Fox Ritch 
I #hashtag within my posts, but try to avoid overdoing it & only strategically to keep it focused. I know the ideal is to tag at the end, but #Mastodon caps at a lame ass 500 characters. So before you HOA ppl on how they're using the #fediverse (& further vindicate Bsky & Threads as hassle-free), maybe instead push for Mastodon to expand beyond 500 characters.
So #fediverse / #mastodon / #activitypub people, what do we have by now that is a usable alternative to facebooks group- & event feature?
I have a number of friends who work in event-related contexts, play in bands, do art exhibitions etc. most of them are still at metas platforms for basically 1-2 reasons. Twatter doesn't really matter at all to them because no feature keeps them there.
The Main reason for most of them to stay with meta is to promote their events & the easiness to invite people to an event or self-subscribe.
The other reasons are groups/channels where people have sub-discussion threads, that "feel a little bit isolated from the rest of the platform".
I'm not 100% convinced, that this can/can't be substituted by something like "only display this toot to people following the #hashtag" or something similar.
Reason number three is network effect at the end of the day, which is not really technically addressable from "our side" imho. Being able to show easy to use alternatives should be doable tho.
What if a (new type of) Fediverse server automagically created an ActivityPub actor for each hash-tag.
So, for example, if someone on the server used:
(Then if the domain of the server is "example.com") then we would automagically have the actor:
Probably a group actor.
And it boosted any local post with that hash-tag.
Then you could follow a hash-tag on a server.
#ActivityPub #ActivityStreams #DeSe #FediDev #FediDevs #Fediverse #HashTag #OpenSocial #SocialWeb
@bernhard@mastodon.xyz · Reply to Stefan 🪴's post
#Medienproblem #ÖRR #Medienindustrie #socialmedia #gegenoffentlichkeit
📌 @stefanschulz erklärt ausgezeichnet im #Fernsehpodcast anhand von Videozitaten wie #Gesinnungsjournalismus in den #ÖRR #Staatsfunk funktioniert. Die Linke wird systematisch benachteiligt, wenn man genau hinsieht.
🌞 Danke Dir Stefan für Deine unermüdliche Arbeit.
⚠️ Ein kleiner #Rant muß sein:
#neuhier #althier #freibier
Wer wichtiges auf #Mastodon zu sagen/schreiben hat: nutzt #Hashtags!
@bernhard@mastodon.xyz · Reply to Stefan 🪴's post
#Medienproblem #ÖRR #Medienindustrie #socialmedia #gegenoffentlichkeit
📌 @stefanschulz erklärt ausgezeichnet im #Fernsehpodcast anhand von Videozitaten wie #Gesinnungsjournalismus in den #ÖRR #Staatsfunk funktioniert. Die Linke wird systematisch benachteiligt, wenn man genau hinsieht.
🌞 Danke Dir Stefan für Deine unermüdliche Arbeit.
⚠️ Ein kleiner #Rant muß sein:
#neuhier #althier #freibier
Wer wichtiges auf #Mastodon zu sagen/schreiben hat: nutzt #Hashtags!
@reiver@mastodon.social · Reply to @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s post
Having said that —
There is a new UI trend to make the displaying of hash-tags more pleasant. Many clients (especially Mastodon clients) are putting hash-tags at the bottom of the post and limiting the space they take up.
That isn't (yet) true for group actors.
@reiver@mastodon.social · Reply to @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s post
But —
Even if you follow a hash-tag, you don't necessarily see all the posts on the Fediverse that mentioned it.
Where, if you follow a Group Actor, you will see all (new) posts that mention it.
@reiver@mastodon.social · Reply to @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:'s post
For example —
I don't have to do anything to create a hash-tag. I just start using it.
Where, with a Group Actor, not only do I have to explicitly create it before hand, but — it is usually a multi-step process.
Hash-Tags versus Group Actors
Hash-Tags and Group Actors seems to serve similar purposes.
("Communities" in Lemmy are Group Actors.)
I.e., a "place" where many people can post stuff — on a single topic, for a community, etc.
But at least currently, the user-experience (UX) is different.
#ActorTypeGroup #DeSo #Fediverse #FediverseUX #FediUX #HashTag
@joe@social.joebaldwin.me.uk · Reply to Joe's post
Guess I should put some #hashtags on this so #literally #any #person #ever will see this on this #algorithm-less #nowheresville of a “#social” “#network”! #Mastodon #fedi #boring #meta #Facebook #Fedimeta #akkoma #pleroma #ennui #hashtag #tedium #hashtags #thecontentdiscoveryonfedisucks #youlljustgetboredandleave #peoplehavecomplainedaboutthisforyearsandabunchofdebianhumpingboreswillneverletitbefixed #why #do #I #bother #running #this #I #knew #it #would #be #dull
Crazy idea: What if every #hashtag on the #fediverse worked like a #wiki link?
So clicking on a hashtag wouldn't just give you a search result, but also pull up a distributed wiki that you could help edit?
That would be SICK. XD
Crazy idea: What if every #hashtag on the #fediverse worked like a #wiki link?
So clicking on a hashtag wouldn't just give you a search result, but also pull up a distributed wiki that you could help edit?
That would be SICK. XD
@4444@mastodon.online · Reply to radioactivestardust's post
Kann es sein, dass das von der App abhängt?
Gerade habe ich mal 3 Hashtags in Impressia und Pixelfed probiert: in Pixelfed (iOS) kam tatsächlich kein einziges Bild, obwohl in der Übersicht „35 k“ angezeigt wurde.
In Impressia wurden beim selben Hashtag so ca. 30 Bilder anzeigt – dann war Ende. Konnte dann aber unter einem Foto einen anderen Hashtag anklicken und es wurden wieder ca. 30 Bilder angezeigt, bis die Liste zu ende war.
@sylv_a@mastodon.social · Reply to Daniel Supernault's post
I'm not really sure what happens if I use #HashTag and #hashtag in the same post on #activitypub and mastodon
@FediChatBot Okay, now you must be able to #hashtag things, thanks to the recent changes on #BotKit. Would you try tagging anything?
(Do not answer me in Korean, but English.)
@FediChatBot Okay, now you must be able to #hashtag things, thanks to the recent changes on #BotKit. Would you try tagging anything?
(Do not answer me in Korean, but English.)
Bienvenue aux nouveaux.lles arrivé.e.s ! Quelques #MastoTips:
- vous pouvez vous présenter avec #introduction / #introductionFr
- ici on parle de toot ou pouet pour les messages
- n'hésitez pas à mettre des #hashtag dans vos pouets
- vous pouvez ajouter vos abonné.e.s à des listes
- vous pouvez vous abonner à un #hashtag pour que les pouets concernés apparaissent dans votre fil
Note perso : rajouter "pouet" ds le dico du téléphone sinon ça fait "poulet"
@nibushibu@vivaldi.net · Reply to GENKI's post
#Fediverse #Mastodon
New features for #FediAlgo, the customizable #algorithm for your Mastodon timeline:
🪓 Live filtering based on #hashtag (inclusive and exclusive)
#️⃣ Seed your timeline with toots from anywhere in the Fediverse that contain trending tags (#SouthKorea and #UnitedHealth have been big lately)
🔥 Icons to inform you whether a toot is from an account you follow, a hashtag you follow, or is trending (and if so, why it's trending)
⚖️ Weight based on retoots, replies, age, etc.
国 Filter on language
I kind of find it hard to look at Mastodon without it at this point. The installable demo can be found here: https://github.com/michelcrypt4d4mus/fedialgo_demo_app_foryoufeed
Also available as a NodeJS package built on #Masto.
Here's a video of the demo app:
#FediTools #FediTips #Fediverse #Mastodon #activitypub #mastohelp #Fedi #foss #nodejs #opensource #MastoAdmin #SocialWeb #Feed #timeline #algorithmicFeed #node
#Mastodon のハッシュタグ、ただのクリッカブルなキーワードというだけじゃなくて、ちゃんと連合同士を結びつけるための機能という感じがして好き。
#Slack のルームもハッシュタグっぽいものになってるけど、実際 #Fediverse #mastodon
の ハッシュタグもそういうルーム感がある
全体的に手作り感があるんだよな #Fediverse
In response to the #hashtag casing issue, I've written a script for #MastoAdmin's to try to convert as many of them as possible to #PascalCase automatically:
Feedbacks & contributors welcome! (I'm still considering whether I should incorporate recent tagged posts to counter the computerized results.)
@mro@digitalcourage.social · Reply to zirias (on snac)'s post
@zirias @stefano #hashtags are #unicode defined: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/#D2
read 'em like this https://codeberg.org/seppo/seppo/src/commit/87bf300/lib/tag.ml#L31
➡️https://fediverse.info/explore/people - Registered users by #hashtag
➡️https://fedi.directory/ - Users by category
➡️https://followlists.online/ - User curated lists
➡️https://github.com/nathanlesage/academics-on-mastodon - #Academics
➡️https://www.presscheck.org/ - Verified #Journalists
#housemusic #deephouse #chicagohosue #garagehouse #dancing #dj #producer
#developer #c #golang #perl #openbsd #opensource #fyne #activitypub
#fitness #calisthenics #personaltrainer #workout #coach #certifiedtrainer
#health #wellness #cooking #vegan #wholefood #plantbased
#nutrition #vitamins #supplements #minerals #magnesium #blackseedoil #tofu
#meditation #psychology #selfimprovement
#terrypratchett #discworld #photography
#gaming #ps4 #gt7 #ffxv #ffviiremake
hello fedi
my name is firstname lastname. I work at place, and my hobbies are activity and thinging
im an entity and my pronouns are.
hope to meet accounts here
The current #hashtag syntax is difficult to use naturally in a sentence in East Asian languages, where there are no spaces or where spacing is different from Western languages.
@Hiker@social.fedcast.ch · Reply to ɟloʍ's post
I just figured out how to use @phanpy's "Catch Up" feature and it's even more awesome than I thought!
It starts by loading up all the posts in your #timeline up to some point in history.
Then it lets you filter and sort the timeline in various ways.
The cool part is you can filter by followed #hashtags and muted words as well!
And the whole time it breaks down the visible posts by user, so you can identify the noisiest users in you follow, or people who spam a #hashtag!
BLZ - Zero-width space - non-breaking
Wenn ich #hashtags schreiben will, die besser Singular wären, aber halt Plural in den Textfluss passen. Dafür kannst du ein #BreitenlosesLeerzeichen oder #ZeroWidthSpace verwenden. Bei #veganem Essen hilft das auch.
Die Zeichen sind echt blöd auf der Tastatur von Mobilgeräten zu finden. Daher habe ich den Codepen gemacht, da könnt ihr es mit einem Klick in die Zwischenablage kopieren und auswählen ob es umbricht. Viel Spaß!
@Lisoo@eldritch.cafe · Reply to Queer Lisoo's post
Bon, j'ai finalement une liste des #hashtag hebdomadaires, j'ai compilé plusieurs vieux trucs, mes propres recherches, vos réponses, et j'ai vérifié ce qui était encore utilisé.
Mon but n'est pas de ressusciter des #hashtags !
(Et je n'ai pas mis ceux utilisés juste par 4 personnes en boucle !)
(D'ailleurs c'est drôle de voir qu’il y a des personnes qui essayent de lancer leur tag tous les jours ^^)
(ça ne prend pas !)
Bref, la liste !
Lundi :
#MondayMotivation : Tout ce qui peut vous motiver un lundi matin... je ne comprends pas pourquoi ce hashtag est autant utilisé du coup 😆
#MonochromeMonday : photos en monochrome, majoritairement en noir et blanc
Mardi :
#MardiConseil : principalement des conseils lecture, mais aussi de culture en général ou même d'autres thèmes !
#MardiPatisserie : vos plus belles pâtisseries que ce soit maison ou de boulangerie !
#ThickTrunkTuesday : pour voir des troncs d'arbre ! Écoutez, je pensais pas, mais c'est cool !
#TuesdayTiger : des tigres, des tigres, et encore des tigres, c'est vraiment cool !
#TuneTuesday : Pour partager sa musique. (On n’oublie pas qu'il y a d'autres hashtags pour ça, si vous ne voulez pas poster le mardi 😉 )
#TurtleTuesday : comme TuesdayTiger, mais avec des tortues ! Moins utilisé, mais j'aime beaucoup les tortues 😁
Mercredi :
#MercrediFiction : des mini récits de fiction, un peu un Writever du mercredi et sans thème !
#WipWednesday : pour montrer un travail en cours, souvent artistique/manuel, mais pas que
#WhiskersWednesday : vous voulez des frimousses d'animaux à moustaches ?! C'est par ici !
#WaterfallWednesday : de l'eau qui tombe, des cascades quoi ! C'est rafraîchissant par ce temps, on ne va pas se mentir !
Jeudi :
#JeudiManuscrit : récemment inventé par nos linguistes d'ici, des petits bouts d'écriture manuscrite !
#JeuJeudi : pour les jeux de société majoritairement !
#ThrowbackThursday : un petit tour dans votre passé !
Vendredi :
#VendrediLecture : pour partager vos lectures, bonnes ou mauvaises !
#FollowFriday : pour donner de la visibilité à des personnes que vous suivez ici
#FungiFriday : du champignon mignon !
#WindowFriday : principalement des vues jolies ou insolites à travers des fenêtres de tout genre ! Les photos sont vraiment belles pour le coup, ce n’est pas du "à l'arrache" ^^ !
#FlowerFriday : pour des fleurs, n'oubliez pas le #BloomScrolling les autres jours !
Samedi : les chats, rien que les chats !
#Chamedi et #Caturday pour mettre à l'honneur les rois et reines du monde !
Dimanche :
#SilentSunday : pour des paysages reposants
#SlowSunday : un peu pareil, mais avec aussi toute autre évocation de la lenteur qui fait du bien !
Voilà, faites-vous plaisir à suivre ces hashtags et à les alimenter !
(et moi je n’ai pas spécialement trouvé mon bonheur, mais je vais me débrouiller ^^)
@silverpill@mitra.social · Reply to find you on :butterfedy1: fediverse's post
>tell me if you want anything else explored. yesterday i updated my profile, removed that bug 2 you fixed and added a bug no.4 :) i think i'll do something for bloat tomorrow, if poss.
Bug 1 paragraphs in bio - are they really needed? In my experience text is displayed just fine without them.
Bug 3 - could you provide more info? I don't understand what this is about
Bug 4 - #hashtag, works #hashtag' doesn't but I can make it work. What other punctuation marks you want to use with hashtags?
You can also submit reports directly to the bug tracker:
Server: https://codeberg.org/silverpill/mitra/issues
Web UI: https://codeberg.org/silverpill/mitra-web/issues
**LAUNCH** of #ClimateDiary
I've been thinking for a while that it would be good to have a collective Climate Diary (along the lines of the Sussex Mass Observation project): people from across the world recording and sharing everyday observations, experiences, thoughts, feelings relating to the #ClimateCrisis
I would like to try out simply using a #Hashtag - #ClimateDiary - here on #Mastodon to create this and I would like to invite you all to join in and share widely! 1/4
A reminder as US, UK, AU and FR politics hot up....
Dear friends, if you are posting about US, UK, FR or AU politics, I would love you to use a #hashtag eg #USPol, #UKPol #FRPol or #AUPol so that I can filter them out. Would you mind?
Otherwise, I might have to mute or block peoples. Would hate to do that.
Just a reminder as the recent events are attracting a lot of comment. Otherwise you've been doing fabulously with your hashtags.
An alle meine neuen FollowerInnen:
Herzlich willkommen. Ich freue mich über interessante Posts, spannenden und anregenden Austausch.
Und sofern ihr neu auf #Mastodon seid: schreibt doch einen Beitrag mit dem #Hashtag #neuhier. Stellt euch kurz vor und schreibt, was euch interessiert.
Allen wünsche ich einen schönen Tag ☀️ und einen guten Start in die neue Woche.
Have you discovered #FediGroups? We're different from the rest! You're in control of your Group.
Great to keep interested people informed on a topic. Better than a #hashtag
Hashtags. Die funktionieren so:
🔹wenn du darauf klickst, kriegst Du eine ganze Seite mit Suchergebnissen von Beiträgen, die diesen #Hashtag enthalten. Alles schön thematisch gesammelt.
🔹In der Suchansicht kannst Du dem Hashtag auch folgen. Dann erscheinen solche Posts in Deiner Timeline. So siehst Du Beiträge zu Themen, die Dich interessieren, auch von Leuten, denen Du (noch) nicht folgst. Auch ein guter Weg, neue Accounts zu finden!
Daraus folgt:
@jippi@expressional.social · Reply to Jippi 🇩🇰's post
Also, remember you can follow #hashtag too! click on any hashtag and click the "person with a plus" icon in the upper right corner.
Once you subscribe to a hashtag, all posts your server see with that hashtag, will go into your home feed automatically - making your feed much lively and engaging - a great way to find people to follow that share your interests too!
Wusste nicht dass es diesen #hashtag gibt 😊
Wünsche euch einen schönen Abend ✌️
Es ist möglich, die #FediNINA-Warnmeldungen zu filtern: Jede Warnung enthält einen #Hashtag, der sich aus der Quelle und der Warnstufe zusammensetzt. Der Hashtag #mow3 kennzeichnet zB eine MOWAS-Meldung mit hoher Warnstufe. So ist es möglich, Meldungen mit geringer Warnstufe oder aus einer bestimmten Quelle (zB Wetterwarnungen) zu verwerfen und nur noch über die gewünschten Warnungen informiert zu werden.
Eine Beschreibung dazu befindet sich in unserer Doku:
-- RR
#Lesbarkeit der #Tröts von @sozialwelten
Die ganzen #Hashtags dienen mir zur #Auffindbarkeit und zur #begrifflichen #Akkumulation.
Für bessere Lesbarkeit empfehle ich das #Theme Mastodon (Dunkel), weil dabei die #Farbe von #Text und #Hashtag gleich bleibt.
Weitere Informationen gibt es in der #Beschreibung der #Instanz #IfWO: