
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


Riccardo Pasquini's avatar
Riccardo Pasquini

@[email protected]

aaaaaand.... as a developer, after a while, I feel safe to say that is far worse than but far better than ... just realizing how much working with and without any mid-vm (yeah , I'm talking to you) was satisfying

Raphaël.'s avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to nixCraft 🐧's post

How many projects or CI stacks, critical or not, in production or not, rely on some Dockerfile starting with "FROM alpine:xxx" ?


Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

Ya love to see this stuff


@jpetazzo nice hacking :neocat_evil_3c:

Raphaël.'s avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to nixCraft 🐧's post

How many projects or CI stacks, critical or not, in production or not, rely on some Dockerfile starting with "FROM alpine:xxx" ?


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


Quokka 🇦🇺's avatar
Quokka 🇦🇺

@[email protected]

For those that and have a and use something like a for , and other small projects e.g. , Bluesky, Mastodon, VPN server, , what hardware would you recommend? Budget around AUD4-500 (USD250-300), dual-NIC in case I do something routery with it later, doesn't need any wireless connectivity, not going to be connected to monitors or do any media serving/transcoding, won't be a NAS (but I reckon 512GB storage is minimum), power and noise not a problem as it'll be in a comms rack in garage (but would prefer not some huge 2U ProLiant or whatever just so it doesn't wrench it off the wall. I don't mind having "last year's" spec, or considering a refurbed SFF desktop I can load with RAM, storage and NICs.

Riccardo Pasquini's avatar
Riccardo Pasquini

@[email protected]

aaaaaand.... as a developer, after a while, I feel safe to say that is far worse than but far better than ... just realizing how much working with and without any mid-vm (yeah , I'm talking to you) was satisfying

Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸's avatar
Kushal Das :python: :tor: 🇵🇸

@[email protected]

Wrote about how to setup @pixelfed on / kushaldas.in/posts/pixelfed-on

You can follow my account at @[email protected]

Screenshot of kushal's pixelfed site
Mauricio Teixeira 🇧🇷🇺🇲's avatar
Mauricio Teixeira 🇧🇷🇺🇲

@[email protected] · Reply to Mauricio Teixeira 🇧🇷🇺🇲's post

Okay, here's something that is killing my Forgejo runner experiment: I need the perfect container image. The ones I have tried so far are missing one thing or another, and it's taking me a while to deal with that.

So, instead of trying to build my own image, let me ask the hive mind if anyone knows of a single *reliable* container image that has all of the following *already* installed: Python, NodeJS and Docker CE (or Podman).

And no, I'm not looking for a container image built buy a random guy for their own personal use. That guy could be me. I really want something that is supported as part of a larger project.

My sanity thanks you.

Chris Brooking's avatar
Chris Brooking

@[email protected]

Has anyone used the Mitra Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/bleakfuture0/mitra ? If so is there any documentation, for example file system and port mappings and/or example Docker files ?

#mitra #mitraweb #docker #askfediverse #fediverse

AdrianC's avatar

@[email protected]


I'm Adrian, a FullStack looking for a job either in (or from it if you allow for remote work), with a permanent and open visa

I have experience building and maintaining web apps and APIs, designing systems, doing and a bit of , and

I'm experienced using , , , , , , and ; and on the DevOps side in CI/CD pipelines (either and Gitlab CI/CD), and a bit of

I was tasked with a lot of the happening in my previous company, researching tools, librairies, patterns or general technologies either for our own or for our products

I also wrote a lot of technical and non technical documentation and internal presentations, and even participated in a few meetups. You can read some of my writing on my blog: blog.adrianc.eu

You might also have seen me on a few Elixir-related Discord servers, or even Bluesky (@adrianc.eu) and Twitter ; either sharing tech news, helping people, reading in book clubs or just chatting

I’m open to full-time right now, contracting work can be discussed.

I'm looking for any developer position, not only , even though it represents most of my experience. And if the technology you're using isn't on my resume, give me a chance! I'm a fast learner and I might anyway have studied it in class :P

DM me for more info, like github link, my resume or anything :)

Boosts, responses and DM welcome, of course!

AdrianC's avatar

@[email protected]


I'm Adrian, a FullStack looking for a job either in (or from it if you allow for remote work), with a permanent and open visa

I have experience building and maintaining web apps and APIs, designing systems, doing and a bit of , and

I'm experienced using , , , , , , and ; and on the DevOps side in CI/CD pipelines (either and Gitlab CI/CD), and a bit of

I was tasked with a lot of the happening in my previous company, researching tools, librairies, patterns or general technologies either for our own or for our products

I also wrote a lot of technical and non technical documentation and internal presentations, and even participated in a few meetups. You can read some of my writing on my blog: blog.adrianc.eu

You might also have seen me on a few Elixir-related Discord servers, or even Bluesky (@adrianc.eu) and Twitter ; either sharing tech news, helping people, reading in book clubs or just chatting

I’m open to full-time right now, contracting work can be discussed.

I'm looking for any developer position, not only , even though it represents most of my experience. And if the technology you're using isn't on my resume, give me a chance! I'm a fast learner and I might anyway have studied it in class :P

DM me for more info, like github link, my resume or anything :)

Boosts, responses and DM welcome, of course!

DevOps Weekly's avatar
DevOps Weekly

@[email protected]

macOS now identifies Docker as Malware


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://github.com/

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

Sharing an important update about : we've moved our repository to a new home! If you're using Hollo with , please check this announcement:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

Sharing an important update about : we've moved our repository to a new home! If you're using Hollo with , please check this announcement:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

關聯(관련) 重要(중요) 消息(소식)共有(공유)합니다. 貯藏所(저장소)가 새로운 곳으로 移徙(이사)했어요! 이미지로 使用中(사용중)이신 분들은 確認(확인) 付託(부탁)드립니다:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

關聯(관련) 重要(중요) 消息(소식)共有(공유)합니다. 貯藏所(저장소)가 새로운 곳으로 移徙(이사)했어요! 이미지로 使用中(사용중)이신 분들은 確認(확인) 付託(부탁)드립니다:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

Sharing an important update about : we've moved our repository to a new home! If you're using Hollo with , please check this announcement:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

Sharing an important update about : we've moved our repository to a new home! If you're using Hollo with , please check this announcement:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post

저장소가 @dahlia/hollo에서 @fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다. 이에 따라 이미지 레지스트리도 ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo에서 ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo로 이전되었습니다.

기존 이미지 레지스트리는 계속 접근 가능하지만, 새로운 태그는 더 이상 추가되지 않을 예정입니다. Hollo를 사용 중이신 모든 분들은 새로운 레지스트리 주소로 업데이트해 주시기 바랍니다.

Docker 설정을 다음과 같이 변경해 주세요:

  • 기존 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 새 이미지 주소: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

이번 이전은 프로젝트의 더 나은 운영과 지속적인 개발을 위해 진행되었습니다. 원활한 전환에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected] · Reply to Hollo :hollo:'s post




  • 旧アドレス:ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • 新アドレス:ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

この移行はプロジェクトのより良い運営と継続的な開発のために行われました。円滑な移行にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:

@[email protected]

The repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.

While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.

To update your Docker configurations, please change:

  • From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
  • To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest

The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth! :hollo:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected] · Reply to Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's post

We've just moved the project and related repositories to our new GitHub organization account, @fedify-dev! 🎉

Here's what moved:

All repositories have been transferred and GitHub's automatic redirects are in place, so existing links will continue to work. Also, the project's core functionality and development process remain unchanged.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our naming poll. Looking forward to Fedify's continued growth under its new organizational home!

:fedify: New GitHub organization: https://github.com/fedify-dev.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

【🪙中級者向け】改めてDockerを深ぼる① ~ 仮想化の歴史について ~

pandoc's avatar

@[email protected]

Use locally installed fonts in the LaTeX Docker container by mounting your fonts directory to /usr/local/share/fonts, e.g.

docker --volume=/usr/share/fonts:/usr/local/share/fonts pandoc/latex …

Should work with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX PDF engines as well as with the "typst" container.

joschi's avatar

@[email protected]

🚀 Dive 0.14.0 has just been released with support for zstd compression in container image layers.

Thanks to Steven Halaka for contributing this feature!

> Dive is a tool for exploring each layer in a Docker image.

🐳 github.com/joschi/dive/release

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

[rails] tailwindインストール時にexit code 127が出た時の対処法 [tailwind]

Attractive Nuisance's avatar
Attractive Nuisance

@[email protected] · Reply to Attractive Nuisance's post

I've had a bit more of a poke at this now, the Dockerfile is installing a bunch of services and they're running when the container does.

Nothing's really integrated and talking to itself yet, that's the next step...

I got a little sidetracked by the fact that Pixelfed ships with its own docker-compose.yml but I can't figure out how to make sense of it.

codeberg.org/diffrentcolours/p is where I've got to so far. Feel free to have a poke around, make improvements, or let me know what I've done wrong.

Marc Trius's avatar
Marc Trius

@[email protected]

Standing up @nodebb on with .

A little while ago I was discussing with @raf the things I am looking for in online interaction that I'm not getting from traditional or federated social media. A lot of different things came up, but the most important and central is this:
the need to be able to have deep, complex conversations with people I trust, in a way that those conversations are not ephemeral, lost in the endlessly scrolling feed, like an infinite dark plain in which attention is but a circle of candlelight—but permanent, archived, accessible.

This is because I want to be able to collaborate with people to create ideas, with complexity and nuance, for which it's necessary to be able to build on the past and plan for the future.

What suggested itself was an Internet forum.


Marc Trius's avatar
Marc Trius

@[email protected]

Standing up @nodebb on with .

A little while ago I was discussing with @raf the things I am looking for in online interaction that I'm not getting from traditional or federated social media. A lot of different things came up, but the most important and central is this:
the need to be able to have deep, complex conversations with people I trust, in a way that those conversations are not ephemeral, lost in the endlessly scrolling feed, like an infinite dark plain in which attention is but a circle of candlelight—but permanent, archived, accessible.

This is because I want to be able to collaborate with people to create ideas, with complexity and nuance, for which it's necessary to be able to build on the past and plan for the future.

What suggested itself was an Internet forum.


AliveDevil's avatar

@[email protected]

Naming convention for --env-file?
Do you use .service.env, or .env.service.

.env.service2 (50%)
.service.env2 (50%)
AliveDevil's avatar

@[email protected]

Naming convention for --env-file?
Do you use .service.env, or .env.service.

.env.service2 (50%)
.service.env2 (50%)
Marc Trius's avatar
Marc Trius

@[email protected]

Standing up @nodebb on with .

A little while ago I was discussing with @raf the things I am looking for in online interaction that I'm not getting from traditional or federated social media. A lot of different things came up, but the most important and central is this:
the need to be able to have deep, complex conversations with people I trust, in a way that those conversations are not ephemeral, lost in the endlessly scrolling feed, like an infinite dark plain in which attention is but a circle of candlelight—but permanent, archived, accessible.

This is because I want to be able to collaborate with people to create ideas, with complexity and nuance, for which it's necessary to be able to build on the past and plan for the future.

What suggested itself was an Internet forum.


pandoc's avatar

@[email protected]

Apologies for the prolonged break. We're back with the announcement of fresh images for 3.6.2.

Attractive Nuisance's avatar
Attractive Nuisance

@[email protected]

Had a bit of a play at building a container tonight. I'm planning a simple "all in one" build with nginx, MariaDB, php-fpm and Redis bundled under either runit or supervisord.

That should make it easier for people to play with spinning up their own instances. Should have something to show for this by the end of the weekend but there's some PHP / Laravel learning curve.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

MacのDocker Desktopがマルウェアで開かない対応方法

Codeberg.org's avatar

@[email protected]

Help from or users welcome!

We have started to offer open alpha access to a hosted Forgejo Actions CI runner. Unfortunately, there are many jobs that can crash the runner for every user reliably, and many users execute them inadvertently.

To save cost and disk wear, we want to keep temporary writes inside the CI builds in RAM and only store the images persistently.

However, the setup is apparently incorrect and we need help figuring it out.

See codeberg.org/actions/meta/issu

Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:'s avatar
Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:

@[email protected]

So, und wer erklärt mir jetzt, wie ich mit Cloud-Apps installiere und die verschiedenen Apps dann mit meinen Subdomains verknüpfe?

Eigentlich schon schlimm, wenn man in der IT arbeitet und doch so wenig Ahnung davon hat.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

Ruby3.1 ~ 3.4でDocker buildでpsychのインストールで失敗する

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:'s avatar
Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:

@[email protected] · Reply to Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:'s post

ist installiert, einen Container habe ich auch schon heruntergeladen und eine Domain ist auch schon zu gewechselt.

Und jetzt habe ich gaaaanz viele Fragezeichen. Aber das vielleicht morgen. Jetzt bin ich erst einmal fertig mit der Welt. 👨‍💻🤯

Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:'s avatar
Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:

@[email protected] · Reply to Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:'s post

So. Ich habe jetzt einen Server bei . Danke @bernd für den Tipp! Und derzeit spiele ich ein -Image ein. Und dann gucken wir weiter, ob ich es schaffe, zu installieren.

Ich bewege mich gerade sehr weit außerhalb meiner Komfortzone. 🤷‍♂️

Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:'s avatar
Sascha Wübbena :mastodon:

@[email protected]

Ich sehe gerade, dass es bei auch gibt. Jetzt, wo ich meinen Account bei gelöscht habe, könnte das eine sehr nette Alternative sein.

Hat jemand mit TeslaMate Erfahrungen? Funktioniert das?

hobbsc's avatar

@[email protected]

Anyone out there using ucore and if so, can you recommend it over server? I need to replace my container VM at home in the future, moving from to . I'm rocking and as my daily machines so it looked interesting. Boosts appreciated.

/cc @ublue

hobbsc's avatar

@[email protected]

Anyone out there using ucore and if so, can you recommend it over server? I need to replace my container VM at home in the future, moving from to . I'm rocking and as my daily machines so it looked interesting. Boosts appreciated.

/cc @ublue

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

[🔰初心者向け]Dockerを初歩から学びたい方へ🐋 ~全9回~

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

Docker Desktop for Macがエラーで起動できない件(#7527)についての情報

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

Docker Desktopがマルウェア扱いされてしまった時の対処

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

Crear la imagen oficial de #docker de #nginx con el módulo #testcookie 🍪


Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

The joke... it just wrote itself

a MacOS malware popup advising that Docker will damage your computer, and it should be moved to the bin
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's avatar
Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

@[email protected]

Ça va trop loin la, foutre du docker pour un thème ... :blobPikaFacepaw:

段風桜 Dampuzakura(わかいい)'s avatar
段風桜 Dampuzakura(わかいい)

@[email protected]

個人的・仲間内でセルフホストしているサービス 2022 - Google Workspaceから離脱するための検討ログ (2) - - Qiita

개복치 :__commie:🌺🎗️'s avatar
개복치 :__commie:🌺🎗️

@[email protected]

WSL 2 - docker 컨테이너에서 GUI 앱을 실행하여 Windows에서 표시


Andrew Lock's avatar
Andrew Lock

@[email protected]

Blogged: Building LaTeX projects on Windows easily with Docker


In this post I describe how I build LaTeX projects on a Windows machine by using Docker and the blang/latex image

PR ☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻's avatar
PR ☮ ♥ ♬ 🧑‍💻

@[email protected]

"If + existed in 2008, we wouldn't have needed to create . That's how important it is. on the server is the future of computing." — Solomon Hykes

/ / / <manning.com/books/server-side->

Adam ♿'s avatar
Adam ♿

@[email protected]

Nah, I'll stick with compose

 Portainer Home and Student

Annual Subscription for Portainer Business for Home Users and Students.

Home and Student Includes -

    All Business Edition features.

    Restricted to non-commercial use.

    Max of 15 nodes.

    Community support.

    Requires Portainer version 2.18.4 or newer.

    Available for credit card purchase only.

    Subscription auto-renews.

    Please note if you are a business, we will revoke the license key.

    Home & Student licenses are not stackable with other licenses.

    All prices are in USD and exclude local, regional or national taxes.
Josep Monjo :apple_inc: :vm:'s avatar
Josep Monjo :apple_inc: :vm:

@[email protected]

Switching from Portainer to Dockge

Philip Bernhart's avatar
Philip Bernhart

@[email protected]

I'm a senior backend engineer, did most stuff with . I like know also the usual scripting stuff, . I know a little bit did ( ) and containers. My preferred database is

Is someone searching for in ? I mean finding a job should not be hard with that kind of profile, right?

Kyle Taylor's avatar
Kyle Taylor

@[email protected]

Interesting read. Why Linus Torvalds struggles with : security is leaky; containers are not properly isolated. Modules are shared across containers. Etc... solves some of this by enforcing security in orchestration. But not all of it. Need to take a deep dive into jails (@mwl). There's been a lot of movement lately in with . The security posture is greater with jails. But don't understand how.

[1] opensourceforu.com/2024/12/ana

[2] mwl.io/nonfiction/os#fmjail

Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

Nifty new Docker build features


joschi's avatar

@[email protected]

Happy **Container Base Image Update Day** to those who celebrate! 🎆


Andy Todd's avatar
Andy Todd

@[email protected]

Dear does anyone have any clear, concise instructions for passing traffic through Nginx Proxy Manager to a container on another server? Thanks in advance.

Josep Monjo :apple_inc: :vm:'s avatar
Josep Monjo :apple_inc: :vm:

@[email protected]

I’ve just switched from to . I was tired of Portainer issues with my docker compose files. Dockage is much more transparent and easy to use and let you interact directly with your compose.yaml files

Esurio's avatar

@[email protected]

[ Kubernetes をローカルで試してみる - Qiita ]

Valentin B. :ferris:'s avatar
Valentin B. :ferris:

@[email protected]

There's a new article on my personal blog! A few weeks ago, I was tasked to create an endpoint in at work and needed to distribute it as a image to suit the current infrastructure and release flows. Since there was little information, I had to try a few things before I came to a working container image. The article describes the final solution I used.


Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli

@[email protected]

This morning, a colleague noticed an issue with a Docker-based workload. I stepped in and checked—an upgrade hadn't migrated the database schema, and everything was failing. I manually ran the command in the container and resolved the issue.

The colleague couldn't understand what had happened. He asked me to explain, so I showed him the procedure.

Like many others, he was fascinated by how easily a "docker compose up -d" can set up a service, but this unfortunately hides complexities that, without adequate knowledge of what's underneath, can make the setup extremely fragile.

These tools are powerful, but we shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that understanding the underlying tools is no longer necessary.

noim's avatar

@[email protected]

I might replace my with a Mac Mini. Currently, I limit my home server to save power, but it has become noticeably slow. Additionally, my platform is quite unstable. While might not be the ideal OS for server use, it would suit my needs. For containers, I can use , and Plex can run natively. I’d lose the ability to unionize my fs (like how Unraid combines disks), but I’m okay with that. On the plus side, I could finally use the native Backblaze client for backups.

Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

Anyone know the health/readiness endpoint for Docker daemon on TCP/HTTP?

I'm having pains with it not being up remotely and need something that'll wait until it's ready.

joschi's avatar

@[email protected]

I’ve been annoyed enough with Dive not working on macOS properly that I (temporarily, at least that’s what I tell myself) forked the somewhat dormant upstream project and released a new version with some new features and bug fixes.

Please don’t let me regret it.

Release notes: github.com/joschi/dive/release

Pedro Piñera's avatar
Pedro Piñera

@[email protected]

Is there an OCI-image registry that's focused on open-source projects?

Carlos D. Álvaro :apple:'s avatar
Carlos D. Álvaro :apple:

@[email protected]

For those of you having troubles with the migration of
to , and if you use , you can check github.com/cdalvaro/docker-sal for running salt-master containerized.

Daniël Franke :panheart:'s avatar
Daniël Franke :panheart:

@[email protected]

Am I the only one who doesn't really like configuring services with environment variables?

#linux #kubernetes #docker

Alex Popescu's avatar
Alex Popescu

@[email protected]

Backup your postgres database to Hetzner S3 Object Storage: blog.popescul.com/posts/2024-1

Victor García 👨🏻‍💻😸🎃's avatar
Victor García 👨🏻‍💻😸🎃

@[email protected]

Siempre he tenido el hobby de administrar servidores. Y con el he visto otra oportunidad de retomarlo. Os presento la máquina dónde está alojada esta humilde instancia.

Un HC4 de 4 núcleos y 4 GB de memoria con disco . Lo de al lado es mi router con (con y )

Para complementar también tiene un servidor con para ver en el 🏴‍☠️. Todo con .

Un servidor con forma de tostadora y un disco duro insertado como si fuera una tostada
Brianna Townsend's avatar
Brianna Townsend

@[email protected]

Someone recently told me that it's a constant losing war of attrition to try to host your own mail server because you'll never have reliable delivery.

I'm not paying for anything and I want to use my domain for my email and it feels dumb to have that be the thing I have to pay for.

Was going to just spin up Docker Mailserver

I'd be using it for professional communications, admin for other hosted services, and sending newsletters.

Curious to hear first-hand experiences!

Stefan :veritrek:'s avatar
Stefan :veritrek:

@[email protected]

I guess I missed doing a short 😂

I’m a dad of a little son living in , Germany 🇩🇪. As an engineer at the International IT of ALDI South I’m helping a lot of teams with automation, CI/CD etc. In former roles I worked as Cloud Solution Architect () and developer/SA.
Besides the world with my family, I like creating stuff with computers, doing , using , etc.
Currently I’m deeply into 🎉

Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

It's not a script mom, it's called a Dockerfile. I'm imperative now, and DON'T say "it's just a phase" again!

Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

Huh, now that I think about it why *doesn't* Dockerfile have build-time assertion tests...


Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

Dockerfiles tried to warn us - it says RUN FROM *right there*

AmyFou 🥥🌴's avatar
AmyFou 🥥🌴

@[email protected]

I am a (non-tenure track, uni) interested in every single thing about , esp ones, & Side gig in ( lol). I love and will ask you too many questions about your etc . Proud fan. Love 👋

Mo :ferris: :tux:'s avatar
Mo :ferris: :tux:

@[email protected]

, a self-hosted, simple and privacy respecting website traffic tracker 🌐

➡️ Demo: oxitraffic.mo8it.com

I just published version 0.6 with a image! 📦️
(You don't have to use Docker though)

Do you have a ?
I can host it for you if you want to test it with your website :blobcatheart:

Of course, it is written in 🦀
Check out the README, I spent a lot of time on it 😇

Boost? 🔃🥰

A screenshot of https://oxitraffic.mo8it.com/
DevOps Weekly's avatar
DevOps Weekly

@[email protected]

RunCVM: An open-source Docker runtime for launching container images in VMs


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://github.com/

:mastodon: Ric Harvey 🇪🇺🌍💚's avatar
:mastodon: Ric Harvey 🇪🇺🌍💚

@[email protected]

If you want a really easy way to run @rolle excellent Bird-UI for in I've built an image for amd64 and arm64 that you can grab from and dockerhub: gitlab.com/ric_harvey/docker-m

noim's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to noim's post

The requirements are:
- needs to work offline in
- user scripts can load additional dependencies, that also need to work offline the next launch
- user can access script dir and write scripts with vscode. Version of reactive-home needs to match the current docker image version
- should be available on

I have an idea of how I can achieve this, but it is annoying to refactor and test because, at the end of the day, it needs to work again since it powers my haha

noim's avatar

@[email protected]

I really want to refactor parts of my reactive home project. But before I do that, I need to refactor the release flow and the packaging. I tried this once a few months ago, but failed miserably and reverted all commits. It is a project which loads user defined scripts. And everything needs to run inside . Currently, I just use http imports for that, but the image should work offline. This should be easy, right?

Chad :vbike:'s avatar
Chad :vbike:

@[email protected]

Self-hosting Mastodon server owners, did you install from source or docker?

Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

Somebody was interested in Docker Compose and container tips so I've posted mine


Floppy 💾's avatar
Floppy 💾

@[email protected]

Hacked together a script that helps compiling binaries on a remote host in a container. It goes roughly like this:

tar czf - $FILES | \
ssh remote docker run $ARGS rust:1.80 "$@" | \
tar xzvf - -C "$BIN_DIR"

And on the remote end there is a script running in a container doing tar/cargo/tar.

n00q's avatar

@[email protected]

Every time I need to touch docker it is a struggle. I have no desire to learn everything about docker, but I would like to be more familiar with the ins and outs so that running stuff with docker isn't always such a pain.

Recommend me a good crash course. Like 10 days of docker?

Hossain Khan's avatar
Hossain Khan

@[email protected] · Reply to Hossain Khan's post

Few favourite apps are
* Memos (note taking) - github.com/usememos/memos
* Actual Budget - github.com/actualbudget/actual
* File Browser - github.com/filebrowser/filebro
* Speed Test Tracker - github.com/henrywhitaker3/Spee
* Uptime Kuma - github.com/louislam/uptime-kum
* Syncthing (file sync) - github.com/syncthing/syncthing

Hossain Khan's avatar
Hossain Khan

@[email protected]

Haven't done web stuff for a while. Lately, I have been playing with and stuff.

I have been enjoying thoroughly setting up different web apps!

joschi's avatar

@[email protected]

🐳 If you are using the very, very old official PostgreSQL Docker image for PostgreSQL 8 (`postgres:8`), you might be interested in hub.docker.com/r/joschi/postgr which is a identical copy of the Docker image (`postgres:8`, `posgres:8.4`, `postgres:8.4.22`) which was still using the deprecated and planned for removal image manifest v2 schema 1 and "Docker Image v1" formats.


Suzanne Aldrich (she/her)'s avatar
Suzanne Aldrich (she/her)

@[email protected]

I’m deep into building a instance with a nice Compose option from @jippi and I realize I need to figure out the situation. I am going to this from my office closet. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how I should spec this out?

🌈 Kerblambuli 🦄's avatar
🌈 Kerblambuli 🦄

@[email protected]

Whoa, I've got bad news for you if you're relying on unverified images from Hub (and probably most other public image registries). :boost_ok:

Over a thousand Docker container images found hiding malicious content | TechRadar

Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

Home Lab achievement unlocked - I moved a docker container (IceShrimp.NET) from one server to another and nothing exploded!

I'm very proud, something I've never done before. :blobpats:

Nick Offerman as Ron in Parks and Recreation beams at someone and smiles under a thick mustache. Text, "I'm really proud of you."
Adam ♿'s avatar
Adam ♿

@[email protected]

DEPRECATED: The legacy builder is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Install the buildx component to build images with BuildKit:

This is going to be fun, at least for the change in log output by default.

I really should move to .

Ross Grady's avatar
Ross Grady

@[email protected]

I had an interesting conversation with some #Docker executives on Friday, in which they highlighted some changes to their terms of service / business model. TL;DR: enterprises are now expected to pay for a full Docker subscription for *any* access to any "Docker Platform" features, including Docker Hub, regardless of pull rate.

So, for example, if you're a company with > 250 employees or > $10M revenue, and you have a Linux box pulling one open source image a week from Docker Hub, you must buy a Docker subscription for that box. And any others.

Previously, their website verbiage was focused solely on usage of Docker Desktop by enterprises.

If you are an #OpenSource maintainer and you're publishing container images on Docker Hub, they are monetizing your images, and they're doing so via a flat monthly rate regardless of consumption level. (IMHO that rate is too high, but YMMV, I guess)

This is obviously their prerogative. Really my only request/suggestion to Open Source maintainers who publish container images would be to consider also publishing them on GitHub's container registry (aka GitHub Packages) or any other registry, rather than single-sourcing with Docker Hub.
:vfd: holm 🦻🏻🤯 :abc:'s avatar
:vfd: holm 🦻🏻🤯 :abc:

@[email protected]

hat jemand hier skill und bock, in der mehlfabrik zu machen?

clients, server,
linux clients, , netzwerkkram, viel , ein wenig anderes zeug, ganz viel und , ein wenig (-compose), swarm, opnsense und anderer kram. manches 20 jahre alt, anderes von übermorgen.

details entstehen gerade, aber prinzipielles interesse gerne per an mich bekunden. Danke.

Schenkl 🏳️‍🌈's avatar
Schenkl 🏳️‍🌈

@[email protected]

Mal ins blaue gefragt:

Hat ein Wesen hier schon mal in der gebaut und betrieben?

Ebenjenes möge mich doch mal anpingen ;)

:BoostOK: :ReplyOK:

David Vasandani's avatar
David Vasandani

@[email protected]

My name is David. I'm a husband, and father of two very small , and live in the Echo Park area of Los Angeles, California.

I'm a Lead Software Engineer @ Sweetgreen 🥗 focusing on Infrastructure (primarily AWS) and Site Reliability.

Ask me questions about . I love to teach and will do my best to respond.

I'm interested in , , , , and . I value patience and empathy.

BLACKVOID ⚫️'s avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to JRSofty's post

@jrsofty @arichtman Reason for this, is because works this way. If both SQL and your frond end app are not part of the same compose, as 2 separate services, but rather running them as 2 separate containers based on separate compose files, then you will have to configure each of them to use the same docker virtual namespace. Try and use network_mode:nameofNetwork for both of them and see if your will have any issues in communication.

BLACKVOID ⚫️'s avatar

@[email protected]

A bit of from me.

Focusing on content as well as and solutions. Working for the past 30+ years in with my current occupation as and .

Love to tinker with various solutions while testing and implementing them.

A moderator over at @synoforum, and owner of blackvoid.club and blackvoid.tech domains.

junky that loves , and

JRSofty's avatar

@[email protected]

I'm at the point where I'm about to throw my laptop out the window trying to get to allow me to have 2 standalone containers talk to one another. The setings for docker are atrocious. Nothing makes sense and no one has a clear path for getting to work. The documentation is also not clear and unhelpful. Why does it need to be so difficult. Why can't I simply tell one container when I set it up to run it's allowed to talk to the other container without jumping through hoops!

Ariel's avatar

@[email protected]

Finally: Nix devShells used to build containers for GitLab CI jobs.


If anyone wants to help me dive deeper into this I'd love to get right into why `streamNixShellImage` doesn't work...

Kris Hardy 🌮's avatar
Kris Hardy 🌮

@[email protected] · Reply to Kris Hardy 🌮's post

To my friends: are there any good playbooks you have for of containers, especially or ?

Matt Cengia (seeking work)'s avatar
Matt Cengia (seeking work)

@[email protected]

Hey , I'm on a . I'm a systems engineer and developer with 15+ years' experience, based in , Australia. I have a high attention to detail & lots of experience working with people (15+ years community organising/Scout leading). Motivating values: free/ software, accessibility, diversity, equity, inclusion, privacy, and security, analysing/improving/automating systems/processes. Recent personal projects involve , , .
Ideally seek remote role with communicative/cohesive team, variety, flexible hours, ideally max 4 days/week.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mattcen/
Resume: blog.mattcen.com/resume/

.:\dGh/:.'s avatar

@[email protected]

Okay, is a pain to work with on an internal network. If you're using GitHub for your things, that's okay, but for everything else is not.

Is there any other alternative?

BTW, this is Coolify: coolify.io/

Jon Seager's avatar
Jon Seager

@[email protected]

Pretty huge news from Canonical yesterday!

"Today, Canonical announced a 12 year LTS for any open source Docker image!"


Deekshith Allamaneni's avatar
Deekshith Allamaneni

@[email protected]

It almost feels like Mastodon do not want us to self host. There is no direct link on the main webpage to install on server. Digging through the docs, finally found documentation and there is no Docker container or a package for any OS for easy installation. They require us to install from source along with all the dependencies. I don't mean to bad mouth it but they do not do enough to encourage self hosting (if not discourage).

Would like to know your opinions or ideas on how to self host it easily with minimum maintenance (auto upgrades, etc).

Source: Mastodon server install docs: docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/in

Paul Wilde :dontpanic2: :smeghead:'s avatar
Paul Wilde :dontpanic2: :smeghead:

@[email protected]

PSA: I may disagree with you on one thing, but that does not mean I won't agree with you on another
Please calm down, we can still be friends.

#Rust #Wayland #Docker #Ubuntu #JavaScript #Windows #MacOS #footTerminal #KDE #Gnome #Sway #XFS #NotPuttingAltTextOnImages #ExcessiveUseOfHashTags #CallingHashtagsHashtags

Drew Naylor's avatar
Drew Naylor

@[email protected]

"Error: device cgroup rules are not supported in rootless mode or in a user namespace"

Why are you like this, ? I need to be able to access the dongle but it wouldn't show up before so I tried to do a thing in the runner script to get the dongle into a cgroup. Trying now.

gemma lynn's avatar
gemma lynn

@[email protected]

today was my last day at @wonderproxy. last day working with @preinheimer and @schmalliso and @tdriley and will (and puck, the new me!).

it's been a pretty solid decade, folks. i have some FEELS. i learned , , , , , , , , and how and why not to use 's. i keynoted , staffed a vendor booth at , and contributed (a very little bit) to my favorite framework.

there is nothing in my adult life that has had as much of an impact on my career as the folks at wonderproxy. thanks for being awesome, wonderpeople. it's been a privilege working with you.

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

Aparte de por seguridad y mantenimiento, me gusta usar #docker porque en alguna ocasión me ha petado alguna máquina y he podido levantar los servicios en minutos.

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

Una de las cosas que más me gustan del nuevo eclipse es poder desplegar el proyecto en #docker directamente 🐳

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

También hice otra imagen con el contenedor de #docker de pytorch y el framework de IA para ejecutarla con el procesador, pero se pasa de tamaño, pesa un gigo y el WASM del navegador no la quiere, pero molaría entrenar una #IA en la pestaña del navegador con esa tecnología.

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

Si abres el siguiente enlace se abrirá una pestaña de tu navegador que ejecutará un sistema operativo completo con el contenedor de #docker de #Debian sid, totalmente funcional con red externa poniendo un socat a un proxy por ejemplo. Enjoy 🥸

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

Pues funciona perfectamente la red en el contenedor de #docker.

ale's avatar

@[email protected]

Nuevo repositorio que he creado evolucionando un proyecto de #docker para usar el IDS Snort2 en la última versión.


mk's avatar

@[email protected]

publicly available installation in 46seconds with -compose and .



Jeff Standen's avatar
Jeff Standen

@[email protected]

Hello! I'm Jeff, a software architect near L.A.

From 1994-96 I ran a dialup with >1,000 users sharing 8 lines (oof). By the end it provided MINIX shell accounts + Internet email via FIDO. I've been online ever since.

I've been building Cerb.ai (formerly Cerberus Helpdesk) in + full-time for nearly 21 years. 1000s of teams use it for high-volume shared webmail + workflow automation.

I'm also interested in

Robert von Burg :vegan: :tux:'s avatar
Robert von Burg :vegan: :tux:

@[email protected]

So i guess an is the thing to do. I'm a software developer with heavy focus on Java, i work at atexxi.ch which i co-founded, using strolch.li on a to communicate with our servers to try and lessen nurses burden on drug logistics.

I've been using Linux as my daily driver for over a decade, do some gaming, and love setting up infrastructure like etc.


@[email protected]

Lidt om mig, meget om IT

Hej alle.
Jeg er og entusiast.
Yder ofte
Går op i IT sikkerhed og at undgå dem der samler og sælger dine personlige data.
Jeg ville ønske at alle brugte Mastodon eller lign. istedet for FB/twitter, så vidt muligt altså.
Jeg roder med netværk, hardware, server-apps,

Du er velkommen til at følge mig.

Rory McCune's avatar
Rory McCune

@[email protected]

As appears to be tradition, here's an from me :) After some time as a admin, I've been in for a bit over 20 years.

Started in financial services as a security analyst, moved into for banks then as a consultant for various companies and now experiencing the sometimes odd world of Security Advocacy.

Tech-wise these days I focus on and all things containerization, but dabble in things and code in and when required.

Magnus Hedemark's avatar
Magnus Hedemark

@[email protected]

by way of re-...

I work in tech (surprise), usually in middle or senior management. But I started as a SysAdmin. I still keep and enjoy a , messing with , , . More recently I've gotten into and it gets me feeling entrepreneurial with all of the possibilities.

I also enjoy , fish, and .

I'm also openly

Artemis's avatar

@[email protected]

So, my last post (at the moment of this post) was in Nov 2019, so a new post might be in order.

Hello everyone! My name is Artemis. I will mostly write about (incl. , , , , , and others), , with occasional various nerdy postings (/#unix , , ), stuff or plain nonsense-posting.

Hope you enjoy!