
EighthLayer | Jamie's avatar
EighthLayer | Jamie

@[email protected]

Hey everyone! :adragonhi:

If you’re looking for a community of gamers which is also dedicated to the Fediverse, then look no further than !

We welcome everyone to our community, and love to talk about gaming, tech, and everything inbetween.

We currently self-host instances of these services:

- (bridged with )

You can find all the links here! - linktr.ee/thegamerstavern

We’d love to see you there. 💜

The Innkeeper's avatar
The Innkeeper

@[email protected]

Hey gamers!

If you're looking for a friendly, cozy and safe gaming community, The Gamer's Tavern is here for you!
We talk mainly about gaming but we do not disdain other topics. We're fully committed to the Fediverse and we care about you being in a safe place.

Find us on:

- Discord (discord.gg/xxReRYGF4r)
- Matrix (matrix.to/#/#inn:space.gamerst)

Marcel SIneM(S)US's avatar
Marcel SIneM(S)US

@[email protected]

in 🇷🇺 und in der 🇹🇷 gesperrt | heise online heise.de/news/Discord-in-Russl 🇷🇺 🇹🇷

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

유저 그룹 서버를 열었습니다!


Hollo's avatar

@[email protected]

We now have and 's official server! Join us now!


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected]

We now have and 's official server! Join us now!


Katy Swain's avatar
Katy Swain

@[email protected]

Jesus wept. I'd been feeling guilty about not interacting on the channel for my course. So I spent way too long writing a witty little post about the last assessment task. Hit send, and it disappeared.

I did get an alert, though: "You have received an automatic warning. Reason: Automatic action carried out for using a blacklisted word (nigg)."

"Niggling!" I said a thought had been niggling away at me! FFS!

Well, I'm not typing it out again from memory.

kravietz 🦇's avatar
kravietz 🦇

@[email protected]

As for the #Russia blockade of #Discord, which continues to cause much outrage among Russian mil-bloggers, Roskomnadzor, regardless of its motives, is doing something here that the Russian MOD itself should do long ago. And not only Russian. Using a commercial, gaming chat room that does not have end-to-end encryption but is full of user tracking features for marketing purposes as a rule is not a good idea on the frontline.

Yeah, we know it is the need of the moment everyone improvises, but the popularity of this platform and the lack of an equivalent system designed for the military is a problem that every Ministry of Defence in the world should now study closely, and this is based on the Ukrainian military’s experience (and that ‘acquired’ from the Russians).

I don’t know about other countries, but #Poland has actually been a Google’s playground in terms of government IT over the last decade, just as, for example, Amazon has monopolised government IT in the UK. Commercial companies are able to provide convenient solutions for public administration under certain conditions, but the military is its own peculiarity, if only because of classified information or connectivity challenges.

That’s why it’s worth starting to take an interest in the technological advances in the realm of secure communications, which are rapidly developing in protocols such as Matrix or MLS (RFC 9420) because simply implementing multiparty chat is a high school-level task, but doing it with correct encryption and authentication is a separate field of study. And that’s exactly why business and gaming chatbots like Slack or Discord simply don’t do it at all.

Cliff O'Lantern 🎃's avatar
Cliff O'Lantern 🎃

@[email protected]

If you'd like to connect with me on various other platforms, then click any of the links below!

Discord: discord.gg/pUzxTRvKFH

Pixelfed: pixelfed.social/CliffWade

Personal Blog: SeerOfSouls.com

Instance Blog: blog.AllThingsTech.social

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/cliffwade/

Personal blog Fediverse account: @Cliff

blog Fediverse account: @[email protected]

Jason Parker (he/they)'s avatar
Jason Parker (he/they)


told me on that this isn't a security , so cool, I'll talk about it publicly.

You can disable 2FA¹ on another person's account if you get access to their phone momentarily.

All you have to do is create a new account and put their phone number in as the login; if you verify the code, it strips it from the other account with no warning, and they can't take it back.

So have fun I guess?

¹ SMS is not

Tero Kankaanperä's avatar
Tero Kankaanperä

@[email protected]

Potentiaalisille uusille seuraajille: -based

Mike Kuketz 🛡's avatar
Mike Kuketz 🛡

@[email protected]

. Die Überarbeitung der Messenger-Matrix ist nun vollständig abgeschlossen. Über einen Tipp/Klick auf Teilen würde ich mich riesig freuen, damit sich die Messenger-Übersicht (weiter) verbreitet. ❤️ 👍

Deutsch: messenger-matrix.de/messenger-
Englisch: messenger-matrix.de/messenger-
FAQ: messenger-matrix.de/#faq
Mitarbeit: codeberg.org/kuketzblog/www.me

Noriko's avatar

@[email protected]

Hey ihr lieben Nerds da draußen, und alle, die gerne ein werden möchten! Hier gibt es zwei ganz tolle Plätze, an denen ihr euch austoben könnt:

1. Unsere "fedinerds@social"!

2. Wir haben einen mega coolen , auf dem ebenso jeder willkommen ist! (Auch jene, die nicht primär zocken)


Also kommt vorbei, tretet ein in die wunderbare Welt des gemeinsamen Nerdens ❤️

Gilt auch für alle 💜

Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢's avatar
Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

@[email protected]

: im.youronly.one/yuki/channels/

::: / :::
: YourOnlyOne#7997
: YourOnlyOne#1116 (, )
: laibcoms (; )
: Whitelight ()
: YourOnlyOne.4937 (: NA megaserver)

::: Chat and Collections :::
: youronly.one (old: YourOnly.One#0873)
: YourOnlyOne (a better Discord, try it!)
(): :matrix.org (case-sensitive; a room)
Social: YourOnlyOne
: Your0nlyOne
.global: YourOnlyOne
: YourOnlyOne

thedæmon's avatar

@[email protected]

There is the new chat you guys should check out, it's replacing Discord fast! Check it out en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC Let me know if you need an invite or help getting started. :flan_dalf:​

maybeanerd's avatar

@[email protected]

Now that I moved instance, it's time for a new !

I'm a fullstack software engineer who loves and is based in Germany.
In my free time I like to contribute to and build fun stuff like bots for .
Oh, and I play a lot of games.
Both videogames on and , as well as tabletop games like or .
Also into

GrapheneOS's avatar

@[email protected]

Consider joining the GrapheneOS community in our official forum and chat rooms!

Forum: discuss.grapheneos.org/

Our official chat rooms are bridged across these 3 main platforms:

Discord: discord.com/invite/grapheneos
Telegram: t.me/GrapheneOS
Matrix: matrix.to/#/#community:graphen