Hollo's avatar


@[email protected] · 195 following · 444 followers

A federated single-user microblogging software.





Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to maybeanerd's post

@maybeanerd Apparently now it works well! Thank you!

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Thanks to @thisismissem, Hollo 0.2.0 will support reporting remote users and posts! As it implements Mastodon-compatible API, any Mastodon clients that implement reporting could work with Hollo 0.2.0.

If you want to try it in advance, please give ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.2.0-dev.185 a try (or just canary)!


Emelia 👸🏻's avatar
Emelia 👸🏻

@[email protected]

Was really quite fun implementing Reporting & Flag activities in @hollo today, and not particularly hard.. I think touching Drizzle ORM was the most painful part (and figuring out how to test out what I was building)

Would be kinda nice to have a basic CLI client to Hollo to use during development or something. Maybe there's a Mastodon CLI client?

Emelia 👸🏻's avatar
Emelia 👸🏻

@[email protected]

Got bored today so hacked up basic support for the Mastodon Report API for @hollogithub.com/dahlia/hollo/pull/4

It only supports reporting remote posts/actors, although does keep a record of sent reports (even though you could technically do fire-and-forget, it's not a great practice)

That's my little gift to @hongminhee for all the fantastic work they're doing

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

0.2.0 will have two-factor authentication support using time-based OTP!

If you want to give it a try right now, you can get it in ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.2.0-dev.183 or just canary.

Two-factor authentication settings on the Hollo administration dashboard.
Two-factor authentication settings on the Hollo administration dashboard.
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

0.2.0 will have two-factor authentication support using time-based OTP!

If you want to give it a try right now, you can get it in ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.2.0-dev.183 or just canary.

Two-factor authentication settings on the Hollo administration dashboard.
Two-factor authentication settings on the Hollo administration dashboard.
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Finally, Hollo 0.1.0 released! is a single-user federated microblogging software which is -enabled and powered by .

Hollo has the most of features that Mastodon has except for moderation tools, and also include:

  • CommonMark (a.k.a. Markdown) and up to 4,096 characters per post
  • Misskey-style quotes (compatible with Misskey, Akkoma, Fedibird, etc)
  • Misskey-style emoji reactions (both Unicode emojis and custom emojis are supported; compatible with Misskey, Akkoma, kmyblue, etc)
  • Generally much relaxed limitations (more poll options, more attachments, and so on)
  • … and many more!

If you're interested in Hollo, please give it a try! There are several ways to install it: using Railway, using Docker (and Docker Compose), or manually.

If you're already using Hollo, please upgrade it to v0.1.0:

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Emelia 👸🏻's post

@thisismissem No, we don't have any mechanism to send Flag activities to other servers yet, but it's on our roadmap!

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Finally, Hollo 0.1.0 released! is a single-user federated microblogging software which is -enabled and powered by .

Hollo has the most of features that Mastodon has except for moderation tools, and also include:

  • CommonMark (a.k.a. Markdown) and up to 4,096 characters per post
  • Misskey-style quotes (compatible with Misskey, Akkoma, Fedibird, etc)
  • Misskey-style emoji reactions (both Unicode emojis and custom emojis are supported; compatible with Misskey, Akkoma, kmyblue, etc)
  • Generally much relaxed limitations (more poll options, more attachments, and so on)
  • … and many more!

If you're interested in Hollo, please give it a try! There are several ways to install it: using Railway, using Docker (and Docker Compose), or manually.

If you're already using Hollo, please upgrade it to v0.1.0:

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Hollo 是一款无头微博软件,它实现了 Mastodon API。 这意味着您可以使用任何与 Mastodon 兼容的客户端与其进行交互。 然而,实际上,由于 Mastodon API 的实现方式不同, 某些客户端可能无法按预期工作。 以下是一些经过 Hollo 测试的客户端。


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

HolloはMastodon APIを実装したヘッドレスマイクロブログソフトウェアです。 これは理論的にはHolloと相互作用できるMastodon互換クライアントであれば何でも使用できることを意味します。 しかし、実際にはMastodon APIを実装する方法の違いにより、一部のクライアントが予想どおりに動作しないことがあります。Holloでテストされたクライアントをここに列挙します。


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Hollo는 Mastodon API를 구현한 헤들리스 마이크로블로깅 소프트웨어입니다. 이는 이론적으로는 Hollo와 상호작용할 수 있는 Mastodon 호환 클라이언트라면 무엇이든 사용할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 그러나 실제로는 Mastodon API를 구현하는 방식의 차이로 인해 일부 클라이언트가 예상대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. Hollo에서 테스트된 클라이언트를 여기에 나열합니다.


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

is a headless microblogging software that implements the Mastodon API. This means that you can use any Mastodon-compatible client to interact with it. However, in practice, some clients may not work as expected due to differences in the way they implement the Mastodon API. Here are some of the clients that have been tested with Hollo:


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to KAGAMI🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️'s post

@saschanaz That's a good idea!

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

@esther Now Hollo supports account migration!

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

The most common pitfall for first-time users is deploying Hollo behind a reverse proxy and forgetting to set BEHIND_PROXY=true, which causes federation issues and wasted time trying to resolve them.

To help users avoid this common pitfall, we've introduced a warning on Hollo's setup page when Hollo is behind a reverse proxy and the BEHIND_PROXY is off.

The warning message seen on Hollo's setup page.
The warning message seen on Hollo's setup page.
개's avatar

@[email protected]

Hollo < 저거 흥미로워보이는데 한번 깔아볼까

헬렐 (舊 ESN)'s avatar
헬렐 (舊 ESN)

@[email protected]

나중에 한 번 hollo 설치해보면서 비개발자 친화적인 가이드도 한 번 써 봐야겠어요
지금의 hollo docs 페이지도 설명이 잘 되어있긴 하지만 어디까지나 개발에 어느 정도 관심이 있다는 전제 하인 것 같아서

맹꽁이's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to 맹꽁이's post

빠르게 기능들이 이것저것 추가되고 있으니 기대해볼 만 한 프로젝트인 것 같음

맹꽁이's avatar

@[email protected]

Hollo 한번 설치해볼까

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

also works great on Windows (if you want it to)!


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

finally lets you move your old account to new one! (FEP-7628 compliant.) It's bidirectional, which is basically equivalent to and interoperable with Mastodon's account move:

  • You can prepare to move your old account to Hollo by adding aliases (setting alsoKnownAs).
  • You can start to move your Hollo account to new one by setting movedTo property and sending Move activities to the followers.

It enables your new account to have the same existing followers after you've moved your account.

Hollo's new migration panel.
Hollo's new migration panel.
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

now supports Atom syndication feed, i.e., RSS! :atom: Append /atom.xml to your profile link; for example, this account's feed is:


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Markus Unterwaditzer's post

@untitaker No, we don't have any good performance measurements, but we've heard reports from people who were using Misskey that it uses 1/3 the memory of Misskey.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

now supports Atom syndication feed, i.e., RSS! :atom: Append /atom.xml to your profile link; for example, this account's feed is:


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post

Previously implemented only -style extension APIs for emoji reactions, but now Hollo implements -style extension APIs for emoji reactions too. So you can use this feature with more client apps, e.g., .


NTSK's avatar

@[email protected]

New Post : Holloをkubernetesでホストしてみる in-deep.blue/archives/1256

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

now gives you accurate usage statistics from .

The NodeInfo JSON tree from hollo.social.
The NodeInfo JSON tree from hollo.social.
Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Hollo now fetches up to 10 recent past public posts from the account it first encounters, making it easier to get a better idea of what kind of account you're seeing. The number of posts to fetch can be configured via the REMOTE_ACTOR_FETCH_POSTS environment variable.

Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

Now you can upload videos on !

A demo video of uploading a video on Hollo.
A demo video of uploading a video on Hollo.
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