Hollo's avatar


@[email protected] · 193 following · 449 followers

A federated single-user microblogging software.





Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Hollo 0.4.0からTIMELINE_INBOXESという実験的なオプションが追加されます。このオプションをtrueにすると、ホームタイムラインとリストタイムラインが要請されるたびに投稿がリアルタイムでフィルタリングされる代わりに、データベースに各タイムラインごとにインボックスが作成され、そこに投稿が入ります。その為、このオプションをオンにした直後は、タイムラインが空っぽに見える事が有ります。


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Hollo 0.4.0부터는 TIMELINE_INBOXES라는 실험적인 옵션이 추가됩니다. 이 옵션을 true로 하면 여러분의 홈 타임라인과 리스트 타임라인이 요청할 때마다 게시물들이 실시간으로 필터링되는 대신, 데이터베이스에 각 타임라인별 인박스가 생기고 거기에 게시물들이 들어가게 됩니다. 따라서, 이 옵션을 켠 직후에는 타임라인이 비어 보일 수 있습니다.

이 옵션을 켜면 많은 사람을 팔로하고 있는 계정에서 성능이 향상되지만, 아직 버그가 있을 수 있습니다. 하지만 기능이 안정화되고 나서는 이 옵션이 디폴트 동작이 될 예정입니다.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Starting with Hollo 0.4.0, we're adding an experimental option called TIMELINE_INBOXES.

If this option is set to true, instead of your home timeline and list timelines filtering posts in real-time whenever they are requested, the database will create an inbox for each timeline and put posts into it. As a result, your timelines may appear empty immediately after turning this option on.

Turning this option on will improve performance for accounts that follow a lot of accounts, but it may still be buggy. However, once the feature is stabilized, this will be the default behavior.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Emelia 👸🏻's post

@thisismissem We haven't tested it out, as it requires much more changes to the Hollo code.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Okay, testing with .js is cruising along. It's consuming up to 3 GB of memory at peak times, but that's a huge improvement over Hollo with , which was consuming over 8 GB of memory at peak times.

So, yes, starting with Hollo 0.4.0, we'll use Node.js instead of Bun!

Memory usage chart for the hollo.social server. You can see that before December 18th, the point at which we switched to Node.js, the memory usage fluctuated between 1 GB and 8 GB, but since then, it's been mostly stable around 1 GB. It did spike to 3 GB at peak times, but only briefly during the entire test period.
Memory usage chart for the hollo.social server. You can see that before December 18th, the point at which we switched to Node.js, the memory usage fluctuated between 1 GB and 8 GB, but since then, it's been mostly stable around 1 GB. It did spike to 3 GB at peak times, but only briefly during the entire test period.
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Adrian Lansdown's post

@Adrian There are APIs to create an application and to authenticate.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

is currently testing .js instead of . (In fact, the hollo.social server is already running on Node.js!) If this test is successful, starting with the next release, Hollo will be powered by Node.js instead of Bun.

The main reason for switching to Node.js is to optimize memory usage. As you can see in the graph image below, Node.js uses significantly less memory than Bun. With this switch, Hollo is expected to be even more lightweight than before!

Are you interested in trying out the Node.js version of Hollo early? Try to pull ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.4.0-dev.290!

Hollo's memory usage graph. When I was running on Bun, it used about 4GB of memory, but after switching to Node.js, it uses about 0.5GB of memory.
Hollo's memory usage graph. When I was running on Bun, it used about 4GB of memory, but after switching to Node.js, it uses about 0.5GB of memory.
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Yay! 🥳🎉🎊🙌🏼


Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:'s avatar
Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

@hollo This will change in the next update. We will soon support alphanumeric post ID’s.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]



Coro's avatar

@[email protected]

Hollo、Javascript 無しでもほとんど閲覧できるの好き。microblogpub の良い所を受け継いでる感じがする


fedicat's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

@hollo @ivory same issue with gotosocial and iceshrimp.net I believe

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

For those who want to use on @ivory: evolved from the Tweetbot codebase, which was a third-party Twitter client, so it assumes that object IDs are integers. Hollo uses UUIDs for object IDs, so it can't be used with Ivory at this time. We hope that Ivory will support non-integer object IDs in the future!

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

意外(의외)로 Hollo에서 支援(지원)하는 機能(기능)들!

  • Markdown
  • 引用(인용)
  • 繪文字(회문자)(에모지) 리액션


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Hollo 是一款无头微博软件,它实现了 Mastodon API。 这意味着您可以使用任何与 Mastodon 兼容的客户端与其进行交互。 然而,实际上,由于 Mastodon API 的实现方式不同, 某些客户端可能无法按预期工作。 以下是一些经过 Hollo 测试的客户端。


洪 民憙(ホン・ミンヒ)'s avatar
洪 民憙(ホン・ミンヒ)

@[email protected]


QT: fosstodon.org/@hongminhee/1135

KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)'s avatar
KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)

@[email protected]

Hollo update to v0.3.0 🎉

촛불에 구어진🔥잉어구이🔥's avatar
촛불에 구어진🔥잉어구이🔥

@[email protected]

순정 홀로 서버

pkg update's avatar
pkg update

@[email protected]

Hollo 설치하는 김에 Obejct Storage나 써 보자, 하고 OCI S3 호환 문서 보고 설정하고 있었는데 어 그 사이에 0.3.0이 릴리즈 되면서 로컬 FS가 생기고 문서가 바뀌었다. ㅋㅋㅋ

덕분에 편하고 빠르게 바로 설치. 현재 테스트 중입니다.

KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)'s avatar
KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)

@[email protected] · Reply to KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)'s post

Hollo in

Screenshot de l'application Moshidon montrant mon profil sur mon instance Hollo.
Screenshot de l'application Moshidon montrant mon profil sur mon instance Hollo.
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Hollo 0.3.0이 릴리스되었습니다! Hollo는 ActivityPub을 지원하는 일인 사용자용 마이크로블로그 소프트웨어입니다.

이번 버전의 주요 변경점은 다음과 같습니다.

  • @joschi 님의 기여로 이제 S3 대신 로컬 파일시스템에 미디어 파일을 저장할 수 있게 되었습니다. DRIVE_DISK=fsFS_ASSET_PATH 환경 변수를 설정하면 미디어 파일들이 로컬 파일시스템에 저장되게 됩니다. S3를 사용하시던 분들은 따로 취해야 할 행동은 없지만, 가급적이면 DRIVE_DISK=s3 환경 변수를 설정해 두실 것을 권합니다. (나중 버전에서 DRIVE_DISK 환경 변수가 필수가 될 예정입니다.)
  • Sentry를 지원하게 되었습니다. Sentry에서 오류 보고나 트레이스를 확인하고 싶으신 분들은 SENTRY_DSN 환경 변수를 설정해주세요.
  • 프로필 페이지에 페이지네이션이 추가되었습니다.
  • Fedify를 1.3.0으로 업데이트함에 따라 여러 성능 개선 및 버그 수정이 이뤄졌습니다.

Hollo 0.3.0으로 업데이트하시려면 아래 방법을 따르시면 됩니다.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Hollo 0.3.0 released! is a single-user federated microblogging software which is -enabled and powered by .

The key changes of this release include:

  • Thanks to @joschi, Hollo now support local filesystem storage for media files. You can configure DRIVE_DISK=fs and FS_ASSET_PATH to store media files in the local filesystem. For users who've used S3, no further action is required—but, it's recommended to configure DRIVE_DISK=s3 as DRIVE_DISK will be required in the future releases.
  • Added support for Sentry. If you want to see error reports and instrumented traces in Sentry, please configure SENTRY_DSN.
  • Added pagination to the profile page.
  • Minor performance improvements and bug fixes due to upgrading Fedify to 1.3.0.

You can upgrade to Hollo 0.3.0 using the following ways:

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

If you'd like to support the development of @fedify or @hollo, you can sponsor me on GitHub!


fedicat's avatar

@[email protected]

I don’t have my test instance completely set up with S3 for media but pretty sure is working with now.

screenshot of home feed with test posts and image placeholders in teal

Detected text:

12:35Homehollo.fedifolio.comtechtechnicat12:34 AMalt texttechtechnicat12:13 AMtechtechnicat11/28/20241technicattechtechnicatТ 11/27/202411/27/2024trst112
screenshot of home feed with test posts and image placeholders in teal Detected text: 12:35Homehollo.fedifolio.comtechtechnicat12:34 AMalt texttechtechnicat12:13 AMtechtechnicat11/28/20241technicattechtechnicatТ 11/27/202411/27/2024trst112
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's post

@KazukyAkayashi There's the bun migrate command, but you don't have to run this manually—the bun prod command automatically migrates the database schema.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

HolloはMastodon APIを実装したヘッドレスマイクロブログソフトウェアです。 これは理論的にはHolloと相互作用できるMastodon互換クライアントであれば何でも使用できることを意味します。 しかし、実際にはMastodon APIを実装する方法の違いにより、一部のクライアントが予想どおりに動作しないことがあります。Holloでテストされたクライアントをここに列挙します。


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Hollo는 Mastodon API를 구현한 헤들리스 마이크로블로깅 소프트웨어입니다. 이는 이론적으로는 Hollo와 상호작용할 수 있는 Mastodon 호환 클라이언트라면 무엇이든 사용할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 그러나 실제로는 Mastodon API를 구현하는 방식의 차이로 인해 일부 클라이언트가 예상대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. Hollo에서 테스트된 클라이언트를 여기에 나열합니다.


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

is a headless microblogging software that implements the Mastodon API. This means that you can use any Mastodon-compatible client to interact with it. However, in practice, some clients may not work as expected due to differences in the way they implement the Mastodon API. Here are some of the clients that have been tested with Hollo:


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to 염산하's post

@ysh 맞습니다. 업로드 시점의 미디어 파일의 URL이 데이터베이스가 들어가게 되어 있습니다. 새로 업로드하는 미디어 파일부터 새로운 설정이 적용됩니다.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

We now have and 's official server! Join us now!


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