
Sudelsurium's avatar


🔴 Da muss ich hin:

🌊 Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek zeigt mehr als 130 Exponate aus ihrer großartigen Sammlung japanischer Farbholzschnitte. Auch Hokusais „Große Welle” ist dabei.

🌊 Vom 27. März bis 6. Juli 2025 ist die Ausstellung „Farben Japans – Holzschnitte aus der Sammlung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek” in zu sehen.

🌊 Eintritt frei. Samstags und an Feiertagen geschlossen.


noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


peace of spring.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


peace of spring.

Sudelsurium's avatar


🔴 Da muss ich hin:

🌊 Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek zeigt mehr als 130 Exponate aus ihrer großartigen Sammlung japanischer Farbholzschnitte. Auch Hokusais „Große Welle” ist dabei.

🌊 Vom 27. März bis 6. Juli 2025 ist die Ausstellung „Farben Japans – Holzschnitte aus der Sammlung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek” in zu sehen.

🌊 Eintritt frei. Samstags und an Feiertagen geschlossen.


atomicker's avatar


Title: Snowy Garden, Urayasu (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A dim, snowy night in Urayasu, Chiba. On the right, a simple bamboo fence leans at an angle, protecting what may be the garden of the title from the worst of the falling snow. Nearby, a trio of 'bekabune' type boats rest tied up along one side of a narrow canal. Just beyond, a figure warms themselves by a fire in front of a pair of dark buildings, possibly warehouses. Further on, a river separates this area from houses lined up on the far shore. Heavy snow continues to fall from a dark, overcast sky.
ALT text detailsA dim, snowy night in Urayasu, Chiba. On the right, a simple bamboo fence leans at an angle, protecting what may be the garden of the title from the worst of the falling snow. Nearby, a trio of 'bekabune' type boats rest tied up along one side of a narrow canal. Just beyond, a figure warms themselves by a fire in front of a pair of dark buildings, possibly warehouses. Further on, a river separates this area from houses lined up on the far shore. Heavy snow continues to fall from a dark, overcast sky.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Somehow, Osaka World Expo has found itself with *another* controversy. This one comes from illustrator Aoyama Kunihiko, who drew a "future city" for the guidebook - but he says the Expo printed a preliminary smartphone pic he'd taken of his work instead of the final product.

X post from user @aoyamakunihiko. Text in Japanese: 

「大阪・関西万博 公式ガイドブック」で未来都市のイラストを描きましたが、完成品ではなく、制作途中でレイアウト検討のために必要と言われスマホで撮って編集部に送ったものがそのまま載ってました!
ALT text detailsX post from user @aoyamakunihiko. Text in Japanese: 前代未聞な事が起きました! 「大阪・関西万博 公式ガイドブック」で未来都市のイラストを描きましたが、完成品ではなく、制作途中でレイアウト検討のために必要と言われスマホで撮って編集部に送ったものがそのまま載ってました! こんな事30年描いてきて初めてです!
dystronix's avatar


Lost in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Lost in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snowy Garden, Urayasu (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A dim, snowy night in Urayasu, Chiba. On the right, a simple bamboo fence leans at an angle, protecting what may be the garden of the title from the worst of the falling snow. Nearby, a trio of 'bekabune' type boats rest tied up along one side of a narrow canal. Just beyond, a figure warms themselves by a fire in front of a pair of dark buildings, possibly warehouses. Further on, a river separates this area from houses lined up on the far shore. Heavy snow continues to fall from a dark, overcast sky.
ALT text detailsA dim, snowy night in Urayasu, Chiba. On the right, a simple bamboo fence leans at an angle, protecting what may be the garden of the title from the worst of the falling snow. Nearby, a trio of 'bekabune' type boats rest tied up along one side of a narrow canal. Just beyond, a figure warms themselves by a fire in front of a pair of dark buildings, possibly warehouses. Further on, a river separates this area from houses lined up on the far shore. Heavy snow continues to fall from a dark, overcast sky.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


With rice & utility costs skyrocketing in Japan, Chinese restaurants specializing in fried rice (chaahan) are sweating. Many will need to raise prices to stay afloat - but, like with ramen, many say they can't break the "1000 yen wall" ($6.60) w/o driving off customers.


Plate of fried rice
ALT text detailsPlate of fried rice
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese TV show Monday Late Show (Getsuyou Kara Yofukashi), starring Matsuko Deluxe, apologized for a clip in which a Chinese woman appears to say there are few crows in China because everyone eats them. The show admits that staff deceptively edited the segment.


Monday Late Show (Getsuyou Kara no Yofukashi) - Chinese woman speaking about crows in Japan
ALT text detailsMonday Late Show (Getsuyou Kara no Yofukashi) - Chinese woman speaking about crows in Japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Once a year, Japan’s many gods hold an annual conference – the Kamihakari (神議り) – to discuss matters such as agriculture and marriage. Their gathering place? The awe-inspiring Izumo Grand Shrine in Shimane Prefecture. Here's why you should visit.


Izumo Taisha, Izumo, Shimane Prefecture
ALT text detailsIzumo Taisha, Izumo, Shimane Prefecture
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Dainichi Nyorai Statue, Enjo-ji, . The earliest work of the sculptor Unkei. Unkei's style is characterized by strong, masculine facial expressions, but because the main image was created when he was 20 years old, his facial expressions are not fully original. This work gives us a glimpse of the conflict between following the traditional style of the period or pursuing an original path.

Dainichi Nyorai Statue, Enjo-ji, #Japan. The earliest work of the #Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Unkei's style is characterized by strong, masculine facial expressions, but because the main image was created when he was 20 years old, his facial expressions are not fully original. This work gives us a glimpse of the conflict between following the traditional style of the #Heian period or pursuing an original path.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsDainichi Nyorai Statue, Enjo-ji, #Japan. The earliest work of the #Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Unkei's style is characterized by strong, masculine facial expressions, but because the main image was created when he was 20 years old, his facial expressions are not fully original. This work gives us a glimpse of the conflict between following the traditional style of the #Heian period or pursuing an original path. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Legend tells how warrior monk Benkei stood tall so his master could flee. It’s the epilogue to the greatest war story in Japanese history.

There’s only one problem: in all likelihood, it never happened.


Picture of Benkei statue with the words "Benkei: Fact vs. Fiction"
ALT text detailsPicture of Benkei statue with the words "Benkei: Fact vs. Fiction"
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Dainichi Nyorai Statue, Enjo-ji, . The earliest work of the sculptor Unkei. Unkei's style is characterized by strong, masculine facial expressions, but because the main image was created when he was 20 years old, his facial expressions are not fully original. This work gives us a glimpse of the conflict between following the traditional style of the period or pursuing an original path.

Dainichi Nyorai Statue, Enjo-ji, #Japan. The earliest work of the #Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Unkei's style is characterized by strong, masculine facial expressions, but because the main image was created when he was 20 years old, his facial expressions are not fully original. This work gives us a glimpse of the conflict between following the traditional style of the #Heian period or pursuing an original path.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsDainichi Nyorai Statue, Enjo-ji, #Japan. The earliest work of the #Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Unkei's style is characterized by strong, masculine facial expressions, but because the main image was created when he was 20 years old, his facial expressions are not fully original. This work gives us a glimpse of the conflict between following the traditional style of the #Heian period or pursuing an original path. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Nakai Masahiro scandal at Fuji TV has effectively crippled the station. After a string of high-profile resignations, new reports in Japanese media are wondering whether it’s also causing the station to lose some of its top female talent.


Woman escaping Fuji TV
ALT text detailsWoman escaping Fuji TV
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


cloudy weather.

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Covering 86641m2, Maruyama-kōen (円山公園) is the oldest and most popular of Kyōto’s parks.

Officially opened in 1886, from 1912 Ogawa Jihei (小川治兵衛 d.1933) landscaped the park into a pond and stroll garden (池泉回遊式庭園) over 3 years.

Maruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
Yakasa Pagoda at night.
ALT text detailsYakasa Pagoda at night.
Maruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
Nao-san on Ninenzaka at eventide.
ALT text detailsNao-san on Ninenzaka at eventide.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Covering 86641m2, Maruyama-kōen (円山公園) is the oldest and most popular of Kyōto’s parks.

Officially opened in 1886, from 1912 Ogawa Jihei (小川治兵衛 d.1933) landscaped the park into a pond and stroll garden (池泉回遊式庭園) over 3 years.

Maruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
Yakasa Pagoda at night.
ALT text detailsYakasa Pagoda at night.
Maruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
Nao-san on Ninenzaka at eventide.
ALT text detailsNao-san on Ninenzaka at eventide.
atomicker's avatar


'Wildfires continue to spread in western Japan, with no signs of being brought under control', 'expanding in Ehime and Okayama prefectures, while a new wildfire broke out in Miyazaki Prefecture'


The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Wildfires that began on Sunday in Ehime and Okayama prefectures in western Japan have burned through over 900 hectares of land. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Wildfires that began on Sunday in Ehime and Okayama prefectures in western Japan have burned through over 900 hectares of land. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

atomicker's avatar


'Wildfires continue to spread in western Japan, with no signs of being brought under control', 'expanding in Ehime and Okayama prefectures, while a new wildfire broke out in Miyazaki Prefecture'


Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Maruyama-kōen's (円山公園) famous 70-year old shidare-zakura (枝垂桜 'weeping cherry') is one of the city's most recognizable trees.

The original tree was 200 years old when it withered in 1947. In 1949 Sano Tōemon (佐野藤右衛門) planted the tree we see today.

Maruyama Park's 70 year old shidare-zakura is one of the city's most well known.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park's 70 year old shidare-zakura is one of the city's most well known.
Maruyama Park's great weeping cherry tree in full bloom.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park's great weeping cherry tree in full bloom.
Maruyama Park's great weeping cherry tree in full bloom.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park's great weeping cherry tree in full bloom.
Maruyama Park's great weeping cherry tree in full bloom.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park's great weeping cherry tree in full bloom.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

...to night🌝

The great weeping cherry at Maruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
ALT text detailsThe great weeping cherry at Maruyama Park illuminated for hanami.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

From day...

Maruyama Park's famous weeping cherry tree.
ALT text detailsMaruyama Park's famous weeping cherry tree.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Nao-san is your guide as we take a wander around Maruyama Park (円山公園) and Gion Shirakawa (祇園白川), neighbourhoods close to our Camellia Flower Teahouse (カメリアフラワー).

Pour a drink, pick a sweet, and get comfortable...let's celebrate the blossoms🙌

The great weeping cherry tree of Maruyama Park.
ALT text detailsThe great weeping cherry tree of Maruyama Park.
Nao-san poses in front of Maruyama Park's famous cherry tree. This time of year is peak hay fever season. As the air is also filled with fine sand blown from the mainland, you will see many people wearing masks to save themselves from allergies.
ALT text detailsNao-san poses in front of Maruyama Park's famous cherry tree. This time of year is peak hay fever season. As the air is also filled with fine sand blown from the mainland, you will see many people wearing masks to save themselves from allergies.
Blossoms illuminated beside the Shirakawa River.
ALT text detailsBlossoms illuminated beside the Shirakawa River.
The great weeping cherry tree of Maruyama Park at night.
ALT text detailsThe great weeping cherry tree of Maruyama Park at night.
dystronix's avatar


After Snowing in Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


After Snowing in Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In what is surely a bad sign for the summer to come, Japan yesterday saw temperatures of 30C (86F) - the first time Japan has seen 真夏日 (manatsubi), or a day 30C or over, in March in 26 years.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sekino Ryusuke of Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture was born in 2018 a mere 258 grams (.56 lbs) - the smallest recorded birth ever. It took half a year until he could leave the hospital. Today, he's doing very well and, at age 6, has just graduated from kindergarten.


Sekino Ryusuke at age 6
ALT text detailsSekino Ryusuke at age 6
Ryusuke graduating from kindergarten
ALT text detailsRyusuke graduating from kindergarten
Ryusuke at birth
ALT text detailsRyusuke at birth
Kids looking in on Ryusuke as his mom holds him up to a window
ALT text detailsKids looking in on Ryusuke as his mom holds him up to a window
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want to travel Japan in style? You’ll have more choices come 2027, as JR Tokai has announced it’ll add a new “half-private” type luxury seat with plenty of space and a nice view. Learn more about this and other new Shinkansen travel options below.


Shinkansen passing by Mt. Fuji
ALT text detailsShinkansen passing by Mt. Fuji
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Among Japan’s most dedicated tea producers, Honda Mohei from Mohei Tea works as a guardian of Japan's tea culture. Rooted in the tea-rich region of Shizuoka, Mohei continues the expertise of generations past, balancing traditional techniques with modern innovation.


Shot of tea fields in Shizuoka with Mt. Fuji in the background
ALT text detailsShot of tea fields in Shizuoka with Mt. Fuji in the background
Zen in Color's avatar
Zen in Color


Nishino Yoichi aka 西野陽一 aka Yoichi Nishino (, b. 1954, , ) - Unknown Title Ink and Color on Paper.

Nishino Yoichi aka 西野陽一 aka Yoichi Nishino (#Japanese, b. 1954, #Kyōto, #Japan) - Unknown Title Ink and Color on Paper.
ALT text detailsNishino Yoichi aka 西野陽一 aka Yoichi Nishino (#Japanese, b. 1954, #Kyōto, #Japan) - Unknown Title Ink and Color on Paper.
Zen in Color's avatar
Zen in Color


Nishino Yoichi aka 西野陽一 aka Yoichi Nishino (, b. 1954, , ) - Unknown Title Ink and Color on Paper.

Nishino Yoichi aka 西野陽一 aka Yoichi Nishino (#Japanese, b. 1954, #Kyōto, #Japan) - Unknown Title Ink and Color on Paper.
ALT text detailsNishino Yoichi aka 西野陽一 aka Yoichi Nishino (#Japanese, b. 1954, #Kyōto, #Japan) - Unknown Title Ink and Color on Paper.
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


The EU and Japan both fret about a world without the U.S. security umbrella. They could ease their fears by moving closer together. japantimes.co.jp/commentary/20

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A memorial ceremony was held in an Okinawa Prefecture village on Wednesday, the 80th anniversary of the U.S. military's landing on the Kerama Islands, which preceded fierce ground battles during World War II. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


The EU and Japan both fret about a world without the U.S. security umbrella. They could ease their fears by moving closer together. japantimes.co.jp/commentary/20

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A memorial ceremony was held in an Okinawa Prefecture village on Wednesday, the 80th anniversary of the U.S. military's landing on the Kerama Islands, which preceded fierce ground battles during World War II. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

dystronix's avatar


Night in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


Hot weather in Miyazaki and Kagoshima. 30.1C (86.2F) was observed in Saito, Miyazaki, at 1.10pm. It's the second time a temperature of over 30C has been recorded in March.

dystronix's avatar


Night in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"This photo never fails to invoke a certain je ne sais quoi"

Post on X by arinaariri. Original Japanese: 何回みても味がするこの写真
ALT text detailsPost on X by arinaariri. Original Japanese: 何回みても味がするこの写真
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Folks in Japan are talking about Akihabara's new Dr. Pepper-only vending machine, located near the JR Akiba Electric Town exit. DP (you know what I mean, pervs) has been sold in Japan since 1973, but its unique taste has limited its appeal to Tokyo, Shizuoka, and Okinawa.

X post about the Dr. Pepper vending machine by @Bashamichi_H. Japanese text: これがいま秋葉原界隈で話題のドクターペッパー専用自販機です。
ALT text detailsX post about the Dr. Pepper vending machine by @Bashamichi_H. Japanese text: これがいま秋葉原界隈で話題のドクターペッパー専用自販機です。
Alo Japan's avatar
Alo Japan


alojapan.com/1226121/video-che VIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo – KIRO Seattle VIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo  KIRO SeattleJapan’s cherry blossom season begins as first blooms appear in Tokyo  The Associated PressCherry blossoms begin blooming in Washington, DC: See photos of ‘puffy white’ flowers  USA TODAYThis Mountain National Park Is Japan’s Best Cherry…

VIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo - KIRO Seattle
ALT text detailsVIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo - KIRO Seattle
Alo Japan's avatar
Alo Japan


alojapan.com/1226121/video-che VIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo – KIRO Seattle VIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo  KIRO SeattleJapan’s cherry blossom season begins as first blooms appear in Tokyo  The Associated PressCherry blossoms begin blooming in Washington, DC: See photos of ‘puffy white’ flowers  USA TODAYThis Mountain National Park Is Japan’s Best Cherry…

VIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo - KIRO Seattle
ALT text detailsVIDEO: Cherry blossom season starts in Tokyo - KIRO Seattle
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


52% of Japanese youth don't want kids, mouso soup, incels disrespect dead woman, and book cafes around Tokyo - this and more in this week's Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Young people walking in a crowd on the sidewalk towards the camera
ALT text detailsYoung people walking in a crowd on the sidewalk towards the camera
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A "street piano" in a food court in Osaka is no more. The piano's management company has removed it after it ignited a firestorm of online controversy by telling bad piano players to stay away and to practice at home until they git gud.


Kid plays on a piano while a woman plugs her ears in horror
ALT text detailsKid plays on a piano while a woman plugs her ears in horror
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thai authorities arrested and extradited Fujinuma Tomu (29), who allegedly met a teenage boy in Miyagi Prefecture on an online game & lured him into working for a fraud ring in Myanmar, where the young man was forced to scam people until recently rescued.


Picture of Fujinuma Tomu being arrested by Thai authorities
ALT text detailsPicture of Fujinuma Tomu being arrested by Thai authorities
Picture of Fujinuma Tomu being told by Thai police how absolutely fucked he is
ALT text detailsPicture of Fujinuma Tomu being told by Thai police how absolutely fucked he is
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"There's no feminism in Japan!!" claim dudes on their fourth anime waifu body pillow. That's not true. It's so not true, in fact, that we wrote a three-part series detailing extremely how not true it is. Learn more about feminism in Japan from Meiji to today.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"There's no feminism in Japan!!" claim dudes on their fourth anime waifu body pillow. That's not true. It's so not true, in fact, that we wrote a three-part series detailing extremely how not true it is. Learn more about feminism in Japan from Meiji to today.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Beyond providing a sense of purification and relaxation, Japanese onsen (hot springs) offer a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature. However, some “hidden onsen” excel in this regard more profoundly than others. Here are some of Japan's best hidden gems (shhh).


Woman in onsen holding water in her hands
ALT text detailsWoman in onsen holding water in her hands
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Mori no Tosyo Shitsu, or the Forest Library, is where you’d least expect to find it: Center Gai, right next to the Shibuya Scramble. Like many small Tokyo shops, if you don’t know it’s there, you’ll likely never run across it.

Forest Library (Mori no Tosyo Shitsu) in Shibuya - people sitting and reading at tables. Bookshelves full of books line the walls.
ALT text detailsForest Library (Mori no Tosyo Shitsu) in Shibuya - people sitting and reading at tables. Bookshelves full of books line the walls.
Mike Edwards's avatar
Mike Edwards

@mike_edwards@mas.to · Reply to Mike Edwards's post

After the museum, we headed out of downtown Takamatsu to the east, where there are tons of workshops and other art stops. It's a really nice tramway that connects everything together, both quaint and efficient

View from the tram from Takamatsu to the workshops east of town
ALT text detailsView from the tram from Takamatsu to the workshops east of town
Mike Edwards's avatar
Mike Edwards

@mike_edwards@mas.to · Reply to Mike Edwards's post

After the museum, we headed out of downtown Takamatsu to the east, where there are tons of workshops and other art stops. It's a really nice tramway that connects everything together, both quaint and efficient

View from the tram from Takamatsu to the workshops east of town
ALT text detailsView from the tram from Takamatsu to the workshops east of town
Mike Edwards's avatar
Mike Edwards

@mike_edwards@mas.to · Reply to Mike Edwards's post

My kid noticed this set, and I couldn't believe it. At a high angle, you see the black and gold motif. But if you bend down to kid height, it reveals another pattern hidden in the light, which are inverse images of the phases of the moon, different on each lacquerware plate. Unreal.

At a high angle, lacquer plates with a delicate gold and black motif, but...
ALT text detailsAt a high angle, lacquer plates with a delicate gold and black motif, but...
At a low angle, it reveals a white and black inverse of the phases of the moon on each plate
ALT text detailsAt a low angle, it reveals a white and black inverse of the phases of the moon on each plate
Mike Edwards's avatar
Mike Edwards

@mike_edwards@mas.to · Reply to Mike Edwards's post

Believe it or not, these aren't even the best lacquerware pieces, although they're amazing—I just wasn't allowed to photograph the choshitsu work in the adjoining room that would blow your mind. Even so, these are so gorgeous it makes my heart hurt.

Black and gold lacquer container with bird design on top
ALT text detailsBlack and gold lacquer container with bird design on top
Golden lacquer container with mother of pearl squirrel and acorn inlay
ALT text detailsGolden lacquer container with mother of pearl squirrel and acorn inlay
Abstract black lacquer box with iridescent thin striped inlay
ALT text detailsAbstract black lacquer box with iridescent thin striped inlay
Mike Edwards's avatar
Mike Edwards


Lacquer, Wood, and Stone in Kagawa Prefecture

There are tons of craftspeople and artists in and around Takamatsu. We started our day here at the Takamatsu Art Museum, which is winding down a really incredible exhibit on urushi, Japanese lacquerware.

(BTW, if you're ever in Seoul instead, their craft museum has an amazing exhibit on the lacquer process for Korean lacquerware that is not to be missed.)

Green and yellow striped lacquerware bowl
ALT text detailsGreen and yellow striped lacquerware bowl
Green and blue ocean-patterned lacquerware bowl
ALT text detailsGreen and blue ocean-patterned lacquerware bowl
Orange and black lacquerware bowl
ALT text detailsOrange and black lacquerware bowl
iridescent lacquerware bowl
ALT text detailsiridescent lacquerware bowl
dystronix's avatar


riverside rain in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


dystronix's avatar


riverside rain in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

From ancient times cherry blossoms were revered, deeply connected to 'Konohanasakuya-hime' (木花咲耶姫), the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.

As the 'Cherry Tree Blossom Blooming Princess' she symbolizes how delicate life on earth is, and *importantly* keeps Mt. Fuji dormant.

Sakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
ALT text detailsSakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
ALT text details'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
ALT text details'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
Sakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
ALT text detailsSakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The cost of rice is continuing to skyrocket in Japan. The average price over one week from March 10th has risen to 4,172 yen (USD $27.60) for a 5kg bag. That's a rise of 2,126 yen over the same period last year & the 11th week straight it's gone up.


It's rice
ALT text detailsIt's rice
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Osaka High Court has just found that refusing to acknowledge same-sex marriage in Japan is unconstitutional. This overturns an initial ruling in the case brought by three couples across Japan & marks the 5th time a high court has made such a ruling.


Picture outside of Osaka High Court
ALT text detailsPicture outside of Osaka High Court
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's gov and National Police Agency may pursue asking banks to limit ATM withdrawals for those ages 75 and over to 300K yen ($1,990)/day. The move would limit rising theft by fraud groups that trick seniors into giving them cash. 45% of such victims are over 75.


Picture  of National Police Agency sign
ALT text detailsPicture of National Police Agency sign
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


dystronix's avatar


riverside rain in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Excited to see the ( Linux Users Group) in organizing a reading club for our Creating your own federated microblog tutorial! 🎉 Their first session is coming up, where participants will work through creating their own -compatible microblog using . Thanks for spreading the word about Fedify in Japan! :fedify: 🇯🇵

Check out their event on Connpass!


Fediverse Linux Users Group's avatar
Fediverse Linux Users Group


​:fedilug:​ 輪読会📖第0弾として


Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

From ancient times cherry blossoms were revered, deeply connected to 'Konohanasakuya-hime' (木花咲耶姫), the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.

As the 'Cherry Tree Blossom Blooming Princess' she symbolizes how delicate life on earth is, and *importantly* keeps Mt. Fuji dormant.

Sakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
ALT text detailsSakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
ALT text details'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
ALT text details'Konohanasakuya-hime', the goddess of Mt. Fuji and volcanoes.
Sakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
ALT text detailsSakura with a snow capped Mt Fuji in the background.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Otaru Aquarium in Hokkaido lends baby strollers - some costing up to 70K yen (USD $460) - for free to visitors. Two have now "gone missing," and it's begging for them back. Netizens are criticizing the aquarium for being naive & not collecting a deposit or even an address.


Post by Otaru Aquarium on X. Japanese text: お知らせ
ALT text detailsPost by Otaru Aquarium on X. Japanese text: お知らせ 当館にて無料でお貸出しているベビーカーが2/4(日)と3/17(月)に2台が相次いで行方不明になりました。 このような事が続きますと、今後の貸出について考えなければなりません。 ご来館時、ベビーカーなどを使用された場合、正面入口へご返却をお願い致します。
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese netizens are expressing concern for supermodel Rola after she used what some say is a weird kanji. Find out why, along with more news & commentary, in our next issue of Unseen Japan Insider, going out Tuesday am (US) to all subscribers.


Text from clipping: If you know Japan, you likely know Rola (ローラ). The Japanese supermodel - who’s of Japanese, Russian, and Bangladeshi descent - was born in Tokyo’s Tama City and spent many years of her childhood moving between Bangladesh and Japan. Today, she lives a jet-setting life as an international model based out of Los Angeles.

For her entire career, Rola’s been known simply as “Rola.” Last week, however, she made a big reveal on her Instagram, announcing that her full name is Sato Eri (佐藤えり). Rola also revealed she’d be traveling regularly to Niigata, where her Sato ancestors rest, to learn farming.
ALT text detailsText from clipping: If you know Japan, you likely know Rola (ローラ). The Japanese supermodel - who’s of Japanese, Russian, and Bangladeshi descent - was born in Tokyo’s Tama City and spent many years of her childhood moving between Bangladesh and Japan. Today, she lives a jet-setting life as an international model based out of Los Angeles. For her entire career, Rola’s been known simply as “Rola.” Last week, however, she made a big reveal on her Instagram, announcing that her full name is Sato Eri (佐藤えり). Rola also revealed she’d be traveling regularly to Niigata, where her Sato ancestors rest, to learn farming.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Shinto shrine in Tsushima (yes, that Tsushima) has declared its grounds off-limits to both foreign and domestic tourists after an "unforgivable act of disrespect." The controversial shrine has previously banned all foreigners & once banned Korean tourists.


Picture of a white Shinto torii gate facing a lake of water. Watazumi Shrine, Nagasaki Prefecture
ALT text detailsPicture of a white Shinto torii gate facing a lake of water. Watazumi Shrine, Nagasaki Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


We still have a few slots left for April for guided touring! Let Unseen Japan show you around the cherry blossoms, educate you on the culture and history of famous locations, and act as your interpreters to bridge the language gap with locals.


A geisha standing in the middle of a street that looks like Gion in Kyoto. To her left is a Western woman in kimono and to her right is an Asian woman in kimono.
ALT text detailsA geisha standing in the middle of a street that looks like Gion in Kyoto. To her left is a Western woman in kimono and to her right is an Asian woman in kimono.
Kagi HQ's avatar
Kagi HQ


From April 21-25, Kagi's team (including CEO Vlad) is heading to Tokyo 🇯🇵 to meet companies interested in our advanced translation solutions.

We'd also love to meet our local user community while we're there! If you're based in Tokyo and interested, please reach out to gillian[at]kagi.com to arrange.

Illustration of a happy dog sitting in front of a traditional Japanese torii gate. The torii is bright orange with a black top and features a "g" logo at the center. Green bamboo plants are on both sides of the dog.
ALT text detailsIllustration of a happy dog sitting in front of a traditional Japanese torii gate. The torii is bright orange with a black top and features a "g" logo at the center. Green bamboo plants are on both sides of the dog.
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Two separate wildfires in Okayama and Ehime prefectures that started over the weekend continue to blaze, having destroyed at least 370 hectares of land between them as firefighters tried to put them out. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


One thing that could help cut down the burden of housework for Japanese women (who do their unfair share) is a piece of technology that’s ubiquitous in America. Here's why the modern dishwasher still has yet to make a dent in most Japanese homes.


Picture of an open dishwasher with a nice living room visible in the background
ALT text detailsPicture of an open dishwasher with a nice living room visible in the background
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Two separate wildfires in Okayama and Ehime prefectures that started over the weekend continue to blaze, having destroyed at least 370 hectares of land between them as firefighters tried to put them out. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


22-year-old livestreamer Mogami Ai, real name Sato Airi, was murdered in cold blood by 42-year-old Takano Kenichi. Not content to let her rest in peace, some incels are going so far as to pay their final disrespects at the scene where she died.


Picture of Takadanobaba with Mogami Ai's pic in an inset frame on the lower right hand side
ALT text detailsPicture of Takadanobaba with Mogami Ai's pic in an inset frame on the lower right hand side
Mike Edwards's avatar
Mike Edwards


Go on about your business, Ghibli koi. And free my sister/uncle/grandparents from your alternate dimensional prison, please

Magical orange white and black koi starts to swim away. To concoct a new plan, probably
ALT text detailsMagical orange white and black koi starts to swim away. To concoct a new plan, probably
dystronix's avatar


Night life in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 5:38, 86 seconds earlier than the day before.
It will set at 17:56, 49 seconds later than the day before.

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Farmers would originally begin planting rice when the cherry blossoms bloomed, for it was at this time that the 'god of grain' came down from her mountain abode.

The word 'sakura' was initially formed from the characters 'sa' (神 'god') & 'kura' (座 'stand for divine offerings').

Woodblock print of women enjoying the sakura.

Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of women enjoying the sakura. Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
Woodblock print of people picnicking and enjoying cherry blossoms.

Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of people picnicking and enjoying cherry blossoms. Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
Woodblock print of the blossoms at Ninna-ji.

Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of the blossoms at Ninna-ji. Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
Woodblock print of people picnicking and enjoying cherry blossoms.

Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of people picnicking and enjoying cherry blossoms. Image thanks - https://ukiyo-e.org/
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post


'Hanami' (花見), literally 'flower viewing', nowadays mostly refers to the enjoyment of sakura.
People gather to drink and eat beneath the cherry blossoms, either during the day or for evening light-up events known as 'yozakura' (夜桜 'night sakura').

Inari-zushi for hanami, each with cute expressions from cut pieces of dried seaweed and carrots.
ALT text detailsInari-zushi for hanami, each with cute expressions from cut pieces of dried seaweed and carrots.
Hanami parties along the Kamogawa in Kyoto. The river is lined with sakura trees making it a popular destination in the spring.
ALT text detailsHanami parties along the Kamogawa in Kyoto. The river is lined with sakura trees making it a popular destination in the spring.
Sweets for an impromptu outdoor tea ceremony beneath the sakura.
ALT text detailsSweets for an impromptu outdoor tea ceremony beneath the sakura.
Yozakura 'night sakura' is a popular time to feast beneath the blossoms.
ALT text detailsYozakura 'night sakura' is a popular time to feast beneath the blossoms.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



And just like that Kyōto enters sakura season...

a straight line
all the way to Kyoto...
umbrella-hatted blossom viewers
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1822.
Trans. David Lanoue.

An explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
ALT text detailsAn explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
An explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
ALT text detailsAn explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
The cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
ALT text detailsThe cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
The cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
ALT text detailsThe cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

It's often difficult to gauge when to start celebrating the various blossoms...but this isn't a problem inside the teahouse😋🌸

a bevy of teahouses
cherry blossoms
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1819.

Delicate glass-like aruheito candy in the shape of sakura blossoms and leaves.
ALT text detailsDelicate glass-like aruheito candy in the shape of sakura blossoms and leaves.
A wafer sweet beautiful decorated with icing in the shape of cherry blossoms.
ALT text detailsA wafer sweet beautiful decorated with icing in the shape of cherry blossoms.
Sweet rice crackers flavoured with sakura and dyed pink for the blossom season.
ALT text detailsSweet rice crackers flavoured with sakura and dyed pink for the blossom season.
An unusual sakura-mochi with fresh sakura leaves (not edible).
ALT text detailsAn unusual sakura-mochi with fresh sakura leaves (not edible).
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Spring's arrival in Kyōto is marked by the blooming of the sakura tree at Modori-bashi, the 'Resurrection Bridge'.

It's early flowering blossoms are some of the first to appear, and can gather quite the crowd😅

Admiring the blossoms at Ichijo Modori-bashi, some of the earliest cherry blossoms to bloom in Kyoto,
ALT text detailsAdmiring the blossoms at Ichijo Modori-bashi, some of the earliest cherry blossoms to bloom in Kyoto,
Cherry blossoms at Ichijo Modori-bashi.
ALT text detailsCherry blossoms at Ichijo Modori-bashi.
Replica of the old Modori-bashi bridge in the grounds of Seimei-jinja. The bridge has played host to many miraculous stories, and became deeply connected to resurrection thanks to a holy man who managed to revive his father on the bridge. Stopping the funeral procession his father awoke long enough to say goodbye, and then passed away once more.
ALT text detailsReplica of the old Modori-bashi bridge in the grounds of Seimei-jinja. The bridge has played host to many miraculous stories, and became deeply connected to resurrection thanks to a holy man who managed to revive his father on the bridge. Stopping the funeral procession his father awoke long enough to say goodbye, and then passed away once more.
Admiring the blossoms at Ichijo Modori-bashi, some of the earliest cherry blossoms to bloom in Kyoto,
ALT text detailsAdmiring the blossoms at Ichijo Modori-bashi, some of the earliest cherry blossoms to bloom in Kyoto,
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



And just like that Kyōto enters sakura season...

a straight line
all the way to Kyoto...
umbrella-hatted blossom viewers
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1822.
Trans. David Lanoue.

An explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
ALT text detailsAn explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
An explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
ALT text detailsAn explosion of sakura brightens up this pedestrian crossing signal.
The cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
ALT text detailsThe cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
The cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
ALT text detailsThe cherry trees at Ichijo Modori-bashi are some of the earliest in Kyoto to bloom.
dystronix's avatar


Night life in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna live in Tokyo for cheap - but don't wanna live so far out that you can't catch a train to the heart of the city? A Japanese real estate website listed the 50 stations where average rents for one person come in below 75K yen (USD $500) - here's what they found.


Woman holding up a set of keys in front of you while smiling
ALT text detailsWoman holding up a set of keys in front of you while smiling
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese politician Tachibana Takashi made the news after someone decided to cross the line from political disagreement to political violence. The attack was apparently motivated by his involvement in a scandal in Hyogo Prefecture.


Tachibana Takashi looking at camera, picture imposed in front of the Ministry of Finance building
ALT text detailsTachibana Takashi looking at camera, picture imposed in front of the Ministry of Finance building
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Bad tourist behavior has made headlines in Japan as the country plans to welcome 40 million visitors next year. However, a recent spate of headlines shows bad traveler behavior is something of a global epidemic.


Great Wall of China with a picture of the moon in the upper left hand corner
ALT text detailsGreat Wall of China with a picture of the moon in the upper left hand corner
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Jake Adelstein, a regular contributor to Unseen Japan, will be speaking at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ) on March 31, 2025, about his latest book, The Last Yakuza: A Life in the Japanese Underworld. Learn more below.


A copy of Jake Adelstein's The Last Yakuza superimposed over the tattooed torso of a yakuza gangster.
ALT text detailsA copy of Jake Adelstein's The Last Yakuza superimposed over the tattooed torso of a yakuza gangster.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good morning from Tokyo on a lovely Sunday! Today, my wife will participate in a singing event in Yokohama, so I'll go out later to cheer her on. Here she is a couple of years ago, sat in a tatami room at Kenninji Temple in Kyoto.

At Kenninji Temple in Kyoto, Japan, a woman is sitting on a tatami floor and looking through opened sliding doors at at Japanese garden. Autumn sunlight fills the room.
ALT text detailsAt Kenninji Temple in Kyoto, Japan, a woman is sitting on a tatami floor and looking through opened sliding doors at at Japanese garden. Autumn sunlight fills the room.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


While it's working to launch one in 2026, Japan still has no official sexual offender database. A small group of individuals just launched one as both a free and a paid service - but some experts say, under current Japanese law, it may very well be illegal.


Sex offender registry in Japan - picture of map of sex offenders plotted across Japan on the left. On the right, a figure of Lady Justice holding scales is peeking at Japan while prying up one side of her blindfold
ALT text detailsSex offender registry in Japan - picture of map of sex offenders plotted across Japan on the left. On the right, a figure of Lady Justice holding scales is peeking at Japan while prying up one side of her blindfold
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Go to a restaurant in Japan these days, & odds are 50/50 they'll ask you to scan a QR code to order. While restaurants love these cheap, labor-saving systems, some Japanese customers say they resent the "free ride" on their bandwidth and battery.


Woman ordering food from her smartphone
ALT text detailsWoman ordering food from her smartphone
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese beef bowl chain Sukiya has confirmed that a customer at a store in Tottori Prefecture was served a bowl of miso soup containing a whole mouse carcass. JP net users are lambasting the company for staying silent about the 2-month-old hygiene violation.


Mouse Miso - picture of a bowl of miso soup with a drawing of a mouse overlaid on it
ALT text detailsMouse Miso - picture of a bowl of miso soup with a drawing of a mouse overlaid on it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It’s something a lot of people both in – and out – of Japan – do on the regular: putting wasabi in their soy sauce. Some traditionalists will tell you that mixing the two is the work of the devil. But what do people on Japanese social media think?


Freshly grated wasabi on a wooden block
ALT text detailsFreshly grated wasabi on a wooden block
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"We are conditioned to question ourselves. Anytime women try to carve out a safe space, we tend to over-explain and beg for understanding—despite our real, firsthand experiences that made it necessary in the first place." - Japanese comedian Yuki Nivez

Yuki Nivez on stage at a Tokyo comedy show.
ALT text detailsYuki Nivez on stage at a Tokyo comedy show.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan’s population is both aging and becoming more single. That means many senior citizens won’t have family who will follow them into the afterlife. In response, one organization is helping seniors find friends who’ll accompany them into the Grave Beyond.


Grave friends story - picture of three older women with arms interlocked and smiling and waving to the camera. Behind them is a cemetery.
ALT text detailsGrave friends story - picture of three older women with arms interlocked and smiling and waving to the camera. Behind them is a cemetery.
chuls's avatar


Thinking rethinking

A photo taken at night in front of a Japanese izakaya, a lantern in front of the signage
ALT text detailsA photo taken at night in front of a Japanese izakaya, a lantern in front of the signage
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In a bold move pulling Japan into the 21st century, the National Police Agency is eliminating skirts for the nation's 20K+ female officers from its uniform guidelines. The fashion choice dates back to an era when women on the force were largely relegated to traffic control.


Female police officer wearing skirt
ALT text detailsFemale police officer wearing skirt
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As Japan's population continues to shrink, a new survey finds that 52% of Japanese people ages 15 to 39 say they neither have nor want children. The survey also shows many facing economic challenges, with 11.2% saying they had trouble in the past year even buying food.


Young people walking in a crowd on the sidewalk towards the camera
ALT text detailsYoung people walking in a crowd on the sidewalk towards the camera
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


For the first time, the government has released specific guidelines on how people should act in the event of an eruption of Mount Fuji, recommending residents stay at home to prevent panic. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


For the first time, the government has released specific guidelines on how people should act in the event of an eruption of Mount Fuji, recommending residents stay at home to prevent panic. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sukyo Mahikari, a Japanese new religious movement, purports to seek true happiness through the practice of universal principles (崇教; sukyo), as well as the salvation of both this world and the astral world. However, say critics, the group isn't all harmony and light.


Sukyo Mahikari World Shrine
ALT text detailsSukyo Mahikari World Shrine
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Nipponia is a unique hotel company that doesn’t build new facilities but instead repurposes historic buildings as accommodations for domestic and inbound tourists. TIME magazine recently lauded the Nipponia in Sado, which opened last year and is built in a restored merchant’s house.

Nipponia Sado Aikawa
ALT text detailsNipponia Sado Aikawa
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In Japan Post's controversial ad spot, a company package courier tries to deliver a package to a woman at her home. The post is titled, “The woman who positively doesn’t wanna be seen without makeup vs. the delivery person who somehow has to get her signature.”

“The woman who positively doesn’t wanna be seen without makeup vs. the delivery person who somehow has to get her signature.” - X post from JapanPostHD_PR
ALT text details“The woman who positively doesn’t wanna be seen without makeup vs. the delivery person who somehow has to get her signature.” - X post from JapanPostHD_PR
dystronix's avatar


Everyday life in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Everyday life in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese politician Tamaki Yuichiro of the Democratic Party for the People recently claimed foreign residents can get reimbursed for high-cost health care after only three months here. Theoretically, he's correct. But here's why the data shows this is a made-up problem.


Picture of a piggy bank, yen bills, a calculator, and a stethoscope
ALT text detailsPicture of a piggy bank, yen bills, a calculator, and a stethoscope
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The subway systems in Japan’s major cities are very convenient for getting around. Sometimes, however, you just wanna hail a ride back to your hotel. Fortunately, various Japan taxi services now make it easier not only to get a ride but even communicate with your driver.


Japan taxi services - female taxi driver in white gloves and a blue vest standing in front of a green taxi
ALT text detailsJapan taxi services - female taxi driver in white gloves and a blue vest standing in front of a green taxi
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Japan marked the 30th anniversary on Thursday of the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack by the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult, which killed 14 people and injured over 6,000. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Japan marked the 30th anniversary on Thursday of the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack by the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult, which killed 14 people and injured over 6,000. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Takano Kenichi told a friend he lent Mogami Ai (Sato Airi) over 2.5 million yen ($16,850). He said he’d taken out loans of 1M yen to cover it, somehow believing that the (at the time of the below message) 20-year-old livestreamer and cabaret club hostess was good for it.

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A former National Police Agency executive has expressed regret for failing to raid Aum Shinrikyo bases before the doomsday cult mounted its sarin nerve gas attack in the Tokyo subway system. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Thirty years ago, the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo brought terror to Tokyo. In the years that followed, authorities set out to make the morning commute as safe as possible. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Thirty years after a sarin attack on Tokyo's subway system, a former emergency room physician describes the terror of treating large numbers of patients without initially knowing what happened to them. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Offerings of ume trees were made throughout the centuries.

The scholar Motoori Norinaga (本居宣長 1730-1801) included this poem with his gift...

may a plum be planted,
nay, may a thousand
or eight thousand be planted
so that seen from afar
they appear as a sacred shrine fence.

Variegated plum blossoms.
ALT text detailsVariegated plum blossoms.
A single ume blossom pops up from a mossy tree trunk.
ALT text detailsA single ume blossom pops up from a mossy tree trunk.
The main shrine of Umenomiya Taisha.
ALT text detailsThe main shrine of Umenomiya Taisha.
Pink plum blossoms on a cloudy day.
ALT text detailsPink plum blossoms on a cloudy day.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

It is the goddess of childbirth that we have to thank for the many plum trees growing in the grounds of Umenomiya Taisha.

The word for 'giving birth' (umu 産む) and 'plum' (ume 梅) sound similar, and as ume are some of the first trees to bloom after the winter they have come to symbolise new life.

Bright pink ume blossoms.
ALT text detailsBright pink ume blossoms.
A white cat lazes at Umenomiya Taisha.
ALT text detailsA white cat lazes at Umenomiya Taisha.
The main gate of Umenomiya Taisha.
ALT text detailsThe main gate of Umenomiya Taisha.
White plum blossoms.
ALT text detailsWhite plum blossoms.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Umenomiya Taisha (梅宮大社), familiarly known as Ume-no-miya (梅宮 the 'Plum Blossom Palace'), enshrines the 'god of saké', Ōyamatsumi (大山祇神), and his daughter, 'god of easy childbirth', Konohanasakuya-hime (木花咲耶姫).
It's also known for its cats😸

Umenomiya Taisha is famed for its seasonal flowers, including plum blossoms, irises, hydrangea, and spider lilies.
ALT text detailsUmenomiya Taisha is famed for its seasonal flowers, including plum blossoms, irises, hydrangea, and spider lilies.
Although now named after plum blossoms, the shrine most likely takes its name from the Japanese word for birth as the goddess of childbirth is enshrined here.
ALT text detailsAlthough now named after plum blossoms, the shrine most likely takes its name from the Japanese word for birth as the goddess of childbirth is enshrined here.
In recent years Umenomiya Taisha has become well know for its resident cats.
ALT text detailsIn recent years Umenomiya Taisha has become well know for its resident cats.
Vivid pink plum blossoms.
ALT text detailsVivid pink plum blossoms.
dystronix's avatar


Osaka rainy night. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Osaka rainy night. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱


Sakurajima.moe is an inclusive non-toxic Glitch Mastodon server for anyone interested in Japanese anime, manga, games, media etc. The server is highly moderated to provide a safe environment.

:Fediverse: sakurajima.moe

Members of this server can post with a 3000 character limit.

You can find out more about the server at sakurajima.moe/about or contact the admin @sakurajima

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want to travel Japan in style? JR Tokai announced it'll be adding more luxury options to its Tokaido line between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka. On top of full private rooms coming in 2026, it says it'll introduce six "half-private" seats on some Tokaido trains in 2027 (pricing TBD).


Shinkansen passing by Mt. Fuji
ALT text detailsShinkansen passing by Mt. Fuji
Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱


Sakurajima.moe is an inclusive non-toxic Glitch Mastodon server for anyone interested in Japanese anime, manga, games, media etc. The server is highly moderated to provide a safe environment.

:Fediverse: sakurajima.moe

Members of this server can post with a 3000 character limit.

You can find out more about the server at sakurajima.moe/about or contact the admin @sakurajima

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese books have achieved newfound acclaim and popularity in recent years. But only a fraction of what gets published in Japan gets translated into English. Here’s what doesn’t get translated – and why.


Picture of a library full of books split across two levels. Words "Which Books Get Translated from Japanese" point to one shelf of books on the left. The words "(and which don't)" point to a shelf on the right
ALT text detailsPicture of a library full of books split across two levels. Words "Which Books Get Translated from Japanese" point to one shelf of books on the left. The words "(and which don't)" point to a shelf on the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan has contributed, and continues to contribute, many wonderful innovations to the world in a variety of fields. Unfortunately, sometimes Japan’s good ideas have trouble escaping the country. That's what many here call the Galapagos effect.


Picture of a map of Japan with a Suica card and an old flip phone (Garakei) imposed over it
ALT text detailsPicture of a map of Japan with a Suica card and an old flip phone (Garakei) imposed over it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Unseen Japan runs thanks to our supporters. If you love our in-depth coverage of Japanese news, history, and social issues, consider making a contribution to the Unseen Japan Journalism Fund.


Unseen Japan logo - woman in a kimono walking a shiba-inu down a traditiona Showa era-style commercial district with signs for karaoke, udon, and other stores and restaurants
ALT text detailsUnseen Japan logo - woman in a kimono walking a shiba-inu down a traditiona Showa era-style commercial district with signs for karaoke, udon, and other stores and restaurants
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“[Japanese men] always tell me it’s so cool that they’re with a foreigner or that I speak English,” Kane says. “A lot of times you meet people and they say let’s go to a hotel, let’s go have fun. They say western women have a reputation for being easy.”


Two people holding hands
ALT text detailsTwo people holding hands
dystronix's avatar


Snowy niight in Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Snowy niight in Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"I learned C to remove the😼pixelation in erotic titles and before I knew it, I'd started making games"

X post from @takeshi16628. Japanese text: エロゲーでまんこのモザイクとる為に
ALT text detailsX post from @takeshi16628. Japanese text: エロゲーでまんこのモザイクとる為に C言語勉強してたのに気がついたら ゲーム作り始めてた
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Love books? Looking for a place to hang out in Tokyo that's quiet and puts your book-loving heart at ease? Good news: book cafes in Tokyo are the new black (coffee). Here are a few of our favorites in great neighborhoods with unique concepts.


White cup of coffee with a saucer on table, blur bookstore background
ALT text detailsWhite cup of coffee with a saucer on table, blur bookstore background
Kyle Gaywood's avatar
Kyle Gaywood


While I’m waiting for my instagram to finish importing, here’s ‘s in . I can’t wait to go back in October.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As costs rise and consumer tastes shift towards coffee and other beverages, Japan's small tea growers are struggling to stay afloat. Here's how one company is connecting tea lovers worldwide with artisanal Japanese producers steeped in tradition.


Shot of tea fields in Shizuoka with Mt. Fuji in the background
ALT text detailsShot of tea fields in Shizuoka with Mt. Fuji in the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hokkaido, now considered so indisputably and integrally Japanese, has only truly been part of the Japanese mainland for the past 150 years. Who lived there before its colonization by the Japanese? And how do the island’s indigenous people, the Ainu, fare today?


Picture of a lake in Hokkaido
ALT text detailsPicture of a lake in Hokkaido
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hokkaido, now considered so indisputably and integrally Japanese, has only truly been part of the Japanese mainland for the past 150 years. Who lived there before its colonization by the Japanese? And how do the island’s indigenous people, the Ainu, fare today?


Picture of a lake in Hokkaido
ALT text detailsPicture of a lake in Hokkaido
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


If there’s one thing true about the modern Japanese light novel, or ranobe, it’s that many of their authors are fond of stupidly long titles. It didn’t always used to be like that, though. When did it change? And – more elusively – why?


Sadly, I’m a Male High School Student and Bestselling Light Novel Author Who’s Being Strangled By My Younger Classmate, The Voice Actress was passed over for the Nobel Prize in Literature. It was, however, one of the longest light novel titles of 2014.
ALT text detailsSadly, I’m a Male High School Student and Bestselling Light Novel Author Who’s Being Strangled By My Younger Classmate, The Voice Actress was passed over for the Nobel Prize in Literature. It was, however, one of the longest light novel titles of 2014.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Japanese government is finally preparing to ditch its old romanization system for the Japanese language in favor of the de facto international standard – and the standard that, in reality, most of the government actually uses.


Hepburn Romanization- woman in front of a picture of downtown Shinjuku thinking it could be spelled "Sinzyuku" but changing her mind
ALT text detailsHepburn Romanization- woman in front of a picture of downtown Shinjuku thinking it could be spelled "Sinzyuku" but changing her mind
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Japanese government is finally preparing to ditch its old romanization system for the Japanese language in favor of the de facto international standard – and the standard that, in reality, most of the government actually uses.


Hepburn Romanization- woman in front of a picture of downtown Shinjuku thinking it could be spelled "Sinzyuku" but changing her mind
ALT text detailsHepburn Romanization- woman in front of a picture of downtown Shinjuku thinking it could be spelled "Sinzyuku" but changing her mind
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan Post says one of their delivery people in Yokohama was delivering while drunk. The employee - who ran at least one red light - had been drinking seven hours before and was driving around with a plastic bottle of wine. They still had a BAC of up to 0.06% post deliveries.


Clip from article. Headline in Japanese: 横浜・戸塚郵便局、配達員が飲酒し集配車運転 無事故も信号無視など交通違反発覚 車内で白ワインも
ALT text detailsClip from article. Headline in Japanese: 横浜・戸塚郵便局、配達員が飲酒し集配車運転 無事故も信号無視など交通違反発覚 車内で白ワインも
dystronix's avatar


Everyday life in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Everyday life in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Thirty years after a sarin attack on Tokyo's subway system, a former emergency room physician describes the terror of treating large numbers of patients without initially knowing what happened to them. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Most married, working women in Japan are stuck with an unfair share of housework - including dishes. So why aren't dishwashers more prevalent in Japanese kitchens? Here's why one critic blames the male-dominated real estate industry for keeping kitchens tiny.


Picture of an open dishwasher with a nice living room visible in the background
ALT text detailsPicture of an open dishwasher with a nice living room visible in the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Misogyny has people sympathizing with a murderer, no more Sinzyuku, where to ditch your kids in Tokyo, and dead Japanese words - that and more on this week's round-up of our best content in the Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Sato Airi (aka Mogami Ai) in front of a picture of Takadanobaba Station
ALT text detailsSato Airi (aka Mogami Ai) in front of a picture of Takadanobaba Station
Hepburn Romanization- woman in front of a picture of downtown Shinjuku thinking it could be spelled "Sinzyuku" but changing her mind
ALT text detailsHepburn Romanization- woman in front of a picture of downtown Shinjuku thinking it could be spelled "Sinzyuku" but changing her mind
Ano Ne Childcare Service - picture of kids running up a large set of stairs
ALT text detailsAno Ne Childcare Service - picture of kids running up a large set of stairs
Dead Japanese Words - pictures of a furoshiki, hangers and coats, and a couple holding hands
ALT text detailsDead Japanese Words - pictures of a furoshiki, hangers and coats, and a couple holding hands
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Sekiguchi (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls on industrial buildings on the banks of Tokyo's Kanda River, on a dim winter evening. A layer of fresh snow lies across the rooftops of buildings crowded near the water's edge; in the center of the image, the wheel of a watermill is still, its blades gathering snow. A single light shines in one window, but the scene is quiet and deserted.
ALT text detailsSnow falls on industrial buildings on the banks of Tokyo's Kanda River, on a dim winter evening. A layer of fresh snow lies across the rooftops of buildings crowded near the water's edge; in the center of the image, the wheel of a watermill is still, its blades gathering snow. A single light shines in one window, but the scene is quiet and deserted.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Sekiguchi (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls on industrial buildings on the banks of Tokyo's Kanda River, on a dim winter evening. A layer of fresh snow lies across the rooftops of buildings crowded near the water's edge; in the center of the image, the wheel of a watermill is still, its blades gathering snow. A single light shines in one window, but the scene is quiet and deserted.
ALT text detailsSnow falls on industrial buildings on the banks of Tokyo's Kanda River, on a dim winter evening. A layer of fresh snow lies across the rooftops of buildings crowded near the water's edge; in the center of the image, the wheel of a watermill is still, its blades gathering snow. A single light shines in one window, but the scene is quiet and deserted.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Traveling with kids can create a wonderful experience for your children. However, it can also leave you feeling like you have no time for yourself. A new daytime childcare service aims to help parents visiting Japan bring some balance to their time in Tokyo.


Ano Ne Childcare Service - picture of kids running up a large set of stairs
ALT text detailsAno Ne Childcare Service - picture of kids running up a large set of stairs
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Nyoirin , late 13th-early 14th century, .

Nyoirin #Kannon, late 13th-early 14th century, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsNyoirin #Kannon, late 13th-early 14th century, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Go to any “tourist-y” location in Tokyo these days and, depending on the day and time, you’re bound to find yourself stuck in pedestrian traffic jams and long cafe lines. That’s not true, however, of a relatively new tourist trap located near the Toyosu fish market.


Picture of the outdoor aisle in Senkyaku Banrai
ALT text detailsPicture of the outdoor aisle in Senkyaku Banrai
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Nyoirin , late 13th-early 14th century, .

Nyoirin #Kannon, late 13th-early 14th century, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsNyoirin #Kannon, late 13th-early 14th century, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Craft beer is finally making itself known throughout Japan. Amongst this trend, Sakamichi has staked out its place amongst the best local beers in Tokyo – even if you’ll have to take a train out west to sample it.


A glass of “No Rest for the Wicked,” Sakamichi’s 9.0% Cherry Chocolate Imperial Stout.
ALT text detailsA glass of “No Rest for the Wicked,” Sakamichi’s 9.0% Cherry Chocolate Imperial Stout.
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Thirty years ago, the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo brought terror to Tokyo. In the years that followed, authorities set out to make the morning commute as safe as possible. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


People have been leaving flowers at the site where streamer Mogami Ai (Sato Airi) was murdered by a man to whom she owed money. Others have disrespected or trashed the site, showing some men will go to great lengths to hate women - even after they're dead.


Picture of Takadanobaba with Mogami Ai's pic in an inset frame on the lower right hand side
ALT text detailsPicture of Takadanobaba with Mogami Ai's pic in an inset frame on the lower right hand side
Mera.tabi's avatar


Grace and tradition among the vibrant red torii of Fushimi Inari.

#japan #fushimiinaritaisha #fushimiinari #kyoto #photography #travel #日本 #京都 #伏見稲荷大社 #tokyocameraclub
Mera.tabi's avatar


Grace and tradition among the vibrant red torii of Fushimi Inari.

#japan #fushimiinaritaisha #fushimiinari #kyoto #photography #travel #日本 #京都 #伏見稲荷大社 #tokyocameraclub
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan’s experienced a spike in recent years of young people – particularly teen girls – overdosing on prescription or over-the-counter meds. To counter this, the government released a new PR campaign that was so roundly booed they deleted it days later.


Don't OD, SD! - poster showing a sheep holding a pill bottle in one hand and a cell phone in another
ALT text detailsDon't OD, SD! - poster showing a sheep holding a pill bottle in one hand and a cell phone in another
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“It’s one hell of a weird scene,” one X user wrote. “Nothing but old men….this is why Japan is flailing.” Learn more about how Japanese social media users lambasted Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru for posting a pic of a room full of men...on International Women's Day.


Post from user @miyoshiiii criticizing Ishiba (translation in post)
ALT text detailsPost from user @miyoshiiii criticizing Ishiba (translation in post)
pixelglade's avatar


My latest artwork is a shinto shrine inspired by the town of Sawara, Japan. Also, the first pixel art I've made in Krita on Linux! I could never get Clip Studio Paint to work with Lutris so knowing I can transfer this workflow is awesome.

Long image description (with some anatomy of a shrine type terminology) on my site gallery: https://pixelglade.net/artwork/pixelart.html#pixelart-shinto-shrine-sawara

#pixelart #pixelartist #commsopen #commissionsopen #openforcommissions #opencommissions #ドット絵 #illustration #pc98 #retrodev #retrogames #retrogaming #videogames #gamedev #pixelartist #1990s #digitalart #MastoArt #gameart #visualnovel #backgroundart #1980s #80s #80saesthetic #80svideogames #snes #gba #animeart #anime #pixels #shrine #japan #krita #kritaart #kritaartist #pc98
A winding path leads to the steps of a shrine in the woods with a sacred tree by the entrance.
ALT text detailsA winding path leads to the steps of a shrine in the woods with a sacred tree by the entrance.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Tachibana Takashi, the controversial head of Japan's Protect The People From the NHK Party, survived a blade attack. The attacker says he was upset over what he saw as Tachibana's role in a Hyogo Prefectural politician's suicide.


Tachibana Takashi looking at camera, picture imposed in front of the Ministry of Finance building
ALT text detailsTachibana Takashi looking at camera, picture imposed in front of the Ministry of Finance building
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


This week's Unseen Japan Insider newsletter features a write-up on Seki Hei (石平; Shí Píng) & how the anti-immigration immigrant's planned run for Japan's Diet crashed when it ran up against the very xenophobia he encourages. That & more commentary and news going out to all Insiders on Monday.

Text in post: Have you heard of Seki Hei (石平; Shí Píng)? He’s a conservative political commentator originally born in China, but who took Japanese citizenship in 2007. He’s been considering a run for political office in this year’s upcoming Upper House election as a member of the Innovation Party, the Kansai region-centric party that’s been trying (with little success lately) to elevate itself into a national party.
ALT text detailsText in post: Have you heard of Seki Hei (石平; Shí Píng)? He’s a conservative political commentator originally born in China, but who took Japanese citizenship in 2007. He’s been considering a run for political office in this year’s upcoming Upper House election as a member of the Innovation Party, the Kansai region-centric party that’s been trying (with little success lately) to elevate itself into a national party.
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A former National Police Agency executive has expressed regret for failing to raid Aum Shinrikyo bases before the doomsday cult mounted its sarin nerve gas attack in the Tokyo subway system. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


An incident involving Japanese travelers in China shows that tourist idiocy is universal. It came out this week that a Japanese man and woman were arrested - and subsequently deported - in January after he pulled down his trousers at the Great Wall while she recorded it.


Great Wall of China with a picture of the moon in the upper left hand corner
ALT text detailsGreat Wall of China with a picture of the moon in the upper left hand corner
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Emon-kake. Uba-guruma. Chombo. These and other words used to be common parlance. Use them now and people will just think you're old as dirt. Here are some popular Japanese words that have fallen by the wayside - and the words that have replaced them.


Dead Japanese Words - pictures of a furoshiki, hangers and coats, and a couple holding hands
ALT text detailsDead Japanese Words - pictures of a furoshiki, hangers and coats, and a couple holding hands
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The village of Shirakawa has long been a worldwide tourist attraction. It’s gotten even busier as Japan prepares to welcome 40 million tourists in 2025. In response, the tiny village says it’ll greatly increase parking fees starting in October.


Shirakawa-go gassho-zukuri buildings in winter
ALT text detailsShirakawa-go gassho-zukuri buildings in winter
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


While Kurosawa Akira loved and respected Shakespeare, his western literary influence didn't end there. From a young age, Kurosawa obsessed over the works of the Russian literary giants - Dostoevsky, Gogol, Tolstoy, and many others.

That love would save his life.


Drawing of Kurosawa (by Illumiknobi) with the words Kurosawa and the Kremlin written on the left and a hammer and sickle above them
ALT text detailsDrawing of Kurosawa (by Illumiknobi) with the words Kurosawa and the Kremlin written on the left and a hammer and sickle above them
SakuraSubnet 🗼's avatar
SakuraSubnet 🗼



Today I attended the honen matsuri, the for fertility (colloquially called the penis festival). The location is the tagata shrine in , which has a big collection of phallus statues. At the time of the festival, there are a lot of food stands selling dick shaped street food. Was a very fun experience! Unfortunately due to the heavy rain, I decided to leave early and skip the main act of the day, the procession where a gigantic wooden phallus is carried around.

Shrine with a big wooden phallus figure, where different food as sacrificial offerings is laying in front of.
ALT text detailsShrine with a big wooden phallus figure, where different food as sacrificial offerings is laying in front of.
A small shrine made out of stone. It has a small coin box, two big balls made of marble which can be touched to get a blessing for good fertility. Surrounded by penis statues.
ALT text detailsA small shrine made out of stone. It has a small coin box, two big balls made of marble which can be touched to get a blessing for good fertility. Surrounded by penis statues.
A pink chocolate coated banana on a stick, where two mashmallows form a scrotum, so this sweet treat does also look like a penis. It has sprinkles!
ALT text detailsA pink chocolate coated banana on a stick, where two mashmallows form a scrotum, so this sweet treat does also look like a penis. It has sprinkles!
dystronix's avatar


A rainy night story in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


A rainy night story in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


A rainy night story in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
atomicker's avatar


Title: Winter Moon Over Toyama (1931)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A bright full moon shines in a starless night sky; below, mist collects around the trunks of tall leafless trees. Beyond, among the shadows of a distant forest, a handful of lights shine, presumably marking country houses.
ALT text detailsA bright full moon shines in a starless night sky; below, mist collects around the trunks of tall leafless trees. Beyond, among the shadows of a distant forest, a handful of lights shine, presumably marking country houses.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Winter Moon Over Toyama (1931)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A bright full moon shines in a starless night sky; below, mist collects around the trunks of tall leafless trees. Beyond, among the shadows of a distant forest, a handful of lights shine, presumably marking country houses.
ALT text detailsA bright full moon shines in a starless night sky; below, mist collects around the trunks of tall leafless trees. Beyond, among the shadows of a distant forest, a handful of lights shine, presumably marking country houses.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Advocates for marriage equality in Japan won another victory recently. The High Court of Nagoya sided with plaintiffs in ruling Japan’s refusal to recognize same-sex marriages as unconstitutional.


Two women in white wedding dresses walking towards the ocean on the beach, their backs to the cameras
ALT text detailsTwo women in white wedding dresses walking towards the ocean on the beach, their backs to the cameras
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan wants its people to have more kids. The problem is that, if they did, women would end up doing most of the work. Women in Japan have long complained – and statistics have proven – that they do most of the chores in their homes on top of working full-time jobs.


Wife washing ditches looks scornfully at husband sitting at kitchen table and playing on his smartphone
ALT text detailsWife washing ditches looks scornfully at husband sitting at kitchen table and playing on his smartphone
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The trend of stupid-ass YouTubers being offensive idiots in Japan continues unabated. Fortunately, in the latest case, local authorities put a stop to it swiftly, denying a group of nuisance streamers permission to board a ferry in Kagoshima.


Ice Poseidon being refused boarding on a boat in Kagoshima
ALT text detailsIce Poseidon being refused boarding on a boat in Kagoshima
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


cloudy weather.

Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good morning and happy Friday from Japan! This morning, I have a set of four doors — or rather, three doors and a questionable ascent to one more door, from Koenji in Tokyo.

In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, a white-grayish building has two very colorful doors. On the left, a wine-red door covered by a faded blue sun roof, and on the left, a bright yellow door as part of a bigger yellow facade with a window.
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, a white-grayish building has two very colorful doors. On the left, a wine-red door covered by a faded blue sun roof, and on the left, a bright yellow door as part of a bigger yellow facade with a window.
In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a patchwork-looking door that is the entrance to a bar named "Moss Light". To the left of the door is a "Closed" sign and a sprayed black wall graffiti of a black cube with a question mark inside.
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a patchwork-looking door that is the entrance to a bar named "Moss Light". To the left of the door is a "Closed" sign and a sprayed black wall graffiti of a black cube with a question mark inside.
In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows an elegant-looking brown residential entrance door. To its right is a shop sign that says "Hige Oyaji", which roughly translates to "old man with beard".
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows an elegant-looking brown residential entrance door. To its right is a shop sign that says "Hige Oyaji", which roughly translates to "old man with beard".
In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a very dilapidated and unsafe-looking ascending flock of stairs. The stairs are uneven in shape and size, and on the adjacent wall is an indescribable mixture of wires, cables and pipes. Someone manually painted "Watch your step" on the upper part of the stairs.
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a very dilapidated and unsafe-looking ascending flock of stairs. The stairs are uneven in shape and size, and on the adjacent wall is an indescribable mixture of wires, cables and pipes. Someone manually painted "Watch your step" on the upper part of the stairs.
dystronix's avatar


Spring in Tokyo Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Spring in Tokyo Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good morning and happy Friday from Japan! This morning, I have a set of four doors — or rather, three doors and a questionable ascent to one more door, from Koenji in Tokyo.

In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, a white-grayish building has two very colorful doors. On the left, a wine-red door covered by a faded blue sun roof, and on the left, a bright yellow door as part of a bigger yellow facade with a window.
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, a white-grayish building has two very colorful doors. On the left, a wine-red door covered by a faded blue sun roof, and on the left, a bright yellow door as part of a bigger yellow facade with a window.
In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a patchwork-looking door that is the entrance to a bar named "Moss Light". To the left of the door is a "Closed" sign and a sprayed black wall graffiti of a black cube with a question mark inside.
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a patchwork-looking door that is the entrance to a bar named "Moss Light". To the left of the door is a "Closed" sign and a sprayed black wall graffiti of a black cube with a question mark inside.
In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows an elegant-looking brown residential entrance door. To its right is a shop sign that says "Hige Oyaji", which roughly translates to "old man with beard".
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows an elegant-looking brown residential entrance door. To its right is a shop sign that says "Hige Oyaji", which roughly translates to "old man with beard".
In the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a very dilapidated and unsafe-looking ascending flock of stairs. The stairs are uneven in shape and size, and on the adjacent wall is an indescribable mixture of wires, cables and pipes. Someone manually painted "Watch your step" on the upper part of the stairs.
ALT text detailsIn the Koenji area of Tokyo, Japan, this photo shows a very dilapidated and unsafe-looking ascending flock of stairs. The stairs are uneven in shape and size, and on the adjacent wall is an indescribable mixture of wires, cables and pipes. Someone manually painted "Watch your step" on the upper part of the stairs.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Murdered 22yo livestreamer Sato Airi (Mogami Ai) was also apparently a single mother. Court records in suspect Takano Kenichi's lawsuit against her reveal she gave birth at 18 & in 2023 was in a shelter for single moms that also houses women fleeing violent partners.

Headline from News Post Seven. JP title: 〈シンママとして経済的に困窮か〉女性ライバー “最上あい”さん(22)、高野容疑者(42)と出会った頃の「生活事情」 供述した“借金251万円”の裁判資料で判明した「2人の関係」【高田馬場・刺殺事件】
ALT text detailsHeadline from News Post Seven. JP title: 〈シンママとして経済的に困窮か〉女性ライバー “最上あい”さん(22)、高野容疑者(42)と出会った頃の「生活事情」 供述した“借金251万円”の裁判資料で判明した「2人の関係」【高田馬場・刺殺事件】
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want to take your next Japan trip to the next level? TIME Magazine just announced its 100 great places to visit around the world - and four spots in Japan made the list. Check out their picks, as well as some of our past Japan travel recs, in our latest.


Torii gate with a mountain looming in the background and sun rays shining through
ALT text detailsTorii gate with a mountain looming in the background and sun rays shining through
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Legislators in Japan want to crack down on host clubs. Their latest proposal would forbid hosts from using romantic entanglements to entice customers into spending money. It would also prevent them from pressuring customers or trying to lure them into sex work.


Picture of numerous host club billboards in Tokyo's Kabukicho neighborhood, where they're a dime a dozen
ALT text detailsPicture of numerous host club billboards in Tokyo's Kabukicho neighborhood, where they're a dime a dozen
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The first verdict is in over the vicious murder of a 17-year-old girl in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, with a then-19-year-old attacker being sentenced to 23 years in prison. The victim’s family, however, said the sentence feels “light” for the crime.


Asahikawa Station in Awahikawa, Hokkaido - view from the outside
ALT text detailsAsahikawa Station in Awahikawa, Hokkaido - view from the outside
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It’s a crime to be poor in Hokkaido, it seems. A 33-year-old man in the city of Asahikawa is under arrest. His grave sin? Asking for money.


Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan skyline in the winter.
ALT text detailsAsahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan skyline in the winter.
dystronix's avatar


Early morning rain in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Early morning rain in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


22yo Sato Airi, a livestreamer who went by Mogami Ai, was brutally murdered on March 11th in Shinjuku City's Takadanobaba. So why are so many people on Japanese social media expressing sympathy for her murderer? (Spoiler alert: it's misogyny.)


Sato Airi (aka Mogami Ai) in front of a picture of Takadanobaba Station
ALT text detailsSato Airi (aka Mogami Ai) in front of a picture of Takadanobaba Station
brendan (ジャンク品)'s avatar
brendan (ジャンク品)


the collection has grown…

Stack of Hu card games for the pc engine in jewel cases with a fanned out set of hucards without cases in front. The titles of the games in Japanese are visible along the spines of the cases, I can’t list them all here but there’s a bunch of em
ALT text detailsStack of Hu card games for the pc engine in jewel cases with a fanned out set of hucards without cases in front. The titles of the games in Japanese are visible along the spines of the cases, I can’t list them all here but there’s a bunch of em
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Meiji-era law requires Japanese couples to choose a single last name. As legislators in Japan debate repealing it, a new poll shows that a majority of women wish they had had the choice to keep their maiden names when getting married.


Picture of silhouette of a woman and a man in red against a thumbs up/thumbs down backdrop. The woman is labeled "Sato" and the man is labeled "Suzuki," two different Japanese last names
ALT text detailsPicture of silhouette of a woman and a man in red against a thumbs up/thumbs down backdrop. The woman is labeled "Sato" and the man is labeled "Suzuki," two different Japanese last names
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A man dared a hostess in Tokyo to a drinking game. She died several hours later. The story demonstrates how obscenely wealthy men use their power to take advantage of economically disadvantaged women for nothing but the sake of their own amusement.


Tequila is poured from a bottle into a glass. Tequila with salt and lime slices on a background of sunset.
ALT text detailsTequila is poured from a bottle into a glass. Tequila with salt and lime slices on a background of sunset.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ito Shiori’s film about her sexual assault, Black Box Diaries, didn’t win the Academy Award for Best Documentary. The journalist and first-time director, however, say she’s not fazed and is focused on a larger goal: getting her Oscar-nominated film to screen in her own country.


Ito Shiori speaking at a press conference for her book BLACK BOX
ALT text detailsIto Shiori speaking at a press conference for her book BLACK BOX
atomicker's avatar


Title: Sunset, Minakami (1958)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


A view looking down a narrow lane in Minakami on a snowy winter's day. Tall stone foundations create a wall on our left; the blank side of a building stands on our right. The lane is deserted, but a rough track cleared in the snow on the ground tells of earlier foot traffic. Up ahead, more snow covers the rooftops of other buildings, and warm light glows in their windows. Beyond, snowy tree-covered mountains rise toward a dim, overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA view looking down a narrow lane in Minakami on a snowy winter's day. Tall stone foundations create a wall on our left; the blank side of a building stands on our right. The lane is deserted, but a rough track cleared in the snow on the ground tells of earlier foot traffic. Up ahead, more snow covers the rooftops of other buildings, and warm light glows in their windows. Beyond, snowy tree-covered mountains rise toward a dim, overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
dystronix's avatar


Midnight rain in Osaka Japan. #photpography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Midnight rain in Osaka Japan. #photpography #streetphotography #japan
atomicker's avatar


Title: Sunset, Minakami (1958)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


A view looking down a narrow lane in Minakami on a snowy winter's day. Tall stone foundations create a wall on our left; the blank side of a building stands on our right. The lane is deserted, but a rough track cleared in the snow on the ground tells of earlier foot traffic. Up ahead, more snow covers the rooftops of other buildings, and warm light glows in their windows. Beyond, snowy tree-covered mountains rise toward a dim, overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA view looking down a narrow lane in Minakami on a snowy winter's day. Tall stone foundations create a wall on our left; the blank side of a building stands on our right. The lane is deserted, but a rough track cleared in the snow on the ground tells of earlier foot traffic. Up ahead, more snow covers the rooftops of other buildings, and warm light glows in their windows. Beyond, snowy tree-covered mountains rise toward a dim, overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese light novel titles used to be a handful of words - or even a single word. Now, it's not uncommon to see titles topping almost 100 kanji and kana characters. When did people start writing such ridiculously long ranobe titles? And - more elusively - why?


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Even as costs rise, many ramen shops in Japan are afraid to transcend the so-called “1,000 yen wall” (around USD $6.70) or fear of driving away customers. So some have found a workaround: keep serving noodles …and only noodles.


Glistening pile of ramen noodles in a white bowl
ALT text detailsGlistening pile of ramen noodles in a white bowl
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan’s relationship with coffee is relatively shallow, dating back in earnest only about 150 years. But that hasn’t stopped it from becoming one of the country’s most popular beverages. Here’s the history behind how it happened and how coffee in Japan has evolved.


Woman drinking from a takeout coffee cup and looking hopefully towards the future
ALT text detailsWoman drinking from a takeout coffee cup and looking hopefully towards the future
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hong Kong media has reported that police have arrested a member of a Japanese boy band on charges of sexual assault. In a fast and appropriate (but also somewhat weird) response, the group’s management company says it’s already dropped him from the team.


KENSHIN booted after Hong Kong assault picture of Hong Kong night skyline in the background and KENSHIN (from the One 'N Only site before they took it down) on the right
ALT text detailsKENSHIN booted after Hong Kong assault picture of Hong Kong night skyline in the background and KENSHIN (from the One 'N Only site before they took it down) on the right
Rhandos's avatar


One of my favorite souvenirs from : A bookmark that looks like a circuit board at first glance - it's actually a map of the Metro! 🚇

Photo of a bookmark made of dark green plastic with gold plated „circuits“. It looks like a circuit board and has and letter abbreviations at the intersections. At second glance one can recognize a train station map. The bookmark lies on a book cover with light pink background and a light blue glove printed on it. Title and author are partially obstructed.
ALT text detailsPhoto of a bookmark made of dark green plastic with gold plated „circuits“. It looks like a circuit board and has and letter abbreviations at the intersections. At second glance one can recognize a train station map. The bookmark lies on a book cover with light pink background and a light blue glove printed on it. Title and author are partially obstructed.
The same photo but the bookmark is flipped. It has a gold „connection“ at the lower and and the print „RoHs compliant“
ALT text detailsThe same photo but the bookmark is flipped. It has a gold „connection“ at the lower and and the print „RoHs compliant“
Rhandos's avatar


One of my favorite souvenirs from : A bookmark that looks like a circuit board at first glance - it's actually a map of the Metro! 🚇

Photo of a bookmark made of dark green plastic with gold plated „circuits“. It looks like a circuit board and has and letter abbreviations at the intersections. At second glance one can recognize a train station map. The bookmark lies on a book cover with light pink background and a light blue glove printed on it. Title and author are partially obstructed.
ALT text detailsPhoto of a bookmark made of dark green plastic with gold plated „circuits“. It looks like a circuit board and has and letter abbreviations at the intersections. At second glance one can recognize a train station map. The bookmark lies on a book cover with light pink background and a light blue glove printed on it. Title and author are partially obstructed.
The same photo but the bookmark is flipped. It has a gold „connection“ at the lower and and the print „RoHs compliant“
ALT text detailsThe same photo but the bookmark is flipped. It has a gold „connection“ at the lower and and the print „RoHs compliant“
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


That escalated quickly. Yesterday, we wrote about how Japan's MHLW posted a widely-mocked video urging young people, "don’t OD (overdose) – SD (相談; soudan, talk to someone) instead." Today, the gov deleted its X post and also removed the web page hosting the commercial.


Don't OD, SD! - poster showing a sheep holding a pill bottle in one hand and a cell phone in another
ALT text detailsDon't OD, SD! - poster showing a sheep holding a pill bottle in one hand and a cell phone in another
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Traveling to Tokyo? Need a break from your kids? Traveling with young ones can be stressful and exhausting - which is why a new service in Yurakucho, ANO NE Kids Club, is giving children a chance to play in a kid-friendly two-floor space while their parents see the sights.


Ano Ne Childcare Service - picture of kids running up a large set of stairs
ALT text detailsAno Ne Childcare Service - picture of kids running up a large set of stairs
dystronix's avatar


Japan in the rain. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Japan in the rain. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Achim Klüppelberg's avatar
Achim Klüppelberg


14 years later and we are still remembering !


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A US soldier breaks the rules in Fukuoka, a nuisance YouTuber's booted from a boat in Kagoshima, a boy band member's out after crimes in Hong Kong, and the prince is an otaku - this and more in this week's Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Fukuoka City at night
ALT text detailsFukuoka City at night
YouTuber Ice Poseidon being told he can't board a boat
ALT text detailsYouTuber Ice Poseidon being told he can't board a boat
KENSHIN, formerly of the group ONE N' ONLY, against a backdrop of the night sky of Hong Kong
ALT text detailsKENSHIN, formerly of the group ONE N' ONLY, against a backdrop of the night sky of Hong Kong
Prince Hisahito with a bunch of light novel covers in the background
ALT text detailsPrince Hisahito with a bunch of light novel covers in the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The only son of Japan’s Crown Prince Fumihito – and the second in line to the throne after his father – held his first press conference recently. But another tidbit’s come out about the young prince that’s sure to endear him to geeks around the world.


Hitosato Loves Light Novels - picture of Hisahito in the lower right with pictures of several light novels, including Too Many Losing Heroines and There's No Freaking Way I'll be Your Lover! Unless...
ALT text detailsHitosato Loves Light Novels - picture of Hisahito in the lower right with pictures of several light novels, including Too Many Losing Heroines and There's No Freaking Way I'll be Your Lover! Unless...
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


When is a Japanese combini not a combini? When it's a port store. Here's what's up with those "fake"-looking Lawson and Family Mart stores you might see around the Tokyo Bay area. (Long story short: They're a good thing.)


White silhouette figure in front of a Family Mart named a port store with a question mark thought bubble coming from its head
ALT text detailsWhite silhouette figure in front of a Family Mart named a port store with a question mark thought bubble coming from its head
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Foreigners aren’t the only ones with issues renting housing in Japan. One survey found 60.4% of disadvantaged people as such – including the elderly, single mothers, LGBTQ couples, and disabled people – said they’ve encountered discrimination in the housing process.


Tokyo skyline with a number of upraised hands in front of it
ALT text detailsTokyo skyline with a number of upraised hands in front of it
dystronix's avatar


Heavy rain in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A new ad from Japan's government meant to curb a rising trend in overdoses among the country's young instead led to harsh criticism online, with some saying the cringe 30-second spot featuring animated sheep just gives people advice they've already tried.


Don't OD, SD - poster showing a sheep holding a pill bottle in one hand and a cell phone in another saying, "Don't OD - SD (soudan, talk to someone) instead"
ALT text detailsDon't OD, SD - poster showing a sheep holding a pill bottle in one hand and a cell phone in another saying, "Don't OD - SD (soudan, talk to someone) instead"
dystronix's avatar


Heavy rain in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


To celebrate International Women's Day, Japan's Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru posted a picture from an LDP leadership meeting showing a room full of old men. Social media users have bashed the post, saying Japan's once-powerful ruling party is male, frail, and out of touch.


Post fro muser miyoshiiii showing Ishiba Shigeru's post that depicts all male leaders in the LDP. Miyoshi's comment: ""It's one hell of a weird scene. Nothing but old men....this is why Japan is flailing."
ALT text detailsPost fro muser miyoshiiii showing Ishiba Shigeru's post that depicts all male leaders in the LDP. Miyoshi's comment: ""It's one hell of a weird scene. Nothing but old men....this is why Japan is flailing."
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Language evolves quickly. Japanese is no exception, with a slew of words that were commonplace just a half-century ago falling by the wayside. Here are a slew of words you may hear or see in print but you'll rarely hear fall from a young Japanese person's lips.


Dead Japanese Words - pictures of a furoshiki, hangers and coats, and a couple holding hands
ALT text detailsDead Japanese Words - pictures of a furoshiki, hangers and coats, and a couple holding hands
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The village of Shirakawa, home to tourist draw Shirakawa-go, will hike parking rates to help it manage traffic. In October, parking for cars near Shirakawa-go will go from 1K to 2K yen (USD $13.50), with tour bus charges going from 3K yen all the way up to 10K yen ($67).


Shirakawa-go gassho-zukuri buildings in winter
ALT text detailsShirakawa-go gassho-zukuri buildings in winter
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Did you know you can write "concrete" in Japanese (usually just コンクリート) in kanji? There are actually two ways to do it - and one of them (below) is fairly cursed. Here are other Japanese words you can (theoretically) write in kanji if you want people to hate you.


X post showing "concrete" written with コンクリ over the character 土
ALT text detailsX post showing "concrete" written with コンクリ over the character 土
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


More foreigners - even foreign tourists - are getting Japanese driver's licenses than ever before. Some in Japan say that's making Japanese roads less safe. However, Japan's government said it's not seeing any signs in the data that that's true.


Driver's license while staying in hotel room - pictrure of woman in a car showing beginning driver's sticker superimposed against the picture of an inside of a hotel room
ALT text detailsDriver's license while staying in hotel room - pictrure of woman in a car showing beginning driver's sticker superimposed against the picture of an inside of a hotel room
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Rather than heaped on a plate, Morioka's wanko soba is served in bite-sized portions in small bowls. Restaurants will serve a number of these bowls at a time. When you’ve finished your first set, you can ask for more by saying "hai, jan-jan!" "hai, don-don!"

Wanko soba - soba divided into bowls
ALT text detailsWanko soba - soba divided into bowls
キク's avatar


#photography #博物館 #Museum #ナウマンゾウ #Elephant #japan #osaka #大阪市立自然史博物館 2025/03/08 @bskyphotos.bsky.social

キク's avatar


#photography #博物館 #Museum #ナウマンゾウ #Elephant #japan #osaka #大阪市立自然史博物館 2025/03/08 @bskyphotos.bsky.social

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Japanese woman wrote to a forum with a burning problem: she'd just found out that her boyfriend was...an otaku. Should I dump him? she asked. The consensus answer: it's probably fine - but if he does otaku dances or owns an itasha, you best run.


An itasha - a car adorned with anime or virtual idol decals (in this caese, Hatsune Miku)
ALT text detailsAn itasha - a car adorned with anime or virtual idol decals (in this caese, Hatsune Miku)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Nagoya High Court in Japan ruled this past week that the country's lack of support for same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. It's the fourth such verdict in recent years. The court, however, stopped short of awarding damages to the couple that sued.


Two women in white wedding dresses walking towards the ocean on the beach, their backs to the cameras
ALT text detailsTwo women in white wedding dresses walking towards the ocean on the beach, their backs to the cameras
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In a corner of Akihabara, you’ll find a strange battery of vending machines hidden in a building alcove. The most intriguing item for sale might be this rotary phone. The labels, written in Japanese and (for some reason) romaji, read, “This is 110 [the emergency line].”

110 rotary phone in Akihabara
ALT text details110 rotary phone in Akihabara
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Lately, more people on Japanese social media are commenting on how Akihabara has changed – and not for the better. Experts say the rise of smartphone games and social media platform gaming, social media, and the diffusion of otaku culture all play a factor.


Picture of Akihabara at night
ALT text detailsPicture of Akihabara at night
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A recent survey asked Kagoshima residents if they thought men and women should share housework equally. The good news is that 78% said yes. The bad news? 88% said that, in reality, women end up doing most of the work.


Wife washing ditches looks scornfully at husband sitting at kitchen table and playing on his smartphone
ALT text detailsWife washing ditches looks scornfully at husband sitting at kitchen table and playing on his smartphone
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Influencers in Japan love creating reaction videos of themselves trying Isoyama Corporation's spicy "R18" for the first time. Hikakin, one of Japan’s most well-known YouTubers, tried both the chips and the chocolate in 2016…much to his chagrin.

The moment the pain kicked in for Hikakin after eating just three chips.
ALT text detailsThe moment the pain kicked in for Hikakin after eating just three chips.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


How much would Hokkaido residents make if they were paid to shovel snow? Estimating an hourly wage of 1,675.1 yen ($11.18, a pretty damn good hourly wage for Japan), one think tank calculated it'd come out to a total of 53.4 billion yen, or USD $356M.

Blue Pond, Shirokane, Biei, Hokkaido
ALT text detailsBlue Pond, Shirokane, Biei, Hokkaido
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


A sculpted image of Kongōsatta (金剛薩埵菩薩) dating to the 9th century at the Lecture Hall of Tōji Temple (東寺) in , .

A sculpted image of Kongōsatta #Bodhisattva (金剛薩埵菩薩) dating to the 9th century at the Lecture Hall of Tōji Temple (東寺) in #Kyoto, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsA sculpted image of Kongōsatta #Bodhisattva (金剛薩埵菩薩) dating to the 9th century at the Lecture Hall of Tōji Temple (東寺) in #Kyoto, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
J. Martin's avatar
J. Martin


I uploaded a new album on Flickr: Fujisan II: Azagawa (17 images, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


J. Martin's avatar
J. Martin


I uploaded a new album on Flickr: Fujisan II: Azagawa (17 images, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


A sculpted image of Kongōsatta (金剛薩埵菩薩) dating to the 9th century at the Lecture Hall of Tōji Temple (東寺) in , .

A sculpted image of Kongōsatta #Bodhisattva (金剛薩埵菩薩) dating to the 9th century at the Lecture Hall of Tōji Temple (東寺) in #Kyoto, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsA sculpted image of Kongōsatta #Bodhisattva (金剛薩埵菩薩) dating to the 9th century at the Lecture Hall of Tōji Temple (東寺) in #Kyoto, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Preliminary numbers from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) show the country’s number of births dropped to 729,880 in 2024. That’s a dip of 37,643 from the previous year, or a full 5%.

Woman holding two wedding rings with a man holding her hand underneath
ALT text detailsWoman holding two wedding rings with a man holding her hand underneath
ねじまき🏳️‍🌈's avatar


Japanese Photographer Takumi Matsuo Captures Tokyo’s Streets Through Minimalist Photography - 121clicks.com/inspirations/tok

ねじまき🏳️‍🌈's avatar


Japanese Photographer Takumi Matsuo Captures Tokyo’s Streets Through Minimalist Photography - 121clicks.com/inspirations/tok

dystronix's avatar


Everyday life in Kyoto Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Everyday life in Kyoto Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A nuisance streamer has made headlines with his antics in Japan. Fortunately, his bad behavior caught up with him and a Coast Guard director in Kagoshima denied him and his group entrance to a ferry. Japanese commenters are heaping praise on the officer.


Ice Poseidon - a.k.a. Paul Denino - being refused boarding on a boat in Kagoshima
ALT text detailsIce Poseidon - a.k.a. Paul Denino - being refused boarding on a boat in Kagoshima
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Happy weekend from Japan! My "On the Town" series continues with a special "Windows" edition for / - all shots taken on a walk with my mate @alfiegoodrich around Bakurocho & Nihonbashi in Tokyo. Details in ALT texts.

On an early evening in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo, a woman working as a fortune teller is sitting at a tiny table on the sidewalk, opposite a big circular window that is illuminated from the inside of the building to which it belongs.
ALT text detailsOn an early evening in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo, a woman working as a fortune teller is sitting at a tiny table on the sidewalk, opposite a big circular window that is illuminated from the inside of the building to which it belongs.
In the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo on an early evening, a black taxi is waiting opposite the modern glass architecture of the Artizon Museum. There are many reflections and light effects coming from inside the building as well as from the surroundings.
ALT text detailsIn the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo on an early evening, a black taxi is waiting opposite the modern glass architecture of the Artizon Museum. There are many reflections and light effects coming from inside the building as well as from the surroundings.
In the Horidomecho area of Nihonbashi in Toko, an older red building and its distinctively shaped windows are reflected off a modern building's glass facade. The glass facade is staggered towards the background in multiple steps, resulting in an interesting layering of the red building's reflection into different stages.
ALT text detailsIn the Horidomecho area of Nihonbashi in Toko, an older red building and its distinctively shaped windows are reflected off a modern building's glass facade. The glass facade is staggered towards the background in multiple steps, resulting in an interesting layering of the red building's reflection into different stages.
In the Nihonbashi-Yokoyamacho area of Tokyo, a window reflection of a leather ware store shows a rather crisp image of the adjacent shopping street, with various colorful buildings, signs and pedestrian traffic.
ALT text detailsIn the Nihonbashi-Yokoyamacho area of Tokyo, a window reflection of a leather ware store shows a rather crisp image of the adjacent shopping street, with various colorful buildings, signs and pedestrian traffic.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Happy weekend from Japan! My "On the Town" series continues with a special "Windows" edition for / - all shots taken on a walk with my mate @alfiegoodrich around Bakurocho & Nihonbashi in Tokyo. Details in ALT texts.

On an early evening in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo, a woman working as a fortune teller is sitting at a tiny table on the sidewalk, opposite a big circular window that is illuminated from the inside of the building to which it belongs.
ALT text detailsOn an early evening in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo, a woman working as a fortune teller is sitting at a tiny table on the sidewalk, opposite a big circular window that is illuminated from the inside of the building to which it belongs.
In the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo on an early evening, a black taxi is waiting opposite the modern glass architecture of the Artizon Museum. There are many reflections and light effects coming from inside the building as well as from the surroundings.
ALT text detailsIn the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo on an early evening, a black taxi is waiting opposite the modern glass architecture of the Artizon Museum. There are many reflections and light effects coming from inside the building as well as from the surroundings.
In the Horidomecho area of Nihonbashi in Toko, an older red building and its distinctively shaped windows are reflected off a modern building's glass facade. The glass facade is staggered towards the background in multiple steps, resulting in an interesting layering of the red building's reflection into different stages.
ALT text detailsIn the Horidomecho area of Nihonbashi in Toko, an older red building and its distinctively shaped windows are reflected off a modern building's glass facade. The glass facade is staggered towards the background in multiple steps, resulting in an interesting layering of the red building's reflection into different stages.
In the Nihonbashi-Yokoyamacho area of Tokyo, a window reflection of a leather ware store shows a rather crisp image of the adjacent shopping street, with various colorful buildings, signs and pedestrian traffic.
ALT text detailsIn the Nihonbashi-Yokoyamacho area of Tokyo, a window reflection of a leather ware store shows a rather crisp image of the adjacent shopping street, with various colorful buildings, signs and pedestrian traffic.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Happy weekend from Japan! My "On the Town" series continues with a special "Windows" edition for / - all shots taken on a walk with my mate @alfiegoodrich around Bakurocho & Nihonbashi in Tokyo. Details in ALT texts.

On an early evening in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo, a woman working as a fortune teller is sitting at a tiny table on the sidewalk, opposite a big circular window that is illuminated from the inside of the building to which it belongs.
ALT text detailsOn an early evening in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo, a woman working as a fortune teller is sitting at a tiny table on the sidewalk, opposite a big circular window that is illuminated from the inside of the building to which it belongs.
In the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo on an early evening, a black taxi is waiting opposite the modern glass architecture of the Artizon Museum. There are many reflections and light effects coming from inside the building as well as from the surroundings.
ALT text detailsIn the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo on an early evening, a black taxi is waiting opposite the modern glass architecture of the Artizon Museum. There are many reflections and light effects coming from inside the building as well as from the surroundings.
In the Horidomecho area of Nihonbashi in Toko, an older red building and its distinctively shaped windows are reflected off a modern building's glass facade. The glass facade is staggered towards the background in multiple steps, resulting in an interesting layering of the red building's reflection into different stages.
ALT text detailsIn the Horidomecho area of Nihonbashi in Toko, an older red building and its distinctively shaped windows are reflected off a modern building's glass facade. The glass facade is staggered towards the background in multiple steps, resulting in an interesting layering of the red building's reflection into different stages.
In the Nihonbashi-Yokoyamacho area of Tokyo, a window reflection of a leather ware store shows a rather crisp image of the adjacent shopping street, with various colorful buildings, signs and pedestrian traffic.
ALT text detailsIn the Nihonbashi-Yokoyamacho area of Tokyo, a window reflection of a leather ware store shows a rather crisp image of the adjacent shopping street, with various colorful buildings, signs and pedestrian traffic.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's gov has approved a set of proposed new regulations for Japan's host clubs. If made law, hosts and host clubs that use romance and threats to force indebted female customers into prostitution and adult video work would face massive fines and jail time.


Picture of numerous host club billboards in Tokyo's Kabukicho neighborhood, where they're a dime a dozen
ALT text detailsPicture of numerous host club billboards in Tokyo's Kabukicho neighborhood, where they're a dime a dozen
atomicker's avatar


Title: Five Egrets Descending in Snow (1920)

Artist: Ohara Koson


A string of five white egrets spread their wings as they descend through falling snow out of a dim, overcast sky. In the foreground, brown and frost-bitten marsh reeds sag under the weight of snow.
ALT text detailsA string of five white egrets spread their wings as they descend through falling snow out of a dim, overcast sky. In the foreground, brown and frost-bitten marsh reeds sag under the weight of snow.
atomicker's avatar


"If they don't pay, I'm not going to defend them."

Looks like Trump may be lining up an attack on once he finds a window in his packed schedule of attacks on , , , etc etc...


atomicker's avatar


"If they don't pay, I'm not going to defend them."

Looks like Trump may be lining up an attack on once he finds a window in his packed schedule of attacks on , , , etc etc...


atomicker's avatar


"If they don't pay, I'm not going to defend them."

Looks like Trump may be lining up an attack on once he finds a window in his packed schedule of attacks on , , , etc etc...


atomicker's avatar


Title: Five Egrets Descending in Snow (1920)

Artist: Ohara Koson


A string of five white egrets spread their wings as they descend through falling snow out of a dim, overcast sky. In the foreground, brown and frost-bitten marsh reeds sag under the weight of snow.
ALT text detailsA string of five white egrets spread their wings as they descend through falling snow out of a dim, overcast sky. In the foreground, brown and frost-bitten marsh reeds sag under the weight of snow.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Police arrested a 33-year-old man at a convenience store in Hokkaido. He didn't have a weapon, didn't threaten anyone, and wasn't intoxicated. His crime? Asking a clerk for money. Police charged him w/ trespassing because being poor in Hokkaido is apparently a crime now.


Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan skyline in the winter.
ALT text detailsAsahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan skyline in the winter.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A recent social media post has started a debate over the proper use of smartphones on trains in Japan – particularly when you’re near a seat reserved for those with extra needs. Should you or shouldn't you check your email near a priority seat? Learn more below.


Priority Seat sign in Japan asking passengers to turn off their signs when near the seat
ALT text detailsPriority Seat sign in Japan asking passengers to turn off their signs when near the seat
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese companies and even some government agencies have jumped – for better or worse – on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) bandwagon. Unfortunately, not all of these attempts to “do more with less” are panning out. That could put children – and others – at risk.


An AI-ish style white HUD-like display superimposed on a picture of a young Asian girl in profile looking to the right
ALT text detailsAn AI-ish style white HUD-like display superimposed on a picture of a young Asian girl in profile looking to the right
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Given my recent streak of Tokyo night photos, I feel a bit weird to not have any new ones at the moment - but on my camera roll, I found this one taken last year from Ochanomizu Bridge along the Kanda River, looking towards Akihabara.

Night photograph from Tokyo. We are looking over Ochanomizu Station and the Kanda River in the direction of Akihabara.
ALT text detailsNight photograph from Tokyo. We are looking over Ochanomizu Station and the Kanda River in the direction of Akihabara.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan continues to crack down on host clubs – particularly, on hosts who connive to earn money by hook or by crook. The latest arrest is reminiscent of an earlier case where a host encouraged a customer to defraud other men so she could give him more money.


Picture of Ibuki Reno from his Instagram
ALT text detailsPicture of Ibuki Reno from his Instagram
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A movement calling for women's clothing to include pockets is gaining traction in Japan, prompting a change in the apparel industry. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Shinkawabata, Handa, Bishu (1935)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A snowy evening by a canal in a Japanese town. On the left, the water in the canal is blue and calm; on the right, a row of industrial-looking buildings, probably warehouses, line up along the water. Between the two, a figure in dark clothing and a little dog walk along a track worn by foot traffic in the snow. The figure carries an umbrella over their head as protection from the weather. Above, the sky is dim and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA snowy evening by a canal in a Japanese town. On the left, the water in the canal is blue and calm; on the right, a row of industrial-looking buildings, probably warehouses, line up along the water. Between the two, a figure in dark clothing and a little dog walk along a track worn by foot traffic in the snow. The figure carries an umbrella over their head as protection from the weather. Above, the sky is dim and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A movement calling for women's clothing to include pockets is gaining traction in Japan, prompting a change in the apparel industry. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

dystronix's avatar


A night in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


A night in Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Politicians in Japan are still debating whether to change an over 100-year-old law that requires Japanese spouses to have the same last name. As the debate rages, a new survey shows over half of married women wish they'd had the choice to keep their maiden names.


Picture of silhouette of a woman and a man in red against a thumbs up/thumbs down backdrop. The woman is labeled "Sato" and the man is labeled "Suzuki," two different Japanese last names
ALT text detailsPicture of silhouette of a woman and a man in red against a thumbs up/thumbs down backdrop. The woman is labeled "Sato" and the man is labeled "Suzuki," two different Japanese last names
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ito Shiori's documentary BLACK BOX DIARIES made history as the first documentary nominated for an Oscar by a Japanese director. The journalist and activist say she has a new goal: getting her acclaimed film to screen in Japan, where it's still in release limbo.


Ito Shiori speaking at a press conference for her book BLACK BOX
ALT text detailsIto Shiori speaking at a press conference for her book BLACK BOX
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Shinkawabata, Handa, Bishu (1935)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A snowy evening by a canal in a Japanese town. On the left, the water in the canal is blue and calm; on the right, a row of industrial-looking buildings, probably warehouses, line up along the water. Between the two, a figure in dark clothing and a little dog walk along a track worn by foot traffic in the snow. The figure carries an umbrella over their head as protection from the weather. Above, the sky is dim and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA snowy evening by a canal in a Japanese town. On the left, the water in the canal is blue and calm; on the right, a row of industrial-looking buildings, probably warehouses, line up along the water. Between the two, a figure in dark clothing and a little dog walk along a track worn by foot traffic in the snow. The figure carries an umbrella over their head as protection from the weather. Above, the sky is dim and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A producer on the famous anime Your Name got his day in court. However, some are calling the sentence light given the scope of his sexual predation. Learn more about the sentence and the backlash below.


On left: Poster for Your Name. On right: Man in suit in background reaches out his hands to foreground to try and grab silhouette figures of four women
ALT text detailsOn left: Poster for Your Name. On right: Man in suit in background reaches out his hands to foreground to try and grab silhouette figures of four women
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A popular photo of a barn owl running across a lawn just got the ultimate honor: it’s been immortalized by Japan’s premier royalty-free illustration site. Learn more about why and how to use it in your own work below.


Hannie Heere owl from Irasutoya - a white owl smiling as it runs across green grass with turquoise light painting the background
ALT text detailsHannie Heere owl from Irasutoya - a white owl smiling as it runs across green grass with turquoise light painting the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Americans don’t have the best reputation in the world right now. They’ve always had a rocky reputation in Japan, particularly due to behavior by US military personnel. For some reason, some dumbass decided to make the situation even worse.


Fukuoka City - view of night skyline from Fukuoka Tower
ALT text detailsFukuoka City - view of night skyline from Fukuoka Tower
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Akihabara Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Akihabara Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A group of Japanese high school students called for the abolition of nuclear weapons Wednesday in New York, where a meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is underway. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A group of Japanese high school students called for the abolition of nuclear weapons Wednesday in New York, where a meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is underway. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want some ramen and broth - and nothing else? As prices of nearly everything in Japan spike and ramen shops remain afraid of scaling the "1,000 yen wall," some stores are offering nothin' but noodles for customers who are tightening their belts.


Glistening pile of ramen noodles in a white bowl
ALT text detailsGlistening pile of ramen noodles in a white bowl
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hong Police police have arrested rapper & dancer KENSHIN (Kamimura Kenshin) after he allegedly sexually assaulted an interpreter. The group's dropped him & canceled his contract - a sign that Japanese companies are taking crimes against women more seriously.


KENSHIN booted after Hong Kong assault picture of Hong Kong night skyline in the background and KENSHIN (from the One 'N Only site before they took it down) on the right
ALT text detailsKENSHIN booted after Hong Kong assault picture of Hong Kong night skyline in the background and KENSHIN (from the One 'N Only site before they took it down) on the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A member of Japan's Conservative Party demanded the government close a loophole that allows Chinese tourists to get a Japanese driver's license using a hotel address, saying it endangers Japanese citizens. The government responded that, frankly, it doesn't see a problem.


Driver's license while staying in hotel room - pictrure of woman in a car showing beginning driver's sticker superimposed against the picture of an inside of a hotel room
ALT text detailsDriver's license while staying in hotel room - pictrure of woman in a car showing beginning driver's sticker superimposed against the picture of an inside of a hotel room
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Every week brings new stories of celebrities who’ve been caught engaging in illegal online gambling in Japan. The growth in online casino use has authorities considering a ban on even accessing such sites from within the country’s borders.


Online casino blocking - picture of a hand on the left with the word "stop" written on it. To the right, various symbols of glambling, including a slot machine, cards, and a roulette wheel
ALT text detailsOnline casino blocking - picture of a hand on the left with the word "stop" written on it. To the right, various symbols of glambling, including a slot machine, cards, and a roulette wheel
JoeJoeTom (aka Eerie Tom)'s avatar
JoeJoeTom (aka Eerie Tom)


1/2 Question for non-Japanese living long term in . My hubby and I are thinking of living there, but we are, I believe, *not* eligible for work, cultural, artist, etc. visas. We could probably get a 6-month tourist , but how often can we renew it? We are concerned that we would move all out stuff there, only to be told a year (or even 2 or 3 or 5 years) later that it's time to get out. If we were just going to rent an apartment that might be okay, but we'd really like to buy a house.

Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Nio statue at the Daimon gate of Seiso-ji, .

Nio statue at the Daimon gate of Seiso-ji, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsNio statue at the Daimon gate of Seiso-ji, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A large quantity of personal items and baggage mysteriously remained. To Japanese detectives, it seemed more than clear. Murder had taken place amongst the revolutionaries of the United Red Army.

And yet, where were the bodies?


Picture of a blood splatter on snow
ALT text detailsPicture of a blood splatter on snow
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Nio statue at the Daimon gate of Seiso-ji, .

Nio statue at the Daimon gate of Seiso-ji, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsNio statue at the Daimon gate of Seiso-ji, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Many ramen places in Japan are struggling to stay afloat. However, one unexpected chain is apparently making a killing with its latest ramen offering – and it’s breaking the so-called “1,000 yen wall” at the same time. Welcome to...Denny's?


Advertisement from Denny's Japan web site for its ramen offering
ALT text detailsAdvertisement from Denny's Japan web site for its ramen offering
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In a rare good sentence in Japan, an Osaka court sentenced 28-year-old Yanagimoto Tomoya to life in prison for stalking, threatening, & sexually assaulting 10 elementary schoolgirls between 2016 and 2022, calling his crimes "the height of viciousness." Yanagimoto's appealing.


Headline from LiveDoor news. JP text: 【速報】小学生女児10人に性的暴行 男が「無期懲役」判決を不服として控訴 犯行前に念入りに尾行や見張り カッターナイフで脅すなどして犯行 大阪地裁判決は「卑劣・悪質の極み」と糾弾
ALT text detailsHeadline from LiveDoor news. JP text: 【速報】小学生女児10人に性的暴行 男が「無期懲役」判決を不服として控訴 犯行前に念入りに尾行や見張り カッターナイフで脅すなどして犯行 大阪地裁判決は「卑劣・悪質の極み」と糾弾
dystronix's avatar


Snowy night in Shibuya Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Snowy night in Shibuya Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Snowy night in Shibuya Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thanks to climate change, there's less snow to shovel in Hokkaido than ever - but still enough that, according to Dogin Regional Research Institute, residents would earn a collective 53.4 billion yen (USD $356M) if compensated for their unpaid shoveling labor.


Amazing sculpture at the Sapporo Snow Festival
ALT text detailsAmazing sculpture at the Sapporo Snow Festival
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


(Former) Japan Communist Party Member and (former) Tsushima City legislator Matsui Yumiko, 48, has formally been charged in the assault that tanked her career. Matsui resigned after getting smashed as a mom's get-together, collapsing on the road, & then attacking hospital staff.

Article from Chunichi TV. Japanese headline: 酒に酔い看護師らに“暴行” けがをさせた疑い 元津島市議を書類送検 愛知県警
ALT text detailsArticle from Chunichi TV. Japanese headline: 酒に酔い看護師らに“暴行” けがをさせた疑い 元津島市議を書類送検 愛知県警
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's Minister of Internal Affairs, Murakami Seiichiro, was jeered when he bolted from the Diet during an opposition politician's speech. His presence was required and his absence stopped the proceedings. Arriving back, he told the room, "Nature calls me. All apologies."


Headline from Mainichi Shimbun. Japanese text: 村上総務相、トイレで衆院本会議を突然退席 議事が一時中断、陳謝
ALT text detailsHeadline from Mainichi Shimbun. Japanese text: 村上総務相、トイレで衆院本会議を突然退席 議事が一時中断、陳謝
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's yearly birth rate continues to plummet and may dip below 700,000 next year. Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru says the problem is that people just don't have the chance to meet like they used to - calling out in particular the drop in omiai, or traditional matchmaking services.


Man and a woman having a coffee date, picture taken of their backs as they look at each other
ALT text detailsMan and a woman having a coffee date, picture taken of their backs as they look at each other
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A new report from the Japan Tourism Agency shows tourists are spending more time out of Japan's big cities, with the share of regional hotel stays climbing to 34%. The big winner? Gifu Prefecture, which saw stays increase by 118.9% year over year. Miyazaki Prefecture came in 2nd.

Chart showing number of people staying in regions of Japan outside of the major three cities climbing by 32.5% relative to 2023.
ALT text detailsChart showing number of people staying in regions of Japan outside of the major three cities climbing by 32.5% relative to 2023.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A new report from the Japan Tourism Agency shows tourists are spending more time out of Japan's big cities, with the share of regional hotel stays climbing to 34%. The big winner? Gifu Prefecture, which saw stays increase by 118.9% year over year. Miyazaki Prefecture came in 2nd.

Chart showing number of people staying in regions of Japan outside of the major three cities climbing by 32.5% relative to 2023.
ALT text detailsChart showing number of people staying in regions of Japan outside of the major three cities climbing by 32.5% relative to 2023.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)'s Yamada Kenji is unhappy that Japan's new plan to make high school course fees free includes a group he apparently despises: foreigners. He's demanding the benefit not go to foreign residents, who pay taxes just like everyone else.

ANN News headline about Yamada's request. JP text: 高校授業料無償化 外国人を対象としないよう要求
ALT text detailsANN News headline about Yamada's request. JP text: 高校授業料無償化 外国人を対象としないよう要求
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want a little more UJ? Donors paying $5/mo. ($60 one-time donation) can join Unseen Japan Insider and get a special newsletter filled with bonus content, the ability to ask us anything about Japan, and a voice in our future editorial direction.


UJ logo of a woman in kimono walking a shiba inu with the phrase "Become an Insider" and a Join Now button
ALT text detailsUJ logo of a woman in kimono walking a shiba inu with the phrase "Become an Insider" and a Join Now button
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Across the islands, Okinawans are reconnecting with their languages. Traditional dance, theater, and music are blossoming. And now, as knowledge of the separate history of Ryukyu spreads, so too does the story of the hajichi tattoos.


Ukraine War Bulletins and News's avatar
Ukraine War Bulletins and News


🇰🇷🇺🇦South Korea has no intention of changing Ukraine aid policy (more) ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Cherry blossom season is arriving in Japan. Here are Japan’s top five festivals where you can get an eyeful of some of the most gorgeous cherry blossom leaves the country has to offer. These contain some hidden surprises, even for frequent tourists!


Cherry Blossom Festivals Around Japan - theee-part picture of different pink scenes
ALT text detailsCherry Blossom Festivals Around Japan - theee-part picture of different pink scenes
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Look up at the sky.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Look up at the sky.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want to go to a Tokyo cafe that's truly bewitched? Cafe Juju is a new joint in Suginami City, Tokyo that has a cute & innocent 1st floor with a 2nd floor full of (reputedly) cursed objects, with occasional spiritual and occult "performances." Oh, and they sell parfaits too.

Cafe Juju - exterior, white, plain looking, door has red trim, window has blue trim
ALT text detailsCafe Juju - exterior, white, plain looking, door has red trim, window has blue trim
The inside of Juju Cafe, which is darked and haunted. Picture shows a female doll with one eye.
ALT text detailsThe inside of Juju Cafe, which is darked and haunted. Picture shows a female doll with one eye.
Another creepy doll, this one in a grene vest and bow tie with a knit hat staring down at you.
ALT text detailsAnother creepy doll, this one in a grene vest and bow tie with a knit hat staring down at you.
Ice cream and chocolate parfait
ALT text detailsIce cream and chocolate parfait
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Nearly all trains in Japan ask passengers to turn off their smartphones near priority seats to avoid potentially disrupting pacemakers. A social media post about the rule, however, has many pointing out it has no basis in scientific fact, with some even calling it an urban legend.


Woman using her smartphone on a train
ALT text detailsWoman using her smartphone on a train
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's hidden travel gems, themed Tokyo cafes, a higher departure tax, and Navy sailors wilding in Fukuoka - all that and more in this week's roundup of our best content in the Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Old Castle Alice in Ikebukuro - left: a chandelier-shaped table with a Hearts gard standing in front of it; right - a delicious fruit and ice cream parfait
ALT text detailsOld Castle Alice in Ikebukuro - left: a chandelier-shaped table with a Hearts gard standing in front of it; right - a delicious fruit and ice cream parfait
Picture of two stone rabbits running on their hind legs like humans
ALT text detailsPicture of two stone rabbits running on their hind legs like humans
Narita Airport at night
ALT text detailsNarita Airport at night
Fukuoka City - view of night skyline from Fukuoka Tower
ALT text detailsFukuoka City - view of night skyline from Fukuoka Tower
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


US President and would-be dictator Donald Trump is threatening Japan over its weak yen policy. Asahi says he announced at a press conference that if the country didn't abandon pursuing a weak yen by keeping interest rates low, it'd "raise tariffs a little" to "balance" things out.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A woman working construction on site at Expo 2025's Pavilion complained to the Osaka gov that there are "no women's toilets" there & she has to go 11 hours between bathroom breaks. Contacted by press, the Expo Committee insisted there are - but couldn't say where or how many.

Article in Mainichi Shimbun. JP headline: 万博工事で女性用トイレの設置要望 「切実なお願い」協会知らず
ALT text detailsArticle in Mainichi Shimbun. JP headline: 万博工事で女性用トイレの設置要望 「切実なお願い」協会知らず
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Starbucks Japan will have a female CEO, as Morii Hisae takes control from Mizuguchi Takafumi next month. The move is good news for working women in Japan, where women are severely underrepresented in the upper ranks of the country's corporate world.

TBS News Dig article. JP headline: スターバックス 来月から森井久恵氏がCEOに 日本人女性初
ALT text detailsTBS News Dig article. JP headline: スターバックス 来月から森井久恵氏がCEOに 日本人女性初
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's Children & Families Agency spent 1 billion yen on developing a Machine Learning system to detect risk of child abuse based on data. It's now abandoning the project after a test run produced a 62% failure rate. Experts say fixing the system's issues would be "difficult."


An AI-ish style white HUD-like display superimposed on a picture of a young Asian girl in profile looking to the right
ALT text detailsAn AI-ish style white HUD-like display superimposed on a picture of a young Asian girl in profile looking to the right
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Kiyomizu Hall, Ueno (1929)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Heavy snow falls at Kiyomizu Hall in Ueno, Tokyo. A solitary visitor to the temple holds a bamboo umbrella over her head as she climbs stone steps leading up to the entrance to the red-lacquered building; the umbrella is little protection from the weather, and her robes are whipped about her by the wind. Fresh snow sticks to a leafless tree standing in the foreground, covers the temple rooftop, and gathers in drifts across the ground. Above, the sky is dark and overcast.
ALT text detailsHeavy snow falls at Kiyomizu Hall in Ueno, Tokyo. A solitary visitor to the temple holds a bamboo umbrella over her head as she climbs stone steps leading up to the entrance to the red-lacquered building; the umbrella is little protection from the weather, and her robes are whipped about her by the wind. Fresh snow sticks to a leafless tree standing in the foreground, covers the temple rooftop, and gathers in drifts across the ground. Above, the sky is dark and overcast.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

One of Kyōto's most photographed pieces of scenery is a stretch of garden behind Jōnan-gū's (城南宮) main shrine. Here winter and spring collide with plum blossoms cascading over fallen camellia flowers...bright dots in a verdant green carpet.

Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Blok M is one of the few places frequented by Japanese immigrants in Jakarta. Entrepreneurs purposefully built Japanese-style businesses in Blok M to attract the Japanese community; this area is now what’s considered Little Tokyo.


Kira Kira Ginza, in Blok M, South Jakarta. Photograph by author.
ALT text detailsKira Kira Ginza, in Blok M, South Jakarta. Photograph by author.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s one thing when tourists in a foreign country behave badly and bring shame and dishonor down on their fellow countrypeople. It’s another when they put their lives in actual, physical danger. Unfortunately, the latter seems to be an increasing trend in Japan.


Ice flows on the Sea of Okhotsk
ALT text detailsIce flows on the Sea of Okhotsk
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


statue, Museum, .

#Buddha statue, #Tokyo Museum, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text details#Buddha statue, #Tokyo Museum, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


statue, Museum, .

#Buddha statue, #Tokyo Museum, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text details#Buddha statue, #Tokyo Museum, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A 16-year-old rescued from scammers in Myanmar said he was forced to work until he paid the group 1 million yen (USD $6,715). In another story reported by NHK, he says that on days he didn’t make his quota, his captors would shock him with a stun gun.

Scammer at work - man with face obscured by jacket hood typing on laptop computer on a desk; picture is dimly lift blacks and greys
ALT text detailsScammer at work - man with face obscured by jacket hood typing on laptop computer on a desk; picture is dimly lift blacks and greys
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Season 10 of backstreet night photos from Itabashi ward in Tokyo - shot last Wednesday - continues:

“Itabashi Nights”
Season 10, Episode 4
“That I Would Be Good”

iPhone 15 Pro, night mode.

Night photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of an old barbershop adjacent to a weathered building in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of an old barbershop adjacent to a weathered building in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Season 10 of backstreet night photos from Itabashi ward in Tokyo - shot last Wednesday - continues:

“Itabashi Nights”
Season 10, Episode 4
“That I Would Be Good”

iPhone 15 Pro, night mode.

Night photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of an old barbershop adjacent to a weathered building in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of an old barbershop adjacent to a weathered building in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential backstreet in the Maenocho district of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Whoever posts a sadder picture than this wins"

Sign reads "Today's penguin feeding time: TBD"

X post by user @LImo400. Original Japanese: 

ALT text detailsX post by user @LImo400. Original Japanese: こいつよりさびしい画像出したら優勝
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

One of Kyōto's most photographed pieces of scenery is a stretch of garden behind Jōnan-gū's (城南宮) main shrine. Here winter and spring collide with plum blossoms cascading over fallen camellia flowers...bright dots in a verdant green carpet.

Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Winter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
ALT text detailsWinter and spring collide at Jonan-gu, with weeping plum blossoms blooming above fallen camellia flowers on a bed of moss.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Second only to Kitano Tenmangū as the go-to destination for plum blossoms, Jōnan-gū's "Spring Mountain" (春の山) reimagines a Heian-period style garden.

even the mean monks
come to eat rice cakes-
God of Jōnan

Weeping plum blossoms at Jonan-gu.
ALT text detailsWeeping plum blossoms at Jonan-gu.
Jonan-gu's 'Spring Mountain' garden recreates the aesthetics of the Heian period.
ALT text detailsJonan-gu's 'Spring Mountain' garden recreates the aesthetics of the Heian period.
Pink plum blossoms cascading down 'weeping ume' branches.
ALT text detailsPink plum blossoms cascading down 'weeping ume' branches.
Nao-san admires the plum blossoms at Jonan-gu.
ALT text detailsNao-san admires the plum blossoms at Jonan-gu.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A popular photo has been immortalized as a fun illustration thanks to Japan's premier free stock illustration site after suddenly going viral on Japanese social media. Irasutoya has offered its own version of Hannie Heere's famous pic of a young barn owl jogging across a lawn.


Hannie Heere owl from Irasutoya - a white barn owl smiling as it runs across green grass with turquoise light painting the background
ALT text detailsHannie Heere owl from Irasutoya - a white barn owl smiling as it runs across green grass with turquoise light painting the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese police continue to crack down on host club hosts who encourage resorting to crime to pay off debts. "Eternally 16-year-old" Kanai Yasutoshi (age 35) took 1.5M yen ($9.9K) that a customer obtained through fraud - and bragged to a friend that he wouldn't get caught.


Picture of Ibuki Reno from his Instagram
ALT text detailsPicture of Ibuki Reno from his Instagram
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


53-year-old Ito Koichiro, a producer on popular anime Your Name, admitted in court to paying for sex from at least 11 minor girls. His sentence? A mere four years - over half that of Watanabe Mai, a woman convicted of defrauding men to pay off her host club debt.


On left: Poster for Your Name. On right: Man in suit in background reaches out his hands to foreground to try and grab silhouette figures of four women
ALT text detailsOn left: Poster for Your Name. On right: Man in suit in background reaches out his hands to foreground to try and grab silhouette figures of four women
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan was rumored to be the home of tens of thousands of castles under the Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1868). In this era, over 3,000 castles blossomed nationwide, tactically crafted to shield the ruling family from potential uprisings by feudal lords (daimyo).

Ise Azuchi Castle, Ise, Mie Prefecture
ALT text detailsIse Azuchi Castle, Ise, Mie Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Tantei (Detective) Cafe in Ikebukuro is a bar/cafe with a whodunnit feel. During their bar time, they also offer a host of detective-related activities, such as a wiretapping kit, a fingerprinting kit, and a memorial photograph in the bar’s body outline.

Tantei (Detective) Bar showing a line of bar stools by the bar and a body outline on the floor to the left. Behind the outline is a female mannequin in a detective's coat and hat.
ALT text detailsTantei (Detective) Bar showing a line of bar stools by the bar and a body outline on the floor to the left. Behind the outline is a female mannequin in a detective's coat and hat.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Some in Japan think they can recreate the yakiniku restaurant experience at home with an aluminum duct and some elbow grease. The Tokyo Fire Department has a message for those people: please don’t.


X post from @Tokyo_Fire_D. Original Japanese text: 





ALT text detailsX post from @Tokyo_Fire_D. Original Japanese text: 【DIYに潜む火災危険!】 SNSでは、DIYのダクトで焼肉を楽しむ動画が多数紹介されています。 しかし… 実際に自作したダクトで焼肉中に、肉の脂から上がった炎が、ダクトの凹凸部分にたまった油脂に着火し火災となっています。 取扱いには十分注意してください。
atomicker's avatar


'Shinjuku ALTA meetup spot in Tokyo closes after 45 years'


SeanBreslin's avatar


1/2: These lot making a right racket right above my house a couple of hours ago.

The Blue Impulse of the Japan Air Force.

The Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
ALT text detailsThe Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
The Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
ALT text detailsThe Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
The Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
ALT text detailsThe Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
The Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
ALT text detailsThe Blue Impulse from the Japan Air Force.
atomicker's avatar


'Shinjuku ALTA meetup spot in Tokyo closes after 45 years'


SakuraSubnet 🗼's avatar
SakuraSubnet 🗼


Caught a warbling white-eye (if my research is correct) enjoying a cut in a half orange in the tree of somebody's backyard. What a cutie ☺️

A small light green bird sitting on a cutted in half orange somebody attached to a tree. Around his eyes it has a white circles.
ALT text detailsA small light green bird sitting on a cutted in half orange somebody attached to a tree. Around his eyes it has a white circles.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"People out here saying you can tell if it's a girl's first time having sex but you can't tell if it's a guy's. Dontcha know when a virgin sticks his penis in there's a flourish of trumpets and his balls crack open dangling a 'Happy Graduation' banner lolololol"

X post by user @pp1_yp. Japanese text:


ALT text detailsX post by user @pp1_yp. Japanese text: SEX、 「女の初めては分かるけど男は初めてか分からない」って言ってる人いて草 童貞はちんこ入れた時ファンファーレが流れてきて金玉がパカッと割れて「🎊㊗卒業✨」の垂れ幕が降りてくること知らないんだwwwwww
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A popular photo has been immortalized as a fun illustration thanks to Japan's premier free stock illustration site after suddenly going viral on Japanese social media. Irasutoya has offered its own version of Hannie Heere's famous pic of a young barn owl jogging across a lawn.

(Note: No pic attached b/c Mastodon server seems to be going through some stuff)


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


US military personnel don't have the best reputation in Japan. A 24-year-old US Navy sailor decided to make that worse after a bar in Fukuoka refused him service b/c it was closing time. The sailor responded by smashing a beer stein on some college kid's head.


Fukuoka City - view of night skyline from Fukuoka Tower
ALT text detailsFukuoka City - view of night skyline from Fukuoka Tower
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Recent reports reveal that multiple Japanese entertainers and pro baseball players have made a habit of visiting online casinos, which are illegal to use in Japan. The rapid growth in online casino usage has the government considering whether it should block access.


Online casino blocking - picture of a hand on the left with the word "stop" written on it. To the right, various symbols of glambling, including a slot machine, cards, and a roulette wheel
ALT text detailsOnline casino blocking - picture of a hand on the left with the word "stop" written on it. To the right, various symbols of glambling, including a slot machine, cards, and a roulette wheel
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


From the 1880s, a growing movement in Japan began targeting the consumption and selling of alcohol. The Japanese Temperance Movement had been born, and a path toward Prohibition was being constructed with sober determination.

A Japanese anti-alcohol poster, likely Taisho-era.
ALT text detailsA Japanese anti-alcohol poster, likely Taisho-era.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Baumkuchen, which began its life in Europe, has risen to become one of the most popular desserts in Japan. The story of baumkuchen’s arrival in Japan is one of creativity and industry flourishing even during the darkest of times.


Picture of baumkuchen
ALT text detailsPicture of baumkuchen
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Baumkuchen, which began its life in Europe, has risen to become one of the most popular desserts in Japan. The story of baumkuchen’s arrival in Japan is one of creativity and industry flourishing even during the darkest of times.


Picture of baumkuchen
ALT text detailsPicture of baumkuchen
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan’s ruling political parties earned criticism from far-right circles with their plan to lower the cost of high school for all students in the nation. Various polls, however, show a majority support the measure.


Four high school students running towards the left, staggered from left to right with two boys in back and two girls in front
ALT text detailsFour high school students running towards the left, staggered from left to right with two boys in back and two girls in front
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Japanese man in his 30s was "rescued" from a scammer group based out of Malaysia. However, he insists he doesn't want to go home to Japan. With good reason: Hokkaido police say they have a warrant out for his arrest on charges of theft.

Article on Japanese man found in Myanmar in scammer group. Title in JP: ミャンマー東部で見つかったとされる日本人 “帰りたくない”
ALT text detailsArticle on Japanese man found in Myanmar in scammer group. Title in JP: ミャンマー東部で見つかったとされる日本人 “帰りたくない”
Ukraine War Bulletins and News's avatar
Ukraine War Bulletins and News


🇪🇸🇺🇦🇫🇷 Presdenty Emmanuel Macron and Pedro Sánchez reacted to the conversation between Trump and President Zelensky. “There is an aggressor, which is Russia, and a people who have suffered aggression, which is Ukraine. We must respect (more)

Ukraine War Bulletins and News's avatar
Ukraine War Bulletins and News


🇪🇸🇺🇦🇫🇷 Presdenty Emmanuel Macron and Pedro Sánchez reacted to the conversation between Trump and President Zelensky. “There is an aggressor, which is Russia, and a people who have suffered aggression, which is Ukraine. We must respect (more)

atomicker's avatar


raging in 's Iwate Prefecture:

- one person has been killed
- 800+ people sheltering in evacuation centers
- 80+ buildings damaged
- power outages, schools closed
- firefighters still trying to contain the fires


atomicker's avatar


raging in 's Iwate Prefecture:

- one person has been killed
- 800+ people sheltering in evacuation centers
- 80+ buildings damaged
- power outages, schools closed
- firefighters still trying to contain the fires


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hentai first drew attention during anime’s nascent international boom in the 1990s thanks to the manga-turned-anime Urotsukidoji (超神伝説うろつき童子, Chōjin Densetsu Urotsukidōji), whose use of tentacles introduced many people to a fetish they never knew they had.


Cover art for Legend of the Overfiend
ALT text detailsCover art for Legend of the Overfiend
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: With more tourists visiting Japan than ever, the usual spots in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto are crowded as heck. Japan's encouraging more visitors to spread their wings and see more of the country. Which raises the question: Where should you go?


Picture of two stone rabbits running on their hind legs like humans
ALT text detailsPicture of two stone rabbits running on their hind legs like humans
Kingu's avatar


Today is !!!

The theme for today is

Show me the best Japanese electro music you know of!!

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As women in Japan demand more participation from their husbands, men are finding ways to avoid their spouse’s demand for greater participation in their home life. For example, by refusing to head home when the work day’s done.


Furariimen - Japanese man in business suit lying face-down drunk on bar
ALT text detailsFurariimen - Japanese man in business suit lying face-down drunk on bar
Kingu's avatar


Today is !!!

The theme for today is

Show me the best Japanese electro music you know of!!

Rouge - Pictures of Japan's avatar
Rouge - Pictures of Japan


in Shikanoshima, Fukuoka

In a Japanese temple complex, a stone lantern on a pillar stands in a soil covered in lush green moss. Trees and the roof of a temple are in the background.
ALT text detailsIn a Japanese temple complex, a stone lantern on a pillar stands in a soil covered in lush green moss. Trees and the roof of a temple are in the background.
Closeup of the top of the stone lantern, which is also covered with a thick layer of green moss.
ALT text detailsCloseup of the top of the stone lantern, which is also covered with a thick layer of green moss.
The moss-covered ground, with wooden temples and a large tree in the background.
ALT text detailsThe moss-covered ground, with wooden temples and a large tree in the background.
Closeup of another side of the stone lantern, with stringy moss lit by the sunlight.
ALT text detailsCloseup of another side of the stone lantern, with stringy moss lit by the sunlight.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want to eat some of Japan's best ramen? Well now you can - at Denny's Japan, of all places. The chain is re-releasing its collaboration with popular ramen maker Iida Shoten with an offering that breaks the country's so-called "1,000 yen well" for the iconic noodle dish.


Advertisement from Denny's Japan web site for its ramen offering
ALT text detailsAdvertisement from Denny's Japan web site for its ramen offering
dystronix's avatar


Daily life in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Daily life in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It could soon cost more to leave Japan. To help fund overtourism countermeasures, Japan's gov might raise the country's departure tax from 1K yen (USD $6.67) to as much as 5K yen ($33). However, some Japanese citizens are angry the tax would apply to *them* as well.


Narita Airport at night
ALT text detailsNarita Airport at night
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Wedding days can be a giant ball of stress that feels like it’s rolling down a hill like an avalanche. For 180 couples in Japan, that avalanche feeling must have skyrocketed this month when they learned their weddings were in jeopardy.


Hotel Gajoen, Meguro, Tokyo - view of hallways with small trees tinted red and yellow
ALT text detailsHotel Gajoen, Meguro, Tokyo - view of hallways with small trees tinted red and yellow
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: An udon commercial in Japan recently came under fire for what some called excessive sexualization of women. However, it also drew an equally worse accusation: that it was created using Generative AI.


Maruchan ad - scene showing the woman eating udon from the side. The table on which her udon rests appears to be missing its left side legs.
ALT text detailsMaruchan ad - scene showing the woman eating udon from the side. The table on which her udon rests appears to be missing its left side legs.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Those of us living in Japan are watching as the price of everything seems to go up month after month. The latest price spike, however, is really hitting home. Rice, a staple of Japanese eating, has skyrocketed by 90% in the past five months.


Current price of rice at a local supermarket with a picture of a woman looking shocked
ALT text detailsCurrent price of rice at a local supermarket with a picture of a woman looking shocked
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Thinking of spring.

dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Rainy night in Osaka Japan. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Cherry blossom season will be in full swing in Japan soon. Where can you see the most vibrant displays across the country? Here are the festivals with the most vibrant flowers - including several you might not otherwise have considered.


Cherry Blossom Festivals Around Japan - triptych showing three different scenes discussed in the article
ALT text detailsCherry Blossom Festivals Around Japan - triptych showing three different scenes discussed in the article
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“This is the parking lot outside the bank, I suspect there’s a master phantom thief inside”

X post by @yskglo. Japanese text: 

ALT text detailsX post by @yskglo. Japanese text: これ銀行の駐車場なんだけど たぶん中に大怪盗がいる
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“This is the parking lot outside the bank, I suspect there’s a master phantom thief inside”

X post by @yskglo. Japanese text: 

ALT text detailsX post by @yskglo. Japanese text: これ銀行の駐車場なんだけど たぶん中に大怪盗がいる
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Filled with izakayas, clubs, and restaurants serving authentic Japanese cuisine, this enclave offers a slice of Japan in the heart of Indonesia’s largest metropolis. Join us for a tour of Jakarta’s Little Tokyo, along with a look into its history and evolution.


Picture of Little Tokyo in Jakarta - a small torii gate in fromt of a restaurant named Yagiya
ALT text detailsPicture of Little Tokyo in Jakarta - a small torii gate in fromt of a restaurant named Yagiya
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A record number of kids in Japan are deciding they need to take a break from school life. For some, the break is a permanent one. Here's why kids are refusing to go to school - and how schools are responding.


Kid with a randoseru style Japanese backpack sitting in a field with his back to the camera and looking very depressed
ALT text detailsKid with a randoseru style Japanese backpack sitting in a field with his back to the camera and looking very depressed
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: While the rest of the world is praising Ito Shiori's courage in standing up for herself and other rape victims, she has been subject to petty and vicious attacks by many in Japan. When you know her story, it’s easier to understand why.


Ito Shiori looking at the camera
ALT text detailsIto Shiori looking at the camera
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It's become one of the Japanese language's most versatile words. As shown below, it can mean just about everything. But some say it degrades and cheapens the language. Find out more about why some people think the overuse of "yabai" is...well, yabai.


An English-language version of @kenlife202010’s yabai chart. Translation by Noah Oskow.
ALT text detailsAn English-language version of @kenlife202010’s yabai chart. Translation by Noah Oskow.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



The rear portion of the ceiling in Genkō-an's (源光庵) main hall is stained with what at first glance looks like water damage...
...but soon a footprint emerges on the rust coloured wood, the shape of a doll, shadowy fingertips, the fold of a kimono!

A footprint can be seen on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Once floorboards in part of Fushimi Castle, these blood stains are a grisly reminder of a last stand by those trying to hold the fortress.
ALT text detailsA footprint can be seen on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Once floorboards in part of Fushimi Castle, these blood stains are a grisly reminder of a last stand by those trying to hold the fortress.
The stained ceiling of Genko-san, originally floor boards in Fushimi Castle that were drenched in blood. They were gifted to temples as a prayer to soothe the souls that died during a battle at the castle.
ALT text detailsThe stained ceiling of Genko-san, originally floor boards in Fushimi Castle that were drenched in blood. They were gifted to temples as a prayer to soothe the souls that died during a battle at the castle.
The main gate of Genko-an.
ALT text detailsThe main gate of Genko-an.
Many shapes can be seen in the stains on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Here you can make out what is likely folds of clothing.
ALT text detailsMany shapes can be seen in the stains on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Here you can make out what is likely folds of clothing.
Nice Gear Games's avatar
Nice Gear Games


Hello GameDev.Place!!! 👋

We are an dev team comprised of Daikon (Japanese speaker, main dev) and Renkon (English speaker, posts at @renkotsuban and runs this account). You can find our work on and !


We also run a blog and digital that highlights indie games and developers from ! You can read games profiles and interviews over at @indietsushin:


よろしくおねがいします! 🙇

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hokkaido is one of Japan's premier winter destinations. Unfortunately, some tourists in one city who gather to see its beautiful sea are walking on thin ice - literally. It's the latest example of travelers to Japan putting themselves in physical danger.


Ice flows on the Sea of Okhotsk
ALT text detailsIce flows on the Sea of Okhotsk
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The betrayal of Ito Shiori, horny udon, physical Suica cards are so back baby, and 180 weddings canceled - this and more in our weekly roundup of top stories in the Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Ito Shiori looking at the camera
ALT text detailsIto Shiori looking at the camera
Maru-chan Akai Kitsune Udon commercial - animation of young woman eating udon with a flushed face
ALT text detailsMaru-chan Akai Kitsune Udon commercial - animation of young woman eating udon with a flushed face
PASMO card - picture of a hand holding a silver PASMO card with pink text against a blue background
ALT text detailsPASMO card - picture of a hand holding a silver PASMO card with pink text against a blue background
Hotel Gajoen, Meguro, Tokyo - view of hallways with small trees tinted red and yellow
ALT text detailsHotel Gajoen, Meguro, Tokyo - view of hallways with small trees tinted red and yellow
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Two Japanese teenagers, ages 16 and 17, were recently rescued from scam groups who set up operations in a lawless part of Myanmar. How did the two boys end up there? One was lured through a growing recruitment avenue: online games such as Fortnite.


Scammers in Myanmar - picture of Shwe in Bin Monastery in Mandalay in the background, a scammer in a mask on a computer on the left, and a video game controller on the right
ALT text detailsScammers in Myanmar - picture of Shwe in Bin Monastery in Mandalay in the background, a scammer in a mask on a computer on the left, and a video game controller on the right
dystronix's avatar


Snowy night in Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
dystronix's avatar


Snowy night in Tokyo. #photography #streetphotography #japan
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good Morning from Tokyo on this Wednesday! ☀️

Moving on to the 5th part of my "Taito Life" series with street photography rom Taito Ward. Details in ALT texts.

A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see some very dated and weathered building facades, in front of which there is a bright splash of greenery provided by some potted plants.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see some very dated and weathered building facades, in front of which there is a bright splash of greenery provided by some potted plants.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a perspective along a street with a green coin phone in the foreground, and a mom-and-pop store displaying all kinds of merchandise behind that.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a perspective along a street with a green coin phone in the foreground, and a mom-and-pop store displaying all kinds of merchandise behind that.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a drink vending machine and some dustbins and cleaning brushes beside.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a drink vending machine and some dustbins and cleaning brushes beside.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. A deep perspective along a typical street with mixed use residential and commercial buildings.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. A deep perspective along a typical street with mixed use residential and commercial buildings.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


One of Kanazawa's top attractions, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, will close from May 2027 to March 2028 for much-needed repairs. The facility was already aging, and it also sustained damage during last year's Noto Peninsula earthquake.

Article from Kyodo. JP headline: 金沢21世紀美術館、長期休業へ 27年度、大規模修繕工事
ALT text detailsArticle from Kyodo. JP headline: 金沢21世紀美術館、長期休業へ 27年度、大規模修繕工事
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good Morning from Tokyo on this Wednesday! ☀️

Moving on to the 5th part of my "Taito Life" series with street photography rom Taito Ward. Details in ALT texts.

A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see some very dated and weathered building facades, in front of which there is a bright splash of greenery provided by some potted plants.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see some very dated and weathered building facades, in front of which there is a bright splash of greenery provided by some potted plants.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a perspective along a street with a green coin phone in the foreground, and a mom-and-pop store displaying all kinds of merchandise behind that.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a perspective along a street with a green coin phone in the foreground, and a mom-and-pop store displaying all kinds of merchandise behind that.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a drink vending machine and some dustbins and cleaning brushes beside.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. We see a drink vending machine and some dustbins and cleaning brushes beside.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. A deep perspective along a typical street with mixed use residential and commercial buildings.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. A deep perspective along a typical street with mixed use residential and commercial buildings.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese social media users are back to debating the age-old question: Is it good manners to wear your backpack on a crowded train on your chest or back? In FNN's poll of 50 ppl on the street, 39 said chest is best. (Five said keep it on your back, four said the floor.)

Article from FNN. Title in Japanese: 満員電車での“リュックの前抱え”もマナー違反との声 「かばんなどを背中に背負う」が迷惑行為1位も 「スマホ持って肘を張るのが邪魔」など
ALT text detailsArticle from FNN. Title in Japanese: 満員電車での“リュックの前抱え”もマナー違反との声 「かばんなどを背中に背負う」が迷惑行為1位も 「スマホ持って肘を張るのが邪魔」など
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese prosecutors thought they had Sudo Saki dead to rights for her husband's murder. Instead, she became part of that rare 0.1% of Japanese defendants who are found not guilty. It was a shaky case from the start – and as the trial proceeded, it only got worse for the state.


Picture of Sudo Saki on left with, on right, the word 無罪 (Not Guilty) being held up in black and white by a lawyer in a courtroom
ALT text detailsPicture of Sudo Saki on left with, on right, the word 無罪 (Not Guilty) being held up in black and white by a lawyer in a courtroom
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Do you have to have a tour guide in Japan? Not for your entire trip, for sure. But having a guide for a few days can open you up to a world of experiences you might not otherwise have, especially if you don't speak Japanese.


Japanese woman (right) pointing something out to a happy but confused foreign tourist (left)
ALT text detailsJapanese woman (right) pointing something out to a happy but confused foreign tourist (left)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Another case of friction between tourists and a tourist hot spot is making headlines in Japan. A social media post from a Buddhist temple in Kyoto made waves when the frustrated head priest declared getting along with foreign tourists an impossibility.


Kodaiji - picture of temple building on the left, beautiful pink tree on the right, and raked stones with colored stripes in the foreground
ALT text detailsKodaiji - picture of temple building on the left, beautiful pink tree on the right, and raked stones with colored stripes in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A “please” can go a long way. Kyoto schools have recently changed their PA announcements, moving away from bossy exam time announcements in favor of politeness. The goal is to prevent students from becoming more stressed than they already are.


Picture of two aisles of students bowing to a teacher. The picture is taken from behind the students and at the end of the row, you can see a male teacher standing behind a podium and making his own small bow.
ALT text detailsPicture of two aisles of students bowing to a teacher. The picture is taken from behind the students and at the end of the row, you can see a male teacher standing behind a podium and making his own small bow.
Ashraya 🪔🪷's avatar
Ashraya 🪔🪷


🌌 timings for ,

• MahaShivratri is Wednesday Feb. 26

begins 2:38pm Feb. 26, ends 12:24pm Feb. 27
• Nishita kaal begins 11:28pm Feb. 26, ends 12:19am Feb. 27

• Pratah 1: 5:33pm Feb. 26 to 8:44pm
• Pratah 2: 8:44pm to 11:54pm
• Pratah 3: 11:54pm to 3:04am Feb. 27
• Pratah 4: 3:04am to 6:14am

• Parana: 6:14am to 12:24pm


noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Thinking of spring.

Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


JMA released the trend forecast for this summer - Another scorching days may come🥵

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


TV Asahi head Shinozuka Hiroshi criticized sister station ABEMA News for airing a false X post about a man who said he was reported for rape after using an AED to save a woman's life. The report, he said, could dissuade men from helping in an emergency.

Article from Sponichi Annex. Japanese title: ABEMAで「AED」報道巡りデマ疑惑 「SNSの極端な意見を拡散している」指摘に…テレ朝社長が見解
ALT text detailsArticle from Sponichi Annex. Japanese title: ABEMAで「AED」報道巡りデマ疑惑 「SNSの極端な意見を拡散している」指摘に…テレ朝社長が見解
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

International Ninja Day falls on December 5th, but the old ninja strongholds of Iga (in Mie Prefecture) and Kōka (in Shiga Prefecture), and the 'Japan Ninja Council' (日本忍者協議会) have promoted February 2nd-22nd as a celebration of everything ninja since 2015.

Practicing throwing shuriken.
ALT text detailsPracticing throwing shuriken.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good Morning from Tokyo on this Tuesday! ☀️

Moving on to the 4th part of my "Taito Life" series with street photography from Taito Ward. Details in ALT texts.

A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. At a street corner, we see a fairly weathered building with a fading red-painted facade. On the ground floor is a shop named "Hot Stuff".
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. At a street corner, we see a fairly weathered building with a fading red-painted facade. On the ground floor is a shop named "Hot Stuff".
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. A big window at a street corner reflects the surrounding scenery, includind pedestrians, bicycles and some mixed-use buildings.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. A big window at a street corner reflects the surrounding scenery, includind pedestrians, bicycles and some mixed-use buildings.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. It is a detail study of a rusted door hinge on an old building, and some stickers and plaques that have been attached to the door over the course of many years.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. It is a detail study of a rusted door hinge on an old building, and some stickers and plaques that have been attached to the door over the course of many years.
A street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. On a hot summer afternoon, a group of people are seated on camping chairs outside a building and having a chat. In the background, we can see signage and an entrance of an old restaurant.
ALT text detailsA street photo from Taito Ward in Tokyo, Japan. On a hot summer afternoon, a group of people are seated on camping chairs outside a building and having a chat. In the background, we can see signage and an entrance of an old restaurant.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


For Cat Day (Neko no Hi), which was on 2/22, the Japan Automobile Federation tweeted a warning to drivers to make sure their engine hoods are shut & they don't hear any cat sounds from their cars. It says it received 28 requests in Oct 2024 for help rescuing cats who'd crawled into engines.

Tweet from @jaf_jp. Japanese text:



ALT text detailsTweet from @jaf_jp. Japanese text: 明日2月22日は、#猫の日🐈 2024年10月の1ヵ月間で「猫がクルマに入り込んだ😱」という救援要請は28件ありました🦺 猫の命を守るためにも、乗車の前はボンネットなどエンジンルーム付近をやさしく叩くことを実践しましょう⚠️ ▼詳しくはこちら
Graphic warning of a cartoon cat with advice to make sure your cat hood is clearly shut and there are no cat sounds coming from it
ALT text detailsGraphic warning of a cartoon cat with advice to make sure your cat hood is clearly shut and there are no cat sounds coming from it
Cat sitting in a car engine
ALT text detailsCat sitting in a car engine
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A new Sankei/FNN poll shows Japan's once-dominant Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) possibly losing even more ground. It shows the Democratic Party for the People (DPFP) leading polls among people in their 30s, with Reiwa Shinsengumi coming in 2nd - and the LDP third.

Article from Sankei Shimbun. Japanese headline: 30代の支持率、自民が3番手に転落 国民民主、れいわの後塵拝す
ALT text detailsArticle from Sankei Shimbun. Japanese headline: 30代の支持率、自民が3番手に転落 国民民主、れいわの後塵拝す
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Looking for a cafe in Tokyo that offers something a little different? We take you inside one cafe hidden in Ikebukuro and introduce five other cafes across the city that give you both a place to hang out and a great spot to snap some cool photos on your Japan trip.


Old Castle Alice in Ikebukuro - left: a chandelier-shaped table with a Hearts gard standing in front of it; right - a delicious fruit and ice cream parfait
ALT text detailsOld Castle Alice in Ikebukuro - left: a chandelier-shaped table with a Hearts gard standing in front of it; right - a delicious fruit and ice cream parfait
Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Senbon Torii, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, Japan

#SenbonTorii #Senbon #Torii #Fushimi #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
Two women wearing traditional kimonos walk through a tunnel of vermillion torii gates. Their backs are turned to the camera, and they are surrounded by other visitors in modern clothing. The intricate patterns on their garments and the floral hair ornaments contrast with the linear repetition of the gates.
ALT text detailsTwo women wearing traditional kimonos walk through a tunnel of vermillion torii gates. Their backs are turned to the camera, and they are surrounded by other visitors in modern clothing. The intricate patterns on their garments and the floral hair ornaments contrast with the linear repetition of the gates.
Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan

#ArashiyamaBambooForest #Arashiyama #Bamboo #Forest #Ukyo #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
This image captures a serene path through a bamboo forest, with the dense bamboo stalks creating a natural tunnel. The light filtering through the leaves adds a soft glow to the scene, while the pathway, lined with grass, draws the viewer’s eye towards the vanishing point in the distance.
ALT text detailsThis image captures a serene path through a bamboo forest, with the dense bamboo stalks creating a natural tunnel. The light filtering through the leaves adds a soft glow to the scene, while the pathway, lined with grass, draws the viewer’s eye towards the vanishing point in the distance.
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


The cosmic Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) by the artist Kimura Buzan (木村武山), 1935, at Kongōbu-ji (金剛峯寺) on Mount Kōya (高野山) in Wakayama Prefecture, #.

The cosmic #buddha Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) by the artist Kimura Buzan (木村武山), 1935, at Kongōbu-ji (金剛峯寺) on Mount Kōya (高野山) in Wakayama Prefecture, ##Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsThe cosmic #buddha Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) by the artist Kimura Buzan (木村武山), 1935, at Kongōbu-ji (金剛峯寺) on Mount Kōya (高野山) in Wakayama Prefecture, ##Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Oni Mask, .

Oni Mask, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsOni Mask, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Chion-in, : View of Isshinin Buddhist temple from the garden.

Chion-in, #Japan: View of Isshinin Buddhist temple from the garden.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsChion-in, #Japan: View of Isshinin Buddhist temple from the garden. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Engyo-ji, .

Engyo-ji, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsEngyo-ji, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


, or the art of repairing broken pottery, .

#Kintsugi, or the art of repairing broken pottery, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text details#Kintsugi, or the art of repairing broken pottery, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


A painted image of Thousand-Armed (千手観音菩薩) by Tenjin Hoshin'nō (天真法親王), 1689. Hanging scroll in the collection of Rinnōäji (輪王寺) in Nikkō, Tochigi Prefecture, .

A painted image of Thousand-Armed #Kannon #Bodhisattva (千手観音菩薩) by Tenjin Hoshin'nō (天真法親王), 1689. Hanging scroll in the collection of Rinnōäji (輪王寺) in Nikkō, Tochigi Prefecture, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsA painted image of Thousand-Armed #Kannon #Bodhisattva (千手観音菩薩) by Tenjin Hoshin'nō (天真法親王), 1689. Hanging scroll in the collection of Rinnōäji (輪王寺) in Nikkō, Tochigi Prefecture, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s been a beloved brand in Japan for years. However, due to licensing issues, it’s slated to disappear from the local market. In reaction, some resellers are hoarding it – and selling it off at premium prices.


Viennetta - Japanese packaging from Morinaga for its 40th anniversary. Shows a picture of the cake, which is a white ice creame shaped in folds with a chocolate sauce on top and chocolate in-between each fold
ALT text detailsViennetta - Japanese packaging from Morinaga for its 40th anniversary. Shows a picture of the cake, which is a white ice creame shaped in folds with a chocolate sauce on top and chocolate in-between each fold
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Want a souvenir of your Japan trip to take home with you? Good news: you’ll be able to buy a physical transportation card in Japan’s Kanto region again after a long dry spell.


PASMO card - picture of a hand holding a silver PASMO card with pink text against a blue background
ALT text detailsPASMO card - picture of a hand holding a silver PASMO card with pink text against a blue background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Starting in May 2025, Taiwanese citizens who marry a Japanese citizen can elect to identify their nationality as “Taiwan” on their spouse’s family registry (戸籍; koseki). The document is Japan’s primary method of identifying citizens and their familial relations.


Ministry of Justice stone carving sign in Tokyo, Japan
ALT text detailsMinistry of Justice stone carving sign in Tokyo, Japan
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

International Ninja Day falls on December 5th, but the old ninja strongholds of Iga (in Mie Prefecture) and Kōka (in Shiga Prefecture), and the 'Japan Ninja Council' (日本忍者協議会) have promoted February 2nd-22nd as a celebration of everything ninja since 2015.

Practicing throwing shuriken.
ALT text detailsPracticing throwing shuriken.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post


So it turns out that February 22nd is not only 'Cat Day', but is also celebrated as 'Ninja Day' (忍者の日)🤯

Again it is thanks to word play.
22.2 = 'ni ni ni', a shortening of 'nin(ja) nin nin' (忍者 にん にん), the sound ninja make when striking a pose.

Woodblock print of a ninja climbing a rope.

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of a ninja climbing a rope. Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Woodblock print of a kabuki actor portraying a samurai in ninja pose.

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of a kabuki actor portraying a samurai in ninja pose. Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Woodblock kabuki print of a samurai under attack from ninja.

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock kabuki print of a samurai under attack from ninja. Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Woodblock kabuki print of a ninja about to strike down a man playing the koto.

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock kabuki print of a ninja about to strike down a man playing the koto. Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Happy 'Cat Day' from Percy (パーシー) and Hogarth (ホガース)🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🍰🥳

My micro-panthers have their own Insta account...

As you would expect, it's just photos of them...but if black cats are your thing then please take a look🙇‍♂️

Thank you🐾

A young Percy the cat curled up in a cat food box.
ALT text detailsA young Percy the cat curled up in a cat food box.
Hogarth the cat poses for his portrait.
ALT text detailsHogarth the cat poses for his portrait.
Percy sticking out his tongue.
ALT text detailsPercy sticking out his tongue.
Seeing double...Hogarth and Percy the black cats (brothers) waiting for treats.
ALT text detailsSeeing double...Hogarth and Percy the black cats (brothers) waiting for treats.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Tourists beware: Police in Fukuoka arrested a 39yo Japanese man, Fujino Takahiro, for trying to take an upskirt pic of a 16yo Korean girl who was visiting Japan with her family. Good news: he was caught by another man & held at the scene by multiple men until police arrived.

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

The date of National Cat Day is different for each country. In Japan the 'Executive Cat Day Committee' selected February 22nd in 1978🐈‍⬛🐈🐾

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-ukiyo-e.org

Woodblock print of a cat looking out of a window with Mt Fuji in the background.

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of a cat looking out of a window with Mt Fuji in the background. Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Woodblock print of cats (one wearing kimono!).

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of cats (one wearing kimono!). Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Woodblock print of ladies building a giant cat out of snow.

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of ladies building a giant cat out of snow. Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Woodblock print of a sleeping cat.

Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of a sleeping cat. Image thanks🙇‍♂️-https://ukiyo-e.org
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



February 22nd is 'Cat Day' (ねこの日/ニャンの日 'Neko-no-hi' or 'Nyan-no-hi')!😺🥳

'Meow' in Japanese is 'nya-' (にゃー)...
...as February 22nd (22.2 'ni ni ni') sounds a little like "nya nya nya", the day is devoted to our feline friends.

A monaka (wafer) in the shape of a curled up cat.
ALT text detailsA monaka (wafer) in the shape of a curled up cat.
Hogarth the cat goes in for his close up.
ALT text detailsHogarth the cat goes in for his close up.
A magnificent ginger cat atop a stone lantern.
ALT text detailsA magnificent ginger cat atop a stone lantern.
Tea and adorable cat shaped sweet (with branded lines to give it stripes).
ALT text detailsTea and adorable cat shaped sweet (with branded lines to give it stripes).
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Is there anything more sad - and, I'll admit, darkly entertaining - than an American burning their home down by deep-frying a turkey? How about burning it down with a DIY yakiniku vent? Why the Tokyo Fire Department is warning Japanese foodies against this social media trend.


DIY yakiniku duct - drawing of a duct extending from a table to the traditional smoke outlet installed above gas burners in Japanese kitchens
ALT text detailsDIY yakiniku duct - drawing of a duct extending from a table to the traditional smoke outlet installed above gas burners in Japanese kitchens
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As of April, Japan will make high school free for all with a budget revision that lifts income limits on subsidies to pay school course fees. Japan's far right is lambasting the move as a waste of taxpayer money. However, public opinion polls show fairly broad support.


Four high school students running towards the left, staggered from left to right with two boys in back and two girls in front
ALT text detailsFour high school students running towards the left, staggered from left to right with two boys in back and two girls in front
Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan

#ArashiyamaBambooForest #Arashiyama #Bamboo #Forest #Ukyo #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
This image captures a serene path through a bamboo forest, with the dense bamboo stalks creating a natural tunnel. The light filtering through the leaves adds a soft glow to the scene, while the pathway, lined with grass, draws the viewer’s eye towards the vanishing point in the distance.
ALT text detailsThis image captures a serene path through a bamboo forest, with the dense bamboo stalks creating a natural tunnel. The light filtering through the leaves adds a soft glow to the scene, while the pathway, lined with grass, draws the viewer’s eye towards the vanishing point in the distance.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


To address Japan's paucity of women pilots, the Ministry of Transportation says it's repealing a height rule that requires entrants to pilot school to be at least 158cm (5'2"). Only 1.9% of Japan's 7270 pro pilots are female, way lower than the already low world average of 4.7%. The gov is aiming to grow that to 10% in 10 years.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Controversial anime is nothing new in Japan. But it’s rare for a commercial to become a subject of debate. A new spot for a packaged udon has some people asking how an ad for a seemingly simple product came out so…well, horny.


Maru-chan Akai Kitsune Udon commercial - animation of young woman eating udon with a flushed face
ALT text detailsMaru-chan Akai Kitsune Udon commercial - animation of young woman eating udon with a flushed face
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Need more Japanese reading practice? Trying to understand newspaper-level Japanese? For the most part, it requires a lot of immersive reading. But there are some tools you can use to help give you a leg up.


Amber lights coming up off a book lying flat and open on a table
ALT text detailsAmber lights coming up off a book lying flat and open on a table
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: What’s wrong with a little barbeque? Nothing! At least for most people. However, a recent viral thread on a Chinese social media site had a Chinese resident of Japan scratching their head, wondering what they’d done wrong.


Picture of outdoor barbeque
ALT text detailsPicture of outdoor barbeque
Airports Bot's avatar
Airports Bot


Kansai International Airport - Osaka, Japan


Airports Bot's avatar
Airports Bot


Kansai International Airport - Osaka, Japan


Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Senbon Torii, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, Japan

#SenbonTorii #Senbon #Torii #Fushimi #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
Two women wearing traditional kimonos walk through a tunnel of vermillion torii gates. Their backs are turned to the camera, and they are surrounded by other visitors in modern clothing. The intricate patterns on their garments and the floral hair ornaments contrast with the linear repetition of the gates.
ALT text detailsTwo women wearing traditional kimonos walk through a tunnel of vermillion torii gates. Their backs are turned to the camera, and they are surrounded by other visitors in modern clothing. The intricate patterns on their garments and the floral hair ornaments contrast with the linear repetition of the gates.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want to get away from the crowds for a spell while visiting Japan? Looking for a fun domestic trip? One travel website recommends these five cities as up-and-comers that are still relatively low on tourists' radars.


Picture of two stone rabbits running on their hind legs like humans
ALT text detailsPicture of two stone rabbits running on their hind legs like humans
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Some men oppose stricter enforcement of sexual assault laws on the grounds they will lead to more false accusations against them. A recent social media post in Japan shot heroin into the veins of this propaganda.


Person delivering CPR on a resuscitation dummy, with an AED device attached via pads and the device itself set above the dummy's head to the right
ALT text detailsPerson delivering CPR on a resuscitation dummy, with an AED device attached via pads and the device itself set above the dummy's head to the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Ito Shiori's former lawyers have lost the plot. Worse, they’ve done something far more damaging: they have publicly undermined their own ex-client, reinforcing the very systems of intimidation and isolation that make sexual violence cases nearly impossible to prosecute."


Cover of Black Box, Ito Shiori's book about her sexual assault
ALT text detailsCover of Black Box, Ito Shiori's book about her sexual assault
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: As soon as one popular location in Japan fills up, tourists find another. That’s happening currently in the city of Furano in Hokkaido, where some residents say they hardly recognize the place they grew up.


Furano, Hokkaido - picture off lavender field, half of it a scrolling array of purple flowers, alongside to the left with other flowers in different colors (red, white, green, orange, pink)
ALT text detailsFurano, Hokkaido - picture off lavender field, half of it a scrolling array of purple flowers, alongside to the left with other flowers in different colors (red, white, green, orange, pink)
dystronix's avatar


Daily life in Japan.
#photography #streetphotography #japan
Dotoonbori Osaka Japan.
ALT text detailsDotoonbori Osaka Japan.
dystronix's avatar


Daily life in Japan.
#photography #streetphotography #japan
Dotoonbori Osaka Japan.
ALT text detailsDotoonbori Osaka Japan.
SeanBreslin's avatar


A cold and snowy walk along the river this morning.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hi all - if you tried to support UJ's work recently via the UJ Journalism Fund, you may have encountered a payment error. It should be fixed, so please try again if you've tried to make a recurring or one-time donation recently (& pls let us know if it's still borked). Thanks!


Unseen Japan banner showing a woman in a kimono walking her shibainu down a traditional shopping district in a Japanese city please donate writing good ALT text takes time
ALT text detailsUnseen Japan banner showing a woman in a kimono walking her shibainu down a traditional shopping district in a Japanese city please donate writing good ALT text takes time
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


180 couples in Tokyo are freaking tf out after Hotel Gajoen, Japan's first-ever full-service wedding venue, suddenly announced it's closing in October and canceling all booked weddings. The hotel says it accepted bookings despite knowing its lease would soon be up.


Hotel Gajoen, Meguro, Tokyo - view of hallways with small trees tinted red and yellow
ALT text detailsHotel Gajoen, Meguro, Tokyo - view of hallways with small trees tinted red and yellow
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Planning a longer-term stay in Japan? Some hotels can get expensive, while others are specifically designed with short-term visitors in mind. Luckily, today, there are tons of options - from capsule hotels to Airbnb to share house programs and even homestays.


Picture of two beds plus two loft beds in a hotel in Japan with a window in the background showing a city skyline
ALT text detailsPicture of two beds plus two loft beds in a hotel in Japan with a window in the background showing a city skyline
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: An Internet trend that started last year in Japan has encouraged people to self-identify themselves as part of the “bathing cancel clique.” Experts say that depression may be driving the trend – fueled, perhaps, by overuse of smartphones.


Baths canceled - blue-hued picture of a woman laying back in a tub with a "canceled" logo imposed over it
ALT text detailsBaths canceled - blue-hued picture of a woman laying back in a tub with a "canceled" logo imposed over it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"It's no secret that sexual assault cases in Japan are a nightmare to prosecute. The reason Itō’s Shiori’s Black Box Diaries matters is because it rips the lid off this system, exposing its failures and demanding accountability."


Poster for Black Box Diaries - Ito Shiori behind what appears to be a rain streaked pane of glass with the words of the film in white text
ALT text detailsPoster for Black Box Diaries - Ito Shiori behind what appears to be a rain streaked pane of glass with the words of the film in white text
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"It's no secret that sexual assault cases in Japan are a nightmare to prosecute. The reason Itō’s Shiori’s Black Box Diaries matters is because it rips the lid off this system, exposing its failures and demanding accountability."


Poster for Black Box Diaries - Ito Shiori behind what appears to be a rain streaked pane of glass with the words of the film in white text
ALT text detailsPoster for Black Box Diaries - Ito Shiori behind what appears to be a rain streaked pane of glass with the words of the film in white text
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A man who was supposed to help youth in danger turned out to be the danger himself. Saitama Prefectural police say they have arrested the former head of an organization whose mission was protecting youth in Tokyo's Kabukicho.


Toyoko, Kabukicho - shot of the area standing in front looking towards Toho Cinemas, Multiple visitors are walking and standing around on the brightly-lit neon street. You can see the Toho Godzilla in the background peering over the Hotel Gracery.
ALT text detailsToyoko, Kabukicho - shot of the area standing in front looking towards Toho Cinemas, Multiple visitors are walking and standing around on the brightly-lit neon street. You can see the Toho Godzilla in the background peering over the Hotel Gracery.
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Minoru Saba's avatar
Minoru Saba


Am in two minds as to whether the media in is just being disingenuous or really haven't done their homework before reporting on matters home and abroad.

2nd definition of "disingenuous" by Wordnik: "Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf"
Probably more charitable than the 1st: "...insincere or calculating"
Pretending to be a frog in a well knowing nothing about the great sea (井の中の蛙大海を知らず) isn't any better than the homework-eating dog excuse.😡

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

🌸Sakura (桜)-
Individual flowers grow from longer stems, generally in clusters. The oval petals typically have an indent at the tip.

cherry blossoms fall-
come out and play
devil in me!
-Kobayashi Issa.
Trans. David Lanoue.

Vivid pink sakura blossoms.
ALT text detailsVivid pink sakura blossoms.
There are many species of sakura, and some of the most unusual flowers are coloured yellow and green.
ALT text detailsThere are many species of sakura, and some of the most unusual flowers are coloured yellow and green.
Sakura-mochi, a popular sweet during cherry blossom season. An edible sakura leaf is wrapped around the sweet.
ALT text detailsSakura-mochi, a popular sweet during cherry blossom season. An edible sakura leaf is wrapped around the sweet.
Fugen-zakura...a particularly gorgeous and multi-layered species of cherry blossom.
ALT text detailsFugen-zakura...a particularly gorgeous and multi-layered species of cherry blossom.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

🍑Momo (桃の花)-
Flowers bloom in pairs from short stems (petals are always pink, and diamond in shape).

my mean peach tree
nice and chubby
with blossoms
-Kobayashi Issa, 1809.
Trans. David Lanoue.

Peach blossoms.
ALT text detailsPeach blossoms.
A traditional sweet in the shape of peach shaped bell.
ALT text detailsA traditional sweet in the shape of peach shaped bell.
Shaved ice covered in a thick peach syrup and real pieces of peach.
ALT text detailsShaved ice covered in a thick peach syrup and real pieces of peach.
Peach blossoms.
ALT text detailsPeach blossoms.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post


🎎 Ume (梅の花)-
Flowers grow directly from the branch and have no stem.

are the sparrows too
having a private party?
plum blossoms
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1804.
Trans. David G. Lanoue.

Vibrant red ume blossoms.
ALT text detailsVibrant red ume blossoms.
White ume blossoms under a clear blue sky.
ALT text detailsWhite ume blossoms under a clear blue sky.
A traditional sweet inspired by a red ume blossom.
ALT text detailsA traditional sweet inspired by a red ume blossom.
A pink ume blossom, with its distinctive round petals.
ALT text detailsA pink ume blossom, with its distinctive round petals.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Hie Shrine (1931)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls at Tokyo's Hie Shrine. A pair of female figures in kimono, geta and traditional hairstyles carry bamboo umbrellas over their heads as they approach the shrine. Up ahead, tall trees crowd close to the red-lacquered shrine building; above, the sky is grey and overcast. Snow continues falling across the scene.
ALT text detailsSnow falls at Tokyo's Hie Shrine. A pair of female figures in kimono, geta and traditional hairstyles carry bamboo umbrellas over their heads as they approach the shrine. Up ahead, tall trees crowd close to the red-lacquered shrine building; above, the sky is grey and overcast. Snow continues falling across the scene.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Spring's great conundrum...which blossom is which?🤔

There comes a period in the year when species of ume, quince, peach, cherry and almond trees can all be seen in bloom🔍😵‍💫

In spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
ALT text detailsIn spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
In spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
ALT text detailsIn spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
In spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
ALT text detailsIn spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
In spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
ALT text detailsIn spring a great variety of trees flower at the same time, making it more than a little confusing which types of blossom you are looking at.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Rising prices are making it harder to live in Japan. Rice, a staple food, has nearly doubled, with a 5kg bag now selling for an average of 3,829 yen (USD $25) - 1,811 yen ($12) more than last year. Will a release of strategic reserves be enough to bring the cost down?


Current price of rice at a local supermarket with a picture of a woman looking shocked
ALT text detailsCurrent price of rice at a local supermarket with a picture of a woman looking shocked
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) found 346,482 cases of school refusal in 2023 - a record number. Why are more Japanese kids refusing to go to school even as cases of bullying are on the decline?


Kid with a randoseru style Japanese backpack sitting in a field with his back to the camera and looking very depressed
ALT text detailsKid with a randoseru style Japanese backpack sitting in a field with his back to the camera and looking very depressed
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Itō Shiori's award-winning documentary BLACK BOX DIARIES still can't be screened in Japan. A group of lawyers - Itō's former attorneys - say she didn't get permission for some of the footage. But is that true? Why are attorneys undermining their own former client?


Ito Shiori in a black t-shirt sitting at a cafe with her hair tied back and looking into the camera, right hand held up to her chin
ALT text detailsIto Shiori in a black t-shirt sitting at a cafe with her hair tied back and looking into the camera, right hand held up to her chin
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: If you watch Beat Takeshi's new film BROKEN RAGE for the deadpan but reflective Kitano crime flicks of yore, prepare for disappointment. But, if you’re willing to be surprised, you’ll likely have a good time. And the less you know, the more fun you may have.


Promo for Broken Rage showing a height chart in the background and two Kinatos - one on the left in casual clothes with a hat and a bloody tissue in his noise, and one on the right wearing a suit and sunglasses. Both are wearing placards with the number 5 on them.
ALT text detailsPromo for Broken Rage showing a height chart in the background and two Kinatos - one on the left in casual clothes with a hat and a bloody tissue in his noise, and one on the right wearing a suit and sunglasses. Both are wearing placards with the number 5 on them.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Where once there might have been silence, the voices of the benshi rang out in the cinemas of early 20th-century Japan. Find out more about who the benshi were and what they brought to the movies before the advent of talking pictures.


Picture of man narrating a silent film, standing at a podium on the left while looking at the film on the right. On the right lower side of the picture is a strip of film with the words "Benshi: The Voice and Color of Japanese Silent Cinema" in black and white superimposed upon it.
ALT text detailsPicture of man narrating a silent film, standing at a podium on the left while looking at the film on the right. On the right lower side of the picture is a strip of film with the words "Benshi: The Voice and Color of Japanese Silent Cinema" in black and white superimposed upon it.
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


A painted image of Thousand-Armed (千手観音菩薩) by Tenjin Hoshin'nō (天真法親王), 1689. Hanging scroll in the collection of Rinnōäji (輪王寺) in Nikkō, Tochigi Prefecture, .

A painted image of Thousand-Armed #Kannon #Bodhisattva (千手観音菩薩) by Tenjin Hoshin'nō (天真法親王), 1689. Hanging scroll in the collection of Rinnōäji (輪王寺) in Nikkō, Tochigi Prefecture, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsA painted image of Thousand-Armed #Kannon #Bodhisattva (千手観音菩薩) by Tenjin Hoshin'nō (天真法親王), 1689. Hanging scroll in the collection of Rinnōäji (輪王寺) in Nikkō, Tochigi Prefecture, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Would you pay to buy books? A lot of people in Tokyo would, it seems - which is why this bookstore in Roppongi has taken off. Learn how it started, why it's charming customers, and what you can expect for your yen.


Glass front door of Bunkissa in Roppongi, Tokyo
ALT text detailsGlass front door of Bunkissa in Roppongi, Tokyo
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Yasaka Pagoda, Kyoto, Japan

#YasakaPagoda #Yasaka #Pagoda #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
This image showcases a stunning pagoda, likely part of Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto, with its vibrant vermillion and intricate architectural details standing out against the subdued sky. The framing with bare branches and lush greenery adds depth, enhancing the traditional and serene atmosphere.
ALT text detailsThis image showcases a stunning pagoda, likely part of Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto, with its vibrant vermillion and intricate architectural details standing out against the subdued sky. The framing with bare branches and lush greenery adds depth, enhancing the traditional and serene atmosphere.
Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Yasaka Pagoda, Kyoto, Japan

#YasakaPagoda #Yasaka #Pagoda #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
This image beautifully captures a traditional street in Kyoto, likely Ninenzaka or Sannenzaka, with the Yasaka Pagoda standing tall in the background. The warm glow of streetlights contrasts with the cool tones of the sky, creating a serene twilight atmosphere. The lone figure with a white parasol adds a timeless and elegant touch, enhancing the nostalgic feel of the scene.
ALT text detailsThis image beautifully captures a traditional street in Kyoto, likely Ninenzaka or Sannenzaka, with the Yasaka Pagoda standing tall in the background. The warm glow of streetlights contrasts with the cool tones of the sky, creating a serene twilight atmosphere. The lone figure with a white parasol adds a timeless and elegant touch, enhancing the nostalgic feel of the scene.
Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Yasaka Pagoda, Kyoto, Japan

#YasakaPagoda #Yasaka #Pagoda #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
This image showcases a stunning pagoda, likely part of Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto, with its vibrant vermillion and intricate architectural details standing out against the subdued sky. The framing with bare branches and lush greenery adds depth, enhancing the traditional and serene atmosphere.
ALT text detailsThis image showcases a stunning pagoda, likely part of Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto, with its vibrant vermillion and intricate architectural details standing out against the subdued sky. The framing with bare branches and lush greenery adds depth, enhancing the traditional and serene atmosphere.
Albert Wu's avatar
Albert Wu


Yasaka Pagoda, Kyoto, Japan

#YasakaPagoda #Yasaka #Pagoda #Kyoto #Honshu #Japan #TravelJapan #JapanEndlessDiscovery #Landscape #Photography #Nikon #NikonZII #ZII #Travel
This image beautifully captures a traditional street in Kyoto, likely Ninenzaka or Sannenzaka, with the Yasaka Pagoda standing tall in the background. The warm glow of streetlights contrasts with the cool tones of the sky, creating a serene twilight atmosphere. The lone figure with a white parasol adds a timeless and elegant touch, enhancing the nostalgic feel of the scene.
ALT text detailsThis image beautifully captures a traditional street in Kyoto, likely Ninenzaka or Sannenzaka, with the Yasaka Pagoda standing tall in the background. The warm glow of streetlights contrasts with the cool tones of the sky, creating a serene twilight atmosphere. The lone figure with a white parasol adds a timeless and elegant touch, enhancing the nostalgic feel of the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The chief priest of Kodaiji Buddhist temple in Kyoto recently vented his frustrations after he was threatened by a tourist, declaring co-existence with foreign tourists "impossible." He later suggested that Japan educate travelers on manners before letting them visit.


Kodaiji - picture of temple building on the left, beautiful pink tree on the right, and raked stones with colored stripes in the foreground
ALT text detailsKodaiji - picture of temple building on the left, beautiful pink tree on the right, and raked stones with colored stripes in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


OP says they missed the news (as did we!) that Japan's Children & Families Agency updated its Maternity Mark to include twins & triplets. The move reflects an increase in multiple births in the last several decades due to the growing use of infertility treatments.

Original X post from @ddtwin_0728. Text in Japanese:


ALT text detailsOriginal X post from @ddtwin_0728. Text in Japanese: え!?マタニティマークって公式で多胎が出てたのか…!! どうも3ヶ月前に出たみたい。 私も使いたかったーーーー!!!!😂 マタニティマークに多胎児版、双子と三つ子のデザイン追加
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


”This is no ordinary white rice. I worked overtime & came home late, so my oldest boy (11) looked up how to cook rice & made it for me, making it the world's most delicious white rice."

X post from @R453374510. Original Japanese: 

ALT text detailsX post from @R453374510. Original Japanese: これはただの白米ではありません 私が残業で帰りが遅くなったため 長男(11)が自ら炊き方を調べて 炊いてくれた世界一美味しい白米です
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Move over, Hachiko - Fukuoka is hoping this Minecraft-ass tree in the Tenjin neighborhood will become the city's hot new meeting spot. The "pixel tree" stands six meters tall and is made up of over 2,000 blocks to make it look like it popped out of an eight-bit video game.

Green pixellated tree in front of large buildings with a person standing off to the left side who's about 1/3rd of the tree's height
ALT text detailsGreen pixellated tree in front of large buildings with a person standing off to the left side who's about 1/3rd of the tree's height
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: One of the things that can suck about being a parent is feeling like you have no time for yourself. One rock band in Japan decided recently to do what it could to help out.


Picture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
ALT text detailsPicture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Many of the most popular and beloved Japanese anime have explicit political ideologies. Sometimes, they’re expressed overtly. Other times they lurk beneath the surface. One thing's for sure: anime, like most art, is almost always political.


Anime Left and Right: Picture of one of the giants from Attack on Titan (skin stripped so musculature is showing) peering over a wall
ALT text detailsAnime Left and Right: Picture of one of the giants from Attack on Titan (skin stripped so musculature is showing) peering over a wall
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


What's the most-used service at a Japanese convenience store? What do most Japanese residents buy there? Read our comprehensive look at how combini have become - and remain - an essential part of everyday life in Japan.


Picture of a Lawson convenience store with a paint effect applied
ALT text detailsPicture of a Lawson convenience store with a paint effect applied
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Season 8 of backstreet night photos from Itabashi ward in Tokyo - all shot last week - is far from over. Today's episode:

“Itabashi Nights”
Season 8, Episode 6
“Interactions in Isolation”

iPhone 15 Pro, night mode.

Night photograph taken at Shimura Daisan Park in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan. The stairs are a passageway to another small park and playground.
ALT text detailsNight photograph taken at Shimura Daisan Park in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan. The stairs are a passageway to another small park and playground.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet and steep residential street adjacent to a park in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet and steep residential street adjacent to a park in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Shimura District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Mukojima (1931)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls on the banks of Tokyo's Sumida River. In the foreground, small open boats have been drawn up to the docks and partially covered with tarps. Just beyond, a single pilot launches a small ferry boat, their a solitary passenger sheltering under a bamboo umbrella. Out on the river, another small boat makes its way along the water; on the opposite bank, houses are dark and still under a layer of snow. The sky above is gloomy and overcast, and snow continues falling across the scene.
ALT text detailsSnow falls on the banks of Tokyo's Sumida River. In the foreground, small open boats have been drawn up to the docks and partially covered with tarps. Just beyond, a single pilot launches a small ferry boat, their a solitary passenger sheltering under a bamboo umbrella. Out on the river, another small boat makes its way along the water; on the opposite bank, houses are dark and still under a layer of snow. The sky above is gloomy and overcast, and snow continues falling across the scene.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Nothing quite like having one foot on the skid of the chopper and hanging out the door to get a shot. I was fully harnessed, of course.

Was a December evening. Cold AF but we were wrapped up warm and it's the best time to fly. Crystal clear skies.

Hasselblad H4D-40 and 80mm lens.

An aerial photo of the Tokyo Tower from fairly low. We were just abovethe man road from Tamachi through to Kamiyacho. It7s dusk. Blue hour. The city is all cool tones, contrasting with the red of the Tokyo Tower.
ALT text detailsAn aerial photo of the Tokyo Tower from fairly low. We were just abovethe man road from Tamachi through to Kamiyacho. It7s dusk. Blue hour. The city is all cool tones, contrasting with the red of the Tokyo Tower.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


More new company recruits in Japan are bombing out in their first three years of work. According to gov stats, the turnover rate for hires fresh out of college is up to 34.9% - a 15-year high. Rates have spiked despite multiple efforts to improve both hiring & management practices.

Article from Nikkei; Headline: 新卒の3年内離職率35% 学生は就活の質を高めよう
ALT text detailsArticle from Nikkei; Headline: 新卒の3年内離職率35% 学生は就活の質を高めよう
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Japan Sports Agency, part of MEXT, is criticizing the city of Takizawa, Iwate Prefecture, for doing away with middle school swimming. The city says pools in its six schools are old & they fear kids dropping from the heat. MEXT says it's unprecedented & the city should reconsider.

LiveDoor article headline. JP title: 岩手県滝沢市が中学プール授業を廃止へ…老朽化・欠席者増が要因、スポーツ庁は批判「続けるべき」
ALT text detailsLiveDoor article headline. JP title: 岩手県滝沢市が中学プール授業を廃止へ…老朽化・欠席者増が要因、スポーツ庁は批判「続けるべき」
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Mukojima (1931)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls on the banks of Tokyo's Sumida River. In the foreground, small open boats have been drawn up to the docks and partially covered with tarps. Just beyond, a single pilot launches a small ferry boat, their a solitary passenger sheltering under a bamboo umbrella. Out on the river, another small boat makes its way along the water; on the opposite bank, houses are dark and still under a layer of snow. The sky above is gloomy and overcast, and snow continues falling across the scene.
ALT text detailsSnow falls on the banks of Tokyo's Sumida River. In the foreground, small open boats have been drawn up to the docks and partially covered with tarps. Just beyond, a single pilot launches a small ferry boat, their a solitary passenger sheltering under a bamboo umbrella. Out on the river, another small boat makes its way along the water; on the opposite bank, houses are dark and still under a layer of snow. The sky above is gloomy and overcast, and snow continues falling across the scene.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Ieyasu ordered the remains of Momoyama Castle dismantled. Many of the buildings were moved to new homes and reconstructed.

Ishin Sūden (以心崇伝 1569–1633/金地院庭園), abbot of Nanzen-ji (南禅寺) and close advisor to Ieyasu, was put in charge of the bloody floorboards.

Konchi-in, a sub-temple of Nanzen-ji, was home to Ishin Suden (abbot of Nanzen-ji and close adviser to Tokugawa Ieyasu). It is here that the bloody floorboards from Fushimi Castle were stored for many years. Cut down to size they were eventually distributed to temples across the city.
ALT text detailsKonchi-in, a sub-temple of Nanzen-ji, was home to Ishin Suden (abbot of Nanzen-ji and close adviser to Tokugawa Ieyasu). It is here that the bloody floorboards from Fushimi Castle were stored for many years. Cut down to size they were eventually distributed to temples across the city.
Konchi-in's famous 'Crane and Turtle Garden'.
ALT text detailsKonchi-in's famous 'Crane and Turtle Garden'.
Gate at Konchi-in funded by Akechi Mitsuhide.
ALT text detailsGate at Konchi-in funded by Akechi Mitsuhide.
Main Hall of Konchi-in.
ALT text detailsMain Hall of Konchi-in.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Nothing quite like having one foot on the skid of the chopper and hanging out the door to get a shot. I was fully harnessed, of course.

Was a December evening. Cold AF but we were wrapped up warm and it's the best time to fly. Crystal clear skies.

Hasselblad H4D-40 and 80mm lens.

An aerial photo of the Tokyo Tower from fairly low. We were just abovethe man road from Tamachi through to Kamiyacho. It7s dusk. Blue hour. The city is all cool tones, contrasting with the red of the Tokyo Tower.
ALT text detailsAn aerial photo of the Tokyo Tower from fairly low. We were just abovethe man road from Tamachi through to Kamiyacho. It7s dusk. Blue hour. The city is all cool tones, contrasting with the red of the Tokyo Tower.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Kyoto schools have decided that a "please" can go a long way. The prefecture's changing exam announcements from using imperative-form verbs (-しなさい, shinasai) to polite requests (-してください, shite kudasai) so as not to add additional stress to already stressed-out students.


Picture of two aisles of students bowing to a teacher. The picture is taken from behind the students and at the end of the row, you can see a male teacher standing behind a podium and making his own small bow.
ALT text detailsPicture of two aisles of students bowing to a teacher. The picture is taken from behind the students and at the end of the row, you can see a male teacher standing behind a podium and making his own small bow.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


British brand Unilever's Viennetta ice cream cake has long been a cult favorite in Japan. However, it's disappearing from the local market in March, as maker Morinaga has lost its license. Some are now trying to profit off of a shortage by reselling it at ridiculous prices.


Viennetta - Japanese packaging from Morinaga for its 40th anniversary. Shows a picture of the cake, which is a white ice creame shaped in folds with a chocolate sauce on top and chocolate in-between each fold
ALT text detailsViennetta - Japanese packaging from Morinaga for its 40th anniversary. Shows a picture of the cake, which is a white ice creame shaped in folds with a chocolate sauce on top and chocolate in-between each fold
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Bummed that you haven't been able to buy a physical Suica or PASMO card? Good news! Both JR East and PASMO Corp have deemed the IC chip crisis over. The companies say they'll resume selling anonymous IC cards as of March 1st.


PASMO card - picture of a hand holding a silver PASMO card with pink text against a blue background
ALT text detailsPASMO card - picture of a hand holding a silver PASMO card with pink text against a blue background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Nagano Kohei, the mayor of Kishiwada in Osaka who refused to step down after reports that he settled a lawsuit over a sexual assault, is out of a job after a second unanimous no-confidence vote. An undeterred Nagano says he's considering running in the replacement election.

Asahi Shimbun article on Nagano's no confidence vote. JP headline: 岸和田市長2度目の不信任で失職決まる 市長選出馬「前向きに検討」
ALT text detailsAsahi Shimbun article on Nagano's no confidence vote. JP headline: 岸和田市長2度目の不信任で失職決まる 市長選出馬「前向きに検討」
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's MHLW has certified advertising firm Dentsu as an "easy place for women to work." The designation comes 10 years after 24yo Takahashi Matsuri killed herself due to overwork. An investigation later discovered Dentsu had been falsifying time reports to stay below legal overtime caps.

Yahoo! News post on Dentsu. Japanese headline: 電通を「女性に働きやすい企業」、厚労省が認定…高橋まつりさんの母「全社員守る緊張感を」
ALT text detailsYahoo! News post on Dentsu. Japanese headline: 電通を「女性に働きやすい企業」、厚労省が認定…高橋まつりさんの母「全社員守る緊張感を」
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s really cold across Japan right now. However, thanks to archaic rules, some school students in primary and secondary education can’t bundle up to stay warm.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Ramen shops in Japan are feeling the squeeze recently. Despite this, the dish remains one of the country’s most beloved fast food meals. That’s reflected in an annual report of who eats what – and where – when they dine out in Japan.


A bowl of ramen neatly arranged on a brown wooden tray with a set of chopsticks set near the bottom of the bowl
ALT text detailsA bowl of ramen neatly arranged on a brown wooden tray with a set of chopsticks set near the bottom of the bowl
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A new article says Japanese residents & retail workers are fed up with various etiquette faux pas witnessed among foreign tourists to Japan. E.g., one female customer in her 30s complains that foreign tourists spend an inordinate time in changing rooms.


Woman trying on new blouse steps out of a changing room to show it to her friend
ALT text detailsWoman trying on new blouse steps out of a changing room to show it to her friend
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan has seen its fair share of anime tie-up controversies. Campaigns involving Norin and Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out have brought accusations of excessive public sexualization of women. A campaign involving Love Live! even brought charges of child exploitation.


The city of Minokamo in Gifu Prefecture had teamed up with ecchi-adjacent anime Norin (のうりん). Its first posters featured one of the series’ most sexualized characters, Yoshida Kocho ( 良田胡蝶), in a pose where she’s partially exposing and pushing up her breasts. The city eventually replaced the poster with a different version.
ALT text detailsThe city of Minokamo in Gifu Prefecture had teamed up with ecchi-adjacent anime Norin (のうりん). Its first posters featured one of the series’ most sexualized characters, Yoshida Kocho ( 良田胡蝶), in a pose where she’s partially exposing and pushing up her breasts. The city eventually replaced the poster with a different version.
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Right-wing Japanese celebrity Dewi Sukarno wants to protect dogs and cats with her new political party, 12 (Wan-Nyan) Heiwa-To. However, she's come under fire from critics for only protecting some animals while making a fashion accessory out of others.


Dewi Sukarno in a TV segment with her expensive fur coat that she claims a hotel ruined
ALT text detailsDewi Sukarno in a TV segment with her expensive fur coat that she claims a hotel ruined
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Starting in May 2025, people from Taiwan who marry a Japanese citizen or naturalize will be able to identify "Taiwan" as their birthplace in the country's family registry system. Japan also plans to change the name of the relevant column from "nationality" to "nationality/region."


Ministry of Justice stone carving sign in Tokyo, Japan
ALT text detailsMinistry of Justice stone carving sign in Tokyo, Japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Archaic school rules make Japanese students freeze, a victim of domestic violence ignored, Japanese restaurants vs. Chinese tourists, and bathing is canceled - this and more in our round-up of most popular stories in this week's Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Young woman listening to mislc in the snow wearing a heavy blue winter coat and a tan scarf, with her hands held up to her chin while she looks off-camera to the right
ALT text detailsYoung woman listening to mislc in the snow wearing a heavy blue winter coat and a tan scarf, with her hands held up to her chin while she looks off-camera to the right
Budapest, Hungary
ALT text detailsBudapest, Hungary
Female restaurant server holding tray and looking worried
ALT text detailsFemale restaurant server holding tray and looking worried
Baths canceled - blue-hued picture of a woman laying back in a tub with a "canceled" logo imposed over it
ALT text detailsBaths canceled - blue-hued picture of a woman laying back in a tub with a "canceled" logo imposed over it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Should an udon commercial be excessively horny? That's the debate over a new spot for a Maruchan instant noodle product. Some feminists in Japan say it's nearly pornographic; others say it's sweet & innocent; and a third group argues that it's just very poorly animated.


Maru-chan Akai Kitsune Udon commercial - animation of young woman eating udon with a flushed face
ALT text detailsMaru-chan Akai Kitsune Udon commercial - animation of young woman eating udon with a flushed face
atomicker's avatar


Title: Hataori in Shiobara (1946)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Evening, as blizzard conditions descend on a street in Shiobara, Japan. Layers of fresh snow cover the ground and the rooftops of the buildings. Warm lights glow in a few windows, but there is no other sign of human activity. The evening gloom and the wind-driven snow reduce the buildings to blocky silhouettes; there are shadowy hints of mountains in the distance beyond, but the details are obscured.
ALT text detailsEvening, as blizzard conditions descend on a street in Shiobara, Japan. Layers of fresh snow cover the ground and the rooftops of the buildings. Warm lights glow in a few windows, but there is no other sign of human activity. The evening gloom and the wind-driven snow reduce the buildings to blocky silhouettes; there are shadowy hints of mountains in the distance beyond, but the details are obscured.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Hataori in Shiobara (1946)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Evening, as blizzard conditions descend on a street in Shiobara, Japan. Layers of fresh snow cover the ground and the rooftops of the buildings. Warm lights glow in a few windows, but there is no other sign of human activity. The evening gloom and the wind-driven snow reduce the buildings to blocky silhouettes; there are shadowy hints of mountains in the distance beyond, but the details are obscured.
ALT text detailsEvening, as blizzard conditions descend on a street in Shiobara, Japan. Layers of fresh snow cover the ground and the rooftops of the buildings. Warm lights glow in a few windows, but there is no other sign of human activity. The evening gloom and the wind-driven snow reduce the buildings to blocky silhouettes; there are shadowy hints of mountains in the distance beyond, but the details are obscured.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thinking of getting a JR Pass while in Japan? It's not really the deal it once was. Before you buy, consider the new rates and your expected usage - and whether you'd just be better off buying tickets as you need them.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Outside of the major metropolises and iconic landmarks in Japan, like Mt. Fuji, are a dizzying wealth of beautiful nature spots. And, like elsewhere in the country, they’re seeing an unprecedented influx of tourists. Here are the most popular right now.


Kumano Hongu Taisha
ALT text detailsKumano Hongu Taisha
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A guy on X drew raised eyebrows when he claimed he'd been accused of sexual assault for saving a woman's life with an AED. Further sleuthing revealed he had a penchant for telling tall tales, such as claiming he'd once discovered a case for an assassin's rifle on a rooftop.

Tweets from X user Hamagawa Masto claiming he'd once discovered a case for an assassin's rifle and also been stabbed and dumped on the train tracks at Okayama Station. He even used the AED story once in 2018.
ALT text detailsTweets from X user Hamagawa Masto claiming he'd once discovered a case for an assassin's rifle and also been stabbed and dumped on the train tracks at Okayama Station. He even used the AED story once in 2018.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Why is it so hard to find a space in Tokyo to sit? As cafes fill up due to remote workers and tourists, locals complain that the public spaces they had grown used to relaxing in seem to be disappearing.


Two benches by a lake with price tags on them
ALT text detailsTwo benches by a lake with price tags on them
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Ieyasu had lost this particular battle but won the war, and Mototada's name would be used thereafter as the perfect example of samurai loyalty and bravery.

It was some time before the bodies were cleared. By then the blood and gore were deep stains in the wood.

The blood ceiling at Genko-an.
ALT text detailsThe blood ceiling at Genko-an.
The blood ceiling at Genko-an.
ALT text detailsThe blood ceiling at Genko-an.
The blood ceiling at Genko-an.
ALT text detailsThe blood ceiling at Genko-an.
The blood ceiling at Genko-an.
ALT text detailsThe blood ceiling at Genko-an.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

On August 27th 1600 an assault was launched by Ishida Mitsunari (石田三成 1559-1600), representing the Western coalition of domains loyal to the ruling Toyotomi clan, against the 6 year old Fushimi Castle, held by Torii Mototada (鳥居元忠 1539-1600).

Fushimi Momoyama Castle during cherry blossom season.
ALT text detailsFushimi Momoyama Castle during cherry blossom season.
Ishida Mitsunari, supporter of the 'ruling' Toyotomi Family in the Battle of Sekigahara.
ALT text detailsIshida Mitsunari, supporter of the 'ruling' Toyotomi Family in the Battle of Sekigahara.
Torii Mototada, holder of Fushimi Castle when it was besieged in 1600.
ALT text detailsTorii Mototada, holder of Fushimi Castle when it was besieged in 1600.
Remnants of the original Fushimi Castle can be found in various places across Kyoto...such as the Kara-mon of Toyokuni-jinja.
ALT text detailsRemnants of the original Fushimi Castle can be found in various places across Kyoto...such as the Kara-mon of Toyokuni-jinja.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

The 8 temples:

🩸Yōgen-in 南叡山養源院
🩸Hōsen-in 魚山寶泉院
🩸Shōden-ji 吉祥山正伝寺(吉祥山正傳護國禪寺)
🩸Genkō-an 鷹峰山寶樹林源光庵
🩸Kōshō-ji 佛德山興聖寺
🩸Tenkyū-in 天球院(Myōshin-ji sub-temple 妙心禪寺の塔頭)
🩸Shinnō-ji 絲杉山神應寺 (Yawata 八幡)
🩸Eishun-ji 指心庵栄春寺(泰澄山榮春寺 - Fushimi 伏見)

The garden at Shōden-ji (a temple popularized by David Bowie).
ALT text detailsThe garden at Shōden-ji (a temple popularized by David Bowie).
Entrance to Yōgen-in, 1 of the 8 'blood ceiling' temples.
ALT text detailsEntrance to Yōgen-in, 1 of the 8 'blood ceiling' temples.
Garden in the sprawling grounds of Hōsen-in.
ALT text detailsGarden in the sprawling grounds of Hōsen-in.
Hōsen-in's famous 700 year old white pine tree.
ALT text detailsHōsen-in's famous 700 year old white pine tree.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Genkō-an is 1 of 8 temples that claim to have received bloody floorboards from Fushimi Momoyama Castle (伏見城/桃山城).

These were incorporated as ceilings into the temple worship halls, in order to pray for the souls sacrificed during the Siege of Fushimi (伏見城の戦い) in 1600 (in some cases many decades after the event).

A bloody footprint on Genko-an's ceiling.
ALT text detailsA bloody footprint on Genko-an's ceiling.
Replica of Fushimi Momoyama Castle, built as part of a theme park in the mid-20thC but now closed to the public.
ALT text detailsReplica of Fushimi Momoyama Castle, built as part of a theme park in the mid-20thC but now closed to the public.
Closer view of the replica of Fushimi Momoyama Castle, constructed in 1964 close to its original site (now taken up by the mausoleum of Emperor Meiji).
ALT text detailsCloser view of the replica of Fushimi Momoyama Castle, constructed in 1964 close to its original site (now taken up by the mausoleum of Emperor Meiji).
What appears to be the stains of bloody clothing on the ceiling of Genko-an.
ALT text detailsWhat appears to be the stains of bloody clothing on the ceiling of Genko-an.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



The rear portion of the ceiling in Genkō-an's (源光庵) main hall is stained with what at first glance looks like water damage...
...but soon a footprint emerges on the rust coloured wood, the shape of a doll, shadowy fingertips, the fold of a kimono!

A footprint can be seen on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Once floorboards in part of Fushimi Castle, these blood stains are a grisly reminder of a last stand by those trying to hold the fortress.
ALT text detailsA footprint can be seen on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Once floorboards in part of Fushimi Castle, these blood stains are a grisly reminder of a last stand by those trying to hold the fortress.
The stained ceiling of Genko-san, originally floor boards in Fushimi Castle that were drenched in blood. They were gifted to temples as a prayer to soothe the souls that died during a battle at the castle.
ALT text detailsThe stained ceiling of Genko-san, originally floor boards in Fushimi Castle that were drenched in blood. They were gifted to temples as a prayer to soothe the souls that died during a battle at the castle.
The main gate of Genko-an.
ALT text detailsThe main gate of Genko-an.
Many shapes can be seen in the stains on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Here you can make out what is likely folds of clothing.
ALT text detailsMany shapes can be seen in the stains on the ceiling boards of Genko-an's main hall. Here you can make out what is likely folds of clothing.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Can you BBQ in your backyard in Japan? Legally, the answer is generally "yes." But, as one Chinese resident of the country learned recently, your neighbors might not like it - and they could even call the cops.


Picture of outdoor barbeque - various meats, yellow pepper, red pepper, onions, green pepper, onions - as someone turns food with tongs
ALT text detailsPicture of outdoor barbeque - various meats, yellow pepper, red pepper, onions, green pepper, onions - as someone turns food with tongs
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A man in Japan claimed on social media he'd been accused of sexual assault after saving a woman's life with an AED. A major media outlet echoed his story. The problem? It was a total lie - one that medical experts say further hurts women who are already at risk.


Person delivering CPR on a resuscitation dummy, with an AED device attached via pads and the device itself set above the dummy's head to the right
ALT text detailsPerson delivering CPR on a resuscitation dummy, with an AED device attached via pads and the device itself set above the dummy's head to the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Going to the gym isn’t always fun. But what if there was one where the music always rocks and you could participate in workouts specifically tailored to your interests? Enter Clara, a Japanese gym that specifically targets otaku women.


Clara founder Sakuta Yoko, also known as SAKU, wearing a green shirt and holding weights in each hand. Behind her are a bunch of plastic figures from various anime
ALT text detailsClara founder Sakuta Yoko, also known as SAKU, wearing a green shirt and holding weights in each hand. Behind her are a bunch of plastic figures from various anime
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Some Chinese tourists to Japan feel like some restaurants in the country aren't welcoming them with open arms. There's a reason for that, one Chinese user said in a recent social media thread that generated a lot of discussion within the mainland.


Female server in a white shirt and grey apron holding a serving board in her right arm and worringly holding her left hand up to her chin
ALT text detailsFemale server in a white shirt and grey apron holding a serving board in her right arm and worringly holding her left hand up to her chin
salguod, man  🍂🍁 lazysupper's avatar
salguod, man 🍂🍁 lazysupper


Japanese castles are the perfect place to go in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Blow up or block all but one of the bridges and your pretty much protected. Just take lots of seeds and soil and gardening supplies and your set.

I've never seen any Japanese zombie movies but if one of them employs this strategy, I'd like to watch it.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As Japan continues to see record travel numbers, some towns and cities in the country are struggling to keep up. The latest example is Hokkaido's Furano, where booming business is offset by rising property prices and tourists who don't know how to sort their garbage.


Furano, Hokkaido - rolling purple lavender field striped with flowers of other colors (red, yellow, white, green, pink)
ALT text detailsFurano, Hokkaido - rolling purple lavender field striped with flowers of other colors (red, yellow, white, green, pink)
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Flowers are an illusion.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan has had a problem with food waste for a while. However, it’s also one of the countries that’s most aggressively tackled the problem. Now, Japan’s government has announced it’ll take the next step in its battle by changing its approach to food expiration dates.


Expiration date labes on eggs
ALT text detailsExpiration date labes on eggs
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Costco has proven pretty popular in Japan. It’s so popular, in fact, that some stores have created an entire business out of reselling products purchased there. However, according to some reports, it’s easier to start one of these stores than it is to keep it going.


Kirkland Signature coffee beans on sale at a Costco resale shop in Tokyo
ALT text detailsKirkland Signature coffee beans on sale at a Costco resale shop in Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Sanrio Entertainment investigated what appeared to be an outage for the Puroland website recently. IT personnel discovered that the site had been hacked and infected with ransomware - and that customers' personal data may have been leaked.


Sanrio Puroland entrance
ALT text detailsSanrio Puroland entrance
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Some only do it once every four days. Some are going a full month without it. We are, unfortunately, talking about bathing. How a recent social media trend in Japan has young people declaring cleanliness too much of a hassle to bother with.


Baths canceled - blue-hued picture of a woman laying back in a tub with a "canceled" logo imposed over it
ALT text detailsBaths canceled - blue-hued picture of a woman laying back in a tub with a "canceled" logo imposed over it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


43-year-old Makino Masayuki founded a group that "rescues" at-risk youth from the streets of Tokyo's Kabukicho. Saitama police just arrested him on charges of raping a 17-year-old girl. The case raises alarming questions about who's running these shady "support" groups.


Toyoko, Kabukicho - shot of the area standing in front looking towards Toho Cinemas, Multiple visitors are walking and standing around on the brightly-lit neon street. You can see the Toho Godzilla in the background peering over the Hotel Gracery.
ALT text detailsToyoko, Kabukicho - shot of the area standing in front looking towards Toho Cinemas, Multiple visitors are walking and standing around on the brightly-lit neon street. You can see the Toho Godzilla in the background peering over the Hotel Gracery.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The feud between Chiitan and the city of Susaki in Kochi Prefecture goes all the way back to 2018. Their rivalry ended up back in court in Tokyo. Learn why the court sided with Chiitan.


Chiitan wins court verdict against city - picture of a judge banging a gavel with Susaki City mascot Shinjo-kun standing on the left and Chiitan on the right
ALT text detailsChiitan wins court verdict against city - picture of a judge banging a gavel with Susaki City mascot Shinjo-kun standing on the left and Chiitan on the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan Railways East is fighting to keep its Suica transportation card relevant in the modern age. In its latest gambit, it’s promising to implement a new “subscription” system by 2028, complete with store discount coupons and other benefits.


Someone scanning a Suica card on an IC card reader
ALT text detailsSomeone scanning a Suica card on an IC card reader
David :SetouchiExplorer:'s avatar
David :SetouchiExplorer:


So you may know that in Japan for Valentine's Day, it's the woman who buys chocolate to her loved ones.
My wife always does it. But there's a twist, she's also the one who eats most of it.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Do you love Japanese food? Wish you could cook more of it at home? One good way to perfect your Japanese cooking shops is to learn from someone who cooks it daily. Here’s why, next time you’re in Japan, you should consider taking a cooking class.


Japanese chef showing tourists how to make maki-zushi
ALT text detailsJapanese chef showing tourists how to make maki-zushi
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Four days ago, Ichijo Miki took to Instagram and X to announce she was the “Grand Prix winner” of the “first-ever” Miss Kyodai Contest for Kyoto University. Which is weird, because there already *was* a Miss Kyodai Contest - and the university canceled it last year.


X post from Ichijo Miki announcing she had won the Grand Prix for the Kyoto U Miss Contest
ALT text detailsX post from Ichijo Miki announcing she had won the Grand Prix for the Kyoto U Miss Contest
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese rock band LUNA SEA is receiving near-universal praise for announcing it'll sponsor a daycare for its fans at its upcoming Tokyo Dome concerts - a welcome move in a country that wants more kids but, some say, often doesn't accommodate them.


Picture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
ALT text detailsPicture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese rock band LUNA SEA is receiving near-universal praise for announcing it'll sponsor a daycare for its fans at its upcoming Tokyo Dome concerts - a welcome move in a country that wants more kids but, some say, often doesn't accommodate them.


Picture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
ALT text detailsPicture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese rock band LUNA SEA is receiving near-universal praise for announcing it'll sponsor a daycare for its fans at its upcoming Tokyo Dome concerts - a welcome move in a country that wants more kids but, some say, often doesn't accommodate them.


Picture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
ALT text detailsPicture of a rock concert (glowing lights on a center stage, fans shouting all around) with a drawing of a day care worker holding the hands of two kids, a boy on the left and a girl on the right, in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A sweet story: 5 young men visit a cafe in Hokkaido, ordering from the Korean menu. 1 spills a drink, which the store refills for free. The men leave & the store finds they left a note in Japanese - "Sorry! The coffee was really delicious" - along with 600 yen for the refill.

X post from HKD_sakuraya146. Original Japanese text: 5人でご来店の韓国メニュー使用の青年達の1人が冷たいドリンクをテーブルの下にほぼ全てこぼしてしまいました。
ALT text detailsX post from HKD_sakuraya146. Original Japanese text: 5人でご来店の韓国メニュー使用の青年達の1人が冷たいドリンクをテーブルの下にほぼ全てこぼしてしまいました。 お店側としてはほぼ飲んていなかったので新しいドリンクを提供させて頂きました 普通にお会計してお帰りになっ後のテーブルの上にこんなものが (リプ欄に続く)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A city in Japan has a new plan to counteract declining birth rates by making it easier for couples to get married. The twist? It’s become the first local government whose financial incentives are inclusive of LGBTQ couples.


Train passing over the Edo River in Ichikawa with cherry blossoms in the foreground
ALT text detailsTrain passing over the Edo River in Ichikawa with cherry blossoms in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A poor crop and rising prices for vegetables here have sent the price of cabbage in Japan skyrocketing. That’s driven supermarket chains to do something that would have been unthinkable just months ago: importing more cabbage from China.


Knife slicing into a head of cabbage
ALT text detailsKnife slicing into a head of cabbage
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As an American, I’m used to people getting rid of stuff by throwing crap on their lawns and sticking a big old “free” sign on it. So I was a little surprised when I read that someone in Japan tried to do just that recently – and that a neighbor laid into them.


Older TV with a "free!" sticker superimposed on it
ALT text detailsOlder TV with a "free!" sticker superimposed on it
Ukraine War Bulletins and News's avatar
Ukraine War Bulletins and News


🖕🇺🇸Traitor Trump announces first meeting with War Criminal Putin to take place in Saudi Arabia (more) kyivindependent.com/trump-anno

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A woman is claiming online she's the Grand Prix Winner of the Kyoto University Miss Contest 2024 beauty pageant. There are two problems with her claim. First, there were apparently only two competitors. Second, Kyoto U canceled the contest last year.


Miss Kyodai Controversy - picture of Kyoto University in the backgorund and of "Miss Kyodai Contest" winner Ichijo Miki in the foreground holding a trophy
ALT text detailsMiss Kyodai Controversy - picture of Kyoto University in the backgorund and of "Miss Kyodai Contest" winner Ichijo Miki in the foreground holding a trophy
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan’s Foreign Minister defended the actions of the Japanese Embassy in Hungary, which helped lead to the woman’s death. Meanwhile, Hungary is moving to address the growing outcry over the crime.


Budapest, Hungary - picture of a bus driving past historic old buildings
ALT text detailsBudapest, Hungary - picture of a bus driving past historic old buildings
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan Foreign Minister Iwaya Takeshi commented on the case of a 43yo woman murdered by her ex-husband in Hungary, saying the JP Embassy refused to re-issue passports to her kids out of joint custody concerns - despite her filing a domestic violence complaint 3 years prior.


Budapest, Hungary - picture of a bus driving past historic old buildings
ALT text detailsBudapest, Hungary - picture of a bus driving past historic old buildings
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s a new month, which means it’s time yet again for a pizza chain to unleash a new and, possibly, edible pizza upon an unsuspecting Japanese public. Is Pizza Hut Japan’s new Shoyu Ramen Pizza a must-eat – or another awful gimmick?


Tokyo Vice creator and reporter Jake Adelstein struggling to find something good to say about the Shoyu ramen pizza
ALT text detailsTokyo Vice creator and reporter Jake Adelstein struggling to find something good to say about the Shoyu ramen pizza
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Japan will send one of its Mogami-class frigates to Australia for joint military exercises, Defense Ministry Gen Nakatani said, as Tokyo vies for a lucrative contract to build new frigates for Canberra. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: We’ve warned before about the dangers of barkers in Kabukicho. They’re doubly dangerous when the activity they’re pushing is illegal. Case in point: the men who just got busted for trying to prostitute Japanese women to foreigners in the first case of its kind in Japan.


Entrance to Kabukicho's Sakura-dori Street
ALT text detailsEntrance to Kabukicho's Sakura-dori Street
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“Foreigners apply perfume more heavily than Japanese people do,” one woman who works in fashion retail says. “It fills the changing room with the smell to the point we get complaints from Japanese customers.” She says the smell also gets into the clothes.


Woman smiling as she poses holding a blouse up to her torso in a clothing store
ALT text detailsWoman smiling as she poses holding a blouse up to her torso in a clothing store
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Japan will send one of its Mogami-class frigates to Australia for joint military exercises, Defense Ministry Gen Nakatani said, as Tokyo vies for a lucrative contract to build new frigates for Canberra. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Tokyo has a ton of train stations - including some that barely anyone ever uses. Why do these stations exist? How do they keep going? Learn about Toyko's "ghost train" stations below.


Woman looking aghast at a sign for Horikiri Station
ALT text detailsWoman looking aghast at a sign for Horikiri Station
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Both Nagoya and Aichi Prefecture are working to raise the city’s profile. Aichi’s new tourist strategy for 2024-2026 includes promoting distinctive Nagoya sites and cuisine, using popular Japan travel influencers to get the word out online.


Picture of Oasis21 in Nagoya, with an "@NAGOYA" sign monument in the foreground
ALT text detailsPicture of Oasis21 in Nagoya, with an "@NAGOYA" sign monument in the foreground
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Flowers are an illusion.

natronics :tokyo:'s avatar
natronics :tokyo:


Tower watch 🗼

Photograph of the Tokyo skyline in the distance. The distinctive red Tokyo Tower is centered in the frame with a silhouetted figure looking outward in the foreground.
ALT text detailsPhotograph of the Tokyo skyline in the distance. The distinctive red Tokyo Tower is centered in the frame with a silhouetted figure looking outward in the foreground.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Train subscriptions, Sazae-san has no sponsors, tourism drives up Japanese wages (and employers hate it), and Tokyo's "cafe refugees" search for a seat - that and more in our round-up of our most popular stories last week in the Unseen Japan Newsletter.


ALT text detailshttps://us20.campaign-archive.com/?u=e9c0d2fc400d4b96cabfca61a&id=f1b99d5903
Fuji TV - Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan
ALT text detailsFuji TV - Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan
Niseko, Hirafu area with snow all around a paved street
ALT text detailsNiseko, Hirafu area with snow all around a paved street
Woman working on her laptop at a cafe
ALT text detailsWoman working on her laptop at a cafe
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It's cold in Japan - yet some schools, enforcing outdated regulations, are making students suck it up with little protection. Japanese parents are complaining online that their kids are forbidden from wearing scarves, down jackets, and - in one extreme case - even socks.


Young woman listening to mislc in the snow wearing a heavy blue winter coat and a tan scarf, with her hands held up to her chin while she looks off-camera to the right
ALT text detailsYoung woman listening to mislc in the snow wearing a heavy blue winter coat and a tan scarf, with her hands held up to her chin while she looks off-camera to the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Everyone in Japan loves ramen. But some cities REALLY love ramen. A report from Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs & Communications says this city in the country's Tohoku region has eaten the most ramen per capita for the third year running.


A bowl of ramen neatly arranged on a brown wooden tray with a set of chopsticks set near the bottom of the bowl
ALT text detailsA bowl of ramen neatly arranged on a brown wooden tray with a set of chopsticks set near the bottom of the bowl
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Are you minding your manners when you try on clothes in Japan? Local media says that some clothing store customers and employees are frustrated by "rude" tourist changing room behavior - from not removing shoes to trying on clothes while slathered in perfume.


Woman trying on new blouse steps out of a changing room to show it to her friend
ALT text detailsWoman trying on new blouse steps out of a changing room to show it to her friend
atomicker's avatar


Title: Screaming Crow (c.1912)

Artist: Ohara Koson


A large black crow sits on a leafless, frosty tree branch; the bird seems to be looking out at the viewer with one yellow-rimmed eye, and is depicted in mid-caw, its beak wide open. Other thin branches droop around the bird, weighed down by frost. Beyond, the background is dim and indistinct.
ALT text detailsA large black crow sits on a leafless, frosty tree branch; the bird seems to be looking out at the viewer with one yellow-rimmed eye, and is depicted in mid-caw, its beak wide open. Other thin branches droop around the bird, weighed down by frost. Beyond, the background is dim and indistinct.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


My new favorite genre of Japanese article is posts about the app Tsuita (対多), a Japanese message board that only allows kanji, whose headlines only use kanji. Referring to the Apple App Store as 林檎携帯店 (ringo keitaiten)? Just perfect.

Nikkei article on Tsuita. JP title: 偽中国語掲示板「対多」驚愕繁盛 林檎携帯店降下数一位
ALT text detailsNikkei article on Tsuita. JP title: 偽中国語掲示板「対多」驚愕繁盛 林檎携帯店降下数一位
atomicker's avatar


Title: Screaming Crow (c.1912)

Artist: Ohara Koson


A large black crow sits on a leafless, frosty tree branch; the bird seems to be looking out at the viewer with one yellow-rimmed eye, and is depicted in mid-caw, its beak wide open. Other thin branches droop around the bird, weighed down by frost. Beyond, the background is dim and indistinct.
ALT text detailsA large black crow sits on a leafless, frosty tree branch; the bird seems to be looking out at the viewer with one yellow-rimmed eye, and is depicted in mid-caw, its beak wide open. Other thin branches droop around the bird, weighed down by frost. Beyond, the background is dim and indistinct.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want more independent media with values? Unseen Japan keeps going thanks to the generosity of our readers. Make a recurring or one-time donation to UJ today to help us create more of the Japan you don't learn about in anime.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s a two-room toilet. It’s barrier-free. It has baby changing tables. It is, by all appearances, a regular-ass public bathroom. That’s left many locals asking: why the f*!@ did it cost so much?


Gold toilet superimposed on a map of the village of Mitsue
ALT text detailsGold toilet superimposed on a map of the village of Mitsue
atomicker's avatar


Title: Kiyomizu Temple in the Snow (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A view of Kyoto's Kiyomizu-Dera on a snowy winter's day. Two female figures, dressed for the cold weather and holding bamboo umbrellas over their heads, pause on the stage behind the main hall of the temple. Apart from these two, the area is deserted, and has collected a layer of fresh undisturbed snow. Below them, the branches of leafless trees are rimed with frost, while beyond, the main temple hall and buildings appear dark and deserted. In the distance, the shadow of a mountain crosses the horizon, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA view of Kyoto's Kiyomizu-Dera on a snowy winter's day. Two female figures, dressed for the cold weather and holding bamboo umbrellas over their heads, pause on the stage behind the main hall of the temple. Apart from these two, the area is deserted, and has collected a layer of fresh undisturbed snow. Below them, the branches of leafless trees are rimed with frost, while beyond, the main temple hall and buildings appear dark and deserted. In the distance, the shadow of a mountain crosses the horizon, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
atomicker's avatar


See the area in the image above around the 27:00 mark:


atomicker's avatar


See the area in the image above around the 27:00 mark:


atomicker's avatar


Title: Kiyomizu Temple in the Snow (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A view of Kyoto's Kiyomizu-Dera on a snowy winter's day. Two female figures, dressed for the cold weather and holding bamboo umbrellas over their heads, pause on the stage behind the main hall of the temple. Apart from these two, the area is deserted, and has collected a layer of fresh undisturbed snow. Below them, the branches of leafless trees are rimed with frost, while beyond, the main temple hall and buildings appear dark and deserted. In the distance, the shadow of a mountain crosses the horizon, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA view of Kyoto's Kiyomizu-Dera on a snowy winter's day. Two female figures, dressed for the cold weather and holding bamboo umbrellas over their heads, pause on the stage behind the main hall of the temple. Apart from these two, the area is deserted, and has collected a layer of fresh undisturbed snow. Below them, the branches of leafless trees are rimed with frost, while beyond, the main temple hall and buildings appear dark and deserted. In the distance, the shadow of a mountain crosses the horizon, and snow continues to fall across the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Yamamoto Yae was more than a warrior. Trained in both traditional and modern weaponry, she helped defend Aizuwakamatsu Castle against rebel forces. But she also co-founded a university and a girl’s school & pushed for modern reforms in nursing.


Yamamoto Yae
ALT text detailsYamamoto Yae
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The man who murdered his Japanese ex-wife in Hungary appeared to have kept a “kill list” of people who’d crossed him. The list included his own parents, who were trying to help his ex-wife escape his brutality.


Budapest, Hungary
ALT text detailsBudapest, Hungary
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


With international travel once again A Thing, more people from Japan are traveling abroad. Unfortunately, some young Japanese women who try and take vacations to the United States – especially solo – are finding themselves turned back at the border.


Doll with suitcase trying to enter US but a hand with a stop symbol dangling off of the wrist is stopping her
ALT text detailsDoll with suitcase trying to enter US but a hand with a stop symbol dangling off of the wrist is stopping her
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The first ever Costco retail store was stockmart in Tokyo’s Shimokitazawa, which opened in 2020. stockmart opened a second Tokyo store in the city of Fuchuu in 2022 – which saw 300 people on its first day and had to close after it ran out of stock.


Instagram page for stockmart in Tokyo
ALT text detailsInstagram page for stockmart in Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As far as anyone can tell, "pien" as a word came into fashion among middle and high schoolers around 2018. It took off in popularity around that time. According to Google Trends, it hit its peak Internet usage around 2020 and has since leveled out.


Pien - jirai-kei fashion woman standing in front of Kabukicho with a pien emoji over her face
ALT text detailsPien - jirai-kei fashion woman standing in front of Kabukicho with a pien emoji over her face
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Continuing my series of new backstreet night photos from Itabashi ward in Tokyo, all shot last week.

“Itabashi Nights”
Season 7, Episode 5
“To The Place Between The Twilight And The Dawn”

iPhone 15 Pro, night mode.

Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


JMA forecasts another cold spell next week (from Feb 18 to 22).

Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Continuing my series of new backstreet night photos from Itabashi ward in Tokyo, all shot last week.

“Itabashi Nights”
Season 7, Episode 5
“To The Place Between The Twilight And The Dawn”

iPhone 15 Pro, night mode.

Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photograph of a quiet residential street in the Yamatocho District of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Blue flower fantasy world.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Blue flower fantasy world.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Bad news for fans of Morinaga’s Viennetta ice cream cake: the company will stop selling it in Japan on March 31st. Sold since 1983, Morinaga says its contract with license holder Unilever is expiring and isn’t being renewed.

Morinaga Viennetta ice cream cake
ALT text detailsMorinaga Viennetta ice cream cake
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Researchers at Japan’s Okayama University have found a new insecticide: a strong cup of coffee. The team found that mixing caffeine into a sugar solution fed to flies induced death within seven days. They say more research is needed to nail down fundamentals and perfect its usage.

Article from Yahoo! News JP. Japanese title: 「濃いカフェイン」はハエの寿命を著しく減少させる?!「カフェインの殺虫効果」岡山大学が研究で実証 
ALT text detailsArticle from Yahoo! News JP. Japanese title: 「濃いカフェイン」はハエの寿命を著しく減少させる?!「カフェインの殺虫効果」岡山大学が研究で実証 
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Considering a stop in Nagoya on your trip to Japan? Yeah...most other tourists aren't, either. Despite being Japan's fourth-largest city, the Aichi Prefecture location sees a fraction of Tokyo and Osaka's tourists. That raises the question: is there really so little to do there?


Woman (an Irasuto illustration) looking at Nagoya Castle to the left, with cherry blossoms on her right, asking, "Is that all?"
ALT text detailsWoman (an Irasuto illustration) looking at Nagoya Castle to the left, with cherry blossoms on her right, asking, "Is that all?"
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Is there any value at all in using AI to practice Japanese speaking? You probably already know the answer, but we decided to try and test it out for ourselves. (Spoiler alert: it's as bad as you think.)


Don't Learn Japanese Using AI: A picture of an anime style young woman on the left and a real live human being on the right with a Japanese flag and pagoda in the background
ALT text detailsDon't Learn Japanese Using AI: A picture of an anime style young woman on the left and a real live human being on the right with a Japanese flag and pagoda in the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It's still a ways off - but if you're a frequent Japan traveler, be ready for a major change coming to the country's duty free system in 2026. Learn how things will change and what you'll have to do going forward to get your consumption tax back.


Duty free Akihabara shop in airport
ALT text detailsDuty free Akihabara shop in airport
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Costco is popular in Japan. Maybe a little too popular. When the first-ever store in Okinawa opened last year, it was so busy that some customers had to wait four and a half hours to get in. Which explains the popularity of the country's Costco resale stores.


Inside a Costco resale store in Tokyo
ALT text detailsInside a Costco resale store in Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The scandal surrounding ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro has renewed discussion about sexual harassment in the Japanese workplace. Women are taking to social media to share stories of how abuse and creepy behavior have pushed them out of their jobs.


Man touching woman on her shoulder as she looks appropriately perturbed
ALT text detailsMan touching woman on her shoulder as she looks appropriately perturbed
Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 6:33, 57 seconds earlier than the day before.
It will set at 17:17, 61 seconds later than the day before.

FediFollows's avatar


🌤️ Weather forecast accounts for

Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city. All these accounts are in Japanese.


🧵 1/2

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Chiitan, a genderless fairy baby otter, has a worldwide following, with over two million followers on social media site X. The character has received a lot of support and love in particular from the LGBTQ community after coming out affirmatively for transgender rights.

Tweet from Chiitan: 

I'm chiitan.Japanese crazy mascot☺️

For example, even if negative opinions are expressed, Chiitan will respond to them with love.
The most important thing Chiitan needs to avoid is becoming extreme or spreading hate.
Chiitan is non-binary. She is an ally and family to all transgender people.
The walls of the world are still high for transgender people,
but let's all climb to the top together.
And when we reach it, let's all share in the joy together.
I love you all. Chiitan needs your support to continue her activities, so please lend me your strength.
ALT text detailsTweet from Chiitan: I'm chiitan.Japanese crazy mascot☺️ For example, even if negative opinions are expressed, Chiitan will respond to them with love. The most important thing Chiitan needs to avoid is becoming extreme or spreading hate. Chiitan is non-binary. She is an ally and family to all transgender people. The walls of the world are still high for transgender people, but let's all climb to the top together. And when we reach it, let's all share in the joy together. I love you all. Chiitan needs your support to continue her activities, so please lend me your strength.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It's a common trope among some in Japan that Chinese tourists are ill-mannered. A recent post on social media app RED had many Chinese users agreeing with the charge after someone shared why some Japanese restaurants aren't welcoming of Chinese tourists.


Female server in a white shirt and grey apron holding a serving board in her right arm and worringly holding her left hand up to her chin
ALT text detailsFemale server in a white shirt and grey apron holding a serving board in her right arm and worringly holding her left hand up to her chin
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan’s oldest person is now a 115-year-old woman in Gifu Prefecture. She was born in 1909 (Meiji 42) - the same year as famous (and much shorter-lived) Japanese author Dazai Osamu.


Article from NHK. JP headline: 岐阜 土岐 115歳の女性が国内最高齢に 明治42年生まれ
ALT text detailsArticle from NHK. JP headline: 岐阜 土岐 115歳の女性が国内最高齢に 明治42年生まれ
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


41yo Kitani Hiroyuki in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture tried to pay for a combini purchase using cigarettes. When the clerk refused, he reportedly became violent and broke the register's LED display. Police chased him down and arrested him immediately.


Article from TBS News Dig. Japanese title: コンビニエンスストア内のレジで商品の支払いを「たばこ」でしようとし拒否されレジの液晶画面をたたいて壊した40代男を逮捕 神奈川・藤沢市
ALT text detailsArticle from TBS News Dig. Japanese title: コンビニエンスストア内のレジで商品の支払いを「たばこ」でしようとし拒否されレジの液晶画面をたたいて壊した40代男を逮捕 神奈川・藤沢市
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


There are only 36 Costcos in Japan - but there are nearly three times as many stores whose whole business is reselling the company's products. Learn what they offer, why they're popular, and why some are struggling to stay in business while others are thriving.


E-Cost - Costco reseller in Hiroo, Tokyo
ALT text detailsE-Cost - Costco reseller in Hiroo, Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese is hard. But the good news is that, if you know at least some basic Japanese, picking up what you need to order at a restaurant isn’t an ordeal. Use this short guide to get you in the door and get food in your belly.


Woman in a restaurant holding a tray with two glasses and a large bottle of beer
ALT text detailsWoman in a restaurant holding a tray with two glasses and a large bottle of beer
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


One machine in Akihabara's most insane vending machine corner sports several canned goods, such as a can of chicken yakitori with a five-year expiration date; a can of oden,(veggies and meats boiled in a dashi soup); and a taped-over jar of what looks like plastic bugs.

A can of chicken yakitori with a five-year expiration date; a can of oden,(veggies and meats boiled in a dashi soup); and a taped-over jar of what looks like plastic bugs.
ALT text detailsA can of chicken yakitori with a five-year expiration date; a can of oden,(veggies and meats boiled in a dashi soup); and a taped-over jar of what looks like plastic bugs.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Chiitan, a genderless fairy baby otter, has a worldwide following, with over two million followers on social media site X. The character has received a lot of support and love in particular from the LGBTQ community after coming out affirmatively for transgender rights.

Tweet from Chiitan: 

I'm chiitan.Japanese crazy mascot☺️

For example, even if negative opinions are expressed, Chiitan will respond to them with love.
The most important thing Chiitan needs to avoid is becoming extreme or spreading hate.
Chiitan is non-binary. She is an ally and family to all transgender people.
The walls of the world are still high for transgender people,
but let's all climb to the top together.
And when we reach it, let's all share in the joy together.
I love you all. Chiitan needs your support to continue her activities, so please lend me your strength.
ALT text detailsTweet from Chiitan: I'm chiitan.Japanese crazy mascot☺️ For example, even if negative opinions are expressed, Chiitan will respond to them with love. The most important thing Chiitan needs to avoid is becoming extreme or spreading hate. Chiitan is non-binary. She is an ally and family to all transgender people. The walls of the world are still high for transgender people, but let's all climb to the top together. And when we reach it, let's all share in the joy together. I love you all. Chiitan needs your support to continue her activities, so please lend me your strength.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: There are an endless number of stupid ways to get arrested as a tourist in Japan. But a British man found a unique new way to get arrested: failing to pay for a plastic bag from a convenience store. (Well, okay - there was also the assault...)


Plastic bag against blue background
ALT text detailsPlastic bag against blue background
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


The weeping cherry tree that lives with the city.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


The weeping cherry tree that lives with the city.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Are you a member of the Puroland Club or the holder of a yearly passport? If so, bad news. Sanrio Entertainment has announced it's been the victim of a ransomware attack, with up to 2 million names & addresses (but no financial data) potentially leaked.


Picture of Puroland in Tama City
ALT text detailsPicture of Puroland in Tama City
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Score one for everyone's favorite 0-year-old baby fairy otter. Reports say Chiitan's management company has won a defamation suit against Susaki City in Kochi Prefecture, saying claims of copyright infringement by the city damaged Chiitan's reputation.


A background of a judge banging a gavel. Shinjo-kun stands on the left and Chiitan on the right
ALT text detailsA background of a judge banging a gavel. Shinjo-kun stands on the left and Chiitan on the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The scandal surrounding Fuji TV in the wake of allegations against ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro shows no signs of abating. Social media users were shocked this past week when the station aired its two most famous anime without any sponsor support.


Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan standing in front of Fuji TV building
ALT text detailsSazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan standing in front of Fuji TV building
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s hard to find a place to sit and rest in Tokyo for free. However, it’s even getting harder to find a place to sit and rest if you’re willing to pay. The change in cafe usage in Japan is prompting businesses to manage more closely how long people sit and dawdle.


Woman drinking coffee in a cafe and working on her laptop
ALT text detailsWoman drinking coffee in a cafe and working on her laptop
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s a hot trend in China – and a nuisance in Japan. Japanese airport officials are asking visitors to watch their suitcase manners - particularly when it comes to suitcases of the mobile variety.


Narita Airport
ALT text detailsNarita Airport
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Would you buy a subscription to ride the train? JR East is hoping you will - and hoping the plan saves its Suica card from extinction. The 3000 yen/mo. subscriptions will reportedly include half-price rides from stations near your home as well as in-station store discounts.


Suica card being used on a card reader
ALT text detailsSuica card being used on a card reader
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Shinagawa City in Tokyo will become the first city in the metropolis to make school uniforms for public middle school students free regardless of income level. The change, starting in 2026, will reduce the financial burden of schooling, particularly for families on assistance.

Article about Shinagawa City making school uniforms free from Asahi Shimbun. Japanese text of headline: 中学校の制服を所得制限なしで無償化へ 東京・品川区、23区で初
ALT text detailsArticle about Shinagawa City making school uniforms free from Asahi Shimbun. Japanese text of headline: 中学校の制服を所得制限なしで無償化へ 東京・品川区、23区で初
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Another stunning case of nonconsensual photography in Japan: 37yo Nakatsuka Kiyoto admitted in court to installing cameras in several high school changing rooms around Kobe. Authorities retrieved TB of data showing images of some 20,000 victims.

Asahi Shimbun article. Title: のべ2万人が盗撮されたか ハンガー型カメラ、複数の高校の更衣室に
ALT text detailsAsahi Shimbun article. Title: のべ2万人が盗撮されたか ハンガー型カメラ、複数の高校の更衣室に
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ichikawa City in Chiba Prefecture announced that a new program giving rent subsidies to newly married couples will also be open to LGBTQ couples. It's the first time such a program in Japan has recognized sexual and gender minorities.


Train passing over the sea-blue Edo River in Ichikawa City with pink cherry blossoms in the foreground
ALT text detailsTrain passing over the sea-blue Edo River in Ichikawa City with pink cherry blossoms in the foreground
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


High cabbage prices in Japan show no sign of abating. That's led supermarkets to get desperate. And by "desperate," we mean relying on China. Experts predict imports of Chinese cabbage will rise to 19 times what they were last year thanks to climate change.


Knife cutting into cabbage
ALT text detailsKnife cutting into cabbage
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Lines for women’s public restrooms in Japan can be excruciating. They bothered one Japanese woman so much that she went on a quest to figure out why. Her research is renewing a debate over what constitutes Restroom Equality.


Woman standing in line and stretching
ALT text detailsWoman standing in line and stretching
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Wages in Japan have remained stagnant for decades. But they're going up in areas of Japan such as Niseko, Hakone, and other heavy tourist draws. However, one group of people isn’t happy about the development: employers.


Niseko's snow-lined streets
ALT text detailsNiseko's snow-lined streets
atomicker's avatar


Title: Kinkakuji in Snow (1922)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Heavy snow falls at Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. The temple building and the nearby trees are covered in a layer of fresh snow; the surface of the pond before the temple is still. Tall, snow-covered trees crowd the view beyond the water. Overhead, the sky is overcast, and heavy snow continues to fall across the scene. This image is an aizuri-e print, rendered in shades of blue.
ALT text detailsHeavy snow falls at Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. The temple building and the nearby trees are covered in a layer of fresh snow; the surface of the pond before the temple is still. Tall, snow-covered trees crowd the view beyond the water. Overhead, the sky is overcast, and heavy snow continues to fall across the scene. This image is an aizuri-e print, rendered in shades of blue.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Kinkakuji in Snow (1922)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Heavy snow falls at Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. The temple building and the nearby trees are covered in a layer of fresh snow; the surface of the pond before the temple is still. Tall, snow-covered trees crowd the view beyond the water. Overhead, the sky is overcast, and heavy snow continues to fall across the scene. This image is an aizuri-e print, rendered in shades of blue.
ALT text detailsHeavy snow falls at Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. The temple building and the nearby trees are covered in a layer of fresh snow; the surface of the pond before the temple is still. Tall, snow-covered trees crowd the view beyond the water. Overhead, the sky is overcast, and heavy snow continues to fall across the scene. This image is an aizuri-e print, rendered in shades of blue.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Kinkakuji in Snow (1922)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Heavy snow falls at Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. The temple building and the nearby trees are covered in a layer of fresh snow; the surface of the pond before the temple is still. Tall, snow-covered trees crowd the view beyond the water. Overhead, the sky is overcast, and heavy snow continues to fall across the scene. This image is an aizuri-e print, rendered in shades of blue.
ALT text detailsHeavy snow falls at Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. The temple building and the nearby trees are covered in a layer of fresh snow; the surface of the pond before the temple is still. Tall, snow-covered trees crowd the view beyond the water. Overhead, the sky is overcast, and heavy snow continues to fall across the scene. This image is an aizuri-e print, rendered in shades of blue.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Want to recycle a TV in Japan? Think you can leave it out with a giant "free" sign on it until someone takes it? Well, think again. A Japanese legal site recently explained why this amounts to illegal disposal & could carry whopping fines - and even prison time.


Large TV with a "free" sticker plastered on it
ALT text detailsLarge TV with a "free" sticker plastered on it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


What's it like eating a pizza with a bowl of ramen poured on top of it? Several UJ writers, including Tokyo Vice creator Jake Adelstein, decided to find out by trying Pizza Hut Japan's latest marketing gimmick. Check out our verdict below.


Pizza Hut Japan Shoyu ramen pizza ad
ALT text detailsPizza Hut Japan Shoyu ramen pizza ad
Pizza Hut Japan Shoyu ramen pizza - a picture of the actual pizza
ALT text detailsPizza Hut Japan Shoyu ramen pizza - a picture of the actual pizza
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: As businesses in Japan continue to stay they’re too short-staffed to meet market demands, immigration to Japan is accelerating. Despite the weak yen, more foreigners are now working here than ever before.


Road work in Japan
ALT text detailsRoad work in Japan
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


A picture of cherry blossoms that looks like an ink painting.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


A picture of cherry blossoms that looks like an ink painting.

Mika's avatar



I'm a
/. I'm most fluent in , have some basics in and , but I'm also taking up new languages like and others in my eternal journey of getting better and minimising the impostor syndrome that befalls pretty much all programmers (I feel). I'm also very experienced in / technologies, and have been the one devising solutions and maintaining infrastructure in a fast-paced startup environment in my previous employment.

I'm passionate in what I do and those that know me here or IRL would know that I'm always
yapping about the things I'm learning or working on - I love discussing them, and I love helping people out - esp those on the same boat as me.

This passion has led me into writing and maintaining tons of
projects like Mango: a content distribution framework based on for and that powers various bots of mine like @lowyat@mastodon.social and @waktusolat@mastodon.social, Charts: a chart repository for an easy and reproducible deployment strategy for all my projects and everything else I self-host on my , and Orked: O-tomated distribution, a collection of scripts I wrote that are comprehensively documented to enable everyone to self-host a production-grade cluster for absolutely free in their homes.

I'm based in Malaysia, but I'm open to just about any on-site, hybrid, or remote job opportunities anywhere. In the meantime though, I'm actively looking for a job in countries like
and , in a bid for a desperate lifestyle change. I've linked below my Portfolio (which you too, could self-host your own!), for those who'd wish to connect/learn more of me. Thank you ❤️

🔗 https://l.irfanhak.im/resume

Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning to you all from sunny Tokyo.

Hope all is well with you, wherever you are. Hugs, good vibes and encouragement to everyone having a tough time right now.

Here's a couple of monochrome studies of "the everyday".

Making the ordinary feel extraordinary is my fave thing.

❤️ 🙌

A black and white photograph of a gas meter and aircon unit on a wall in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane". The darker lines of the walls, the white lines of the pipes and wires. All acting out a scene of contrast, shape and form.
ALT text detailsA black and white photograph of a gas meter and aircon unit on a wall in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane". The darker lines of the walls, the white lines of the pipes and wires. All acting out a scene of contrast, shape and form.
A black and white photograph of a bicycle covered with a silvery fabric cover, outside someone's front door in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane".
ALT text detailsA black and white photograph of a bicycle covered with a silvery fabric cover, outside someone's front door in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane".
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In the first case of its kind, seven men were busted in Kabukicho for promoting prostitution to foreign tourists. 54-year-old Sudo Kazuki admitted he specifically marketed "cheap sex with Japanese women" to inbound travelers at his two stores.


Kabukicho Sakura-dori Street entrance
ALT text detailsKabukicho Sakura-dori Street entrance
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning to you all from sunny Tokyo.

Hope all is well with you, wherever you are. Hugs, good vibes and encouragement to everyone having a tough time right now.

Here's a couple of monochrome studies of "the everyday".

Making the ordinary feel extraordinary is my fave thing.

❤️ 🙌

A black and white photograph of a gas meter and aircon unit on a wall in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane". The darker lines of the walls, the white lines of the pipes and wires. All acting out a scene of contrast, shape and form.
ALT text detailsA black and white photograph of a gas meter and aircon unit on a wall in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane". The darker lines of the walls, the white lines of the pipes and wires. All acting out a scene of contrast, shape and form.
A black and white photograph of a bicycle covered with a silvery fabric cover, outside someone's front door in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane".
ALT text detailsA black and white photograph of a bicycle covered with a silvery fabric cover, outside someone's front door in Tokyo. What I like to call a study of "the beauty in the mundane".
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"My old bosses made me clean the dirty bathroom every day, and when I said we should take turns, they bullied me for pushing ‘women’s work’ on them and drove me to resign. When I was having trouble finding a new job, a male relative said..." 1/2

X post from user @mGQ4U9JtfqLlE8O. Japanese text: 

ALT text detailsX post from user @mGQ4U9JtfqLlE8O. Japanese text: #私が退職した本当の理由 年寄り上司達が汚く使ったトイレ掃除を毎日させられたから掃除は当番制にして欲しいと言ったら女の仕事を押し付けるなと嫌がらせされて自主退職に追い込まれた。転職活動が難航すると「面接官が男なら体使えば楽勝だから女はいいよね」と親族男性から言われた。
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"My old bosses made me clean the dirty bathroom every day, and when I said we should take turns, they bullied me for pushing ‘women’s work’ on them and drove me to resign. When I was having trouble finding a new job, a male relative said..." 1/2

X post from user @mGQ4U9JtfqLlE8O. Japanese text: 

ALT text detailsX post from user @mGQ4U9JtfqLlE8O. Japanese text: #私が退職した本当の理由 年寄り上司達が汚く使ったトイレ掃除を毎日させられたから掃除は当番制にして欲しいと言ったら女の仕事を押し付けるなと嫌がらせされて自主退職に追い込まれた。転職活動が難航すると「面接官が男なら体使えば楽勝だから女はいいよね」と親族男性から言われた。
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Residents of the 1,300-member village of Mitsue in Nara Prefecture are scratching their heads as to why a new public restroom cost nearly 100 million yen (USD $650K). The mayor defends the expense - but some online commenters say the whole thing feels fishy.


Picture of golden toilet superimposed on a map showing the village of Mitsue
ALT text detailsPicture of golden toilet superimposed on a map showing the village of Mitsue
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The influx of tourists to Japan means there aren’t enough taxis to go around for everyone. That’s leading authorities around areas such as Hyogo Prefecture’s Himeji Castle to issue warnings to tourists about so-called “white taxis,” or unlicensed taxi services.


Flier warning tourists about white taxis
ALT text detailsFlier warning tourists about white taxis
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In the mid-1980s, a Japanese salaryman declared himself the reincarnation of Buddha and Hermes. Now, his religious organization claims millions of adherents - and even after its death, it continues to push a far-right agenda onto Japan.


Okawa Ryuho, founder of Happy Science
ALT text detailsOkawa Ryuho, founder of Happy Science
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Looking for a beautiful home in Japan by the ocean? Well, this one at least fits two out of those three criteria. Japanese social media users reacted recently to the sale of a condo unit that looks like it might be a seafloor home by year's end.


Cartoon woman reacts to a decrepit building
ALT text detailsCartoon woman reacts to a decrepit building
Mika's avatar



I'm a
/. I'm most fluent in , have some basics in and , but I'm also taking up new languages like and others in my eternal journey of getting better and minimising the impostor syndrome that befalls pretty much all programmers (I feel). I'm also very experienced in / technologies, and have been the one devising solutions and maintaining infrastructure in a fast-paced startup environment in my previous employment.

I'm passionate in what I do and those that know me here or IRL would know that I'm always
yapping about the things I'm learning or working on - I love discussing them, and I love helping people out - esp those on the same boat as me.

This passion has led me into writing and maintaining tons of
projects like Mango: a content distribution framework based on for and that powers various bots of mine like @lowyat@mastodon.social and @waktusolat@mastodon.social, Charts: a chart repository for an easy and reproducible deployment strategy for all my projects and everything else I self-host on my , and Orked: O-tomated distribution, a collection of scripts I wrote that are comprehensively documented to enable everyone to self-host a production-grade cluster for absolutely free in their homes.

I'm based in Malaysia, but I'm open to just about any on-site, hybrid, or remote job opportunities anywhere. In the meantime though, I'm actively looking for a job in countries like
and , in a bid for a desperate lifestyle change. I've linked below my Portfolio (which you too, could self-host your own!), for those who'd wish to connect/learn more of me. Thank you ❤️

🔗 https://l.irfanhak.im/resume

Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 6:38, 50 seconds earlier than the day before.
It will set at 17:11, 62 seconds later than the day before.

Nice Gear Games's avatar
Nice Gear Games


Hello to everyone on PeopleMaking.Games! 👋

We are an dev team comprised of Daikon (Japanese speaker, main dev) and Renkon (English speaker, posts at @renkotsuban and runs this account). You can find our work on and !


We also run a blog and digital that highlights indie games and developers from ! You can read games profiles and interviews over at @indietsushin:


よろしくおねがいします! 🙇

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Toilet queues, Kyoto's Culture of Rude, long lines at Shibuya Station, and graphics card riots - check out our most-read stories from the past week in the latest Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Woman stretching as she waits in a line of women for the restroom
ALT text detailsWoman stretching as she waits in a line of women for the restroom
Shop proprietoress touching hands to the floor in greeting
ALT text detailsShop proprietoress touching hands to the floor in greeting
Crowds at Shibuya Station's Hachiko Gate
ALT text detailsCrowds at Shibuya Station's Hachiko Gate
Akihabara with an NVIDIA RTC 5090 GPU superimposed on it
ALT text detailsAkihabara with an NVIDIA RTC 5090 GPU superimposed on it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: For years, Japan’s suicide rate among adults has been dropping. And that trend, fortunately, continues. Unfortunately, suicide rates for kids are higher than they’ve ever been, leaving authorities struggling to find solutions.


School with a cherry blossom tree in front
ALT text detailsSchool with a cherry blossom tree in front
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sazae-san, a show about an idealized Japanese family, isn’t just any anime. While not well-watched by many Western anime fans, it’s a national treasure in Japan, one of the country’s most-watched anime, and the world’s longest-running animated show.

Sazae-san (Fuji TV) - picture of the title card of the show showing the entire Sazae clan in front of their home
ALT text detailsSazae-san (Fuji TV) - picture of the title card of the show showing the entire Sazae clan in front of their home
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: This is why we can’t have nice things. A toy museum in Niigata Prefecture is closing in February because its owner says customers can’t help themselves from breaking stuff and stealing parts.


Izumozaki Retro Museum, Niigata Prefecture
ALT text detailsIzumozaki Retro Museum, Niigata Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Kiyosumi-shirakawa, in Koto City, is home to a number of great coffee shops. It was the site of Japan's first Blue Bottle, which now has multiple locations across Tokyo. Now, cafe owners there say that an influx of people means their shops are often packed solid.


iki Espresso in Kiyosumi-shirakawa
ALT text detailsiki Espresso in Kiyosumi-shirakawa
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Last year, police in Osaka charged a woman for riding an electric suitcase on a sidewalk. Riding the device violates Japan’s motor vehicle laws, as it’s not legally classified as an e-scooter. It also violates the law around motorized vehicles on pedestrian walkways.


Narita Airport photo
ALT text detailsNarita Airport photo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Wanna stay in a Shinjuku hotel room in Japan that’s as over the top as possible? So do a lot of other people, it seems. A Shinjuku hotel just announced a new collaboration with a famous noodle maker that already appears to be booked solid.


Donbei room in Shinjuku Washington Hotel
ALT text detailsDonbei room in Shinjuku Washington Hotel
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good morning & happy Monday from Tokyo! A bit overcast today - so if you need an umbrella, I have a shop for you right here. This is along the approach to Kawasaki Daishi Temple in Kanagawa Pref., whose main gate is seen in the back.

In this photo taken on the approach road to Kawasaki Daishi Temple in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, we can see a line of shops on both sides of the street. In the foreground on the left side, a shop that sells various Japanese gift items and souvenirs, including umbrellas. One such umbrella, colored pink, is displayed in front of the shop. Some pedestrians are walking on the road, and in the background we can see the main gate of the temple.
ALT text detailsIn this photo taken on the approach road to Kawasaki Daishi Temple in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, we can see a line of shops on both sides of the street. In the foreground on the left side, a shop that sells various Japanese gift items and souvenirs, including umbrellas. One such umbrella, colored pink, is displayed in front of the shop. Some pedestrians are walking on the road, and in the background we can see the main gate of the temple.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Good morning & happy Monday from Tokyo! A bit overcast today - so if you need an umbrella, I have a shop for you right here. This is along the approach to Kawasaki Daishi Temple in Kanagawa Pref., whose main gate is seen in the back.

In this photo taken on the approach road to Kawasaki Daishi Temple in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, we can see a line of shops on both sides of the street. In the foreground on the left side, a shop that sells various Japanese gift items and souvenirs, including umbrellas. One such umbrella, colored pink, is displayed in front of the shop. Some pedestrians are walking on the road, and in the background we can see the main gate of the temple.
ALT text detailsIn this photo taken on the approach road to Kawasaki Daishi Temple in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, we can see a line of shops on both sides of the street. In the foreground on the left side, a shop that sells various Japanese gift items and souvenirs, including umbrellas. One such umbrella, colored pink, is displayed in front of the shop. Some pedestrians are walking on the road, and in the background we can see the main gate of the temple.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Fuji TV's issues show no signs of getting any better. So many sponsors have canceled their ads in the wake of ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro's scandal that the station's flagship animes, Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan, aired this week with zero commercials.


Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan
ALT text detailsSazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning from Tokyo. Another week starts. And I thought I'd start it here with a blast of bubblegum pink, infrared madness. Yay!

Pic from 2011. Check the ALT for more.

May this week be a good one for you. Despite the chaotic nature of the world, there's much to be thankful for.


A typical suburban Tokyo backstreet but photographed on an infrared converted Nikon DSLR, rendering the scene in a surreal colour palette. The trees at the corner of the T-junction we see here are a vivid pink. The sky a deep teal shade of blue. A cyclist passes by. Her trousers the same shade of shock pink. Five metres into the street that leads off the junction, a scooter is parked. The sun glinting in a bright starburst off of its mirror.
ALT text detailsA typical suburban Tokyo backstreet but photographed on an infrared converted Nikon DSLR, rendering the scene in a surreal colour palette. The trees at the corner of the T-junction we see here are a vivid pink. The sky a deep teal shade of blue. A cyclist passes by. Her trousers the same shade of shock pink. Five metres into the street that leads off the junction, a scooter is parked. The sun glinting in a bright starburst off of its mirror.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning from Tokyo. Another week starts. And I thought I'd start it here with a blast of bubblegum pink, infrared madness. Yay!

Pic from 2011. Check the ALT for more.

May this week be a good one for you. Despite the chaotic nature of the world, there's much to be thankful for.


A typical suburban Tokyo backstreet but photographed on an infrared converted Nikon DSLR, rendering the scene in a surreal colour palette. The trees at the corner of the T-junction we see here are a vivid pink. The sky a deep teal shade of blue. A cyclist passes by. Her trousers the same shade of shock pink. Five metres into the street that leads off the junction, a scooter is parked. The sun glinting in a bright starburst off of its mirror.
ALT text detailsA typical suburban Tokyo backstreet but photographed on an infrared converted Nikon DSLR, rendering the scene in a surreal colour palette. The trees at the corner of the T-junction we see here are a vivid pink. The sky a deep teal shade of blue. A cyclist passes by. Her trousers the same shade of shock pink. Five metres into the street that leads off the junction, a scooter is parked. The sun glinting in a bright starburst off of its mirror.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


With the Chinese New Year holiday in full swing, many tourists are coming to Japan. More than a few are bringing rideable electric suitcases with them - a nuisance device that's causing increasing problems in airports and on sidewalks across the country.


Narita Airprot with the picture of an electric suitcase over it
ALT text detailsNarita Airprot with the picture of an electric suitcase over it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Some fans are seeking ways to see their favorite idols and artists in cities like Tokyo while avoiding the city’s extravagant lodging prices. One bus company says it has a unique new solution: a bus whose seats turn into flat beds.


Sommeil Profond flat sleeper seat
ALT text detailsSommeil Profond flat sleeper seat
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


, or the art of repairing broken pottery, .

#Kintsugi, or the art of repairing broken pottery, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text details#Kintsugi, or the art of repairing broken pottery, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A 2021 study in Japan found that men camped out in office toilets for around 6 minutes and 52 seconds on average, compared to only 2 minutes and 32 seconds for women. That’s an increase from 1965, when men spent 5 minutes to women’s 1 minute and 30 seconds.


Men and women office toilet time - 2021 vs 1965 (figures in body of post)
ALT text detailsMen and women office toilet time - 2021 vs 1965 (figures in body of post)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: With over 3,000 onsen towns and 27,000 hot springs in Japan, it can be tough to decide where to go. A popular Japan travel site has used its own ranking system to find the best ones for a winter soak.


Nozawa Onsen Hot Springs, Nagano Prefecture
ALT text detailsNozawa Onsen Hot Springs, Nagano Prefecture
Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 6:40, 47 seconds earlier than the day before.
It will set at 17:09, 63 seconds later than the day before.

pkg update's avatar
pkg update


이제 쓰일 일이 없다고 해도 빛은 포근히 내려앉는다.

Old warehouse in Shirakawago, Japan.
ALT text detailsOld warehouse in Shirakawago, Japan.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Sea of Echigo (1957)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


Winter night gathers around a village by the sea. Snow covers the ground and the tile rooftops of the houses; warm lights glow in the windows. A figure carrying a lamp accompanies a smaller figure through the snow, approaching one of the houses. Beyond, the wintry Sea of Japan is dark, grey, and cold.
ALT text detailsWinter night gathers around a village by the sea. Snow covers the ground and the tile rooftops of the houses; warm lights glow in the windows. A figure carrying a lamp accompanies a smaller figure through the snow, approaching one of the houses. Beyond, the wintry Sea of Japan is dark, grey, and cold.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Itsukushima (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A view looking out over a snowy landscape toward the famous 'floating' torii of Itsukushima Shrine. In the foreground, snow and frost cling to the trunk and branches of a Japanese pine tree; just beyond, a tall stone lantern and a pair of smaller ones stand on the shore of the Inland Sea, all plastered with snow. Out in Hiroshima Bay, the red torii gate appears to float on the surface of the water. Further out, a tiny open boat is steered across the bay by a single pilot. Rugged snow-capped mountains line the horizon, while the sky above is a deep, cold blue. Light snow continues to fall across the scene
ALT text detailsA view looking out over a snowy landscape toward the famous 'floating' torii of Itsukushima Shrine. In the foreground, snow and frost cling to the trunk and branches of a Japanese pine tree; just beyond, a tall stone lantern and a pair of smaller ones stand on the shore of the Inland Sea, all plastered with snow. Out in Hiroshima Bay, the red torii gate appears to float on the surface of the water. Further out, a tiny open boat is steered across the bay by a single pilot. Rugged snow-capped mountains line the horizon, while the sky above is a deep, cold blue. Light snow continues to fall across the scene
atomicker's avatar



atomicker's avatar



atomicker's avatar


Title: During the New Year Holidays (c.1990s)

Artist: Nishijima Katsuyuki


A traditional-style storefront on New Year's Day, somewhere in Kyoto. The sliding doors are shut, the windows are closed, and the street before the shop is empty.
ALT text detailsA traditional-style storefront on New Year's Day, somewhere in Kyoto. The sliding doors are shut, the windows are closed, and the street before the shop is empty.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Nakayama-Shichiri, Hida (1924)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls on a mountain village in Japan. In the foreground, a cold-looking river cuts through the wintry landscape; on the right, tall trees are plastered with snow, while on the left, warm lights glow in the windows of a handful of houses along the riverbank. Beyond, snow-covered mountains cut a jagged line across dark clouds.
ALT text detailsSnow falls on a mountain village in Japan. In the foreground, a cold-looking river cuts through the wintry landscape; on the right, tall trees are plastered with snow, while on the left, warm lights glow in the windows of a handful of houses along the riverbank. Beyond, snow-covered mountains cut a jagged line across dark clouds.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Suijin no Mori on the Sumida River (1934)

Artist: Koitsu Tsuchiya


A snowy evening in Tokyo. A solitary figure wearing a kimono and carrying a bamboo umbrella stands beneath a tall snow-plastered tree on the shore of the Sumida River; nearby, a building is concealed behind a cluster of snow-caked trees and a fence. Small boats travel on the still surface of the cold-looking river beyond. A layer of snow covers everything, as more snow falls from an overcast sky
ALT text detailsA snowy evening in Tokyo. A solitary figure wearing a kimono and carrying a bamboo umbrella stands beneath a tall snow-plastered tree on the shore of the Sumida River; nearby, a building is concealed behind a cluster of snow-caked trees and a fence. Small boats travel on the still surface of the cold-looking river beyond. A layer of snow covers everything, as more snow falls from an overcast sky
atomicker's avatar


Title: Temple Snow Scene (c.1910s - 1930s)

Artist: Choka


A snowy evening at a temple in Japan. A single figure passes an unlit wooden lantern as they approach a tall, red-lacquered temple building; the figure carries a bamboo umbrella as protection from the snow, as the winter wind whips their robes about them. Snow covers the ground all around, and sticks to the bark and bare branches of a tall tree on our left. More snow covers the roof and railings of the temple. The sky above is dark and overcast.
ALT text detailsA snowy evening at a temple in Japan. A single figure passes an unlit wooden lantern as they approach a tall, red-lacquered temple building; the figure carries a bamboo umbrella as protection from the snow, as the winter wind whips their robes about them. Snow covers the ground all around, and sticks to the bark and bare branches of a tall tree on our left. More snow covers the roof and railings of the temple. The sky above is dark and overcast.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Onjuku, Chiba Prefecture (1950)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A setting sun warms a winter scene in Chiba. A handful of houses, likely part of a fishing village, stand near the ocean; a layer of snow covers the landscape and the rooftops of the houses. A solitary figure, carrying a child on their back and bundled up against the cold, follows a thin meandering track worn by foot traffic through the snow. Beyond, a little stream runs past the houses and empties out into the calm waves of the Pacific Ocean. Out of frame, the setting sun casts a golden light over the scene
ALT text detailsA setting sun warms a winter scene in Chiba. A handful of houses, likely part of a fishing village, stand near the ocean; a layer of snow covers the landscape and the rooftops of the houses. A solitary figure, carrying a child on their back and bundled up against the cold, follows a thin meandering track worn by foot traffic through the snow. Beyond, a little stream runs past the houses and empties out into the calm waves of the Pacific Ocean. Out of frame, the setting sun casts a golden light over the scene
atomicker's avatar


Title: Yuki no Yugure (c.1940s)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


A snowy winter evening scene somewhere in rural Japan. A narrow, cold-looking creek cuts through the forground; on the right-hand bank, a tall leafless tree is plastered with snow and frost, while on the left-hand bank, a faint track worn by foot traffic in the snow runs past a couple of small buildings. A pair of figures -- one child and one adult, each carrying bamboo umbrellas -- follow the track, heading toward a snow-covered house where warm lights shine in the windows. Beyond, a shadowy forest cuts a silhouette against a dull gray sky. Snow continues falling across the scene.
ALT text detailsA snowy winter evening scene somewhere in rural Japan. A narrow, cold-looking creek cuts through the forground; on the right-hand bank, a tall leafless tree is plastered with snow and frost, while on the left-hand bank, a faint track worn by foot traffic in the snow runs past a couple of small buildings. A pair of figures -- one child and one adult, each carrying bamboo umbrellas -- follow the track, heading toward a snow-covered house where warm lights shine in the windows. Beyond, a shadowy forest cuts a silhouette against a dull gray sky. Snow continues falling across the scene.
atomicker's avatar



atomicker's avatar


Title: Tennoji Temple, Osaka (1927)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A solitary figure visits Osaka's Tennoji Temple on a dark winter night. Footprints in the fresh snow reveal the figure's interrupted progress; the bamboo umbrella the figure holds hides their head. Beyond, the nearby temple buildings are deserted and closed up, while further on, taller buildings and the five-story pagoda are shadowy, details obscured by the dim light. Snow falls across the scene.
ALT text detailsA solitary figure visits Osaka's Tennoji Temple on a dark winter night. Footprints in the fresh snow reveal the figure's interrupted progress; the bamboo umbrella the figure holds hides their head. Beyond, the nearby temple buildings are deserted and closed up, while further on, taller buildings and the five-story pagoda are shadowy, details obscured by the dim light. Snow falls across the scene.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Bell Tower, Mt Koya (1935)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
ALT text detailsA lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Riverside (1970)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


A view looking down into a residential street on a dim winter evening somewhere in Japan. On our left, a river curves up and across the top of the image; on the riverbank, a row of houses follows the line of the river, light shining in their windows. An uneven layer of snow covers the tile rootops of the houses. In the street on our right, hanging lanterns throw splashes of yellow illumination across the ground, and a few shadowy pedestrians walk along the road.
ALT text detailsA view looking down into a residential street on a dim winter evening somewhere in Japan. On our left, a river curves up and across the top of the image; on the riverbank, a row of houses follows the line of the river, light shining in their windows. An uneven layer of snow covers the tile rootops of the houses. In the street on our right, hanging lanterns throw splashes of yellow illumination across the ground, and a few shadowy pedestrians walk along the road.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Senzoku Pond (1928)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A view looking out over Tokyo's Senzoku Pond on a snowy winter's day. In the foreground, wiry pine trees stand on the edge of the pond, fresh snow clogging their branches and sticking to their trunks. Beyond, the calm surface of the pond stretches out toward dim silhouettes of more trees on the opposite side of the water. Above, the sky is dark and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene
ALT text detailsA view looking out over Tokyo's Senzoku Pond on a snowy winter's day. In the foreground, wiry pine trees stand on the edge of the pond, fresh snow clogging their branches and sticking to their trunks. Beyond, the calm surface of the pond stretches out toward dim silhouettes of more trees on the opposite side of the water. Above, the sky is dark and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene
atomicker's avatar


Title: The Hall of the Golden Hue at Hiraizumi (1957)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A lone monk wearing a broad hat climbs snowy steps toward the Konjikido; tall pine trees, their branches weighed down by fresh snow, stand on either side of the steps. Up ahead, the small temple building is closed up and deserted. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues falling across the scene
ALT text detailsA lone monk wearing a broad hat climbs snowy steps toward the Konjikido; tall pine trees, their branches weighed down by fresh snow, stand on either side of the steps. Up ahead, the small temple building is closed up and deserted. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues falling across the scene
atomicker's avatar


Title: Matsumoto Castle (1950)

Artist: Okiie


A view of Nagano's Matsumoto Castle in winter. Leafless trees stand in the foreground, screening our view of a flat snowy field stretching out toward the castle. The stacked rooftops of the multi-level castle are covered with fresh snow; the windows are dark and unlit. Beyond, low mountains cross the horizon, beneath a steely blue sky. Everything seems quiet and still.
ALT text detailsA view of Nagano's Matsumoto Castle in winter. Leafless trees stand in the foreground, screening our view of a flat snowy field stretching out toward the castle. The stacked rooftops of the multi-level castle are covered with fresh snow; the windows are dark and unlit. Beyond, low mountains cross the horizon, beneath a steely blue sky. Everything seems quiet and still.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Zojo-ji Temple in Snow (1933)

Artist: Koitsu Tsuchiya


Snow falls at Tokyo's Zojo-ji Temple. In the foreground, the branches of a few wiry pine trees are clogged with snow; beyond, a pair of female figures cross the wide snow-covered road, carrying bamboo umbrallas as protection against the falling snow. Further on, another pair of figures approaches the front steps of the impressive red-lacquered gate of Zojo-ji Temple. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues to fall across the scene
ALT text detailsSnow falls at Tokyo's Zojo-ji Temple. In the foreground, the branches of a few wiry pine trees are clogged with snow; beyond, a pair of female figures cross the wide snow-covered road, carrying bamboo umbrallas as protection against the falling snow. Further on, another pair of figures approaches the front steps of the impressive red-lacquered gate of Zojo-ji Temple. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues to fall across the scene
atomicker's avatar


Title: Sarusawa Pond, Nara (1934)

Artist: Koitsu Tsuchiya


A snowy evening in Nara Park, by Sarusawa Pond. In the foreground, the branches and bark of a leafless tree are caked with snow and frost; beyond, a lone female figure walks past, carrying a bamboo umbrella as protection from the falling snow. Further on, the still surface of Sarusawa Pond stretches out toward more snow-covered trees on the far side of the water. In the distance, the shape of Kohfukuji Temple's five-story pagoda is a dim silhouette among shadowy trees, standing against an overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA snowy evening in Nara Park, by Sarusawa Pond. In the foreground, the branches and bark of a leafless tree are caked with snow and frost; beyond, a lone female figure walks past, carrying a bamboo umbrella as protection from the falling snow. Further on, the still surface of Sarusawa Pond stretches out toward more snow-covered trees on the far side of the water. In the distance, the shape of Kohfukuji Temple's five-story pagoda is a dim silhouette among shadowy trees, standing against an overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Nearly half of women in Japan say they have to wait in excruciatingly long lines to use the restroom. Is that discrimination? Here's why one Japanese woman counted public toilets to see how society treats men's and women's needs differently - and what she found.


Woman stretching while she waits in a long line
ALT text detailsWoman stretching while she waits in a long line
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Got a smoking habit? Better watch where you light ’em up in Osaka City. As of January 27th, the city has become the latest in Japan to ban smoking in most public locations.


Osaka No Smoking sign
ALT text detailsOsaka No Smoking sign
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thanks to record tourism, wages in Japan’s Taito City (home of Ueno Park and Tokyo Museum) are up 7% and up 8.10% in Hakone and other parts of Kanagawa Prefecture. In Niseko, says Nikkei, the average hourly wage has gone up a whopping 10%.


Lake Ashino, Hakone, Japan
ALT text detailsLake Ashino, Hakone, Japan
atomicker's avatar


Title: Zojo-ji Temple in Snow (1933)

Artist: Koitsu Tsuchiya


Snow falls at Tokyo's Zojo-ji Temple. In the foreground, the branches of a few wiry pine trees are clogged with snow; beyond, a pair of female figures cross the wide snow-covered road, carrying bamboo umbrallas as protection against the falling snow. Further on, another pair of figures approaches the front steps of the impressive red-lacquered gate of Zojo-ji Temple. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues to fall across the scene
ALT text detailsSnow falls at Tokyo's Zojo-ji Temple. In the foreground, the branches of a few wiry pine trees are clogged with snow; beyond, a pair of female figures cross the wide snow-covered road, carrying bamboo umbrallas as protection against the falling snow. Further on, another pair of figures approaches the front steps of the impressive red-lacquered gate of Zojo-ji Temple. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues to fall across the scene
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A near riot broke out in Akihabara as 400+ rushed to PC Kobo for tickets raffling off graphics cards with the new NVIDIA RTX 5080 and 5090 GPUs, causing property damage to a nearby preschool. The majority of would-be purchasers appeared to be foreign resellers.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wages in Japan have remained stagnant for decades. Lately, however, areas of Japan such as Niseko, Hakone, and other heavy tourist draws have seen average raises shoot up as much as 10%. Workers are delighted - and employers are complaining.


Niseko - shot of street with snow piled up on sides and mountains looming in the background
ALT text detailsNiseko - shot of street with snow piled up on sides and mountains looming in the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Going to the Shibuya area anytime soon? If so, be warned that Shibuya Station is even more chaotic than usual. A new stage of the station’s reconstruction effort started this week – and it’s making the area around the Hachiko Gate even harder to navigate.


Hachiko Gate backup at Shibuya Station
ALT text detailsHachiko Gate backup at Shibuya Station
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Credit cards in Japan are about to take a leap into the 21st century as they abandon signatures. But what does this mean for tourists using foreign cards when they travel to the country?


Stacks of credit cards (they're all fake, don't get excited)
ALT text detailsStacks of credit cards (they're all fake, don't get excited)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Recent statistics show the number of overstays in Japan dropping. As of July 2024, 77,935 people are projected to be in Japan illegally – a drop of 1.5% since January 2024. Most of those (48,343) aren't workers but people who overstayed short-term visitor visas.


Workers talking to one another
ALT text detailsWorkers talking to one another
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ikebukuro’s VLiverLab allows you to drink while interacting directly with virtual, digital avatar-ensconced bartenders. There’s an entire rotating cast of bartenders with their own designs and quirks; you sit facing a digital screen featuring the bartenders in question.


VLiver Lab pictures
ALT text detailsVLiver Lab pictures
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: As tensions continue to flare between Kurdish immigrants and Japanese residents in Saitama Prefecture, a new incident involving a Kurdish girl who was expelled from school is generating fierce debate online.


Saitama City landscape
ALT text detailsSaitama City landscape
Ame's avatar


Does anyone know if there's a list or feed for Hololive/Vtuber in-person events, such as collab cafes or special store events (like AmiAmi x Ina)? I'll be visiting Japan in March and want to see if there are any time-limited events during that time :polarbear_sdvx:

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thanks to the influx of tourism, illegal “white taxi” services have sprung up all across Japan. These services are hard for police to catch, as they typically set up booking forms or apps outside the country.


Japanese white humber plate with hands indicating "stop" or "penalty"
ALT text detailsJapanese white humber plate with hands indicating "stop" or "penalty"
mapconcierge's avatar


Finally, the long-awaited Free and Open Source GIS Global Conference is coming to Japan! As a board member of the OSGeo Japan Chapter since 2008 and a founding member of the Japanese community, I am thrilled to welcome everyone as a local organizer. I look forward to ensuring that we all have a fantastic experience at FOSS4G 2026 Hiroshima, where geospatial information professionals from around the world will gather in Japan.

atomicker's avatar


Title: Matsumoto Castle (1950)

Artist: Okiie


A view of Nagano's Matsumoto Castle in winter. Leafless trees stand in the foreground, screening our view of a flat snowy field stretching out toward the castle. The stacked rooftops of the multi-level castle are covered with fresh snow; the windows are dark and unlit. Beyond, low mountains cross the horizon, beneath a steely blue sky. Everything seems quiet and still.
ALT text detailsA view of Nagano's Matsumoto Castle in winter. Leafless trees stand in the foreground, screening our view of a flat snowy field stretching out toward the castle. The stacked rooftops of the multi-level castle are covered with fresh snow; the windows are dark and unlit. Beyond, low mountains cross the horizon, beneath a steely blue sky. Everything seems quiet and still.
mapconcierge's avatar


Finally, the long-awaited Free and Open Source GIS Global Conference is coming to Japan! As a board member of the OSGeo Japan Chapter since 2008 and a founding member of the Japanese community, I am thrilled to welcome everyone as a local organizer. I look forward to ensuring that we all have a fantastic experience at FOSS4G 2026 Hiroshima, where geospatial information professionals from around the world will gather in Japan.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thanks to a labor shortage and the weak yen, immigrants continue to flock to Japan looking for new opportunities. The country passed 2.3 million foreign workers last year - the 12th year in a row setting a new record - while illegal overstays fell.


Road workers in Japan
ALT text detailsRoad workers in Japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Held inside a long-running folding fan shop in Kyoto, the "Ikezu Bunka" event challenged people to take a crack at reading the true intentions behind the shop proprietress's veiled language. One group said they got kicked out in a minute and 20 seconds.


Ikea Bunka sticker event poster created by Nai Inc.
ALT text detailsIkea Bunka sticker event poster created by Nai Inc.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Tourism to Japan is overwhelming taxi services, leading to the proliferation of so-called illegal "white taxis." Here's why officials around Himeji Castle this week are warning tourists that if the plate is white, you should say "thanks, I'm alright."


Picture of white Japanese license plate with hands indicating you shouldn't use it
ALT text detailsPicture of white Japanese license plate with hands indicating you shouldn't use it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A thief in Japan who robbed a man in Kabukicho got more than he bargained for when he sped off with a bag containing a pair of AirPods that had location tracking turned on.


A pair of AirPods on a wooden desk
ALT text detailsA pair of AirPods on a wooden desk
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan remains a relatively good deal for travelers, especially those from countries whose currency remains strong against the country’s weak yen. However, that demand is starting to drive prices up.


Hotel clerk handing a traveler his keys
ALT text detailsHotel clerk handing a traveler his keys
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In one case, the owner of the Izumozaki Retro Museum in Niigata Prefecture says he asked a parent whose child dropped a toy to help the child be more careful. The parent snapped, “Then you shouldn’t leave these out where kids can touch ’em!”


Izumozaki Retro Museum in Niigata Prefecture
ALT text detailsIzumozaki Retro Museum in Niigata Prefecture
atomicker's avatar


Title: The Hall of the Golden Hue at Hiraizumi (1957)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A lone monk wearing a broad hat climbs snowy steps toward the Konjikido; tall pine trees, their branches weighed down by fresh snow, stand on either side of the steps. Up ahead, the small temple building is closed up and deserted. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues falling across the scene
ALT text detailsA lone monk wearing a broad hat climbs snowy steps toward the Konjikido; tall pine trees, their branches weighed down by fresh snow, stand on either side of the steps. Up ahead, the small temple building is closed up and deserted. Above, the sky is dark and overcast; snow continues falling across the scene
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In Kyoto, telling someone they're wearing a nice kimono might be the meanest thing you can say. Here's how a recent event gave people across Japan a chance to experience the area's "culture of unkindness" by challenging them to read between the lines.


Okami asking someone if they want chazuke (i.e., telling them to please leave)
ALT text detailsOkami asking someone if they want chazuke (i.e., telling them to please leave)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan experienced its second-lowest ever number of suicides last year. Unfortunately, among schoolkids, the number of youth suicides hit an all-time high in 2024. That has experts saying it's time to consider new strategies for youth suicide prevention.


Picture of school with a cherry blossom tree in front
ALT text detailsPicture of school with a cherry blossom tree in front
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


This is why we can't have nice things. The Izumozaki Retro Museum in Izumozaki, Niigata Prefecture, specializes in collecting toys from Japan’s Showa era (1926-1989). Now, it's closing because some parents can't stop their kids from breaking stuff.


Izumozaki Retro Museum in Izumozaki, Niigata Prefecture
ALT text detailsIzumozaki Retro Museum in Izumozaki, Niigata Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A women’s pro shogi player hoped to break a 100-year wall and become the first female professional in the country’s regular Japanese chess league. Sadly, it was not to be.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Should digital nomads flock to Tokyo as the cold months continue? A new analysis rates the city a prime location for working during the winter, ranking it highly for its public transit and relative safety.


Woman sitting by a Japanese style fusuma paper door working on her laptop
ALT text detailsWoman sitting by a Japanese style fusuma paper door working on her laptop
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ito Shiori's BLACK BOX DIARIES, her film about her struggle for justice after her sexual assault, has earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary. She's the first Japanese director ever to earn a nomination in the category. The film has yet to release in Japan.


Poster for Ito Shiori's Black Box Diaries showing her looking at the camera behind a water-streaked pane of glass
ALT text detailsPoster for Ito Shiori's Black Box Diaries showing her looking at the camera behind a water-streaked pane of glass
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Besides the famous Toho Cinemas Godzilla room operated by Fujita Kanko in Shinjuku, it also runs the train and Panda House rooms in Akihabara's Washington Hotel, kabuki rooms in Kyoto, and a stunning “ocean room” in Naha, Okinawa.


Ocean room in Naha Washington Hotel - two twin beds surrounded by aquarium-like walls
ALT text detailsOcean room in Naha Washington Hotel - two twin beds surrounded by aquarium-like walls
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Kochi Ekimae Kanko says that they’re testing out a “full flat seat” bus. The new seat type is for customers who say they love the cost savings of night buses in Japan for attending concerts but not the restless night’s shut-eye that comes from sleeping upright.


Ful flat sleeper seats showing how they decline into a full horizontal position
ALT text detailsFul flat sleeper seats showing how they decline into a full horizontal position
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Overtourism in Japan isn’t just a matter of inconvenience – it’s an issue of tourist safety. That point was driven home this week by a tragic incident in Hokkaido where a woman trying to grab a picture was struck by a train.


Sign for Asari Station in Otaru, Hokkaido
ALT text detailsSign for Asari Station in Otaru, Hokkaido
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Lawson's "transparent flan" comes in a clever package. When you first pick up the product with its stark white label, it seems to only say, “Can you see it?” Tilt it into the light, and the words “transparent caramel-flavored flan” make themselves known.


Lawson's transparent flan - double shot: on the left, the words "can you see it?" On the right, in the light, you can see the words "see-through caramel-flavored flan" appear
ALT text detailsLawson's transparent flan - double shot: on the left, the words "can you see it?" On the right, in the light, you can see the words "see-through caramel-flavored flan" appear
atomicker's avatar


Title: Kinkakuji, Kyoto (c.1930s)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Heavy snow falls across a view of Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. In the foreground, snow weighs down the branches of a Japanese pine tree; beyond, a still pond stretches out toward the temple. The heavy weather obscures many details of the temple building, though the silhouette of the golden phoenix fixed at the top of the roof stands out against the overcast sky.
ALT text detailsHeavy snow falls across a view of Kyoto's Kinkakuji Temple. In the foreground, snow weighs down the branches of a Japanese pine tree; beyond, a still pond stretches out toward the temple. The heavy weather obscures many details of the temple building, though the silhouette of the golden phoenix fixed at the top of the roof stands out against the overcast sky.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna make your stay in Japan as over the top as possible? Shinjuku Washington Hotel is making that happen for the lucky guests who booked their limited-time Nissin Donbei udon room. But don't fret - the hotel has other themed rooms waiting for you!


Nissin Donbei room at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel
ALT text detailsNissin Donbei room at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna make your stay in Japan as over the top as possible? Shinjuku Washington Hotel is making that happen for the lucky guests who booked their limited-time Nissin Donbei udon room. But don't fret - the hotel has other themed rooms waiting for you!


Nissin Donbei room at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel
ALT text detailsNissin Donbei room at the Shinjuku Washington Hotel
Tony Barrett's avatar
Tony Barrett


Zen garden, Nara

#japanphotography #japan #photography #darktable
Tony Barrett's avatar
Tony Barrett


Zen garden, Nara

#japanphotography #japan #photography #darktable
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As hotel prices rise, more idol fans in Japan are taking night buses to see their oshi perform. To make the trip more pleasant, one bus company is debuting a new "full flat sleeper" design in March featuring bus seats that fold down into beds for the return trip.


New "full flat seat" bus seat design
ALT text detailsNew "full flat seat" bus seat design
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Our Hatsune Miku green onion-flavored protein powder post is suddenly doing new traffic. Sadly, as far as we can tell, this product was limited edition and doesn't appear to have been re-released. (If you have different information, let us know.)


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Multiple Japanese press outlets are reporting that Nakai Masahiro, the ex-member of boy band SMAP who’s been embroiled in a scandal involving alleged sexual assault, will retire from entertainment. The move ends his lucrative post-SMAP career as a TV and radio host.


Banner for Nakai Masahiro's now-dead program DAREKA TO NAKAI
ALT text detailsBanner for Nakai Masahiro's now-dead program DAREKA TO NAKAI
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thieves in Japan don't just target abandoned houses for their accessories and metals. Last year, multiple outlets reported that toilets in Tokyo's Katsuhika City and other areas had their faucets and pipes removed by criminals looking to turn them into cash.


Article from NHK News on the theft of pipes from toilets in parks in Katsushika
ALT text detailsArticle from NHK News on the theft of pipes from toilets in parks in Katsushika
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: There are still plenty of interesting things to do and see in Akihabara, Tokyo's colorful anime neighborhood. One “attraction” that contradicts Akiba’s bouncy image, though, is a bank of vending machines with a lineup of products locals describe as “cursed.”



Woman hiding her face in her hands as she stands in front of the bank of "cursed" vending machines in Akihabara
ALT text detailsWoman hiding her face in her hands as she stands in front of the bank of "cursed" vending machines in Akihabara
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: How you address someone in Japan tells a lot about how you see them and their relationship to you in society. In recent years, according to researchers and news reports, many Japanese managers are taking a more respectful tone with their subordinates.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As home to one of Japan’s traditional gasshou-zukuri villages made famous by Shirakawa-Go, Gero Onsen is both a great tourist attraction and a wonderful hot springs spot. The village has 10 thermal baths, as well as a number of foot baths located around town.

Gero Onsen - traditional Gassho style house
ALT text detailsGero Onsen - traditional Gassho style house
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Fuji TV held a follow-up press conference on the Nakai Masahiro scandal to recover from its disastrous one earlier this month. The grueling event, open to all journalists, ran until 2am, lasting over 10 HOURS. It didn't appear to change advertiser's minds one bit.

Article from LiveDoor News on the Fuji TV presser. Japanese title: 【速報】フジテレビ“再会見”が終了 異例の10時間超
ALT text detailsArticle from LiveDoor News on the Fuji TV presser. Japanese title: 【速報】フジテレビ“再会見”が終了 異例の10時間超
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Looking for a hot soak during the winter months while in Japan? The country's onsen (hot springs) are an excellent way to relax and restore your health by heating yourself down to your bones. Here are the best winter spots according to a new ranking.


Onsen in Hakone; water flowing down a bamboo shoot into a bath
ALT text detailsOnsen in Hakone; water flowing down a bamboo shoot into a bath
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese maid cafe chain At Home will test a new device from Pixie Dust technologies that translates up to 100 languages and renders words on a clear table display. The company hopes to help At Home support both foreign tourists and Japan's deaf population.


Maids behind a table top screen making the moe-moe-kyun gesture as the tablet translates their words into English. A sign next to the device reads, "Please speak slowly"
ALT text detailsMaids behind a table top screen making the moe-moe-kyun gesture as the tablet translates their words into English. A sign next to the device reads, "Please speak slowly"
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Ever hear a crime report and think, “Let him cook”? That’s my reaction upon hearing about a man who catfished other men online. However, he insists his intentions were noble.


Person holding a smartphone that displays a Japanese dating app
ALT text detailsPerson holding a smartphone that displays a Japanese dating app
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Authorities only caught up with terrorist Kirishima Satoshi when he checked himself into a hospital in Kanagawa Prefecture due to terminal stomach cancer, where he admitted his identity to authorities. He died shortly thereafter at age 70.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thieves targeting abandoned homes in Japan say they use smartphone map apps to find areas that might have abandoned houses. They then visit homes and look for signs the property is abandoned — such as overgrown lawns and the status of water meters.


Kawara style roof house abandoned in Japan
ALT text detailsKawara style roof house abandoned in Japan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan’s conservative-leaning government continues to drag its feet on passing marriage equality despite broad public support. However, the government announced that same-sex couples were covered by 24 laws usually reserved for legally recognized marriages.


Gavel on top of an LGBTQ flag
ALT text detailsGavel on top of an LGBTQ flag
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Engyo-ji, .

Engyo-ji, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsEngyo-ji, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: In a bid to crack down on illegal use of e-scooters in Japan, the country’s leading rental service announced it’s permanently suspended someone who clearly broke the rules – and endangered their life and the lives of others.


E-scooters awaiting rental
ALT text detailsE-scooters awaiting rental
Nithin Coca నితిన్'s avatar
Nithin Coca నితిన్


Nice to live in a country where the hard left party is smart enough to realize that it's namesake in has nothing to do with whatsoever, and is willing to call out their crimes against , including the .

"The leadership’s...does not deserve the name of the Party"


Nithin Coca నితిన్'s avatar
Nithin Coca నితిన్


Nice to live in a country where the hard left party is smart enough to realize that it's namesake in has nothing to do with whatsoever, and is willing to call out their crimes against , including the .

"The leadership’s...does not deserve the name of the Party"


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Fuji TV CEO Minato Koichi and Chairman Kano Shuji just resigned in the wake of the scandal caused by ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro. Both were thrown overboard after their disastrous response led the station to lose over half of its advertisers.

Article from Sponichi Annex on the Fuji TV press conference. Japanese title: フジテレビ 港浩一社長ら辞任を発表、嘉納会長も 新社長は清水賢治専務「ちびまる子ちゃん」手掛けた
ALT text detailsArticle from Sponichi Annex on the Fuji TV press conference. Japanese title: フジテレビ 港浩一社長ら辞任を発表、嘉納会長も 新社長は清水賢治専務「ちびまる子ちゃん」手掛けた
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


One firm analyzed average unit prices across 2,000 hotels across Japan. The average price is now up to 22,880 yen (USD $146) – up 18% from the previous year. That’s higher than the previous high watermark of 22,245 yen in 1997, making a new record.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Going to Shibuya anytime soon? If so, be warned that the Hachiko Gate's been relocated and the number of gates reduced from 17 to 14. That's making Hachiko Square even messier than usual. More info below on what's happening - and how to navigate around it.


Shibuya Station - Hachiko Gate mess
ALT text detailsShibuya Station - Hachiko Gate mess
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: There’s no denying the importance of vending machines to the rhythm of daily life here. Which is why, when the Swedish Embassy in Japan announced it was engaging in vending machine diplomacy, I had to go see it for myself.


Try Swedish! vending machine in Ikebukuro's Alpa mall
ALT text detailsTry Swedish! vending machine in Ikebukuro's Alpa mall
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: With all the talk of overtourism and tourists behaving badly, it’s left many travelers wondering whether the majority in Japan even want tourists. Good news: a new survey shows that they overwhelmingly do.


Woman with a tourist to Japan standing under a wooden roof and pointing to something off-screen. Probably a Shinkansen train or a box of Pocky.
ALT text detailsWoman with a tourist to Japan standing under a wooden roof and pointing to something off-screen. Probably a Shinkansen train or a box of Pocky.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


On March 26th, 1978, the control tower at the nearly complete Narita Airport fell to an invading force of leftist militants. Why did such a wide range of activists unite to stop the government from taking people’s homes?


Banner for The Battle of Narita Airport
ALT text detailsBanner for The Battle of Narita Airport
Bytes Europe's avatar
Bytes Europe


Thai Female Nurse on a Trip to Japan Rescues Elderly Man Who Collapsed at Asakusa Station byteseu.com/686316/

Thai Female Nurse on a Trip to Japan Rescues Elderly Man Who Collapsed at Asakusa Station
ALT text detailsThai Female Nurse on a Trip to Japan Rescues Elderly Man Who Collapsed at Asakusa Station
Bytes Europe's avatar
Bytes Europe


Thai Female Nurse on a Trip to Japan Rescues Elderly Man Who Collapsed at Asakusa Station byteseu.com/686316/

Thai Female Nurse on a Trip to Japan Rescues Elderly Man Who Collapsed at Asakusa Station
ALT text detailsThai Female Nurse on a Trip to Japan Rescues Elderly Man Who Collapsed at Asakusa Station
Stephen 🇵🇭✈️📷's avatar
Stephen 🇵🇭✈️📷


My wife in #Takayama #Japan is my wallpaper on my #MXLinux desktop. Taken by me using an old but still functional #Nikon D5100 camera and a 35mm f1.8 lens.

#Travel #Photography #Linux
Stephen 🇵🇭✈️📷's avatar
Stephen 🇵🇭✈️📷


My wife in #Takayama #Japan is my wallpaper on my #MXLinux desktop. Taken by me using an old but still functional #Nikon D5100 camera and a 35mm f1.8 lens.

#Travel #Photography #Linux
earthling's avatar


Misty river.

Yamagata, .
Source: rainie-is-seasonchange


earthling's avatar


Misty river.

Yamagata, .
Source: rainie-is-seasonchange


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro's retirement due to a sexual assault scandal has some fans angry at Japan's tabloids for their "vigilantism." Other fans, however, are explaining his behavior with a wild theory: that the "real" Nakai Masahiro died back in 2022.


Picture of Nakai Masahiro on the right with the words "The Dead Nakai Theory" in Unseen Japan Red on the left
ALT text detailsPicture of Nakai Masahiro on the right with the words "The Dead Nakai Theory" in Unseen Japan Red on the left
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A reminder that we don't always get a chance to reply to our fans on socials but you can talk with us and other UJ fans on our Discord server! Feel free to join us in a safe and well-moderated space for discussing All Things Japan below.


UJ banner depicting a woman in kimono walking a shibu-ina down a shotengai (shopping district) as on the left side of the image a page peels back. Image by Gerri Draws Japan - https://www.geridrawsjapan.com/
ALT text detailsUJ banner depicting a woman in kimono walking a shibu-ina down a shotengai (shopping district) as on the left side of the image a page peels back. Image by Gerri Draws Japan - https://www.geridrawsjapan.com/
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


To beef up credit card security, Japan in March will end the "PIN bypass" system, which has allowed forgetful residents to sign for purchases over 10K yen. But don't worry, US travelers - you can still make signature-based purchases here with your terribly insecure cards.


Picture of a stack of fake credit cards
ALT text detailsPicture of a stack of fake credit cards
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Board of Education in Saitama City, Japan has apologized for expelling a Kurdish sixth-year elementary student after her parents lost their immigration status. Japan's government says the decision contradicts its guidance to keep students in school while parents appeal.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan is famous for its vast variety of food and treats. But there's far more to its snack world than just Pocky and flavored Kit Kats. Learn about the wide range of Japanese snacks - from dorayaki to almond fish and shrimp crackers - below.


Taiyaki on a plate
ALT text detailsTaiyaki on a plate
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The culture of cute is everywhere in Japan. Kawaii may present a peppy facade, but this culture glosses over the deeper issues of how Japanese women are perceived and treated in a society that markets them as lesser and more childish than men.


Picture from Akihabara
ALT text detailsPicture from Akihabara
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Usually, the most serious crime that happens on a Japanese train is molestation. However, one train in Kanagawa Prefecture allegedly saw some violence involving an itchy throat and an icepick.


Train interior with a glowing icepick superimposed over  it
ALT text detailsTrain interior with a glowing icepick superimposed over it
Jiko Desu's avatar
Jiko Desu


Here's the Eiga Sai lineup with video trailers. Of note are international award winners "Perfect Days" and "Monster." There are also 4 anime films and a Godzilla movie.

Starts showing Jan.31 to Feb. 9 in Shangrila Mall, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. Free, but online reservation is required.



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


35-year-old Takahashi Motoki probably thought he hit a nice payday when he snatched a bag from a man in Kabukicho with 850K yen (USD $5,444) in cash. The bag had something else, though: the victim's AirPods. Cops used location tracking to arrest the thief.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ito Shiori's BLACK BOX DIARIES, her film about her struggle for justice after her sexual assault, has earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary. She's the first Japanese director ever to earn a nomination in the category. The film has yet to release in Japan.


Poster for Ito Shiori's Black Box Diaries showing her looking at the camera behind a water-streaked pane of glass
ALT text detailsPoster for Ito Shiori's Black Box Diaries showing her looking at the camera behind a water-streaked pane of glass
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Booking a hotel for Japan travel? Expect a bit of a sticker shock: the average room rate nationwide just broke a record previously set in 1997. Industry experts say tourist demand + the weak yen are driving up prices.


atomicker's avatar


Title: Senzoku Pond (1928)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A view looking out over Tokyo's Senzoku Pond on a snowy winter's day. In the foreground, wiry pine trees stand on the edge of the pond, fresh snow clogging their branches and sticking to their trunks. Beyond, the calm surface of the pond stretches out toward dim silhouettes of more trees on the opposite side of the water. Above, the sky is dark and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene
ALT text detailsA view looking out over Tokyo's Senzoku Pond on a snowy winter's day. In the foreground, wiry pine trees stand on the edge of the pond, fresh snow clogging their branches and sticking to their trunks. Beyond, the calm surface of the pond stretches out toward dim silhouettes of more trees on the opposite side of the water. Above, the sky is dark and overcast, and snow continues to fall across the scene
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


There have been zero female professional shogi (Japanese chess) players in the country's regular league since its inception in 1924. This week, pro women's player Nishiyama Tomoka came close to breaking down that 100-year-old wall. Sadly, it was not to be.


Person playing shogi (Japanese chess)
ALT text detailsPerson playing shogi (Japanese chess)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: As tourism to Japan continues its upward trajectory, more people are staying at private vacation rentals brokered by sites like AirBnB. That’s causing tension with residents, at least one of whom decided to take matters into their own hands in Tokyo recently.


Woman showing a rental to a foreign tourist; thumbs down symbol over the image
ALT text detailsWoman showing a rental to a foreign tourist; thumbs down symbol over the image
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The Kinoko no Yama and Takenoko no Sato treats from Meiji remain iconic in the world of Japanese snacks. Unfortunately, along with just about everything else, they’re getting more expensive.


Kinoko no Yama box
ALT text detailsKinoko no Yama box
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: After a long and hard-fought battle, victims of Japan’s eugenics law will finally receive compensation from the government. Payments began on January 17th for those who were victimized because the country deemed them unfit to have children.


Doctors operating on students
ALT text detailsDoctors operating on students
Dulce Maria's avatar
Dulce Maria


Have you seen this animal IRL? I just found out they’re a real thing.


A small, furry mammal called a Tanuki with a mix of brown and black fur sitting on a stone ledge, surrounded by green foliage. Although known as a Japanese raccoon-dog, they are from the family of foxes and wolves.
ALT text detailsA small, furry mammal called a Tanuki with a mix of brown and black fur sitting on a stone ledge, surrounded by green foliage. Although known as a Japanese raccoon-dog, they are from the family of foxes and wolves.
rLok's avatar


At this time of year, they put on a small firework show every Friday night at the King Gondola base (Grand Hirafu)

#Japan #Hokkaido #Niseko #GrandHirafu
A cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
ALT text detailsA cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
A cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
ALT text detailsA cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
A cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu - in this shot they are dispersing.
ALT text detailsA cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu - in this shot they are dispersing.
The remains of a cluster of white fireworks raining down over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
ALT text detailsThe remains of a cluster of white fireworks raining down over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
rLok's avatar


At this time of year, they put on a small firework show every Friday night at the King Gondola base (Grand Hirafu)

#Japan #Hokkaido #Niseko #GrandHirafu
A cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
ALT text detailsA cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
A cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
ALT text detailsA cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
A cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu - in this shot they are dispersing.
ALT text detailsA cluster of white fireworks exploding over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu - in this shot they are dispersing.
The remains of a cluster of white fireworks raining down over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
ALT text detailsThe remains of a cluster of white fireworks raining down over the King Gondola base station at Grand Hirafu.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Sarusawa Pond, Nara (1934)

Artist: Koitsu Tsuchiya


A snowy evening in Nara Park, by Sarusawa Pond. In the foreground, the branches and bark of a leafless tree are caked with snow and frost; beyond, a lone female figure walks past, carrying a bamboo umbrella as protection from the falling snow. Further on, the still surface of Sarusawa Pond stretches out toward more snow-covered trees on the far side of the water. In the distance, the shape of Kohfukuji Temple's five-story pagoda is a dim silhouette among shadowy trees, standing against an overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
ALT text detailsA snowy evening in Nara Park, by Sarusawa Pond. In the foreground, the branches and bark of a leafless tree are caked with snow and frost; beyond, a lone female figure walks past, carrying a bamboo umbrella as protection from the falling snow. Further on, the still surface of Sarusawa Pond stretches out toward more snow-covered trees on the far side of the water. In the distance, the shape of Kohfukuji Temple's five-story pagoda is a dim silhouette among shadowy trees, standing against an overcast sky. Snow continues to fall across the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Looking to work remotely as the winter trudges on? A new report names Tokyo the seventh best location for digital nomads to work out the winter, citing its mild temperatures, high safety ratings, and great public transportation.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Chinese tourist in her 60s died near Asari Station in Otaru, Hokkaido after walking onto train tracks to snap a scenic photo. The tragic death is putting a spotlight on tourist manners as travelers to Japan flock to "hidden" spots, turning them into sudden hit destinations.


Sign for Asari Station, Otaru, Hokkaido
ALT text detailsSign for Asari Station, Otaru, Hokkaido
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Native Camp originally started as an online English language school for Japanese speakers. Now, Native Camp Japanese also offers lessons for Japanese learners on an on-demand, all-you-can-learn model.


Native Camp Japanese header - teacher on left talking to student on right via online video conferencing
ALT text detailsNative Camp Japanese header - teacher on left talking to student on right via online video conferencing
atomicker's avatar


Title: Bell Tower, Mt Koya (1935)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
ALT text detailsA lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Men taking non-consensual photos of female athletes in Japan is a chronic problem. The latest disturbing example comes from Hyogo Prefecture, where police arrested a man for using an infrared camera to take sexually suggestive photos of athletes.


Man taking photo from a distance
ALT text detailsMan taking photo from a distance
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Researchers said they have developed a peptide that can bind to the spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to prevent COVID-19 infections. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/01/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


BREAKING: Ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro, who's been embroiled in a scandal involving alleged sexual assault, has announced he's ending his entertainment career. The announcement is unlikely to help Fuji TV, which is accused of forcing female employees to "entertain" Nakai.



The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Researchers said they have developed a peptide that can bind to the spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to prevent COVID-19 infections. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/01/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


There's still a lot of fun stuff to see and do in Akihabara. Then there are the vending machines selling oden, bugs, an old rotary phone, and a slew of mystery goods adorned with strange rants. Naturally, we had to check them out.


atomicker's avatar


Title: Riverside (1970)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


A view looking down into a residential street on a dim winter evening somewhere in Japan. On our left, a river curves up and across the top of the image; on the riverbank, a row of houses follows the line of the river, light shining in their windows. An uneven layer of snow covers the tile rootops of the houses. In the street on our right, hanging lanterns throw splashes of yellow illumination across the ground, and a few shadowy pedestrians walk along the road.
ALT text detailsA view looking down into a residential street on a dim winter evening somewhere in Japan. On our left, a river curves up and across the top of the image; on the riverbank, a row of houses follows the line of the river, light shining in their windows. An uneven layer of snow covers the tile rootops of the houses. In the street on our right, hanging lanterns throw splashes of yellow illumination across the ground, and a few shadowy pedestrians walk along the road.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The days of using "chan" and "kun" in the Japanese business world may be ending. Research shows that most company managers are now referring to their staff w/ the honorific "-san." Some companies even mandate it. The goal: reduce workplace harassment.


Guy in a suit and tie with his arms folded looking at another person like he's about to lay into them
ALT text detailsGuy in a suit and tie with his arms folded looking at another person like he's about to lay into them
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: In response to the Nakai Masahiro scandal, Fuji TV held a tightly controlled press conference to promise it would launch an independent investigation. The format of the announcement, however, left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths.


Fuji TV studio
ALT text detailsFuji TV studio
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Startling reports from Japanese media outlets say multiple Japanese people are being held against their will by Chinese scammers who are camped out in the borderlands of Myanmar.


Buddha statue in Myawaddy, Myanmar's capital
ALT text detailsBuddha statue in Myawaddy, Myanmar's capital
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Disneyland's parent company says it'll also change the way it sells limited edition goods in an effort to crack down on reselling.


Tokyo Disneyland entrance
ALT text detailsTokyo Disneyland entrance
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Dalton Investments, a US firm with a stake in Fuji Media Holdings, is demanding the company hold a public, televised press conference on ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro's scandal by end of week. This comes as Fuji TV has lost 75 out of its 150 advertisers.

Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Office Day; Jan 22, 2025

Some scenes from my way to work this morning in .

1. Walk side street to subway station
2. Train arriving
3. Catch some fresh air and morning sun
4. View from 18th floor office

Walking to the subway station on a quiet side street on a January morning in Itabashi Ward, Tokyo
ALT text detailsWalking to the subway station on a quiet side street on a January morning in Itabashi Ward, Tokyo
Mita Line Subway train arriving at the station. Itabashi Ward, Tokyo
ALT text detailsMita Line Subway train arriving at the station. Itabashi Ward, Tokyo
Office workers are waiting to cross a road close to Shin-Marunouchi Building in Tokyo, Japan. The morning sun is hitting the building’s facade.
ALT text detailsOffice workers are waiting to cross a road close to Shin-Marunouchi Building in Tokyo, Japan. The morning sun is hitting the building’s facade.
View from the 18th floor of an office building towards Tokyo Station. Its train platforms are surrounded by high-rise office buildings.
ALT text detailsView from the 18th floor of an office building towards Tokyo Station. Its train platforms are surrounded by high-rise office buildings.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Bell Tower, Mt Koya (1935)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
ALT text detailsA lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In reaction to last year's Supreme Court ruling, Japan has recognized 24 laws that pertain to same-sex couples, including domestic violence & property lease/rental laws. It's still considering another 130 laws, including the country's pension & health care laws.


Gavel on top of LGBTQ flag
ALT text detailsGavel on top of LGBTQ flag
atomicker's avatar


Title: Bell Tower, Mt Koya (1935)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
ALT text detailsA lone figure walks past a quiet temple bell tower on a gloomy, snowy day. The figure carries a bamboo umbrella over their head as they trudge down a meandering track worn by foot traffic in the snow. Fresh snow covers the ground, the temple structures, and clogs the branches of tall trees standing just beyond the tower. Above, the sky is overcast with a dingy, grimy look; snow continues to fall across the scene. The image is rendered in sepia tones.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


On December 3rd, cameras caught a user taking an e-scooter onto Tokyo's Shuto Expressway system. Yesterday, rental company LUUP announced it "permanently suspended" their account and reminded people not to take their product on the expressway, you stupid *!&@ idiots.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Tokyo Police last weekend took action as social media users continued to brag about committing crimes against female students who were rushing to exams.


Woman holding strap on train as men leer behind her
ALT text detailsWoman holding strap on train as men leer behind her
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: You get what you pay for, the old saying goes. That may be more true than ever with this condominium listing that went viral on Japanese social media recently.


Scary condo building looking like it's about to drop into the seasude
ALT text detailsScary condo building looking like it's about to drop into the seasude
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Kanagawa Prefecture has taken a mighty leap into the 21st century. As of February, the prefecture’s police say, they’ll stop the practice of issuing skirts to female officers.


Female police officer in Japan holding her hand in a stop motion toward the camera
ALT text detailsFemale police officer in Japan holding her hand in a stop motion toward the camera
Art History Animalia's avatar
Art History Animalia


For here is an unusual silk garment: Haori with Penguins and Icebreaker Ships, Japan, Shōwa period, 1957-8.
aren’t native to ; This unique design was printed to commemorate Japan's 1st expedition to in 1956-7. Photographed at the Life of Animals in Japanese Art exhibition at the National Gallery of Art D.C. in 2019.

photo of the entire garment mounted on display: silk plain weave, with stencil-printed warp and weft; white with mostly black line designs and some pink and green highlights, pattern of groups of penguins on floating cracked ice with icebreaker ships sailing through
ALT text detailsphoto of the entire garment mounted on display: silk plain weave, with stencil-printed warp and weft; white with mostly black line designs and some pink and green highlights, pattern of groups of penguins on floating cracked ice with icebreaker ships sailing through
detail of the pattern showing groups of penguins on the ice
ALT text detailsdetail of the pattern showing groups of penguins on the ice
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna try a little bit of Sweden in Japan? Who wouldn't?! The Swedish Embassy is promoting their country's culture with a limited edition vending machine in Ikebukuro's Alpa that sells traditional delicacies such as salted herring, lingonberry jam, and...tacos?!?!


Try Swedish vending machine in Alpa, Ikebukuro, Tokyo
ALT text detailsTry Swedish vending machine in Alpa, Ikebukuro, Tokyo
Taco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
ALT text detailsTaco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
Taco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
ALT text detailsTaco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna try a little bit of Sweden in Japan? Who wouldn't?! The Swedish Embassy is promoting their country's culture with a limited edition vending machine in Ikebukuro's Alpa that sells traditional delicacies such as salted herring, lingonberry jam, and...tacos?!?!


Try Swedish vending machine in Alpa, Ikebukuro, Tokyo
ALT text detailsTry Swedish vending machine in Alpa, Ikebukuro, Tokyo
Taco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
ALT text detailsTaco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
Taco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
ALT text detailsTaco Tubs at Try Swedish vending machine in Ikebukuro
atomicker's avatar


Title: Tennoji Temple, Osaka (1927)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A solitary figure visits Osaka's Tennoji Temple on a dark winter night. Footprints in the fresh snow reveal the figure's interrupted progress; the bamboo umbrella the figure holds hides their head. Beyond, the nearby temple buildings are deserted and closed up, while further on, taller buildings and the five-story pagoda are shadowy, details obscured by the dim light. Snow falls across the scene.
ALT text detailsA solitary figure visits Osaka's Tennoji Temple on a dark winter night. Footprints in the fresh snow reveal the figure's interrupted progress; the bamboo umbrella the figure holds hides their head. Beyond, the nearby temple buildings are deserted and closed up, while further on, taller buildings and the five-story pagoda are shadowy, details obscured by the dim light. Snow falls across the scene.
atomicker's avatar


Title: Tennoji Temple, Osaka (1927)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A solitary figure visits Osaka's Tennoji Temple on a dark winter night. Footprints in the fresh snow reveal the figure's interrupted progress; the bamboo umbrella the figure holds hides their head. Beyond, the nearby temple buildings are deserted and closed up, while further on, taller buildings and the five-story pagoda are shadowy, details obscured by the dim light. Snow falls across the scene.
ALT text detailsA solitary figure visits Osaka's Tennoji Temple on a dark winter night. Footprints in the fresh snow reveal the figure's interrupted progress; the bamboo umbrella the figure holds hides their head. Beyond, the nearby temple buildings are deserted and closed up, while further on, taller buildings and the five-story pagoda are shadowy, details obscured by the dim light. Snow falls across the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Could ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro's sexual assault scandal force Fuji TV off the air? In 24 hours, the company has reportedly lost over 50 advertisers after a disastrous closed-door press conference failed to reassure sponsors, who fear boycotts for supporting the network.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Can an AI bot teach you Japanese? Also: A Hokkaido tourist attraction closes, Japan's hot new tourist destination, the Three Cs of dating men in Japan, and more of the best of UJ in this week's Unseen Japan Newsletter below.


Anime woman vs. real Japanese woman
ALT text detailsAnime woman vs. real Japanese woman
Stand of white birch trees in Biei, Hokkaido
ALT text detailsStand of white birch trees in Biei, Hokkaido
Toyama in Toyama Prefecture - street car against a snowy mountain backdrop
ALT text detailsToyama in Toyama Prefecture - street car against a snowy mountain backdrop
Woman running away from Japan's Three Cs - the men Japanese dating advice columnists warn Japanese women against dating
ALT text detailsWoman running away from Japan's Three Cs - the men Japanese dating advice columnists warn Japanese women against dating
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Good news for those spooked by Japan overtourism headlines: despite the growing pains, 68% of people in a new survey say the country's record tourism numbers are a good thing. At the same time, however, 78% are concerned about the impact of overtourism.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: More tourists are flowing into Japan through Narita Airport than ever. To help reduce congestion - and boost tourism around Chiba Prefecture - officials are asking travelers not to hail a taxi but to use taxi apps instead.


Taxi stand sign
ALT text detailsTaxi stand sign
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It isn’t rare for hosts at Japan’s host clubs to introduce female customers who get into debt to one of Japan’s sex shops. In the first ruling of its kind ever, the Tokyo District Court ruled this practice criminal.


Woman standing under host club signs in Kabukicho
ALT text detailsWoman standing under host club signs in Kabukicho
Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Chion-in, : View of Isshinin Buddhist temple from the garden.

Chion-in, #Japan: View of Isshinin Buddhist temple from the garden.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsChion-in, #Japan: View of Isshinin Buddhist temple from the garden. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: With more people visiting Japan, municipalities are looking for ways they can collect additional revenue from them. This week, Kyoto announced its intentions to drastically raise its loading tax by up to ten times for the city’s most expensive properties.


Kiyomizudera in Kyoto
ALT text detailsKiyomizudera in Kyoto
YuriL 🕊️🤺's avatar
YuriL 🕊️🤺


⛩️ ヒドイぜ…今日のフライトが5時間以上遅延になったので、これは再トライしにおいでってことかと、改めて東京都心から遠征?してきたのに、到着してみたら、まだ午前中でしかも今日は月曜のはずなのにこの混みよう😓 参拝者の列がなが〜く、まさに蛇のごとく…🐍 やはり私が子年 🐁 生まれだからダメなのか!?そうなのか?!🤯 境内に入るまで最低2時間待ち、とのことだったので、今回もすごすごと諦めて、都心に帰ってきました…。フライトが無ければ、2時間でも待つんだけどなぁ…「3度目の正直」とも言うが「2度あることは3度ある」とも言うので、私が再々チャレンジする可能性は……あるかなぁ🥺

ALT text details境内に入るための行列最後尾
ALT text details最後尾から30分ほど待って、やっと角を曲がったところ。まだまだ列は長い
ALT text details列を更に進んだところ。まだまだ先は長いよ!
ALT text details写真一番奥に見えるのが、やっと境内の入り口に並んでいる人々。御朱印とか求めたら、出られるのは何時になるのか…並び始めてから4〜5時間コースなのでは、という感じ🐍
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A man was coughing on a Yokohama-bound train. Instead of responding like a normal person, a 59-year-old doctor from Yokosuka allegedly pulled out an icepick and told the man, “If you cough one more time, I’ll kill you.” Police arrested The Bad Doctor, who denies the charges.


Inside of a train with an icepick superimposed over the image
ALT text detailsInside of a train with an icepick superimposed over the image
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Tokyo neighborhood is littered with signs in three languages opposing short-term, AirBnB-style vacation rentals in one local building. The drama raises the question: Is it safe/wise to stay in an AirBnB in Japan - or should you opt for a hotel or ryokan instead?


Sign reading "we are deadset against your staying at this vacation rental" (Japanese: 民泊絶対反対)
ALT text detailsSign reading "we are deadset against your staying at this vacation rental" (Japanese: 民泊絶対反対)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The three Cs are men who aren’t necessarily dangerous or who ought to be avoided at all costs. But under no circumstances, some people say, should you consider dating them. Why? Find out below.


3C men in triptych with woman running away from them
ALT text details3C men in triptych with woman running away from them
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: With the weak yen showing no signs of abating, it’s become harder for people in Japan to travel overseas. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government says it may counteract that with a new program that would help students fulfill their dreams of studying abroad.


Woman at airport abuot to travel abroad, holding a book on Taiwanese Hokkien in her hands
ALT text detailsWoman at airport abuot to travel abroad, holding a book on Taiwanese Hokkien in her hands
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A cluster of white birch trees in the town of Biei, Hokkaido is going under the saw, possibly by the end of the month. The culprit? Overtourism - and angry farmers who sound like they've had it out for the trees for some time.


Grove of birch trees in Biei, Hokkaido
ALT text detailsGrove of birch trees in Biei, Hokkaido
YuriL 🕊️🤺's avatar
YuriL 🕊️🤺





YuriL 🕊️🤺's avatar
YuriL 🕊️🤺





YuriL 🕊️🤺's avatar
YuriL 🕊️🤺



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It seems Fuji TV advertisers are so dismayed at how the network's handled sex assault accusations against ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro that they're pulling ads. Toyota, Nippon Life Insurance, Meiji Yasuda Life & Aflac have all pulled their ads in the past two days.

David :SetouchiExplorer:'s avatar
David :SetouchiExplorer:


Trying Loops!


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Are you a Kinoko no Yama fan or a Takenoko no Sato fan? It doesn't matter - either way, you're gonna get less than what you paid for come May 20th. Meiji says it'll reduce the volume of both snack boxes by 11% in the latest painful instance of shrinkflation to hit Japanese consumers.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Victims of Japan's forced sterilization practices will finally receive compensation. On January 17th, the country began to pay victims - mostly the mentally handicapped - who were deemed "unfit" to have children under the Eugenics Protection Act, which was repealed in 1996.


Picture of a team of surgeons operating on a patient
ALT text detailsPicture of a team of surgeons operating on a patient
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Bad news for Square Enix fans: The company has announced it will close its Square Enix Cafe in Akihabara on March 31st, 2025. The store, which opened in October of 2016, will close out 8.5 years at its current location, after which it'll be converted into a gift shop.


Square Enix Cafe closure announcement in Japanese
ALT text detailsSquare Enix Cafe closure announcement in Japanese
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Some far-right voices in Japan are objecting to the creation of a new cemetery in Miyagi Prefecture that will cater to Japan’s growing Muslim population. However, the Prefecture’s governor says the project is necessary and will proceed as planned.


Mosque in Tokyo
ALT text detailsMosque in Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A major media outlet in Japan takes up the issue of sexually explicit ads appearing on sites in Japan frequently used by children - and many netizens wonder what took them so long to finally pay attention.


Smartphone with an R18+ symbol on it
ALT text detailsSmartphone with an R18+ symbol on it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"In Japan, as I watched the events unfold after the assassination of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, I had a very strange sense of déjà vu. It was like reliving the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2022."


David :SetouchiExplorer:'s avatar
David :SetouchiExplorer:


Trying Loops!


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A service says it can connect you to native Japanese speakers via on-demand, unlimited lessons every month. But it'll cost ya. Is it worth it? We tried and reviewed Native Camp Japanese - here's what we think.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The New York Times has named Toyama City as one of its must-see travel gems for 2025. Long overlooked by Western travelers, officials say they hope the endorsement will bring more tourists looking to experience the beauty of Japan in a more relaxed atmosphere.


atomicker's avatar



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Police in Hyogo Prefecture arrested a 53yo fisherman for taking nonconsensual infrared photos of female swimmers, including victims who were 11 and 13 years old. It's part of a disturbing trend of men in Japan using infrared cameras to emulate a "see-through" effect.


Man taking photo from balcony pointing downward
ALT text detailsMan taking photo from balcony pointing downward
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Some say Generative AI will “revolutionize” language learning. After trying AI Japanese teachers & chatbots, I remained convinced you shouldn’t rely on a bot to do a job that living, breathing native Japanese speakers already do 1000x better.


Cute anime girl who has no volition and is merely a reflection of your warped desires vs. the actual woman you're afraid to talk to
ALT text detailsCute anime girl who has no volition and is merely a reflection of your warped desires vs. the actual woman you're afraid to talk to
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, is in a bit of financial trouble. Now, it says it wants to plug the hole by charging for a broadcasting license even if residents don’t own a television.


NHK building in Nigata Prefecture
ALT text detailsNHK building in Nigata Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It appears one sushi shop in the United States outed itself as having no Japanese staff with a recent ad that commits a massive faux pas.


Picture of sushi being dipped in soy sauce while, to the right, an male Irasutoya figure gives the "NG" sign (arms crossed over chest)
ALT text detailsPicture of sushi being dipped in soy sauce while, to the right, an male Irasutoya figure gives the "NG" sign (arms crossed over chest)
vga256's avatar


mini-doc with some beautiful walkthroughs of alleys in kyoto, and documents some of the ongoing preservation and restoration efforts by locals

there is something indescribably serene and warm about japan's alleys. i've never found anything with the same architectural tranquility.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As new allegations of sexual misconduct swirl around ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro and Fuji TV, the station says it'll launch an independent investigative committee. However, that announcement came at a tightly controlled presser that Fuji refused to broadcast.


YuriL 🕊️🤺's avatar
YuriL 🕊️🤺


銀座から日本橋に向かって歩いていたら、京橋辺りで1本だけ何気に咲いている木が…あれ、これってもしかして 🌸??このスポットだけ陽当たりが無駄に良くて勘違いしちゃったのかしらん😳

ALT text details超!?早咲きの、東京・京橋の桜
ALT text details1本だけ開花してしまっている京橋の桜の木
ALT text details銀座から日本橋に向かう道すがら、ちょうど京橋あたりのどうろの左側に生えている桜の木です。
YuriL 🕊️🤺's avatar
YuriL 🕊️🤺



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Chinese-led group is reportedly forcing people from multiple countries - including Japan - to run scams on its behalf. Reports say over 20 Japanese people may be held in a lawless part of Myanmar, lured in by part-time work & forced to commit fraud against their will.


Buddha statue in Myawaddy, Myanmar's capital
ALT text detailsBuddha statue in Myawaddy, Myanmar's capital
Kantoman's avatar


The arches over the #Shinkansen tracks #Japan #TrainPorn #日本 #新幹線 #電車オタク
Taken against a backlit sky, the shot includes a couple of arches holding the power lines over the elevated bullet train tracks.
ALT text detailsTaken against a backlit sky, the shot includes a couple of arches holding the power lines over the elevated bullet train tracks.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Resellers continue to make life painful for fans in Japan. In response to trouble on its own properties, Tokyo Disneyland is taking new measures to defeat reselling. That includes threatening to throw them off the property entirely.


atomicker's avatar


Title: Yuki no Yugure (c.1940s)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


A snowy winter evening scene somewhere in rural Japan. A narrow, cold-looking creek cuts through the forground; on the right-hand bank, a tall leafless tree is plastered with snow and frost, while on the left-hand bank, a faint track worn by foot traffic in the snow runs past a couple of small buildings. A pair of figures -- one child and one adult, each carrying bamboo umbrellas -- follow the track, heading toward a snow-covered house where warm lights shine in the windows. Beyond, a shadowy forest cuts a silhouette against a dull gray sky. Snow continues falling across the scene.
ALT text detailsA snowy winter evening scene somewhere in rural Japan. A narrow, cold-looking creek cuts through the forground; on the right-hand bank, a tall leafless tree is plastered with snow and frost, while on the left-hand bank, a faint track worn by foot traffic in the snow runs past a couple of small buildings. A pair of figures -- one child and one adult, each carrying bamboo umbrellas -- follow the track, heading toward a snow-covered house where warm lights shine in the windows. Beyond, a shadowy forest cuts a silhouette against a dull gray sky. Snow continues falling across the scene.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It's college exam time again this weekend in Japan. That means some men are on social media bragging it's the "perfect time" to molest female test takers on trains since they're too busy to report the crime. This year, Tokyo Police are saying: not so fast, bucko.


Female student hounded by molesters on a train
ALT text detailsFemale student hounded by molesters on a train
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Tokyo Police say the Access scouting ring primarily recruited women online into sex work, employing a countrywide network of 300 scouts. The group targeted women who had gotten into severe debt due to their addiction to host clubs.


Picture of a "free resource center" directing people to cabaret and sex clubs in Kabukicho
ALT text detailsPicture of a "free resource center" directing people to cabaret and sex clubs in Kabukicho
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Think Japan had a lot of tourists in 2024? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, according to a new report on what to expect in the new year. JTB is predicting that the country will see 40.2 million visitors in 2025.


Two women - one Asian, one white - holding a Tokyo travel brochure and soaking in the sights of Asakusa, Tokyo
ALT text detailsTwo women - one Asian, one white - holding a Tokyo travel brochure and soaking in the sights of Asakusa, Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


IYCMI: Resellers have struck again in Japan, the second time in several months in connection with a Sanrio special event. Goods for a new event celebrating the character My Melody sold out in seconds online - and are now reselling for a markup.


My Melody Rainbow (Niji) plushies - full set of eight - plus accompanying small figured and keychains
ALT text detailsMy Melody Rainbow (Niji) plushies - full set of eight - plus accompanying small figured and keychains
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


People say you can buy old abandoned homes in Japan for cheap. That's true. The downside is many of them look like this "oceanside" condo unit in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture going for 2.8M yen (USD $17,888). On the plus side, it looks like Chiitan might be your neighbor...


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A sexist symbol of Japan's past is no more in Kanagawa Prefecture, whose police department will stop issuing skirts to new female officers effective February 2025. The impractical uniform dates back to a time when female officers were mostly relegated to traffic duty.


Japanese female police officers says STOP...to these impractical fashion choices!
ALT text detailsJapanese female police officers says STOP...to these impractical fashion choices!
atomicker's avatar


Title: Onjuku, Chiba Prefecture (1950)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A setting sun warms a winter scene in Chiba. A handful of houses, likely part of a fishing village, stand near the ocean; a layer of snow covers the landscape and the rooftops of the houses. A solitary figure, carrying a child on their back and bundled up against the cold, follows a thin meandering track worn by foot traffic through the snow. Beyond, a little stream runs past the houses and empties out into the calm waves of the Pacific Ocean. Out of frame, the setting sun casts a golden light over the scene
ALT text detailsA setting sun warms a winter scene in Chiba. A handful of houses, likely part of a fishing village, stand near the ocean; a layer of snow covers the landscape and the rooftops of the houses. A solitary figure, carrying a child on their back and bundled up against the cold, follows a thin meandering track worn by foot traffic through the snow. Beyond, a little stream runs past the houses and empties out into the calm waves of the Pacific Ocean. Out of frame, the setting sun casts a golden light over the scene
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Narita Airport and Chiba Prefecture want travelers to use more taxis - and they're asking tourists to rely more on ride-hailing apps, like Go Taxi, to make their trips smoother. Narita also says it's adding more nighttime taxis, and more large-sized taxis to accommodate suitcases.


Taxi stand picture
ALT text detailsTaxi stand picture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan welcomed a record number of visitors in November 2024. It wants to welcome 60 million a year by the 2030s. However, some argue that there are severe obstacles to achieving that goal – and Japan’s aging population ranks near the top.


Anvit's avatar


Matsumoto, Oct 2024

#Japan #Nagano #Matsumoto #Castle #photography
A Japanese castle with a green pond at the bottom of the frame.
ALT text detailsA Japanese castle with a green pond at the bottom of the frame.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Nakai Masahiro, one of the ex-members of now retired boy band SMAP, has finally released a statement about the 90 million yen (USD $569,000) settlement he made with a woman who works for a Japanese TV station. It isn't going over well.


Picture of Nakai Masahiro in a banner for his show "Dareka to Nakai"
ALT text detailsPicture of Nakai Masahiro in a banner for his show "Dareka to Nakai"
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The latest Mister Donut collaboration with Belgian chocolatier Pierre Marcolini – a celebration of the donut maker’s 50th anniversary of selling their old-fashioned donut – looks both tantalizing and artful.


misdo meets Pierre Marcolini - picture of five chocolate dough-based donuts each sitting on its own pedestal
ALT text detailsmisdo meets Pierre Marcolini - picture of five chocolate dough-based donuts each sitting on its own pedestal
Kantoman's avatar


The arches over the #Shinkansen tracks #Japan #TrainPorn #日本 #新幹線 #電車オタク
Taken against a backlit sky, the shot includes a couple of arches holding the power lines over the elevated bullet train tracks.
ALT text detailsTaken against a backlit sky, the shot includes a couple of arches holding the power lines over the elevated bullet train tracks.
YuriL 🕊️🤺's avatar
YuriL 🕊️🤺


生まれて初めて 、しかもラフォーレ原宿にいる私。21歳まで東京には良く出入りしてたけど、原宿とか全く興味なかったんで、22歳長男の用事で来るまで全く縁がなかった。

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In the first ruling of its kind, the Tokyo Court found that a host at a host club who took kickbacks after introducing an indebted female customer to a sex shop is criminally liable, sentencing him to 2.5 years in jail (suspended) and a fine for violating Japan's Organized Crime Law.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Kyoto tourists, get ready to pay a little - or a lot - more when you stay overnight. To fund rail improvements, the city will raise lodging taxes on rooms, with the top rate for rooms over USD $633 going up to $63 per night, making it Japan's highest lodging tax.


Kiyomizudera in Kyoto
ALT text detailsKiyomizudera in Kyoto
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Why do some in Japan say you shouldn't date a man who makes his own curry roux from scratch? An introduction to the "three C men" - and what women in Japan think about this advice in the Reiwa era.


An Irasutoya woman running away from the 3C Men, who are portrayed in a triptych in the background from left to right: Cameraman, Creator, and guy who makes his own Curry from scratch
ALT text detailsAn Irasutoya woman running away from the 3C Men, who are portrayed in a triptych in the background from left to right: Cameraman, Creator, and guy who makes his own Curry from scratch
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: In recent years, Japan’s seen a huge spike in syphilis cases. The latest numbers aren’t any better, with Tokyo reporting its fourth consecutive increase last year. There are now 7.4 times as many cases compared to 10 years ago.


A blood vial labeled "syphilis test" and a drawing of an upward-trending arrow going towards the right
ALT text detailsA blood vial labeled "syphilis test" and a drawing of an upward-trending arrow going towards the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A man in Shiga Prefecture wasn’t too happy when a police officer told him off – so he tried to have the public servant arrested under a defamation law strengthened to deal primarily with online hate.


Two Japanese police cars pulled up against a curb
ALT text detailsTwo Japanese police cars pulled up against a curb
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Accelerated language learning happens when you know enough of a language that you can immerse yourself in it for hours a day....At that point, language learning goes from a chore to a pleasure."


Pictures of Japanese kanji on pieces of paper
ALT text detailsPictures of Japanese kanji on pieces of paper
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A new campaign from 7-11 Japan seems to be winning back customers for the ailing combini chain. However, some online commenters say the store’s gonna have to do a lot more than that to make up for its high prices and shrinking volumes.


7-11 Japan's Delightful Price campaign
ALT text details7-11 Japan's Delightful Price campaign
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Looking for a Valentine's Day date spot around Tokyo? Shiseido Parlour is (as usual) upping the ante this year with two treats that look like art: its Berry and Chocolate parfait (Ginza store) and White Swan parfait (Kawasaki store). Check below for more details.


Shiseido Parlour - Valentine's Day Parfait - berry and chocolate parfait
ALT text detailsShiseido Parlour - Valentine's Day Parfait - berry and chocolate parfait
Shiseido Parlour - Valentine's Day Parfait - white swan parfait
ALT text detailsShiseido Parlour - Valentine's Day Parfait - white swan parfait
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning to you all from a chilly Tuesday here in Tokyo.

Busy, busy this week, after yesterday's public holiday. Which makes me happy, happy.

Big love to you all.

Whatever you're doing today, wishing you well with it.

Couple of recent street shots from a fave Tokyo spot.

More in the ALT

A street corner on the Bakurocho neighbourhood of Tokyo. The building on the corner is bright yellow, with japanese text in red on it. This is a towel company. This neighbourhood is famed for its haberdashery and textiles companies. A yellow drinks vending machine is outside the front of the building. A couple is walking past it. Near them, a cyclist is exiting the street. Strong late afternoon sunshine is creating wonderful shadows and gving the scene a beautiful warmth.
ALT text detailsA street corner on the Bakurocho neighbourhood of Tokyo. The building on the corner is bright yellow, with japanese text in red on it. This is a towel company. This neighbourhood is famed for its haberdashery and textiles companies. A yellow drinks vending machine is outside the front of the building. A couple is walking past it. Near them, a cyclist is exiting the street. Strong late afternoon sunshine is creating wonderful shadows and gving the scene a beautiful warmth.
Close up detail of the Nippon Towel building in Bakurocho. Scalloped concrete facade painted yellow with strong shadows in the late afternoon sun.
ALT text detailsClose up detail of the Nippon Towel building in Bakurocho. Scalloped concrete facade painted yellow with strong shadows in the late afternoon sun.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning to you all from a chilly Tuesday here in Tokyo.

Busy, busy this week, after yesterday's public holiday. Which makes me happy, happy.

Big love to you all.

Whatever you're doing today, wishing you well with it.

Couple of recent street shots from a fave Tokyo spot.

More in the ALT

A street corner on the Bakurocho neighbourhood of Tokyo. The building on the corner is bright yellow, with japanese text in red on it. This is a towel company. This neighbourhood is famed for its haberdashery and textiles companies. A yellow drinks vending machine is outside the front of the building. A couple is walking past it. Near them, a cyclist is exiting the street. Strong late afternoon sunshine is creating wonderful shadows and gving the scene a beautiful warmth.
ALT text detailsA street corner on the Bakurocho neighbourhood of Tokyo. The building on the corner is bright yellow, with japanese text in red on it. This is a towel company. This neighbourhood is famed for its haberdashery and textiles companies. A yellow drinks vending machine is outside the front of the building. A couple is walking past it. Near them, a cyclist is exiting the street. Strong late afternoon sunshine is creating wonderful shadows and gving the scene a beautiful warmth.
Close up detail of the Nippon Towel building in Bakurocho. Scalloped concrete facade painted yellow with strong shadows in the late afternoon sun.
ALT text detailsClose up detail of the Nippon Towel building in Bakurocho. Scalloped concrete facade painted yellow with strong shadows in the late afternoon sun.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“Came to a building I wanted to see at least once that feels like it’s at the edge of Hell”

(And yes, this is the one in Hachioji)

Post on X depicting a combined Hard Off, Hobby Off, Off House, Mode Off, Book Off, Liquor Off, Hard Off Studio and Off House Retro. Located in Hachioji. Original Japanese text:

ALT text detailsPost on X depicting a combined Hard Off, Hobby Off, Off House, Mode Off, Book Off, Liquor Off, Hard Off Studio and Off House Retro. Located in Hachioji. Original Japanese text: エフケン(獣脚類) @Fken12190030 一回来てみたかった地獄の果てみたいな施設へとやってきたぞ。
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Tokyo says it may help some students study abroad by giving them stipends of up to 3.15 million yen (USD $19,982) for a full year. Some are criticizing the plan, however, saying it's something the central government should sponsor uniformly for all Japanese citizens.


Young woman at the airport holding a book on Taiwanese Hokkien
ALT text detailsYoung woman at the airport holding a book on Taiwanese Hokkien
atomicker's avatar


Title: Temple Snow Scene (c.1910s - 1930s)

Artist: Choka


A snowy evening at a temple in Japan. A single figure passes an unlit wooden lantern as they approach a tall, red-lacquered temple building; the figure carries a bamboo umbrella as protection from the snow, as the winter wind whips their robes about them. Snow covers the ground all around, and sticks to the bark and bare branches of a tall tree on our left. More snow covers the roof and railings of the temple. The sky above is dark and overcast.
ALT text detailsA snowy evening at a temple in Japan. A single figure passes an unlit wooden lantern as they approach a tall, red-lacquered temple building; the figure carries a bamboo umbrella as protection from the snow, as the winter wind whips their robes about them. Snow covers the ground all around, and sticks to the bark and bare branches of a tall tree on our left. More snow covers the roof and railings of the temple. The sky above is dark and overcast.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The town of Biei in Hokkaido will fell a stand of scenic white birch trees after complaints from farmers about overtourism. Besides attracting tons of tourists who trample nearby crops and stand in traffic, the farmers say the trees also block needed sunlight, lowering crop yields.


White birch tree row in Biei, Hokkaido
ALT text detailsWhite birch tree row in Biei, Hokkaido
Metin Seven 🎨's avatar
Metin Seven 🎨


Wink to the well-known Akira anime poster, showing the Kaneda character walking towards a red couch instead of his red motorcycle, while the poster title has been changed to "IKEA."
ALT text detailsWink to the well-known Akira anime poster, showing the Kaneda character walking towards a red couch instead of his red motorcycle, while the poster title has been changed to "IKEA."
Metin Seven 🎨's avatar
Metin Seven 🎨


Wink to the well-known Akira anime poster, showing the Kaneda character walking towards a red couch instead of his red motorcycle, while the poster title has been changed to "IKEA."
ALT text detailsWink to the well-known Akira anime poster, showing the Kaneda character walking towards a red couch instead of his red motorcycle, while the poster title has been changed to "IKEA."
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Host clubs in Japan have come under fire for forcing young women into prostitution. Under a proposed revision to Japan’s entertainment law, businesses that promote the illusion of love or operate illegally will be subject to whopping fines.


Host club f*ckboy holding a glass of wine
ALT text detailsHost club f*ckboy holding a glass of wine
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: If you drink, you should drink responsibly. That’s a lesson that one Japanese actor will likely be reflecting on after he made the fatal decision to over-imbibe after signing a beer commercial contract.


Asahi Dry Crysal
ALT text detailsAsahi Dry Crysal
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: 2024 was shaping up to be a bad year for ramen shops. And it turned out to be pretty awful in the end, as Japan saw a record number of bankruptcies.


Woman eating ramen from a large bowl with a cup of water at her side
ALT text detailsWoman eating ramen from a large bowl with a cup of water at her side
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

*In the not-too-distant past furisode (振袖) indicated that a young woman was single and of marriageable age.

Interestingly it was only in the 19thC that furisode became gendered, and only in the 20thC that they (in part due to Western influence) were restricted to girls and women.

Woodblock print of women in furisode.

Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of women in furisode. Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
Woodblock print of a young woman in furisode.

Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of a young woman in furisode. Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
Woodblock print of a young woman in furisode bring courted.

Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of a young woman in furisode bring courted. Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
Woodblock print of young women in furisode.

Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
ALT text detailsWoodblock print of young women in furisode. Image thanks - https://ja.ukiyo-e.org/
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Today is 'Seijin-no-hi' (成人の日 - 2nd Monday of January), a national holiday set aside to congratulate those who have reached -or are soon to reach- the age of majority (18 years old).

The tradition of celebrating 'coming of age' is recorded as early as 714!

Young women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsYoung women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Classmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsClassmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Classmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsClassmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Young women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsYoung women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Worn by young, unmarried women* in Japan, this style of kimono was once commonly purchased by parents for a daughter's coming-of-age.

Notable for their long sleeves, furisode (振袖) often feature bright colours and bold designs.

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin's avatar
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


🇯🇵 Wie finde ich japanische Werke in westlichen Sammlungen? Das erklärt euch unser -Team beim Online Workshop "Introducing Japan" - morgen, den 14. Januar, um 17 Uhr 👉 blog.sbb.berlin/online-worksho

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin's avatar
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


🇯🇵 Wie finde ich japanische Werke in westlichen Sammlungen? Das erklärt euch unser -Team beim Online Workshop "Introducing Japan" - morgen, den 14. Januar, um 17 Uhr 👉 blog.sbb.berlin/online-worksho

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Worn by young, unmarried women* in Japan, this style of kimono was once commonly purchased by parents for a daughter's coming-of-age.

Notable for their long sleeves, furisode (振袖) often feature bright colours and bold designs.

Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


A few more shots from Saturday's Bingo Sports car auction down at Odaiba City Circuit. Couldn't stick around for the auction as had things to do. But was nice to see the cars for a bit, for Charlie to get some pics and to catch up with a couple of the Bingo team who I know.

Alfa Romeo boat tail spider, a few Porsches, Alfa GTA, special edition Honda CRX-SiR by Nagisa Auto, at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
ALT text detailsAlfa Romeo boat tail spider, a few Porsches, Alfa GTA, special edition Honda CRX-SiR by Nagisa Auto, at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
Two 1960s Nissan Skylines, a Pagani Zonda and Koenigsegg Aguera RS at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
ALT text detailsTwo 1960s Nissan Skylines, a Pagani Zonda and Koenigsegg Aguera RS at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
The rear ends of two 1960s and this 1970s Nissan Skyline GTR, a Pagani Zonda and Koenigsegg Aguera RS at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
ALT text detailsThe rear ends of two 1960s and this 1970s Nissan Skyline GTR, a Pagani Zonda and Koenigsegg Aguera RS at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
Ferrari 512 BB with its engine clamshell open and in the background anAlfa Romeo boat tail spider,  Porsche 911, Alfa GTA and a special edition Honda CRX-SiR by Nagisa Auto, at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
ALT text detailsFerrari 512 BB with its engine clamshell open and in the background anAlfa Romeo boat tail spider, Porsche 911, Alfa GTA and a special edition Honda CRX-SiR by Nagisa Auto, at the Bingo Sports Auction at Odaiba City Circuit in Tokyo recently.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Disney's speaker-hiding skills go to infinity and beyond"

Pictures of a speaker at Tokyo Disneyland (I assume) that's built into the end of a wooden beam
ALT text detailsPictures of a speaker at Tokyo Disneyland (I assume) that's built into the end of a wooden beam
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan is once again debating the question of whether it’s polite to wear your backpack front-facing on the train. Some continue to insist the custom is correct, while others say it’s more polite to keep your bag near your feet instead.

Article from LiveDoor News. JP title: 【賛否】電車内の定番マナー「前リュック」→今や「マナー違反」!? SNSで論争続く「邪魔」「荷物棚なんて使えない」
ALT text details画像の説明 Article from LiveDoor News. JP title: 【賛否】電車内の定番マナー「前リュック」→今や「マナー違反」!? SNSで論争続く「邪魔」「荷物棚なんて使えない」
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Local authorities host ceremonies to welcome the new adults into society, but the day is also a chance for more raucous celebrations and reunions.

Many young women opt to dress in a style of kimono called 'furisode' (振袖 lit. 'swinging sleeves').

Nao-san modelsl her furisode kimono. Typically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
ALT text detailsNao-san modelsl her furisode kimono. Typically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
Typically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
ALT text detailsTypically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
Nao-san and Maya-san model their furisode kimono. Typically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
ALT text detailsNao-san and Maya-san model their furisode kimono. Typically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
Typically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
ALT text detailsTypically worn by younger women, we hosted a New Year tea gathering themed on Coming-of-Age Day, which gave the team an opportunity to wear furisode again.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Today is 'Seijin-no-hi' (成人の日 - 2nd Monday of January), a national holiday set aside to congratulate those who have reached -or are soon to reach- the age of majority (18 years old).

The tradition of celebrating 'coming of age' is recorded as early as 714!

Young women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsYoung women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Classmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsClassmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Classmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsClassmates celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Young women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
ALT text detailsYoung women celebrate Seijin-no-hi (Coming-of-Age Day).
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


School nurses in Japan need to better protect student privacy re: sexuality and gender issues, says a new report. 54.2% of those surveyed say they've shared a student's sexual attraction or gender concerns w/ other school officials w/o the student's permission.


Model of a school with gender symbols laying around it
ALT text detailsModel of a school with gender symbols laying around it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Our daughter says this is what she's wearing to her Coming of Age ceremony"

Tweet from X. Original Japanese text: 

ALT text detailsTweet from X. Original Japanese text: しげはる @SGHR27 · 1月11日 うちの娘、成人式これ着ていくんだって。
atomicker's avatar


Title: Suijin no Mori on the Sumida River (1934)

Artist: Koitsu Tsuchiya


A snowy evening in Tokyo. A solitary figure wearing a kimono and carrying a bamboo umbrella stands beneath a tall snow-plastered tree on the shore of the Sumida River; nearby, a building is concealed behind a cluster of snow-caked trees and a fence. Small boats travel on the still surface of the cold-looking river beyond. A layer of snow covers everything, as more snow falls from an overcast sky
ALT text detailsA snowy evening in Tokyo. A solitary figure wearing a kimono and carrying a bamboo umbrella stands beneath a tall snow-plastered tree on the shore of the Sumida River; nearby, a building is concealed behind a cluster of snow-caked trees and a fence. Small boats travel on the still surface of the cold-looking river beyond. A layer of snow covers everything, as more snow falls from an overcast sky
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's far right is fighting plans for a Muslim cemetery in Miyagi Prefecture, which would be Japan's 11th and the Tohoku region's first. However, Miyagi governor Murai Yoshihiro says it "must happen" to meet the needs of Muslim foreign residents and Japanese converts.


Turkish mosque in Tokyo
ALT text detailsTurkish mosque in Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In Japan, sexually explicit ads - including some that depict scenes of sexual assault against minors - frequently appear on gaming and other websites that appeal to children. Some in Japan are now asking the country's Children and Families Agency to crack down.


Picture of smartphone with an 18+ symbol on it
ALT text detailsPicture of smartphone with an 18+ symbol on it
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Better go to your favorite tonkatsu place in Japan as soon as you can. A confluence of events has made the simple cabbage more expensive than ever – and some fried pork cutlet restaurants say it’s killing them.


Tonkatsu with a heap of cabbage
ALT text detailsTonkatsu with a heap of cabbage
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: With more tourists coming to Japan than ever, many websites offer advice about what to expect when you get here. Most of them read as if they’re written by people (or, ahem, software) who've never set foot in the country. Here's what they get wrong.


Tattoo on someone's limb standing next to an onsen
ALT text detailsTattoo on someone's limb standing next to an onsen
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: For years, women in Japan have been fleeing the countryside to big cities. This appears to be having an outsized impact on Okinawa, with six out of 10 of Japan’s most gender-imbalanced municipalities located on the island chain.


Woman leaving Kitadaito Island for a job in the big city
ALT text detailsWoman leaving Kitadaito Island for a job in the big city
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"People keep telling me that AI chatbots are the future of Japanese language learning. So I tried a few. Here's why I came away more convinced than ever that the best way to practice Japanese is - wait for it - talking to an actual native Japanese speaker."


Stereotypical Japanese background with an anime girl on the left and an actual Japanese woman on the right. Picture urges you to choose good (right) rather than evil (left)
ALT text detailsStereotypical Japanese background with an anime girl on the left and an actual Japanese woman on the right. Picture urges you to choose good (right) rather than evil (left)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


NHK, Japan's public broadcaster, is bleeding cash. To help plug the hole, the station says it'll start collecting its fee, not just from TV owners, but from anyone w/ an Internet-capable device. However, some say NHK should focus instead on making better programming.


Picture of NHK office in Nigata
ALT text detailsPicture of NHK office in Nigata
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan last changed the format of its license plates back in 1998. Now, it’s introduced a new format including Latin alphabetic letters because it’s running close to exhausting the current number supply.


Partial Japanese license plate
ALT text detailsPartial Japanese license plate
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"When people tell me they’re using Duolingo for Japanese and ask for alternatives, here’s what I recommend. This approach mirrors the way that I learn languages. It’s how I learned Japanese, and it’s how I’m learning Korean."


Woman thinking about throwing Duolingo in the trash
ALT text detailsWoman thinking about throwing Duolingo in the trash
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


There's a lot of hate towards resellers in Japan - but the resellers don't seem to mind. One reseller said they search 転売ヤー死ね (tenbaiyaa shine, "die, reseller") online to research what goods are currently hot.


My Melody Rainbow set - 50th anniversary edition limited goods
ALT text detailsMy Melody Rainbow set - 50th anniversary edition limited goods
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Ever make a tweet so bad that it ended your company? That appears to be what happened after a cosmetics maker’s CEO criticized a Japanese singing trio on the company’s official account.


Picture of closed business with a sign saying "Seeking tenant" in Japanese (テナント募集)
ALT text detailsPicture of closed business with a sign saying "Seeking tenant" in Japanese (テナント募集)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


There's a lot of hate towards resellers in Japan - but the resellers don't seem to mind. One reseller said they search 転売ヤー死ね (tenbaiyaa shine, "die, reseller") online to research what goods are currently hot.


My Melody Rainbow set - 50th anniversary edition limited goods
ALT text detailsMy Melody Rainbow set - 50th anniversary edition limited goods
Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 6:51, 8 seconds earlier than the day before.
It will set at 16:47, 55 seconds later than the day before.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


An X user drew a visceral reaction from Japanese social media users yesterday w/ this ad from a sushi restaurant in the US showing hashi-watashi, or passing food between chopsticks - a custom reserved for putting bones in urns after a body's been cremated.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Tokyo Police busted Access, a "scout" group, for funneling women - many who'd racked up debts supporting hosts at host clubs - into sex work and illegal prostitution. The group allegedly made USD $44M over five years using a social media network of some 300 scouts.



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan saw a lot of inbound foreign tourists in 2024. One company says it'll see even more in 2025. Travel agency JTB predicts a record 40.2 million tourists in 2025. On the flip side, however, Japanese travel abroad will lag well behind 2019 levels due to the weak yen.


Foreign tourist being shown around Asakusa
ALT text detailsForeign tourist being shown around Asakusa
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


This is why Sanrio fans can't have nice things: Just two months after resellers mobbed a Hello Kitty 50th anniversary event, they cleaned out the 50th anniversary My Melody goods, too. Local reports spotted resellers exchanging cash on the street & hauling 20+ bags of merch.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture has suffered tourists entering people's homes to take pictures and crushing farmers' fields. But they're not complaining about overtourism. Instead, they're developing resources to help tourists and locals co-exist.


Picture of Shirakawa-go in the winter
ALT text detailsPicture of Shirakawa-go in the winter
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A lot of us get stuck in learning Japanese, bogged down in the tedium of memorizing new words or studying dry grammatical explanations. Here's how sentence mining can revive your love of language learning.


Picture of a head in profile against a turquoise background with a swirl of lines in its head coming out of its mouth and forming a light bulb as the voice says "This is a pen" in Japanese
ALT text detailsPicture of a head in profile against a turquoise background with a swirl of lines in its head coming out of its mouth and forming a light bulb as the voice says "This is a pen" in Japanese
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Fish isn't the only thing Japan does raw - eggs in their uncooked form also find their way into numerous dishes. Is that safe? Here's what you need to know about raw egg cuisine and egg safety when in Japan.


Tamago-kake-gohan (TKG) - raw egg and bonito flakes on rice next to a bowl of eggs in their shell
ALT text detailsTamago-kake-gohan (TKG) - raw egg and bonito flakes on rice next to a bowl of eggs in their shell
SeanBreslin's avatar


We only get snow once or twice a year around these parts so whenever we do I head into the nearby hills with a camera.

A shrine in the snow.
ALT text detailsA shrine in the snow.
A lake, snow, and a bird.
ALT text detailsA lake, snow, and a bird.
Looking at a shrine.
ALT text detailsLooking at a shrine.
A shrine in the snow.
ALT text detailsA shrine in the snow.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Continuing my new series of night photos from ward, , taken earlier this week returning from work:

“Itabashi Nights”
Series 4, Episode 2
“There's a Light”

iPhone 15 Pro, night mode. More info in ALT texts.

Night photo looking down a quiet residential street in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan
ALT text detailsNight photo looking down a quiet residential street in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan
Night photo looking down a quiet residential street in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan
ALT text detailsNight photo looking down a quiet residential street in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan
Night photo taken outside Fujimidai Children Hall in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsNight photo taken outside Fujimidai Children Hall in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan.
Night shot of an older building with a defunct shop sign and laundry hung out to dry on the upper floor, photographed in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan
ALT text detailsNight shot of an older building with a defunct shop sign and laundry hung out to dry on the upper floor, photographed in the Maenochō area of Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, Japan
Highest & lowest temp. Osaka's avatar
Highest & lowest temp. Osaka


2025/01/09 最高気温 8.4℃
2025/01/10 最低気温 -0.1℃
Highest and lowest temperatures in Osaka City.
These are the values of the thermometer installed at home.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan wants to keep increasing tourism. But how can it do that when, according to one report, 40% of its municipalities are in danger of disappearing? Here's why experts say one of the solutions is appealing to the right type of tourist.


シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:


Snow in Kyoto at 八坂神社

シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:


Snow in Kyoto at 八坂神社

Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


The mainland in the fridge. Temperature 7am in the heart of Kanto, Kansai and Kyushu.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ex-SMAP member Nakai Masahiro has broken his silence about the massive settlement he paid a woman who works for Fuji TV, admitting there was an "incident" but that it's "resolved" and he plans to continue working. However, his alleged victim says she doesn't forgive him.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Popular boy group SMAP member Nakai Masahiro has failed to answer questions about a massive settlement he paid out. In the absence of clear answers, Japanese TV stations are removing him from the air bit by bit.


Picture of someone using remote control either to turn down the volume or change the channel; the TV is faded out in the background
ALT text detailsPicture of someone using remote control either to turn down the volume or change the channel; the TV is faded out in the background
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: McDonald’s Japan is known for its online ad campaigns that draw international attention. Its latest stunt, however, drew a few heads, as it employed a writing system that some people have tried to pretend is an ancient Japanese form of writing.


Post banner showing the McDonald's ad in the center, a picture of relics from the Kofun Era with an X over it on the left, and a picture of the Edo era with a green checkmark over it on the right
ALT text detailsPost banner showing the McDonald's ad in the center, a picture of relics from the Kofun Era with an X over it on the left, and a picture of the Edo era with a green checkmark over it on the right
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: More tourists than ever are coming to Japan. To accommodate them, both the central and regional governments are grappling with ways to get tourists to spread the love across Japan and stop crowding into its major cities.


Picture of oceanside view in Japan from a hotel room's large sliding glass windows
ALT text detailsPicture of oceanside view in Japan from a hotel room's large sliding glass windows
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


“Two seconds of flight time”

Walking home from work last night, I heard the sound of an overhead plane descending into Haneda airport, so I tried a 2-second exposure. As a result, it came out looking like an arrow ↖️🛬

A plane is flying on a slightly cloudy night sky over northwestern Tokyo.
ALT text detailsA plane is flying on a slightly cloudy night sky over northwestern Tokyo.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In recent years, Japan’s seen a huge spike in syphilis cases. The latest numbers aren’t any better, with Tokyo reporting its fourth consecutive increase last year. There are now 7.4 times as many cases compared to 10 years ago.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hey folks - heads up you might see intermittent errors on unseen-japan.com for a bit. We think this is due to an upgrade to our caching plugin, WP Rocket. We're contacted the vendor and are working on a solution. Thanks for your patience.

atomicker's avatar


Title: Nakayama-Shichiri, Hida (1924)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls on a mountain village in Japan. In the foreground, a cold-looking river cuts through the wintry landscape; on the right, tall trees are plastered with snow, while on the left, warm lights glow in the windows of a handful of houses along the riverbank. Beyond, snow-covered mountains cut a jagged line across dark clouds.
ALT text detailsSnow falls on a mountain village in Japan. In the foreground, a cold-looking river cuts through the wintry landscape; on the right, tall trees are plastered with snow, while on the left, warm lights glow in the windows of a handful of houses along the riverbank. Beyond, snow-covered mountains cut a jagged line across dark clouds.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ready to get your fancy donut on? After its popular Pokemon donut run, donut chain Mister Donut in Japan is going high-brow with a set of five chocolate donuts designed by Belgian chocolatier Pierre Marcolini. The new donuts go on sale tomorrow, January 10th.


misdo meets Pierre Marcolini donut collaboration
ALT text detailsmisdo meets Pierre Marcolini donut collaboration
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A man in Shiga Prefecture apparently tried to have a cop jailed for calling him an "idiot." Wildly, the charge - filed under a law strengthened just a few years ago in reaction to social media abuse - could have landed the officer in jail for up to six months.


Picture of two police cars in Japan (Shizuoka Police)
ALT text detailsPicture of two police cars in Japan (Shizuoka Police)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sign reads, “I bet this cabbage is more expensive than the meat for tonkatsu” - a reference to how the price of cabbage has skyrocketed in Japan in the last few months. OP says, “It’s so expensive even store employees are giving up”

Tweet by user @chibachogori on X. Text in Japanese: 

ALT text detailsTweet by user @chibachogori on X. Text in Japanese: ちばちょごり @chibachogori お店の人も諦めるキャベツの高さ
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: While the murder case of Uchida Riko in Hokkaido is still pending trial, one man has already received his judgment. News is out that one of the detectives on the case has lost his job after it came out he’d been having an affair with the defendant before the murder.


Kamui Bridge in Asahikawa, Hokkaido
ALT text detailsKamui Bridge in Asahikawa, Hokkaido
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: As demand spikes due to record tourism, Japan’s aging population has left popular ski areas like Nagano Prefecture’s Hakuba without the facilities to accommodate them.


Picture of skiiers on a slope in Nagaon Prefecture (Hakuba)
ALT text detailsPicture of skiiers on a slope in Nagaon Prefecture (Hakuba)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ever watch an anime set in a Japanese high school and think, "it shoulda been me"? Well, you're in luck. A company in Japan is inviting tourists to attend an abandoned campus in Chiba and live out an authentic Showa high school experience.


Woman and man dressed in sailor-fuku and a Showa style gakuran raising their hands in a Japanese classroom
ALT text detailsWoman and man dressed in sailor-fuku and a Showa style gakuran raising their hands in a Japanese classroom
Funeo Funekawa's avatar
Funeo Funekawa



Funeo Funekawa's avatar
Funeo Funekawa



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


7-11 Japan's in trouble. To reverse its profit decline, it launched its linguistically clever "Ureshii ne!" - or "Delightful Price!" - campaign to win customers back. Its CEO says it's working. However, some customers still say the chain's food is too pricey for the scant volumes it sells.


To win customers back, 7-11 launched a new discount campaign last year. Titled うれしい値! (ureshii ne!), the clever play on words takes the expression “What a delight!” and replaces the Japanese agreement particle ne (ね) with the kanji for “price,” turning the expression into something like “Delightful price!”
ALT text detailsTo win customers back, 7-11 launched a new discount campaign last year. Titled うれしい値! (ureshii ne!), the clever play on words takes the expression “What a delight!” and replaces the Japanese agreement particle ne (ね) with the kanji for “price,” turning the expression into something like “Delightful price!”
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Host clubs in Japan have come under fire for pushing female customers into debt and, in some cases, prostitution. A proposed revision to the country's Entertainment Law would ban fake romances and punish hosts that receive sex business kickbacks.


Host-ass-looking guy holding a glass of wine in his hand
ALT text detailsHost-ass-looking guy holding a glass of wine in his hand
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese actor Yoshizawa Ryo is out of a contract with Asahi Beer after drunkenly wandering into an apartment that wasn't his. The company says it's axed his commercials for their Asahi Dry Crystal after police found the actor passed out in a neighbor's place on December 30th.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


2024 was a bad year to own a ramen restaurant in Japan. A record 72 shops went bankrupt, thanks to the twin evils of rising prices and the common belief that restaurants can't charge more than 1000 yen (USD $6.34) for their product.


Woman eating ramen (in her home because all the ramen shops have gone bankrupt)
ALT text detailsWoman eating ramen (in her home because all the ramen shops have gone bankrupt)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: In April of 2016, a devastating earthquake hit Kumamoto Prefecture. Since then, the region’s been working to rebuild and revive its economic fortunes. They’ve gotten a huge boost in the past few years thanks to a manga author and his iconic masterpiece.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: What chance do a bunch of rag-tag civilians stand against a hardened and highly-trained group of professionally trained killers?

Quite a good one, it turns out.


Four Japanese people holding airguns and acting like their fantasies are legal here
ALT text detailsFour Japanese people holding airguns and acting like their fantasies are legal here
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“We would highly recommend Unseen Japan’s tailor-made tours. Noah worked with us every step of the way to create an unforgettable itinerary for Kyushu. He was on hand to answer any questions. 5 stars out of 5!" - Hazel C., France

Traveling to Japan? Create a custom and guided experience with Unseen Japan Tours and go where most tourists can't.


Nakasu in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
ALT text detailsNakasu in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Kodoku no Gurume The Movie – directed and written by lead actor Matsushige Yutaka – will hit Japanese theaters this month on the 10th. The story – such as it ever is in this series – sees Goro travel around the world in search of the perfect soup.


Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


10-day total precip anomalies: Dec28-Jan6 (upper) & Dec26-Jan4 (lower). Lots of rain yesterday compensated for the shortage.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Online casino gambling is illegal in Japan. That hasn’t stopped people from getting their hands dirty, though. One nonprofit group says they’ve seen a spike in consultations – and some are turning to crime to pay off the debts they’ve accumulated.


Picture of a smartphone with an online roulette gambling app laid on top of a pile of yen
ALT text detailsPicture of a smartphone with an online roulette gambling app laid on top of a pile of yen
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Mochi deaths, a mobbed onsen, Oshikatsu addiction, and Hashimoto Kanna drama bomb - check out these and more of our top stories from last week in the Unseen Japan Newsletter!


Mochi making
ALT text detailsMochi making
Ginzan Onsen In Obanazawa City, located on the northern part of the main island of Honshu, is one of Japan’s most popular onsen. It gained fame locally thanks to the 1983 NHK morning drama Oshin.
ALT text detailsGinzan Onsen In Obanazawa City, located on the northern part of the main island of Honshu, is one of Japan’s most popular onsen. It gained fame locally thanks to the 1983 NHK morning drama Oshin.
Woman holding up oshi fans in front of a computer, supporting her favorite idol
ALT text detailsWoman holding up oshi fans in front of a computer, supporting her favorite idol
Hashimoto Kanna in NHK morning drama Omusubi
ALT text detailsHashimoto Kanna in NHK morning drama Omusubi
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Traveling to Japan? Chances are you've heard one of these eight "facts" about the country that are mostly wrong. Read about these myths drawn from our own experience covering Japan and from our reader's feedback.


Guy smoking in a restaurant while simultaneously talking on his cell phone while a woman to his left glances at him with a face that reads "death penalty"
ALT text detailsGuy smoking in a restaurant while simultaneously talking on his cell phone while a woman to his left glances at him with a face that reads "death penalty"
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan’s Mt. Fuji is a popular tourist destination, especially for the hiking-minded. These days, it’s a little too popular. Fortunately, there are other locations where you can get spectacular views of the mountain with less effort.


View  of Mt. Fuji and surrounding area
ALT text detailsView of Mt. Fuji and surrounding area
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japanese companies struggling to fill jobs are looking for ways to supplement their workforces. Japanese convenience store chain Lawson is expanding on one such solution: self-checkout counters manned by workers who don’t even live in Japan.


Sorato and Aoi, Lawson's combini clerk avatars
ALT text detailsSorato and Aoi, Lawson's combini clerk avatars
Funeo Funekawa's avatar
Funeo Funekawa



Funeo Funekawa's avatar
Funeo Funekawa



Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Atsuko-san is here to show you what the 'nanakusa' (七草 '7 herbs') look like.

In the depths of winter, when frost covered the ground, the 'nanakusa' were some of the only plants still growing. Their lush green colour came to represent hope and renewal.

Atsuko-san briefly explains what the 7 herbs are called, and what they look like.
ALT text detailsAtsuko-san briefly explains what the 7 herbs are called, and what they look like.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Atsuko-san is here to show you what the 'nanakusa' (七草 '7 herbs') look like.

In the depths of winter, when frost covered the ground, the 'nanakusa' were some of the only plants still growing. Their lush green colour came to represent hope and renewal.

Atsuko-san briefly explains what the 7 herbs are called, and what they look like.
ALT text detailsAtsuko-san briefly explains what the 7 herbs are called, and what they look like.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

You can find the 7 herbs you need for your rice-congee conveniently packaged at supermarkets.

🌿water dropwort (せり)
🌿shepherd’s purse (なずな/ぺんぺん)
🌿cudweed (ごぎょう)
🌿chickweed (はこべら)
🌿nipplewort (ほとけのざ)
🌿turnip (すずな/かぶ)
🌿daikon (すずしろ・大根)

Around the 7th of January you will see small packs being sold in supermarkets containing all 7 herbs needed to make special rice gruel for Nanakusa-no-sekku.
ALT text detailsAround the 7th of January you will see small packs being sold in supermarkets containing all 7 herbs needed to make special rice gruel for Nanakusa-no-sekku.
The 7 herbs needed for Nanakusa-no-sekku.
ALT text detailsThe 7 herbs needed for Nanakusa-no-sekku.
Around the 7th of January you will see small packs being sold in supermarkets containing all 7 herbs needed to make special rice gruel for Nanakusa-no-sekku.
ALT text detailsAround the 7th of January you will see small packs being sold in supermarkets containing all 7 herbs needed to make special rice gruel for Nanakusa-no-sekku.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



After all that New Year excess it's time for a hearty porridge to help fortify the body for the year ahead.

For over a thousand years herbs have been gathered, mixed into a rice gruel and consumed on the 7th day of the 1st month as a prayer for health and luck.


On the 7th day of the 1st month 7 herbs are mixed into a rice gruel and consumed as a prayer for good health for the year.
ALT text detailsOn the 7th day of the 1st month 7 herbs are mixed into a rice gruel and consumed as a prayer for good health for the year.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


You'll find a lot of natural beauty on Okinawa's outlying islands. There's something that's harder to find, however: women. An analysis by the Okinawa Times found that six of the 10 municipalities with the worst gender imbalance in Japan are located on the island chain.


Data from the Okinawa Times showing the worse gender ratios of municipalities in Japan (original Okinawa Times article linked in UJ article in this thread)
ALT text detailsData from the Okinawa Times showing the worse gender ratios of municipalities in Japan (original Okinawa Times article linked in UJ article in this thread)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Don't be surprised if you start seeing Latin alphabet letters on Japanese license plates. Japan's Ministry of Transportation is introducing 10 letters to one of the plates' components because a boom in vanity plate numbers is exhausting unique combinations.


Partial Fukuoka license plate with a type of 301, a ま hiragana, and a partial four-digit plate number
ALT text detailsPartial Fukuoka license plate with a type of 301, a ま hiragana, and a partial four-digit plate number
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Friends don't let friends use Duolingo. When it comes to Japanese, there are so many better ways to learn than giving money to a company that's firing its workers and replacing them with AI. Here's our roadmap for a cheap and effective Duolingo alternative.


Woman thinking about putting Duo, i.e., The Gangrene Owl of Doom, in the trash where he belongs
ALT text detailsWoman thinking about putting Duo, i.e., The Gangrene Owl of Doom, in the trash where he belongs
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Reju Cosmetics, a small cosmetics company in Japan, used its official X account to blast the boy band number_i as "traitors." It later issued an apology for the actions of its CEO and said that to make amends, it will...close the company for good. 🤔


A tweet from Reju Cosmetics calling the members of boy band number_i "traitors"
ALT text detailsA tweet from Reju Cosmetics calling the members of boy band number_i "traitors"
The apology from Reju Cosmetics' official X account saying they'll close the company
ALT text detailsThe apology from Reju Cosmetics' official X account saying they'll close the company
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The story of the Republic of Ezo is not a happy one – at least not for its leader, Enomoto Takeaki. Cut off from supplies from the mainland and buffeted by foes at every turn, Enomoto’s resistance was truly a lost cause. But it was one he remained loyal to until the bitter end.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan isn’t having a lot of kids. In lieu of kids, more people are turning to pets. But the little critters are causing a nuisance at some Shinto shrines – leading more shrines to ask folks to keep their fur babies at home.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: With Hashimoto Kanna in the leading role, everyone had high hopes that NHK’s latest morning drama, Omusubi, would do smash numbers. Now, the show is fighting not to become the station’s worst-rated asadora ever - and some blame the gyaru.


Hashimoto Kanna in Omusubi
ALT text detailsHashimoto Kanna in Omusubi
Anonymous 🐈️🐾☕🍵🏴🇵🇸 :af:'s avatar
Anonymous 🐈️🐾☕🍵🏴🇵🇸 :af:


Protesters outside Israeli embassy in Tokyo

Anonymous 🐈️🐾☕🍵🏴🇵🇸 :af:'s avatar
Anonymous 🐈️🐾☕🍵🏴🇵🇸 :af:


Protesters outside Israeli embassy in Tokyo

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Shirakawa in Gifu Prefecture is a village of 1,400 people that sees over 1 million tourists yearly. So why aren't they screaming about "overtourism"? Village reps say that, despite some bad behavior, they still want people to "fall in love with this village that we treasure."


Shirakawa-go - picture of thatched roof structures (gasshou-zukuri style of architecture) in winter with snow piled on them
ALT text detailsShirakawa-go - picture of thatched roof structures (gasshou-zukuri style of architecture) in winter with snow piled on them
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


SMAP's Nakai Masahiro isn't talking about the eyebrow-raising lawsuit he paid out in a case of alleged sexual assault. In response, some TV stations seem to be taking him off the air. Both TBS and TV Asahi have removed broadcasts featuring Nakai from their schedules.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Is this the beginning of the end for Japan’s beloved IC transportation cards? Two train systems in Tokyo say they’ve started a large-scale experiment with credit card contactless payments to make life easier for tourists.


JR gates at a train station
ALT text detailsJR gates at a train station
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan’s traditional festivals (祭; matsuri) are feeling the pinch as well. As a result, some are doing something that was once unthinkable: they’re letting women participate.


Festival (matsuri) in Japan, which people (mostly men) shouldering a holy relic
ALT text detailsFestival (matsuri) in Japan, which people (mostly men) shouldering a holy relic
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Every year, a group in Japan rallies against the evils of the holiday's celebration of "romance capitalism culture." This year, however, “circumstances” led them to take a break from protesting the popular holiday.


Cartoon girl saying "eff those guys" to a couple exchanging presents on Christmas
ALT text detailsCartoon girl saying "eff those guys" to a couple exchanging presents on Christmas
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


McDonald's Japan went viral for this stone-etched ad written in an odd-looking script. Turns out the text is Wojite, a form of Jindai Moji (Characters of the Age of the Gods) - an Edo Era forgery that claimed to be Japan's pre-Chinese character writing system.

McDonald's Japan Jindai Moji post
ALT text detailsMcDonald's Japan Jindai Moji post
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“There’s a wall at Tokyo Station that looks like you could blow it apart”

Original tweet on X: 

ALT text detailsOriginal tweet on X: 鉄道会社は辞めるな君 @tetsudo_yameru · 1月2日 東京駅にあるバクダンで壊せそうな壁
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's welcoming a lot of tourists - but they're not spreading the love around the country. A report by the Japan Travel Agency shows hotel stays shot up in the "Big Three" metro areas (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya) - but regional stays fell compared to 2019 by 25.9%.

 According to a report by the Japan Travel Agency earlier this year, from 2019 to 2023, the number of people staying in lodging facilities (hotels, onsen, private housing rentals, etc.) climbed 13.6 points – from 72.57 million to 82.43 million – in the country’s three major cities.
ALT text details According to a report by the Japan Travel Agency earlier this year, from 2019 to 2023, the number of people staying in lodging facilities (hotels, onsen, private housing rentals, etc.) climbed 13.6 points – from 72.57 million to 82.43 million – in the country’s three major cities.
The number of people staying in regional Japan fell from 43.09 million in 2019 to 31.91 million in 2023. That’s a massive dip of 25.9%.
ALT text detailsThe number of people staying in regional Japan fell from 43.09 million in 2019 to 31.91 million in 2023. That’s a massive dip of 25.9%.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


22-year-old Uchida Riko stands accused of murder in Hokkaido for pushing a girl off of a bridge for the crime of taking her picture. Now, it's come out that a detective on the local police force is out of a job after he confessed to having an affair with the defendant.


Kamui Bridge, Asahikawa
ALT text detailsKamui Bridge, Asahikawa
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Headed to Nagano Prefecture for skiing? Best of luck: while tourist demand is spiking, more ski lodges in the area are closing as owners pass on without leaving an heir. The number of lodges in Nozawaonsen, e.g., fell by almost half between 1985 and today.


Hakuba Goryu in Nagano Prefecture
ALT text detailsHakuba Goryu in Nagano Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan’s experiencing a boom in oshikatsu (推し活) – commercial activities (活) in support of one’s favorite star, or oshi (推し). But is that a good thing? New data shows many fans are concerned about the financial toll that supporting their faves is taking on their pocketbooks.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Frequent travelers to Japan, get ready for a significant change to the way you shop in 2026. Japan’s government has firmed up a new – and somewhat involved – system designed to stop unscrupulous resellers from avoiding the country’s consumption tax.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan's wrestling with how to address an epidemic of so-called “customer harassment” (カスハラ, kasu-hara for short), i.e., customers who verbally or physically abuse staff. Now, in a first, one city is passing a law that’ll publicly shame anyone caught in the act.


Woman screaming into five phones
ALT text detailsWoman screaming into five phones
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Protein-heads looking to get your fix in Japan, heads up: Gold's Gym Japan has a new line of protein-rich bento boxes out and available at select 7-11 Japan. The beef bolognese is 393kcal w/ 25g protein and the chicken jambalaya is 461kcal and a beefy 42g protein.

Sign for Gold's Gym protein bento boxes
ALT text detailsSign for Gold's Gym protein bento boxes
Gold's Gym nikuben beef bolognese
ALT text detailsGold's Gym nikuben beef bolognese
Gold's Gym chicken jambalaya
ALT text detailsGold's Gym chicken jambalaya
atomicker's avatar


Title: During the New Year Holidays (c.1990s)

Artist: Nishijima Katsuyuki


A traditional-style storefront on New Year's Day, somewhere in Kyoto. The sliding doors are shut, the windows are closed, and the street before the shop is empty.
ALT text detailsA traditional-style storefront on New Year's Day, somewhere in Kyoto. The sliding doors are shut, the windows are closed, and the street before the shop is empty.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


After Kumamoto's devastating earthquake in 2016, ONE PIECE mangaka Oda Eichiro set sail on a quest to revitalize his hometown. It's been a smashing success: the Kumamoto Revival Project has boosted tourism to the prefecture over 2x since 2019 - the largest increase across Japan.


ONE PEICE Luffy statue and text from Navitime discussing the area's increase in visitors
ALT text detailsONE PEICE Luffy statue and text from Navitime discussing the area's increase in visitors
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


What happens when you pit trained soldiers against cosplayers? Turns out you get a tough fight. Last week, 100 airsoft amateurs fought 50 active duty members of Japan's Self-Defense Forces to a draw. "Winning against that many people's impossible," one soldier lamented.


People playing airsoft
ALT text detailsPeople playing airsoft
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Duty-free travel changes in Japan, bookstores charging admission, onigiri mascots, and hostile architecture - get a synopsis of our most popular stories last week in the recent issue of the Unseen Japan Newsletter.


Akihabara Duty Free Store at airport
ALT text detailsAkihabara Duty Free Store at airport
Outside of Bunkitsu in Roppongi - bookstore (more like a lounge) with an admission fee
ALT text detailsOutside of Bunkitsu in Roppongi - bookstore (more like a lounge) with an admission fee
Famiily Mart onigiri "save me" mascot reduces food waste
ALT text detailsFamiily Mart onigiri "save me" mascot reduces food waste
Benches along a lake with price tags on them
ALT text detailsBenches along a lake with price tags on them
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"I’ve always wanted to draw comics, and Beserk was a major inspiration for me as a budding artist. For quite a long time, all my “original” characters would have to have massive swords and bad attitudes."

In May, 2021, manga legend Miura Kentaro passed away, leaving his opus Berserk unfinished. Our author discusses the true genius behind his art, and how he inspired millions.


Artist Illumiknobi's Berserk fan art
ALT text detailsArtist Illumiknobi's Berserk fan art
Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote's avatar
Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote


There's no agenda in posting this video

Just a capture of a moment of simple human joy in efficient

Ok, ok... just a small agenda

Year: unknown, location:

Possibly related to this:


two people watch a train fly by at very high speed, and their expressions are simple joy
ALT text detailstwo people watch a train fly by at very high speed, and their expressions are simple joy
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It was one of Japan's most horrific crimes and still gets discussed to this day. How the murder of Furuta Junko shocked the country, sparking a national debate over juvenile crime - and why her murderers are now walking around free.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


People in Japan who have a hard time eating mochi are susceptible to choking on them. As you’d suspect, the elderly are most susceptible to this. Tokyo Fire Department says its stats show the most likely victims are between the ages of 80 and 84.


Graph from Tokyo Fire Department on mochi choking deaths
ALT text detailsGraph from Tokyo Fire Department on mochi choking deaths
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Why a mild plan to relax visa restrictions for Chinese travelers – particularly the most wealthy travelers – has some on Japan's far right accusing Japan's Foreign Minister of being a "spy" for China and accepting bribes from a gambling company.


Chinese passport
ALT text detailsChinese passport
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


The world colored by flowers and light is so beautiful that I love it.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


The world colored by flowers and light is so beautiful that I love it.

Dr. Evan J. Gowan's avatar
Dr. Evan J. Gowan


My trip to Sakurajima Volcano was a complete success!

A selfie photo of me wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses, with an erupting ash cloud from Sakurajima Volcano in the background.
ALT text detailsA selfie photo of me wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses, with an erupting ash cloud from Sakurajima Volcano in the background.
Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote's avatar
Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote


There's no agenda in posting this video

Just a capture of a moment of simple human joy in efficient

Ok, ok... just a small agenda

Year: unknown, location:

Possibly related to this:


two people watch a train fly by at very high speed, and their expressions are simple joy
ALT text detailstwo people watch a train fly by at very high speed, and their expressions are simple joy
Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote's avatar
Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote


There's no agenda in posting this video

Just a capture of a moment of simple human joy in efficient

Ok, ok... just a small agenda

Year: unknown, location:

Possibly related to this:


two people watch a train fly by at very high speed, and their expressions are simple joy
ALT text detailstwo people watch a train fly by at very high speed, and their expressions are simple joy
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna watch a man eat soup for two hours? Good news! Next week, KODOKU NO GURUME (The Solitary Gourmet): THE MOVIE hits Japanese theaters. It's written & directed by star Matsushige Yutaka, who says the film was *almost* directed by PARASITE helmsman Bong Joon-Ho.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


How do you keep combini in Japan operating 24 hours a day in the midst of a labor shortage? Lawson thinks it has the answer: remotely operated avatars at self-checkout. Now, for the first time, the chain says it's hired a remote operator who doesn't even currently live in Japan.


Lawson virtual avatar operators Aoi and Sorato
ALT text detailsLawson virtual avatar operators Aoi and Sorato
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


New Year's in Japan means people are eating mochi rice cakes as part of a tradition dating back to Japan's Heian Era. Unfortunately, the sticky treat has claimed one choking victim so far. It's bound to claim more, as more people die yearly from mochi choking here than traffic accidents.


Mochi making (mochi-tsuki)
ALT text detailsMochi making (mochi-tsuki)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


New Year's in Japan means people are eating mochi rice cakes as part of a tradition dating back to Japan's Heian Era. Unfortunately, the sticky treat has claimed one choking victim so far. It's bound to claim more, as more people die yearly from mochi choking here than traffic accidents.


Mochi making (mochi-tsuki)
ALT text detailsMochi making (mochi-tsuki)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


This is why we can't have nice shrines: Police in Takeo, Shiga Prefecture arrested 64yo Yamaguchi Tsukasa for stealing 6003 yen ($38.23) from a Shinto shrine's donation box on New Year's Day. Area police are investigating a string of shrine donation box thefts from last year.

Article in Japanese from LiveDoor News. Japanese title: 元日の昼間の神社 “さい銭泥棒”で男逮捕 佐賀県武雄市 周辺で同様の被害相次ぐ
ALT text detailsArticle in Japanese from LiveDoor News. Japanese title: 元日の昼間の神社 “さい銭泥棒”で男逮捕 佐賀県武雄市 周辺で同様の被害相次ぐ
atomicker's avatar



atomicker's avatar



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A small city in Yamagata Prefecture known for its onsen (hot spring baths) is popular among tourists. Maybe too popular, as tourists to one popular location now vastly exceed the number of residents.


Ginzan Onsen, Obanazawa, Yamagata Prefecture
ALT text detailsGinzan Onsen, Obanazawa, Yamagata Prefecture
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan’s major political parties are proposing a new law to limit what can go up on the country’s election campaign poster boards. The move is a reaction to the rampant abuse that the boards suffered during this year’s Tokyo Gubernatorial election.


Tokyo Governor candidate Kawai Yusuke advocating for marijuana legalization while dressed the The Joker and holding what appears to be a bunch of green leaves he picked up off the sidewalk
ALT text detailsTokyo Governor candidate Kawai Yusuke advocating for marijuana legalization while dressed the The Joker and holding what appears to be a bunch of green leaves he picked up off the sidewalk
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Looking out my windows; Jan 1st, 2025

We had some nice gentle light this afternoon; a few panoramas straight out of camera.

Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan

View of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
ALT text detailsView of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
View of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
ALT text detailsView of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
View of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
ALT text detailsView of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
View of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
ALT text detailsView of an urban Tokyo scenery with apartment buildings of various shapes and sizes, seen in gentle winter afternoon sunlight
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Whaddo I do...I've been carted off to Thirteenuary 2025"

Elevator display showing 2025/13/01 (Saturday) as the date
ALT text detailsElevator display showing 2025/13/01 (Saturday) as the date
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


More dog owners in Japan regard their pets as family and love taking them to locations such as Shinto shrines for the perfect Instagrammable moment. But more shrines are banning pets in recent years as irresponsible owners ruin things for everyone else.


A cute shiba inu mens being halted from entering a torii gate by a cartoon woman with a stop sign. But why? He's just a guy, just a cute little furry guy wanting to see a shrine and get a blessing from the kami, it's his birthday, you wouldn't deny a little guy a shrine visit on his birthday would you?
ALT text detailsA cute shiba inu mens being halted from entering a torii gate by a cartoon woman with a stop sign. But why? He's just a guy, just a cute little furry guy wanting to see a shrine and get a blessing from the kami, it's his birthday, you wouldn't deny a little guy a shrine visit on his birthday would you?
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Two dudes made a mess of Shibuya Scramble on Christmas Eve, doing repeated motorbike loops as pedestrians crossed and even shooting off a fire extinguisher. Police now say they've arrested a jobless 29yo, who admitted to the crime, and a 15yo. Neither has a motorbike license.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


NHK's new morning drama Omusubi, starring Hashimoto Kanna, may turn out to be the network's worst-rated asadora ever: it's currently averaging 13.2%, below 2009's Welkame (13.5%). What went wrong? Many Japanese viewers are blaming the story's unlikeable gyaru protagonist.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japanese convenience store chain Family Mart says a cute experiment designed to reduce food waste worked, actually. As a result, it’ll roll out its new food loss mascot man to all stores nationwide this spring.


Family Mart 20 yen discount seal featuring a little onigiri guy crying "Save me!"
ALT text detailsFamily Mart 20 yen discount seal featuring a little onigiri guy crying "Save me!"
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The verdict for a Japan resident who helped a Chinese influencer deface Yasukuni Shrine marked a sad chapter in the life of a man who told the court how a love for one of Japan’s most beloved cartoons brought him to the country 11 years ago.


Yasukuni Shrine
ALT text detailsYasukuni Shrine
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


In 2018, a controversy broke out in Japan when a sumo announcer angrily demanded a woman leave the ring during a match. The woman was a registered nurse who was aiding a wrestler who’d collapsed due to a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A cosmetic surgeon in Japan thought it was a good idea to treat an anatomy practice session as some sort of field trip. Users online are calling for her to lose her license – but there’s a high hurdle for that to happen.


noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Thank you everyone for viewing my photos this year. The happy comments and warm support encouraged me in my activities.

Everyone, please support me again next year.

I hope that everyone will have a good year next year as well. 2024.12.31 noco.

Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Charlie and I went out for a photowalk yesterday, starting at the Sky Lounge at The Top of Yebisu, at Ebisu Garden Tower.

There's various angles of view available up there, but this is a good one.

Panorama stitched from nine separate, vertically shot photos. 105mm lens on one of my Nikons.

Panoramic photo of a section of Tokyo, made from Ebisu. We're looking east. The view from right to left stretches from Tamachi and Mita, round to Roppongi and halfway to Shibuya. The Tokyo Tower is just right of centre. It's a lovely, sunny day with distant haze and a few clouds.
ALT text detailsPanoramic photo of a section of Tokyo, made from Ebisu. We're looking east. The view from right to left stretches from Tamachi and Mita, round to Roppongi and halfway to Shibuya. The Tokyo Tower is just right of centre. It's a lovely, sunny day with distant haze and a few clouds.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Nyonin Kinsei (女人禁制) has kept many women from participating in Japan's religious festivals for centuries due to their supposed "impurities." But now, as the country's population shrinks and ages and people flee to cities, some festivals are (slowly) rethinking the age-old prejudice.


Celebration at Tomioka Hachimangu
ALT text detailsCelebration at Tomioka Hachimangu
atomicker's avatar


Title: Snow at Itsukushima (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A view looking out over a snowy landscape toward the famous 'floating' torii of Itsukushima Shrine. In the foreground, snow and frost cling to the trunk and branches of a Japanese pine tree; just beyond, a tall stone lantern and a pair of smaller ones stand on the shore of the Inland Sea, all plastered with snow. Out in Hiroshima Bay, the red torii gate appears to float on the surface of the water. Further out, a tiny open boat is steered across the bay by a single pilot. Rugged snow-capped mountains line the horizon, while the sky above is a deep, cold blue. Light snow continues to fall across the scene
ALT text detailsA view looking out over a snowy landscape toward the famous 'floating' torii of Itsukushima Shrine. In the foreground, snow and frost cling to the trunk and branches of a Japanese pine tree; just beyond, a tall stone lantern and a pair of smaller ones stand on the shore of the Inland Sea, all plastered with snow. Out in Hiroshima Bay, the red torii gate appears to float on the surface of the water. Further out, a tiny open boat is steered across the bay by a single pilot. Rugged snow-capped mountains line the horizon, while the sky above is a deep, cold blue. Light snow continues to fall across the scene
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Are train companies in Tokyo paving the way to make IC cards extinct? Tokyu Railways and Toei Subway say they've implemented credit card touch payment at over 60 stations - including Haneda Airport - to make getting around Tokyo easier for tourists.


Credit card touch graphic superimposed on JR train gates
ALT text detailsCredit card touch graphic superimposed on JR train gates
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: After dismissing the Kishiwada city council for its vote of no confidence, Mayor Nagano Kohei held a press conference defending himself against accusations of sexual assault. To up the cringe factor, he brought his wife, who praised him as "an important pillar of our family."


Nagano Kohei and his wife, who's trying very hard not to make this look like a hostage situation
ALT text detailsNagano Kohei and his wife, who's trying very hard not to make this look like a hostage situation
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Recent news about World Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai isn’t sitting well with local residents. It seems the event is well short of meeting its goals for ticket sales – and taxpayers are expected to pick up the tab.


Myaku-Myaku, Kansai Expo 2025 mascot, ready to suck out your soul to feed its insatiable hunger
ALT text detailsMyaku-Myaku, Kansai Expo 2025 mascot, ready to suck out your soul to feed its insatiable hunger
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Unseen Japan Tours and Noah were fantastic! I had looked around for custom tours in Tokyo, and it seemed like Unseen Japan had the best experience and the best price — and I was right!" - Cynthia H. and Ajay M., United States


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Saizeriya, Japan's famous Italian-esque restaurant chain, is losing its first-ever store in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, as developers wanna tear down the building. The store closed in 2000 but the chain kept it open as an educational museum. The news has left Saizeriya fans in mourning.


Saizeriya menu front cover
ALT text detailsSaizeriya menu front cover
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


With the New Year at hand, many in Japan will be undertaking hatsumode (初詣), the traditional first Shinto shrine visit of the year. Find out why hatsumode is one of the most prosperous times for shrines in the year and how the tradition has changed over the centuries.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


80 shrines and temples around Japan now accept some form of digital payment, such as PayPay or similar QR code apps. More are joining the fray before the New Year - including one Shinto shrine in Kawasaki that's using digital payments to stop people breaking into its donation box.


Donation box at a Shinto shrine
ALT text detailsDonation box at a Shinto shrine
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A group that protests "Japan's romance capitalism Christmas culture" had to call off its annual demonstration this year. Kakuhidou (革命的非モテ同盟), the Revolutionary Alliance of the Unloveable, said it didn't act in time to secure permits. Last year's demo drew 10 people.


Cartoon girl giving a loving couple on Christmas the big thumbs down
ALT text detailsCartoon girl giving a loving couple on Christmas the big thumbs down
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


According to the “Oshinomics” report from Hakuhodo, teenage girls said that they spend over half of their disposable income on their oshis. For most in this group, their money goes to male underground idols (performers at small clubs) or at male concept cafes that allow minors.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Inbound foreign travel to Japan is booming. However, domestic travel isn’t doing so hot. The economy is playing a large factor – but so is overtourism at popular spots. Due to various factors, the consumer price index for lodging has risen from 100 in 2020 to 134.3 today.


Japanese woman giving herself a solo trip, as a little treat
ALT text detailsJapanese woman giving herself a solo trip, as a little treat
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Hostile architecture has come to Tokyo – and the city’s residents are none too happy. As Tokyo continues to undergo rapid development, it seems there are fewer places to take a load off of your feet without spending money.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Perhaps surprising no one, Tokyo’s richest city, Minato – with a median income of 11.26 million yen (USD $71,969) – retained its number one ranking spot for the city where people are happiest. Daikanyama came in first, however, as the train station with the highest happiness index.


Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


December 29, 2024 (2)

After leaving the art supplies store, I had a nice walk from Ochanomizu down to Suidobashi. Tried to capture the mood along the way, on a bright and crisp December afternoon.

A quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
ALT text detailsA quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
A quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
ALT text detailsA quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
A quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
ALT text detailsA quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
A quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
ALT text detailsA quiet urban winter scene from Tokyo in the area between Ochanomizu and Suidobashi.
Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 6:50, 15 seconds later than the day before.
It will set at 16:36, 41 seconds later than the day before.

Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


Snow accumulation anomalies as of 29th - much more than normal except for San-in region and for Doto area, East Hokkaido.

SeanBreslin's avatar


My very occasional and short newsletter: Restless 26 → End of 2024


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Can oshikatsu - supporting one's favorite idol, anime character, or other entertainer - be unhealthy? New survey data shows teen girls spending over half their disposable funds on their oshi, raising concerns about how the activity can morph from a hobby into an addiction.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan tourists, get ready to change how you shop. A new law, set to go into effect in November 2026, will stop duty-free sales at stores and instead require requesting a refund upon departure. The law is aimed at stopping illegal consumption tax-free reselling.


Tax-free Akihabara-themed store at Narita Airport
ALT text detailsTax-free Akihabara-themed store at Narita Airport
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Customer harassment" remains a significant problem in Japan. Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture will fight it with a new weapon: shame. People who verbally or physically harass staff could find themselves called out on the city's website under a new ordinance if they don't change their ways.


Woman screaming into a large number of phones that, somehow, aren't AI-generated
ALT text detailsWoman screaming into a large number of phones that, somehow, aren't AI-generated
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Poor Ishiba Shigeru gets no respect. Japan's Prime Minister lamented at a speech last week that the job is "five to 10 times" harder than his predecessors had it. “You read the newspapers and no one’s singing your praises, you look online and it hurts even more, you can hardly sleep.”


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Online resale of fan goods at high prices is an ongoing issue in Japan. Now, one famous anime voice actress says she’s so disgusted by the practice that she won’t do any more signings going forward.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Ito Shiori has been fighting for justice since she accused journalist Yamaguchi Noriyuki of rape in 2015. Her latest chapter is a documentary that's earned an Oscar shortlisting. However, it’s also coming under fire from her former attorney for using “unauthorized” footage.


Ito Shiori - poster for Black Box Diaries
ALT text detailsIto Shiori - poster for Black Box Diaries
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Quite the sunset today.

Charlie, my youngest, and I were out for a photowalk. We weren't anywhere high up when the sun set but we got a few nice shots.

Here's a couple of mine. Gonna sit down with him tomorrow and get his pics off the card and do some editing with him.

Details in the ALT.

Three photo stitched panorama of the last of the sun hitting buildings in Kitashinagawa. This photo was taken from Shinbamba. There's also a nice reflection of the building with the sun hitting it, in the window of the building on the right of the frame. The sunlight is a deep orange, contrasting beautifully with the blue light of the approaching dusk.
ALT text detailsThree photo stitched panorama of the last of the sun hitting buildings in Kitashinagawa. This photo was taken from Shinbamba. There's also a nice reflection of the building with the sun hitting it, in the window of the building on the right of the frame. The sunlight is a deep orange, contrasting beautifully with the blue light of the approaching dusk.
Sun setting behind buildings in Shinbamba, Tokyo. We were going up the escalator into the station when I took this photo. There's a round water tank on the roof of the building in the centre of the frame. The balconies on each floor of the building on the left are beautifully silhouetted by the sun. Creating a lovely repeating pattern.
ALT text detailsSun setting behind buildings in Shinbamba, Tokyo. We were going up the escalator into the station when I took this photo. There's a round water tank on the roof of the building in the centre of the frame. The balconies on each floor of the building on the left are beautifully silhouetted by the sun. Creating a lovely repeating pattern.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


A photo made with the Nikon, from my time at Anamori-inari Shrine last Monday.

The very last of the daylight, blue-hued, at the end of the line of toriii gates. Magical, as usual. This shrine is a fave of mine and it always delivers some magic for me.

A long line of red torii gates at the Anamori-inari shrine in Tokyo, Japan. At the end of the gates, the last of the daylight. Blue with the coming dusk. We see a few paper "shide" (四手), paper zigzags. A traditional adornment at the entrance of holy places.
ALT text detailsA long line of red torii gates at the Anamori-inari shrine in Tokyo, Japan. At the end of the gates, the last of the daylight. Blue with the coming dusk. We see a few paper "shide" (四手), paper zigzags. A traditional adornment at the entrance of holy places.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


A photo made with the Nikon, from my time at Anamori-inari Shrine last Monday.

The very last of the daylight, blue-hued, at the end of the line of toriii gates. Magical, as usual. This shrine is a fave of mine and it always delivers some magic for me.

A long line of red torii gates at the Anamori-inari shrine in Tokyo, Japan. At the end of the gates, the last of the daylight. Blue with the coming dusk. We see a few paper "shide" (四手), paper zigzags. A traditional adornment at the entrance of holy places.
ALT text detailsA long line of red torii gates at the Anamori-inari shrine in Tokyo, Japan. At the end of the gates, the last of the daylight. Blue with the coming dusk. We see a few paper "shide" (四手), paper zigzags. A traditional adornment at the entrance of holy places.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Quite the sunset today.

Charlie, my youngest, and I were out for a photowalk. We weren't anywhere high up when the sun set but we got a few nice shots.

Here's a couple of mine. Gonna sit down with him tomorrow and get his pics off the card and do some editing with him.

Details in the ALT.

Three photo stitched panorama of the last of the sun hitting buildings in Kitashinagawa. This photo was taken from Shinbamba. There's also a nice reflection of the building with the sun hitting it, in the window of the building on the right of the frame. The sunlight is a deep orange, contrasting beautifully with the blue light of the approaching dusk.
ALT text detailsThree photo stitched panorama of the last of the sun hitting buildings in Kitashinagawa. This photo was taken from Shinbamba. There's also a nice reflection of the building with the sun hitting it, in the window of the building on the right of the frame. The sunlight is a deep orange, contrasting beautifully with the blue light of the approaching dusk.
Sun setting behind buildings in Shinbamba, Tokyo. We were going up the escalator into the station when I took this photo. There's a round water tank on the roof of the building in the centre of the frame. The balconies on each floor of the building on the left are beautifully silhouetted by the sun. Creating a lovely repeating pattern.
ALT text detailsSun setting behind buildings in Shinbamba, Tokyo. We were going up the escalator into the station when I took this photo. There's a round water tank on the roof of the building in the centre of the frame. The balconies on each floor of the building on the left are beautifully silhouetted by the sun. Creating a lovely repeating pattern.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s long been a headache for residents. Now, fed-up city officials in Kamakura are installing a security camera to prevent people from standing in the road of a famous anime holy site featured in Slam Dunk.


Kamakura Enoshima train crossing
ALT text detailsKamakura Enoshima train crossing
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


White Christmas.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


White Christmas.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Unseen Japan is independent media with values. We cover Japanese news, culture, history, and social justice movements in support of the rights of all oppressed people - in Japan and elsewhere. If you like what we do, consider helping us do more by supporting us.


Woman in front of shrine
ALT text detailsWoman in front of shrine
Ito Shiori's Black Box Diaries
ALT text detailsIto Shiori's Black Box Diaries
LGBTQ flag colored fist superimposed on Japanese Diet building
ALT text detailsLGBTQ flag colored fist superimposed on Japanese Diet building
The Story of the Japanese-Peruvians
ALT text detailsThe Story of the Japanese-Peruvians
Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


Temperature trend for the third and forth week of January. It's likely to be colder than normal.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


This week, Japan announced a rather tame plan to give China's wealthiest an extended multiple-entry tourist visa of 10 years. Japan's right-wing pounced, calling it the "China-fication" of Japan and accusing their country's Foreign Minister of taking bribes from a Chinese casino.


China passport
ALT text detailsChina passport
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ginzan Onsen in Yamagata Prefecture's Obanazawa is one of Japan's most popular hot spring resorts. That's a blessing and a curse: in one year, the city sees 85x more visitors than it has residents. As a result, it's passing new rules to reduce congestion and overtourism.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A chemical products company in Japan recently continued its decades-long tradition this week of holding a service in which it prayed for the souls of the bugs it killed in the name of science.


Buddhist priest praying for a cockroach
ALT text detailsBuddhist priest praying for a cockroach
Weekend Stories's avatar
Weekend Stories


🇯🇵The is renowned for its unique linguistic and cultural heritage. Its complex grammar and writing system 📚🖋️, combining , , and , reflect 's rich history and diverse influences. While its origins are debated, theories suggest links to , , and other families. This post explores the origins, development, and distinctive features of Japanese and its writing system:

🌍 fabriziomusacchio.com/weekend_

Map of Japanese dialects and Japonic languages (without Ryukyuan islands). Blue: Tokyo accent (standard accent pattern), orange: Kyōto-Ōsaka accent, white: no accent. Descriptions are in German. At the time I wrote this post, there was no English version available. Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: CC BY-SA 2.5).
ALT text detailsMap of Japanese dialects and Japonic languages (without Ryukyuan islands). Blue: Tokyo accent (standard accent pattern), orange: Kyōto-Ōsaka accent, white: no accent. Descriptions are in German. At the time I wrote this post, there was no English version available. Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: CC BY-SA 2.5).
Map of Ryukyuan languages (the Ryukyuan islands are in the south of Japan). Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: public domain).
ALT text detailsMap of Ryukyuan languages (the Ryukyuan islands are in the south of Japan). Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: public domain).
Painting of Kūkai (空海; his posthumous name is Kōbō Daishi, 弘法大師, which means “The Grand Master who Propagated the Dharma”) from the Shingon Hassozō, a set of scrolls depicting the first eight patriarchs of the Shingon-shū (真言宗), Japan, Kamakura period (13th-14th centuries). Kūkai, who played a crucial role in the development of the Japanese writing system, is generally a prominent figure in Japanese Buddhism. He is the founder of the esoteric Shingon school of Buddhism, which is one of the major schools of Japanese Buddhism. He is also prominent as a calligrapher, poet, and scholar. It is also said, that he never died but rather meditating in the mausoleum on Mount Kōya (高野山, Kōya-san), a large temple settlement in Wakayama Prefecture. At his mausoleum in Oku-no-in, food offerings are presented daily to him in the early morning and before noon. Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: CC BY-SA 4.0).
ALT text detailsPainting of Kūkai (空海; his posthumous name is Kōbō Daishi, 弘法大師, which means “The Grand Master who Propagated the Dharma”) from the Shingon Hassozō, a set of scrolls depicting the first eight patriarchs of the Shingon-shū (真言宗), Japan, Kamakura period (13th-14th centuries). Kūkai, who played a crucial role in the development of the Japanese writing system, is generally a prominent figure in Japanese Buddhism. He is the founder of the esoteric Shingon school of Buddhism, which is one of the major schools of Japanese Buddhism. He is also prominent as a calligrapher, poet, and scholar. It is also said, that he never died but rather meditating in the mausoleum on Mount Kōya (高野山, Kōya-san), a large temple settlement in Wakayama Prefecture. At his mausoleum in Oku-no-in, food offerings are presented daily to him in the early morning and before noon. Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: CC BY-SA 4.0).
Derivation of hiragana from Chinese characters (kanji). The upper letters show the regular Chinese script, the middle letters in red show the cursive Chinese script, and the lower letters show the hiragana. Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: CC BY-SA 4.0).
ALT text detailsDerivation of hiragana from Chinese characters (kanji). The upper letters show the regular Chinese script, the middle letters in red show the cursive Chinese script, and the lower letters show the hiragana. Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: CC BY-SA 4.0).
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


On the TV show SEVEN COLORS~girls life memory~, the contestants lived together Terrace House-style and were judged by seven “charm” factors. On December 18th, fans were supposed to find out who made the cut and who didn't.

But that never happened.


Seven colors girls life memory - TV banner
ALT text detailsSeven colors girls life memory - TV banner
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: 町 is an incredibly common character used in the names of towns throughout Japan. But whether it’s pronounced chou or machi seems like a crapshoot. Which raises the question: is there any way to tell? Are there any handy rules to follow?


Chou vs. machi
ALT text detailsChou vs. machi
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Tulips gently light up at night.

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Tulips gently light up at night.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan is welcoming more tourists than ever – and the problems it’s causing are making headlines. Singer/songwriter GACKT has a solution: Return the country to the Edo Era.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A member of ultra-famous Japanese boy band SMAP paid a woman an eye-watering settlement. The amount was so outrageous that fans on social media - and even the Japanese press - are demanding answers. Here's what we know about what's going on with Nakai Masahiro.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Would you pay to enter a bookstore? Many in Japan would. Book cafes like Bunkitsu in Tokyo's Roppongi are charging admission, giving customers a new kind of third space in the city - and giving bookstores a financial model that just might help them thrive in the digital age.


Bunkitsu in Roppongi - front door
ALT text detailsBunkitsu in Roppongi - front door
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Would you pay to enter a bookstore? Many in Japan would. Book cafes like Bunkitsu in Tokyo's Roppongi are charging admission, giving customers a new kind of third space in the city - and giving bookstores a financial model that just might help them thrive in the digital age.


Bunkitsu in Roppongi - front door
ALT text detailsBunkitsu in Roppongi - front door
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Domino's Japan left tons of Christmas Eve pizza eaters in the lurch this year as stores countrywide failed to deliver orders. The company blamed the incidents on a "labor shortage" - but angry Japanese netizens say Domino's delivery errors are pretty much a Christmas tradition.


An ad from Domino's Japan trying to recruit workers for the holiday season. (Picture: Domino's Pizza Japan)
ALT text detailsAn ad from Domino's Japan trying to recruit workers for the holiday season. (Picture: Domino's Pizza Japan)
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


This summer, Tokyo's official election poster boards were rife with cute cats, pornography, and outright financial scams. A new law crafted by seven political parties in Japan hopes to fix that by banning for-profit posters and messages that slander other people and political parties.


Poster by Kawai Yusuke - "The Joker" - advocating legalizing marijuana in Shibuya City, Tokyo
ALT text detailsPoster by Kawai Yusuke - "The Joker" - advocating legalizing marijuana in Shibuya City, Tokyo
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hoshino Gen had planned to sing the song "Jigoku de Naze Warui?" at this year's Kohaku singing competition on NHK. NHK and Hoshino's staff have now said they'll switch out the song as it's closely linked to director Sono Sion, who has a long history of sexual assault.


Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning to you all. Lovely sunny day here in Tokyo. Ended up being a nice, chilled Christmas Day here. Some family, some nice food and good conversation.

Hope you're having a good day so far.

Much love to you ❤️

Couple of pics from my locale, from a walk a couple of days ago. Details in ALT.

A tatami shop on the Kyu-Tokaido (Old Tokaido Road) in Aomonoyokocho, not far from where we live in Tokyo. We see a quintessential Japanese scene: old, traditional Japanese shop, with its signage. And the ubiquitous Honda Cub motorcycle outside.  Photographed in colour, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
ALT text detailsA tatami shop on the Kyu-Tokaido (Old Tokaido Road) in Aomonoyokocho, not far from where we live in Tokyo. We see a quintessential Japanese scene: old, traditional Japanese shop, with its signage. And the ubiquitous Honda Cub motorcycle outside. Photographed in colour, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
Detail of the front of a house on the Old Tokaido Road near Samezu, here in Tokyo. It's a house I love, for the trees and bushes that adorn it. Beautifully pruned and wonderfully arranged to be an integral part of the aesthetic of the dwelling. The four that are arranged up the staircase are particular favourites of mine. Photographed in black and white, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
ALT text detailsDetail of the front of a house on the Old Tokaido Road near Samezu, here in Tokyo. It's a house I love, for the trees and bushes that adorn it. Beautifully pruned and wonderfully arranged to be an integral part of the aesthetic of the dwelling. The four that are arranged up the staircase are particular favourites of mine. Photographed in black and white, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


(Taken just a few minutes ago - unprocessed out of camera).
Maenochō, , .

Late afternoon sun is casting the day’s last glow on a street in the Itabashi Ward of Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsLate afternoon sun is casting the day’s last glow on a street in the Itabashi Ward of Tokyo, Japan.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning to you all. Lovely sunny day here in Tokyo. Ended up being a nice, chilled Christmas Day here. Some family, some nice food and good conversation.

Hope you're having a good day so far.

Much love to you ❤️

Couple of pics from my locale, from a walk a couple of days ago. Details in ALT.

A tatami shop on the Kyu-Tokaido (Old Tokaido Road) in Aomonoyokocho, not far from where we live in Tokyo. We see a quintessential Japanese scene: old, traditional Japanese shop, with its signage. And the ubiquitous Honda Cub motorcycle outside.  Photographed in colour, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
ALT text detailsA tatami shop on the Kyu-Tokaido (Old Tokaido Road) in Aomonoyokocho, not far from where we live in Tokyo. We see a quintessential Japanese scene: old, traditional Japanese shop, with its signage. And the ubiquitous Honda Cub motorcycle outside. Photographed in colour, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
Detail of the front of a house on the Old Tokaido Road near Samezu, here in Tokyo. It's a house I love, for the trees and bushes that adorn it. Beautifully pruned and wonderfully arranged to be an integral part of the aesthetic of the dwelling. The four that are arranged up the staircase are particular favourites of mine. Photographed in black and white, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
ALT text detailsDetail of the front of a house on the Old Tokaido Road near Samezu, here in Tokyo. It's a house I love, for the trees and bushes that adorn it. Beautifully pruned and wonderfully arranged to be an integral part of the aesthetic of the dwelling. The four that are arranged up the staircase are particular favourites of mine. Photographed in black and white, in 65x24 aspect ratio, with the 65x24 app for iPhone.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna understand how Tokyo became Tokyo? One of our favorite books on the subject is EMERGENT TOKYO: DESIGNING THE SPONTANEOUS CITY. Check out our review to learn a little about how the city's low-rise neighborhoods and famous yokocho came to be.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A custom-order dress company may ruin Coming of Age Day for some young people in Okinawa after disappearing with the money for around 130 orders totaling 7.3 million yen (USD $46.4K). Thankfully, it seems other businesses are stepping up to help save the day. Read more below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A group of adult film stars, producers, sex workers, and even a number of prominent party politicians – including DPFP leader Tamaki Yuichiro – participated in a symposium this week intended to change Japan’s so-called “new AV law” regulating adult video production.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


When in Rome, they say, do as the Romans do. (Actually, in Japan, they say 郷に入っては郷に従え – but, hey, same concept.) But what happens when the locals don’t even agree on what the local customs are? Case in point: What's the best way to hold your backpack on the train?


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A survey by Mitsubishi Research Institute shows interest in Kansai World Expo 2025 is steadily declining. As of April 2024, only 27% of people polled nationwide said they wanted to go. That number dropped to 24% in the most recent survey conducted in October.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Combini chain Family Mart discovered it can reduce food loss with the most Japan thing ever: a mascot. An experiment with a seal featuring an onigiri crying, "Save me!" boosted sales of soon-to-expire items by five points. It'll roll the seal out nationwide next year.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A fire department manager in Hiroshima's Kure City was docked 10% of his pay for working dozens of night shifts for 11 of his employees. "I wanted to let them rest," he said. Japanese social media users are largely sympathizing with the "kind" supervisor.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A love for Doraemon brought 29-year-old Jiang Zhuojun from China to Japan in 2013. Now, he's a convicted criminal in the country he once loved. A Tokyo court sentenced Jiang to eight months unsuspended for his role in defacing Yasukuni Shrine in May.


noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Christmas party tonight 🎄

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


A South Korean temple that claimed ownership of a Buddha statue stolen from a temple in Nagasaki Prefecture has said it will return the statue to the original owner next spring, after holding a 100-day memorial service. japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese cosmetic surgeon Kuroda Aimi is facing massive criticism for a medical training trip to Guam after she posted photos online of cadavers with her flashing a peace sign. Netizens say she should lose her medical license. Some experts say that's unlikely to happen.


The header of Kuroda Aimi's blog on Ameblo
ALT text detailsThe header of Kuroda Aimi's blog on Ameblo
Kuroda Aimi on her TikTok with two other women. "”On our way to dissect a fresh cadaver!!” reads the caption
ALT text detailsKuroda Aimi on her TikTok with two other women. "”On our way to dissect a fresh cadaver!!” reads the caption
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Nine years ago, Takahashi Matsuri lost her life in a clear-cut case of karoshi, or death by overwork. In her annual letter, Takahashi's mother, Yukimi, remembers her daughter and calls for reforms to create a Japan "where everyone can work safely and live in hope."


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower, Tokyo's new tallest building, presents a somewhat appealing facade to the average Tokyoite. So, what can you do at Azabudai Hills – and what does it signal for Tokyo’s ever-changing urban landscape?


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan’s government wants to welcome 60 million tourists a year to the country by 2030. If it keeps growing at this rate, it might just do it. New numbers from the Japan National Travel Organization (JNTO) shows the country setting yet another record this month.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: New app Tsuita operates as an anonymous message board. There’s no user sign-in – you can start posting to it immediately. You just can’t include Japanese kana – attempting to will produce an error message that prevents you from posting.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


After Kishiwada City mayor Nagano Kohei settled a civil lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault, the city's assembly passed a vote of no confidence. Nagano responded by dissolving the assembly and holding a press conference with his wife to defend himself.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: A Japanese food influencer made her recommendations on the best burgers in Tokyo in a post on her X account. Here are her six recommendations, plus another two recommendations from the folks on the UJ Discord.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: An influencer in Japan owes a company millions of dollars in damages over a collaboration deal that went south. A court agreed with the plaintiff in the case that the online star violated her contract when she got a boob job without their knowledge.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Will Osaka's World Expo 2025 be a financial bust? It's trending that way - and Japanese taxpayers might be on the hook. Reports say the event is only selling 30K tickets a week and won't sell enough to cover costs. Plus, surveys show, interest in the event is plummeting.


atomicker's avatar


Title: Sea of Echigo (1957)

Artist: Kasamatsu Shiro


Winter night gathers around a village by the sea. Snow covers the ground and the tile rooftops of the houses; warm lights glow in the windows. A figure carrying a lamp accompanies a smaller figure through the snow, approaching one of the houses. Beyond, the wintry Sea of Japan is dark, grey, and cold.
ALT text detailsWinter night gathers around a village by the sea. Snow covers the ground and the tile rooftops of the houses; warm lights glow in the windows. A figure carrying a lamp accompanies a smaller figure through the snow, approaching one of the houses. Beyond, the wintry Sea of Japan is dark, grey, and cold.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japan's tourism boom is generating profits for many local businesses. However, it may be leaving domestic travelers out in the cold. Domestic tourism this year largely failed to exceed last year's numbers due to rising costs of goods, expensive hotel prices, and overtourism.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


You don't hear much about gun violence in Japan. You hear even less about rocket launcher violence. And yet, Fukuoka Prefectural police have confirmed that a couple in their 70s found a live rocket launcher lying in the grass in Kitakyushu back in May.


Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



I have a particular soft spot for gachapon (ガシャポン/ガチャポン), those little capsule toys you find all over Japan.

Of all the gacha oddities to be found, surely 'Kabuki Owls' (カブクロウ) have to be up there with the strangest.

Kabuki owls (カブクロウ), just another of those odd capsule toys you find in Japan.
ALT text detailsKabuki owls (カブクロウ), just another of those odd capsule toys you find in Japan.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A site in Kamakura made famous by the anime Slam Dunk is the latest Japanese tourism destination aiming to clamp down on bad manners. Kamakura city officials say they'll set up a security camera this month to deter photo-taking from the road near the famous train crossing.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A recent tweet bemoaned the disappearance of benches in Tokyo. "I always sit by the Imperial Palace moat," the user said. "Only the Emperor lets us sit for free." It's another sign that free resting spaces in Tokyo are falling to rapid development and hostile architecture.


Tweet by X user @windymelt: "There are no free places to sit in Tokyo so I always sit on the benches around the moat of the Imperial Palace, only the Emperor lets us sit for free”
ALT text detailsTweet by X user @windymelt: "There are no free places to sit in Tokyo so I always sit on the benches around the moat of the Imperial Palace, only the Emperor lets us sit for free”
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Somewhat dumbfounded and feeling out of touch with today’s youth, a Japanese reporter set up shop outside Nagano Station and ran an informal survey of people in their teens and 20s: do you see "egui" as good? Or bad? The vast majority said they saw it as good.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


How do you become a miko (Shinto shrine maiden) in Japan? A new school is opening up paths for any woman who speaks Japanese to train for the culturally significant job. Get an inside peek at miko school in our detailed coverage below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


When Elon Musk bought Twitter, Mixi trended briefly as JP users mulled a return to the still-operating service. Mixi came up again as a possible refuge when technical problems on Twitter froze thousands of legitimate accounts – an event known as the “Ice Age” among Japanese users.

Mixi's now back and hoping to make fetch happen with its newly-released app, Mixi 2. More info here:


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ito Shiori's documentary about her sexual assault, BLACK BOX DIARIES, just made the Oscar shortlist. However, a former attorney claims the film uses "unauthorized" footage to make its case. In an interview, Ito defends her use of the CCTV and audio recordings.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Cup Noodle wants you to know they're not squidding around. Nissin's released a fishy new product for eating its signature junk food - and made a hard-to-translate Japanese pun at the same time. Get yours while supplies last.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thanks, resellers: Voice actress Yamaguchi Yuriko (Evangelion's Akagi Ritsuko, ONE PIECE's Nico Robin) says she won't do signings anymore after items from a charity event landed on online auction sites, just the latest example from Japan of how resellers make everything worse.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A lawyer in Japan says, yes, it's legal for restaurants to refuse service to non-Japanese speakers. However, if they refuse customers, not due to spoken language, but on the basis of their race or nationality, that violates the 14th Amendment of Japan’s Constitution.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Polls – even those from traditionally conservative media outlets – consistently show over 60% of people in Japan support marriage equality. However, hard-right elements of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party, until recently the ruling party, have prevented a bill from becoming reality.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Thinking of moving to Tokyo? Living there but hate where you live? Here's where people are happiest living and where they most want to remain living, according to a popular yearly survey. (Warning: You'll need a fair amount of yen.)


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese Communist Party legislator Matsui Yumiko of Tsushima City, Aichi Prefecture, is out of a job after drinking to excess at a "mama party," collapsing, & then attacking a hospital nurse & inflicting serious injuries. Matsui claimed she "didn't remember" the incident.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Earth Corporation, a company in Japan that sells a line of pesticides, kills a lot of insects every year. And every year, they make sure to atone for it. This week, the company continued its 40+-year tradition of holding a memorial for the bugs that died for its research.


Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 6:47, 29 seconds later than the day before.
It will set at 16:31, 28 seconds later than the day before.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Could standing soba restaurants meet the fate of ramen shops in Japan? Some soba places - including a few that have been in business for over 100 years - say the "500 yen wall" prevents them from raising prices even as the cost of doing business continues to climb.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


TBS idol contest program Seven Colors was supposed to announce its winners this week. Instead, producers outraged fans by saying they'd debut moxymill in January w/ less than the planned seven members because they just didn't find the contestants charming enough.


Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


20-day mean temperature anomalies shows colder December well. The weather last into very late this month.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The character 町 - pronounced either "chou" or "machi" - is common in Japanese town and neighborhood names. But how do you tell if a given place is a "chou" or a "machi"? The answer is that, like everything else related to languages, it's complicated and messy.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: It’s a weird situation where a company apologizes for one of its hit products. But that’s what happened this week when Mister Donut said it was sorry for the rampant “individuality” of its new Pokémon donuts.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Singer-songwriter GACKT, in a lengthy X post on how Japan is "moving in a different direction" than other countries, said "one choice" is for Japan to return to the isolationism it practiced for over 200 years during the Edo era.

GACKT lives in Malaysia.


GACKT beckons you to the sweet release of sakoku
ALT text detailsGACKT beckons you to the sweet release of sakoku
GACKT X Post on 12/19. Original Japanese: 







ALT text detailsGACKT X Post on 12/19. Original Japanese: 12月12日から大麻の”使用”も罪になる。 アメリカとは異なる方向に進む日本。だが、今回の法律強化は「ダメなものはダメ」とさらに日本のルールが明確化されただけの話だ。 国が違えばルールも違い、常識も異なる。 例えば、日本の「器を持って食事をする」という礼儀も、多くの海外では「非常識」とみなされる。 逆に、海外で許されることが日本では許されないのも当然だ。 結局、どこにいても大事なのは、その国のルールや礼儀への敬意を持った振る舞い。 「日本ではダメ」と言われていることをしたいなら、それがOKな国で生きればいいだけ。 「やっちゃいけないことはやるな」っていう子供でも分かるシンプルな話だ。 しかし、現実問題として、日本人の多くは世界の常識を知らず、外国人も日本の常識を理解していないことが多い。 だからこそ、両者にとってのガイドラインを整備する必要がある。 ガイドラインがあやふやなら、混乱を招き問題が増えるばかり。 いっそのこと、鎖国して自国だけで成り立つ道を模索するのも一つの手かもしれない。 もっとも、今の時代、それは不可能に近いが。 ちなみに、ボクは鎖国賛成派。オマエはどうだ?
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



I will take you to the fantastic world of blue flowers.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Tenchim, the YouTuber who lost millions in court claiming a bra made her boobs bigger (not a thing) after she had boob surgery, now says she'll pay off the debt by going back to the well one more time. "Paying bra debt w/ bras," she said in her video post showing new designs.

Post by Tenchim showing new bra designs
ALT text detailsPost by Tenchim showing new bra designs
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Democratic Party for the People (DPFP) leader Tamaki Yuichiro attended a symposium this week aimed at changing Japan's "New Adult Video Law." Adult industry attendees hope Tamaki's attention helps drive changes to the law, which they say is hurting their livelihoods.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Somehow, someone managed to steal 1,200 cabbages out from under the nose of a farmer in Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture. Cabbage theft has apparently become a popular crime in Ibaraki as prices have risen by 3.6x in a year, making them a valuable target.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


With tourists continuing to stream into Japan, the cost of hotels - even those geared towards domestic travelers - is skyrocketing. That's forcing local business travelers assigned fixed budgets to settle for capsule hotels - or worse.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"I'm always searching. Since I've been born, I've been searching desperately. Searching for a partner with whom I can create a perfectly overlapping heart." - Iijima Ai (1972-2008)


Iijima Ai
ALT text detailsIijima Ai
Iijima Ai
ALT text detailsIijima Ai
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Three decades after the shocking murders of famed fortune teller Fujita Kototome and her son Goro, a twist has emerged in the case. Fukusaku Raita, the man convicted of their murders, died in his prison cell. But did he actually do it?


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


UJ works to provide accurate updates about the changing state of Japanese society from a liberal perspective. We're a small, independent outlet - if you like what we do, consider supporting us so we can keep on keepin' on.


Nithin Coca నితిన్'s avatar
Nithin Coca నితిన్


Something the and (and some of the world's most despotic regimes) can apparently all agree on - the use of the

Item 71 (b) - A/79/458/Add.2 DR XIV e Moratorium on the use of the death penaltvy
ALT text detailsItem 71 (b) - A/79/458/Add.2 DR XIV e Moratorium on the use of the death penaltvy
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Wanna stress-test your Japanese knowledge? A new social media app for Japanese users, Tsuita, dares you to ditch kana by allowing only kanji input, a.k.a. "Pseudo-Chinese." The app's been such a hit that users crashed the service temporarily (it's since been restored).


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Waymo is partnering with two taxi companies in Japan to pilot self-driving "robotaxis" in seven cities in Tokyo next year. The experiment could provide more taxi capacity in the face of a chronic labor shortage - but Waymo's US record raises questions about its safety.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As the media in Japan continues to focus on overtourism, the country announces that it saw more tourists than ever last month. Japan welcomed 3.187 million tourists - a 30.5% increase from 2019. More on the spike - and some of the problems it's causing - below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Sanrio is always up for new and interesting collaborations for its characters. (Case in point: the recent amazing Junji Ito collab.) Somehow, though, I don’t think they’d do an official collab with the Ukrainian military. And yet...


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Japanese model and YouTube entertainer Tenchim owes millions of dollars to bra manufacturer Yuiku, a Japanese court has ruled. The online star sold a successful line of bras she said encouraged breast growth - without revealing that she'd had breast augmentation surgery.


The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Japan has set a new annual record for visitor arrivals with one month to spare, with the total for 2024 so far at 33.4 million. japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/

Nithin Coca నితిన్'s avatar
Nithin Coca నితిన్


Great to see that the latest report from 's Renewable Energy Institute specifically mentions both & intensity as concerns with 's dominance of global

One of the first times a /#energy group in Japan, as far as I know, has raised this. Not surprised its REI, the most independent & expert led such org.


Funeo Funekawa's avatar
Funeo Funekawa



Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The governor of Akita Prefecture has some choice words for people who object to Akita City's decision to exterminate a bear that invaded a supermarket, telling legislators that if anyone complained about it to him, he'd threaten to send a bear to their homes. The gov also had some other...innovative ideas for bear control, such as putting explosives in food and remotely exploding them while in the bear's stomach. (...)


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Hungry for a burger in Tokyo? Good news - you have a ton of options. A popular Japanese food influencer recently made her top six suggestions for burgers in Tokyo. Check 'em out and let us know what you think.


atomicker's avatar


Title: Ushibori Ferry (1930)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


Snow falls as evening settles on a riverbank. A single pilot steers an small open wooden boat across a river, their solitary passenger sheltering under a wide bamboo umbrella. The little ferry is headed toward a small landing on the far side of the river, where a handful of traditional thatched-roof houses crowd in close beneath trees. The houses, the trees, and the fields beyond carry a layer of fresh snow, and snow continues to fall across the scene. Above, the sky is dim and overcast. Apart from a light glowing in the window of one of the houses, the image is rendered in shades of cool blue.
ALT text detailsSnow falls as evening settles on a riverbank. A single pilot steers an small open wooden boat across a river, their solitary passenger sheltering under a wide bamboo umbrella. The little ferry is headed toward a small landing on the far side of the river, where a handful of traditional thatched-roof houses crowd in close beneath trees. The houses, the trees, and the fields beyond carry a layer of fresh snow, and snow continues to fall across the scene. Above, the sky is dim and overcast. Apart from a light glowing in the window of one of the houses, the image is rendered in shades of cool blue.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Prices continue to climb in Japan while wages remain stagnant, putting many in a rough spot. The government says it wants to raise the minimum wage to 1500 yen (USD $9.80) by the 2030s. However, in a survey, nearly half of businesses said they can't afford that.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


22.6% of Japanese food service businesses don’t want more tourists as customers, one survey found. The language gap is the primary reason. However, others are concerned that hosting non-Japanese speakers will ruin the store's vibe as a neighborhood hangout.


A graph showing 22.6% of food service businesses don't want to increase tourist traffic
ALT text detailsA graph showing 22.6% of food service businesses don't want to increase tourist traffic
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


As "customer harassment" in Japan continues to increase, more businesses and governments are looking for ways to protect their employees. Kumamoto City has become the latest to announce it'll remove employee's first names from their name tags to prevent online harassment.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A shocking crime on Japan's island of Kyushu has everyone on high alert. After the random stabbing of two middle-school children in Kitakyushu, many parents decided to keep their kids home, with the local Board of Education reporting 4,168 students absent on Monday.


noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



The twilight on the plateau is quiet, gentle and beautiful.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Women in Japanese business are notably absent in leadership positions. A new report has good news and bad news: there are more female company presidents in Japan than ever – but the number still remains well below 10% of the total.


Walk News's avatar
Walk News


walknews.com/694084/ 生活保護費、月500円程度引き上げへ調整 物価高で増額求める声も

生活保護費、月500円程度引き上げへ調整 物価高で増額求める声も
ALT text details生活保護費、月500円程度引き上げへ調整 物価高で増額求める声も
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The days in Japan where you could casually name your kid "Nausicaä" or "Pickachu" are coming to an end: a new revision to Japan's Family Registration Law will demand parents provide written defenses of so-called "kira kira" names. Learn more below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Is Japan ready to do social media like it's 2004? MIXI Inc. hopes so. The company, whose Mixi service hosted 15 million active daily users at its peak, has announced a new Twitter-like version, Mixi 2, that's less "town square" & more about connecting you with your friends.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A store in Kyoto made headlines when it posted a sign in English and Chinese saying it was closed - but, in small print, it welcomed anyone who could read Japanese. It's clever - but is it legal? A lawyer in Japan says: yeah, pretty much.


Jeff Forcier's avatar
Jeff Forcier


‼️ 2015, 🌝 misskey.flowers/notes/a1tzbde3

Photo of Tokyo Tower at night, from a specific intersection. It is the exact same framing as the daytime photo in the post mine is quoting.
ALT text detailsPhoto of Tokyo Tower at night, from a specific intersection. It is the exact same framing as the daytime photo in the post mine is quoting.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Find out why "heat shock," changes to the popular Suica card, and contention over Shinkansen reserved seats generated discussion in Japan in the latest issue of the UJ Newsletter:


bdonnelly's avatar


Sally 1st Album "BURN IT" Music Video "Lost at SEA"


Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


My 2025 4K desktop calendar is now available in my download shop, in both English and Japanese versions.

This year there are three different calendars to choose from.




A screenshot from my online download store, showing all three versions of my 2025 4K desktop calendar, in both English and Japanese.
ALT text detailsA screenshot from my online download store, showing all three versions of my 2025 4K desktop calendar, in both English and Japanese.
A sample of the August wallpaper from my 2025 4K desktop English calendar. The picture shows festival lanterns in Asagaya, Tokyo.
ALT text detailsA sample of the August wallpaper from my 2025 4K desktop English calendar. The picture shows festival lanterns in Asagaya, Tokyo.
A sample of the August wallpaper from my 2025 4K desktop English calendar. The picture shows vending machines in the snow, in the Towada-Hachimantai national park.
ALT text detailsA sample of the August wallpaper from my 2025 4K desktop English calendar. The picture shows vending machines in the snow, in the Towada-Hachimantai national park.
A sample of the August wallpaper from my 2025 4K desktop English calendar. The picture shows votive tablets (ema) at the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto.
ALT text detailsA sample of the August wallpaper from my 2025 4K desktop English calendar. The picture shows votive tablets (ema) at the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


We were discussing Japan's new marijuana regulations on the UJ Discord server and it made us recall the Reefer Madness comic that Wakayama Prefecture published in 2020. They yanked it from their website after social media ripped it to shreds. Check it out below.


Scene from "Manga for Edification Regarding Preventing Drug Abuse" (薬物乱用防止啓発まんが
ALT text detailsScene from "Manga for Edification Regarding Preventing Drug Abuse" (薬物乱用防止啓発まんが
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Because Jōjakkō-ji blends so well into nature, it is often known as 'Hei no nai-dera' (塀のない寺), the 'Temple Without Walls'.
Like many Kyōto temples, it is also known as 'Hana-no-dera' (花の寺), the 'Temple of Flowers'.

Pagoda and yellow maple leaves.
ALT text detailsPagoda and yellow maple leaves.
Yellow flowers add a splash of colour to the verdant gardens of Jojakko-ji.
ALT text detailsYellow flowers add a splash of colour to the verdant gardens of Jojakko-ji.
Bamboo grove within Jojakko-ji's precincts.
ALT text detailsBamboo grove within Jojakko-ji's precincts.
A canopy of red awaits visitors as they pass up Jojakko-ji's mountain precincts.
ALT text detailsA canopy of red awaits visitors as they pass up Jojakko-ji's mountain precincts.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Should Japan follow Australia's lead and ban social media for kids under 16? Two polls conducted this month show little support for an outright ban but majority support for "some form" of legal restriction. Learn more below.


NTV poll showing 66% approval for social media restrictions for minors
ALT text detailsNTV poll showing 66% approval for social media restrictions for minors
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

In 1596 the old abbot of Honkoku-ji (本圀寺), Nisshin (日禛 1561-1617), received a parcel of land on Mt. Ogura (小倉山) from the wealthy Suminokura family.

He constructed a thatched hut overlooking the Saga Moor (嵯峨野), where he could escape the world.

Jojakko-ji's bell tower surrounded by autumn colours.
ALT text detailsJojakko-ji's bell tower surrounded by autumn colours.
Jojakko-ji is filled with maple trees, making it particularly beautiful in early summer and autumn.
ALT text detailsJojakko-ji is filled with maple trees, making it particularly beautiful in early summer and autumn.
Looking down at Jojakko-ji's pagoda. Come autumn and the whole mountainside becomes a riot of reds and yellows.
ALT text detailsLooking down at Jojakko-ji's pagoda. Come autumn and the whole mountainside becomes a riot of reds and yellows.
Late afternoon and the shadows lengthen in Jojakko's garden of moss and maple.
ALT text detailsLate afternoon and the shadows lengthen in Jojakko's garden of moss and maple.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



the autumn wind
twisting and turning
enters my gate
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1814.
Trans. David Lanoue.

Of all the temples in Kyōto, Jōjakkō-ji's (常寂光寺) seasonal transformations are some of the most beautiful.

...and this is where Kurobee lives🐈‍⬛

Jojakko-ji's pagoda adorned with autumn leaves.
ALT text detailsJojakko-ji's pagoda adorned with autumn leaves.
Vibrant, fresh green maple leaves illuminate the gate and grounds of Jojakko-ji.
ALT text detailsVibrant, fresh green maple leaves illuminate the gate and grounds of Jojakko-ji.
Kurobee, Jojakko-ji's black temple cat welcomes visitors.
ALT text detailsKurobee, Jojakko-ji's black temple cat welcomes visitors.
Jojakko-ji's rustic gate under a sprinkling of snow.
ALT text detailsJojakko-ji's rustic gate under a sprinkling of snow.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Being called “tako” in Japanese might sound like someone’s calling you a marine animal. In fact, the insult goes back to Japan’s Edo era – and, according to one theory, is deeply associated with the era’s feudal hierarchy.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Could marriage equality finally pass in Japan? A ruling from the Fukuoka High Court last week is putting pressure on legislators to act. Now, one report says there may be enough votes in the House of Representatives to make it happen.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: The sudden death of a popular actress and singer in Tokyo last week shocked her fans. It’s also spurred multiple warnings in Japanese media urging people to avoid “heat shock” when bathing.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Nozaki Kosuke and Sudo Saki were married on a butsumetsu (仏滅) day – the unluckiest day for special occasions according to Japan’s rokuyō lunar calendar. Nozaki said he wasn’t bothered by this.

Perhaps he should have been.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A karaage izakaya in Tokyo's Akasaka neighborhood went viral recently for a billboard advertising an "all you can eat" option. Once inside, however, you learn that the offer only lasts for 30 minutes. Oh, and did we mention the entire restaurant allows smoking??


Outside menu for Hitosuji in Akasaka
ALT text detailsOutside menu for Hitosuji in Akasaka
Inside menu for Hitosuji in Akasaka, as described in the tweet
ALT text detailsInside menu for Hitosuji in Akasaka, as described in the tweet
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Chinese family says a medical clinic in Tokyo engaged in anti-Chinese discrimination when it handed them a survey that asked if they planned to cause a ruckus or resell the drugs they were given. The clinic insists the survey isn't discriminatory.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


IYCMI: Yet another hamburg joint in Japan has gone viral for undercooking its meat. On the plus side, no one ended up in the hospital this time! The restaurant further calls into question the "drinkable hamburg" concept that's landed a few people in the hospital already.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Mister Donut's Diglett donuts have taken Japan by storm as users revel in the amusing individual variations from donut to donut. So everyone was shocked when the company apologized this week, saying the variations "weren't intentional" and it "feels bad" about them.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sending postcards as the first greeting for the New Year is a tradition dating way back in Japan. However, surveys show more people than ever are quitting the practice, opting to send e-greetings via LINE or e-mail instead.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


If you've never smoked marijuana in Japan...well, don't start now. While possession and sale of the devil's lettuce has been illegal in Japan for decades, usage has not. Learn more about why that's suddenly changed.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japan has long struggled to combat sexual crimes against women – particularly nonconsensual photography. Now, news reports say that schools are struggling with how to handle a spike in nonconsensual photography among students.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Japanese pop singer Ado revealed in a series of Twitter posts that she’s been living in the United States for a bit and trying to improve her English. Sadly, she reports, it hasn’t been going as well as she’d hoped.


Mozart Petter's avatar
Mozart Petter


Winter ride

A picture of a red bicycle with bags attached to it. At the background you can see Mount Fuji during sunset. Its summit is covered with snow.
ALT text detailsA picture of a red bicycle with bags attached to it. At the background you can see Mount Fuji during sunset. Its summit is covered with snow.
SeanBreslin's avatar


1/2: All taken today while out walking + zero expectations. (Winter is much easier than summer.)

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The price of everything in Japan is going up lately. Christmas cakes, a holiday staple since Japan's Taisho era, are no exception. Profit margins are so tight this year that some bakers say they might stop making them altogether.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A free K-Pop concert planned for next year in Nara Park is drawing a ton of controversy for its short duration and huge cost to the taxpayer. New comments this week from Nara's governor intended to quell the controversy only added fuel to the fire.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A Kyoto resident is asking a court to allow them to update their family registry to reflect their nonbinary gender identity. The petition asks to change the listing on their registry from "eldest daughter" to the gender-neutral "first child."


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


E-scooters like those rented by LUUP in Japan come with a button that turns the device into an “Exceptional Specified Small Motorized Bicycle,” limiting its top speed to 6kph. Make sure to press this button if you take one on the sidewalk - or you could be fined.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sudo Saki was accused of murdering her husband - a notorious playboy who went by the flamboyant nickname "the Don Juan of Kishu." This week, Sudo became one of the 0.1% of criminal defendants in Japan who win their cases. Here's how the prosecution's flimsy case fell flat.


noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Our big adventure begins in autumn.

Solar Tokyo's avatar
Solar Tokyo


The sun will rise in tomorrow at 6:43, 41 seconds later than the day before.
It will set at 16:28, 14 seconds later than the day before.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Should tourists be hit with fines for taking reserved seats that aren't theirs on a Shinkansen train in Japan? That's what some are arguing as travelers struggle to understand (or ignore) basic bullet train seating rules.


@zutalorz🤕's avatar


📷: Koki Ueda/Fuehrsn

These two cranes were photographes in Tsurui, Hokkaido, Japan. Their breath in the sunrise light looks like fire
ALT text detailsThese two cranes were photographes in Tsurui, Hokkaido, Japan. Their breath in the sunrise light looks like fire
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Kuromi appears to have moved on from her beef with My Melody and now has a new enemy: Russia! Here's why (we think) the mischievous little devil from Sanrio has made an appearance on a wall of badges belonging to various Ukrainian military detachments.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It seems companies in Japan are more excited about holding end-of-year work parties than people are on attending them. One survey found 59.5% of companies plan to hold such parties. But in another survey, 65.9% of employees say they have no plans to show up.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


ICYMI: Our most popular article (over 50K views) last week was on a discovery that one department at Tokyo University had embedded "June 4th Tiananmen" as a hidden HTML keyword to keep mainland Chinese students out of its graduate program. Learn more below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Warnings about "heat shock" in Japanese media aren't unfounded. According to TBS News Dig, Japan sees over 20,000 bath-related deaths every year. In 2011, 3.7 times more people died in their baths in the country than died in traffic accidents.


Graphic from a TBS news program containing info described in post
ALT text detailsGraphic from a TBS news program containing info described in post
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Planning to ride an e-scooter around a Japanese city? Be careful if you take the devices on the sidewalk. One Japanese user found this out the hard way after police slapped him with a 6000 yen fine.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Spot the Kuromi

Article on Ukraine's Zelenskyy saying they're making personnel changes to reboot the warrior training system. In a case of military insignia behind them, one of the badges shows Kuromi-chan
ALT text detailsArticle on Ukraine's Zelenskyy saying they're making personnel changes to reboot the warrior training system. In a case of military insignia behind them, one of the badges shows Kuromi-chan
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


“Bought this ridiculous battery storage case”

It's a battery of batteries, you gotta love it

Tweet for @yacopu: バカみたいな電池収納ケース買った。
ALT text detailsTweet for @yacopu: バカみたいな電池収納ケース買った。
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Our January tour roster is filling up fast! If you're planning a trip to Japan next month, contact us for custom guided tours to some truly unseen locations, filled with rich discussions of Japanese history, culture, and current events. Book today:


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The people have spoken: The Kanji of the Year for 2024 is 金 (kin, kane), meaning money or gold - a character reflecting a range of topics from the Olympics to the LDP's embarrassing political slush fund scandal. Learn what other characters also made the news below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


You can make a profit selling anything on the Internet, it seems. In the latest trend, some resellers on Japanese sites like Mercari are making beer money selling old pamphlets meant for new Nintendo employees - some dating back over a decade.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A supposed "Ainu History Learning Association" has been holding "learning sessions" that promote disinformation about the indigenous group. Last month, a local activist group showed up to protest the propaganda.


Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



True beauty is something that attacks, overpowers, robs, & finally destroys.
-Mishima Yukio (三島由紀夫).

In 1950, almost bald of gold & having survived the Ōnin War, Kinkaku-ji was burnt to the ground by Hayashi Yōken, one of its own novice monks.

Snowy day at Kinkaku-ji.
ALT text detailsSnowy day at Kinkaku-ji.
Autumn adds a splash of red to the gardens of Kinkaku-ji.
ALT text detailsAutumn adds a splash of red to the gardens of Kinkaku-ji.
Kinkaku-ji in 1885. This, the original building, was destroyed in 1950. You can see that almost no gold remained on the original structure by the 20thC.
ALT text detailsKinkaku-ji in 1885. This, the original building, was destroyed in 1950. You can see that almost no gold remained on the original structure by the 20thC.
Summetime at Kinkaku-ji.
ALT text detailsSummetime at Kinkaku-ji.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A city in Gifu Prefecture wants to give middle schoolers free lunches. So far, so good. However, it's sparked a debate in Japan after saying it'll fund the project by ending a 100K yen prize it gives to senior citizens who turn 100. Is that fair? Read up on the debate.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Good news! There are more female company presidents in Japan than ever before. The bad news? That number is still pathetically low - a mere 8.4%, according to a new report. More details plus additional information on Japanese women's struggles in the workplace below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


It's a common trope that "Japan's living in the future." But the country still has some train stations where you need a physical ticket. Next year, JR West will (finally) install IC card gates at Tottori Station, its last station that still collects paper passes.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Street prostitution is on the rise in most major cities in Japan. Police and city leaders in Osaka had a unique idea for deterring the practice in the Umeda hotel district: paint the road a gaudy yellow. At least for now, they say, that plan seems to be working.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Deck the school halls with Famichiki? FamilyMart is making headlines today with its announcement of a very Japanese Christmas-themed giveaway, as it says it'll distribute over 10,000 of its boneless fried chicken fillets as free school lunches in the city of Sayama.


Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

By the end of the Ōnin War (1467-77) only 1 of the Tōji-ji temples survived...Kitatōji-ji (北等持寺). It is this temple that we now know as Tōji-in.

The Ashikaga shōgunate was both a blessing and curse for Kyōto. The clan's patronage aided in an extraordinary blossoming of culture, but their weakening grip on power resulted in a 10 year civil war that completely destroyed the capital and led to the "Warring States period".

Kinkaku-ji, the 'Golden Pavilion'.
ALT text detailsKinkaku-ji, the 'Golden Pavilion'.
Sunbeams burst over the grounds of Ginkaku-ji.
ALT text detailsSunbeams burst over the grounds of Ginkaku-ji.
Ginkaku-ji, the 'Silver Pavilion'.
ALT text detailsGinkaku-ji, the 'Silver Pavilion'.
Kinkaku-ji in the snow.
ALT text detailsKinkaku-ji in the snow.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

The Tōji-in we recognise today emerged in 1358 as the funerary temple of Ashikaga Takauji (足利尊氏). Originally founded in 1341 under the guidance of Musō Soseki, the temple was one of a handful constructed by the Ashikaga family in Kyōto, all bearing the name Tōji-ji (等持寺).

It is thought the original Tōji-ji stood within the Sanjō Bōmon palace, built to pray for those killed in the Genkō War (元弘の乱).

An autumn paradise on one of the two ponds within Toji-in's large pond. Originally large pavilions would have stood on the islands.
ALT text detailsAn autumn paradise on one of the two ponds within Toji-in's large pond. Originally large pavilions would have stood on the islands.
The stroll garden of Toji-in, resplendent in its autumn colours.
ALT text detailsThe stroll garden of Toji-in, resplendent in its autumn colours.
The dry landscape garden before Toji-in's main hall.
ALT text detailsThe dry landscape garden before Toji-in's main hall.
A bright splash of autumn colour in the stroll garden at Toji-in.
ALT text detailsA bright splash of autumn colour in the stroll garden at Toji-in.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Tōji-in's 'north garden' (北庭) is counted as 1 of Musō Soseki's (夢窓疎石 1275-1351) '3 Great Gardens' (国師三大庭園).

Inspired by the grounds of neighbouring Shinnyo-ji (真如寺), Soseki created a gently rising 3D 'painting', using Mt Kinugasa (衣笠山) as borrowed scenery.

Video of Toji-in's 'north garden' and Seiren-tei teahouse.
ALT text detailsVideo of Toji-in's 'north garden' and Seiren-tei teahouse.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Very close to own Camellia Garden Teahouse is Tōji-in (等持院), funerary temple of the Ashikaga shōguns.

The temple's teahouse 'Seiren-tei' (清漣亭) is one of the city's oldest, constructed by Ashikaga Yoshimasa (足利義政) around 1457.

Seiren-tei teahouse at Toji-in, one of the city's oldest.
ALT text detailsSeiren-tei teahouse at Toji-in, one of the city's oldest.
Matcha and sweets at Toji-in. The tea bowl features the Ashikaga crest.
ALT text detailsMatcha and sweets at Toji-in. The tea bowl features the Ashikaga crest.
Autumn in Toji-in's stroll garden.
ALT text detailsAutumn in Toji-in's stroll garden.
Autumn adds a splash of colour to the dry landscape garden at Toji-in.
ALT text detailsAutumn adds a splash of colour to the dry landscape garden at Toji-in.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sanrio fans rejoice! The company has announced it's opening a new and "unique" museum in 2025 in Kai, Yamanashi Prefecture for Hello Kitty, My Melody and gang. The new facility is partially an homage to Sanrio founder Tsuji Shintaro, a Yamanashi native.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Actress and singer Nakayama Miho, 54, was found dead in her bath last week. The shocking death has Japanese media warning against "heat shock," a major contributor to the over 20,000 bath-related deaths in Japan every year.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Are Japanese-Chinese relations getting worse? One annual survey says yes: it shows a nearly 25-point spike in negative feelings in China towards Japan, with 87.7% of respondents saying they don't think well of their neighbor. More below.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


An annual ranking of the world's strongest cities says Tokyo is still number three, behind London and New York, and has made gains in areas such as Cultural Interaction and R&D. However, the report warned that the city's suck-tastic economy is still sucking.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A second hamburg steak joint this year in Japan is going viral after netizens accuse it of undercooking its food. Social media users laid into Kichijoji Burg after a TikTok food influencer's video showed its food was essentially raw on the inside.


Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Ado has gone to great lengths to prevent the commercialization of her image. Earlier this year, she went viral with her plan to have a meet and greet – a traditional handshake event – where participants would shake her hand through a box while she stood in an isolated room.


It's an Ado in a Box!
ALT text detailsIt's an Ado in a Box!
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


The “Untamed” or “Wild” Kitty (破天荒キティ; hatenkou kiti) trend uses what appears to be AI-generated images of Sanrio’s hallmark character. However, rather than showing the sweet, angelic princess that most know and love, Kitty-chan's committing arson and property destruction.


Helly Kitty wearing glasses in a cardigan with a mug and looking at her computer as it bursts into flames
ALT text detailsHelly Kitty wearing glasses in a cardigan with a mug and looking at her computer as it bursts into flames
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Sick of constantly refilling your Suica card? Good news! JR East announced that it would raise the limit for the transit/payment cards by 2026. Currently, you can only have up to 20,000 yen (USD $131) on a card at any given time, limiting its utility as a cashless payment option.

Woman holding a Suica card
ALT text detailsWoman holding a Suica card
Burkhard Maria Zimmermann's avatar
Burkhard Maria Zimmermann


I had the pleasure of attending an event at the Embassy of in last night where several Japanese food associations presented their amazing products. 😍🍱

Her Excellency Mrs. Shino Mitsuko, Ambassador of to , was kind enough to have our picture taken: Yes, she is as lovely as she looks, and yes, I'm as clumsy as I seem. ☺️😅

Best event in a long time!

[Unpaid advertisement]

Shino Mitsuko, Ambassador to Germany, and yours truly
ALT text detailsShino Mitsuko, Ambassador to Germany, and yours truly
Japanese Seafood
ALT text detailsJapanese Seafood
A cook preparing Japanese fish
ALT text detailsA cook preparing Japanese fish
Japanese rice cookies
ALT text detailsJapanese rice cookies
EkkaART's avatar


Finally finished this landscape drawing :tiredcat:

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Takenaka-jinja (竹中稲荷神社) is a small but beautiful sub-shrine of Yoshida-jinja (吉田神社). Standing on the western summit of Yoshida-yama, the forlorn grounds betray the shrine's vibrant history of dashing poets, civil disorder and butterfly dances.

Most of the shrine records have been lost, but in other works there is mention of a vast, snaking tunnel of shrine gates leading from mountain base to the worship hall.

Autumn leaves cascade over Takenaka-jinja's gate.
ALT text detailsAutumn leaves cascade over Takenaka-jinja's gate.
A canopy of wonderfully red maple leaves on Yoshida-yama.
ALT text detailsA canopy of wonderfully red maple leaves on Yoshida-yama.
Momiji illuminated by the late autumn sun.
ALT text detailsMomiji illuminated by the late autumn sun.
The main hall of Takenaka-jinja, draped in fiery autumn oranges and reds.
ALT text detailsThe main hall of Takenaka-jinja, draped in fiery autumn oranges and reds.
Noel J. Penaflor's avatar
Noel J. Penaflor


Snowy night in Hokkaido, Japan.

Snowy night in Hokkaido, Japan.
ALT text detailsSnowy night in Hokkaido, Japan.
もりす's avatar



もりす's avatar



Hokkaido Market  ☑️'s avatar
Hokkaido Market ☑️


中津城(大分県)Nakatsu Castle located in Nakatsu City, Ōita Prefecture. Built: 1587. Had a mini holiday away and enjoyed exploring this majestic castle & museum. We practically had the place to ourselves. Recommended visit.

Renkon's avatar


The 2024 Autumn issue of is out now! It is viewable in browser and available to download in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats on itch and Ko-Fi. We also have digital postcards and the Japanese interview editions (インタビュー特集) to download. It is PWYW, so everyone can enjoy!


Be sure to follow @indietsushin for the latest updates! 📰

インディー通信 Indie Tsushin's avatar
インディー通信 Indie Tsushin


Announcing the release of the 2024 Autumn issue compiling articles from the インディー通信 blog! Join us in celebrating these from !


The zine is viewable in browser, and available for download in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats. We also have digital postcards and the Japanese interview editions (インタビュー特集) to download. It is PWYW so everyone can enjoy it! We really hope that you will check it out!

Here's what's inside:

Zen in Color's avatar
Zen in Color


The White Falcon by Isoda Koryūsai, 1780 .

The White Falcon by Isoda Koryūsai, 1780 #Japan.
ALT text detailsThe White Falcon by Isoda Koryūsai, 1780 #Japan.
sabrina's avatar


#japan #semboku #写真 #マストドン写真部 #photography #photo #travelphotography
Burkhard Maria Zimmermann's avatar
Burkhard Maria Zimmermann


Jetzt im Handel:

Für das durfte ich mit dem Sternekoch die japanische in erforschen – es war eine faszinierende Recherche über , und in . (Und natürlich haben wir zwischendurch großartig gegessen.) 🙂 🇯🇵 📏 🍱

Cover der aktuellen Ausgabe von Merian mit der Titelzeile Traumziele 2025"
ALT text detailsCover der aktuellen Ausgabe von Merian mit der Titelzeile Traumziele 2025"
Doppelseite auf dem Heft mit Tohru Nakamura vor dem Stadttheater in Düsseldorf und vor japanischen Geschäften in der Immermannstraße
ALT text detailsDoppelseite auf dem Heft mit Tohru Nakamura vor dem Stadttheater in Düsseldorf und vor japanischen Geschäften in der Immermannstraße
Erster Satz aus der Geschichte: "Manchmal reicht ein Kugelschreiber um große Kunst zu erschaffen"
ALT text detailsErster Satz aus der Geschichte: "Manchmal reicht ein Kugelschreiber um große Kunst zu erschaffen"
Foto von japanischen Messern in einem Schaufenster
ALT text detailsFoto von japanischen Messern in einem Schaufenster
atomicker's avatar


Title: Sugimotodera, Kamakura (1985)

Artist: Ray Morimura


A stylized view of the stairs climbing the mountainside at Sugimotodera, in Kamakura. Trees of all kinds are rendered in greens, browns, and blacks as they crowd close to the steps. Halfway up the mountain, the path passes through a gate before continuing on toward the main temple building; the tops of other temple buildings are visible among the trees, and visitors to the temple climb and descend the steps. Above, the sky is a stylized burnt orange and black.
ALT text detailsA stylized view of the stairs climbing the mountainside at Sugimotodera, in Kamakura. Trees of all kinds are rendered in greens, browns, and blacks as they crowd close to the steps. Halfway up the mountain, the path passes through a gate before continuing on toward the main temple building; the tops of other temple buildings are visible among the trees, and visitors to the temple climb and descend the steps. Above, the sky is a stylized burnt orange and black.
Anvit's avatar


Matsumoto, Oct 2024

#Japan #Nagano #Matsumoto #Castle #photography
A Japanese castle with a green pond at the bottom of the frame.
ALT text detailsA Japanese castle with a green pond at the bottom of the frame.
Zach Nocturnal Artist's avatar
Zach Nocturnal Artist


Fluffy pastel painting of a Japanese Geisha/geiko/geigi woman in MediBang Paint

Fluffy pastel Geisha
ALT text detailsFluffy pastel Geisha
David B. Himself's avatar
David B. Himself


One of the many reasons I love living in Japan is that the three monotheistic religions are almost non-existent here. (it's hard to avoid them in the news, especially these days, but at least they're not in my life for the most part).

- There are a few Jews - foreigners. They mind their own business.
- There are a few Muslims (mostly foreigners.) They mind their own business.
- There are a few Christians (foreigners and Japanese). And.... they always seem to fucking try to convert people. My wife tells me that at least once a week some kind of missionaries knock on our door during the day when she's home. There's this woman proselytizing who knows what in front on campus (although to be fair she could be from one of the many Japanese cults.) And two days ago, someone gave a Bible to my daughter (and all of her classmates) in front of her school as they were returning home. How is that even allowed? Motherfuckers. If I witness this one day, they'll hear from me. (the Bible is in the trash if you're wondering)

salguod, man  🍂🍁 lazysupper's avatar
salguod, man 🍂🍁 lazysupper


If anyone happens to see this board game for sale in Japan at a non-silly price, let me know!

Screenshot of Amazon page for the board game Hive priced at 10,683 yen.
ALT text detailsScreenshot of Amazon page for the board game Hive priced at 10,683 yen.
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:'s avatar
シュンジョーァ :badge: :code: :wfox:


Autumn season in Japan Kyoto and Osaka



geekgirl :mastodon:'s avatar
geekgirl :mastodon:


Thought of you @phocks I hear on the grapevine things are getting easier to find food in

The Vegan Guide to Tokyo book
ALT text detailsThe Vegan Guide to Tokyo book
Dining and Cooking's avatar
Dining and Cooking


Tried vegan this time: Miso Ramen diningandcooking.com/1733748/t

Tried vegan this time: Miso Ramen
ALT text detailsTried vegan this time: Miso Ramen
salguod, man  🍂🍁 lazysupper's avatar
salguod, man 🍂🍁 lazysupper


So... full...

Ascended Pork Mountain today. 🐷

Thicker noodles than I prefer, but yummy ramen with surprisingly good pork.

I got the "mini" ramen—which is 25 grams *more* than a standard ramen shop serving—and 5 slices of pork. (Two woulda sufficed as they are THICK.)

I also learned it's a national chain. (The 30m tall roadside sign shoulda tipped me off.)

Mission Accomplished.

So sleepy...

Instructions on how to order ramen and the options available taped to the side of the counter in a ramen shop.
ALT text detailsInstructions on how to order ramen and the options available taped to the side of the counter in a ramen shop.
A bowl of ramen with a pile of moyashi and 5 slices of thick-ass pork.
ALT text detailsA bowl of ramen with a pile of moyashi and 5 slices of thick-ass pork.
Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


Good morning. Lovely sunny day in Tokyo and I'm gonna head out soon for a walk to see how the autumn colours are doing in a couple of fave spots in the city.

Here's a fave pic of mine that's in my print store.


Check the ALT for details.


A landscape orientation photo of a row of vending machines in the snow at dusk.

Made this back in 2017, on a trip up to the Towada-Hachimantai National Park here in Japan. Was there as part of a project with the Japan National Parks Authority, to photograph eight of their national parks. 

We were close to where we would be staying for the night and had just entered an area where the snow was really piled up. So our driver stopped at a little rest area to out the snow chains on the vehicle. 

15 minutes there gave me time to grab a drink and grab this photo.

The colour of the dusk, the light pouring a sort of visual warmth out on to the snow: really drew me in. It was, in fact, about -20C when I photographed this. 

Photo made with a 100 megapixel Hasselblad H6D-100C camera and the HC-24mm lens.
ALT text detailsA landscape orientation photo of a row of vending machines in the snow at dusk. Made this back in 2017, on a trip up to the Towada-Hachimantai National Park here in Japan. Was there as part of a project with the Japan National Parks Authority, to photograph eight of their national parks. We were close to where we would be staying for the night and had just entered an area where the snow was really piled up. So our driver stopped at a little rest area to out the snow chains on the vehicle. 15 minutes there gave me time to grab a drink and grab this photo. The colour of the dusk, the light pouring a sort of visual warmth out on to the snow: really drew me in. It was, in fact, about -20C when I photographed this. Photo made with a 100 megapixel Hasselblad H6D-100C camera and the HC-24mm lens.
cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

2 amazing scans from Japan:
アミューズメン産業 (Amusement Industry) 1975-05
Computopia・コンピュートピア 1968-01


アミューズメン産業 (Amusement Industry) 1975-05
ALT text detailsアミューズメン産業 (Amusement Industry) 1975-05
Computopia・コンピュートピア 1968-01
ALT text detailsComputopia・コンピュートピア 1968-01
SeanBreslin's avatar


The Japanese version of Kissa by Kissa has just rocked up. Been looking forward to this version.


The Japanese version of Kissa by Kissa by Craig Mod.
ALT text detailsThe Japanese version of Kissa by Kissa by Craig Mod.
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


This post addresses a topic we’ve tackled a lot this year - the so-called “1,000 yen wall” for ramen in Japan. Post below shows Japanese people outraged at paying 1K yen (USD $6.50) for ramen but then saying it’s fair to pay 1,500 yen ($9.75) for pasta.

Pic of tweet by a Twitter user (pic described in tweet text)
ALT text detailsPic of tweet by a Twitter user (pic described in tweet text)
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Ochikawa-jinja was thought to be connected to Tachibana-no-Kachiko (橘嘉智子), the consort of Emperor Saga.

Some have suggested that the character Ochiba-no-miya (落葉の宮/女二の宮) from 'The Tale of Genji' (源氏物語) is in some way connected to the shrine, and possibly gave her name to the site.

From the Momoyama period Iwato-sha and Ochiba-sha were placed together.

Nao-san poses in front of Iwato Ochiba-jinja.
ALT text detailsNao-san poses in front of Iwato Ochiba-jinja.
Iwato Ochiba-jinja.

For more gorgeous photos of Iwato Ochiba-jinja (岩戸落葉神社), do check out our friend Jeffrey Friedl's blog...

ALT text detailsIwato Ochiba-jinja. For more gorgeous photos of Iwato Ochiba-jinja (岩戸落葉神社), do check out our friend Jeffrey Friedl's blog... 🍁🙌➡️http://regex.info/blog/index.php?s=Ochiba
Fallen leaves at Iwato Ochiba-jinja.
ALT text detailsFallen leaves at Iwato Ochiba-jinja.
Nao-san, very happy to finally make her way to Iwato Ochiba-jinja.
ALT text detailsNao-san, very happy to finally make her way to Iwato Ochiba-jinja.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

If you were dropped into a teahouse at a random time of year, without access to the garden or any idea of the temperature outside, then the sweets served are your best bet for narrowing down the date...
Ichō momiji' (銀杏紅葉 'autumn-leaved ginkgo') herald deep autumn.

Golden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
ALT text detailsGolden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
Golden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
ALT text detailsGolden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
Golden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
ALT text detailsGolden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
Golden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
ALT text detailsGolden sweets folded to look like a ginkgo leaves commonly appear in the tearoom towards the end of autumn.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

In the past women considered the tree symbol of fertility and breast-feeding as aerial-roots that developed in older ginkgo were known as 'chichi' (乳-breasts).

These unique structures grow down to the ground to form roots or up to sprout leaves.

An ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding.

Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
ALT text detailsAn ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding. Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
An ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding.

Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
ALT text detailsAn ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding. Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
An ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding.

Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
ALT text detailsAn ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding. Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
An ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding.

Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
ALT text detailsAn ancient ginkgo sprouts aerial roots. Since ancient times these have been likened to breasts and so women have prayed to the tree for fertility and overcoming problems with breastfeeding. Photo thanks - sandsea.blog.fc2.com
atomicker's avatar


Title: Kawarahata, Gunma (1955)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A rural Japanese farm in a valley in Gunma. A lone figure carrying a wicker basket on their back trudges up the path toward the farmhouse. On their right is a tidy vegetable patch; beyond, a persimmon tree has lost almost all its leaves, though orange fruit still clings to the bare branches. Leaves on other trees flanking the house have rusted red with the season. A layer of mist has collected further down the valley, obscuring the view; above, a few clouds cross a bright blue sky
ALT text detailsA rural Japanese farm in a valley in Gunma. A lone figure carrying a wicker basket on their back trudges up the path toward the farmhouse. On their right is a tidy vegetable patch; beyond, a persimmon tree has lost almost all its leaves, though orange fruit still clings to the bare branches. Leaves on other trees flanking the house have rusted red with the season. A layer of mist has collected further down the valley, obscuring the view; above, a few clouds cross a bright blue sky
Dining and Cooking's avatar
Dining and Cooking


Grilled unagi from Honke Shibato in Osaka – a restaurant that has served the dish for 300 (although by different chefs). A highlight of a recent Japan trip. diningandcooking.com/1710828/g

Grilled unagi from Honke Shibato in Osaka - a restaurant that has served the dish for 300 (although by different chefs). A highlight of a recent Japan trip.
ALT text detailsGrilled unagi from Honke Shibato in Osaka - a restaurant that has served the dish for 300 (although by different chefs). A highlight of a recent Japan trip.
sabrina's avatar


The quaint little harbor town of Onomichi, with its narrow streets winding along steep slopes, was one of those little unexpected gems on my trip.

#japan #onomichi #写真 #マストドン写真部 #photography #photo #urban #travelphotography #nightphotography
A building illuminated by many signs with Japanese characters at night is reflected in a pool of water
ALT text detailsA building illuminated by many signs with Japanese characters at night is reflected in a pool of water
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



I looked up at the autumn sky and found kindness.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Someone stole up to 13 pairs of slippers from an elementary school in Koga, Fukuoka Prefecture. After inspecting surveillance cameras, authorities caught THIS little son of a bitch in action. Word is the weasel won't talk to cops and has invoked his right to remain adorable.

atomicker's avatar


Title: Moon at Gamo (1932)

Artist: Hasui Kawase


A moonlit scene on a farm in rural Japan. In the foreground, a short bridge spans a little creek; just beyond, the trunks of slim trees are bound with layers of straw, protection against the coming frost. Further on, a single figure pulls a two-wheeled cart along a path, a lantern dangling from one of the handles. A line of trees crosses the horizon, indistinct in the gloom; a pair of lights shine among them, likely a house. Above, a full yellow moon shines down from a starless night sky
ALT text detailsA moonlit scene on a farm in rural Japan. In the foreground, a short bridge spans a little creek; just beyond, the trunks of slim trees are bound with layers of straw, protection against the coming frost. Further on, a single figure pulls a two-wheeled cart along a path, a lantern dangling from one of the handles. A line of trees crosses the horizon, indistinct in the gloom; a pair of lights shine among them, likely a house. Above, a full yellow moon shines down from a starless night sky
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

These photos show real mummified monks in Northern Japan.

Sokushinbutsu (即身仏) is the practice of monks observing asceticism to the point of death and entering mummification while alive.

The process took around 3000 days and involved a diet called 'mokujiki' (木食 'eating trees').

Mummified monk (弘智法印 宥貞).

Image thanks - https://www.tohokukanko.jp/attractions/detail_1003855.html
ALT text detailsMummified monk (弘智法印 宥貞). Image thanks - https://www.tohokukanko.jp/attractions/detail_1003855.html
Mummified monk (弘智法印 宥貞).

Image thanks - https://www.tohokukanko.jp/attractions/detail_1003855.html
ALT text detailsMummified monk (弘智法印 宥貞). Image thanks - https://www.tohokukanko.jp/attractions/detail_1003855.html
Mummified monk.

Image thanks - https://www.tsuruokakanko.com/spot/261
ALT text detailsMummified monk. Image thanks - https://www.tsuruokakanko.com/spot/261
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

In 1613 Amida-ji's (阿弥陀寺) founder, Tanzei (弾誓), finally became a 'living Buddha', achieving mummification whilst still alive (meditating within a stone coffin).

Tanzei is the southernmost mummified monk in Japan (a practice much more common in the north).

Portrait of Tanzei. Founder of Amida-ji, he would self-mummify (becoming Japan's southernmost mummified monk).
ALT text detailsPortrait of Tanzei. Founder of Amida-ji, he would self-mummify (becoming Japan's southernmost mummified monk).
Cave at Amida-ji that acts as tomb for Tanzei.
ALT text detailsCave at Amida-ji that acts as tomb for Tanzei.
Entrance to the cave where Tanzei first came to meditate. It would later become his living tomb.
ALT text detailsEntrance to the cave where Tanzei first came to meditate. It would later become his living tomb.
Tomb of Tanzei at Amida-ji.
ALT text detailsTomb of Tanzei at Amida-ji.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



Beyond Ōhara, perched on the forested slopes of Yakisugi-yama (焼杉山), high above Kochidani valley (古知谷) and the old 'Mackerel Highway' (若狭街道), is Amida-ji.

Inside a small cave the temple's mummified founder continues to watch over the faithful.

The first signs of autumn at Amida-ji and Kochidani valley.
ALT text detailsThe first signs of autumn at Amida-ji and Kochidani valley.
Tomb in the cave at Amida-ji, home to Japan's southernmost mummified monk.
ALT text detailsTomb in the cave at Amida-ji, home to Japan's southernmost mummified monk.
The main gate of Amida-ji in Kochidani valley. A long, winding road leads up to the temple proper. In autumn the whole path is flanked by deep red maple trees.
ALT text detailsThe main gate of Amida-ji in Kochidani valley. A long, winding road leads up to the temple proper. In autumn the whole path is flanked by deep red maple trees.
Rocky steps leading up to the main hall of Amida-ji.
ALT text detailsRocky steps leading up to the main hall of Amida-ji.
Christian Grobmeier's avatar
Christian Grobmeier


In addition to Instagram I am now trying for my trip:If you want to follow, please check it out here: pixelfed.de/grobmeier

I am trying the beta app and have no idea what I am doing, please bear with me.

SeanBreslin's avatar


Took a trip into Gifu for the autumn colours.

A river and autumn colours.
ALT text detailsA river and autumn colours.
The Northern Alps, Japan, and autumn colours.
ALT text detailsThe Northern Alps, Japan, and autumn colours.
The Northern Alps, Japan, and autumn colours.
ALT text detailsThe Northern Alps, Japan, and autumn colours.
A small stream, a sketchy small suspension bridge to walk across, and autumn colours.
ALT text detailsA small stream, a sketchy small suspension bridge to walk across, and autumn colours.
Dr. Evan J. Gowan's avatar
Dr. Evan J. Gowan


The sea surface temperature in the Tohoku region of Japan is a whopping 6°C above normal. This is coupled with a long term trend that is allowing tropical fish and spiny lobsters to move to the region.

The sea surface temperature anomalies around Japan, showing a purple blob of extreme heat near Tohoku.
ALT text detailsThe sea surface temperature anomalies around Japan, showing a purple blob of extreme heat near Tohoku.
A bannerfish, a fish more commonly found in Okinawa.
ALT text detailsA bannerfish, a fish more commonly found in Okinawa.
A spiny lobster, which was not commonly found in Tohoku until recently.
ALT text detailsA spiny lobster, which was not commonly found in Tohoku until recently.
Brook Miles's avatar
Brook Miles


Had a nice walk today around Rikugi-en Gardens near Komagome station.

Before heading to the park we had lunch in the area, and the highlight was "black tea french toast" (not pictured) from the bakery Mugibatake nearby. Recommended.

A wide shot of a Japanese garden from the high point of the park, a small hill lookout. There is a large pond with and island and several short bridges. The island and the gardens surrounding the pond are a mix of lawn, sculpted greenery, pine and maple trees, etc. The closest pine tree obscures the pond on the right side. Several groups of people are walking along the various paths. Beyond the tree line of the park, there are some building of Tokyo rising up, the sky is blue with a patchwork of white clouds.
ALT text detailsA wide shot of a Japanese garden from the high point of the park, a small hill lookout. There is a large pond with and island and several short bridges. The island and the gardens surrounding the pond are a mix of lawn, sculpted greenery, pine and maple trees, etc. The closest pine tree obscures the pond on the right side. Several groups of people are walking along the various paths. Beyond the tree line of the park, there are some building of Tokyo rising up, the sky is blue with a patchwork of white clouds.
Ukraine War Bulletins and News's avatar
Ukraine War Bulletins and News


‼️🇸🇪IKEA sells its last asset in Russia (more) pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/11

Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


Oni Mask, .

Oni Mask, #Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsOni Mask, #Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


Sad news for winter fan. Looks like 1-month average temperature trend to be higher than normal across the country.

Weather Mizu's avatar
Weather Mizu


Sad news for winter fan. Looks like 1-month average temperature trend to be higher than normal across the country.

Buddhist Art's avatar
Buddhist Art


The cosmic Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) by the artist Kimura Buzan (木村武山), 1935, at Kongōbu-ji (金剛峯寺) on Mount Kōya (高野山) in Wakayama Prefecture, #.

The cosmic #buddha Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) by the artist Kimura Buzan (木村武山), 1935, at Kongōbu-ji (金剛峯寺) on Mount Kōya (高野山) in Wakayama Prefecture, ##Japan.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
ALT text detailsThe cosmic #buddha Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) by the artist Kimura Buzan (木村武山), 1935, at Kongōbu-ji (金剛峯寺) on Mount Kōya (高野山) in Wakayama Prefecture, ##Japan. #BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


A daycare facility in a residential area in Tokyo installed a three-meter “soundproof wall” made from green leaves to minimize the noise. The move came after a string of lawsuits in which residents around Japan sued daycares because the kids were "too noisy."

Man teaching kids in a daycare
ALT text detailsMan teaching kids in a daycare
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer


Dahlia collection.

NOH8 Campaign's avatar
NOH8 Campaign


BREAKING: 's high court rules same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional

BREAKING: #Japan's high court rules same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional #NOH8
ALT text detailsBREAKING: #Japan's high court rules same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional #NOH8
Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


"Heated seat feature"

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



There is a quaint belief that in the 10th month the gods of Japan congregate for a great gathering to discuss matchmaking at Izumo-taisha (出雲大社) in Shimane Prefecture.

Only hard-of-hearing Ebisu and the Sun Goddess miss this annual pilgrimage.

Autumn at Mizuya-chaya in Nara.
ALT text detailsAutumn at Mizuya-chaya in Nara.
Pancakes wrapped and pinched to look like the head of the god Ebisu. His face is made by branding the eyes, nose, moustache, and mouth.
ALT text detailsPancakes wrapped and pinched to look like the head of the god Ebisu. His face is made by branding the eyes, nose, moustache, and mouth.
Dried sweets in the shape of fallen leaves, pine needles, mushrooms and ginkgo nuts. They are presented in a traditional basket used for sweeping fallen leaves into.
ALT text detailsDried sweets in the shape of fallen leaves, pine needles, mushrooms and ginkgo nuts. They are presented in a traditional basket used for sweeping fallen leaves into.
A tiny bonsai persimmon tree.
ALT text detailsA tiny bonsai persimmon tree.
Jacob | Five Eye Tea's avatar
Jacob | Five Eye Tea


There's a certain "something" about Japanese sencha that I just can't get with anything else, even in the tea world. My journeys beyond teabags started with sencha, so maybe it's just nostalgia, but there really is something about it that makes me "feel" good. 🤔

FediFollows's avatar


picks of the day:

➡️ @thejapantimes - Japan's oldest English-language newspaper, founded 1897

➡️ @animefeminist - Japanese anime, manga & pop culture from feminist viewpoint

➡️ @yokaiparade - Creating original characters based on Japanese folklore

➡️ @curiousordinary - Sharing Japanese folklore including yokai & Japanese art including ukiyo-e

➡️ @invisibltourist - Advice for travelling to Japan, esp. on avoiding overtourism

🧵 1/3

The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


The war in Ukraine has taken on a different aspect since North Korea sent troops to Russia, former Japanese Ambassador to Ukraine Kuninori Matsuda has said in an interview. japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/10/

Billings :blobfoxcheck:'s avatar
Billings :blobfoxcheck:


Look at these amazing rice cats!! This is a curry plate offered at Save Cat Cafe in Osaka, Japan.


Two plates of Curry with the rice portions in the form of yellow cats, two hands with two spoons seen as well
ALT text detailsTwo plates of Curry with the rice portions in the form of yellow cats, two hands with two spoons seen as well
Two black cats on a beige rug, one with yellow eyes looking up
ALT text detailsTwo black cats on a beige rug, one with yellow eyes looking up
⛰🌲Randy Walters🌲⛰'s avatar
⛰🌲Randy Walters🌲⛰


Scored a gorgeous cast iron snail tea light for the studio … about 6” long.

A cast iron tea light that’s safe around Lola the kitty.
ALT text detailsA cast iron tea light that’s safe around Lola the kitty.
CelloMom On Cars's avatar
CelloMom On Cars

@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social · Reply to CelloMom On Cars's post

Hotter summers in Japan are hard both on rice crops and on the aging farmers growing them.

"Last year, recorded a poor harvest nationwide because of exceptionally hot weather. Ministry data showed the country’s private-sector rice inventory fell to 1.56 million tons in June, the lowest level since records began in 1999."


Vibes Magazine's avatar
Vibes Magazine




Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Beyond the tea fields the woodland has been allowed to go to seed, with tea plants springing up here and there.

Japanese tea cultivation began in Ujitawara in Kamakura times (1185-1333), and the method of manufacturing green tea developed here in the mid-Edo period (1603-1867).

A new camellia plant sprouts.
ALT text detailsA new camellia plant sprouts.
A fresh camellia plant sprouts in the woodland beyond the tea fields.
ALT text detailsA fresh camellia plant sprouts in the woodland beyond the tea fields.
Yuyadani's organic tea fields allow for the surrounding woodland to grow wild.
ALT text detailsYuyadani's organic tea fields allow for the surrounding woodland to grow wild.
Everywhere you walk in Yuyadani you see small wild camellia plants sprouting.
ALT text detailsEverywhere you walk in Yuyadani you see small wild camellia plants sprouting.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

The tour of the tea fields ended with an informal tea ceremony in a woodland clearing. It was a magical experience sitting amongst the tea bushes that provided the leaves for the tea we were enjoying🍵

Tea ceremony in the tea fields that provided the matcha for the experience.
ALT text detailsTea ceremony in the tea fields that provided the matcha for the experience.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

The soil here is known as 'Jika' (地香 'Fragrant Land') thanks to the huge efforts that go into making organic tea.

Fertilizer is made from a mix of pampas and humus, and no machinery is used to care for the bushes or pick the leaves. The resulting tea has a very different taste!

Yuyadani has perfect temperatures for tea growing. On first glance the fields here look more wild compared to the neat terraces of neighbouring areas. The tea plants are surrounded by forested hills.
ALT text detailsYuyadani has perfect temperatures for tea growing. On first glance the fields here look more wild compared to the neat terraces of neighbouring areas. The tea plants are surrounded by forested hills.
The tea plants of Yuyadani. They may look small, but some are almost 200 years old!
ALT text detailsThe tea plants of Yuyadani. They may look small, but some are almost 200 years old!
Small camellia flower buds. Before they reach this point farmers typically snip them off to make sure the nutrients go towards developing the plant leaves.
ALT text detailsSmall camellia flower buds. Before they reach this point farmers typically snip them off to make sure the nutrients go towards developing the plant leaves.
If you look closely in the forest and beyond the tea fields you will see that many wild tea plants have sprouted.
ALT text detailsIf you look closely in the forest and beyond the tea fields you will see that many wild tea plants have sprouted.
Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

Yuyadani (湯屋谷) is the birthplace of sencha green tea (煎茶発祥の地) in Japan. In ancient times this region sat on the sea bed, and the soil conditions are perfect for growing tea.

Nowadays the valleys and hills have little rain and remain free of frost in the winter🙌

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony



A few weeks ago Nao-san made the long trip into the hills of Ujitawara (宇治田原) to enjoy tea amongst the blooming tea fields of Yuyadani (湯屋谷).
As the flowers suck up precious nutrients, it's not so common to see them bloom free.

The rolling tea fields of Ujitawara.
ALT text detailsThe rolling tea fields of Ujitawara.
Camellia flowers in bloom. On tea plants it is unusually to see the flowers blooming...because they take up precious nutrients the flower buds are typically cut off before maturing.
ALT text detailsCamellia flowers in bloom. On tea plants it is unusually to see the flowers blooming...because they take up precious nutrients the flower buds are typically cut off before maturing.
Matcha being prepared amongst the tea fields.
ALT text detailsMatcha being prepared amongst the tea fields.
The distinctive clipped terraces of tea plants.
ALT text detailsThe distinctive clipped terraces of tea plants.
pkg update's avatar
pkg update


A Tappa in Tochoji temple(東長寺), Fukuoka, Japan.

#photography #photographs #사진 #写真 #Fukuoka #Japan

Tappa in Tochoji temple, Fukuoka, Japan.
ALT text detailsTappa in Tochoji temple, Fukuoka, Japan.
東亞藝術's avatar


Komura Settai (1887-1940) - Umbrella

João Costa 💚🇵🇹🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦's avatar
João Costa 💚🇵🇹🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦


TOP 20 support as % of GDP:

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pkg update's avatar
pkg update


Keage incline, Kyoto, Japan.

여기도 다녀온지 꽤 시간이 흘렀네요.

#photography #photographs #사진 #写真 #Kyoto #Japan

Keage incline, Kyoto, Japan.
ALT text detailsKeage incline, Kyoto, Japan.
pkg update's avatar
pkg update


Gokayama village, Toyama, Japan.

五箇山相倉合掌集落, a World heritage village.

#photographs #사진 #写真 #Gokayama #Japan #Toyama #五箇山 #相倉合掌集落

Gokayama village, Toyama, Japan.
ALT text detailsGokayama village, Toyama, Japan.
pkg update's avatar
pkg update


Nomura-ke, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.

스레드에 올렸던 사진. 거기는 이제 닫아서 여기에 올립니다.

#photographs #사진 #写真 #Japan #Kanazawa

Nomura-ke, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.
ALT text detailsNomura-ke, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Guided by the light.

SeanBreslin's avatar


Mt. Fuji at sunrise taken from Eboshidake in the Minami Alps.

Mt. Fuji at sunrise. Taken from the Minami Alps.
ALT text detailsMt. Fuji at sunrise. Taken from the Minami Alps.
SeanBreslin's avatar


Mt Shiomi and Mt. Fuji at sunrise. After a night hike in the Minami Alps, central Japan, I reached the summit of Eboshidake for these spectacular views. More info here: seanbreslin.net/2021/06/14/mt-

ask DNA's avatar
ask DNA


Wasn't sure if I was going to go all the way to Odaiba just for this guy, but I have no regrets. It was awesome!

#gundam #giantgundam #odaiba #tokyo #japan
Giant Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo, lit up at night.
ALT text detailsGiant Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo, lit up at night.
Giant Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo, lit up at night.
ALT text detailsGiant Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo, lit up at night.
Giant Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo, lit up at night.
ALT text detailsGiant Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo, lit up at night.
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



A photo of cosmos that looks like it was painted.

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony

@camelliakyoto@mastodon.social · Reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony's post

🎊A spring themed Pichu, Cleffa, and Igglybuff (ピチュ/ピィ/ププリン) are be found at Maruyama Kōen, close to the park's famous weeping cherry tree.

Pichu, Cleffa, and Igglybuff manhole cover at Maruyama Park.
ALT text detailsPichu, Cleffa, and Igglybuff manhole cover at Maruyama Park.
The famous weeping cherry tree at Maruyama Park.
ALT text detailsThe famous weeping cherry tree at Maruyama Park.
Statue of Sakamoto Ryoma at Maruyama Park.
ALT text detailsStatue of Sakamoto Ryoma at Maruyama Park.
The main gate of Chion-in during spring.
ALT text detailsThe main gate of Chion-in during spring.
Das's avatar

@SRDas@mastodon.online · Reply to Das's post

A re- or perhaps de- introduction especially for so many new followers - I'm back to my usual beat in Pittsburgh; done with an amazing time in 👆🏽

Still so much to share about that - which I will anon. I'll do so with if that helps to filter (in or out).
I can never tell what may be to your interest and not offended if you unfollow. 

For now some pics from the trip; among my favs, one kid2 took of me in Asakusa (didn't touch the waraji, but hey look at that 50+ yo form!)


A giant waraji (straw sandal) hanging on the red painted wooden gate at Sensoji temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. A person is jumping and feet are off the ground as he is reaching out to try and touch the (bottom of the) waraji
ALT text detailsA giant waraji (straw sandal) hanging on the red painted wooden gate at Sensoji temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. A person is jumping and feet are off the ground as he is reaching out to try and touch the (bottom of the) waraji
An outstretched arm with with a couple of potato sticks held out as a flying seagull with spread wings grabs them in its beak. Other seagulls are flying nearby. A grey sea and overcast sky is the background
ALT text detailsAn outstretched arm with with a couple of potato sticks held out as a flying seagull with spread wings grabs them in its beak. Other seagulls are flying nearby. A grey sea and overcast sky is the background
A large pond with many fallen brown leaves and colored koi swimming in it. On the far end of the pond just above the short vertical bank is a white  egret with S bent neck among lush greenery
ALT text detailsA large pond with many fallen brown leaves and colored koi swimming in it. On the far end of the pond just above the short vertical bank is a white  egret with S bent neck among lush greenery
Three costumed spidermen and a person in a t-shirt pointing at each other
ALT text detailsThree costumed spidermen and a person in a t-shirt pointing at each other
Das's avatar

@SRDas@mastodon.online · Reply to Das's post

Mostly I'll post (as I am typically wont to) about
I'm a compulsive documenter, so there'll be I hope to get my fill of and share a slightly different perspective - not just touristy (you'll get that too, don't worry).
Last time I was here in Japan with my partner was 2016 for 2 weeks (kids stayed behind - with partners visiting parents, in Pittsburgh). We have all so wanted to come (back) here.
I'll use tag too

よろしくお願いします 🙏🏽

Das's avatar


I never really did an , just jumped in and never went back to Xitter.
A bit of an explanation now - I've transplanted to from for my 4 month Fall sabbatical - with my family!
We our kids, so this worked out well (next yr Kid1 will head to college - last opportunity for this sort of adventure, so I snatched it). Wish me luck!
Thanks all who follow or just come across & boost - you mastofriends have all been gracious and kind! 🙏🏽

Colourful mural of a cartoon of the Kobe area buildings, streets, bridges and port with Be Kobe written to a side.
2 kids are standing in front of the mural (which is about 25 feet tall by 30 feet wide, approx)
ALT text detailsColourful mural of a cartoon of the Kobe area buildings, streets, bridges and port with Be Kobe written to a side. 2 kids are standing in front of the mural (which is about 25 feet tall by 30 feet wide, approx)
noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



Beautiful colors soothe our hearts.

Colossal's avatar


Amid the atmospheric forests of Japan’s Yamagata prefecture, Kazuaki Koseki calls upon delightful woodland collaborators in his series "Summer Faeries."


a multi-exposure photograph of a woodland at night with fireflies indicated by tiny blurred yellow spheres of light
ALT text detailsa multi-exposure photograph of a woodland at night with fireflies indicated by tiny blurred yellow spheres of light
a multi-exposure photograph of a mountainous view night with fireflies indicated by tiny blurred yellow spheres of light
ALT text detailsa multi-exposure photograph of a mountainous view night with fireflies indicated by tiny blurred yellow spheres of light
Pierre Bourdon's avatar
Pierre Bourdon


Shot in the dark, in case I have some experts in my followers...

I'm going to Japan in January 2025 and will spend a few days around Sapporo, Aomori and Sendai. Looking for fun ideas of things to do in those areas that are feasible as day trips from said cities. Especially winter/snow related things. Any thoughts? :-)

Not my first time in those cities and definitely not my first time in Japan (trip number 8? 9? not sure), so I'm starting to exhaust the "easy" tourism ideas!

笹路かいと's avatar


Daily life in a Yamanote Line train in Tokyo, Japan.

✦ 𝚜 𝚑 𝚎 𝚙 𝚐 𝚘 ✦'s avatar
✦ 𝚜 𝚑 𝚎 𝚙 𝚐 𝚘 ✦


’s next prime minister will be Shigeru Ishiba (right).

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

5 more issues of プレイグラフ Play Graph are now online

Play Graph magazine cover
ALT text detailsPlay Graph magazine cover
Play Graph magazine cover
ALT text detailsPlay Graph magazine cover
Play Graph magazine cover
ALT text detailsPlay Graph magazine cover
Play Graph magazine cover
ALT text detailsPlay Graph magazine cover
Filmgalerie Phase IV's avatar
Filmgalerie Phase IV


Aktuell im Kleinen ThemenSpezial: Geschichten von Ausländern im Land der aufgehenden Sonne. 🎴
Japan hat seit jeher durch seine isolierte Insellage und einzigartige Kultur eine besondere Faszination auf andere Länder ausgeübt. Wo es einst den Mythos vom reinen, unantastbaren Japan gab, gibt es heute das Interesse am Kontrast zwischen alter Tradition und hochmoderner Urbanität und noch einiges dazwischen. Wir präsentieren fünfzehn sehr unterschiedliche Filme, welche alle das Aufeinandertreffen der Außenstehenden mit dem Land der aufgehenden Sonne aufzeigen.


Design Brouhaha's avatar
Design Brouhaha


OK, it's time to talk about the last project I spent many, many days to make:
The digitalization of the Lovers Communication System (LoCoS)
I am thrilled to announce that I will present it at the next Symbol 24 Conference on September 20th. Grab a ticket here; this is an online conference!

↓ 1/8 small thread to discover the project. Thanks for sharing !

Animated GIF depicting several symbols contained in LoCoS with Japanese, French, and English translations.
ALT text detailsAnimated GIF depicting several symbols contained in LoCoS with Japanese, French, and English translations.
Robbie Rowe's avatar
Robbie Rowe


Deeply moving journey into the misty mountains of Hakone, near Mt Fuji, yesterday - a welcome escape from the sweltering heat & bustle of Tokyo. Ancient cedar trees looming in the mist, branches encrusted with epiphytes, the air ringing with singing cicadas and warbling birdsong, moss covered boulders and immanent stillness

Vines erupt from mossy, ferny boulders
ALT text detailsVines erupt from mossy, ferny boulders
Tangles of hanging moss drip water from condensed mist
ALT text detailsTangles of hanging moss drip water from condensed mist
A profusion of epiphytes: ferns, moss, lichen - on a tree branch
ALT text detailsA profusion of epiphytes: ferns, moss, lichen - on a tree branch
Ancient cedars looming in the mist
ALT text detailsAncient cedars looming in the mist
東亞藝術's avatar


Inagaki Tomoo (1902-1980) - Chatting cats (1956)

Alfie Goodrich's avatar
Alfie Goodrich


New post up on the blog about shooting the 750S with McLaren earlier this year.


Bot in Japan's avatar
Bot in Japan


Random street view taken in May 2021, near Nagaoka District in Kochi prefecture. maps.google.com/?q=33.859415,1

Benoît Huron's avatar
Benoît Huron


US geopolitical concerns over China's dominance in the solar and battery supply chain are hindering the clean energy transition for the country and its allies. japantimes.co.jp/environment/2

東亞藝術's avatar


Yoshida Hiroshi (1876-1950) - Warehouses at Tomonoura (from The Seto Inland Sea second series, 1930)

João Costa 💚🇵🇹🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦's avatar
João Costa 💚🇵🇹🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦


Bilateral agreements signed with 🇺🇦

1️⃣ 12/1🇬🇧
2️⃣ 16/2🇩🇪
3️⃣ 16/2🇫🇷
4️⃣ 23/2🇩🇰
5️⃣ 24/2🇨🇦
6️⃣ 24/2🇮🇹
7️⃣ 02/3🇳🇱
8️⃣ 03/3🇫🇮
9️⃣ 11/4🇱🇻
1️⃣0️⃣ 28/5🇪🇸
1️⃣1️⃣ 28/5🇧🇪
1️⃣2️⃣ 28/5🇵🇹
1️⃣3️⃣ 31/5🇸🇪
1️⃣4️⃣ 31/5🇳🇴
1️⃣5️⃣ 31/5🇮🇸
1️⃣6️⃣ 13/6🇺🇸
1️⃣7️⃣ 13/6🇯🇵
1️⃣8️⃣ 27/6🇪🇪
1️⃣9️⃣ 27/6🇱🇹
2️⃣0️⃣ 27/6🇪🇺
2️⃣1️⃣ 08/7🇵🇱
2️⃣2️⃣ 10/7🇱🇺
2️⃣3️⃣ 11/7🇷🇴
2️⃣4️⃣ 18/7🇨🇿
2️⃣5️⃣ 18/7🇸🇮
2️⃣6️⃣ 04/9🇮🇪
2️⃣7️⃣ 11/9🇱🇹

Autumn64 🏳️‍⚧️ :gnu: :linux:'s avatar
Autumn64 🏳️‍⚧️ :gnu: :linux:


亚洲 Radio, una estación de radio online hecha por @rinku_gmv y por su servidora que transmite las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año. Sin comerciales. Sin interrupciones.

Síguenos en @yazhouradio

Y visita nuestra página web

David :SetouchiExplorer:'s avatar
David :SetouchiExplorer:


It has become fascinating how the Japanese press is talking about typhoons getting stronger, heatwaves lasting longer, temperatures beating records, and rainfall beating records without never ever mentioning global warming. Not a single single time over dozens and dozens of articles.


Fedi.Garden 🌱's avatar
Fedi.Garden 🌱


Sakurajima.moe is an inclusive Glitch Mastodon server for fans and content creators interested in Japanese anime, manga, games etc. The server is highly moderated to provide a safe, non-toxic environment.

:Fediverse: sakurajima.moe

They also run a Sharkey server at:

:Fediverse: sakurajima.social

Find out more at sakurajima.moe/about or contact the admin @sakurajima

vga256's avatar


heartbreaking and heartwarming mini-documentary on the survivors of the Noto earthquake, trying to live their best in a difficult situation. if there ever was a metaphor for what we're all going through, it's in this Hometown Stories episode.


noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



The morning sun and cosmos make you feel the scent of autumn.

ms. liz's avatar
ms. liz


room 19.

room 19 at hiiragiya ryokan, kyoto, japan. edo period room — a figure dressed in yakuta sits reading next to a panoramic garden window, surrounded by intricate wood, bamboo,  and paper screens.
ALT text detailsroom 19 at hiiragiya ryokan, kyoto, japan. edo period room — a figure dressed in yakuta sits reading next to a panoramic garden window, surrounded by intricate wood, bamboo, and paper screens.
Design Brouhaha's avatar
Design Brouhaha

@MoritzBrouhaha@typo.social · Reply to Design Brouhaha's post

The Lovers Communication System is a pictorial language created by the genius Japanese designer Yukio Ota in 1964. You may know him as the main designer behind the ISO symbol Exit Sign, which has been adopted worldwide.

His goal was to create a universal language that is easy to read, write, and remember, based on a combination of symbols and pictograms.

↓ 2/8

Picture of Yukio Ota 10 years ago during a presentation. He has papers in his hands depicting his work of creating the Exit Sign.
ALT text detailsPicture of Yukio Ota 10 years ago during a presentation. He has papers in his hands depicting his work of creating the Exit Sign.
Exit Sign ISO 7010 symbol
ALT text detailsExit Sign ISO 7010 symbol
ふづき's avatar


ふづき's avatar


Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:'s avatar
Norbert Woehnl :itabashi:


Four shots from Kōenji (高円寺) in western Tokyo. A very interesting area to walk around and discover novel shops and unique eateries.

All photos shot with Mamiya 6 and 50mm f/4 lens on Kodak Portra 400 medium-format film.

Colorful exterior of a small Italian Restaurant, Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsColorful exterior of a small Italian Restaurant, Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
A woman passing an old building with faded painted advertisements in Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsA woman passing an old building with faded painted advertisements in Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
Street life reflected in a shop window, Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsStreet life reflected in a shop window, Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
Exterior of a café in Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
ALT text detailsExterior of a café in Kōenji, Tokyo, Japan.
cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in the トラック野郎 / Torakku yarô aka Truck Guy movies (1975-1979)


Angela's avatar


I guess I should write a brief introduction. I'm not quite sure exactly how I'm going to use Mastodon yet but I'm interested in and , especially from and East Asia, Japanese and , especially prints, and anything magical or . I am trying to learn , but it's a very slow process. I have a website mostly about Japanese folklore, see link in bio.

Looking forward to connecting with others here.

Ukiyo-e print by Utagawa Hiroshige.

A crowd of female entertainers walk along a beach and across a land bridge to Enoshima, an island a short distance off the shore. In the background you can see Mt Fuji.
ALT text detailsA crowd of female entertainers walk along a beach and across a land bridge to Enoshima, an island a short distance off the shore. In the background you can see Mt Fuji.
September_UA 🇺🇦's avatar
September_UA 🇺🇦


The USA and other Western countries find themselves unable to stop the supply of their microelectronics to Russia, yet they forbid hitting Russia with Western weapons

Doug Whitfield [Minneapolis]'s avatar
Doug Whitfield [Minneapolis]


@strypey I have a vision of bringing events to every region of the world. I have a tentative timeline of doing events in Central US in 2025 and 2026. then in some order I'd like to do and western before maybe returning to the US on the west coast. point being, there is some time to learn how to make this work.

I guess I'm wondering if maybe you'd be interested in being involved in something in New Zealand (or possibly Australia)

... a thread

noco|Flower Photographer's avatar
noco|Flower Photographer



The flower fields of Hokkaido in Japan are beautiful even on cloudy days.

HandgunYoga (he/him/his)'s avatar
HandgunYoga (he/him/his)


Time for another .
Hoping with practice I’ll feel less awkward.

American living near Kentucky, home of . Grew up there when Dad was Colonel Sander’s head of and , Dad helped launch the first wave of Ky Fried Chicken stores in the UK and .

I’ve practiced for 40 years, heavily influenced by , , , and .

There’s a good chance I’m .

Mircea Kitsune's avatar
Mircea Kitsune

@MirceaKitsune@baraag.net · Reply to ミヤサカタカジ's post

@tkg0078 Wish we lived in a timeline where this was a normal stand on the streets of and instead. Amazing that despite some dumb laws, this is how cool actually is. Meanwhile here in the shitty West we're stuck with retarded puritan morons, still offended by drawings and a morality police making it a crime for many artists to post their or get donations. Give the Japanese their imperial army back and have them shoot our leaders and conquer us already 😁

Stuart Frisby's avatar
Stuart Frisby


👋 I’m Stuart. I spend my days running the Brand and Experience team at Deliveroo.

I live in - in SW England - where I’m a Victorian house having moved from after almost a decade in and spells in and before that.

I have a degree in and I occasionally make and , take & waffle on about and and Coventry City () and and and my .

bdonnelly's avatar


SAKI (formerly of Nemophila) "Marionette" instrumental from her first Solo Live 2024


anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖's avatar
anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖

@anna_lillith@mas.to · Reply to anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖's post

Less than 10 days after the arrest of anti-whaling activist at its behest, the Japanese Government declares that fin whales have been added to its summer kill list, confirming suspicions that a return to high seas of the world’s largest mammals was always their intention.

On July 21st, arrested Paul Watson in response to a request from , on allegations stemming from his opposition to Japan’s illegal whaling activities


anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖's avatar
anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖

@anna_lillith@mas.to · Reply to anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖's post

As Japan’s new whaling ship, Kangei Maru, embarks on its devastating mission, the timing of Paul Watson’s extradition demand is no coincidence. This strategic move is an attempt to silence one of the most vocal defenders of our oceans. 🌊 🐋



Japan demands Watson’s extradition as its new whaling ship slaughters its first whales
ALT text detailsJapan demands Watson’s extradition as its new whaling ship slaughters its first whales
anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖's avatar
anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖

@anna_lillith@mas.to · Reply to anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖's post

On July 21 2024, Captain was by Danish police upon arrival in , Greenland, onboard the M/Y John Paul DeJoria. Danish authorities claim that the arrest was made due to an international arrest warrant issued by , related to his anti-whaling campaigns in the more than a decade ago.

Paul faces the possibility of to Japan, where he would serve a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.



anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖's avatar
anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖


could be going to jail for saving ! At 75 years old, this would likely be a life sentence for him. The renowned anti-whaling activist is currently detained in , Greenland, facing potential extradition to on an international arrest warrant.



The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Philosopher Kohei Saito calls for a world where fewer things are produced to reduce carbon emissions, while his idea of a break with overconsumption and long working hours are resonating with those disillusioned with the status quo in Japan. japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/08/

Earthworm's avatar


Japanese Mastodon achieved to make some hashtags trending about "permanent residence permit cancellation by the Japanese government."

Some of the posts have the cutest antiracist posters I've seen in a while! 😍 :QueerCatHeart_Pride: :acabkitty:

Can somebody give some context?

A japanese poster for a demonstration (I think) with supercute chicks (or yellow cats?) holding signs with "stop racism" and "no human is illegal".
awww! :D
ALT text detailsA japanese poster for a demonstration (I think) with supercute chicks (or yellow cats?) holding signs with "stop racism" and "no human is illegal". awww! :D
東亞藝術's avatar


Katsuda Tetsu (1896-1980) - Evening

Kristofferabild's avatar


Dette har jeg glædet mig til at kunne dele længe. Jeg har lavet et videoessay og tilhørende artikel til tidsskriftet 16:9 om japansk anime. Maria Rebekka Holm Andersen står for den sprøde voice-over. Håber det kan virke som inspiration til at kaste sig ud i anime. 🙂

@nikolajfj @4nd3rs @jenspoder

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

6 more Coin Journal [月刊コインジャーナル] issues have been scanned:

David :SetouchiExplorer:'s avatar
David :SetouchiExplorer:


New Instance, new , I guess.
So, I'm David, and I'm on my own instance now!
I'm , and I live in where I teach at the local uni. Here, expect to find posts about my corner of Japan that is full of that are full of . I also have some friends in the neighborhood, so pictures of are common in my timeline. I also care about , the and a few more things.

Minoru Saba's avatar
Minoru Saba


"A Trump presidency is concerning to Tokyo because... Japan’s economy suffered greatly [from Trump's trade war with China]"
" will also be worried about its regional security outlook"
"Trump’s relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un [could force] Japan and South Korea [towards] developing nuclear weapons"

🔸Alternatively Japan may be existentially compelled to align with the regional top dog if Trump withdraws US support.

Unseen Japan's avatar
Unseen Japan


Some assume that other languages lack multi-use vocab like the "F"-word in English. Words so adaptable that you can use them to express exact opposite sentiments without batting an eye.

But that isn’t exactly true. After all, just look at the Japanese language's “yabai”.


ms. liz's avatar
ms. liz


june 2024

vista of kiyomizu-dera and kyoto skyline. the main wooden temple on the right, with the orange-red west gate and three story pagoda to its left, framed in the foreground by trees
ALT text detailsvista of kiyomizu-dera and kyoto skyline. the main wooden temple on the right, with the orange-red west gate and three story pagoda to its left, framed in the foreground by trees
blinry's avatar



Hey, I'm blinry! I create digital tools and games, and digital art. I mostly use Mastodon to share my joy about things I learn or create. Welcome, everyone! :)

I love my communities: the Chaos community, Jugend Hackt, the Recurse Center.

I'm , into , software, , , , , , , , , , , , all things visual!

I'm curious and want to learn & try everything! ☺️

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)


Starting tomorrow, my wife and I are traveling to for a week. We're going to eat good food, see good things, and I'm going to do some coding on the side. I'm looking forward to it!

Karl Baron's avatar
Karl Baron


I found the network rack gacha! Assumed it was so niche it would only be found in like Tokyo but there was one around my neck of the woods as well.

This is the cutest thing ever! Look at the little cables and cable management hoops, the PDU, all of it is so well-done!

A gacha machine with an image of network rack toys on the front
ALT text detailsA gacha machine with an image of network rack toys on the front
The un-constructed bits of plastic toy network gear all spread out
ALT text detailsThe un-constructed bits of plastic toy network gear all spread out
The built network rack from the front, with two Cisco switches and a Furukawa Electric. Cables go between them.
ALT text detailsThe built network rack from the front, with two Cisco switches and a Furukawa Electric. Cables go between them.
The rear with power cables going to a PDU through cable management hoops.
ALT text detailsThe rear with power cables going to a PDU through cable management hoops.
Karl Baron's avatar
Karl Baron


Here's your periodic reminder about how cursed Japanese wiring is.

This is an official, standard Apple power cable that shipped with a MacBook.

A mains power cord with a two-pronged US-style plug on the end, except there's also a yellow green ground cable sticking out the side of it with a screw-in "pitchfork" on the end
ALT text detailsA mains power cord with a two-pronged US-style plug on the end, except there's also a yellow green ground cable sticking out the side of it with a screw-in "pitchfork" on the end
Björn's avatar


Unter der Brücke
#photography #bridge #tokyo #japan #ishootfilm #analogphotography #filmphotography #kodak #kodakgold #pentax #pentaxk2 #tokyocameraclub
Geschäfte unter einer Eisenbahnbrücke
ALT text detailsGeschäfte unter einer Eisenbahnbrücke
Chad Kohalyk's avatar
Chad Kohalyk


An for my new neighbours here on Indieweb.social

Canadian but live in , photographing as I go about daily life. Post a lot of photos live while I . Practice and read about as well as and .

Vegetarian since 2015, and increasingly concerned about the . Working with tech for over 20 years, and thinking about and .

Flock of Cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🌸's avatar
Flock of Cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🌸


Here’s my toot. I will:

1. Tell stupid jokes/puns
2. Muse about life in
3. Distribute/view animal/nature/moss pics
4. Converse with nice people
5. Have the rare emotional breakdown
6. Share pics of food I make
7. Follow news/politics, but not post too much of it
8. Rant about
9. !
10. Share / , video games, nerd stuff

Silly pics here, “good” pics on Pixelfed

I’m more likely to follow back after human interaction first 🙂

Camellia Tea Ceremony's avatar
Camellia Tea Ceremony


👣🧘‍♀️ LOTUS LOVE🪷😇

As rainy season deepens lotus plants emerge from the muddy beds of ponds, reaching above the waters to unfurl giant leaves.
In a few short weeks alien landscapes appear where once there were only bare stretches of water.

In Kyōto 'kanrensetsu' (観蓮節), 'lotus flower viewing', coincides with the culmination of the Gion Matsuri...almost as if the flowers have appeared to welcome the gods of Yasaka-jinja into the city.

Lotus flowers reach for the sky.
ALT text detailsLotus flowers reach for the sky.
Lotus flowers begin to appear in the pond at To-ji (the famous pagoda rises in the background).
ALT text detailsLotus flowers begin to appear in the pond at To-ji (the famous pagoda rises in the background).
A bright pink lotus flower shows signs of beginning to open.
ALT text detailsA bright pink lotus flower shows signs of beginning to open.
The early morning sun illuminates a lotus flower (seemingly from within).
ALT text detailsThe early morning sun illuminates a lotus flower (seemingly from within).
𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚜 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚎 🚇's avatar
𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚜 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚎 🚇


This train platform in 's Yamaguchi Prefecture has no ticket booth, no entrance or exit.

Why does it exist?


Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:'s avatar
Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:

@gougoudoggo@tech.lgbt · Reply to Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:'s post

Unfortunately, it appears that the law has been passed. :blobraccoon_cry:
Your actions so far and in the future may affect the operation of the law and the decision on the constitutionality of this law in a court case that will happen someday.
So the action is meaningful. Thank you very much. :blobraccoon_blush:

:blobcatdab: @nyannyanblob
And this is an account that addresses the issue of discrimination and inequality in Japan. I also support it.
If you are interested in human rights or just Japan, I urge you to follow it. :blob_raccoon_heart:

Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:'s avatar
Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:

@gougoudoggo@tech.lgbt · Reply to Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:'s post

Contact form of the Japanese Prime Minister's Office:

Contact list of concerned legislators:

Contact list of concerned legislators (from another organization. Including duplicates):

Related Article:
Protesters attack bill on revoking permanent residency status

I repeat, this is a human rights issue.
Not only could foreigners who have worked hard to obtain permanent residency or those married to Japanese citizens be deported, but even children born and raised in Japan to foreign parents could be sent out of the country.

Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:'s avatar
Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:

@gougoudoggo@tech.lgbt · Reply to Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:'s post

Urgent Action Needed:
Despite continuous opposition from minority parties, it is expected that this law will be forcibly passed as early as today. It’s already 6 AM in Japan, so we might have less than 12 hours left.

To everyone who has signed the petition, thank you. Unfortunately, we might not have enough time to submit the signatures.

Please, take a moment to email your country’s embassy in Japan about this urgent issue. A simple and straightforward message is enough. Express your concern about the impending law that would make it easier to revoke permanent residency for foreigners in Japan. Let them know about the situation and encourage them to take action.

Your voice can make a difference. Thank you for your support. :blobraccoon_aww_animated:

Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:'s avatar
Gou🍉☮️🏴 :neodog_floof__w: :v_gay2:


2024-10-20 9am (UTC) Updated. Read the post that follows.

Urgent Human Rights Issue:

A new law is about to be passed in Japan, allowing the government to revoke the permanent residency of foreigners for minor infractions.

Japanese nationality is determined by jus sanguinis (right of blood), so children born and raised in Japan are considered foreigners if their parents are not Japanese citizens. Even those fully integrated into Japanese society could be deported due to a minor infraction or false accusation.

Minor infractions might include not carrying a residence card. Given the history of racial profiling by Japanese police, malicious actions against these residents are likely.

This law also affects those who have obtained permanent residency through their own efforts or by marrying Japanese citizens. Stripping away their lives is a human rights violation. If you care about human rights, please sign the petition.


bdonnelly's avatar

@Theblueone@mastodon.social · Reply to bdonnelly's post

Hebi Katana - Pennsylvania Blood (LIVE)


CelloMom On Cars's avatar
CelloMom On Cars

@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social · Reply to CelloMom On Cars's post

"Global warming is bringing on a succession of negative effects on a range of marine creatures across , such as the relocated habitats of fish and fluctuations in catches.

Concerns are growing that the summer expected this year as well may further exacerbate the situation.
The total seafood catch in Japan has been on a continuous decline."


Eugene Alvin Villar 🇵🇭's avatar
Eugene Alvin Villar 🇵🇭


Did you know that there is a 1:1 scale replica of the world-famous Scramble intersection that can be rented by TV and film productions located 80 km northwest of Tokyo in the city of ? The real intersection is so busy that nobody can close it down for controlled filming.

This set was notably used in the hit Japanese TV series Alice in Borderland.

Location in OSM: osm.org/go/7Q9Mdm_mk?m=

Satellite image of the replica Shibuya Scramble intersection
ALT text detailsSatellite image of the replica Shibuya Scramble intersection
Jan's avatar


Please share to the Japanese Fediverse! 🇯🇵


Have you heard of someone loosing his/her GoPro at Okinawa?

I found a GoPro at an Okinawa beach. It contains diving videos. I will share the videos with the owner. 🎥 🐠 🤿

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

scan: Parts Catalog & Schematics for 1967 Rifleman - ライフルマン by セガ (Sega)

schematics and instructions for 1968 Periscope [single] - ペリスコープ by セガ (Sega)

Parts Catalog & Schematics for 1967 Rifleman - ライフルマン by セガ (Sega)
ALT text detailsParts Catalog & Schematics for 1967 Rifleman - ライフルマン by セガ (Sega)
Parts Catalog & Schematics for 1967 Rifleman - ライフルマン by セガ (Sega)
ALT text detailsParts Catalog & Schematics for 1967 Rifleman - ライフルマン by セガ (Sega)
schematics and instructions for 1968 Periscope [single] - ペリスコープ by セガ (Sega)
ALT text detailsschematics and instructions for 1968 Periscope [single] - ペリスコープ by セガ (Sega)
schematics and instructions for 1968 Periscope [single] - ペリスコープ by セガ (Sega)
ALT text detailsschematics and instructions for 1968 Periscope [single] - ペリスコープ by セガ (Sega)
cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

Coin Journal scans:
月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1994-10 & 1997-10

月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1992-09 & 1993-07

月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1994-10
ALT text details月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1994-10
月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1997-10
ALT text details月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1997-10
月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1992-09
ALT text details月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1992-09
月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1993-07
ALT text details月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] 1993-07
cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

I have compiled all of my research on SEGA in the 1960s into a single post.
1) Sega's corporate history summary
2) the lineages of Sega's early games
3) documenting the machines offered in the 1966 price list
4) tracking Sega through trade publications articles

Sega 1966 Price List
ALT text detailsSega 1966 Price List
1961-04-15 Cash Box
ALT text details1961-04-15 Cash Box https://pinballnovice.blogspot.com/2024/05/exploring-arcade-in-this-1961-gun.html
1967-12 VT Music and Games
ALT text details1967-12 VT Music and Games
1968-07 VT Music and Games - part 1
pinball machines
ALT text details1968-07 VT Music and Games - part 1 pinball machines
Vincent 🌻🇪🇺's avatar
Vincent 🌻🇪🇺


Went to the The Hague Japanese garden yesterday, on the grayest day of the week. It did being out all the greens, but also threw off the iphone’s auto white balance.

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

Exploring the arcade in 大当りパチンコ娘 (1952) aka Oatari Pachinko Musume aka Jackpot Pachinko Girl


cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 私刑(リンチ) (1949) aka Rinchi

ghostzero's avatar


New obsession: kei truck gardens 軽トラガーデン. No idea this was a thing but apparently there are even competitions in Japan and I absolutely love it

Collage of photos of Japanese kei trucks with a miniature garden on top of the flatbed.
ALT text detailsCollage of photos of Japanese kei trucks with a miniature garden on top of the flatbed.
The Japan Times's avatar
The Japan Times


Wednesday marked the 29th anniversity of the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult's sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system that killed 14 people and injured more than 6,000. japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/03/

David Farnell's avatar
David Farnell


New post on changing instances: Hi all! I'm an English professor at a university in southwest . I've lived in about half my life now. I'm married, with 3 grown stepkids and EIGHT grandkids, all living within a couple hours drive. I love walking and , playing , , , , , and more. I've been on Mastodon for about 2½ years. Nice to meet you!

Christian Krebel's avatar
Christian Krebel

@ChristianKrebel@ohai.social · Reply to Christian Krebel's post

🎲 Playing on the or is nice to calm down, especially with cozy games. In contrast, the TCG is a new excitement for me since 2024.

🌱 since 2017 and since 2022.

🧠 enthusiast and building my digital garden of notes in .

🎌 I adore and it's culture, so I visited it in 2023 and started to (slowly) learn どうぞよろしく

🇩🇪 Most of my posts are in English but sometimes I also post in German.


Marine Tachibana's avatar
Marine Tachibana


Second post since I lost the first one in the bottom of the timeline.

Hi, I’m Tachibana Marine(obviously not my real name), a living in .

I love (, , ), , , () and many other things.

English is not my first language but I suck at Japanese(which is my native tongue) too so keep that in mind.

Say hi to my roommate as well, if you wish!

A cockatiel playing with a hanger. 

Forgot why I took this photo… 

Oh, I remembered it now… I was experimenting with what material would catch his attention other than clothes
ALT text detailsA cockatiel playing with a hanger. Forgot why I took this photo… Oh, I remembered it now… I was experimenting with what material would catch his attention other than clothes
cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

I purchased this VHS Japanese documentary on pachinko and coordinated to have it digitized and translated. Please enjoy:
映像が語る パチンコの歴史 (The history of pachinko through video) [with English subtitles]

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

scan: ヨーロッパに生まれ日本で育ったパチンコ百年史 [A Centennial History of Pachinko Born in Europe and Raised in Japan] (2002)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 1992-01 TVムック故郷は欧州 意外なパチンコ進化論 / TV Mook Mystery Journey: Surprising theory of pachinko evolution

This was an incredible amount of work. When someone says "prewar game", we have to specify WW2, WW1, Russo-Japanese war... because some of these machines go into the 19th century.
The translated documentary is also linked.

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

new movie added to "exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema..."
1957 - 警視庁物語 上野発五時三五分 / Keishichō monogatari Ueno-hatsu 5:35am (Metropolitan Police Department Story: 5:35am from Ueno)

History of Art's avatar
History of Art


October 31 - the birthday of Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) - Japanese master artist and printmaker of the ukiyo-e (“pictures of the floating world”) school. His famous print series “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji,” published between 1826 and 1833, marked the summit in the history of the Japanese landscape print.


The Great Wave from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji.
ALT text detailsThe Great Wave from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji.
JoeJoeTom 🏳️‍🌈🎶🪨💛🤍💜🖤's avatar
JoeJoeTom 🏳️‍🌈🎶🪨💛🤍💜🖤


An updated ! (Oct 2023)

Will be in , beginning Nov 1 thru Jan 2024, then returning to . Married to a sweetheart of a man. Have dabbled in various artistic endeavors over the years (choreography, illustration, etc.) but concentrating for now on making (eerietom.com), (mostly about my experiences eerietom.dreamwidth.org/), and improving my .

Renkon's avatar


Hi! 👋 My name is Renkon or renkotsuban. I'm 4世日系人, born and raised in Hawaiʻi. I've been living in since 2008. I am and go by they/them.

I keep myself busy by...
📝 @ renkotsuban.com
🎮 doing with my partner Daikon as @nicegeargames
📰 making highlighting from Japan @indietsushin
📚 very slowly
💮 studying
📸 taking amateur
🏕️ yuru

It's nice to meet you! 🤝

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 未成年 / Miseinen / Minor (1955)
a look at smartball

Zach Nocturnal Artist's avatar
Zach Nocturnal Artist


Drawing and painting of a Japanese geisha/geiko woman calming a person down from an anxiety attack/panic attack. I was thinking of this idea randomly. She's a service geisha/geiko woman, who is trained to calm down people from anxiety/panic disorders, autism (ASD), etc. I used the following tools in Autodesk Sketchbook: color builder, pencil, fountain pen, and course watercolor.

Service Japanese Geisha Woman
ALT text detailsService Japanese Geisha Woman
The Exiled King's avatar
The Exiled King


I never wrote an or at least don't remember.

I'm Tim - a dedicated and enthusiast. I dream of doing but tend to lose focus and drive early on.

Things I will post about:
- lots of them
- - my backlog makes dragons jealous
- as I work through my backlog

*Probably not an actual King

Shred's avatar


I'm here for more than a year now, and I still owe you a proper .

Hi, I'm Richard! I started computers when I was about 9 years old. My first computer was a ZX81 (figure out how old I am now). and software development has always been my passion. My favorite programming languages are , , and . 😁​

If you follow me, you'll mainly read a lot of stuff, especially about refurbishing and programming , and machines. I also like and . My other, much too much neglected interests are , and .

I live in Germany. I post in English and German, and try my best to tag the language of my posts correctly. (You can filter languages on Mastodon!)

Nice to meet you! 😀​

Cold Duchess of the North's avatar
Cold Duchess of the North


part 2, some tags I like

Vincent 🌻🇪🇺's avatar
Vincent 🌻🇪🇺


The in The Hague is closed again. I managed to squeeze in a brief visit on Friday.

I do wonder if limiting the opening to a few weeks in spring and autumn really works to preserve the garden, or whether it would be better to open it all year round to avoid the twice yearly stampede.

There are Japanese gardens in many major cities that are part of city life and are rarely crowded!

ALT text detailsVarious
ALT text detailsCliché
Japanese Garden
ALT text detailsJapanese Garden
Images by me
ALT text detailsImages by me
cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

2 very important pachinko scans are now online.
遊技通信でみるパチンコ業界の60年 (60 Years of the Pachinko Industry)
パチンコ博物館 (Pachinko Museum)


60 Years of the Pachinko Industry
ALT text details遊技通信でみるパチンコ業界の60年 60 Years of the Pachinko Industry
cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

new arcade exploration post up, featuring an (allegedly) 1971 arcade in Japan.
(Anyone able to figure out where the clip is from? I need to verify the year.)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

new movie added to the "exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema..." post:
1961 - 豚と軍艦 / Buta To Gunkan (Pigs and Battleships)


cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

do not miss the jungle remix of this!!!
King Of The Pachinco Man

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

close down the bit of Japanese culture with who else? Boogie Man with his smash hit (?) Pachinco Man!

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

did I ever mention I made a super-edit of a themed porn?
There is actually a bunch of porn in this whole thread, but all the others are "roman porno" or what we used to call "blue movies".

Here are the best parts of Pachinko Queen Explosion, edited down to just under 7 minutes of hardcore action

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema...

ok final one of this chain...

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema...

these 4 images are all from the 2004 movie 下妻物語 / Shimotsuma monogatari (Kamikaze Girls)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema...


cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema...

these 4 pictures are all from the 1975 movie 濡れた欲情 ひらけ!チューリップ (Wet Lust: Opening the Tulip)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema...


cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema...


cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

but wait! There's more! I also have 2 posts that are somewhat related.
I have been documenting the appearance of in Japanese movies. Currently there are 31 movies included. You know what? I'm going to post a whole series of my favourite screenshots of movies with pachinko to go along with this

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema...

(I also have a page of pachinko in foreign cinema incoming)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in Supaidaman (ep 13) (1978)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in ずべ公番長 ざんげの値打もない (1971) aka Delinquent Girl Boss: Worthless to Confess aka Delinquent Girl Boss: Unworthy of Penance

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in Android Kaikader (1972)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 東京流れ者 aka Tōkyō nagaremono aka Tokyo Drifter (1966)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the 1973 Japanese arcades in this tweet...

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 黒い賭博師 悪魔の左手 aka Kuroi Tobakushi: Akuma no Hidarite aka Black Gambler: Devil's Left Hand (1966)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 愛欲の罠 / Aiyoku no wana aka Trapped in Lust (1973)

this is by far the most important and impressive arcade I have documented.

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade of Gメン'75 第24話「二人組警官ギャング」

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in the 1976 music video Cools - Mr.ハーレー・ダビットソン (Mr. Harley Davidson)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in the Yaffle - Reconnect music video

for the fans

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcades in a few Japanese TV shows

this one is a grab-bag of multiple sources

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in ハイティーンやくざ / Hai tiin yakuza / Teenage Yakuza (1962)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in this 1955 Japanese video on candy...

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 本日休診 / Honjitsu kyûshin / Doctor's Day Off (1952)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 女獣 / Mejû / Woman Beast (1960)

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in ワンパク番外地 / Wanpaku Bangaichi (1971)

We also do old TV shows!

cpi's avatar

@cpi@mastodon.social · Reply to cpi's post

exploring the arcade in 団地妻しのび逢い (1972) aka Danchizuma shinobiai aka Apartment Wife: Secret Rendezvous

cpi's avatar


thread of my posts, starting with my latest:
exploring the arcade in the 1978 movie 鬼畜 / Kichiku (The Demon)

each blog entry features an arcade in a movie (mostly from ) and tries to identify all of the machines.
This is an exceptionally difficult task because:
1) I'm focused on movies from the 1930s-1970s
2) Japanese arcade machines were not well documented until I got fed up and started my eremeka site


Christopher Keener, pHd :ddg:'s avatar
Christopher Keener, pHd :ddg:


I’m a refugee from the US living in . For several decades I’ve futzed around on industrial and commercial IT projects.

Recently I’m enamored with topics including .

My addiction has driven me to roast my own coffee in a pan on the stove (with thermocouples attached, of course).

Most toots are from random sightings along the road of life.

I look forward to opportunities to interact with you.

BearHugger's avatar

@bearhugger@4bear.com · Reply to BearHugger's post

So, here’s my introduction.

I’m a translator, Japanology student, gamer (I love MOBA games), chaser and still a bit cubby after COVID lockdowns. Still super single and happy.

I’m a cinephile. I especially lovw French, German and Italian cinema. Also, I’m a fan of American Film Noirs.

My hashtags:

Art History Animalia's avatar
Art History Animalia


For here is an unusual silk garment: Haori with Penguins and Icebreaker Ships, Japan, Shōwa period, 1957-8.
aren’t native to ; This unique design was printed to commemorate Japan's 1st expedition to in 1956-7. Photographed at the Life of Animals in Japanese Art exhibition at the National Gallery of Art D.C. in 2019.

photo of the entire garment mounted on display: silk plain weave, with stencil-printed warp and weft; white with mostly black line designs and some pink and green highlights, pattern of groups of penguins on floating cracked ice with icebreaker ships sailing through
ALT text detailsphoto of the entire garment mounted on display: silk plain weave, with stencil-printed warp and weft; white with mostly black line designs and some pink and green highlights, pattern of groups of penguins on floating cracked ice with icebreaker ships sailing through
detail of the pattern showing groups of penguins on the ice
ALT text detailsdetail of the pattern showing groups of penguins on the ice
Glen Malley's avatar
Glen Malley


You know, I never did do an toot. Lemme just churn out something here.
I'm a who lives in and I've been here for awhile. I work in a mix of front and back-end for a mid-tier internet conglomerate.
I mostly toot about / and and I also tend to boost and that I like, focusing on and generally. Also a fan of and
I am and a bit of a

James Ross's avatar
James Ross


Time for my post

I am a cis het man who likes , , / , and the Oxford comma

I am a professional computer whisperer, using C#/DotNet and JavaScript primarily

I live in southern England, UK

I do not post much myself but will boost interesting and insightful posts from as diverse a range of others as I can manage

Nad :imagination:'s avatar
Nad :imagination:


Introduction in hashtags


h-pom's avatar


h-pom's avatar


Miicat_47's avatar



Hi, I'm Miika, programmer from Finland

I'm currently working as a QA engineer and coding in on my free time. Interested in

If you see something Japan related, plz @ me 🇯🇵


Favorite music artist / 🎶
(Check my last.fm: last.fm/user/Miicat_47)


are cute :blobcataww:

Nice to meet y'all!

Last updated 27.07.2023 (fixed typo)