
Elena Rossini ⁂'s avatar
Elena Rossini ⁂

@[email protected]

Good morning Fedi friends!

All eyes are on this week, as censored all mentions and links to it.

Last year I wrote about the superb interoperability between Pixelfed and - it was one of my first articles for , which inspired me to try out more projects.

If you have friends who are curious about the Fediverse and @pixelfed you could share this: blog.elenarossini.com/the-futu


Tarmo Thorström's avatar
Tarmo Thorström

@[email protected]

Hyvät uutiset: Työpaikkani Turun yliopisto lopettaa X:n käytön.

Huonot uutiset: Mastodonin sijaan TY ottaa tilalle Blueskyn.

Koska tiedote oli intrassa, niin nappasin sen tälleen kuvaruutukaappauksena. ALT-tekstinä copypaste tiedotteesta.

Otsikko: Yliopiston päätili sekä tiedekuntien ja lippulaivojen tilit lopettavat julkaisut X:ssä 

Ingressi: Turun yliopiston viestintäyksikkö lopettaa ylläpitämiensä X-tilien (ent. Twitter) päivittämisen. Muutos koskee yliopiston päätiliä, palvelussa olevia tiedekuntien tilejä sekä InFLAMES- ja INVEST-lippulaivojen tilejä.
Leipäteksti: Yliopiston ajankohtaisviestintää voi seurata X:n sijaan jatkossa muissa suurimmissa sosiaalisen median kanavissa. Turun yliopisto on lisäksi ottanut uutena avauksena käyttöön Bluesky-kanavan, joka on viime aikoina kasvattanut suosiotaan.

Viestintäyksikkö tarkastelee säännöllisesti käytössä olevia viestintäkanavia ja niiden toimivuutta. Keskeisin syy X:n päivittämisen lopettamiseen on kanavan useita vuosia jatkunut epäsuotuisa ja arvaamaton kehitys. Kanava ei enää palvele viestinnällisiä tavoitteita yhtä tehokkaasti kuin aiemmin, ja yliopiston sidosryhmät siirtyvät kasvavassa määrin muihin sosiaalisen median alustoihin.

Kyseessä ei ole yliopiston yleislinjaus X:n käyttöön liittyen. Asiantuntijat, hankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät voivat siis edelleen käyttää X-palvelua, jos kanava tavoittaa haluttuja kohderyhmiä ja viestintä kanavassa tuntuu tarkoituksenmukaiselta.

Profiilit X-palvelussa säilytetään, jotta julkaistut sisällöt ovat edelleen käyttäjien saatavilla ja profiilien nimet säilyvät Turun yliopiston hallussa.
Otsikko: Yliopiston päätili sekä tiedekuntien ja lippulaivojen tilit lopettavat julkaisut X:ssä Ingressi: Turun yliopiston viestintäyksikkö lopettaa ylläpitämiensä X-tilien (ent. Twitter) päivittämisen. Muutos koskee yliopiston päätiliä, palvelussa olevia tiedekuntien tilejä sekä InFLAMES- ja INVEST-lippulaivojen tilejä. ​​ Leipäteksti: Yliopiston ajankohtaisviestintää voi seurata X:n sijaan jatkossa muissa suurimmissa sosiaalisen median kanavissa. Turun yliopisto on lisäksi ottanut uutena avauksena käyttöön Bluesky-kanavan, joka on viime aikoina kasvattanut suosiotaan. Viestintäyksikkö tarkastelee säännöllisesti käytössä olevia viestintäkanavia ja niiden toimivuutta. Keskeisin syy X:n päivittämisen lopettamiseen on kanavan useita vuosia jatkunut epäsuotuisa ja arvaamaton kehitys. Kanava ei enää palvele viestinnällisiä tavoitteita yhtä tehokkaasti kuin aiemmin, ja yliopiston sidosryhmät siirtyvät kasvavassa määrin muihin sosiaalisen median alustoihin. Kyseessä ei ole yliopiston yleislinjaus X:n käyttöön liittyen. Asiantuntijat, hankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät voivat siis edelleen käyttää X-palvelua, jos kanava tavoittaa haluttuja kohderyhmiä ja viestintä kanavassa tuntuu tarkoituksenmukaiselta. Profiilit X-palvelussa säilytetään, jotta julkaistut sisällöt ovat edelleen käyttäjien saatavilla ja profiilien nimet säilyvät Turun yliopiston hallussa.
Robert Heinze's avatar
Robert Heinze

@[email protected]

Hey @pluralistic can you explain why you’re signatory to a really scammy-looking effort („Free Our Feeds“) to raise 4M Dollar via gofundme(!) instead of, say, a 501(c)3 or any method that doesn’t skim money off donations, in order to establish a second Bluesky instance? Rather than, e.g. support efforts like going NGO or @dansup bringing pixelfed and loops up to speed to receive influx from Insta and TikTok?

DJM (freelance for hire)'s avatar
DJM (freelance for hire)

@[email protected]

J'ai mis du temps, mais je me suis (enfin !) remis à mon Guide d’utilisation de Mastodon en français...
Voici le 3ème chapitre de la 7ème partie : l'utilisation des Hashtags dans Mastodon, ainsi qu'une présentation de la fonctionnalité "groupes".


Importance des hashtags sur Mastodon
Importance des hashtags sur Mastodon
hannah aubry's avatar
hannah aubry

@[email protected]

I’m proud to have once again played a small role in pushing and the forward. Today’s announcement is an important step in bringing greater community ownership and governance to @Mastodon

RE: hannahaubry.online/on-communit

Gary Parker's avatar
Gary Parker

@[email protected]

The has a problem, and I’m going to be very unhelpful in not having an idea how to fix it.

Once an instance gets popular, it’s processing, storage and traffic costs get prohibitive for the people running it.

I regularly see reports of instances shutting down because the admins can no longer afford the hosting costs. This will only be worse when and spin up.

Gary Parker's avatar
Gary Parker

@[email protected]

The has a problem, and I’m going to be very unhelpful in not having an idea how to fix it.

Once an instance gets popular, it’s processing, storage and traffic costs get prohibitive for the people running it.

I regularly see reports of instances shutting down because the admins can no longer afford the hosting costs. This will only be worse when and spin up.

Robert Heinze's avatar
Robert Heinze

@[email protected]

Hey @pluralistic can you explain why you’re signatory to a really scammy-looking effort („Free Our Feeds“) to raise 4M Dollar via gofundme(!) instead of, say, a 501(c)3 or any method that doesn’t skim money off donations, in order to establish a second Bluesky instance? Rather than, e.g. support efforts like going NGO or @dansup bringing pixelfed and loops up to speed to receive influx from Insta and TikTok?

maruyuki's avatar

@[email protected]

これは巨大なプラットフォームに成長した プロジェクトでしばしば見られる方策で,たとえば カーネルに関係する権利もリーナス・トーバルズ氏から独立した合議体の The Linux Foundation が管理するようになっていて,信頼の醸成や訴訟等からの防衛に役立っている。
対照的に,原開発者の属人性が色濃いままなのが で,財政的な安定性にはつながっているのものの,マット・マレンウェッグ氏というひとりの個人が冷静さを失う度にプロジェクト全体が揺れることにもなっている。
この変化は Mastodon の安定的な発展に大きく資するはずだし,ロホコ氏の将来を見据えた決断を讃えたい。
もっとも,リーナス・トーバルズ氏のいない Linux が考えにくいように, として最終的にプロジェクトの方向性を決め全体を率いていくというロホコ氏の役割は今後も変わらないはず。


Lauren Weinstein's avatar
Lauren Weinstein

@[email protected]

Ironically, the entire model is essentially a 21st century reincarnation of our original point-to-point, dial-up, UUCP-based Usenet network. Except the stack now is one hell of a lot heavier.

maruyuki's avatar

@[email protected]

これは巨大なプラットフォームに成長した プロジェクトでしばしば見られる方策で,たとえば カーネルに関係する権利もリーナス・トーバルズ氏から独立した合議体の The Linux Foundation が管理するようになっていて,信頼の醸成や訴訟等からの防衛に役立っている。
対照的に,原開発者の属人性が色濃いままなのが で,財政的な安定性にはつながっているのものの,マット・マレンウェッグ氏というひとりの個人が冷静さを失う度にプロジェクト全体が揺れることにもなっている。
この変化は Mastodon の安定的な発展に大きく資するはずだし,ロホコ氏の将来を見据えた決断を讃えたい。
もっとも,リーナス・トーバルズ氏のいない Linux が考えにくいように, として最終的にプロジェクトの方向性を決め全体を率いていくというロホコ氏の役割は今後も変わらないはず。


takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

Esra'a's avatar

@[email protected]

Proud to have played a role in this. VC-backed social media is not the answer. At Mastodon, we view this move as the best way to guarantee that the social web remains open and free from ads, data exploitation, manipulative algorithms or corporate monopolies.


Esra'a's avatar

@[email protected]

Proud to have played a role in this. VC-backed social media is not the answer. At Mastodon, we view this move as the best way to guarantee that the social web remains open and free from ads, data exploitation, manipulative algorithms or corporate monopolies.


maruyuki's avatar

@[email protected]

これは巨大なプラットフォームに成長した プロジェクトでしばしば見られる方策で,たとえば カーネルに関係する権利もリーナス・トーバルズ氏から独立した合議体の The Linux Foundation が管理するようになっていて,信頼の醸成や訴訟等からの防衛に役立っている。
対照的に,原開発者の属人性が色濃いままなのが で,財政的な安定性にはつながっているのものの,マット・マレンウェッグ氏というひとりの個人が冷静さを失う度にプロジェクト全体が揺れることにもなっている。
この変化は Mastodon の安定的な発展に大きく資するはずだし,ロホコ氏の将来を見据えた決断を讃えたい。
もっとも,リーナス・トーバルズ氏のいない Linux が考えにくいように, として最終的にプロジェクトの方向性を決め全体を率いていくというロホコ氏の役割は今後も変わらないはず。


maruyuki's avatar

@[email protected]

これは巨大なプラットフォームに成長した プロジェクトでしばしば見られる方策で,たとえば カーネルに関係する権利もリーナス・トーバルズ氏から独立した合議体の The Linux Foundation が管理するようになっていて,信頼の醸成や訴訟等からの防衛に役立っている。
対照的に,原開発者の属人性が色濃いままなのが で,財政的な安定性にはつながっているのものの,マット・マレンウェッグ氏というひとりの個人が冷静さを失う度にプロジェクト全体が揺れることにもなっている。
この変化は Mastodon の安定的な発展に大きく資するはずだし,ロホコ氏の将来を見据えた決断を讃えたい。
もっとも,リーナス・トーバルズ氏のいない Linux が考えにくいように, として最終的にプロジェクトの方向性を決め全体を率いていくというロホコ氏の役割は今後も変わらないはず。


maruyuki's avatar

@[email protected]

これは巨大なプラットフォームに成長した プロジェクトでしばしば見られる方策で,たとえば カーネルに関係する権利もリーナス・トーバルズ氏から独立した合議体の The Linux Foundation が管理するようになっていて,信頼の醸成や訴訟等からの防衛に役立っている。
対照的に,原開発者の属人性が色濃いままなのが で,財政的な安定性にはつながっているのものの,マット・マレンウェッグ氏というひとりの個人が冷静さを失う度にプロジェクト全体が揺れることにもなっている。
この変化は Mastodon の安定的な発展に大きく資するはずだし,ロホコ氏の将来を見据えた決断を讃えたい。
もっとも,リーナス・トーバルズ氏のいない Linux が考えにくいように, として最終的にプロジェクトの方向性を決め全体を率いていくというロホコ氏の役割は今後も変わらないはず。


maruyuki's avatar

@[email protected]

これは巨大なプラットフォームに成長した プロジェクトでしばしば見られる方策で,たとえば カーネルに関係する権利もリーナス・トーバルズ氏から独立した合議体の The Linux Foundation が管理するようになっていて,信頼の醸成や訴訟等からの防衛に役立っている。
対照的に,原開発者の属人性が色濃いままなのが で,財政的な安定性にはつながっているのものの,マット・マレンウェッグ氏というひとりの個人が冷静さを失う度にプロジェクト全体が揺れることにもなっている。
この変化は Mastodon の安定的な発展に大きく資するはずだし,ロホコ氏の将来を見据えた決断を讃えたい。
もっとも,リーナス・トーバルズ氏のいない Linux が考えにくいように, として最終的にプロジェクトの方向性を決め全体を率いていくというロホコ氏の役割は今後も変わらないはず。


Riquiñez :cine_disney_stich:'s avatar
Riquiñez :cine_disney_stich:

@[email protected]

Me encanta ver nada más y nada menos que al creador de reconocer que, ante todo, es humano. Y no puede llegar a todo.

Reconocer que aunque ha sido su creación, otra persona abordará mejor tareas que a él no se le dan especialmente bien. Y traspasar toda la propiedad intelectual a una fundación sin ánimo de lucro para permitir que Mastodon siga desarrollándose sin que el dinero lo enturbie.

Salud mental, propósito de red social libre por y para la gente y saber dar un paso al lado. Igualito que otros, eh 😳


Robert Kingett's avatar
Robert Kingett

@[email protected]

The people should own the town square blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/

Nicholas R's avatar
Nicholas R

@[email protected] · Reply to Daniel Supernault's post

@dansup @mastodonmigration it is to their advantage to block any links to or really anything on the

I am very surprised they opened to

EpicBear's avatar

@[email protected]

Recently I noticed there is a setting/feature where one can choose hashtags to feature on their profile. Not every Mastodon user interface shows the hashtags though. But for those that do use them, I find it's a great way of quickly getting to know a user by viewing their posts by hashtag topic.

Anyone else using this feature? It's making me want to use hashtags in all my posts from here on out.

MHzModels's avatar

@[email protected]

Looking for a new server. Any recommendations?

There are a few reasons for the transition, one of them being that graphics.social is federated with Threads.net. I have the domain blocked for the time being, but I feel like one last move to a community that aligns more with my values is the right choice.

I am:
Pro democracy
Makes art
A regular poindexter
Cat, frog and fish dad 🐱 🐸 🐟

I just want to exist for the long term where I am most welcome.

ohmrun's avatar

@[email protected]

I'm looking for a new instance, I think.

ohmrun's avatar

@[email protected]

I'm looking for a new instance, I think.

MHzModels's avatar

@[email protected]

Looking for a new server. Any recommendations?

There are a few reasons for the transition, one of them being that graphics.social is federated with Threads.net. I have the domain blocked for the time being, but I feel like one last move to a community that aligns more with my values is the right choice.

I am:
Pro democracy
Makes art
A regular poindexter
Cat, frog and fish dad 🐱 🐸 🐟

I just want to exist for the long term where I am most welcome.

Rimu's avatar

@[email protected]

Lines of code

: 241,630
: 148,817
: 100,135
: 37,389

according to openhub.net

Rimu's avatar

@[email protected]

Lines of code

: 241,630
: 148,817
: 100,135
: 37,389

according to openhub.net

Robin Riley's avatar
Robin Riley

@[email protected]

One of my favorite things: FOSS founders/BDFLs transferring a project's trademarks over to a communally governed nonprofit.

It's an act of selflessness and visionary leadership that gives a project the opportunity to become a truly public good.

Good on ya, @Gargron 👏🏻

Esra'a's avatar

@[email protected]

Proud to have played a role in this. VC-backed social media is not the answer. At Mastodon, we view this move as the best way to guarantee that the social web remains open and free from ads, data exploitation, manipulative algorithms or corporate monopolies.


Dyptre's avatar

@[email protected]

In a move that shocked no one and have started blocking federated competitors now.

Thankfully, it seems the is doing it's thing.


Dyptre's avatar

@[email protected]

In a move that shocked no one and have started blocking federated competitors now.

Thankfully, it seems the is doing it's thing.


Michigander :toad:'s avatar
Michigander :toad:

@[email protected]

Why are we all here? What is this all about?

I’m talking about the fediverse, of course. Seriously, though, what’s the common thread for why we all self-selected onto this platform?

Riquiñez :cine_disney_stich:'s avatar
Riquiñez :cine_disney_stich:

@[email protected]

Me encanta ver nada más y nada menos que al creador de reconocer que, ante todo, es humano. Y no puede llegar a todo.

Reconocer que aunque ha sido su creación, otra persona abordará mejor tareas que a él no se le dan especialmente bien. Y traspasar toda la propiedad intelectual a una fundación sin ánimo de lucro para permitir que Mastodon siga desarrollándose sin que el dinero lo enturbie.

Salud mental, propósito de red social libre por y para la gente y saber dar un paso al lado. Igualito que otros, eh 😳


Audran Le Baron's avatar
Audran Le Baron

@[email protected]

🔥 Je viens de faire mon ! Ne perdez pas un seul de vos followers : grâce à j’ai inscrit 1743 nouveaux passagers pour un voyage vers & . Embarquez vous aussi et retrouvez automatiquement vos communautés le !app.helloquitx.com

Bloodaxe's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Eugen Rochko's post

@Gargron I am truly grateful for all the work you've done to increase the usage of the protocol.

There is no arguing that without your leadership and your dedication, we would not be where we are today. As a society, I believe it is paramount that we take control of the back to the people in a manner, and has been a MASSIVE push in that direction.

Thank you Eugen, I'm glad you exist and I appreciate your work 😃

Robie's avatar

@[email protected]

Heya !
En transition vers Mastodon depuis quelques mois, je me dis qu’avec les dernières infos données par j’ai fais le bon choix !

Est ce qu’il y aurait des recommandations à partager sur ?
—> Choses à faire ou ne pas faire (respect des autres et pas d’insultes me semble du bon sens)
—> des comptes à suivre sur les infos (type @mediapart, @blast_info)
—> des comptes sur la danse (breakdance, hip-hop)
—> des comptes sur le vélo, le skate, l’humour ?

Esra'a's avatar

@[email protected]

Proud to have played a role in this. VC-backed social media is not the answer. At Mastodon, we view this move as the best way to guarantee that the social web remains open and free from ads, data exploitation, manipulative algorithms or corporate monopolies.


Robin Riley's avatar
Robin Riley

@[email protected]

One of my favorite things: FOSS founders/BDFLs transferring a project's trademarks over to a communally governed nonprofit.

It's an act of selflessness and visionary leadership that gives a project the opportunity to become a truly public good.

Good on ya, @Gargron 👏🏻

Audran Le Baron's avatar
Audran Le Baron

@[email protected]

🔥 Je viens de faire mon ! Ne perdez pas un seul de vos followers : grâce à j’ai inscrit 1743 nouveaux passagers pour un voyage vers & . Embarquez vous aussi et retrouvez automatiquement vos communautés le !app.helloquitx.com

BeAware :fediverse:'s avatar
BeAware :fediverse:

@[email protected]

Assholes in this world have made me very cynical.

I feel that every time I login to Fedi these days, there's yet another scheme to get people to dump money into a project for "the growth of the Fediverse" yet we have yet to see any results and the things they're doing seem shady as fuck to me. Yet people keep parading around like it's the best thing ever.

SWF forms and is funded by major companies like Meta and Auttomatic. Not sure how that could be a good thing. That means SWF will be financially influenced by these companies and there's nothing anybody can do to change that.

Now, Mastodon is being given to a new non-profit. They say this is to "give the power back to the people" but obviously giving ownership to a non-profit doesn't do that...it gives ownership to the non-profit and allows them to hide your donations via shady legalities to enrich themselves.

Money hungry fucks ruin everything. Change my mind.

Robert Kingett's avatar
Robert Kingett

@[email protected]

The people should own the town square blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/

Stefan Bohacek's avatar
Stefan Bohacek

@[email protected]

Love it when journalists provide context when reporting news.

"Mastodon’s announcement comes at a time when the WordPress open-source project and its cofounder have been embroiled in a months-long legal feud, and Meta’s Zuckerberg has made headlines for stripping back Facebook and Instagram’s fact-checking and content moderation before lying about it to Joe Rogan."


Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

Ferrocarril.net - Servidor de Mastodon, operado por aficionados al ferrocarril, para aficionados al ferrocarril.

:Fediverse: social.ferrocarril.net

Saber más: social.ferrocarril.net/about

Administrado por: @garridinsi

Linux Is Awesome's avatar
Linux Is Awesome

@[email protected] · Reply to Mastodon's post

@Mastodon You should also consider changing hosting providers, outside the United States.

Stefan Bohacek's avatar
Stefan Bohacek

@[email protected]

Love it when journalists provide context when reporting news.

"Mastodon’s announcement comes at a time when the WordPress open-source project and its cofounder have been embroiled in a months-long legal feud, and Meta’s Zuckerberg has made headlines for stripping back Facebook and Instagram’s fact-checking and content moderation before lying about it to Joe Rogan."


Stefan Bohacek's avatar
Stefan Bohacek

@[email protected]

Love it when journalists provide context when reporting news.

"Mastodon’s announcement comes at a time when the WordPress open-source project and its cofounder have been embroiled in a months-long legal feud, and Meta’s Zuckerberg has made headlines for stripping back Facebook and Instagram’s fact-checking and content moderation before lying about it to Joe Rogan."


Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

There's a third party Mastodon app for Android which might be new to you, it's called Rodent and there's more info about it at:

➡️ mastodonrodent.app

There's also an official account you can follow at:

➡️ @rodentapp

It has some unusual features including browsing servers other than your own.

NEW PEOPLE: You don't have to use the official apps with Mastodon, in fact the third party apps are often much better than the official ones. More info at fedi.tips/which-apps-can-i-use

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

There's a third party Mastodon app for Android which might be new to you, it's called Rodent and there's more info about it at:

➡️ mastodonrodent.app

There's also an official account you can follow at:

➡️ @rodentapp

It has some unusual features including browsing servers other than your own.

NEW PEOPLE: You don't have to use the official apps with Mastodon, in fact the third party apps are often much better than the official ones. More info at fedi.tips/which-apps-can-i-use

takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

PUPUWEB Blog's avatar

@[email protected]

Mastodon CEO Eugen Rochko announces plans to transfer ownership to a new non-profit, stating, "Mastodon should not be owned or controlled by a single individual."

dionysus's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Mastodon's post

Thanks, Eugen for all your creativity and great success for and .

DJM (freelance for hire)'s avatar
DJM (freelance for hire)

@[email protected]

J'ai mis du temps, mais je me suis (enfin !) remis à mon Guide d’utilisation de Mastodon en français...
Voici le 3ème chapitre de la 7ème partie : l'utilisation des Hashtags dans Mastodon, ainsi qu'une présentation de la fonctionnalité "groupes".


Importance des hashtags sur Mastodon
Importance des hashtags sur Mastodon
PUPUWEB Blog's avatar

@[email protected]

Mastodon CEO Eugen Rochko announces plans to transfer ownership to a new non-profit, stating, "Mastodon should not be owned or controlled by a single individual."

matt at oslo dot town's avatar
matt at oslo dot town

@[email protected]

Good to see @theverge and @Techcrunch covering the latest news from @Mastodon 👌



matt at oslo dot town's avatar
matt at oslo dot town

@[email protected]

Good to see @theverge and @Techcrunch covering the latest news from @Mastodon 👌



Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

There's a third party Mastodon app for Android which might be new to you, it's called Rodent and there's more info about it at:

➡️ mastodonrodent.app

There's also an official account you can follow at:

➡️ @rodentapp

It has some unusual features including browsing servers other than your own.

NEW PEOPLE: You don't have to use the official apps with Mastodon, in fact the third party apps are often much better than the official ones. More info at fedi.tips/which-apps-can-i-use

Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

Ferrocarril.net - Servidor de Mastodon, operado por aficionados al ferrocarril, para aficionados al ferrocarril.

:Fediverse: social.ferrocarril.net

Saber más: social.ferrocarril.net/about

Administrado por: @garridinsi

steve mookie kong's avatar
steve mookie kong

@[email protected]



steve mookie kong's avatar
steve mookie kong

@[email protected]



hannah aubry's avatar
hannah aubry

@[email protected]

I’m proud to have once again played a small role in pushing and the forward. Today’s announcement is an important step in bringing greater community ownership and governance to @Mastodon

RE: hannahaubry.online/on-communit

hannah aubry's avatar
hannah aubry

@[email protected]

I’m proud to have once again played a small role in pushing and the forward. Today’s announcement is an important step in bringing greater community ownership and governance to @Mastodon

RE: hannahaubry.online/on-communit

MediaFederatedByFlipboard's avatar

@[email protected]

In the there are now
504 media accounts federated by Flipboard.
326 were active today.

Some accounts, that were active today are

Find the whole list on:
➡️ docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d

Built by @mho

AOE, Takashi's avatar
AOE, Takashi

@[email protected]

Mastodonは新たな非営利団体を設立して("Mastodon Foundation" とかにするのかな?)Mastodonコンポーネントの所有権をそこに移すことにしたと。もうEugenさん一人のものではなくなる方向に持って行くと。今後の発展を見越して色々考えてるねえ。

/ The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/

{Insert Pasta Pun}'s avatar
{Insert Pasta Pun}

@[email protected]


I'm capable of abandoning Facebook because I'm not sentimental (literally, at all) - and I never had a positive friend group in there, or a community service I depended on. I know I brain different than most of my colleagues.

If fedi worked easy for you and you quickly found what you wanted with hashtags, that's great

But other people will literally *experience pain* on not being able to connect with their friends.

So yes, there's a reason all these new users keep asking for better discovery features, or why people keep trying to find a way to peer with threads in limited pockets (like *just* their old group but not all of terf world)

You are, by definition, an early adopter of a niche app. You're more prone to accept bugs and lack of features.

You are the *exception* to the rule, because you are comfortable with something strange and different. You have free time.

Most users like their existing friends and apps, and *can't* easily rebuild that which is permanently lost.

mistersixt's avatar

@[email protected]

"Decentralized social network organization said Monday that it is planning to create a new non-profit organization in Europe and hand over ownership of entities responsible for key Mastodon ecosystem and platform components. This means one person won’t have control over the entire project."



GENKI's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to GENKI's post

記事にも引用されている :mastodon: のブログ記事



"What is changing (なにが変わるのか)" という説明の最初(意訳

> 簡単に言えば、私たちは Mastodon の主要なエコシステムとプラットフォームコンポーネント(特に名前と著作権を含む)の所有権を新しい非営利団体に譲渡し、マストドンは単一の個人によって所有または管理されるべきではないという意図を明確にします。

のあの騒動は のプロジェクトの管理体制にああいうリスクが存在するということをみんなが意識するきっかけだったのはおそらく間違いないし、それを意識してこの部分から説明しはじめてるのかなと思った(英語の読解力は決して高くはない自分の印象だけど

GENKI's avatar

@[email protected]

:mastodon: 非営利団体を EU に設立して、管理体制も見直して、 Eugen Rochko さんの個人所有みたいなことにならないような体制がとられるみたい。
WordPress の直近の一件とか、以前に非営利団体を設立したアメリカの状況とかが関係してる…のかな? :tony_grinning:


Matthew Hall's avatar
Matthew Hall

@[email protected]

Today’s news: linkedin.com/pulse/people-shou

Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

New Social is big and still growing 🐘

It can be hard to visualise just how big, so hopefully this helps.

New Social is attracting more users daily as people turn from the Big Tech platforms that no longer feel like home.

New Social is an idea that encompasses multiple platforms, designed to be democratic and open - including Mastodon. They are the future of social media.

Learn more about New Social (and how big it is) by following us!

The graphic, in Newsmast Foundation colours, shows 40 drawings of Wembley Stadium alongside copy. The copy reads: 40+ Wembley Stadiums are now on New Social platforms. This year, join 37* million people on New Social by giving up Big Tech control and joining an open network. *an educated estimate.
The graphic, in Newsmast Foundation colours, shows 40 drawings of Wembley Stadium alongside copy. The copy reads: 40+ Wembley Stadiums are now on New Social platforms. This year, join 37* million people on New Social by giving up Big Tech control and joining an open network. *an educated estimate.
Cliff's avatar

@[email protected]

This is certainly quite interesting to see happen. Hopefully this is something that helps Mastodon and everyone involved in the long run.

The people should own the town square.


GENKI's avatar

@[email protected]

:mastodon: 非営利団体を EU に設立して、管理体制も見直して、 Eugen Rochko さんの個人所有みたいなことにならないような体制がとられるみたい。
WordPress の直近の一件とか、以前に非営利団体を設立したアメリカの状況とかが関係してる…のかな? :tony_grinning:


GENKI's avatar

@[email protected]

:mastodon: 非営利団体を EU に設立して、管理体制も見直して、 Eugen Rochko さんの個人所有みたいなことにならないような体制がとられるみたい。
WordPress の直近の一件とか、以前に非営利団体を設立したアメリカの状況とかが関係してる…のかな? :tony_grinning:


takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

GENKI's avatar

@[email protected]

:mastodon: 非営利団体を EU に設立して、管理体制も見直して、 Eugen Rochko さんの個人所有みたいなことにならないような体制がとられるみたい。
WordPress の直近の一件とか、以前に非営利団体を設立したアメリカの状況とかが関係してる…のかな? :tony_grinning:


Tarmo Thorström's avatar
Tarmo Thorström

@[email protected]

Hyvät uutiset: Työpaikkani Turun yliopisto lopettaa X:n käytön.

Huonot uutiset: Mastodonin sijaan TY ottaa tilalle Blueskyn.

Koska tiedote oli intrassa, niin nappasin sen tälleen kuvaruutukaappauksena. ALT-tekstinä copypaste tiedotteesta.

Otsikko: Yliopiston päätili sekä tiedekuntien ja lippulaivojen tilit lopettavat julkaisut X:ssä 

Ingressi: Turun yliopiston viestintäyksikkö lopettaa ylläpitämiensä X-tilien (ent. Twitter) päivittämisen. Muutos koskee yliopiston päätiliä, palvelussa olevia tiedekuntien tilejä sekä InFLAMES- ja INVEST-lippulaivojen tilejä.
Leipäteksti: Yliopiston ajankohtaisviestintää voi seurata X:n sijaan jatkossa muissa suurimmissa sosiaalisen median kanavissa. Turun yliopisto on lisäksi ottanut uutena avauksena käyttöön Bluesky-kanavan, joka on viime aikoina kasvattanut suosiotaan.

Viestintäyksikkö tarkastelee säännöllisesti käytössä olevia viestintäkanavia ja niiden toimivuutta. Keskeisin syy X:n päivittämisen lopettamiseen on kanavan useita vuosia jatkunut epäsuotuisa ja arvaamaton kehitys. Kanava ei enää palvele viestinnällisiä tavoitteita yhtä tehokkaasti kuin aiemmin, ja yliopiston sidosryhmät siirtyvät kasvavassa määrin muihin sosiaalisen median alustoihin.

Kyseessä ei ole yliopiston yleislinjaus X:n käyttöön liittyen. Asiantuntijat, hankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät voivat siis edelleen käyttää X-palvelua, jos kanava tavoittaa haluttuja kohderyhmiä ja viestintä kanavassa tuntuu tarkoituksenmukaiselta.

Profiilit X-palvelussa säilytetään, jotta julkaistut sisällöt ovat edelleen käyttäjien saatavilla ja profiilien nimet säilyvät Turun yliopiston hallussa.
Otsikko: Yliopiston päätili sekä tiedekuntien ja lippulaivojen tilit lopettavat julkaisut X:ssä Ingressi: Turun yliopiston viestintäyksikkö lopettaa ylläpitämiensä X-tilien (ent. Twitter) päivittämisen. Muutos koskee yliopiston päätiliä, palvelussa olevia tiedekuntien tilejä sekä InFLAMES- ja INVEST-lippulaivojen tilejä. ​​ Leipäteksti: Yliopiston ajankohtaisviestintää voi seurata X:n sijaan jatkossa muissa suurimmissa sosiaalisen median kanavissa. Turun yliopisto on lisäksi ottanut uutena avauksena käyttöön Bluesky-kanavan, joka on viime aikoina kasvattanut suosiotaan. Viestintäyksikkö tarkastelee säännöllisesti käytössä olevia viestintäkanavia ja niiden toimivuutta. Keskeisin syy X:n päivittämisen lopettamiseen on kanavan useita vuosia jatkunut epäsuotuisa ja arvaamaton kehitys. Kanava ei enää palvele viestinnällisiä tavoitteita yhtä tehokkaasti kuin aiemmin, ja yliopiston sidosryhmät siirtyvät kasvavassa määrin muihin sosiaalisen median alustoihin. Kyseessä ei ole yliopiston yleislinjaus X:n käyttöön liittyen. Asiantuntijat, hankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät voivat siis edelleen käyttää X-palvelua, jos kanava tavoittaa haluttuja kohderyhmiä ja viestintä kanavassa tuntuu tarkoituksenmukaiselta. Profiilit X-palvelussa säilytetään, jotta julkaistut sisällöt ovat edelleen käyttäjien saatavilla ja profiilien nimet säilyvät Turun yliopiston hallussa.
takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

Cliff's avatar

@[email protected]

This is certainly quite interesting to see happen. Hopefully this is something that helps Mastodon and everyone involved in the long run.

The people should own the town square.


Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

New Social is big and still growing 🐘

It can be hard to visualise just how big, so hopefully this helps.

New Social is attracting more users daily as people turn from the Big Tech platforms that no longer feel like home.

New Social is an idea that encompasses multiple platforms, designed to be democratic and open - including Mastodon. They are the future of social media.

Learn more about New Social (and how big it is) by following us!

The graphic, in Newsmast Foundation colours, shows 40 drawings of Wembley Stadium alongside copy. The copy reads: 40+ Wembley Stadiums are now on New Social platforms. This year, join 37* million people on New Social by giving up Big Tech control and joining an open network. *an educated estimate.
The graphic, in Newsmast Foundation colours, shows 40 drawings of Wembley Stadium alongside copy. The copy reads: 40+ Wembley Stadiums are now on New Social platforms. This year, join 37* million people on New Social by giving up Big Tech control and joining an open network. *an educated estimate.
mistersixt's avatar

@[email protected]

"Decentralized social network organization said Monday that it is planning to create a new non-profit organization in Europe and hand over ownership of entities responsible for key Mastodon ecosystem and platform components. This means one person won’t have control over the entire project."



Matthew Hall's avatar
Matthew Hall

@[email protected]

Today’s news: linkedin.com/pulse/people-shou

takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

takimura@​:misskey:​.dev​​:spi:'s avatar

@[email protected]

分散型SNSソフトウェアの一つである :mastodon: Mastodon が独立した非営利団体としての活動を継続するために組織構造を転換すると発表。Eugen氏(Mastodon創始者)は新団体のCEOには就かず、別の人物がCEOとなる予定です

The people should own the town square - Mastodon Blog
https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2025/01/the-people-should-own-the-town-square/ (英語)

シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:

@[email protected]

Looking back on the indie projects I developed in 2024

✨SoraSNS: An iOS client for Mastodon, Misskey, Bluesky, and Nostr in the Fediverse, featuring an AI-powered "Recommended" timeline

✨Neo: A decentralized chat app built on Matrix

✨Spatial Escape I: A phone booth escape game for Apple Vision Pro
✨Spatial Boxer: A boxing game for Apple Vision Pro

Other apps I launched:

🦊URL Passport: Check domain ownership details
🐙Octo Notes: Note-taking app for iPad with Pencil support
🤖Smart AI: Chat with local LLMs like Phi and Llama
🦊Kyoto Shrine Guide: A guide to Kyoto's shrines

Next month, I’m launching a new indie app about ✈️. Stay tuned!

シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:

@[email protected]

Mastodon 🌤️ on your wrist ⌚️

Try SoraSNS!

✨ Mastodon, Misskey, Bluesky, Nostr all in one
✨ Native on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Vision Pro
✨ Clean and beautiful UI


シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:

@[email protected]

Mastodon 🌤️ on your wrist ⌚️

Try SoraSNS!

✨ Mastodon, Misskey, Bluesky, Nostr all in one
✨ Native on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Vision Pro
✨ Clean and beautiful UI


シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:

@[email protected]

Mastodon 🌤️ on your wrist ⌚️

Try SoraSNS!

✨ Mastodon, Misskey, Bluesky, Nostr all in one
✨ Native on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Vision Pro
✨ Clean and beautiful UI


Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist's avatar
Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist

@[email protected]

"Eerder was er ook , maar dat sociale medium geldt niet langer als alternatief. Het bleek te moeilijk. Mastodon is geen sociaal medium als X, maar een verzameling van sociale netwerken die met elkaar kunnen communiceren."


Misschien moet iemand van eens uitleggen hoe het echt zit?
Iemand anders een idee op dat hardnekkige idee van "te moeilijk" weg te nemen?

fcr's avatar

@[email protected]

People just don't get Mastodon.

Even, in my case, people with a background in experimental art and political activism. I'm currently involved in endless online discussions about Mastodon vs. Bluesky, and people just don't understand what it's about and why one is preferable to the other.

The language of "instances" and "decentralisation" completely confuses them (and it would be much more helpful to use more understandable, jargon-free language such as "globally interconnected community servers").

Everyone thinks that in Mastodon/the Fediverse/a decentralised network you can only communicate and connect with people on your own instance, and doesn't understand that you can also post, read and connect globally across instances.

I am afraid that after 25 years the cultural hegemony of internet platforms is irreversible. Mastodon confuses people because it looks like a platform.

Jon S. von Tetzchner's avatar
Jon S. von Tetzchner

@[email protected]

Facebook did not have an over-censorship problem. Facebook main problem was that its algorithms promote hate speech and disinformation, lately with the addition of inauthentic content. Fighting that through fact-checking is always going to be an uphill battle.

This is the reason I believe that content algorithms have no place in social media and that user profiling should be banned. Spreading misinformation and hate speech is a lot harder without the amplification algorithms.



steve mookie kong's avatar
steve mookie kong

@[email protected]

That doesn't bode well. The import of blocks, bookmarks, followers and lists went okay in , though the documentation is a little off (it refers to the files being in the cwd, but they have to be in the users directory).

I’ve followed the instructions for aliasing my account on the snac server and verified that the alias is in the user.json. But the migration won't kick off. I’m a bit wary to keep trying.

steve mookie kong's avatar
steve mookie kong

@[email protected]

That doesn't bode well. The import of blocks, bookmarks, followers and lists went okay in , though the documentation is a little off (it refers to the files being in the cwd, but they have to be in the users directory).

I’ve followed the instructions for aliasing my account on the snac server and verified that the alias is in the user.json. But the migration won't kick off. I’m a bit wary to keep trying.

Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

Your mission, should you choose to accept it... 👩‍💻

New Social is here to stay, now it's your turn to get involved.

Your first task: consider connecting to social platforms beyond this one.

To connect with Bluesky, just follow @bsky.brid.gy

It's time to make open social media a reality.

Check out our website to learn more about New Social.

A mock classified file report. Copy explains a 'mission' to share with the open social web by bridging to Bluesky and sharing with Threads.
A mock classified file report. Copy explains a 'mission' to share with the open social web by bridging to Bluesky and sharing with Threads.
MediaFederatedByFlipboard's avatar

@[email protected]

In the there are now
504 media accounts federated by Flipboard.
326 were active today.

Some accounts, that were active today are

Find the whole list on:
➡️ docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d

Built by @mho

Grégory Gutierez's avatar
Grégory Gutierez

@[email protected]

Ce matin @marinetondelier était l'invitée du Grand Jury RTL. 50 mn d'interview dont 4 consacrées au danger que pose X, machine à harcèlements, pour nos démocraties... Elle a pu évoquer les alternatives que sont et surtout , au sujet duquel elle a mentionné l'une des grandes spécificités : sa décentralisation, qui garantit que le réseau ne peut pas être racheté ni perverti.

Ci-joint l'audio du passage. Parce que oui, sur Mastodon on peut partager des audios très facilement !

Intervention de Marine Tondelier sur la radio RTL le dimanche 12 janvier 2025, elle évoque X (ex Twitter), Bluesky et Mastodon.
Intervention de Marine Tondelier sur la radio RTL le dimanche 12 janvier 2025, elle évoque X (ex Twitter), Bluesky et Mastodon.
Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

RaveNation.club is a Mastodon server for all the ravers in the universe. Anyone who listens to electronic music (or not) is welcome:

:Fediverse: ravenation.club

You can find out more at ravenation.club/about or contact the admin @main

Nick “Super High I.Q.” —fail-fast :donor:'s avatar
Nick “Super High I.Q.” —fail-fast :donor:

@[email protected]

After a year hiatus, back to progressive web app for my daily driver!

Also test driving new-to-me

Eskalator :fckafd: :tux:'s avatar
Eskalator :fckafd: :tux:

@[email protected] · Reply to nieebel's post

Warum ist er nicht im

Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

Let's try it again: This post from can reach the whole , & more. That's , (hence the pic), , , , , ... How far can it go?

Edit: The results are in 👇

A graph showing the distribution of the shares by software, #Mastodon clearly in the lead, #Bluesky a distand second, then #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Misskey and many more.. All together 13 different platforms are represented.
A graph showing the distribution of the shares by software, #Mastodon clearly in the lead, #Bluesky a distand second, then #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Misskey and many more.. All together 13 different platforms are represented.
Grégory Gutierez's avatar
Grégory Gutierez

@[email protected]

Ce matin @marinetondelier était l'invitée du Grand Jury RTL. 50 mn d'interview dont 4 consacrées au danger que pose X, machine à harcèlements, pour nos démocraties... Elle a pu évoquer les alternatives que sont et surtout , au sujet duquel elle a mentionné l'une des grandes spécificités : sa décentralisation, qui garantit que le réseau ne peut pas être racheté ni perverti.

Ci-joint l'audio du passage. Parce que oui, sur Mastodon on peut partager des audios très facilement !

Intervention de Marine Tondelier sur la radio RTL le dimanche 12 janvier 2025, elle évoque X (ex Twitter), Bluesky et Mastodon.
Intervention de Marine Tondelier sur la radio RTL le dimanche 12 janvier 2025, elle évoque X (ex Twitter), Bluesky et Mastodon.
Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

RaveNation.club is a Mastodon server for all the ravers in the universe. Anyone who listens to electronic music (or not) is welcome:

:Fediverse: ravenation.club

You can find out more at ravenation.club/about or contact the admin @main

Moxxi 🌳's avatar
Moxxi 🌳

@[email protected]

You have a good picture and you don't know why it's not more popular? It might be because you haven't added ! Many people won't interact with images that are missing alt text, even if it's buried in the replies. Boosts are what give you visibility, you want those!

We're getting lots of newcomers on different platforms like and so boost this to make sure everyone adds text!

Moxxi 🌳's avatar
Moxxi 🌳

@[email protected]

You have a good picture and you don't know why it's not more popular? It might be because you haven't added ! Many people won't interact with images that are missing alt text, even if it's buried in the replies. Boosts are what give you visibility, you want those!

We're getting lots of newcomers on different platforms like and so boost this to make sure everyone adds text!

Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

宵闇🐈‍⬛映画や漫画の再現料理を作る人's avatar

@[email protected]





Paolo Amoroso's avatar
Paolo Amoroso

@[email protected]

Are there any Mastodon web apps that support using multiple accounts at the same time _over the same instance_?

Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist's avatar
Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist

@[email protected]

"Eerder was er ook , maar dat sociale medium geldt niet langer als alternatief. Het bleek te moeilijk. Mastodon is geen sociaal medium als X, maar een verzameling van sociale netwerken die met elkaar kunnen communiceren."


Misschien moet iemand van eens uitleggen hoe het echt zit?
Iemand anders een idee op dat hardnekkige idee van "te moeilijk" weg te nemen?

Michael Gisiger :mastodon:'s avatar
Michael Gisiger :mastodon:

@[email protected]

This looks interesting: a webcomponent that will embed comments on a static website.


fcr's avatar

@[email protected]

People just don't get Mastodon.

Even, in my case, people with a background in experimental art and political activism. I'm currently involved in endless online discussions about Mastodon vs. Bluesky, and people just don't understand what it's about and why one is preferable to the other.

The language of "instances" and "decentralisation" completely confuses them (and it would be much more helpful to use more understandable, jargon-free language such as "globally interconnected community servers").

Everyone thinks that in Mastodon/the Fediverse/a decentralised network you can only communicate and connect with people on your own instance, and doesn't understand that you can also post, read and connect globally across instances.

I am afraid that after 25 years the cultural hegemony of internet platforms is irreversible. Mastodon confuses people because it looks like a platform.

Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

Let's try it again: This post from can reach the whole , & more. That's , (hence the pic), , , , , ... How far can it go?

Edit: The results are in 👇

A graph showing the distribution of the shares by software, #Mastodon clearly in the lead, #Bluesky a distand second, then #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Misskey and many more.. All together 13 different platforms are represented.
A graph showing the distribution of the shares by software, #Mastodon clearly in the lead, #Bluesky a distand second, then #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Misskey and many more.. All together 13 different platforms are represented.
Ric Harvey's avatar
Ric Harvey

@[email protected]

It's with a heavy heart that I'm announcing the closure of this mastodon instance after 2 years. Due to multiple factors with getting finance for the server and now the UK law changes for social media sites plus the burden of moderation this server will close forever on the 28th of Feb 2025. If anyone would like to take full ownership I'm happy to transfer please contact me via email [email protected].

Timothy John Jindi's avatar
Timothy John Jindi

@[email protected] · Reply to Elena Rossini ⁂'s post

@_elena Leaving and for good in a couple of months. Have been very active here on and also just got my registration approved by the admins. ❤️

Quincy's avatar

@[email protected]

quick question:

"automatically delete old posts" doesn't also delete given ⭐ fav stars, does it?

CaliCarol's avatar

@[email protected]

Hey @karaswisher and @profgalloway

In that order. 😉
I listened to Friday's Pivot podcast and heard your dismay over having to move social media platforms again now the Zuck has gone full MAGA.
I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU. Kara, I'm on Mastodon because you said it was cool. You were right.
Listen to me now. You can start your own instance. Mastodon is a constellation of independent sites, all connected, but also all free agents.

Look it up.

The Internet Review's avatar
The Internet Review

@[email protected]

One of the unsung heroes of the (aka and beyond) are all the great bots available for spicing up your feed. And no, I’m not talking about the nasty bad bots out there which try to slurp up all your content and steal your private details. I’m talking about content bots which humans set up to be fun and amusing! 😆

Check out “My Favorite Fediverse Bots for 2025“ (and download the starter pack CSV!)


The Internet Review's avatar
The Internet Review

@[email protected]

One of the unsung heroes of the (aka and beyond) are all the great bots available for spicing up your feed. And no, I’m not talking about the nasty bad bots out there which try to slurp up all your content and steal your private details. I’m talking about content bots which humans set up to be fun and amusing! 😆

Check out “My Favorite Fediverse Bots for 2025“ (and download the starter pack CSV!)


The Internet Review's avatar
The Internet Review

@[email protected]

One of the unsung heroes of the (aka and beyond) are all the great bots available for spicing up your feed. And no, I’m not talking about the nasty bad bots out there which try to slurp up all your content and steal your private details. I’m talking about content bots which humans set up to be fun and amusing! 😆

Check out “My Favorite Fediverse Bots for 2025“ (and download the starter pack CSV!)


CaliCarol's avatar

@[email protected]

Hey @karaswisher and @profgalloway

In that order. 😉
I listened to Friday's Pivot podcast and heard your dismay over having to move social media platforms again now the Zuck has gone full MAGA.
I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU. Kara, I'm on Mastodon because you said it was cool. You were right.
Listen to me now. You can start your own instance. Mastodon is a constellation of independent sites, all connected, but also all free agents.

Look it up.

The Internet Review's avatar
The Internet Review

@[email protected]

One of the unsung heroes of the (aka and beyond) are all the great bots available for spicing up your feed. And no, I’m not talking about the nasty bad bots out there which try to slurp up all your content and steal your private details. I’m talking about content bots which humans set up to be fun and amusing! 😆

Check out “My Favorite Fediverse Bots for 2025“ (and download the starter pack CSV!)


B's avatar

@[email protected]

Hello! I’m Betty, currently exploring for a better social media experience.

I enjoy and . Currently, I’m playing Wonderland Online Mobile (980x).

My posts will feature and pictures, with occasional topics like and . Though English is my second language, I’ll use it for my posts.

I’m glad to be part of the . 🦆✨

🌻 Defederate Threads 🌻's avatar
🌻 Defederate Threads 🌻

@[email protected]

Why are developers so evasive on the topic of protocol handlers (prefixes)?

Linux Is Best's avatar
Linux Is Best

@[email protected]

What is CherryPick?

CherryPick is a fork of Misskey, but with more features than Sharkey, and without all the drama (not developed by scammers and trolls).


Linux Is Best's avatar
Linux Is Best

@[email protected]

What is CherryPick?

CherryPick is a fork of Misskey, but with more features than Sharkey, and without all the drama (not developed by scammers and trolls).


B's avatar

@[email protected]

Hello! I’m Betty, currently exploring for a better social media experience.

I enjoy and . Currently, I’m playing Wonderland Online Mobile (980x).

My posts will feature and pictures, with occasional topics like and . Though English is my second language, I’ll use it for my posts.

I’m glad to be part of the . 🦆✨

Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​'s avatar
Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​

@[email protected]

Yesterday, I saw a post of a historical photo that ended up being ai. Today, Meta is abandoning fact checking. This makes me wonder—does anyone know if Mastodon has considered giving users a way to link their sources?

Wikipedia comes to mind, but even more so, OpenStreetMap, where each time you contribute, you also link any sources.

In a similar way you view the "Edit History" on a toot, it would be neat if you could also see sources.

Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

For English speakers who do not speak French:

I wanted to let you know about this awesome movement started in France to encourage people to quit X (Twitter) on January 20.

You can follow it here with the hashtag and use Mastodon's translation feature to read the posts (if your server has it). You can read more about this movement on this website (in English): helloquitx.com/

You can support this movement by following it on Mastodon, and sharing widely: @helloQuitX

Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

For English speakers who do not speak French:

I wanted to let you know about this awesome movement started in France to encourage people to quit X (Twitter) on January 20.

You can follow it here with the hashtag and use Mastodon's translation feature to read the posts (if your server has it). You can read more about this movement on this website (in English): helloquitx.com/

You can support this movement by following it on Mastodon, and sharing widely: @helloQuitX

Paul Sanders's avatar
Paul Sanders

@[email protected]

Is it possible to follow another instances timeline without having an account over there yet?

Or is the only way to follow people/#tags that are in that instance?

B's avatar

@[email protected]

Hello! I’m Betty, currently exploring for a better social media experience.

I enjoy and . Currently, I’m playing Wonderland Online Mobile (980x).

My posts will feature and pictures, with occasional topics like and . Though English is my second language, I’ll use it for my posts.

I’m glad to be part of the . 🦆✨

Carlos (Moppelkotzer) :calckey: 🔜 :firefish:'s avatar
Carlos (Moppelkotzer) :calckey: 🔜 :firefish:

@[email protected]

Wie Nutzer das Fediverse sehen (linkes Bild) versus wie alle anderen Nutzer das Fediverse sehen (rechtes Bild).

Wie ein Mastodon User das Fediverse sieht - das bunte Fediverse Logo, aber Verbunden sind ausschließlich Mastodon Server
Wie ein Mastodon User das Fediverse sieht - das bunte Fediverse Logo, aber Verbunden sind ausschließlich Mastodon Server
Wie ein Fediverse User das Fediverse sieht - das Fediverse Logo mit massenweise völlig unterschiedlichen Servern
Wie ein Fediverse User das Fediverse sieht - das Fediverse Logo mit massenweise völlig unterschiedlichen Servern
Daniel Hernández's avatar
Daniel Hernández

@[email protected] · Reply to Daniel Hernández's post

@donelias @eco_amandine Agregué la instancia mastodon.cr a Wikidata (wikidata.org/entity/Q131737959). ¿Hay más instancias del Fediverso en Costa Rica?

m0bi ⁂'s avatar
m0bi ⁂

@[email protected]

Ech, ekipo social-mediowa @razem, za to macie u mnie krechę :/

Krytykowanie BigTechu, a w stopce 2 serwisy Zucka i 1 Elona.

Jakbyście nie mieli swojej instancji -a, profili ... tak to my nie będziemy mieli ładnych rzeczy :/

Screen ze stopki strony Zandberg2025.pl

logo socialek fb, tt, ig
Screen ze stopki strony Zandberg2025.pl logo socialek fb, tt, ig
Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

For English speakers who do not speak French:

I wanted to let you know about this awesome movement started in France to encourage people to quit X (Twitter) on January 20.

You can follow it here with the hashtag and use Mastodon's translation feature to read the posts (if your server has it). You can read more about this movement on this website (in English): helloquitx.com/

You can support this movement by following it on Mastodon, and sharing widely: @helloQuitX

HelloQuitX's avatar

@[email protected]

Waouh ! The
platform is now translated in English ! Register and get your /
connections back effortlessly on and ! It will take less than 5min of your time.


Cartooning for Peace, credit Kristian (France)
Cartooning for Peace, credit Kristian (France)
Tingo's avatar

@[email protected]

Without the open source, not-for-sale platforms , including entities such as Wikipedia, the oligarchs would be erasing every voice from the internet they fear or don't like - so, most of them.

Makes these services very precious.

Anders Thoresson's avatar
Anders Thoresson

@[email protected]

Is there a tool that let me take my posts with me when migrating between servers? (From one self-hosted server to another, if that matters.)

Anders Thoresson's avatar
Anders Thoresson

@[email protected]

Is there a tool that let me take my posts with me when migrating between servers? (From one self-hosted server to another, if that matters.)

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

Más de 100Gb de estados públicos federados de #mastodon que comparto porque son libres y públicos.


Tingo's avatar

@[email protected]

Without the open source, not-for-sale platforms , including entities such as Wikipedia, the oligarchs would be erasing every voice from the internet they fear or don't like - so, most of them.

Makes these services very precious.

Jan Vlug's avatar
Jan Vlug

@[email protected]

Did you know that you can list the new arrivals on ?

Go to Profiles and select the "New arrivals" option.

I have the impression that there are a lot of new arrivals today.

Example link:


Screenshots of the browse profiles options of Mastodon.
The New arrivals and From known fediverse options are selected.
Screenshots of the browse profiles options of Mastodon. The New arrivals and From known fediverse options are selected.
katzenberger's avatar

@[email protected]

Please ask your favorite mastodon.social accounts you're following here whether they'd consider switching to a different instance, that takes a principled stance against and does not federate with .

You can use the mastodonlistmanager.org to figure out which accounts are affected:

  • Relationships: "I'm following"
  • Group by: "Account domain"

BTW, the tool is maintained by @acbeers – it's fabulous for moving accounts around lists, and also for finding accounts that are not on a list yet, at all. In general, it adds many list management capabilities that sadly lacks.

Vanitarium's avatar

@[email protected]

When Musk writes something on X everybody shivers.
When I write something on , people don’t read it or boost it once.
Do i need to lie or invent a non-truth fact to get millions of followers?No‼️
WHAT HAS HE GOT THAT I HAVEN’T? Billions of $$$ and no brain⁉️

Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's avatar
Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

@[email protected]

Y a des fedigens qui on fait le chemin inverse Misskey/Iceshrimp vers mastodon ou Pleroma ? ça fonctionne ?
.csv généré pour les abonnements sous Iceshrimp ne ressemble pas a celui de Mastodon ou Holo c'est un peu chiant quand même.

KB's avatar

@[email protected]

“Mastodon CEO Eugen Rochko has spoken out about the significant moderation changes announced by Meta on Tuesday, which will see the social networking giant removing fact-checking across its apps in favor of a crowdsourced community notes feature, similar to X’s.”



@[email protected]

Yes, one can add or
to a static site like , or .

Respond to this toot to see your comment show up on my blog post below.



@[email protected]

Yes, one can add or
to a static site like , or .

Respond to this toot to see your comment show up on my blog post below.


Solarbird :flag_cascadia:'s avatar
Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@[email protected]

_PixelFed_ is now on the _Google App Store_. Neat!


Solarbird :flag_cascadia:'s avatar
Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@[email protected]

_PixelFed_ is now on the _Google App Store_. Neat!


Solarbird :flag_cascadia:'s avatar
Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@[email protected]

_PixelFed_ is now on the _Google App Store_. Neat!


Aral Balkan's avatar
Aral Balkan

@[email protected]

Is mastodon.social still federating with Meta?

Is Meta still a partner at Social Web Foundation?


Christian Schwägerl's avatar
Christian Schwägerl

@[email protected]

Mehr als 60 deutsche Hochschulen verlassen Musks Plattform „X“ in konzertierter Aktion
„Nicht mit den Werten Weltoffenheit, wissenschaftliche Integrität, Transparenz und demokratischer Diskurs“ zu vereinbaren. Aktionsbündnis plädiert für das Fediverse als neue Basis der

Hintergründe von mir frisch bei @riffreporter:

@neuSoM @wikimediaDE @amreibahr

Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​'s avatar
Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​

@[email protected]

Yesterday, I saw a post of a historical photo that ended up being ai. Today, Meta is abandoning fact checking. This makes me wonder—does anyone know if Mastodon has considered giving users a way to link their sources?

Wikipedia comes to mind, but even more so, OpenStreetMap, where each time you contribute, you also link any sources.

In a similar way you view the "Edit History" on a toot, it would be neat if you could also see sources.

Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Aral Balkan's avatar
Aral Balkan

@[email protected]

Is mastodon.social still federating with Meta?

Is Meta still a partner at Social Web Foundation?


Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻's avatar
Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻

@[email protected] · Reply to Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻's post

There’s also a discussion about Mastodon and Bluesky. While I’m still bullish about Mastodon and the fediverse, it’s refreshing to hear smart people share their thoughts on it.

Gina Intheburg 🇺🇦 🌻's avatar
Gina Intheburg 🇺🇦 🌻

@[email protected] · Reply to Wolfgang Lucht's post


I am on both, and far prefer .

is quickly being invaded by the same MAGA, crypto & porn accounts on Dead 🐦 we all came here to escape.

Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
vanta "tits out at the bridge rave" black's avatar
vanta "tits out at the bridge rave" black

@[email protected]

i think the fact that the mastodon software was actually legiterally named after the mastodon band as it was gargron's favorite is lost on a lotta peeps

Henning Uhle's avatar
Henning Uhle

@[email protected]

Ich hab mir jetzt nen -Account angelegt und auch nen -Account. Und jetzt? Ich hab mal was gehört, dass ich beides mit und mit meinem verpopeln kann. Stimmt das? Und wie mache ich das?

Jaja, ich bin einfältig. Aber wer weiß, vielleicht mache ich doch mehr im ? Niemand kann in die Zukunft gucken.

Pixelfed: pixelfed.de/HenningUhle
Friendica: [email protected]

Und geht irgendwie ein Connect zu und so?

Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Christian Schwägerl's avatar
Christian Schwägerl

@[email protected]

Mehr als 60 deutsche Hochschulen verlassen Musks Plattform „X“ in konzertierter Aktion
„Nicht mit den Werten Weltoffenheit, wissenschaftliche Integrität, Transparenz und demokratischer Diskurs“ zu vereinbaren. Aktionsbündnis plädiert für das Fediverse als neue Basis der

Hintergründe von mir frisch bei @riffreporter:

@neuSoM @wikimediaDE @amreibahr

Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
宵闇🐈‍⬛映画や漫画の再現料理を作る人's avatar

@[email protected]


宵闇🐈‍⬛映画や漫画の再現料理を作る人's avatar

@[email protected]


Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

After some German unions yesterday, more than 60 (!!) German universities left /#Twitter today. Some are already active on . They justified this with their commitment to fact-based communication and against antidemocratic forces. Values that promote diversity, freedom and science aren't present over there, they say. 👏🏻


Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Illustration of a person who puts an X-log in a garbage bin
Ric Harvey's avatar
Ric Harvey

@[email protected]

It's with a heavy heart that I'm announcing the closure of this mastodon instance after 2 years. Due to multiple factors with getting finance for the server and now the UK law changes for social media sites plus the burden of moderation this server will close forever on the 28th of Feb 2025. If anyone would like to take full ownership I'm happy to transfer please contact me via email [email protected].

Nichtidentisches's avatar

@[email protected]

Ich hoffe, dass die Chance nutzt, nicht nur mit , sondern auch mit in Konkurrenz zu treten. Dazu gehört, das Zeichenlimit aufzuheben und eine einfache Forenerstellung zu ermöglichen.

NiceMicro's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Kat Marchán 🐈's post

@zkat interesting. IMO once the instances are widely federated, anything one posts into the fediverse, it's out there propagating all over the place, and the OP has no control over what's going to happen to that post, does it get into a search database? Meta's AI tools?

The best we can is be mindful of that before hitting the Post button, on the globally federated instances.

For private and safe spaces one probably nees to limit federation to pre-approved instances.

~/phranck :antifa:'s avatar
~/phranck :antifa:

@[email protected]

Was fehlt: Eine virtuelle Tortenwerf-Funktion! ☝🏻

🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴  (Mutuals)'s avatar
🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (Mutuals)

@[email protected]

I deleted my / account forever ago.

I deleted my account shortly after.

A few days ago I messaged all the people I know on to tell them I'd be deleting my account. A few minutes ago I deleted it and uninstalled the app.

A few minutes ago I also requested a download of my and content (both have been locked down and unused for years). A few seconds ago I deleted both accounts.

comes out of the archive when I'm looking for work, and goes back in as soon as I get hired again. I'm strongly considering deleting that account as well, because fuck LinkedIn and .


So what am I doing in place of all these toxic, bullshit platforms? I'm glad you asked...

, , , (mail, drive), (hey, it's a social platform 😋).

🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴  (Mutuals)'s avatar
🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (Mutuals)

@[email protected]

I deleted my / account forever ago.

I deleted my account shortly after.

A few days ago I messaged all the people I know on to tell them I'd be deleting my account. A few minutes ago I deleted it and uninstalled the app.

A few minutes ago I also requested a download of my and content (both have been locked down and unused for years). A few seconds ago I deleted both accounts.

comes out of the archive when I'm looking for work, and goes back in as soon as I get hired again. I'm strongly considering deleting that account as well, because fuck LinkedIn and .


So what am I doing in place of all these toxic, bullshit platforms? I'm glad you asked...

, , , (mail, drive), (hey, it's a social platform 😋).

ぷーざ's avatar

@[email protected]

「美食丼」 2025版紹介







Masayuki60 🦮🇯🇵 🇺🇦 🐕🇺🇲📷's avatar
Masayuki60 🦮🇯🇵 🇺🇦 🐕🇺🇲📷

@[email protected]

Not freezing but it felt cold all day and will be tonight. I had planned a different theme, but having the delivered today, we had a change of plan.
The elephant feels really good and bigger than I had expected. I don't know if Kengo cares for it, but it's mine.

A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a dog bed beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a dog bed beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a couch beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a couch beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
rext's avatar

@[email protected]

All right, question time:

If you're walking your dog down the street and someone is walking towards you with their dog on the same side, do you move to the other side? Just curious fellow dog owners.

Jan Vlug's avatar
Jan Vlug

@[email protected]

Did you know that you can list the new arrivals on ?

Go to Profiles and select the "New arrivals" option.

I have the impression that there are a lot of new arrivals today.

Example link:


Screenshots of the browse profiles options of Mastodon.
The New arrivals and From known fediverse options are selected.
Screenshots of the browse profiles options of Mastodon. The New arrivals and From known fediverse options are selected.
lps's avatar

@[email protected]

If you prefer a more presentation when following or accounts, it's easy!

Create a account like you did for pixelfed.org/servers

Then, if you find an artist that you want to follow from there, due to the nicer layout for that type of content, just copy and paste their account

ex. @nicetriangle into the search bar and voila ... you're following from there (where you can also comment)

Following a mastodon account from pixelfed
Following a mastodon account from pixelfed
lps's avatar

@[email protected]

If you prefer a more presentation when following or accounts, it's easy!

Create a account like you did for pixelfed.org/servers

Then, if you find an artist that you want to follow from there, due to the nicer layout for that type of content, just copy and paste their account

ex. @nicetriangle into the search bar and voila ... you're following from there (where you can also comment)

Following a mastodon account from pixelfed
Following a mastodon account from pixelfed
fedicat's avatar

@[email protected]

It's very cool that I can look at the source for the apps to see how they're doing things.

Anton Ohorodnyk's avatar
Anton Ohorodnyk

@[email protected]

() has ana amazing "community notes" feature.
Today I found a news that Mark Zuckerberg announced the same feature in Meta infrastructure (, , ).
It's a definitely good news!

It'd be great if would have the same feature.

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

"Mastodon is so silent. Nobody's there except your two Linux nerd friends."

EDIT: The feed has been shut down. More info: github.com/ronilaukkarinen/fed


Anton Ohorodnyk's avatar
Anton Ohorodnyk

@[email protected]

() has ana amazing "community notes" feature.
Today I found a news that Mark Zuckerberg announced the same feature in Meta infrastructure (, , ).
It's a definitely good news!

It'd be great if would have the same feature.

B's avatar

@[email protected]

Do I need separate accounts for and if I want one as an alternative and the other for more content?

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Have your bookmarks been mysteriously disappearing? Have older posts and replies from other servers vanished? If so, it may mean your Mastodon server has an incorrect admin setting.

If this has happened to you, ask your server admin to make sure that they have blanked their “remote content retention period” / “content cache retention period” setting.

There's more info for admins about this setting in the guide at:

➡️ fedi.tips/mastodon-admins-leav

Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

The Gamer's Tavern run a Mastodon server and PeerTube server about video games and other topics. Their aim is to provide gamers a cosy and safe home to play together.

:Mastodon: gamerstavern.online

:PeerTube: video.gamerstavern.online

You can find out more on their Mastodon server at gamerstavern.online/ and on their PeerTube server at video.gamerstavern.online/abou

You can contact their admin at @innkeeper

Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

The Gamer's Tavern run a Mastodon server and PeerTube server about video games and other topics. Their aim is to provide gamers a cosy and safe home to play together.

:Mastodon: gamerstavern.online

:PeerTube: video.gamerstavern.online

You can find out more on their Mastodon server at gamerstavern.online/ and on their PeerTube server at video.gamerstavern.online/abou

You can contact their admin at @innkeeper


@[email protected]

Hallo !
seit eeeiniger Zeit liegt mein FB- Account schon ruhend - nun hab ich mich endlich für Mastodon entschieden - Schaun mer mal wie ICH mich da entwickle. Anregungen sind gern gesehen

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Have your bookmarks been mysteriously disappearing? Have older posts and replies from other servers vanished? If so, it may mean your Mastodon server has an incorrect admin setting.

If this has happened to you, ask your server admin to make sure that they have blanked their “remote content retention period” / “content cache retention period” setting.

There's more info for admins about this setting in the guide at:

➡️ fedi.tips/mastodon-admins-leav

Colin Devroe's avatar
Colin Devroe

@[email protected]

Every person and organization has to make their own decisions about which social platforms they will have an account on, publish their content to, engage with, and support (with use or contributions both time and financial).

There is no right answer for everyone. And, to many that run an online business, hoping to capture the attention of just enough customers to remain sustainable, perhaps […]


Colin Devroe's avatar
Colin Devroe

@[email protected]

Every person and organization has to make their own decisions about which social platforms they will have an account on, publish their content to, engage with, and support (with use or contributions both time and financial).

There is no right answer for everyone. And, to many that run an online business, hoping to capture the attention of just enough customers to remain sustainable, perhaps […]


Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

"Mastodon is so silent. Nobody's there except your two Linux nerd friends."

EDIT: The feed has been shut down. More info: github.com/ronilaukkarinen/fed


AJ Sadauskas's avatar
AJ Sadauskas

@[email protected]

The past few days, I've been toying with the idea of setting up a single-user Mastodon instance.

I'm currently looking at Masto.host as a hosting provider. The prices seem reasonable?

First, for those who have rolled their own instance: How has the experience been? Any advice you'd share with a self-hosting newbie? Any pitfalls or downsides?

Have you gone with a specialist managed prover like Masto.host?

Are there any major advantages or disadvantages over a vanilla cPanel web hosting provider that supports Mastodon?

Another option I'm toying with is using a single instance of Friendica as my Fedi home, and consolidating everything there, including photos.

Are there any managed hosting providers that support Friendica?

Aral Balkan's avatar
Aral Balkan

@[email protected]

So this is apparently NOT enough for mastodon.social to defederate Threads.

What a complete and utter betrayal.


Aral Balkan's avatar
Aral Balkan

@[email protected]

So this is apparently NOT enough for mastodon.social to defederate Threads.

What a complete and utter betrayal.


Jon S. von Tetzchner's avatar
Jon S. von Tetzchner

@[email protected]

Facebook did not have an over-censorship problem. Facebook main problem was that its algorithms promote hate speech and disinformation, lately with the addition of inauthentic content. Fighting that through fact-checking is always going to be an uphill battle.

This is the reason I believe that content algorithms have no place in social media and that user profiling should be banned. Spreading misinformation and hate speech is a lot harder without the amplification algorithms.



J 💫 🏴‍☠️ :lions:'s avatar
J 💫 🏴‍☠️ :lions:

@[email protected]

is the of social media platforms. Everyone knows it's here but chooses to ignore it.

Robie's avatar

@[email protected]

Heya !
En transition vers Mastodon depuis quelques mois, je me dis qu’avec les dernières infos données par j’ai fais le bon choix !

Est ce qu’il y aurait des recommandations à partager sur ?
—> Choses à faire ou ne pas faire (respect des autres et pas d’insultes me semble du bon sens)
—> des comptes à suivre sur les infos (type @mediapart, @blast_info)
—> des comptes sur la danse (breakdance, hip-hop)
—> des comptes sur le vélo, le skate, l’humour ?

Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

If you just joined the Fediverse
in search of a more inclusive community, welcome :heart_pride: :trans_heart: :blobcatheart:

While the Fediverse also has its challenges, it is a community constantly trying to improve for its people, and away from the danger of the monetization of hate.

If you feel lost and are in need of advice:

1. I wrote these tiny tips to help you feel at home in no time: infosec.exchange/@Em0nM4stodon

2. Feel free to ask questions around! People will be happy to help. Hashtags are important here. If you have a question related to Mastodon for example, use

3. Be patient. Be you. Explore. Follow many to build a full feed (it is more important here because there is no algorithm).

Make yourself at home 🏡💚

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Lots of new folks taken interest in to Mastodon, because of Meta. Let's welcome new people :happy_fox:

Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm

@[email protected]


In case the administrators of your Mastodon, Peertube, Pixelfed or other fediverse service instance accept donations for their voluntary work, please donate to them if you can afford it to keep the service running in the long time.

Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm

@[email protected]


In case the administrators of your Mastodon, Peertube, Pixelfed or other fediverse service instance accept donations for their voluntary work, please donate to them if you can afford it to keep the service running in the long time.

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Lots of new folks taken interest in to Mastodon, because of Meta. Let's welcome new people :happy_fox:

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Lots of new folks taken interest in to Mastodon, because of Meta. Let's welcome new people :happy_fox:

Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

If you just joined the Fediverse
in search of a more inclusive community, welcome :heart_pride: :trans_heart: :blobcatheart:

While the Fediverse also has its challenges, it is a community constantly trying to improve for its people, and away from the danger of the monetization of hate.

If you feel lost and are in need of advice:

1. I wrote these tiny tips to help you feel at home in no time: infosec.exchange/@Em0nM4stodon

2. Feel free to ask questions around! People will be happy to help. Hashtags are important here. If you have a question related to Mastodon for example, use

3. Be patient. Be you. Explore. Follow many to build a full feed (it is more important here because there is no algorithm).

Make yourself at home 🏡💚

Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

If you just joined the Fediverse
in search of a more inclusive community, welcome :heart_pride: :trans_heart: :blobcatheart:

While the Fediverse also has its challenges, it is a community constantly trying to improve for its people, and away from the danger of the monetization of hate.

If you feel lost and are in need of advice:

1. I wrote these tiny tips to help you feel at home in no time: infosec.exchange/@Em0nM4stodon

2. Feel free to ask questions around! People will be happy to help. Hashtags are important here. If you have a question related to Mastodon for example, use

3. Be patient. Be you. Explore. Follow many to build a full feed (it is more important here because there is no algorithm).

Make yourself at home 🏡💚

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Lots of new folks taken interest in to Mastodon, because of Meta. Let's welcome new people :happy_fox:

Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

Gamepad.Club is a Mastodon server with a video games focus, but also open to fans of tabletop RPGs, trading card games and all other forms of gaming. Hosted in the UK and EU, but everyone is welcome!

:Fediverse: gamepad.club

You can find out more at gamepad.club/about or contact the admin @Gazimoff

ken Tucky Swinson's avatar
ken Tucky Swinson

@[email protected]

I'm super excited that Osa Atoe @potterybyosa just joined !!!!!

She's a well known and super talented , teacher, activist and leader in the USA (and international) and circles.

Having someone like her on Mastodon is a big deal.

She just joined and doesn't have many followers (yet), but hopefully you will give her a follow and boost her profile so that she feels welcome on this platform.

Welcome to Mastodon, Osa!!!

screen shot of Pottery By Osa's mastodon profile
screen shot of Pottery By Osa's mastodon profile
Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

Gamepad.Club is a Mastodon server with a video games focus, but also open to fans of tabletop RPGs, trading card games and all other forms of gaming. Hosted in the UK and EU, but everyone is welcome!

:Fediverse: gamepad.club

You can find out more at gamepad.club/about or contact the admin @Gazimoff

Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

Gamepad.Club is a Mastodon server with a video games focus, but also open to fans of tabletop RPGs, trading card games and all other forms of gaming. Hosted in the UK and EU, but everyone is welcome!

:Fediverse: gamepad.club

You can find out more at gamepad.club/about or contact the admin @Gazimoff

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

A fake tweet by The Iron Sheik ( @the_ironsheik ):

A fake tweet by The Iron Sheik ( @the_ironsheik ): "WHO THE FUCK IS JOHN MASTODON"
Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

2024 wasn't the best year for social media... but it's 2025 now 🎉

That means it's time to move to greener pastures. Social media that's open, democratic, and controlled by the users.

This year, we're looking forward to raising awareness for New Social and introducing more people and organisations than ever to open social.

We hope to help them move to truly open platforms, like this one.

Get in touch to learn more!

Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

Your mission, should you choose to accept it... 👩‍💻

New Social is here to stay, now it's your turn to get involved.

Your first task: consider connecting to social platforms beyond this one.

To connect with Bluesky, just follow @bsky.brid.gy

It's time to make open social media a reality.

Check out our website to learn more about New Social.

A mock classified file report. Copy explains a 'mission' to share with the open social web by bridging to Bluesky and sharing with Threads.
A mock classified file report. Copy explains a 'mission' to share with the open social web by bridging to Bluesky and sharing with Threads.
Karsten Speckin's avatar
Karsten Speckin

@[email protected]

Mir ist folgendes Problem aufgefallen:
Bei habe ich für über 2000 Einträge.
Bei aber 0 Einträge.
Wie kommt das?
Screenshot mit Suchergebnissen für #photography. Bei #friendica sprechen keine Leute wie im Screenshot zu sehen.
Screenshot mit Suchergebnissen für #photography. Bei #friendica sprechen keine Leute wie im Screenshot zu sehen.
Screenshot für #photography auf #mastodon.
Screenshot für #photography auf #mastodon.
Thomas Matern's avatar
Thomas Matern

@[email protected]

Vor 2 Jahren habe ich als Angestellter versucht, eine eigene -Instanz für die Landeshauptstadt , ihre Referate und Beteiligungsgesellschaften ins Leben zu rufen - und bin gescheitert.

Ob ich mal einen zweiten Anlauf starten sollte? Diesmal vielleicht mit politischer Rückendeckung? 🤔

Masayuki60 🦮🇯🇵 🇺🇦 🐕🇺🇲📷's avatar
Masayuki60 🦮🇯🇵 🇺🇦 🐕🇺🇲📷

@[email protected]

Not freezing but it felt cold all day and will be tonight. I had planned a different theme, but having the delivered today, we had a change of plan.
The elephant feels really good and bigger than I had expected. I don't know if Kengo cares for it, but it's mine.

A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a dog bed beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a dog bed beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a couch beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a couch beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Just updated my list of tools:

- Added Fedipact list
- Added Fedi on Fire
- Removed Combine.social


The Innkeeper's avatar
The Innkeeper

@[email protected]

Hey adventurers!

Get ready for a thread(s).

With all the recent heat about Meta and seeing that the company decided to fully take advantage of a pretty much fascist political party to leverage their own needs, after a peaceful discussion the staff at The Gamer's Tavern decided to de-federate from Threads.net effective immediately.

1/ 🧵

The Innkeeper's avatar
The Innkeeper

@[email protected]

Hey adventurers!

Get ready for a thread(s).

With all the recent heat about Meta and seeing that the company decided to fully take advantage of a pretty much fascist political party to leverage their own needs, after a peaceful discussion the staff at The Gamer's Tavern decided to de-federate from Threads.net effective immediately.

1/ 🧵

Patrick Curry's avatar
Patrick Curry

@[email protected]

Here’s another thought. What happens if a Mastodon instance goes offline? Like it just disappears from the Internet? Do the posts that once lived there that were boosted by users on other instances survive? Or do those “echos” disappear too?

Jon S. von Tetzchner's avatar
Jon S. von Tetzchner

@[email protected]

Facebook did not have an over-censorship problem. Facebook main problem was that its algorithms promote hate speech and disinformation, lately with the addition of inauthentic content. Fighting that through fact-checking is always going to be an uphill battle.

This is the reason I believe that content algorithms have no place in social media and that user profiling should be banned. Spreading misinformation and hate speech is a lot harder without the amplification algorithms.



Jon S. von Tetzchner's avatar
Jon S. von Tetzchner

@[email protected]

Facebook did not have an over-censorship problem. Facebook main problem was that its algorithms promote hate speech and disinformation, lately with the addition of inauthentic content. Fighting that through fact-checking is always going to be an uphill battle.

This is the reason I believe that content algorithms have no place in social media and that user profiling should be banned. Spreading misinformation and hate speech is a lot harder without the amplification algorithms.



J 💫 🏴‍☠️ :lions:'s avatar
J 💫 🏴‍☠️ :lions:

@[email protected]

is the of social media platforms. Everyone knows it's here but chooses to ignore it.

Masayuki60 🦮🇯🇵 🇺🇦 🐕🇺🇲📷's avatar
Masayuki60 🦮🇯🇵 🇺🇦 🐕🇺🇲📷

@[email protected]

Not freezing but it felt cold all day and will be tonight. I had planned a different theme, but having the delivered today, we had a change of plan.
The elephant feels really good and bigger than I had expected. I don't know if Kengo cares for it, but it's mine.

A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a dog bed beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a dog bed beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a couch beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
A Mastodon mascot elephant in cream color sitting on a couch beside a white and brown dog who's checking the newcomer out.
sb's avatar

@[email protected]

Hoooooly it is a drag to find/add people on a fresh instance!

If you see this post, kindly boost it up so I can find my peeps again!

Aral Balkan's avatar
Aral Balkan

@[email protected]

Folks, do you think if Threads/Meta/Mark Zuckerberg were really that bad, John Mastodon himself would partner with them? Do you think they’d even be allowed in the Social Web Foundation?

No, surely you’re mistaken.

Otherwise, what does that say about John Mastodon and the Social Web Foundation?


Aral Balkan's avatar
Aral Balkan

@[email protected]

Facebook [aka Meta, beloved partner of Social Web Foundation, alongside Mastodon*] lifts restrictions on calling women ‘property’ and transgender people ‘freaks’

- The Independent via inkl inkl.com/a/PrNQqBHGPzG

* socialwebfoundation.org

Aktionsb. neue Soziale Medien's avatar
Aktionsb. neue Soziale Medien

@[email protected]

(1/2) Dear supporters,

yesterday our petition for ended with more than 2,070 signatures.
Yesterday alone, another 114 signatures were collected
This shows how pressing the issue of using truly is for many people.

We have managed to get a number of to shut down their X-accounts. And we know that many are considering taking this step as well.
Furthermore, is no longer conceivable without the , as the steadily growing number of followers on channels shows.

Thomas Matern's avatar
Thomas Matern

@[email protected]

Vor 2 Jahren habe ich als Angestellter versucht, eine eigene -Instanz für die Landeshauptstadt , ihre Referate und Beteiligungsgesellschaften ins Leben zu rufen - und bin gescheitert.

Ob ich mal einen zweiten Anlauf starten sollte? Diesmal vielleicht mit politischer Rückendeckung? 🤔

AOE, Takashi's avatar
AOE, Takashi

@[email protected]

昔Twitterのタイムラインからシェアされているリンクを並べてくれるWebサービスがよくあったけど、これはそのMastodon + Bluesky版か。両方のアカウントを紐付けて集約できるので自分向きだな。

/「Blueskyでフォローしている人たちの間で話題になっているネタ」がわかるウェブアプリ「Sill」を使ってみた - GIGAZINE

kurohana :verified_blobcat:'s avatar
kurohana :verified_blobcat:

@[email protected]

Mastodon for truly decentralized social media, BlueSky for decentralized social media on a centralized front-end. Is that a hot take?

kurohana :verified_blobcat:'s avatar
kurohana :verified_blobcat:

@[email protected]

Mastodon for truly decentralized social media, BlueSky for decentralized social media on a centralized front-end. Is that a hot take?

Abhinav 🌏's avatar
Abhinav 🌏

@[email protected]

I analysed the posts I've made over the last 2+ years for the clients I've been using, and created some charts.

The first one is the pie chart of the post count by clients. @ivory for Mac is the winner here, with 30% posts made using it. @phanpy and the default Mastodon web client are seconds at 22%. @trunksapp is third at 12%, and @elk comes fourth at 10%.

The second chart shows the post count split by clients over time. It shows that I started with using the web client for the first few months, tried Ivory, trunks and Elk for the next few months, and then settled on using Ivory on my laptop and trunks on my phone. Few months later, I replaced trunks with Phanpy, and then continued using the Ivory-Phanpy combo consistently for over a year, with few posts being made from Web, Elk and trunks. The last bar shows me trying to replace Ivory with Phanpy as my sole major client.

pie chart of the post count by Mastodon clients
pie chart of the post count by Mastodon clients
the Mastodon post count split by clients over time
the Mastodon post count split by clients over time
Abhinav 🌏's avatar
Abhinav 🌏

@[email protected]

A reminder that you can pull your posts from your server using the RSS feed or the JSON API, and put them on your own website, like I did: abhinavsarkar.net/microblog/

Abhinav 🌏's avatar
Abhinav 🌏

@[email protected]

I analysed the posts I've made over the last 2+ years for the clients I've been using, and created some charts.

The first one is the pie chart of the post count by clients. @ivory for Mac is the winner here, with 30% posts made using it. @phanpy and the default Mastodon web client are seconds at 22%. @trunksapp is third at 12%, and @elk comes fourth at 10%.

The second chart shows the post count split by clients over time. It shows that I started with using the web client for the first few months, tried Ivory, trunks and Elk for the next few months, and then settled on using Ivory on my laptop and trunks on my phone. Few months later, I replaced trunks with Phanpy, and then continued using the Ivory-Phanpy combo consistently for over a year, with few posts being made from Web, Elk and trunks. The last bar shows me trying to replace Ivory with Phanpy as my sole major client.

pie chart of the post count by Mastodon clients
pie chart of the post count by Mastodon clients
the Mastodon post count split by clients over time
the Mastodon post count split by clients over time
Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's avatar
Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

@[email protected]

😰 Si je comprend bien, et que la traduction est bonne, bah ça sent le sapin.

En gros ça parle de séparer Misskey de Mastodon, donc plus de communication/intéractions entre les 2 softs, parce trop de problème et que c'est relou et ça prend du temps de palier tous les problémes lié aux différences entre les deux softs.


:angry_ai::syuilo::angry_ai:'s avatar

@[email protected]


The Internet Review's avatar
The Internet Review

@[email protected]

One of the unsung heroes of the (aka and beyond) are all the great bots available for spicing up your feed. And no, I’m not talking about the nasty bad bots out there which try to slurp up all your content and steal your private details. I’m talking about content bots which humans set up to be fun and amusing! 😆

Check out “My Favorite Fediverse Bots for 2025“ (and download the starter pack CSV!)


St. Pauli POP's avatar
St. Pauli POP

@[email protected]

State of StPauli.Social.

We are a small group of ten active users out of 20. Let us welcome @gibtesvollbier and @malte who joined recently.

🏴‍☠️ (Do you want to try us? Feel welcomed ... stpauli.social/auth/sign_up )

St. Pauli POP's avatar
St. Pauli POP

@[email protected]

State of StPauli.Social.

We are a small group of ten active users out of 20. Let us welcome @gibtesvollbier and @malte who joined recently.

🏴‍☠️ (Do you want to try us? Feel welcomed ... stpauli.social/auth/sign_up )

The Internet Review's avatar
The Internet Review

@[email protected]

One of the unsung heroes of the (aka and beyond) are all the great bots available for spicing up your feed. And no, I’m not talking about the nasty bad bots out there which try to slurp up all your content and steal your private details. I’m talking about content bots which humans set up to be fun and amusing! 😆

Check out “My Favorite Fediverse Bots for 2025“ (and download the starter pack CSV!)


AOE, Takashi's avatar
AOE, Takashi

@[email protected]


BeAware :fediverse:'s avatar
BeAware :fediverse:

@[email protected]

The thing that people see an issue with, is the fact that a lot of people use it to "harass" others in front of their followers as if to say "laugh at this fool". However, if this is truly the "open" web, that's just gonna be a thing.

I hope they eventually make it an official feature as well, but for now, most third party apps have it built-in.

From: @alemarcati

GENKI's avatar

@[email protected]

:mastodon: が Web フロントエンドの UI/UX 開発者募集してるな :mastodon_mascot:


The Internet Review's avatar
The Internet Review

@[email protected]

One of the unsung heroes of the (aka and beyond) are all the great bots available for spicing up your feed. And no, I’m not talking about the nasty bad bots out there which try to slurp up all your content and steal your private details. I’m talking about content bots which humans set up to be fun and amusing! 😆

Check out “My Favorite Fediverse Bots for 2025“ (and download the starter pack CSV!)


Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's avatar
Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

@[email protected]

😰 Si je comprend bien, et que la traduction est bonne, bah ça sent le sapin.

En gros ça parle de séparer Misskey de Mastodon, donc plus de communication/intéractions entre les 2 softs, parce trop de problème et que c'est relou et ça prend du temps de palier tous les problémes lié aux différences entre les deux softs.


:angry_ai::syuilo::angry_ai:'s avatar

@[email protected]


Daniel Supernault's avatar
Daniel Supernault

@[email protected]

The end of an era?

RE: misskey.io/notes/a2o2aj7zb81f0

Post from Misskey developer: 

Mastodon might be happier if it only confederates with Mastodon, and Misskey confederates only with Misskey. Troubles due to functional differences are commonplace, and
implementations that change behavior or limit functions depending on the confederate partner are necessary. However, it is quite costly (in the first place, there are limited ways to know in advance how the coalition partner will implement it).
Post from Misskey developer: Mastodon might be happier if it only confederates with Mastodon, and Misskey confederates only with Misskey. Troubles due to functional differences are commonplace, and implementations that change behavior or limit functions depending on the confederate partner are necessary. However, it is quite costly (in the first place, there are limited ways to know in advance how the coalition partner will implement it).
Daniel Supernault's avatar
Daniel Supernault

@[email protected]

The end of an era?

RE: misskey.io/notes/a2o2aj7zb81f0

Post from Misskey developer: 

Mastodon might be happier if it only confederates with Mastodon, and Misskey confederates only with Misskey. Troubles due to functional differences are commonplace, and
implementations that change behavior or limit functions depending on the confederate partner are necessary. However, it is quite costly (in the first place, there are limited ways to know in advance how the coalition partner will implement it).
Post from Misskey developer: Mastodon might be happier if it only confederates with Mastodon, and Misskey confederates only with Misskey. Troubles due to functional differences are commonplace, and implementations that change behavior or limit functions depending on the confederate partner are necessary. However, it is quite costly (in the first place, there are limited ways to know in advance how the coalition partner will implement it).
Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected] · Reply to Cragsand :catjam:'s post

@cragsand @MastodonEngineering @Mastodon @elk I think they are aware. 😅
I've been sending my ideas under issue discussions and pretty sure that couple of things we have today were inspired by other UIs like Elk and Mastodon Bird UI.

But things need to be built to core. The SCSS side of it needs major rework. I hope they find someone who is eager to take the task.

Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

New Year, New Social 💡

So, what does New Social mean?

To us, it's a vision of open social media - free from the control of a single person. It's not a single platform (or protocol) but a new way of thinking.

A place where you can post, build community across multiple platforms, and move if you ever need to.

It's a one stop solution to the closed networks that only serve the billionaires who own them.

A graphic showing the copy: New Year New Social. What does it mean? Follow us to learn more. 

The colours of the graphic match Newsmast Foundation branding with the logo animated to spin in the top left corner.
A graphic showing the copy: New Year New Social. What does it mean? Follow us to learn more. The colours of the graphic match Newsmast Foundation branding with the logo animated to spin in the top left corner.
Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

New Year, New Social 💡

So, what does New Social mean?

To us, it's a vision of open social media - free from the control of a single person. It's not a single platform (or protocol) but a new way of thinking.

A place where you can post, build community across multiple platforms, and move if you ever need to.

It's a one stop solution to the closed networks that only serve the billionaires who own them.

A graphic showing the copy: New Year New Social. What does it mean? Follow us to learn more. 

The colours of the graphic match Newsmast Foundation branding with the logo animated to spin in the top left corner.
A graphic showing the copy: New Year New Social. What does it mean? Follow us to learn more. The colours of the graphic match Newsmast Foundation branding with the logo animated to spin in the top left corner.
meneer's avatar

@[email protected]

My server is running the software platform, a fork of , to post messages via the protocol. You can see my post, even though you may use another platform to participate in the fediverse, like or . So, without using the same platform, we can share messages because we use the same protocol. We have to move from platform-based networking to protocol-based networking. Get rid of the lock-ins, be self-sovereign!

Scottrossi's avatar

@[email protected]

reminds me a lot of golden age livejournal i hope in the future tags get better and that something like communities comes back

ぷーざ's avatar

@[email protected]

Mastodon Glitch Editionなるフォークが、HTMLやMarkdownで投稿できるのだね。


Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

ぷーざ's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to ぷーざ's post


Scottrossi's avatar

@[email protected]

reminds me a lot of golden age livejournal i hope in the future tags get better and that something like communities comes back

Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

Josh Simmons's avatar
Josh Simmons

@[email protected]

Any advice, short of "use another domain," for a Mastodon self-destruct gone wrong?

Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

Vocal Cat's avatar
Vocal Cat

@[email protected]

We really enjoyed the discussions from @404mediaco and @mike

There is a bright future for the web.


Vocal Cat's avatar
Vocal Cat

@[email protected]

We really enjoyed the discussions from @404mediaco and @mike

There is a bright future for the web.


Mastodon Migration's avatar
Mastodon Migration

@[email protected]

Thank you Mastodon.

Just sitting here this morning scrolling through Mastodon and it occurred to be amazed and thankful for a piece of software that just does it's primary function without being bombarded by a bunch of nonsense or sucking up personal information and selling it off. It is really amazing how few things are left in our daily lives that are not crammed full of exploitive junk. Thank you Mastodon for simply existing.

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

"Bluesky and Threads showed us very different visions for a post-X future"

Well, not really "very different". Nobody is talking about the truly different social media - The Fediverse and Mastodon, that is.


Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Dear friends of the BSD Cafe,

As 2024 comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on what we’ve built together during the first full year of life for BSD Cafe. Launched on 20 July 2023, this project has grown far beyond what I could have imagined. While I haven’t tracked full uptime data, I can confidently say that the downtime was less than 30 minutes overall - even though the main VM hosting our services moved multiple times (including a switch from a Proxmox hypervisor to bhyve on FreeBSD, for the sake of alignment with our mission). In a world filled with over-engineered HA systems, we’ve outperformed many “big-name” cloud providers. Not bad for a community project, right?

For me, this has been an incredible journey. The users here are not just participants - they’re collaborators, and their positivity has been inspiring. The content shared and created at BSD Cafe has been valuable not only to the BSD community but beyond. What truly sets BSD Cafe apart is the openness for dialogue and exchange. Whether it’s social media posts, Matrix discussions, repositories in our brew, or RSS feeds, people seem to genuinely appreciate what we create and the conversations we foster.

BSD Cafe is a journey - one that grows, evolves, and continues. Our goal isn’t endless growth (we’re a community, not a business) but rather to maintain a welcoming, inclusive space where everyone feels a sense of positivity and belonging. For me, opening any service with “bsd.cafe” in the domain brings joy and pride. That’s the spirit I’ve tried to convey, and I hope it resonates with all of you, whether you’re active BSD Cafe users or friends of the community.

Promoting self-hosting and has, as a side effect, inspired some users to “go solo” with their own setups. But even then, they remain part of BSD Cafe - in spirit, in purpose, and in connection.

Here’s a look at what we’ve achieved together this year:

- mastodon.bsd.cafe: 370 total users
Active in the past month: 207
Active in the past six months: 286
- snac.bsd.cafe: 14 total users
Active in the past month: 7
- blendit.bsd.cafe: 61 registered users
- matrix.bsd.cafe: 23 users
- brew.bsd.cafe: 29 users - 80 repositories
- freshrss.bsd.cafe: 25 users
- miniflux.bsd.cafe: 11 users
- press.bsd.cafe: 9 users
- myip.bsd.cafe: Constantly used by various users
- wiki.bsd.cafe: Could use a bit more love and content, but it fulfills its role as a functional homepage.
- tube.bsd.cafe: Still in testing - Peertube 7.0 update is on the way.

For detailed stats from our reverse proxy and general router (excluding media services, which generate most traffic but are handled via caching reverse proxies), you can check here - updated hourly: netstats.bsd.cafe

The journey of BSD Cafe continues, and I look forward to seeing where 2025 will take us. Together, we’ve built something special - something driven by passion, shared purpose, and a little bit of the BSD magic that makes all of this possible.

Here’s to a new year full of joy, serenity, and connection. Thank you for being part of this adventure.

Wishing you all a fantastic 2025 - and THANK YOU!

Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

If I'm solely looking at time spent vs money saved, I would say I lost money on moving this mastodon server to my homelab, but not a ton. I learned quite a bit along the way, but it was a full Saturday afternoon and some time over last week with the media migration.

Again, props to all you fedi administrators doing this on your own time. Users, please go tip your admins generously.

Abhinav 🌏's avatar
Abhinav 🌏

@[email protected]

I analysed the posts I've made over the last 2+ years for the clients I've been using, and created some charts.

The first one is the pie chart of the post count by clients. @ivory for Mac is the winner here, with 30% posts made using it. @phanpy and the default Mastodon web client are seconds at 22%. @trunksapp is third at 12%, and @elk comes fourth at 10%.

The second chart shows the post count split by clients over time. It shows that I started with using the web client for the first few months, tried Ivory, trunks and Elk for the next few months, and then settled on using Ivory on my laptop and trunks on my phone. Few months later, I replaced trunks with Phanpy, and then continued using the Ivory-Phanpy combo consistently for over a year, with few posts being made from Web, Elk and trunks. The last bar shows me trying to replace Ivory with Phanpy as my sole major client.

pie chart of the post count by Mastodon clients
pie chart of the post count by Mastodon clients
the Mastodon post count split by clients over time
the Mastodon post count split by clients over time
Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

If I'm solely looking at time spent vs money saved, I would say I lost money on moving this mastodon server to my homelab, but not a ton. I learned quite a bit along the way, but it was a full Saturday afternoon and some time over last week with the media migration.

Again, props to all you fedi administrators doing this on your own time. Users, please go tip your admins generously.

batmanyyo's avatar

@[email protected]

Somos pequeños hackers .


Gatos dentro de una cpu
ALT Gatos dentro de una cpu
Dave Rahardja (he/him)'s avatar
Dave Rahardja (he/him)

@[email protected]

I’ve just stumbled into another annoyance in the architecture: thread continuity is broken when an item in the chain is broken.

Suppose there is this thread of posts/replies, made by three users, and I wrote the last reply (C).

A → B → C

Suppose I wanted to find post A. Sadly, I don’t remember what post A contained (or A’s post is not searchable), but I do remember what I wrote in response in C. I look for my reply and find it, but much to my dismay, the poster of B has deleted their post. So now I have:

A → ✵ → C

Since B is missing, I can no longer find A.

I was under the assumption that ActivityPub provides for a tombstone in place of B, which allows the reply chain to continue to be traversed, but I don’t think that’s the case—the tombstone contains no reference to A at all.

This is particularly annoying because the longer the thread, the more likely this is to happen. I wonder if anyone is already looking at this issue?

Edit: issue filed: github.com/mastodon/mastodon/i

Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

First Saturday of the New Year! :blobcatrainbow: 🎉

This is the perfect timing to backup your Mastodon data!


From the web interface:

1. Go to "Preferences" > "Import and export" and in the "Export" section click on "Request your archive" at the bottom :blocky_white_cursor:

2. Wait for the compressed file to be ready, it can take a few minutes. You might receive an email notification if you have set it up that way 🗜️

3. Once ready, in the same section click on "Download your archive"
(I like to save mine in a local folder I name "MastodonArchive_YYYYMMDD") 📁

4. Then, in the upper section of the same page click on each of the "CSV" buttons you see on the right side and save them in the same local folder 💾

5. Magic!✨

Note: You should probably do this more than once a year too 😉

Ayo :webtools:'s avatar
Ayo :webtools:

@[email protected]

Hello! If I followed your bsky account from here, it means I want :webtools: webtoo.ls to discover it 🤗

What's happening? I'm collecting Tech bsky accounts bridged to the Fedi

🎉 Tech Bsky ↔ Fedi
👉 ayco.io/tech-bsky-fedi
👉 webtoo.ls/public/local

Ayo Ayco's avatar
Ayo Ayco

@[email protected]

🎉 Tech Bsky ↔ Fedi

Celebrating bsky folks who bridged their accounts to the fediverse!

👉 ayo.ayco.io/tech-bsky-fedi

My handpicked tech Bsky accounts that are currently bridged to the Fedi.

Alex0007's avatar

@[email protected]

Why are there no engagement follows/interaction bots in ()? Is this because of the decentralized nature of the network / better moderation efforts / fact that it's not a mainstream network?

Comparing to

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

The Fediverse makes me anxious sometimes. It's not always pure joy and bliss, especially as an admin.

Top 5 things that make me anxious here:

1. When people can't just agree to disagree, but have to crucify others or report them because they didn't like what they said - or even start a hateful campaign for it
2. When people endlessly nitpick and dissect otherwise good post
3. When the obscure and dark instances or nostr users find your posts and start posting hateful content because of "free speech"
4. When you get judged if you use the wrong word or even hint towards something that someone doesn't agree on
5. When you make a decision in moderation and any decision pisses off someone - lose-lose situation

It's not daily or often times even monthly, but it happens. I'm glad we mostly get along though.

Blocking, fediblocking, reporting and muting are the most important features here.

Mike Mixtape's avatar
Mike Mixtape

@[email protected]

I feel like is an underrated place for socializing, but there's too much out there. It's too overwhelming for me. I'll occasionally post here, but I have officially switched to . So, if you want to know where I am, that's where I am at nowadays. Please follow me there if you want to. Thanks so much. I'll pop up in here and there. Peace out. ✌️


Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

The Fediverse makes me anxious sometimes. It's not always pure joy and bliss, especially as an admin.

Top 5 things that make me anxious here:

1. When people can't just agree to disagree, but have to crucify others or report them because they didn't like what they said - or even start a hateful campaign for it
2. When people endlessly nitpick and dissect otherwise good post
3. When the obscure and dark instances or nostr users find your posts and start posting hateful content because of "free speech"
4. When you get judged if you use the wrong word or even hint towards something that someone doesn't agree on
5. When you make a decision in moderation and any decision pisses off someone - lose-lose situation

It's not daily or often times even monthly, but it happens. I'm glad we mostly get along though.

Blocking, fediblocking, reporting and muting are the most important features here.

GENKI's avatar

@[email protected]

でメンションのやり取りなどさせていただいていた方が、 アカウントを削除してしまった僕へわざわざ :mastodon: アカウントからメンションでメッセージを送ってくださって、いまとてもうれしい気持ちでほっこりしている :tony_smiling: :vivaldia_heart:

Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

To start the year, we have a few questions ✨

We want to know why you like this social space, compared to Big Tech alternatives. We'll use some of the answers across our campaign to get people moving to better social media this year.

If you need help getting started, here's a question to spark your brain - What open social platforms do you love and why?

Please reply and share! 🧡

UNIF's avatar

@[email protected]

Hé les !
Si vous avez des collègues ou étudiant·es qui hésitent encore, on vous prépare une instance spéciale .
Elle sera connectée à la fédération d'identité enseignement recherche pour prouver au monde que vous êtes bien de la communauté universitaire française.

Mais juste à la création du compte et éventuellement pour une vérification annuelle. Aucune obligation de lien apparent entre votre identité universitaire et votre costume de scène sur le fédiverse.

Si vous voulez participer – graphiste, modo en herbe, virtuose des reverses proxy ou de shibboleth, – n'hésitez pas à nous contacter ici !

Mike Bell's avatar
Mike Bell

@[email protected]

Brand new install of Windows 11 and I can't log in to I get "Invalid two-factor code" in Firefox, Librewolf and Edge.

Confirmed working in private firefox on Android and Arch. Really odd!

Edit: fixed, see thread

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

Mastodon's avatar

@[email protected]

Only about half of stuffed toys are still in stock in the US. Help us pay our bills *and* get a friend-shaped travel and business companion!


A Mastodon stuffed toy is sitting in front of a table in a cafe.
A Mastodon stuffed toy is sitting in front of a table in a cafe.
Mastodon's avatar

@[email protected]

Only about half of stuffed toys are still in stock in the US. Help us pay our bills *and* get a friend-shaped travel and business companion!


A Mastodon stuffed toy is sitting in front of a table in a cafe.
A Mastodon stuffed toy is sitting in front of a table in a cafe.
UNIF's avatar

@[email protected]

Hé les !
Si vous avez des collègues ou étudiant·es qui hésitent encore, on vous prépare une instance spéciale .
Elle sera connectée à la fédération d'identité enseignement recherche pour prouver au monde que vous êtes bien de la communauté universitaire française.

Mais juste à la création du compte et éventuellement pour une vérification annuelle. Aucune obligation de lien apparent entre votre identité universitaire et votre costume de scène sur le fédiverse.

Si vous voulez participer – graphiste, modo en herbe, virtuose des reverses proxy ou de shibboleth, – n'hésitez pas à nous contacter ici !

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

BeAware :fediverse:'s avatar
BeAware :fediverse:

@[email protected]

Social Media: a place where people block you so you can't reply to their misinformation to inform people that it's wrong.

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]


Is Short Content Sometimes "Better"?

Short posts on Twitter, Mastodon, BlueSky, etc.

Short videos on TikTok, YouTube (Shorts), Vidzy, Loops, etc.

Could short content create a better user-experience (UX)?


Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

Madelen🐧's avatar

@[email protected]

Why would people even go to bluesky? I mean mastodon is right there. Just another application that ruins the fun for Mastadon users. Fediverse is the way, it might just take some time for people to understand that.

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

Madelen🐧's avatar

@[email protected]

Why would people even go to bluesky? I mean mastodon is right there. Just another application that ruins the fun for Mastadon users. Fediverse is the way, it might just take some time for people to understand that.

s427's avatar

@[email protected]

Hello World :)

I am pleased to present you a small project that I have been working on these last weeks:

MARL (Mastodon Archive Reader Lite) is a small web app that allows you to explore in detail the content of your Mastodon posts archive, including attached files (images, videos, sounds), and with different search options.


🙏 Boosts welcome! 🙏

(More info in the post below 👇)

Screenshot of the application interface
Screenshot of the application interface
Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

Currently supported countries include:
Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕™'s avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to 𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕™'s post

Verlinkte Artikel von der Presse im Fediverse / Mastodon, die hinter einer Paywall sind, sollten die entsprechend markiert und/oder gekennzeichnet sein? 🤔

(Boost für Reichweite wäre nett :BoostOK: )

Ja150 (91%)
Nein1 (1%)
Egal13 (8%)
𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕™'s avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to 𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕™'s post

Verlinkte Artikel von der Presse im Fediverse / Mastodon, die hinter einer Paywall sind, sollten die entsprechend markiert und/oder gekennzeichnet sein? 🤔

(Boost für Reichweite wäre nett :BoostOK: )

Ja150 (91%)
Nein1 (1%)
Egal13 (8%)
Mastodon's avatar

@[email protected]

We believe the internet should be a place where everyone feels safe, respected and empowered to connect.

That’s why this we’re launching a campaign to fund a vital new role at :

✨ Trust & Safety Lead ✨

With the recent US elections and many changes to come, protecting our community has never been more important.

We officially kick off on *Tue, Dec 3rd* but if you’d like, you can make an impact today. Thank you for your support!


A cute stuffed Mastodon toy holding a Mastodon mug while sitting in front of a laptop.
A cute stuffed Mastodon toy holding a Mastodon mug while sitting in front of a laptop.
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

I suspect Mastodon has changed their character bio limit from being measured in (unicode) characters to bytes.

Is this a bug?

s427's avatar

@[email protected]

Hello World :)

I am pleased to present you a small project that I have been working on these last weeks:

MARL (Mastodon Archive Reader Lite) is a small web app that allows you to explore in detail the content of your Mastodon posts archive, including attached files (images, videos, sounds), and with different search options.


🙏 Boosts welcome! 🙏

(More info in the post below 👇)

Screenshot of the application interface
Screenshot of the application interface
njsg's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Feditips's post

@feditips I'm honestly surprised that I'm not seeing widespread use of text as images with alt text to at least get more chars in Mastodon. (AFAIK, alt text has a larger limit, more than twice the post limit, and the image itself of course won't enforce any limit, other than possibly applying lossy compression)

njsg's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Feditips's post

@feditips I'm honestly surprised that I'm not seeing widespread use of text as images with alt text to at least get more chars in Mastodon. (AFAIK, alt text has a larger limit, more than twice the post limit, and the image itself of course won't enforce any limit, other than possibly applying lossy compression)

Sasi's avatar

@[email protected]

My first on . Let’s see if I set this up right! 😅

Which one is true for you regarding the favorite button ⭐️?

⭐️= I love your post so much0 (0%)
⭐️= Been here, seen it, it’s cool0 (0%)
Sasi's avatar

@[email protected]

My first on . Let’s see if I set this up right! 😅

Which one is true for you regarding the favorite button ⭐️?

⭐️= I love your post so much0 (0%)
⭐️= Been here, seen it, it’s cool0 (0%)
Sasi's avatar

@[email protected]

My first on . Let’s see if I set this up right! 😅

Which one is true for you regarding the favorite button ⭐️?

⭐️= I love your post so much0 (0%)
⭐️= Been here, seen it, it’s cool0 (0%)
Sasi's avatar

@[email protected]

My first on . Let’s see if I set this up right! 😅

Which one is true for you regarding the favorite button ⭐️?

⭐️= I love your post so much0 (0%)
⭐️= Been here, seen it, it’s cool0 (0%)
Justin Ferrell's avatar
Justin Ferrell

@[email protected]

It's January and that means @mastowatch has officially been out for two years! To celebrate, Mastowatch Pro is $2 all month. That’s the lifetime unlock, so no subscription either.

You don’t even have to send a birthday card!


Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
fediverseobserver's avatar

@[email protected]

Found 11 new servers and 18 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,230 servers checked. 13,431,920 Total Users with 1,027,115 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

hollo.ssig33.com a server from Private
diaspora.delaylama.de a server from France
mastodon.mulesgaming.com a server from Private
cabamacnagoya.harumaki2000.net a server from Private
pl.firelink.digital a server from Private
kurage.homes a server from Germany
social.seedoubleyou.me a server from United Arab Emirates
this-email-list.ispants.com a server from United Kingdom
altair.nyoroooon.xyz a server from Private
fedi.merta.xyz a server from United States
lvgaldieri.com a server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

Bubble 🫧's avatar
Bubble 🫧

@[email protected]

Happy New Year! 🎊 is already 1 year old, can you believe it? 🥹

We hope that Bubble made your experience better, and we hope that Bubble will keep updating for as long as I can update it

Cheers to everyone who uses the app, who tests the app, and who supports Bubble!

(from @lumaa)

Justin Ferrell's avatar
Justin Ferrell

@[email protected]

It's January and that means @mastowatch has officially been out for two years! To celebrate, Mastowatch Pro is $2 all month. That’s the lifetime unlock, so no subscription either.

You don’t even have to send a birthday card!


Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
fediverseobserver's avatar

@[email protected]

Found 11 new servers and 18 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,230 servers checked. 13,431,920 Total Users with 1,027,115 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

hollo.ssig33.com a server from Private
diaspora.delaylama.de a server from France
mastodon.mulesgaming.com a server from Private
cabamacnagoya.harumaki2000.net a server from Private
pl.firelink.digital a server from Private
kurage.homes a server from Germany
social.seedoubleyou.me a server from United Arab Emirates
this-email-list.ispants.com a server from United Kingdom
altair.nyoroooon.xyz a server from Private
fedi.merta.xyz a server from United States
lvgaldieri.com a server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

Bubble 🫧's avatar
Bubble 🫧

@[email protected]

Happy New Year! 🎊 is already 1 year old, can you believe it? 🥹

We hope that Bubble made your experience better, and we hope that Bubble will keep updating for as long as I can update it

Cheers to everyone who uses the app, who tests the app, and who supports Bubble!

(from @lumaa)

Justin Ferrell's avatar
Justin Ferrell

@[email protected]

It's January and that means @mastowatch has officially been out for two years! To celebrate, Mastowatch Pro is $2 all month. That’s the lifetime unlock, so no subscription either.

You don’t even have to send a birthday card!


Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
Justin Ferrell's avatar
Justin Ferrell

@[email protected]

It's January and that means @mastowatch has officially been out for two years! To celebrate, Mastowatch Pro is $2 all month. That’s the lifetime unlock, so no subscription either.

You don’t even have to send a birthday card!


Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
Mastowatch logo is centered against a pastel sunset sky background.
s427's avatar

@[email protected]

Hello World :)

I am pleased to present you a small project that I have been working on these last weeks:

MARL (Mastodon Archive Reader Lite) is a small web app that allows you to explore in detail the content of your Mastodon posts archive, including attached files (images, videos, sounds), and with different search options.


🙏 Boosts welcome! 🙏

(More info in the post below 👇)

Screenshot of the application interface
Screenshot of the application interface
Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

"Bluesky and Threads showed us very different visions for a post-X future"

Well, not really "very different". Nobody is talking about the truly different social media - The Fediverse and Mastodon, that is.


Tux's avatar

@[email protected]

Meine Datenschutz und Privatsphäre Übersicht 2025, für die Allgemeinheit 🕵️‍♂️




auch als PDF zum Download:


Meine Datenschutz und Privatsphäre Übersicht 2025, für die Allgemeinheit > Frohes Neues Jahr
Meine Datenschutz und Privatsphäre Übersicht 2025, für die Allgemeinheit > Frohes Neues Jahr
☢️ᗪ乇ᗪ丂乇匚☢️'s avatar

@[email protected]

Happy New Year DedSec Family! 🥳

☢️ᗪ乇ᗪ丂乇匚☢️'s avatar

@[email protected]

Happy New Year DedSec Family! 🥳

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

"Bluesky and Threads showed us very different visions for a post-X future"

Well, not really "very different". Nobody is talking about the truly different social media - The Fediverse and Mastodon, that is.


Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

"Bluesky and Threads showed us very different visions for a post-X future"

Well, not really "very different". Nobody is talking about the truly different social media - The Fediverse and Mastodon, that is.


Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

2024 is ending, time for a last look at the to @heiseonline via X/ and its alternatives.

was very stable, which made it the biggest source by the end of the year. grew significantly at the end and is now clearly in second place. fell the whole year, and our departure (from posting there) just accelerated that. But (where we can't post automatically) is still far behind.

(🧵 1/2)

The graph showing multiple lines over the year
The graph showing multiple lines over the year
Games Games Games's avatar
Games Games Games

@[email protected]

I still don't get Mastodon. How come there are so many users who have many thousands of followers and haven't posted anything in one or two years or longer?

HelloQuitX's avatar

@[email protected]

Waouh ! The
platform is now translated in English ! Register and get your /
connections back effortlessly on and ! It will take less than 5min of your time.


Cartooning for Peace, credit Kristian (France)
Cartooning for Peace, credit Kristian (France)
Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:'s avatar
Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@[email protected]

I really, really wish that would implement an option to limit replies to a post. I really, really want to have the option to limit replies to people I follow or people that follow me. Also the ability to mark a reply as "not wanted", so that readers at least know that the author of a post wants to warn.

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:'s avatar
Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@[email protected]

I really, really wish that would implement an option to limit replies to a post. I really, really want to have the option to limit replies to people I follow or people that follow me. Also the ability to mark a reply as "not wanted", so that readers at least know that the author of a post wants to warn.

いぬ's avatar

@[email protected]


いぬ's avatar

@[email protected]


Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

Dear friends of the BSD Cafe,

As 2024 comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on what we’ve built together during the first full year of life for BSD Cafe. Launched on 20 July 2023, this project has grown far beyond what I could have imagined. While I haven’t tracked full uptime data, I can confidently say that the downtime was less than 30 minutes overall - even though the main VM hosting our services moved multiple times (including a switch from a Proxmox hypervisor to bhyve on FreeBSD, for the sake of alignment with our mission). In a world filled with over-engineered HA systems, we’ve outperformed many “big-name” cloud providers. Not bad for a community project, right?

For me, this has been an incredible journey. The users here are not just participants - they’re collaborators, and their positivity has been inspiring. The content shared and created at BSD Cafe has been valuable not only to the BSD community but beyond. What truly sets BSD Cafe apart is the openness for dialogue and exchange. Whether it’s social media posts, Matrix discussions, repositories in our brew, or RSS feeds, people seem to genuinely appreciate what we create and the conversations we foster.

BSD Cafe is a journey - one that grows, evolves, and continues. Our goal isn’t endless growth (we’re a community, not a business) but rather to maintain a welcoming, inclusive space where everyone feels a sense of positivity and belonging. For me, opening any service with “bsd.cafe” in the domain brings joy and pride. That’s the spirit I’ve tried to convey, and I hope it resonates with all of you, whether you’re active BSD Cafe users or friends of the community.

Promoting self-hosting and has, as a side effect, inspired some users to “go solo” with their own setups. But even then, they remain part of BSD Cafe - in spirit, in purpose, and in connection.

Here’s a look at what we’ve achieved together this year:

- mastodon.bsd.cafe: 370 total users
Active in the past month: 207
Active in the past six months: 286
- snac.bsd.cafe: 14 total users
Active in the past month: 7
- blendit.bsd.cafe: 61 registered users
- matrix.bsd.cafe: 23 users
- brew.bsd.cafe: 29 users - 80 repositories
- freshrss.bsd.cafe: 25 users
- miniflux.bsd.cafe: 11 users
- press.bsd.cafe: 9 users
- myip.bsd.cafe: Constantly used by various users
- wiki.bsd.cafe: Could use a bit more love and content, but it fulfills its role as a functional homepage.
- tube.bsd.cafe: Still in testing - Peertube 7.0 update is on the way.

For detailed stats from our reverse proxy and general router (excluding media services, which generate most traffic but are handled via caching reverse proxies), you can check here - updated hourly: netstats.bsd.cafe

The journey of BSD Cafe continues, and I look forward to seeing where 2025 will take us. Together, we’ve built something special - something driven by passion, shared purpose, and a little bit of the BSD magic that makes all of this possible.

Here’s to a new year full of joy, serenity, and connection. Thank you for being part of this adventure.

Wishing you all a fantastic 2025 - and THANK YOU!

David B. Himself's avatar
David B. Himself

@[email protected]

Today Fediverse reminder: Friends don't let friends be on mastodon.art

The Fediverse is about bridges, not walls.

David B. Himself's avatar
David B. Himself

@[email protected]

Today Fediverse reminder: Friends don't let friends be on mastodon.art

The Fediverse is about bridges, not walls.

Brett Flippin's avatar
Brett Flippin

@[email protected]

I made the mistake of engaging with a thread over the weekend where an obvious paranoid schizophrenic decided to start replying to me.

I’ve muted them on my PC but the fact that mutes are only client side means my notifications are likely a god damn minefield and I’m avoiding looking at them on my phone. This is a REALLY STUPID DESIGN.

joshua's avatar

@[email protected]

Headsup to Mastodon instance admins out there: tomorrow (about 12 hours from now) I will be deploying a small automated profile as part of my bachelor's thesis on social network analysis (nerdy graph theory stuff).

I'd like to briefly explain what it does via this small thread 🧵 and offer a more detailed explanation over at livia.sichtig.com 🌐. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. (1/5)

Viktor Nagornyy's avatar
Viktor Nagornyy

@[email protected]

Let's get you hired in 2025! Here are some roles Nextcloud is hiring for:

- Software engineers (PHP and frontend)
- Sales/account managers
- Sales engineers
- Localization manager
- B2B content writer
- Graphic designer
- Internships

See job listings here:

Great opportunities to work in

Boost to your audience 🙏

Viktor Nagornyy's avatar
Viktor Nagornyy

@[email protected]

Let's get you hired in 2025! Here are some roles Nextcloud is hiring for:

- Software engineers (PHP and frontend)
- Sales/account managers
- Sales engineers
- Localization manager
- B2B content writer
- Graphic designer
- Internships

See job listings here:

Great opportunities to work in

Boost to your audience 🙏

Martin Holland's avatar
Martin Holland

@[email protected]

2024 is ending, time for a last look at the to @heiseonline via X/ and its alternatives.

was very stable, which made it the biggest source by the end of the year. grew significantly at the end and is now clearly in second place. fell the whole year, and our departure (from posting there) just accelerated that. But (where we can't post automatically) is still far behind.

(🧵 1/2)

The graph showing multiple lines over the year
The graph showing multiple lines over the year
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

📚 Fediverse History

On October 5th, 2016, Eugen Rochko announces Mastodon on Hacker News:


@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

I wish Mastodon handled ActivityStreams "type":"Video" as well as "type":"Note" with a Video attachment.

They could be rendered the same. But they (currently) aren't.

Viktor Nagornyy's avatar
Viktor Nagornyy

@[email protected]

Let's get you hired in 2025! Here are some roles Nextcloud is hiring for:

- Software engineers (PHP and frontend)
- Sales/account managers
- Sales engineers
- Localization manager
- B2B content writer
- Graphic designer
- Internships

See job listings here:

Great opportunities to work in

Boost to your audience 🙏

Viktor Nagornyy's avatar
Viktor Nagornyy

@[email protected]

Let's get you hired in 2025! Here are some roles Nextcloud is hiring for:

- Software engineers (PHP and frontend)
- Sales/account managers
- Sales engineers
- Localization manager
- B2B content writer
- Graphic designer
- Internships

See job listings here:

Great opportunities to work in

Boost to your audience 🙏

Viktor Nagornyy's avatar
Viktor Nagornyy

@[email protected]

Let's get you hired in 2025! Here are some roles Nextcloud is hiring for:

- Software engineers (PHP and frontend)
- Sales/account managers
- Sales engineers
- Localization manager
- B2B content writer
- Graphic designer
- Internships

See job listings here:

Great opportunities to work in

Boost to your audience 🙏

Quincy's avatar

@[email protected]

it used to be possible in the web client to navigate *back* in the rightmost column under all circumstances without touching the browser back button (a few months ago).

do I really misremember how a basic UI interaction worked?

or did they break that??

batmanyyo's avatar

@[email protected]

Somos pequeños hackers .


Gatos dentro de una cpu
ALT Gatos dentro de una cpu
Eskalator :fckafd: :tux:'s avatar
Eskalator :fckafd: :tux:

@[email protected] · Reply to Katja Diehl's post


Kann sein das es für nötig ist auch auf zu sein...

Das ist schlimm genug. Noch schlimmer finde ich allerdings das er NICHT im ist!

Gleichzeitig das und Netzwerk von bespielen, und die demokratischen, freien Alternativen zu ignorieren ist falsch.

Es gibt einige bei , aber

Eskalator :fckafd: :tux:'s avatar
Eskalator :fckafd: :tux:

@[email protected] · Reply to Katja Diehl's post


Kann sein das es für nötig ist auch auf zu sein...

Das ist schlimm genug. Noch schlimmer finde ich allerdings das er NICHT im ist!

Gleichzeitig das und Netzwerk von bespielen, und die demokratischen, freien Alternativen zu ignorieren ist falsch.

Es gibt einige bei , aber

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Top 10 posters on Mementomori.social (as per post amount):

1. Roni Laukkarinen, @rolle (30061 posts)
2. Harald Hannelius, @harald (11036 posts)
3. Sami Määttä, @SamiMaatta (8338 posts)
4. JT Leskinen, @milesizdead (8314 posts)
5. Ville Järvinen, @vijarvinen (6441 posts)
6. Sivuojanteen lautturi, @Omom4075 (6407 posts)
7. Arkipakoinen Pieni Mieli, @immersfer (6089 posts)
8. nen, @nen (5387 posts)
9. Veera Laukkarinen, @mustikkasoppa (4762 posts)
10. Daniel Schildt, @autiomaa (4384 posts)

fediverseobserver's avatar

@[email protected]

Found 11 new servers and 20 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,813 servers checked. 14,892,241 Total Users with 1,036,257 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

misskey.tarohouse.net a server from Private
torikago-suki.net a server from Japan
tsundere.love a server from Private
sloth.beepboop.city a server from Germany
caw.killtheradio.net a server from United States
goto.queer.re a server from Finland
gay.byte.kiwi a server from Australia
social.stroskler.xyz a server from Germany
playingin.snowis.me a server from United States
babar.petite-maison-orange.fr a server from France
social.tracevectrics.com a server from Germany

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Let it snow! ❄️

I have added snow to my instance during the winter holidays. It's a tiny JS canvas and fades out on scroll down. The snow is also respecting the system accessibility settings, it won't be there if you prefer reduced motion.

Here's the source code for server admins: github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mas
See the snow yourself: mementomori.social

Snow slowly and smoothly falling down from top of the Mastodon window
Snow slowly and smoothly falling down from top of the Mastodon window
John  ⁂'s avatar
John ⁂

@[email protected]

Ein Profil wird so also bei angezeigt. Da fehlt ja so ziemlich alles.
Woran liegt das?
Das Bild zeigt ein Profil auf einer Plattform, vermutlich einem sozialen Netzwerk oder Forum.  Das Profil gehört zu einem Nutzer namens John (@rausgerufen), der sich selbst als Produzent von „Dingen, Kram und sonstiges Zeug“ beschreibt und  den Hashtag #nobot verwendet. Das Profilbild ist ein einfaches Smiley.  Weitere Informationen beinhalten das Beitrittsdatum (31. Mai 2024), einen Link zu einer Gemini-Kapsel und die Anzahl der Beiträge, der gefolgten Nutzer und der Follower.
Das Bild zeigt ein Profil auf einer Plattform, vermutlich einem sozialen Netzwerk oder Forum. Das Profil gehört zu einem Nutzer namens John (@rausgerufen), der sich selbst als Produzent von „Dingen, Kram und sonstiges Zeug“ beschreibt und den Hashtag #nobot verwendet. Das Profilbild ist ein einfaches Smiley. Weitere Informationen beinhalten das Beitrittsdatum (31. Mai 2024), einen Link zu einer Gemini-Kapsel und die Anzahl der Beiträge, der gefolgten Nutzer und der Follower.
Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Top 10 posters on Mementomori.social (as per post amount):

1. Roni Laukkarinen, @rolle (30061 posts)
2. Harald Hannelius, @harald (11036 posts)
3. Sami Määttä, @SamiMaatta (8338 posts)
4. JT Leskinen, @milesizdead (8314 posts)
5. Ville Järvinen, @vijarvinen (6441 posts)
6. Sivuojanteen lautturi, @Omom4075 (6407 posts)
7. Arkipakoinen Pieni Mieli, @immersfer (6089 posts)
8. nen, @nen (5387 posts)
9. Veera Laukkarinen, @mustikkasoppa (4762 posts)
10. Daniel Schildt, @autiomaa (4384 posts)

fediverseobserver's avatar

@[email protected]

Found 11 new servers and 20 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,813 servers checked. 14,892,241 Total Users with 1,036,257 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

misskey.tarohouse.net a server from Private
torikago-suki.net a server from Japan
tsundere.love a server from Private
sloth.beepboop.city a server from Germany
caw.killtheradio.net a server from United States
goto.queer.re a server from Finland
gay.byte.kiwi a server from Australia
social.stroskler.xyz a server from Germany
playingin.snowis.me a server from United States
babar.petite-maison-orange.fr a server from France
social.tracevectrics.com a server from Germany

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

Matti J.'s avatar
Matti J.

@[email protected] · Reply to Bernie the Wordsmith's post

@berniethewordsmith Explain it to me like I'm five: How does Person A using the bridge endanger Person B not using the bridge? I mean, Jesse Singal will still be over there, and we'll still be over here, so if I don't feel like blocking everyone from Bluesky, how does that put someone else over here at risk?

Matti J.'s avatar
Matti J.

@[email protected] · Reply to Bernie the Wordsmith's post

@berniethewordsmith Explain it to me like I'm five: How does Person A using the bridge endanger Person B not using the bridge? I mean, Jesse Singal will still be over there, and we'll still be over here, so if I don't feel like blocking everyone from Bluesky, how does that put someone else over here at risk?

Erik (ring2)'s avatar
Erik (ring2)

@[email protected] · Reply to Matthias's post

@feb du weisst ja, wie ich das sehe (das ist auch technisch vielfältig) und trotzdem wäre mein Rat, das großzügig zu ignorieren. Es gibt eben diese Layer an Nutzern. Das ändert sich auch erstmal nicht.

90% denken ja auch mastodon.social wäre .

Gerade euch Urgesteinen und uns Nerds steht etwas Langmut gut 😉

El Santo Negro :gitea:'s avatar
El Santo Negro :gitea:

@[email protected]

I always know when I've stayed up too late scrolling . My feed starts turning into posts in German, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and Dutch.

Chris 👾's avatar
Chris 👾

@[email protected]

Friendly reminder: algorithm-based social media platforms are toxic by design, bad for your mental health and responsible for spreading misinformation and disinformation.



Fediverso e Social Network's avatar
Fediverso e Social Network

@[email protected]

C'è una nuova applicazione Mastodon e Fediverso per iOS: .

È possibile seguire il suo account ufficiale all'indirizzo:

➡️ @fedicat

Altre informazioni sono disponibili sul suo sito web:

➡️ fedicat.com

L'app, è compatibile con e con molte piattaforme come , : fedicat.com/about

Non è presente nell'app store, ma è possibile iscriversi alla fase di beta testing tramite Apple TestFlight:

➡️ testflight.apple.com/join/b6Ga


Fediverso e Social Network's avatar
Fediverso e Social Network

@[email protected]

C'è una nuova applicazione Mastodon e Fediverso per iOS: .

È possibile seguire il suo account ufficiale all'indirizzo:

➡️ @fedicat

Altre informazioni sono disponibili sul suo sito web:

➡️ fedicat.com

L'app, è compatibile con e con molte piattaforme come , : fedicat.com/about

Non è presente nell'app store, ma è possibile iscriversi alla fase di beta testing tramite Apple TestFlight:

➡️ testflight.apple.com/join/b6Ga


BeAware :fediverse:'s avatar
BeAware :fediverse:

@[email protected]

To people complaining about the Nostr bridge today, (the one that's been here for years now) you DO know that there's no way to tell what anyone is doing with your public posts, right?

There's even a RSS feed that cannot be turned off for EVERY Mastodon account that anyone can read and you'd never even know...

If you want privacy, post privately. If you're posting publicly, you have no expectation of privacy.

✒️Miguelbrasil :disfarce:'s avatar
✒️Miguelbrasil :disfarce:

@[email protected]

@dansup bost for you,hope that this will help
And edit it and put the tags and others

Spujb's avatar

@[email protected]

It's funny how some people can use , and all other manner of enshittified social media without a care in the world, but when you ask them about the they suddenly know what servers are and that the biggest one has a big bad no good moderation problem tisk tisk.

Spujb's avatar

@[email protected]

It's funny how some people can use , and all other manner of enshittified social media without a care in the world, but when you ask them about the they suddenly know what servers are and that the biggest one has a big bad no good moderation problem tisk tisk.

Markus 🌱's avatar
Markus 🌱

@[email protected] · Reply to Markus 🌱's post

Tippar at får minuspoeng pga. , og fordi det verkar litt sært når ein fyrst slår det opp.

Men eg er usikker på kva har som spesielt positive trekk. No er det så klart fordi så mange, tydeligvis, er der. Men kva med før det blei stort?

Eg tykkja Bluesky verka like sært som Mastodon før eg valte Mastodon.

Markus 🌱's avatar
Markus 🌱

@[email protected]

Eg var ikkje klar over at var såpass stort i Noreg. Ei undersøking visar at 7% av vaksne nordmenn nyttar plattforma kvar veke.

Er det nokon som eigentleg veit kvifor nett den tenesta slo så godt an som -erstattar, og ikkje eller ?


Isaac David's avatar
Isaac David

@[email protected] · Reply to Wikipedia's post

@wikipedia I have donated a lot of work over the years, but now I have also become a monthly financial donor.

Now please boost on Twitter and other platforms! The sooner we get rid of Twitter, the better for all of us.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Introducing . Hollo is an -enabled single-user microblogging software. Although it's for a single user, it also supports creating and running multiple accounts for different topics.

It's headless, meaning you can use existing client apps instead, with its Mastodon-compatible APIs. It has most feature parity with Mastodon. Two big differences with Mastodon is that you can use in the content of your posts and you can quote another post.

Oh, and Hollo is built using and .


Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Not many people know this, but Mastodon has a built-in official post scheduling system which can publish posts at pre-arranged times and dates.

Unfortunately there's no official interface for the scheduler yet, so you have to use a third party app to access the scheduler. These third party apps let you use it:

:android: Android: Tusky, Fedilab, Moshidon & Subway Tooter

:apple_old_logo: iPhone/iPad: Mona

🌐 Web: plan.fedilab.app

More info at fedi.tips/scheduling-posts-on-

Elizabeth Tai | 戴秀铃 🇲🇾's avatar
Elizabeth Tai | 戴秀铃 🇲🇾

@[email protected]

Thanks to , I heard of . What makes it different from Spotify?

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Not many people know this, but Mastodon has a built-in official post scheduling system which can publish posts at pre-arranged times and dates.

Unfortunately there's no official interface for the scheduler yet, so you have to use a third party app to access the scheduler. These third party apps let you use it:

:android: Android: Tusky, Fedilab, Moshidon & Subway Tooter

:apple_old_logo: iPhone/iPad: Mona

🌐 Web: plan.fedilab.app

More info at fedi.tips/scheduling-posts-on-

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Not many people know this, but Mastodon has a built-in official post scheduling system which can publish posts at pre-arranged times and dates.

Unfortunately there's no official interface for the scheduler yet, so you have to use a third party app to access the scheduler. These third party apps let you use it:

:android: Android: Tusky, Fedilab, Moshidon & Subway Tooter

:apple_old_logo: iPhone/iPad: Mona

🌐 Web: plan.fedilab.app

More info at fedi.tips/scheduling-posts-on-

BeAware :fediverse:'s avatar
BeAware :fediverse:

@[email protected]

Fedi Dev Tip:

Develop features that you say you would for some time instead of implementing crap nobody wants or asked for.

Any Fedi Dev that implements privacy ruining age verification crap will not succeed. I promise.

Do better.

Looking at you, Sharkey...😒

By the way, where's that "Mastodon API" feature that you've advertised for the past year?🤨

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Not many people know this, but Mastodon has a built-in official post scheduling system which can publish posts at pre-arranged times and dates.

Unfortunately there's no official interface for the scheduler yet, so you have to use a third party app to access the scheduler. These third party apps let you use it:

:android: Android: Tusky, Fedilab, Moshidon & Subway Tooter

:apple_old_logo: iPhone/iPad: Mona

🌐 Web: plan.fedilab.app

More info at fedi.tips/scheduling-posts-on-

BeAware :fediverse:'s avatar
BeAware :fediverse:

@[email protected]

After a year and a half of being on Fedi, I'm still seeing people on an open communication platform recommending others block open communication across platforms (bridges).

Do you know what the Fediverse IS?!?!🤦‍♂️

Viktoria D. Richards/Uddelhexe's avatar
Viktoria D. Richards/Uddelhexe

@[email protected]

Mein Mann, Gamer mag Mucke, nicht doll aktiv auf SocialMedia, will mal Mastodon versuchen.

Gute Ideen für Server?

Cat's avatar

@[email protected]

I am so that I want to talk to someone on the Internet but don't know how or what to talk about, so I just send free hugs 🫂 in the hope of having some communication.

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Not many people know this, but Mastodon has a built-in official post scheduling system which can publish posts at pre-arranged times and dates.

Unfortunately there's no official interface for the scheduler yet, so you have to use a third party app to access the scheduler. These third party apps let you use it:

:android: Android: Tusky, Fedilab, Moshidon & Subway Tooter

:apple_old_logo: iPhone/iPad: Mona

🌐 Web: plan.fedilab.app

More info at fedi.tips/scheduling-posts-on-

Viktoria D. Richards/Uddelhexe's avatar
Viktoria D. Richards/Uddelhexe

@[email protected]

Mein Mann, Gamer mag Mucke, nicht doll aktiv auf SocialMedia, will mal Mastodon versuchen.

Gute Ideen für Server?

Fedi.Tips's avatar

@[email protected]

Not many people know this, but Mastodon has a built-in official post scheduling system which can publish posts at pre-arranged times and dates.

Unfortunately there's no official interface for the scheduler yet, so you have to use a third party app to access the scheduler. These third party apps let you use it:

:android: Android: Tusky, Fedilab, Moshidon & Subway Tooter

:apple_old_logo: iPhone/iPad: Mona

🌐 Web: plan.fedilab.app

More info at fedi.tips/scheduling-posts-on-

HelloQuitteX's avatar

@[email protected]

La plateforme HelloQuitteX vous permet désormais de lier trois comptes : , et et de charger des fichiers de plusieurs millions de followers pour une reconnexion automatique le
Rejoignez-nous et retrouvez les followers que vous aviez sur X : app.HelloQuitX.com

HelloQuitteX's avatar

@[email protected]

Comment quitter le Titan- et retrouver vos followers sur en 5 min ?
Votre bateau de sauvetage ➡️ app.helloquitx.com
(merci à Angel IP- agence.angelip.fr)

Cat's avatar

@[email protected]

I am so that I want to talk to someone on the Internet but don't know how or what to talk about, so I just send free hugs 🫂 in the hope of having some communication.

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

I didn't like the idea of a HARD-CODED "/xrpc" path for Bluesky's API.

I also don't like the idea of HARD-CODED "/api/v1" path for the Fediverse, due to Mastodon's API.

Actually, I probably dislike the latter ("/api/v1") even more than the former ("/xrpc") since "/api/v1" is so common for web-based APIs in general.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Introducing . Hollo is an -enabled single-user microblogging software. Although it's for a single user, it also supports creating and running multiple accounts for different topics.

It's headless, meaning you can use existing client apps instead, with its Mastodon-compatible APIs. It has most feature parity with Mastodon. Two big differences with Mastodon is that you can use in the content of your posts and you can quote another post.

Oh, and Hollo is built using and .


HelloQuitteX's avatar

@[email protected]

Comment quitter le Titan- et retrouver vos followers sur en 5 min ?
Votre bateau de sauvetage ➡️ app.helloquitx.com
(merci à Angel IP- agence.angelip.fr)

Jérôme Herbinet | FLOSS's avatar
Jérôme Herbinet | FLOSS

@[email protected]

🔥 I'm told through my earpiece that from version 7.1, your PeerTube channel URL added to your profile should finally be recognized and appear as verified ✅. @Chocobozzz (and @Framasoft), thank you very much for this great expected news 🥳

Jérôme Herbinet | FLOSS's avatar
Jérôme Herbinet | FLOSS

@[email protected]

🔥 I'm told through my earpiece that from version 7.1, your PeerTube channel URL added to your profile should finally be recognized and appear as verified ✅. @Chocobozzz (and @Framasoft), thank you very much for this great expected news 🥳

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Mona for iPhone has this feature "load remotely" that can be added as an icon to the post. I use it a lot, because I can see all the likes, shares and replies that there are supposed to be. In my browser I use a Chrome extension called Substitoot.

I'm wondering why can't this be the new default? There's probably a huge technical reason, but because it works seamlessly in some apps and extension, why can't it be reality in the core?

A screencap video of Mona, load remotely feature
A screencap video of Mona, load remotely feature
Linux Is Best's avatar
Linux Is Best

@[email protected]

A friendly reminder that, "botsin.space" will soon be shutting down. If you have a bot there, you need to find it a new home.

“botsin.space"가 곧 종료될 예정이라는 친절한 알림입니다. 그곳에 봇이 있는 경우 새 거처를 찾아야 합니다.

「botsin.space」がまもなく閉鎖されます。 そこにボットを置いている方は、新しい家を探してください。

Eine freundliche Erinnerung daran, dass „botsin.space“ bald abgeschaltet werden wird. Wenn Sie einen Bot dort haben, müssen Sie ein neues Zuhause für ihn finden.

Linux Is Best's avatar
Linux Is Best

@[email protected]

A friendly reminder that, "botsin.space" will soon be shutting down. If you have a bot there, you need to find it a new home.

“botsin.space"가 곧 종료될 예정이라는 친절한 알림입니다. 그곳에 봇이 있는 경우 새 거처를 찾아야 합니다.

「botsin.space」がまもなく閉鎖されます。 そこにボットを置いている方は、新しい家を探してください。

Eine freundliche Erinnerung daran, dass „botsin.space“ bald abgeschaltet werden wird. Wenn Sie einen Bot dort haben, müssen Sie ein neues Zuhause für ihn finden.

Linux Is Best's avatar
Linux Is Best

@[email protected]

A friendly reminder that, "botsin.space" will soon be shutting down. If you have a bot there, you need to find it a new home.

“botsin.space"가 곧 종료될 예정이라는 친절한 알림입니다. 그곳에 봇이 있는 경우 새 거처를 찾아야 합니다.

「botsin.space」がまもなく閉鎖されます。 そこにボットを置いている方は、新しい家を探してください。

Eine freundliche Erinnerung daran, dass „botsin.space“ bald abgeschaltet werden wird. Wenn Sie einen Bot dort haben, müssen Sie ein neues Zuhause für ihn finden.

fediverseobserver's avatar

@[email protected]

Found 27 new servers and 32 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,877 servers checked. 14,854,391 Total Users with 1,052,245 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

lichtzeit.wengweng.de a server from Germany
snw.chajuti.de a server from Germany
downtoearthmagazine.nl a server from The Netherlands
pixelfed-u29672.vm.elestio.app a server from Germany
libre.ee a server from Estonia
mitra.ex06.nohost.me a server from Italy
social.nifeeden.com a server from France
m.catbaron.com a server from Japan
gts1.xvello.net a server from Germany
golgumip.gbox.network a server from Germany
social.alexonsager.com a server from Private
madcircle.net a server from Poland
glitch.sekbaer.de a server from Germany
gts.pijean.ovh a server from France
cuddles.jetzt a server from The Netherlands
mastodon.cif.su a server from Private
darice.org a server from The Netherlands
aoharu.place a server from United States
abc.zartzurt.nohost.me a server from Türkiye
scr-ty.xsns.jp a server from Japan
mastodon.haf.ovh a server from France
social.wizrd.sh a server from Private
yeen.town a server from The Netherlands
aural.icu a server from Germany
komeet.marjo.win a server from Private
s.djehuti.com a server from United States
fdv.mtx.cx a server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

HelloQuitteX's avatar

@[email protected]

La plateforme HelloQuitteX vous permet désormais de lier trois comptes : , et et de charger des fichiers de plusieurs millions de followers pour une reconnexion automatique le
Rejoignez-nous et retrouvez les followers que vous aviez sur X : app.HelloQuitX.com

Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Mona for iPhone has this feature "load remotely" that can be added as an icon to the post. I use it a lot, because I can see all the likes, shares and replies that there are supposed to be. In my browser I use a Chrome extension called Substitoot.

I'm wondering why can't this be the new default? There's probably a huge technical reason, but because it works seamlessly in some apps and extension, why can't it be reality in the core?

A screencap video of Mona, load remotely feature
A screencap video of Mona, load remotely feature

@[email protected]

Bonjour  ! Au et partout ailleurs, nous attendons de pied ferme !

David Chartier's avatar
David Chartier

@[email protected]

And the press that keeps sucking up to Elon and sure as hell don’t help either.


A Mastodon post that reads: Twitter: "Hi, we're run by a
cryptofascist who reinstates the
accounts of literal nazis while
suspending those of press. We'll
keep randomly taking away
features with no notice and limiting
your visibility until you pay us a
monthly fee, which you can only do
in a handful of countries. Vaccines
are bad, the election was rigged,
and we love Putin!"
Mastodon: "Hi! You need to choose
a server and our DM UX is a little
A Mastodon post that reads: Twitter: "Hi, we're run by a cryptofascist who reinstates the accounts of literal nazis while suspending those of press. We'll keep randomly taking away features with no notice and limiting your visibility until you pay us a monthly fee, which you can only do in a handful of countries. Vaccines are bad, the election was rigged, and we love Putin!" Mastodon: "Hi! You need to choose a server and our DM UX is a little iffy." Users: "NEVER BEFORE HAVE I FACED A CHOICE THIS HARD"
Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

What I'd like to see in the Fediverse or Mastodon built-in is an user controlled feed like FediAlgo. Chronological feed is nice, but I find myself using the Explore feature a lot and wanting more.

Current ongoing discussions:

Fediverse Champion's avatar
Fediverse Champion

@[email protected]

🎄 You’re invited to the Holiday Party! 🎉

✨ Celebrate the magic of social media from real people - no ads, no algorithms, no influencers.

Explore platforms like , , and . It’s social media the way it should be. About you.

Come see our communities holiday cheer for yourself:
🌟 mastodon.social/tags/Happyholi
🌟 pixelfed.social/i/web/hashtag/

No signups, no apps - just real connections. 🎁

A festive holiday invitation with red and green decorative elements. At the top, it says: “You are invited” in green text, followed by “Holiday Party” in large, festive red script. Below, the text reads: “Celebrate the magic of social media from real people, not algorithms or influencers.”
In bold red, it highlights: “Open Social Web (the ‘Fediverse’).”
A yellow box features links:
The bottom text reads: “Come see what user-owned social looks like! No signups or apps!” with decorative holiday graphics of reindeer, gingerbread people, and ornaments surrounding the design.
A festive holiday invitation with red and green decorative elements. At the top, it says: “You are invited” in green text, followed by “Holiday Party” in large, festive red script. Below, the text reads: “Celebrate the magic of social media from real people, not algorithms or influencers.” In bold red, it highlights: “Open Social Web (the ‘Fediverse’).” A yellow box features links: •mastodon.social/tags/Happyholidays •pixelfed.social/i/web/hashtag/happyholidays The bottom text reads: “Come see what user-owned social looks like! No signups or apps!” with decorative holiday graphics of reindeer, gingerbread people, and ornaments surrounding the design.
Robert Kingett's avatar
Robert Kingett

@[email protected]

Mastodon's Mastodon'ts jwz.org/blog/2023/08/mastodons

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

Misskey vs ?

(From Google autosugest results.)

misskey vs

misskey vs mastodon
misskey vs bluesky
misskey vs twitter
misskey vs firefish
misskey vs sharkey
misskey vs mastodon reddit
misskey vs calckey
akkoma vs misskey
misskey hockey
misskey io
misskey vs misskey vs mastodon misskey vs bluesky misskey vs twitter misskey vs firefish misskey vs sharkey misskey vs mastodon reddit misskey vs calckey akkoma vs misskey misskey hockey misskey io
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

Mastodon vs ?

(From Google autosugest results.)

mastodon vs

mastodon vs bluesky
mastodon vs mammoth
mastodon vs elephant
mastodon vs bluesky reddit
mastodon vs threads
mastodon vs twitter
mastodon vs x
mastodon vs discord
mastodon vs mammoth teeth
mastodon vs reddit
mastodon vs mastodon vs bluesky mastodon vs mammoth mastodon vs elephant mastodon vs bluesky reddit mastodon vs threads mastodon vs twitter mastodon vs x mastodon vs discord mastodon vs mammoth teeth mastodon vs reddit
Quincy's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Quincy's post

has started doing this, too, and there's no checkbox to turn these off :-(

シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:

@[email protected]

Looking back on the indie projects I developed in 2024

✨SoraSNS: An iOS client for Mastodon, Misskey, Bluesky, and Nostr in the Fediverse, featuring an AI-powered "Recommended" timeline

✨Neo: A decentralized chat app built on Matrix

✨Spatial Escape I: A phone booth escape game for Apple Vision Pro
✨Spatial Boxer: A boxing game for Apple Vision Pro

Other apps I launched:

🦊URL Passport: Check domain ownership details
🐙Octo Notes: Note-taking app for iPad with Pencil support
🤖Smart AI: Chat with local LLMs like Phi and Llama
🦊Kyoto Shrine Guide: A guide to Kyoto's shrines

Next month, I’m launching a new indie app about ✈️. Stay tuned!

fediverseobserver's avatar

@[email protected]

Found 27 new servers and 32 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,877 servers checked. 14,854,391 Total Users with 1,052,245 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

lichtzeit.wengweng.de a server from Germany
snw.chajuti.de a server from Germany
downtoearthmagazine.nl a server from The Netherlands
pixelfed-u29672.vm.elestio.app a server from Germany
libre.ee a server from Estonia
mitra.ex06.nohost.me a server from Italy
social.nifeeden.com a server from France
m.catbaron.com a server from Japan
gts1.xvello.net a server from Germany
golgumip.gbox.network a server from Germany
social.alexonsager.com a server from Private
madcircle.net a server from Poland
glitch.sekbaer.de a server from Germany
gts.pijean.ovh a server from France
cuddles.jetzt a server from The Netherlands
mastodon.cif.su a server from Private
darice.org a server from The Netherlands
aoharu.place a server from United States
abc.zartzurt.nohost.me a server from Türkiye
scr-ty.xsns.jp a server from Japan
mastodon.haf.ovh a server from France
social.wizrd.sh a server from Private
yeen.town a server from The Netherlands
aural.icu a server from Germany
komeet.marjo.win a server from Private
s.djehuti.com a server from United States
fdv.mtx.cx a server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

Zelda 👑's avatar
Zelda 👑

@[email protected]

He's here... They're here...

John Mastodon arrived just in time for

A picture of a yellow plush mastodon, the mascot of the mastodon project, is pictured in front of a small pink Christmas tree and several wrapped presents
A picture of a yellow plush mastodon, the mascot of the mastodon project, is pictured in front of a small pink Christmas tree and several wrapped presents
Roni Laukkarinen's avatar
Roni Laukkarinen

@[email protected]

Let it snow! ❄️

I have added snow to my instance during the winter holidays. It's a tiny JS canvas and fades out on scroll down. The snow is also respecting the system accessibility settings, it won't be there if you prefer reduced motion.

Here's the source code for server admins: github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mas
See the snow yourself: mementomori.social

Snow slowly and smoothly falling down from top of the Mastodon window
Snow slowly and smoothly falling down from top of the Mastodon window
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

I wish Mastodon handled ActivityStreams "type":"Video" as well as "type":"Note" with a Video attachment.

They could be rendered the same. But they (currently) aren't.

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

Short-Form Video length & size limits on different social-media platforms:

• Akkoma — size 16MB
• Bluesky — 60sec
• GoldFish — ?
• Instagram — 90sec
• Loops — 60sec
• Mastodon — size 99MB
• Misskey — size 250MB
• Pleroma — size 16MB
• TikTok — 600sec
• Threads — 300sec
• Twitter — 140sec, size 512MB
• Vidzy — 180sec, size 99MB
• YouTube — 180sec

elCelio 🇪🇺 🇺🇦's avatar
elCelio 🇪🇺 🇺🇦

@[email protected] · Reply to Mastodon's post

thank you. I had been looking forward to it for a while!

Julie Moynat's avatar
Julie Moynat

@[email protected]

OK les admins d'instances Mastodon, il faut qu'on parle.

Je viens d'apprendre que, depuis la version 4.3.0 de Mastodon, enfin, vous pouvez choisir que votre instance respecte, par défaut, le thème de couleurs choisi dans le système d'exploitation des internautes.

Par conséquent, plutôt que de forcer un thème sombre ou clair, vous pouvez respecter notre choix. Ainsi, une personne qui consulte votre instance sans y avoir de compte verra ses préférences prises en compte.

Il s'agit d'un besoin d'accessibilité.

Hé non, le thème sombre forcé par défaut n'est pas une bonne idée.
Il y a des gens qui ne peuvent pas lire les textes sur fond sombre. Et, il n'existe pas d'extension de navigateur pour transformer un site sombre vers un site clair (l'inverse est vrai, par contre !).

Pouvez-vous activer ça sur vos instances s'il vous plaît ?
Allez, c'est Noël, offrez-nous un peu d'accessibilité 🥺


David Chartier's avatar
David Chartier

@[email protected]

And the press that keeps sucking up to Elon and sure as hell don’t help either.


A Mastodon post that reads: Twitter: "Hi, we're run by a
cryptofascist who reinstates the
accounts of literal nazis while
suspending those of press. We'll
keep randomly taking away
features with no notice and limiting
your visibility until you pay us a
monthly fee, which you can only do
in a handful of countries. Vaccines
are bad, the election was rigged,
and we love Putin!"
Mastodon: "Hi! You need to choose
a server and our DM UX is a little
A Mastodon post that reads: Twitter: "Hi, we're run by a cryptofascist who reinstates the accounts of literal nazis while suspending those of press. We'll keep randomly taking away features with no notice and limiting your visibility until you pay us a monthly fee, which you can only do in a handful of countries. Vaccines are bad, the election was rigged, and we love Putin!" Mastodon: "Hi! You need to choose a server and our DM UX is a little iffy." Users: "NEVER BEFORE HAVE I FACED A CHOICE THIS HARD"
FinchHaven's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Mastodon's post



It's almost 2025 where I am

How about where you are?

And where does the money come from?

Mastodon's avatar

@[email protected]

If you're curious how is doing by the numbers, the 2023 Annual Report is finally here. How large is our budget, and where does it go? Who works on Mastodon? For all of this and more, we've got an answer--at least as far as 2023 goes.


boredsquirrel's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Daniel Supernault's post


, , or are really nice. But without any algorithm to at least sort the content by topic, I have to admit the is really hard to use.

The discover page on Loops shows this in a very drastic way. There is nothing, you need to search for usernames.

Stefan Bohacek's avatar
Stefan Bohacek

@[email protected] · Reply to Stefan Bohacek's post

A follow-up poll. Where does your money go?

Cost of running a server1 (11%)
Cost of hosting uploaded images, videos, etc1 (11%)
Paid fediverse apps0 (0%)
Donations to fediverse admins4 (44%)
Donations to fediverse developers1 (11%)
Other donations1 (11%)
Other0 (0%)
I don't spend any money1 (11%)
Stefan Bohacek's avatar
Stefan Bohacek

@[email protected] · Reply to Stefan Bohacek's post

A follow-up poll. Where does your money go?

Cost of running a server0 (0%)
Cost of hosting uploaded images, videos, etc0 (0%)
Paid fediverse apps0 (0%)
Donations to fediverse admins0 (0%)
Donations to fediverse developers0 (0%)
Other donations0 (0%)
Other0 (0%)
I don't spend any money0 (0%)
David Bisset's avatar
David Bisset

@[email protected]


Turn your archive file into a standalone static HTML site.

“Easy to customize, easy to search, all posts also indexed not just chronologically, but on tag pages.”


宵闇🐈‍⬛映画や漫画の再現料理を作る人's avatar

@[email protected]




ぷーざ's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to ぷーざ's post



jack's avatar

@[email protected]

Can some sort of client do this please?


sublimer@あすてろいどん鯖管's avatar

@[email protected]

Fediverse Advent Calendar 23日目の記事です。

MastodonのOpenTelemetry対応をちょっとだけ改善してみた - await wakeUp(); sublimer.hatenablog.com/entry/

sb's avatar

@[email protected]

Hoooooly it is a drag to find/add people on a fresh instance!

If you see this post, kindly boost it up so I can find my peeps again!

Strypey's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to deutrino's post


> welcome to The Mastodon Network™ Development Process, itsfoss!

There are so many poor engineering decisions leading to this problem. But it could be worse; each client could generate its own unique link preview, instead of each server creating one for the people using it.

Maybe this points to a solution for @Gargron and co? What if the account posting the link generated the link preview, and sent it as part of the post metadata?


Erik Uden 🍑's avatar
Erik Uden 🍑

@[email protected]

Wishing for a Mastodon plushie this Christmas?🎄

We’re giving away one for free to a random person who boosts and favorites this post! Winner will be announced on December 25th.

If you’d like to support our server and projects like these, donations are always welcome:

✊🎁 Support Here :paypal: :kofi:

Thank you all for turning this year into what it has been! :ablobcatsnowjoy:

An image of a Mastodon plushie with a Christmas hat, Christmas wrapping background, presents to the left saying “Merry Christmas”, and a Christmas tree with colorful lights to the right. A text is written above and below the image on its leftward side saying “Merry Christmas! from mastodon.de”

The plushie's name is “Oskar”.
An image of a Mastodon plushie with a Christmas hat, Christmas wrapping background, presents to the left saying “Merry Christmas”, and a Christmas tree with colorful lights to the right. A text is written above and below the image on its leftward side saying “Merry Christmas! from mastodon.de” The plushie's name is “Oskar”.
Emeritus Prof Christopher May's avatar
Emeritus Prof Christopher May

@[email protected]

Hi fellow Mastodonians.... just wanted to check something;

my feeling is that there is a lot more activity on Mastodon at the weekends than during the week (by which I mean re-posting, liking & replying) ... is that just me or a more general impression?

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮's avatar
Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@[email protected]

With the API, is there a way when posting to it, to get it to return the link of the new post?

Christoffer Tallerås's avatar
Christoffer Tallerås

@[email protected]

I was going through my media presence for 2024, and got totally suprised that the interview I did with Framtida got published in March this year! I had the feeling it wasn't happening and I did not get any notification that there came any of it. 😅

I think this one goes the best into the politics of the fediverse.


Framtida is a Norwegian newsorganization that cover young culture and politics in "New-norwegian".

Cliff O'Lantern 🎃's avatar
Cliff O'Lantern 🎃

@[email protected]

Masty the Mastodon has arrived!

I'm so excited to finally have this.

A photo I took of the plush Mastodon stuffed animal that arrived. #Plushtodon is the hashtag used for these photos and it's even on the tag on the ear. 

You can see part of my keyboard and two monitors in the photo along with my mouse.
A photo I took of the plush Mastodon stuffed animal that arrived. #Plushtodon is the hashtag used for these photos and it's even on the tag on the ear. You can see part of my keyboard and two monitors in the photo along with my mouse.
Chris Alemany's avatar
Chris Alemany

@[email protected]

We are at $902 of $2500 for the launch fundraiser!! THANK YOU!! ❤️❤️ We're 1/3rd of the way there!

Please help our socialbc.ca regional instance launch, Jan 1 2025 and support the expansion of the community-based by donating!

Go here: paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=
Or Interac e-Transfer: [email protected]
or get in touch if there is another way you'd like to donate!

Shout out for some support and reach from movers!

A little thermometer graphic shows $902 of $2500. The thermometer is a black outlined tall rounded box with teal green/blue in the bottom up to “$902” The little SocialBC Mammoth logo is sitting on top of the level and the whole thing is surrounded by a similar rounded green rectangular box.
A little thermometer graphic shows $902 of $2500. The thermometer is a black outlined tall rounded box with teal green/blue in the bottom up to “$902” The little SocialBC Mammoth logo is sitting on top of the level and the whole thing is surrounded by a similar rounded green rectangular box.
Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻's avatar
Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻

@[email protected] · Reply to Maho Pacheco 🦝🍻's post

It's crazy how much power these centralized algorithms have over content visibility. On Mastodon, my posts are received by 100% of my followers without the gatekeeping.

batmanyyo's avatar

@[email protected]

Yo me amo .


Gato haciendo selfie.
ALT Gato haciendo selfie.
kristophr's avatar

@[email protected]

Question for all the out there - I recently found out that my media s3 storage is sitting at 4.8TB worth of data lmao.

I updated the system settings to purge them after 14 days - about 14 days ago and nothing has been purged yet. How do I force it to purge any media thats older than 14 days?


contrapunctus (they/them)'s avatar
contrapunctus (they/them)

@[email protected]

@husky 's README says it has "Markdown support with WYSIWYG editor", but I don't see anything of the sort when using my account (fe.disroot.org)...nor does it appear with my account (but Mastodon doesn't support Markdown, right?)

(Husky v1.6.1 from F-Droid.)

Spinner's avatar

@[email protected]

On the subject of bridging Blue Sky and Mastodon:

Please do not accelerate the entwittification of the Fediverse. At the very least, keep everything opt-in, or our posts will be used for AI content to feed the profit monster.

Dane  FREE PALESTINE's avatar

@[email protected]

While I like my Mastodon home, They could really take some design tips from Sharkey. It's quick become my favorite protocol/spot on the fediverse.

@_elena wrote a nice piece about it on her blog.


Steve Dustcircle 🌹's avatar
Steve Dustcircle 🌹

@[email protected]

"How I Use My for and :

Keep up with anyone, no account required.


Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

We are committed to growing open and democratic New Social networks.

We believe that your online presence shouldn't be controlled by a single person or organisation. We think it should belong to you.

That's why we want to help for-good organisations own their home on social media.

kyu3(キューさん) :vivaldi_red:'s avatar
kyu3(キューさん) :vivaldi_red:

@[email protected]

ThreadsやBlueskyの投稿をテーマ別に串刺し表示できる「Surf」β公開 - ITmedia NEWS

は、分散型ソーシャルネットワークプロトコルの「」と「」、 をベースに構築されており、関心のある事柄を中心に人物、動画、記事、画像、ポッドキャストを整理したカスタムフィードを構築し、閲覧できるアプリ。


GNU/Linux.ch's avatar

@[email protected]

Das Fediverse: ein nachhaltiges Soziales Netzwerk

Eine Studie möchte aufgrund von stagnierenden Nutzerzahlen die Nachhaltigkeit von Mastodon untersuchen. Doch ist ein stetiges Wachstum wirklich nachhaltig?


宵闇🐈‍⬛映画や漫画の再現料理を作る人's avatar

@[email protected]



kiq / キク's avatar
kiq / キク

@[email protected]

Mastodonに入れたよ。はてなブックマークと連携してるし / “ハッシュタグ廃止ならX離れ加速? 「mixi2」「Bluesky」など、移住先にしたいSNSは?【人気投票実施中】 | IT・科学 ねとらぼリサーチ” (1 user) nlab.itmedia.co.jp/research/ar  

𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚠𝚛𝚊𝚙's avatar
𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚠𝚛𝚊𝚙

@[email protected]

My follows/follower ratio makes it seem like a typical Twitter fake account. FYI, it's the result of me jumping servers. My bad. Slowly unfollowing inactive accounts. So far, over 300 of them!

PS: Do check your list regularly. Many re-follows have appeared way down the list, though apparently recent; perhaps their follow was slow to propagate across the

Titus von der Malsburg 📖👀💭's avatar
Titus von der Malsburg 📖👀💭

@[email protected]

I want an algorithmic timeline but one where I‘m making the rules.

PUPUWEB Blog's avatar

@[email protected]

Flipboard launches Surf, an app to create custom feeds from Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, RSS, podcasts, & YouTube! 🎧📱 Now in beta on iOS, Android, & iPadOS.

DJM (freelance for hire)'s avatar
DJM (freelance for hire)

@[email protected]

"Surf, a new kind of browser for a new kind of web — the open social web.

Built on AT Proto, ActivityPub and RSS, you can easily create and surf custom feeds that organize people, videos, articles and podcasts around the things you care about."

More at surf.social/ (beta program)

Well, seems it's mobile only, this means I'll pass for now. And it appears, for these guys, Bluesky is part of the Fediverse... OK, nevermind.

Mastodon's avatar

@[email protected]

The stuffed toy is now available in the United States! This is a limited run of 500. Check out the hashtag for more pictures!


A stuffed Mastodon toy is leaning over to drink some coffee.
A stuffed Mastodon toy is leaning over to drink some coffee.
Mark Gardner's avatar
Mark Gardner

@[email protected]

get friends on , , , and to follow you on :

1. Translate your Fedi address to Bluesky and Threads addresses using the attached guide. Replace `@` with `%40` in the Threads link.

2. Follow @bsky.brid.gy for your Bluesky friends. Share your Bluesky link and encourage them to follow @ap.brid.gy there.

3. Ask your non-Threads friends on Facebook and Instagram to join Threads and enable sharing. Share your Threads link.

HOWTO get friends on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads to follow you on Mastodon:

Translate your Fedi address to Bluesky and Threads addresses using the attached guide. Replace @ with %40 in the Threads web link.

Follow @bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy for your Bluesky friends. Share your Bluesky link and encourage them to follow @ap.brid.gy there.

Ask your non-Threads friends on Facebook and Instagram to join Threads and enable Fediverse sharing. Share your Threads link.

example translation of Mastodon address to Bluesky and Threads:

fedi: @mjgardner@social.sdf.org
web: https://social.sdf.org/@mjgardner

Bluesky: @mjgardner.social.sdf.org.ap.brid.gy
web: https://bsky.app/profile/mjgardner.social.sdf.org.ap.brid.gy

Threads: mjgardner@social.sdf.org
web: https://www.threads.net/fediverse_profile/%40mjgardner%40social.sdf.org
HOWTO get friends on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads to follow you on Mastodon: Translate your Fedi address to Bluesky and Threads addresses using the attached guide. Replace @ with %40 in the Threads web link. Follow @[email protected] for your Bluesky friends. Share your Bluesky link and encourage them to follow @ap.brid.gy there. Ask your non-Threads friends on Facebook and Instagram to join Threads and enable Fediverse sharing. Share your Threads link. example translation of Mastodon address to Bluesky and Threads: fedi: @[email protected] web: https://social.sdf.org/@mjgardner Bluesky: @mjgardner.social.sdf.org.ap.brid.gy web: https://bsky.app/profile/mjgardner.social.sdf.org.ap.brid.gy Threads: [email protected] web: https://www.threads.net/fediverse_profile/%40mjgardner%40social.sdf.org
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

📚 Mastodon History

Back in February 23rd, 2016 — Mastodon first described itself as:

“Mastodon is a federated microblogging engine. An alternative implementation of the GNU Social project.”

The history of Mastodon is tied to GNU Social.




Mastodon is a federated microblogging engine. An alternative implementation of the GNU Social project. Based on ActivityStreams, Webfinger, PubsubHubbub and Salmon.

The core ideals of this project are:

• Independence of legacy Twitter APIs - we don't want to be compatible with Twitter clients, we want our own clients
• In that vein, a strong and clean REST API and OAuth2
• Minimalism. Just because you can do almost anything with ActivityStreams doesn't mean you should. Limit the set of possible functions to what makes sense in a microblogging engine. This will make federation as well as UI design a lot easier
• Ease of deployment. The end-goal of this project is to be distributable as a Docker image.

Current status of the project is early development. Documentation, licensing information &co will be added later
Mastodon Mastodon is a federated microblogging engine. An alternative implementation of the GNU Social project. Based on ActivityStreams, Webfinger, PubsubHubbub and Salmon. The core ideals of this project are: • Independence of legacy Twitter APIs - we don't want to be compatible with Twitter clients, we want our own clients • In that vein, a strong and clean REST API and OAuth2 • Minimalism. Just because you can do almost anything with ActivityStreams doesn't mean you should. Limit the set of possible functions to what makes sense in a microblogging engine. This will make federation as well as UI design a lot easier • Ease of deployment. The end-goal of this project is to be distributable as a Docker image. Current status of the project is early development. Documentation, licensing information &co will be added later
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

📚 Mastodon History

Mastodon's initial sourcec-code (git) commit happened February 20th, 2016.



Cliff O'Lantern 🎃's avatar
Cliff O'Lantern 🎃

@[email protected]

The Mastodon plushie is now available to anyone in the USA if you are interested!


Newsmast's avatar

@[email protected]

When we first set up over here, we struggled to keep up with all the little bits of news from across the Fediverse and open social web.

We've got a grasp of it now (thanks mostly to @fediversereport ) but we were wondering, is keeping up with the Fediverse something you struggle with?

Please boost so this poll reaches more people - thanks!

If you have another answer, let us know in the comments. We really enjoy hearing your thoughts.

Yes, I struggle to keep up13 (25%)
I only miss a few bits of news8 (15%)
No, I'm on top of everything4 (8%)
I only keep up with what matters to me27 (52%)
Tommi 🤯's avatar
Tommi 🤯

@[email protected]

Mastodon.social alt text analysis report! 🧐

Me and my friend Cristal just published a report on image description usage on mastodon.social, as a group project for the Introduction to Data Science course of the Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Societies Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program.

Thoughts and feedback are welcome 💕

A huge thanks to @stefan for publishing the dataset on which we based our analysis!

NOTE: We are absolutely aware that the report has very little actual relevance, as the dataset contains a super limited amount of posts from one instance only. It was mainly an experimentation to test our data analysis skills.

Jan Vlug's avatar
Jan Vlug

@[email protected]

Hi @linuxfoundation, is there another place than youtube where I can see the videos of your events?

Why are there only buttons to surveillance capitalism platforms on your website?

I'm missing links to services like: , , .

Screenshot of buttons to surveillance capitalism platforms. No buttons for public value driven platforms.
Screenshot of buttons to surveillance capitalism platforms. No buttons for public value driven platforms.
sebsauvage's avatar

@[email protected]

Il y a des utilisateurs de Moshidon dans la salle ?
Savez-vous comment désactiver ces inutile cartes GÉANTES pour les liens ? Je trouve ça ridicule.

{Insert Pasta Pun}'s avatar
{Insert Pasta Pun}

@[email protected]

OH: "the fediverse is so conservative and hostile to change"

yup, that about summarizes it.

constantly worried about (spoiler, at colleges you're SUPPOSED to get new users, be nice damnit)

not listening to new users' UX, safety, and usability concerns, (which leads to frustration, "why not just use a TTY? it's only a little speed bump")

thinking that their community server's standards of interaction extend to /other people's business on other instances/ as if it was an HOA,

GENKI's avatar

@[email protected]

確かに、言語設定が英語のまま日本語が書かれてる投稿を結構見る :mastodon:

GENKI's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to GENKI's post

:fediverse: :mastodon: にとってのハッシュタグは、ハッシュタグフォロー機能とかもあるし、文化としてだけじゃなく機能としての側面もあるので自分は積極的に使っていきたい

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s avatar
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

@[email protected]

📚 Fediverse History

On October 5th, 2016, Eugen Rochko announces Mastodon on Hacker News:


Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:'s avatar
Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@[email protected]

Quite some tech journalists and "influencers" out there keep on telling us that (and the whole , because they typically don't know that there is more than just one service ;) is losing users after the last wave of newcomers.

Weird thing is: I keep on getting more followers and my timeline is getting better and more diverse with a lot of inspiring content and respectful discussions.

So, I guess, smaller is better :) Thank you all for being awesome!

Fediverse Report's avatar
Fediverse Report

@[email protected]

New: Last Week in - ep 97

This week's news:
- A New Social is a new non-profit for bridging platforms and protocols, and will take on the governance of Bridgy Fed
- @peertube released v7, their yearly update with a complete redesign
- The organisation behind app Mammoth and @subclub shuts down due to a lack of funding, as Mozilla has shut down their fediverse investment

Read at: fediversereport.com/last-week-

Em :official_verified:'s avatar
Em :official_verified:

@[email protected]

Today is John Mastodon Day!🎉 :mastodon:

Seems like the perfect day to tell everyone to Join Mastodon! :awesome:


Stefan Bohacek's avatar
Stefan Bohacek

@[email protected]

This is a small change, but greatly improves Mastodon's interface, making it a lot less cluttered and confusing.

Step in the right direction!


A comparison of a notice shown to Mastodon users when replying to a post from another server.

Bottom screenshot, with shortened description:

Reply to foo's post

To continue, you need to reply from your account

[input box with a placeholder text "E.g. username@mastodon.social" and a button labeled "Go"]

Don't have an account yet? [link labeled "Create account"]

Top screenshot, current version: the notice contains a long explanation:

Reply to Stefan Bohacek's post

With an account on Mastodon, you can respond to this post. You are not logged in to this server. Where is your account hosted?

[input field labeled with "Domain of your home server, e.g. mastodon.social"]

[button labeled with "Take me home"]

Tip: That's the website where you signed up. If you don't remember, look for the welcome e-mail in your inbox. You can also enter your full username! (e.g. @Mastodon@mastodon.social)

Not on Mastodon? Create account
A comparison of a notice shown to Mastodon users when replying to a post from another server. Bottom screenshot, with shortened description: Reply to foo's post To continue, you need to reply from your account [input box with a placeholder text "E.g. [email protected]" and a button labeled "Go"] Don't have an account yet? [link labeled "Create account"] Top screenshot, current version: the notice contains a long explanation: Reply to Stefan Bohacek's post With an account on Mastodon, you can respond to this post. You are not logged in to this server. Where is your account hosted? [input field labeled with "Domain of your home server, e.g. mastodon.social"] [button labeled with "Take me home"] Tip: That's the website where you signed up. If you don't remember, look for the welcome e-mail in your inbox. You can also enter your full username! (e.g. @[email protected]) Not on Mastodon? Create account
Emeline Parizel's avatar
Emeline Parizel

@[email protected] · Reply to Emeline Parizel's post

(On arrive à la fin je vous jure...)

- Décembre 2024

Le même phénomène se reproduit lorsque @pierrot m'invite à parler de mon voyage à vélo de Paris à Athènes, mais également de mon lien avec et le , et c'est là que l'idée d'un thread récapitulatif a fait son apparition 😅

Comme je suppose qu'aucune autre radio ne me donnera carte blanche aussi longtemps sur le sujet, j'avoue que je prends bien le temps de remercier nombre d'entre vous qui avez fait irruption dans ma vie en ligne comme grâce à cet espace pour créer du lien, l'internet que j'aime, celui qui connecte 💛



fediverseobserver's avatar

@[email protected]

Found 26 new servers and 22 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,971 servers checked. 14,468,779 Total Users with 1,088,847 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

eventi.miniereurbane.it a server from Italy
locaverse.fr a server from France
social.rigiz.com a server from Estonia
octojellycrochetstudio.com a server from United States
mastodon.valkenb.org a server from New Zealand
deuts.one a server from Private
fr.iend.space a server from United States
mastodon.gioscloud.synology.me a server from United States
6070cc.co.uk a server from Private
josephnadler.id.au a server from Australia
social.michal-atlas.cz a server from Czechia
mitra.raccoonden.moe a server from Germany
estemtotes.online a server from Spain
bots.blakeeskin.com a server from France
m.sapcec.com a server from Germany
rustbelt.social a server from United States
misskey.pleiades92.net a server from Private
social.stbn.xyz a server from Germany
firefoxsociety.top a server from United States
icedoatmilk.coffee a server from Private
soc.spooky.academy a server from Finland
pentium.reimu.info a server from Private
gts.grassblock.eu.org a server from Private
malar.club a server from Germany
rubychannel.channel.org a server from United Kingdom
fedi.makura.top a server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱

@[email protected]

Exquisite.social is a delightful and innocuous generic Glitch Mastodon server, with a slight focus on technology, privacy and *BSD. We are here to play a