Artemis's avatar

@[email protected]

Alternative tools to check out and try:

bat github.com/sharkdp/bat
bottom github.com/ClementTsang/bottom
broot github.com/Canop/broot
btop github.com/aristocratos/btop
cheat github.com/cheat/cheat
choose github.com/theryangeary/choose
curlie github.com/rs/curlie
delta github.com/dandavison/delta
doggo github.com/mr-karan/doggo
dust github.com/bootandy/dust
duf github.com/muesli/duf
dysk github.com/Canop/dysk
eza github.com/eza-community/eza
fd github.com/sharkdp/fd
fzf github.com/junegunn/fzf

Artemis's avatar

@[email protected]

Alternative tools to check out and try:

bat github.com/sharkdp/bat
bottom github.com/ClementTsang/bottom
broot github.com/Canop/broot
btop github.com/aristocratos/btop
cheat github.com/cheat/cheat
choose github.com/theryangeary/choose
curlie github.com/rs/curlie
delta github.com/dandavison/delta
doggo github.com/mr-karan/doggo
dust github.com/bootandy/dust
duf github.com/muesli/duf
dysk github.com/Canop/dysk
eza github.com/eza-community/eza
fd github.com/sharkdp/fd
fzf github.com/junegunn/fzf

Karsten Schmidt's avatar
Karsten Schmidt

@[email protected] · Reply to hyaline.systems's post

@hyalinesystems @madskjeldgaard This is a great guide & very useful! 🙏

Since you asked for potential contribution ideas: I wrote this little script last year and been using it a bunch to create videos of slide decks (for trailers/teasers etc.). Together with this following command to extract thumbnails from a video (as a pre-processing step), you can also use this to create short/time-compressed overview videos of the x-faded thumbs:

`ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf crop=480:480,scale=200:-1,fps=0.01 thumb-%04d.png`

The tool is written in TypeScript (because I didn't want to fight with Bash), but shouldn't be too hard to port (if you're interested):


hyaline.systems's avatar

@[email protected]

📼 Command line video magic for ARTISTS

A cookbook by @madskjeldgaard for audio and video processing on the command line – with examples!

Includes how to generate a spectrum video from an audio file. How to combine an audio file and an image into a video. Among other things.

And it includes full scripts and examples for for-loops, so you could do this on tons of audio files, if you so fancied 🤠


hyaline.systems's avatar

@[email protected]

📼 Command line video magic for ARTISTS

A cookbook by @madskjeldgaard for audio and video processing on the command line – with examples!

Includes how to generate a spectrum video from an audio file. How to combine an audio file and an image into a video. Among other things.

And it includes full scripts and examples for for-loops, so you could do this on tons of audio files, if you so fancied 🤠


ploum's avatar

@[email protected]

If you are a Unix nerd and wish you spend less time using your mouse while watching flashy colors, I recommend that you give Offpunk a try:


I’m trying to make it easier to get started with offpunk. Feedbacks and discussions are welcome on the mailing-list :


or on the fediverse, using the hashtag. Or on your blog. That would be awesome to read blog posts about people using offpunk

Orhun Parmaksız 👾's avatar
Orhun Parmaksız 👾

@[email protected]

I found the ultimate CLI tool for processing CSV files! 🔥

🪄✨ **xan**: The CSV magician.

💯 Supports expressions, parallelism, advanced filtering, sorting, and visualizations.

🦀 Written in Rust & uses @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub: github.com/medialab/xan

ploum's avatar

@[email protected]

If you are a Unix nerd and wish you spend less time using your mouse while watching flashy colors, I recommend that you give Offpunk a try:


I’m trying to make it easier to get started with offpunk. Feedbacks and discussions are welcome on the mailing-list :


or on the fediverse, using the hashtag. Or on your blog. That would be awesome to read blog posts about people using offpunk

Orhun Parmaksız 👾's avatar
Orhun Parmaksız 👾

@[email protected]

I found the ultimate CLI tool for processing CSV files! 🔥

🪄✨ **xan**: The CSV magician.

💯 Supports expressions, parallelism, advanced filtering, sorting, and visualizations.

🦀 Written in Rust & uses @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub: github.com/medialab/xan

nev's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Julia's Reruns Bot's post

@b0rk_reruns ok so i have a kind of cursed question. often i'm doing something like `for file in $(ls *.txt); do echo ${file%.txt}; done`. why won't bash let me do ${$(ls *.txt)%.txt} and is there a better way to do it

(cc @b0rk)

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

, an -powered app for summarizing web pages, now distributes the official executables for Linux, macOS, and Windows!


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

, an -powered app for summarizing web pages, now distributes the official executables for Linux, macOS, and Windows!


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

, an -powered app for summarizing web pages, now distributes the official executables for Linux, macOS, and Windows!


blinry's avatar

@[email protected]

I'm looking for a command line tool that allows watching a video file together on two computers, with synchronized play/pause, like these "watch party" sites, but inside a local network.

In the simplest case, it could be a Bash command streaming/decoding a local file at the same time, and another person could receive that stream…? Has anyone seen something like that?

blinry's avatar

@[email protected]

I'm looking for a command line tool that allows watching a video file together on two computers, with synchronized play/pause, like these "watch party" sites, but inside a local network.

In the simplest case, it could be a Bash command streaming/decoding a local file at the same time, and another person could receive that stream…? Has anyone seen something like that?

ploum's avatar

@[email protected]

Released Offpunk 2.5 which add custom "aliases" and improve compatibility with and version < 3.11

What is Offpunk?


You are welcome to discuss and ask questions on the offpunk-users list:


If you are familiar with python development, join the offpunk-devel list to help intregrate offpunk and unmerdify, a new library developed by @vjousse :


ploum's avatar

@[email protected]

Released Offpunk 2.5 which add custom "aliases" and improve compatibility with and version < 3.11

What is Offpunk?


You are welcome to discuss and ask questions on the offpunk-users list:


If you are familiar with python development, join the offpunk-devel list to help intregrate offpunk and unmerdify, a new library developed by @vjousse :


Robert Kingett's avatar
Robert Kingett

@[email protected]

So, I am giving a try. It’s a command line utility that will allow you to copy things from one cloud storage to the other with ease, sync one way or buy directionally, and Mount cloud storage as virtual drives on your machine so you can mount things like Google Drive, iCloud Drive, and even OneDrive without using any of their bloated and inaccessible software. Of course, the first thing I tried to do with it, it’s not capable of Yet. I tried to copy my writing from an off-line hard drive to three different cloud services with one command. That’s not possible as of yet, but I would still highly recommend this tool even if I’m sure I’m not utilizing it to its full glory as of yet. , ,

nickbearded's avatar

@[email protected]

The website is live!


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


damaru's avatar

@[email protected]

I really enjoy as an easy site generator for my music. It runs with or without javascript, and generate fast flat files pages for all my audio simply from the folder hierarchy, it also generate rss, and can plugin into donation/money system to resell the music easily.

Now I would love to find a similar project for an Image Gallery.

- A flat file, gallery generator
- Uses folders and sub-folders
- Works with and without Javascript (this seems like a difficult thing)
- Easy mobile site
- Rss creation
- Uses the command line
- Run in linux
- Options to print the artwork on posters or stickers (maybe?)

I've tried a few tools so far, but they all have one or more limitations, none hitting all the points mentioned here.

I'd love to ask the fediverse is there is such a tool! Boost appreciated!

damaru's avatar

@[email protected]

I really enjoy as an easy site generator for my music. It runs with or without javascript, and generate fast flat files pages for all my audio simply from the folder hierarchy, it also generate rss, and can plugin into donation/money system to resell the music easily.

Now I would love to find a similar project for an Image Gallery.

- A flat file, gallery generator
- Uses folders and sub-folders
- Works with and without Javascript (this seems like a difficult thing)
- Easy mobile site
- Rss creation
- Uses the command line
- Run in linux
- Options to print the artwork on posters or stickers (maybe?)

I've tried a few tools so far, but they all have one or more limitations, none hitting all the points mentioned here.

I'd love to ask the fediverse is there is such a tool! Boost appreciated!

damaru's avatar

@[email protected]

I really enjoy as an easy site generator for my music. It runs with or without javascript, and generate fast flat files pages for all my audio simply from the folder hierarchy, it also generate rss, and can plugin into donation/money system to resell the music easily.

Now I would love to find a similar project for an Image Gallery.

- A flat file, gallery generator
- Uses folders and sub-folders
- Works with and without Javascript (this seems like a difficult thing)
- Easy mobile site
- Rss creation
- Uses the command line
- Run in linux
- Options to print the artwork on posters or stickers (maybe?)

I've tried a few tools so far, but they all have one or more limitations, none hitting all the points mentioned here.

I'd love to ask the fediverse is there is such a tool! Boost appreciated!

Levi Beach's avatar
Levi Beach

@[email protected] · Reply to Levi Beach's post

Thinking through some settings UI this morning.

Mockup of ADSR settings for command line synthesizer.
ALT text detailsMockup of ADSR settings for command line synthesizer.
Levi Beach's avatar
Levi Beach

@[email protected] · Reply to Levi Beach's post

So I guess it's happening and I'm really excited to explore all the possibilities. Using the Node binding for Rust's Web Audio API to create sound, which means I can do stuff like impulse response to model spaces!

Two command line windows, one running Orca, the other running something called "HORSE SYNTH". Extremely basic controls for wave shape and ADSR are visible.
ALT text detailsTwo command line windows, one running Orca, the other running something called "HORSE SYNTH". Extremely basic controls for wave shape and ADSR are visible.
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@[email protected] · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released! stravavis 0.5.0 🚀

Create artistic visualisations with your exercise data.


🚴 Drop support for EOL Python 3.8

🏃 Skip segments in GPX tracks with empty trkseg

🛶 Fix pandas warnings

A heatmap of Helsinki and surrounding with black lines indicating bike rides.
ALT text detailsA heatmap of Helsinki and surrounding with black lines indicating bike rides.
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@[email protected] · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: blurb 1.3.0 🚀

blurb is the CLI we use for managing CPython's news/changelog entries.

🗞️ Add support for Python 3.13

🗞️ Drop support for Python 3.8

🗞️ Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

🗞️ Allow running blurb test from blurb-* directories by

🗞️ Add version subcommand

🗞️ Generate __version__ at build to avoid slow importlib.metadata


Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@[email protected] · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: norwegianblue 0.19.0 🚀

🦜 Drop support for Python 3.8

🦜 Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

🦜 Test with tox-uv

🦜 Lint with pre-commit-uv


norwegianblue is a CLI to show EOLs from endoflife.date

A CLI call of "eol python" showing a coloured table of each Python feature release, its latest x.y.z version and date, and the dates of when it enters security-only and EOL.
ALT text detailsA CLI call of "eol python" showing a coloured table of each Python feature release, its latest x.y.z version and date, and the dates of when it enters security-only and EOL.
Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@[email protected] · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: pepotron 1.3.0 🚀

🔩 Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

🔩 Drop support for Python 3.8

🔩 Generate __version__ at build to avoid slow importlib.metadata

🔩 Test on CI with uv


Pepotron is a CLI for opening PEPs in your browser. For example, try:

$ pep 8

$ pep 3.14

$ pep dead batteries

$ pep calendar

Hugo van Kemenade's avatar
Hugo van Kemenade

@[email protected] · Reply to Hugo van Kemenade's post

Just released: pypistats 1.7.0 🚀

📈 Generate digital attestations for PyPI (PEP 740)

📉 Drop support for EOL Python 3.8

📈 Generate __version__ at build to avoid slow importlib.metadata


Example use, showing an ASCII chart:

❯ pypistats python_minor pillow --last-month
│ category │ percent │   downloads │
│ 3.10     │  16.80% │  20,297,555 │
│ 3.11     │  15.78% │  19,062,442 │
│ 3.7      │  14.86% │  17,958,611 │
│ 3.9      │  13.68% │  16,530,171 │
│ 3.8      │  12.32% │  14,887,891 │
│ 3.6      │  11.73% │  14,169,137 │
│ 3.12     │   9.56% │  11,548,054 │
│ null     │   4.73% │   5,716,677 │
│ 2.7      │   0.50% │     598,393 │
│ 3.13     │   0.03% │      34,987 │
│ 3.5      │   0.02% │      20,237 │
│ 3.4      │   0.00% │         817 │
│ 3.14     │   0.00% │         232 │
│ 3.3      │   0.00% │          14 │
│ 3.1      │   0.00% │           5 │
│ 3.2      │   0.00% │           2 │
│ Total    │         │ 120,825,225 │

Date range: 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
ALT text detailsExample use, showing an ASCII chart: ❯ pypistats python_minor pillow --last-month ┌──────────┬─────────┬─────────────┐ │ category │ percent │ downloads │ ├──────────┼─────────┼─────────────┤ │ 3.10 │ 16.80% │ 20,297,555 │ │ 3.11 │ 15.78% │ 19,062,442 │ │ 3.7 │ 14.86% │ 17,958,611 │ │ 3.9 │ 13.68% │ 16,530,171 │ │ 3.8 │ 12.32% │ 14,887,891 │ │ 3.6 │ 11.73% │ 14,169,137 │ │ 3.12 │ 9.56% │ 11,548,054 │ │ null │ 4.73% │ 5,716,677 │ │ 2.7 │ 0.50% │ 598,393 │ │ 3.13 │ 0.03% │ 34,987 │ │ 3.5 │ 0.02% │ 20,237 │ │ 3.4 │ 0.00% │ 817 │ │ 3.14 │ 0.00% │ 232 │ │ 3.3 │ 0.00% │ 14 │ │ 3.1 │ 0.00% │ 5 │ │ 3.2 │ 0.00% │ 2 │ │ Total │ │ 120,825,225 │ └──────────┴─────────┴─────────────┘ Date range: 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30
marius's avatar

@[email protected]

Man, I enjoy the API of but sometimes bending one's UI to its paradigm is a pain in the butt.

Summer Emacs 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦's avatar
Summer Emacs 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦

@[email protected]

I just posted a new file about how I got into using , , the , and other things.

Here it is: summeremacs.github.io/posts/ho

And no @daviwil, I'm still not starting a blog to post this stuff. 😀

Edit: I was wrong. @daviwil was right. I am leaving my post up here as a victory for him. 🤣

Jelloeater 🥥🌴🚫🔙's avatar
Jelloeater 🥥🌴🚫🔙

@[email protected]

Got bored, wrote a timestamp app in

matclab's avatar

@[email protected]

Je relance mon blog, en modifiant le système de commentaire pour qu'il utilise mastodon.

Je vais mettre quelques liens ici et commencer par un retour d'expérience sur l'utilisation de `ledger-cli` pour faire mes comptes (que j'utilise toujours).


Charlie O’Hara's avatar
Charlie O’Hara

@[email protected]

Does anyone have a recommendation for a CLI boilerplate text file creator? I need something to help with using my personal website better. I’m thinking of something where I can type “<app> new post” or “<app> new note” and a markdown file of appropriate frontmatter stubs is created, in a predefined directory. It’d have to have some kind of template system available. Know of anything?

OS/1337's avatar

@[email protected]

For everyone wanting to test out OS/1337 there's good news:

You can just clone the repo or pull it as :

and then just run ./scripts/build.sh

and within a few mins it'll spit out a bootable image in /build/0.CORE/ to put on a 3,5" FDD or run in a VM [may it be or ]...

Thanks to @SweetAIBelle for the generous contributions!

Jean-Mi à peu près expert's avatar
Jean-Mi à peu près expert

@[email protected]

Il parait que j'aurais dû faire une depuis 6 ans, alors voilà. Ici, je pouet :
– science (recherche appliqué en algorithmique de l', en ce moment assez saoulé par son dévoiement corporate),
– design & illustration (souvent vectorielle sous ),
– code libre (auteur de  : , , …),
– politique (anar gauchiste, centriste repenti, radicalisé par le macronisme),
– sondages bizarres (neuroatypique tentant de comprendre comment ça marche dans votre tête).

Elijah Manor's avatar
Elijah Manor

@[email protected]

npx elijahmanor

> Updated to include mastodon instance

business card


Terminal output from the "npx elijahmanor" command
ALT text detailsTerminal output from the "npx elijahmanor" command
Soso's avatar

@[email protected]

🇫🇷 Étudiant, passionné de logiciels libres. J'ai créé peertube-viewer, un petit outil en ligne de commande pour naviguer les vidéos , dans le même esprit que youtube-viewer

🇬🇧 Student, passionate by . I created peertube-viewer, a small tool to browse peertube instances, quite similar to youtube-viewer.