (, , python und )

Wenn ich nicht an meinem bastel dann wahrscheinlich an irgend nem -drucker oder sonstigem gebastel.

Am wochenende findet ihr mich im habitat in augsburg, meinem

🇺🇦🇪🇺 cweickhmann's avatar
🇺🇦🇪🇺 cweickhmann


Hi everyone! I am by training, and (if you're scared now, you can say or social democrat) by conviction, to work (now working at GSI) and trying to stay sane with two kids in the Germany. I speak German, English and French, so I'll be more than happy to connect in any of these languages.
I am blogging occasionally about mostly irrelevant small things that bug me and may me -, - or -related under bowfinger.de/blog

Artemis's avatar


So, my last post (at the moment of this post) was in Nov 2019, so a new post might be in order.

Hello everyone! My name is Artemis. I will mostly write about (incl. , , , , , and others), , with occasional various nerdy postings (/#unix , , ), stuff or plain nonsense-posting.

Hope you enjoy!

FiXato's avatar



Started an alt for @FiXato@mastodon.social here on toot.cat to see if is a closer match to what I want out of a , feature-wise.
So, it's time for a re-introduction:

Who am I?

I'm FiXato, a stay-at-home father of a two-year-old I often refer to as .
While I was born in the Netherlands, I've been living in northern Norway for quite some time now.

What do I do?

In day-to-day life I take care of our son while the missus is at work, and when I have some spare time and headspace, I like to tinker on my various coding projects.

Aside from that, I like to play some mobile Android games such as , and .

Overview in hashtags:



Fan of:

Carlos Cámara-Menoyo's avatar
Carlos Cámara-Menoyo


I am new at this instance: I'm an architect and PhD on social sciences who studies the commodifications between , and in the context of the Urban Studies and I am now pursuing a more data-scientist approach. I've been using for some years and I am now starting with

I'm looking for people with similar research interests or who can help me improving my skills.

Thanks @cxli for kindly introducing me to this nice ritual.

Gerard Braad's avatar
Gerard Braad


 • micro:bit
 • RC models ( )
 • computers consoles
 • and programming
 • Containers
 • Golang
 • Magic the Gathering

 ‣ gbraad.nl

I Forget's avatar
I Forget


Oh, I never pinned an !

Hi! I'm mostly here for conversations, reflections, and geekery around subjects that catch my fancy. Recently that orbits technology (esp , data services, networks), music (writ large), languages (esp ancient Greek), autism, and general silliness. Structural protection for the marginalized is close to my heart, but I've learned I need to engage gently to stay healthy. I try to keep shitposting to a minimum.

I co-administer .