
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事



Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Thanks to @robin_maki, integration support has been added to ! This feature will be included in Fedify 1.3.0.



This API is available since Fedify 1.3.0.

SvelteKit is a framework for building web applications with Svelte. Fedify has the @fedify/fedify/x/sveltekit module that provides a hook handler to integrate Fedify with SvelteKit. Put the following code in your hooks.server.ts file:

import { createFederation } from "@fedify/fedify";
import { fedifyHook } from "@fedify/fedify/x/sveltekit";

const federation = createFederation<string>({
  // Omitted for brevity; see the related section for details.

// This is the entry point to the Fedify hook from the SvelteKit framework:
export const handle = fedifyHook(federation, (req) => "context data");
ALT text detailsSvelteKit This API is available since Fedify 1.3.0. SvelteKit is a framework for building web applications with Svelte. Fedify has the @fedify/fedify/x/sveltekit module that provides a hook handler to integrate Fedify with SvelteKit. Put the following code in your hooks.server.ts file: import { createFederation } from "@fedify/fedify"; import { fedifyHook } from "@fedify/fedify/x/sveltekit"; const federation = createFederation<string>({ // Omitted for brevity; see the related section for details. }); // This is the entry point to the Fedify hook from the SvelteKit framework: export const handle = fedifyHook(federation, (req) => "context data");
Aaron's avatar


I'm saying goodbye to / for my current project. The Vite ecosystem is amazing but comes with a cost of complexity that I can't accommodate reasonably anymore.

It (Vite) has been too fragile especially when I've wanted something that isn't mainstream to work. It's churning so fast, many plugins aren't working.

I'm going to have a go at using Lit. I already have a basic build script working the way I want without much fuss.

git checkout -b web_components

🇦🇶 Placebo Domingo's avatar
🇦🇶 Placebo Domingo


🚀 I have just released v0.1 "Good enough"™ edition of the opinionated static blog engine I've been working on over the past few weeks.

It's called Syenite. Built in with support for authoring in @obsidian
Source code 👇


Syenite static markdown blog engine landing page.
ALT text detailsSyenite static markdown blog engine landing page.
Dylan </closingtags.com>'s avatar


I'm Dylan, a developer from the Midwest, US. I enjoy working with , , , , and . I've also done lots with .

I love learning about , dabbling in , and tinkering in my which I automate with .

I frequently at closingtags.com where I write things related to . You can reach me via the contact form there or here!

Dylan </closingtags.com>'s avatar


SvelteKit Up and Running is available now!

Today is the day! You can now buy my new book, SvelteKit Up and Running. Visit sveltekitbook.dev to get your copy!


Samuel's avatar


Recently I've started experimenting with . The result is , a web app that merges multiple chats into one chat window. It can be used as a chat overlay in by adding a simple browser source.


Médecine Libre Jérôme Pinguet's avatar
Médecine Libre Jérôme Pinguet


Je développe un framework libre & open source pour créer des sites web avec intranet pour maison de santé (), centre de santé, cabinet de groupe & .
Une sorte de CMS pour créer des sites web et des apps web. A terme les utilisateurs pourront entrer et modifier leurs données mais la conception, l'installation et le paramétrage sont réservés aux pros.
Git: github.com/medica-im/healthcen
Prototype en production: msp-vedene.fr

Jeff Markel (¡Voted!)'s avatar
Jeff Markel (¡Voted!)


Since I've moved to a new instance - one I'm running myself - I though I might re-introduce myself.

I'm Jeff Markel (see profile for pronunciation) - he/him. I'm kinda old, kinda not - born on the cusp of Baby Boom I and Baby Boom 2, aka Generation Jones (1955).

I can schmooze, but am basically very shy - f2f, anyway - and very introverted. More than a few hours of f2f interaction are exhausting.

I had one sibling - a sister - who died of pancreatic cancer in 1997, at 45. I lost my dad to bladder cancer in 1991 (age 67), and my mom to breast cancer in 2006 (age 80). So the big-C is ever-looming; my odds aren't so good. But I've lived longer than my sister and my father. Hopefully the string will continue.

My wife and I have been married to each other since 1982. We have 3 "children" (in quotes only because they're long-past childhood), and 4 grandchildren. Two are in NYC and one is in LA. The oldest of the grands is 15 and in full-fledged teenager mode.

I'm Jewish, but also an atheist - if that makes sense. The ethnicity does mean a lot to me. I have always felt a sense of 'other'ness and, although I know that I benefit from white privilege, I no longer really think of myself as "white" because the people for whom that matters most do not - and that's perfectly fine with me.

I get obsessed with things. I bake sourdough. I make cocktails. I walk long distances. I develop websites - using Drupal mostly, though I'm now learning React and a few other Javascript frameworks like Sveltekit and Astro - and of course those all have adjacent, and necessary, technologies that I also want to learn. As I used to say in my Twitter profile, when I was still there, I try to learn something new every day.

I've been a software person since the late 1970's. I started out on mainframes - but that's become a distinction without a difference. I've written code in many languages, from Algol to YAML (I tried to think of one starting with Z but Zend is all I could come up with, but that's a company, not a language 🤷‍♂️). Still working, but I do plan to "retire" in the next 18 months or so - in quotes because I will certainly need to do something after that besides sleeping in.