Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
@[email protected] · Reply to Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's post
@KazukyAkayashi I admit that I don't really know where to go for the bugs that occur in Moshidon with Hollo because it only affects the account with Hollo and as I'm not a techie I don't know if it's Hollo or Moshidon.
#Hollo #Moshidon
Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
@[email protected] · Reply to KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)'s post
@KazukyAkayashi visiblement depuis iceshrimp y a des problèmes de mise en page avec des messages publié sur #Moshidon depuis mon compte #Hollo, avec des double saut de ligne
Et chez vous ça donne quoi?
KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)
@[email protected] · Reply to KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)'s post
C'est vraiment dommage du coup que #Hollo ne fonctionne pas avec #Mangane car je suis pas fan de #Phanpy ou de #Elk
Quand a #Moshidon avec Hollo sur Android ça bug un peu, y a des doubles publication, des images en double dans des publication alors qu'il n'y a qu'une image de base.
Puis en globalité ça manque d'un client qui gère toutes les fonctionnalités disponible ... parce que bon ce limité a ce que peut faire Mastodon merci mais c'est merdique.
KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)
@[email protected] · Reply to KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)'s post
KazukyAkayashi (Hollo)
Hello world 👋
@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo's post
Previously #Hollo implemented only #Fedibird-style extension APIs for emoji reactions, but now Hollo implements #Pleroma-style extension APIs for emoji reactions too. So you can use this feature with more client apps, e.g., #Moshidon.
The Many Voices of Anne Ahlert
@[email protected] · Reply to The Many Voices of Anne Ahlert's post
You also cannot base your data only on the Mastodon app user count. There are multiple apps to access #Mastodon and the #Fediverse, including #Tusky #Moshidon #Megalodon and #Tooot. Not everyone accesses Mastodon through the same doors.
#Masyodon クライアントアプリ、選択肢が色々あって楽しいよね。
- #Megalodon
- #SubwayTooter
- #Mastodon 公式アプリ
- #Moshidon
- #Tusky
- #PhanpySocial
とかを使って、いまは #PhanpySocial がメイン、アプリとしてインストールしてあるのは #Mastodon 公式アプリだけだけど、昔使ってたアプリもまたアップデートしてるだろうしあたらしいやつ探すのも気分転換に良いかもな
Qyv (;* Spodito, ergo sum *;)
#PointOfOrder My Fediverse client of choice, #Moshidon allows one to customise the favourites icon such that on my end it looks like a ♥️ (heart). So, from my point of view if I favourite something it's either because I like what has been posted, or I'm sending some love, respect, and understanding to someone because of what they've said.
Hopefully that'll clear up any misunderstandings regarding why I favourite stuff (;*
(NB. This means that any favourites I receive for my posts are also ♥️ (heart) shaped).
Lucas @Moshidon 🇺🇦
I wonder how people in mass started experiencing the notifications not coming up issue. I myself have experienced it, though I haven't come to a conclusion yet as for how it started or how to solve it. If anyone has any sort of clue as for the reason or how to solve this weird problem, don't hesitate to message me here or in https://github.com/LucasGGamerM/moshidon/issues/532
Thank you for loving and using #Moshidon ❤️❤️❤️
Joshua Byrd
Hadn't tried #Moshidon in ages, and yeah it's a much better experience than last time. Recommended. https://news.itsfoss.com/moshidon/
Lucas @Moshidon 🇺🇦
Hey there! This is the first toot of the #moshidon official account. This is the account made for the Moshidon project (https://github.com/LucasGGamerM/moshidon), which is a #mastodon official app fork for android! #introduction