Time for my own intro, I think.
Born and raised in Switzerland on #milk, #cheese and #chocolate. Still there today.
Using computers since #ZX spectrum, always enjoyed technical stuff, programming, network and hardware. Deeply interested in BBS and demoscene (Unreal, futurecrew).
Co-started my own company, #Infomaniak, in 1994 with an associate. We were first selling home-assembled computers for endusers. Then we had our own first internet dialup POP by the end of the same year and each customer was granted free access (except for local call rates). We also ran one of the first websites in Geneva, Switzerland, around that time (still found in archive.org, look for infomaniak.ch).
We then splitted the company and started providing professional web/mail hosting when it was still pretty unusual. I built that company from scratch and my associate kept running the computer shop on one side, and doing strategic thinking for the hosting business. The shop was eventually sold in 2000/2001 and we 100% focused on hosting.
At first, I was involved in every step : network design, hardware choice, mail/web servers, routing/transit, building/maintaining IT racks, staff, programming our own management tools, Delphi at that time ; still programming with Embarcadero today. And it was rapidly too overwhelming. The staff grew, we enrolled people with better skills than we had, and I focused primarily on management, legal and accounting. But it was not what I loved to do every day.
In 2017, my associate and I divorced (a 25 years long coworking is *really* like a marriage) ; I was kicked out :(
By then, Infomaniak staff was +60 people (support staff, sysadmin, devs and office admin).
I took that opportunity to better focus on what matters to me : #data #security and #IT #support for small to very small companies. Those left alone with their too complicated technological problems and they do the best they can. Ourdays, this is obviously not sufficient.
So I started again from scratch, with IT-Awareness. My main objective was being able to provide better comfort with #technology for all non technical people, focused on #data #backups and all related matters. Due to the first customers I met, I'm now mostly helping #praticians in all #medical environments.
I'm still alone in my company (it takes time... so much time...) but I nonetheless received a huge project to build a secure mail system for all practicians in Geneva area (~3,000). "Secure" meaning "with confidentiality guaranteed" following Swiss laws requirements. A case study has been done by Synology : https://www.synology.com/en-us/company/case_study/Geneva_Doctors_Association
Prior to this new secured mail system, practicians were mostly using public services like gmail, aol and local telco mail systems, which is absolutely forbidden due to the sensitivity of data they're exchanging. They're now secure, compliant with the law and patients are better protected. But this is of course only part of the long way they still have to go.
I provide a lot of IT support for small medical centers ; they don't know a thing with technology and don't have time. They need things to be done, they need confidence. I try to bring both.
Interested in all #infosec matters for so many years I can't remember, I followed a lot of incredible people with deep knowledge that shared their insight on Twitter.
And like every one of you, migrated to infosec.exchange Mastodon instance (which I proudly sponsor, @jerry thank you so much for your work and dedication, this place is what we really need, our home).
I'm always open to discuss anything with anybody, sharing knowledge and experience.