@reiver ⊼ (Charles)
Mastodon should NOT count hash-tags towards its character-limit.
Doing so — counting hash-tags towards its character-limit — discourages the usage of hash-tags.
Which makes posts less searchable and discoverable. And hinder ad-hoc community formation.
@[email protected] · Reply to technicat's post
Which app do you use? That's nice, except for having the tags in the post twice then. Screen reader users would have to listen to them twice.
In my post, it didn't pull out the "kDrama" hashtag from the content. I had included "kDrama" in my last-line-hashtags, but the Mastodon software removed it because it was already in the content. It only put the "hashtag" one down below.
I wanted to see the End of the Year drama challenge posts, but because I limit myself to Korean shows, I only wanted those tagged with #kDrama Hashtags!
Searching by multiple hashtags doesn't seem to work anymore. I discovered that if you are using a multi-column Fediverse reader, then you can:
1) search for a tag
2) pin it to a column
3) filter that column by additional tags
On my Tusky App for my phone, it looks like I can edit the filter to accomplish the same thing (but I haven't tried it yet).
Some other hashtag notes:
1) Currently you can't have a hashtag that is all numbers. If you want to write a year hashtag, try #year2024
2) Hashtags are better in CamelCase for screen readers
3) Accessibility pundits seem to be divided on mixing in hashtags or putting them at the end. BUT if you do put a blank line & then your hashtags, they will show up (in many Fediverse client apps, but not all) at the very bottom of the post, separated & often formatted a little differently.
Judah The Mac
Terence Eden’s Blog
Hashtag Standards (part deux)
What is a hashtag?
Fifteen years ago (fuck, I'm old) I started documenting what Twitter's nascent hashtags could and couldn't do.
Back in 2010, this is how the official Twitter site linked hashtags.
Notably, punctuation symbols didn't "count" as part of a tag.
How does modern social media handle something like #Fish&Chips?
- Mastodon links directly to #Fish&Chips
- BlueSky links directly to #Fish&Chips
- Threads links to a search for Fish & Chips
What about normalisation?
Should #Romeo link to #ROMEO and #rOMeO?
On all three of the major social networks, case is insensitive.
But what about the vagueries of Unicode normalisation?
Is #Ŕöméø&Jülíèt the same as #Romeo&Juliet?
Both Threads and Mastodon do some form of decomposition - turning the various accents into their accentless versions.
But BlueSky links to the literal version.
Is that the right thing to do? I don't know.
This literal interpretation of the text in hashtags allows for some interesting steganography - which can be fun, but I wonder if it is what users expect?
And that's what it comes down to. What is technically correct isn't always the same as what users need.
Perhaps most users prefer #ROMEO to link to the same posts as #romeo. Perhaps they think #Romeó should link there too. But no social network, as far as I am aware, has done any user research into the behaviour that users want when interacting with hashtags.
I'd love someone to do some actual research on how people expect a folksonomy to work.
#Mastodon だと For You タグのかわりにハッシュタグをフォローするとなんとなく自分の指向に合ったポストがホームタイムラインに流れてくるのでおすすめしたい。
Mark Wyner :vm:
@[email protected] · Reply to Fedi.Tips's post
@FediTips yes!
And following hashtags is a great way to fill your timeline with nice surprises that are relevant to your interests.
Every app has a different method of following them, but here’s how it looks in the main UI (web and mobile).
Most apps have a comparable method.
Just click or tap on a hashtag and you’ll see this. And if you want to explore hashtags in your browser, just add the following to your instance domain:
Jeff Forcier
@[email protected] · Reply to Jeff Forcier's post
In terms of how I operate on social media:
🗣️ I tend to post a lot 😅
🤬 …often with colorful language (but happy to edit it back out if it'll help you boost a useful post!)
🙄 I don't actually over-use emojis / #hashtags - just doing that here to be cute 🤣
💩 I love(d) #weird #twitter and occasionally make dumb shitposts 😒
and 👴 #dadjokes
My content is typically equal parts chatter about my #OSS, navelgazing/whining, and random microblogging/life observations (pets, house, tech, EVs)
Humbird0 Fandom
@[email protected] · Reply to Humbird0 Fandom's post
Humbird0 Fandom
My currently Subscribed #HashTags: (part 1)
HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴
Here is some worthwhile #FediHelp for #Fediverse-#newbies #NewToMastodon:
Delete, alas]
9. Follow MANY and follow the #hashtags (!!!) that interest you, as there is no algorithm.
10. Follow @feditips
11. Follow back after vetting of #posts and #bios.
12. Post interesting #toots.
13. Always reply to serious answers.
14. Boost posts of (avid) followers but generally generously #AAB--#AlwaysBeBoosting.
Andrew Melder
I forgot that Threads developed its own tagging system outside of more common hashtags used elsewhere.
I remember the back and forth about it when they rolled it out, and personally not being that bothered by it.
Most of the time, tags are used within a sentence so it isn't noticeable. However when added to the end of a post like this example and pushed to the Fediverse, the result can seem confusing.
wakest ⁂
@[email protected] · Reply to Building ActivityPub's post
Roni Laukkarinen
Btw Mastodon is the best because folks actually use and follow hashtags. The posts attract people who are enthusiastic in things. In other places the hashtags feel pointless, nobody ever looks at them. They are just fuel for algorithms.
ꓤ uɐᗡ :verified_hellion:
any new peeps out there 👀
🇧🇷 bem-vindo à Fedi 🇧🇷
You're gonna like it here - I promise! I can't even stomach LOOKING at birdchan anymore...
1. follow @FediTips
2. use #hashtags
3. follow lots - build your network
4. boost lots - you ARE the algorithm (& likes are private)
5. search #hashtags which interest YOU
6. scan people's profiles
👉 https://fedi.tips/
8. stick with it - #fediverse is WHEY better than centralized corporate garbage 🧀
Closing the gap on fediverse hashtag visibility with hashtag-importer, a new rust tool to import #hashtags into your instance¹.
¹always ask your admin first
Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 (alt account)
Let's play a game, to help some of the newcomers make connections: name subjects and topics that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
Here are some of my pet #hashtags:
#silentfilms / #silentmovies
#snailmail / #letterwriting
Zelda 👑
Edit: this isn't a joke lol but only if we hit the goal. I enjoy the maximum silly streams but sometimes you gotta work for it.
If my Patreon hits $100 a month before October I'll get Horny-High and do a Smash or Pass stream of all Tattle Log enemies in Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remake. (it's already halfway there! $50 more to go)
#patreon #challenge #lewd #kink #gaming #nintendo #mario #papermario #real #hashtags #drugs #horny #pot
I just figured out how to use @phanpy's "Catch Up" feature and it's even more awesome than I thought!
It starts by loading up all the posts in your #timeline up to some point in history.
Then it lets you filter and sort the timeline in various ways.
The cool part is you can filter by followed #hashtags and muted words as well!
And the whole time it breaks down the visible posts by user, so you can identify the noisiest users in you follow, or people who spam a #hashtag!
Related hashtags in the @pixelfed app are pretty handy for discovery 😎
a list of #hashtags for my #introduction
#technology / #computer #geek (#security pays the bills)
#music / #musician (#drummer for fun but not profit... learning other #instruments)
#weather (it's both awesome and scary)
#health / #fitness (however, will not turn down #chocolate)
#gaming newbie (#fantasian / #ffxiv occupy my time currently)
#anime (#SAO, #attackontitan, #psychopass, #RWBY, etc. etc.)
#DIY projects (if / as needed)
it's difficult writing #introductions 😅
Queer Lisoo
@[email protected] · Reply to Queer Lisoo's post
Bon, j'ai finalement une liste des #hashtag hebdomadaires, j'ai compilé plusieurs vieux trucs, mes propres recherches, vos réponses, et j'ai vérifié ce qui était encore utilisé.
Mon but n'est pas de ressusciter des #hashtags !
(Et je n'ai pas mis ceux utilisés juste par 4 personnes en boucle !)
(D'ailleurs c'est drôle de voir qu’il y a des personnes qui essayent de lancer leur tag tous les jours ^^)
(ça ne prend pas !)
Bref, la liste !
Lundi :
#MondayMotivation : Tout ce qui peut vous motiver un lundi matin... je ne comprends pas pourquoi ce hashtag est autant utilisé du coup 😆
#MonochromeMonday : photos en monochrome, majoritairement en noir et blanc
Mardi :
#MardiConseil : principalement des conseils lecture, mais aussi de culture en général ou même d'autres thèmes !
#MardiPatisserie : vos plus belles pâtisseries que ce soit maison ou de boulangerie !
#ThickTrunkTuesday : pour voir des troncs d'arbre ! Écoutez, je pensais pas, mais c'est cool !
#TuesdayTiger : des tigres, des tigres, et encore des tigres, c'est vraiment cool !
#TuneTuesday : Pour partager sa musique. (On n’oublie pas qu'il y a d'autres hashtags pour ça, si vous ne voulez pas poster le mardi 😉 )
#TurtleTuesday : comme TuesdayTiger, mais avec des tortues ! Moins utilisé, mais j'aime beaucoup les tortues 😁
Mercredi :
#MercrediFiction : des mini récits de fiction, un peu un Writever du mercredi et sans thème !
#WipWednesday : pour montrer un travail en cours, souvent artistique/manuel, mais pas que
#WhiskersWednesday : vous voulez des frimousses d'animaux à moustaches ?! C'est par ici !
#WaterfallWednesday : de l'eau qui tombe, des cascades quoi ! C'est rafraîchissant par ce temps, on ne va pas se mentir !
Jeudi :
#JeudiManuscrit : récemment inventé par nos linguistes d'ici, des petits bouts d'écriture manuscrite !
#JeuJeudi : pour les jeux de société majoritairement !
#ThrowbackThursday : un petit tour dans votre passé !
Vendredi :
#VendrediLecture : pour partager vos lectures, bonnes ou mauvaises !
#FollowFriday : pour donner de la visibilité à des personnes que vous suivez ici
#FungiFriday : du champignon mignon !
#WindowFriday : principalement des vues jolies ou insolites à travers des fenêtres de tout genre ! Les photos sont vraiment belles pour le coup, ce n’est pas du "à l'arrache" ^^ !
#FlowerFriday : pour des fleurs, n'oubliez pas le #BloomScrolling les autres jours !
Samedi : les chats, rien que les chats !
#Chamedi et #Caturday pour mettre à l'honneur les rois et reines du monde !
Dimanche :
#SilentSunday : pour des paysages reposants
#SlowSunday : un peu pareil, mais avec aussi toute autre évocation de la lenteur qui fait du bien !
Voilà, faites-vous plaisir à suivre ces hashtags et à les alimenter !
(et moi je n’ai pas spécialement trouvé mon bonheur, mais je vais me débrouiller ^^)
If you want your post's hashtags to appear separately from your actual content when viewed through the website, put them right at the end of the post with a blank line just above them.
I've attached an image to this post so you can see the post's hashtags displayed below it if you're viewing through the web.
Apps will probably display the tags as normal.
(By the way, this is purely for aesthetic purposes. It makes no difference to how the hashtags function.)
In lieu of an actual #introduction, here are some #hashtags I’m interested in reading & posting about, in no particular order of importance
(Part 1)
#chicago #WestLoop is where I live, but have lived/might live in the future #Austin #Toronto #London #California #Rome #Amsterdam
#history #politics #language #poetry #science #astronomy #physics
#art especially #photography but also #painting #sculpture #film #filmHistory
#Hashtags for being found by: I'm a #treehugger, #bicycle commuter, #SoftwareDeveloper, #ApplicationSecurity enthusiast, and #Linux user. I love #reading #ScienceFiction but have to parse it out slowly.
I'm something of a #hippie -- I go #barefoot much of the time, I don't have a smartphone (#NoSmartphone?), I try to "Eat Food, #MostlyPlants, Not Too Much". And I have a deep respect and love of #nature and its systems, even the uncharismatic parts.
I think #FreeSpeech is super important, but that it comes with the responsibility to #BeKind to others in the process.
Welcome to #Mastodon!
Here are a few resources to get you started.
1. A great intro: https://wordsmith.social/elilla/a-futuristic-mastodon-introduction-for-2021
2. https://fedifinder.glitch.me/ finds #Twitter people you followed, on Mastodon! You can bulk-follow them.
3. Follow many people, from many different instances, to feed both your personal as well as your instance's federated timeline. It's easy to un-follow later. Use boost often.
4. Use #hashtags! There is no algorithm selecting "top posts" for you; instead, trends are built on hashtags.
Comment devenir un artiste à succès sur Mastodon
Beaucoup des toots qui sont largement diffusés sont des introductions d’artistes. Cela peut sembler étrange venant de plates-formes plus grandes et sans visage comme Twitter, mais les communautés de Mastodon sont plus soudées, et un nouveau membre de la commu
#catsofmastodon #creativetoots #hashtags #illustration #mastoart #mastodon #photography
ᴚ uɐᗡ
any new peeps out there 👀
You're gonna like it here - I promise! I can't even stomach LOOKING at #birdsite anymore...
1. follow @feditips
2. use #hashtags
3. follow lots - build your network
4. boost lots - you ARE the algorithm (& likes are private)
5. search #hashtags which interest YOU
6. scan people's profiles
👉 https://fedi.tips/
8. stick with it - #fediverse is WHEY better than centralized corporate garbage 🧀
Ingrid O :cofe:
Welcome to sfba.social!
If you are #new, here are some things you can do to get going:
1) write a bio for your profile, using #Hashtags
2) write post as an #introduction post, with your current interests. Lots of #Hashtags there too!
3) Explore to find folks (you guessed it, #HashTags again!)
Be sure to read all three feeds:
-Local (sfba only, chronological)
-Home (people you follow) and
-Federated (people others in sfba follow)
Be nice and have fun!
Flatbush Gardener 🌈
I thought I had added #HashTags to my pachy #Profile. They're there now!
#UrbanNaturalist #UrbanGardening #WildlifeHabitat #NativePlants #Brooklyn #NYC #PhytoAgnosia #gay #queer #NewYorkCity #NewYork #Photography #Nature #Naturalist #Plants #Insects #Hymenoptera #Bees #Wasps #MacroPhotography #CatDad #iNaturalist #Flickr #Botany
(Most of them. Not enough characters allowed in the profile for all of them!)
Shannon Prickett
In the interest of setting a good example, an #introduction of me.
This isn't my first Mastodon account (that was @[email protected]) but this (petrous.vislae.town) is my first run at being a Mastodon sysadmin.
I work with #Kubernetes #InformationSecurity in a #DevOps / #SystemReliabilityExternality way for a living. I used to work in #VideoGames doing #SystemsOperations & before that, #MobileTelephony. We don't talk about my stint in #AdvertisingTechnology.
I like #RolePlayingGames & #HashTags 😈
Sascha 😎 🏴 ⁂ (Fediverse)
Meinung | Ehrlich?!? Ihr verseht jeden Scheiß mit einer Inhaltswarnung, aber beim Fußball schafft Ihr nicht mal einheitlich den Hashtag #Fußball zu nutzen!?!
Sorry wenn mir noch mal jemand was kommt von wegen Inhaltswarnung, dann bekommt er das nächste greifbare Tor um die Ohren geschlagen!
#Meinung #Fußball #EM #Inhaltswarnung #Hashtags #nervig #2024-07-05
For my own sanity and possibly yours in dealing with my stuff.
#hashtags I commonly use when posting beyond those in bio (some key ones repeated):
Note: #WIP
- various tags to identify possibly unwanted text/imagery in food preparation
#NowPlaying #RandomMusic
#reuse #recycle #OtherPeoplesGarbage
- locations where appropriate
Mark Wyner :vm:
Update: moved this to my new writing site so there’s a new URL.
Every hashtag on every post on every platform should ALWAYS be pascal case. I wrote this to illustrate how screenreaders read hashtags based on their case.
It’s a small thing that all of us can do to build a more inclusive, accessible internet for all. Please take the time to use pascal case.
Read more:
#Accessibility #WebAccessibility #Usability #Readability #Hashtags #SocialNetworking #Blogging #UX
🇺🇦 Lauteshirn 🏳️🌈
Use hashtags in the #Fediverse to help people find your posts!
hi, i'm spv. call me spv, or james if you want to be slightly weird without knowing me
here's an #introduction post because i don't think i've made one yet.
info to know about me: 17 from BFE, NY
i'm #autistic, and have too many other conditions to list. woooo!
i do #programming on occasion
#homelab on the regular
i like to work with #security, but i don't do it enough
getting a degree in #Computer Security & #Forensics from SUNY Broome (starting in august)
warning: i use a lot of #hashtags
JW 🕸
I almost chose the single user option on #Mastodon, but @erik snuck in before I could push the button. He was punished by being made a moderator. The dream is that a bunch of local STL people use my instance and we have a built-in #hyperlocal TL. No following or anything necessary.
I'm also good with no one showing up at all and I have a perfectly curated set of #hashtags
It's nice here.
Ruben Schade :runbsd:🇦🇺🇸🇬
Took all weekend, but finally got the desk sorted! I have the 32-bit corner, the current corner, and the 8-bit corner!
The nest of upscaler, KVM, and input selector cables is truly horrifying. But it all works!
We’re looking at moving into somewhere bigger soon, so we can have a proper “computer lab”. But super happy for this for now :’)
(And 16-bit stuff like an Amiga or Atari 1040ST would be incredible, but also no space right now!)
#Newtomastodon? #Meetingpeople and #makingfriends are easy when you follow #hashtags as well as accounts. If a steady diet of #news is overwhelming (anxiety provoking, depressing), you may find following #bloomscrolling, #music, #gardening, #photography, #cooking, #bookstodon, #dogsofmastodon, #catsofmastodon, and refining topics for your specific interests, will transform the site into just your #cupoftea.
유리(Yuri): 🌏
(비인간) #동물 과 #식물, #자연 에 관심있는 사람들을 위한 일부 #해시태그
some of #hashtags for people interested in (nonhuman) #animals, #plants, #nature
#animal 🦔🐿️
#animalphotography 🐘🐙🦈🐬
#nature 🏔️
#naturephotography ⛰️🏜️🏞️🏝️
#새스토돈 🐦
#앵스토돈 🦜
#bird 🦆
#birding 🦅
#birdwatching 🐓
#ducklings 🦆🐥
#insect 🪲
#insects 🐝
#spider 🕷️🕸️
#marinelife 🦈🐬🐙
#sealife 🐳🐟🐠
Verwechslungsgefährte 🍿
#YSK #FediTipps
① Use https://github.com/tateisu/SubwayTooter
② Read popular toots https://botsin.space/@topst @trendytoots and on that explore page of your instance
③ Dig global Trends on https://fedi.buzz Follow Hashtags + Instances on https://relay.fedi.buzz
E.g. large topic-specific instances (for serendipity)
④ Put slow followees (for quality) in a separate list. #fomo
⑤ search opt-inned accs across instances: https://tootfinder.ch
⑥ Post pics (alt-text!); follow many; use #HashTags; mention groups (https://a.gup.pe or https://lemmy.world/communities) and users.
⑦ Attach audio to your toots. Add ".rss" to your acc's or tag's url to host a podcast.
⑧ Instead of repeating links, search for them (without https://) and boost earlier posts.
⑨ ★ are just public bookmarks. (Yes, everypody can see who starred a post.) Boost or give reply instead. Boost ur own toots if they got/deserve a lot of ★.
㉈ Refer to toots via url, public reply or switch to a Misskey fork