Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · 8 following · 628 followers

:fedify: Fedify is a TypeScript library for building federated server apps powered by ActivityPub and other standards, so-called fediverse. It aims to eliminate the complexity and redundant boilerplate code when building a federated server app, so that you can focus on your business logic and user experience.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Max's post

@PossiblyMax Great question about our queue implementation! Fedify doesn't actually create separate physical queues, but rather uses a single logical queue where each message contains its own destination information.

For resource management, we generally rely on the underlying queue implementation (Redis, PostgreSQL, etc.) to handle concurrent processing efficiently. Since version 1.0.0, we've introduced ParallelMessageQueue which processes multiple messages concurrently with a configurable worker count—usually set close to your CPU core count for IO-bound operations.

We don't spin up new queues dynamically; instead, we focus on making the message processing scalable. You can control the parallelism level when using ParallelMessageQueue, and for high-volume instances, you can horizontally scale by running multiple worker processes that connect to the same shared queue backend.

This approach keeps the architecture simpler while still allowing for good throughput and resource utilization that can scale with your instance size.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Max's post

@PossiblyMax Great question about our queue implementation! Fedify doesn't actually create separate physical queues, but rather uses a single logical queue where each message contains its own destination information.

For resource management, we generally rely on the underlying queue implementation (Redis, PostgreSQL, etc.) to handle concurrent processing efficiently. Since version 1.0.0, we've introduced ParallelMessageQueue which processes multiple messages concurrently with a configurable worker count—usually set close to your CPU core count for IO-bound operations.

We don't spin up new queues dynamically; instead, we focus on making the message processing scalable. You can control the parallelism level when using ParallelMessageQueue, and for high-volume instances, you can horizontally scale by running multiple worker processes that connect to the same shared queue backend.

This approach keeps the architecture simpler while still allowing for good throughput and resource utilization that can scale with your instance size.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Just released @fedify/markdown-it-mention v0.3.0! This update adds support for bare handles (e.g., @username without domain) with the new localDomain option, allowing you to specify the domain for these shortened mentions.

Install via npm, Bun, or Deno:

npm add @fedify/markdown-it-mention@0.3.0
bun add @fedify/markdown-it-mention@0.3.0
deno add jsr:@fedify/markdown-it-mention@0.3.0
julian's avatar

@julian@community.nodebb.org · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

@fedify@hollo.social that's interesting! I didn't even consider that, but it makes a lot of sense.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Julian Fietkau's post

@julian They are no deduplicated, but no worries! Even if the same activity is sent to the same recipient more than once, only the first one is received and rest of them are ignored.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Got an interesting question today about 's outgoing design!

Some users noticed we create separate queue messages for each recipient inbox rather than queuing a single message and handling the splitting later. There's a good reason for this approach.

In the , server response times vary dramatically—some respond quickly, others slowly, and some might be temporarily down. If we processed deliveries in a single task, the entire batch would be held up by the slowest server in the group.

By creating individual queue items for each recipient:

  • Fast servers get messages delivered promptly
  • Slow servers don't delay delivery to others
  • Failed deliveries can be retried independently
  • Your UI remains responsive while deliveries happen in the background

It's a classic trade-off: we generate more queue messages, but gain better resilience and user experience in return.

This is particularly important in federated networks where server behavior is unpredictable and outside our control. We'd rather optimize for making sure your posts reach their destinations as quickly as possible!

What other aspects of Fedify's design would you like to hear about? Let us know!

A flowchart comparing two approaches to message queue design. The top half shows “Fedify's Current Approach” where a single sendActivity call creates separate messages for each recipient, which are individually queued and processed independently. This results in fast delivery to working recipients while slow servers only affect their own delivery. The bottom half shows an “Alternative Approach” where sendActivity creates a single message with multiple recipients, queued as one item, and processed sequentially. This results in all recipients waiting for each delivery to complete, with slow servers blocking everyone in the queue.
ALT text detailsA flowchart comparing two approaches to message queue design. The top half shows “Fedify's Current Approach” where a single sendActivity call creates separate messages for each recipient, which are individually queued and processed independently. This results in fast delivery to working recipients while slow servers only affect their own delivery. The bottom half shows an “Alternative Approach” where sendActivity creates a single message with multiple recipients, queued as one item, and processed sequentially. This results in all recipients waiting for each delivery to complete, with slow servers blocking everyone in the queue.
Björn Þór Jónsson's avatar
Björn Þór Jónsson


Is any one looking into / thinking about publishing static site content via , as @mapache has described in:

- but utilising @fedify ?

Content from static site generators like and by @freebliss is easy to host, long term, but while one would be inclined to host more dynamic services, it would be great to have a kind of (general purpose) layer that could pick up newly published, static content and notify the

개복치 :__commie:🌺🎗️'s avatar
개복치 :__commie:🌺🎗️


fedify로 미디어위키 봇 있어도 괜찮을지도..

もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆's avatar
もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆



wakest ⁂'s avatar
wakest ⁂


I just finished listening to @guu interview @hongminhee about development of @fedify and general interworkings of the on the podcast. It is a highly recommended listen! Was so good to finally hear Hong's voice after the last year or so of reading their words almost daily

via hollo.social/@hongminhee/01954

Julian Fietkau's avatar
Julian Fietkau

@julian@fietkau.social · Reply to julian's post

@julian@community.nodebb.org Can I confess something?

When @fedify first came out, I was worried that everyone might abandon their ActivityPub implementations for the convenience of "letting someone else handle it" and that the fediverse could run into a Chrome-esque engine monopoly. 😱

I'm honestly surprised how few projects rely on Fedify to this day. Turns out people have too much fun sticking their hands into the pipes after all! 😄

julian's avatar

@julian@community.nodebb.org · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

@fedify@hollo.social ActivityPub as a Service... Closer and closer every day!

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post


:fedify: Fedifyとは?


💼 Fedifyを活用しているプロジェクト


  • Ghost:数百万人のユーザーを持つプロフェッショナルな出版プラットフォーム(MITライセンスのオープンソース)で、Fedifyの主要スポンサー兼パートナーです。
  • Hollo:個人ユーザー向けの軽量マイクロブログ(オープンソース、AGPL-3.0)
  • Hackers' Pub:ソフトウェアエンジニア向けのフェディバースブログプラットフォーム(オープンソース、AGPL-3.0)
  • Encyclia:ORCID学術記録をActivityPubを通じて提供するブリッジサービス

🚀 Fedifyが提供する価値

  • 開発時間80%削減:複雑なActivityPub実装の代わりに実証済みフレームワークを活用
  • 即時Fediverse互換性:Mastodon、Misskey、Pleroma、Pixelfed、PeerTubeなど様々なFediverseサービスとすぐに互換
  • 専門技術サポート:ActivityPubおよびフェデレーションプロトコルの専門家による直接サポート
  • カスタム開発:お客様の特定要件に合わせた機能開発

🤝 可能な協力モデル

  • カスタムコンサルティングと統合サポート:お客様のプラットフォームへのFedify統合のための専門的支援
  • カスタム機能開発:お客様のプラットフォームに必要な特定機能の開発と実装
  • 長期的な技術パートナーシップ:継続的な開発とメンテナンスのための長期協力関係

🌟 Fedifyとの協力によるメリット

  • 技術的優位性:自社開発と比較して時間とリソースの節約
  • ブランドイメージ:オープンソースエコシステムへの支援を通じた企業イメージの向上
  • 分散型ソーシャルネットワークへの参入:フェディバースエコシステムへの容易な参加
  • 競争優位性:ソーシャル機能による製品競争力の強化

📩 興味をお持ちですか?



Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

Fedify는 새로운 후원 파트너를 찾고 있습니다!

:fedify: Fedify란?

Fedify는 기반 연합형 서버 프레임워크로, 개발자들이 분산형 소셜 네트워크인 ()에 애플리케이션을 쉽게 통합할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 복잡한 ActivityPub 프로토콜 구현을 단순화하여 개발 시간을 크게 단축시킵니다. MIT 라이선스 하에 제공되는 오픈 소스 프로젝트입니다.

💼 Fedify를 활용하는 프로젝트들

다양한 프로젝트들이 이미 Fedify를 활용하고 있습니다:

  • Ghost: 수백만 사용자를 보유한 전문적인 오픈 소스(MIT 라이선스) 퍼블리싱 플랫폼으로, Fedify의 주요 후원사이자 파트너입니다.
  • Hollo: 개인 사용자를 위한 경량 마이크로블로그 (오픈 소스, AGPL-3.0)
  • Hackers' Pub: 소프트웨어 엔지니어를 위한 연합우주 블로그 플랫폼 (오픈 소스, AGPL-3.0)
  • Encyclia: ORCID 학술 기록을 ActivityPub을 통해 제공하는 브리지 서비스

🚀 Fedify가 제공하는 가치

  • 개발 시간 80% 단축: ActivityPub의 복잡한 구현 대신 검증된 프레임워크 활용
  • 즉각적인 연합우주 호환성: Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Pixelfed, PeerTube 등 다양한 연합우주 서비스와 즉시 호환
  • 전문 기술 지원: ActivityPub 및 연합 프로토콜 전문가의 직접 지원
  • 맞춤형 개발: 귀사의 특정 요구사항에 맞는 맞춤형 기능 개발

🤝 가능한 협력 모델

  • 맞춤형 컨설팅 및 통합 지원: 귀사 플랫폼에 통합을 위한 전문적 지원
  • 맞춤형 기능 개발 의뢰: 귀사에 필요한 특정 기능의 개발 및 구현
  • 장기적인 기술 파트너십: 지속적인 개발 및 유지보수를 위한 장기 협력 관계

🌟 Fedify와 협력했을 때의 이점

  • 기술적 이점: 자체 구현 대비 시간과 리소스 절약
  • 브랜드 이미지: 오픈 소스 생태계 지원을 통한 기업 이미지 강화
  • 분산형 소셜 네트워크 진입: 연합우주 생태계에 쉽게 참여
  • 경쟁 우위: 소셜 기능을 통한 제품 경쟁력 강화

📩 관심이 있으신가요?

ActivityPub 구현을 고려 중이시거나, Fedify 프로젝트와 협력하고 싶으시다면 연락 주세요:

귀사의 요구사항과 목표에 맞는 맞춤형 협력 방안을 함께 모색하겠습니다.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Fedify is looking for new partnership opportunities!

:fedify: What is Fedify?

is an -based federated server framework that helps developers easily integrate their applications with the , a decentralized social network. It simplifies the complex implementation of the ActivityPub protocol, significantly reducing development time. Fedify is an open-source project available under the MIT license.

💼 Projects using Fedify

Various projects are already leveraging Fedify:

  • Ghost: A professional publishing platform with millions of users, open source under MIT license, and a major sponsor and partner of Fedify.
  • Hollo: A lightweight microblogging platform for individual users (open source, AGPL-3.0)
  • Hackers' Pub: A fediverse blogging platform for software engineers (open source, AGPL-3.0)
  • Encyclia: A bridge service that makes ORCID academic records available via ActivityPub

🚀 Value provided by Fedify

  • 80% development time reduction: Utilize a proven framework instead of complex ActivityPub implementation
  • Immediate fediverse compatibility: Instant compatibility with various fediverse services including Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Pixelfed, PeerTube, etc.
  • Expert technical support: Direct support from ActivityPub and Federation protocol experts
  • Custom development: Tailored feature development to meet your specific requirements

🤝 Potential collaboration models

  • Custom consulting and integration support: Professional assistance for integrating Fedify into your platform
  • Custom feature development: Development and implementation of specific features needed for your platform
  • Long-term technical partnership: Long-term collaboration for continuous development and maintenance

🌟 Benefits of collaborating with Fedify

  • Technical advantage: Save time and resources compared to in-house implementation
  • Brand image: Enhance corporate image through support of the open-source ecosystem
  • Entry to decentralized social networks: Easily participate in the fediverse ecosystem
  • Competitive edge: Strengthen product competitiveness through social features

📩 Interested?

If you're considering implementing ActivityPub or wish to collaborate with the Fedify project, please get in touch:

We're excited to explore customized collaboration opportunities that align with your requirements and goals.

もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆's avatar
もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆


:fedilug: 輪読会📖第零弾として の開発者である
Hong Minhee (洪 民憙) @hongminhee さんの著書『自分だけのフェディバースのマイクロブログを作ろう!』の輪読会を行います!

この機会に を使用して皆さんで などの知識を強化しませんか?


もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆's avatar
もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆



もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆's avatar
もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆



Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post


:fedify: Fedifyとは?


💼 Fedifyを活用しているプロジェクト


  • Ghost:数百万人のユーザーを持つプロフェッショナルな出版プラットフォーム(MITライセンスのオープンソース)で、Fedifyの主要スポンサー兼パートナーです。
  • Hollo:個人ユーザー向けの軽量マイクロブログ(オープンソース、AGPL-3.0)
  • Hackers' Pub:ソフトウェアエンジニア向けのフェディバースブログプラットフォーム(オープンソース、AGPL-3.0)
  • Encyclia:ORCID学術記録をActivityPubを通じて提供するブリッジサービス

🚀 Fedifyが提供する価値

  • 開発時間80%削減:複雑なActivityPub実装の代わりに実証済みフレームワークを活用
  • 即時Fediverse互換性:Mastodon、Misskey、Pleroma、Pixelfed、PeerTubeなど様々なFediverseサービスとすぐに互換
  • 専門技術サポート:ActivityPubおよびフェデレーションプロトコルの専門家による直接サポート
  • カスタム開発:お客様の特定要件に合わせた機能開発

🤝 可能な協力モデル

  • カスタムコンサルティングと統合サポート:お客様のプラットフォームへのFedify統合のための専門的支援
  • カスタム機能開発:お客様のプラットフォームに必要な特定機能の開発と実装
  • 長期的な技術パートナーシップ:継続的な開発とメンテナンスのための長期協力関係

🌟 Fedifyとの協力によるメリット

  • 技術的優位性:自社開発と比較して時間とリソースの節約
  • ブランドイメージ:オープンソースエコシステムへの支援を通じた企業イメージの向上
  • 分散型ソーシャルネットワークへの参入:フェディバースエコシステムへの容易な参加
  • 競争優位性:ソーシャル機能による製品競争力の強化

📩 興味をお持ちですか?



Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

Fedify는 새로운 후원 파트너를 찾고 있습니다!

:fedify: Fedify란?

Fedify는 기반 연합형 서버 프레임워크로, 개발자들이 분산형 소셜 네트워크인 ()에 애플리케이션을 쉽게 통합할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 복잡한 ActivityPub 프로토콜 구현을 단순화하여 개발 시간을 크게 단축시킵니다. MIT 라이선스 하에 제공되는 오픈 소스 프로젝트입니다.

💼 Fedify를 활용하는 프로젝트들

다양한 프로젝트들이 이미 Fedify를 활용하고 있습니다:

  • Ghost: 수백만 사용자를 보유한 전문적인 오픈 소스(MIT 라이선스) 퍼블리싱 플랫폼으로, Fedify의 주요 후원사이자 파트너입니다.
  • Hollo: 개인 사용자를 위한 경량 마이크로블로그 (오픈 소스, AGPL-3.0)
  • Hackers' Pub: 소프트웨어 엔지니어를 위한 연합우주 블로그 플랫폼 (오픈 소스, AGPL-3.0)
  • Encyclia: ORCID 학술 기록을 ActivityPub을 통해 제공하는 브리지 서비스

🚀 Fedify가 제공하는 가치

  • 개발 시간 80% 단축: ActivityPub의 복잡한 구현 대신 검증된 프레임워크 활용
  • 즉각적인 연합우주 호환성: Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Pixelfed, PeerTube 등 다양한 연합우주 서비스와 즉시 호환
  • 전문 기술 지원: ActivityPub 및 연합 프로토콜 전문가의 직접 지원
  • 맞춤형 개발: 귀사의 특정 요구사항에 맞는 맞춤형 기능 개발

🤝 가능한 협력 모델

  • 맞춤형 컨설팅 및 통합 지원: 귀사 플랫폼에 통합을 위한 전문적 지원
  • 맞춤형 기능 개발 의뢰: 귀사에 필요한 특정 기능의 개발 및 구현
  • 장기적인 기술 파트너십: 지속적인 개발 및 유지보수를 위한 장기 협력 관계

🌟 Fedify와 협력했을 때의 이점

  • 기술적 이점: 자체 구현 대비 시간과 리소스 절약
  • 브랜드 이미지: 오픈 소스 생태계 지원을 통한 기업 이미지 강화
  • 분산형 소셜 네트워크 진입: 연합우주 생태계에 쉽게 참여
  • 경쟁 우위: 소셜 기능을 통한 제품 경쟁력 강화

📩 관심이 있으신가요?

ActivityPub 구현을 고려 중이시거나, Fedify 프로젝트와 협력하고 싶으시다면 연락 주세요:

귀사의 요구사항과 목표에 맞는 맞춤형 협력 방안을 함께 모색하겠습니다.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Fedify is looking for new partnership opportunities!

:fedify: What is Fedify?

is an -based federated server framework that helps developers easily integrate their applications with the , a decentralized social network. It simplifies the complex implementation of the ActivityPub protocol, significantly reducing development time. Fedify is an open-source project available under the MIT license.

💼 Projects using Fedify

Various projects are already leveraging Fedify:

  • Ghost: A professional publishing platform with millions of users, open source under MIT license, and a major sponsor and partner of Fedify.
  • Hollo: A lightweight microblogging platform for individual users (open source, AGPL-3.0)
  • Hackers' Pub: A fediverse blogging platform for software engineers (open source, AGPL-3.0)
  • Encyclia: A bridge service that makes ORCID academic records available via ActivityPub

🚀 Value provided by Fedify

  • 80% development time reduction: Utilize a proven framework instead of complex ActivityPub implementation
  • Immediate fediverse compatibility: Instant compatibility with various fediverse services including Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Pixelfed, PeerTube, etc.
  • Expert technical support: Direct support from ActivityPub and Federation protocol experts
  • Custom development: Tailored feature development to meet your specific requirements

🤝 Potential collaboration models

  • Custom consulting and integration support: Professional assistance for integrating Fedify into your platform
  • Custom feature development: Development and implementation of specific features needed for your platform
  • Long-term technical partnership: Long-term collaboration for continuous development and maintenance

🌟 Benefits of collaborating with Fedify

  • Technical advantage: Save time and resources compared to in-house implementation
  • Brand image: Enhance corporate image through support of the open-source ecosystem
  • Entry to decentralized social networks: Easily participate in the fediverse ecosystem
  • Competitive edge: Strengthen product competitiveness through social features

📩 Interested?

If you're considering implementing ActivityPub or wish to collaborate with the Fedify project, please get in touch:

We're excited to explore customized collaboration opportunities that align with your requirements and goals.

Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@fedify@hollo.social · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

If you answered “No”, which installation method do you prefer?

Your feedback helps us prioritize distribution channels! Thanks for contributing to the Fedify ecosystem.

npm3 (25%)
Deno3 (25%)
Manual download5 (42%)
Other (please specify in replies)1 (8%)
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


We're considering packaging the Fedify CLI for Homebrew to make installation easier on macOS and Linux (via Linuxbrew).

Would you use a formula for CLI?

Yes, I'd definitely use it on macOS.8 (32%)
Yes, I'd definitely use it on Linux.3 (12%)
Maybe, depending on the implementation.4 (16%)
No, I prefer other installation methods.10 (40%)
もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆's avatar
もちもちずきん :teto_zuho: 🍆



Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Love building federated apps with ? Consider supporting its development! We have tiers starting from just $5/month, and every contribution helps keep the project sustainable. :fedify:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to share that Fedify CLI is now available on Scoop for users! You can easily install it with scoop install fedify. One more way to get started with development!


Hamiller Friendica's avatar
Hamiller Friendica

@hamiller_friendica@anonsys.net · Reply to Sean Tilley's post

@deadsuperhero @fedify

The developer of Fedify has built Hollo with it. This is intended as a single-user instance for microblogging.


@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@reiver@mastodon.social · Reply to Sean Tilley's post


The CEO from Ghost was at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels earlier this month.

(I was there, too.)

Ghost is still using @fedify

Ghost even helps fund @hongminhee to work on @fedify .

He briefly talked about it at FOSDEM 2025. (It should be on video.)

Sean Tilley's avatar
Sean Tilley

@deadsuperhero@social.wedistribute.org · Reply to Sean Tilley's post

The biggest example I’ve seen so far is probably Ghost, as they used Fedify in their initial development and implementation. I’m not sure if they’re still using it, or moved to something in-house, but it’s extremely interesting.

Sean Tilley's avatar
Sean Tilley


Is anyone building cool stuff with @fedify ? I’ve been curious about diving in after I learn JavaScript, I think it would be fun to make some simple #Fediverse apps. I’d love to see what other people are making with it.

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