
adamghill's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to adamghill's post

One thing I'm still investigating: how to make as similar to as possible via pragmas (sqlite.org/pragma.html).

I'm ok sacrificing some speed for referential integrity. I'm currently looking into:

PRAGMA strict = ON;
PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = ON;
PRAGMA recursive_triggers = ON;
PRAGMA automatic_index = ON;
PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-8';

Anyone have experience with these? I'm thinking about modifying @anze3db benchmark in blog.pecar.me/django-sqlite-be to see what the impacts are.

Jerry Lerman's avatar
Jerry Lerman

@[email protected]

Hey, Fediverse! I'm looking for informed opinions on database choices.

I can stand up an Internet-facing application and have it use either mysql or postgresql. Which is the better choice, and why do you think so?


Jerry Lerman's avatar
Jerry Lerman

@[email protected]

Hey, Fediverse! I'm looking for informed opinions on database choices.

I can stand up an Internet-facing application and have it use either mysql or postgresql. Which is the better choice, and why do you think so?


Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

I'm waivering a bit on my choice to create a single PostgreSQL server for my homelab. This felt like a good idea because I come from the Microsoft world, where every software license costs $$$$$$.

Most applications I want to use combines the database server within the install itself. This ensures no conflicts with other databases and silos performance issues as well. Which sounds like a good idea to me.

The downside - repetitive maintenance task, like backups.

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


Claire Giordano ✨'s avatar
Claire Giordano ✨

@[email protected]

If you're thinking about submitting a talk proposal to a conference, you're in luck. 💥 There are 6 conference CFPs open now! But some of the CFPs close as soon as Dec 31st, others in Jan or early Feb.

So carpe diem: Submit that talk proposal & share your expertise and interesting stories, successes, failures, insights, whatever.

Also, boosts appreciated 🚀, please tell your friends & teammates so they don't miss their shot!

List of upcoming PostgreSQL conference CFP deadlines, including Nordic PGDay on Dec 31st, pgDay Paris on Dec 31st, PGConf.dev on Jan 6th, PGDay Chicago on Jan 20th, PGConf.DE on Feb 1st, and POSETTE: An Event for Postgres on Feb 9th.
List of upcoming PostgreSQL conference CFP deadlines, including Nordic PGDay on Dec 31st, pgDay Paris on Dec 31st, PGConf.dev on Jan 6th, PGDay Chicago on Jan 20th, PGConf.DE on Feb 1st, and POSETTE: An Event for Postgres on Feb 9th.
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]

Database:Optimistic LockとPessimistic Lock

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

Apparently 18 will offer a new function named uuidv7()!


PGConf.EU's avatar

@[email protected]

...and here is a hint #2

:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事's avatar
:rss: Qiita - 人気の記事

@[email protected]


PGConf.EU's avatar

@[email protected]

We know you’re curious about where the next conference will take place, so here’s a first hint.

Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

I looked at several different ways to install Postgres in my Homelab:

Portainer > Docker Container
ProxMox > VM or LXC > Postgres
ProxMox > VM > Supabase
Kubernetes (I'm scared of this lol)

Decided on ProxMox > LXC. Supabase looks cool but I feel like it would hide a lot of things a newbie should really know first.

Installing as an LXC template gave me a Turnkey Linux web interface as well, tho I don't know much about it yet.

Next: A backup plan.

Screenshot of a software interface labeled 'TurnKey PostgreSQL', featuring icons for 'Webmin' and 'Adminer' applications and a section for 'Resources and references' with a link to the 'TurnKey PostgreSQL release notes'.
Screenshot of a software interface labeled 'TurnKey PostgreSQL', featuring icons for 'Webmin' and 'Adminer' applications and a section for 'Resources and references' with a link to the 'TurnKey PostgreSQL release notes'.
PGConf.EU's avatar

@[email protected]

PGConf.EU is coming to town...

Jeff Sikes's avatar
Jeff Sikes

@[email protected]

I haven't had a need to install a database server in my homelab other than sqllite setups for various applications. But I've got two projects that mention a need for them now. Really don't want to pay for this if I can run it locally (is that a dumb idea?).

So, guess it's time to learn something new.


Philip Bernhart's avatar
Philip Bernhart

@[email protected]

I'm a senior backend engineer, did most stuff with . I like know also the usual scripting stuff, . I know a little bit did ( ) and containers. My preferred database is

Is someone searching for in ? I mean finding a job should not be hard with that kind of profile, right?

PGConf.EU's avatar

@[email protected]

Find some great PostgreSQL videos from PGconf.EU 2024 on youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF3 and don't forget to subscribe!

Douglas J Hunley's avatar
Douglas J Hunley

@[email protected]

17.2, 16.6, 15.10, 14.15, 13.18, and 12.22 Released! postgresql.org/about/news/post

Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

PGConf.EU 2024 Lightning Talks



Lenz Grimmer's avatar
Lenz Grimmer

@[email protected]

Save the date: PostgreSQL Meetup in Hamburg on Dec. 11th, 18:00 CET with two exciting talks:

"Merging Forces: Enhancing PostgreSQL with DuckDB's Analytical Power" by Sascha Lorenz, and "PostgreSQL in the Age of Cloud Computing & AI: Strategies from an Industry Veteran" by @saschadittmann

RSVP here: meetup.com/hamburg-pug/events/

BayAreaPostgres's avatar

@[email protected]

We're always looking for speakers for our virtual Meetups! Got something to share? We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a DM and you could be our next speaker!

Claire Giordano ✨'s avatar
Claire Giordano ✨

@[email protected]

Hey ppl, this Wed 13 Nov at 10:00am PST, I'll be doing a LIVE recording of Ep21 of the podcast with my guest @andatki

Topic this month = Helping Rails developers learn Postgres.

Join us! Calendar invite: aka.ms/TalkingPostgres-Ep21-ca

(or you can listen to the episode after we publish on all the platforms. You can find all the podcast episodes here: TalkingPostgres.com)

Bio pics for Talking Postgres Ep21 guest Andrew Atkinson & host Claire Giordano along with dates for the LIVE recording on Discord, Wed Nov 13th at 10:00am PST
Bio pics for Talking Postgres Ep21 guest Andrew Atkinson & host Claire Giordano along with dates for the LIVE recording on Discord, Wed Nov 13th at 10:00am PST
cheewai's avatar

@[email protected]

Transaction Isolation in Postgres, explained


Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's avatar
Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

@[email protected] · Reply to Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ's post

Hmmm du coup la création de l'user c'est okay :

createuser --createdb --pwprompt hollo
Enter password for new role: 
Enter it again: 

Il est bien la :
                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of 
 freebox   |                                                            | {}
 hollo     | Create DB                                                  | {}
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Mais du coup la commande suivante
createdb --username=hollo --encoding=utf8 --template=postgres hollo
createdb: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "hollo"

Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:'s avatar
Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:

@[email protected]

I was honoured to serve on the @pgconfeu organising committee, 2024 was awesome in no small part due to the amazing . As always, I wish there was more time to meet more of you, but we can always do this at the next event. Many thanks to all the committees, volunteers, sponsors, speakers and attendees that helped make this a reality. 🥰

PGConf.EU badge
PGConf.EU badge
PGConf.EU hallway track
PGConf.EU hallway track
Glyfada beach in Athens, post-conference relaxation
Glyfada beach in Athens, post-conference relaxation
Jimmy Angelakos on stage at PGConf.EU
Jimmy Angelakos on stage at PGConf.EU
Aslak Raanes's avatar
Aslak Raanes

@[email protected]

Da var dette over for i år

kaffekopper av papp på et bord. I bakgrunnen en skjerm hvor det står PostgreSQL
kaffekopper av papp på et bord. I bakgrunnen en skjerm hvor det står PostgreSQL
Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

New (more or less) folks and projects on Mastodon:


Do you know other account? Please let me know.

Previous postings:

Alex Popescu's avatar
Alex Popescu

@[email protected]

Backup your postgres database to Hetzner S3 Object Storage: blog.popescul.com/posts/2024-1

Pete Keen's avatar
Pete Keen

@[email protected]

:blobfoxwave: Hello good morning!

I have some consulting time available in the near future. Let me know if you're looking for help with something like:

- or other payment provider integrations
- performance optimization, particularly
- Architecture analysis

Website and email are in my profile or feel free to DM me.

(also, cliche, but boosts very much welcome!)

Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

v10 was released today, 7 years ago, and is now EOL for 2 years already.

Are you still running v10, or older? Do you have plans for an upgrade?

Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

v14 is now exactly 3 years old, on this day, released on September 30th, 2021.

This version has two more years of support before it is end of life. It's a good time to start with plans for a migration to a newer version.

rixx's avatar

@[email protected]

PostgreSQL is now officially the #2 preferred NoSQL database by Rails developers. 🙃

(That's as of this year, they didn't poll Postgres/JSONB previously.)

Source: railsdeveloper.com/survey/2024

Chart from the linked website, showing the top 15 preferred NoSQL databases per year, with all even years from 2014 till 2024 being included.

Redis had the top spot since times immemorial, and PostgreSQL/JSONB came out of nowhere to take the second spot from ElasticSearch, which had held it since 2016.
Chart from the linked website, showing the top 15 preferred NoSQL databases per year, with all even years from 2014 till 2024 being included. Redis had the top spot since times immemorial, and PostgreSQL/JSONB came out of nowhere to take the second spot from ElasticSearch, which had held it since 2016.
Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

PostgreSQL Person of the Week interview with: Nicolas Payart


Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

Contributions week 38

* New logo for PGEU diversity committee
* community migration to
* Translations for the upcoming v17 release


Benoit's avatar

@[email protected]

I just wrote and article... :)


nilesh's avatar

@[email protected]

Feels more and more that all the so-called friends of have fallen:

, , , , , , ... the list goes on.

Who is really left? ?

Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

Tickets for in this year are selling quicker than previous years. Get your ticket soon!

The agenda with talks is available on the conference website, in case you need another reason to convince you to come to .

See you there!


Graph showing registration numbers for pgconf.eu for 2022, 2023 and 2024
Graph showing registration numbers for pgconf.eu for 2022, 2023 and 2024
Floor Drees's avatar
Floor Drees

@[email protected]

Magnus Hagander on 17 development: commit fests, feature freezes, release candidates and that when we're counting LoC, let's count deletions (sad of course when it's features but they'll have another shot for 18) @pgdayuk

Ruud's avatar

@[email protected]

With all the new Mastodon users, it’s maybe time I wrote my (a.k.a. )

I am a father of 2, husband of 1. I live in The Netherlands.

I work as a freelance Database Admin for several companies, using and many others. I also do some related stuff like etc.


FErki's avatar

@[email protected]

Hey folks, I'm looking for a new role.

I specialize in software delivery, reliability, and performance for growing organizations.

Contact me when your:

- systems getting too slow or old
- IT solutions are getting too expensive
- software and infra takes too long to change
- customers face too many bugs or outages

I often work with projects like:

See my profile & DM me for details!

Data Bene's avatar
Data Bene

@[email protected]

🌿 Data Bene: Your go-to service provider and advocate. We're globally distributed with decades of experience working with Postgres and open source technologies. We're committed to preventing vendor lock-in and promoting sustainable and secure business practices. Follow us for content around the Postgres community, open-source and cybersecurity news, and sustainable practices in tech. 🐘

Andreas Scherbaum's avatar
Andreas Scherbaum

@[email protected]

New Meetup group "Postgres Meetup for All", organizing online meetups.

Join to see the upcoming talks, or contact the organizers if you want to present.


joschi's avatar

@[email protected]

🐳 If you are using the very, very old official PostgreSQL Docker image for PostgreSQL 8 (`postgres:8`), you might be interested in hub.docker.com/r/joschi/postgr which is a identical copy of the Docker image (`postgres:8`, `posgres:8.4`, `postgres:8.4.22`) which was still using the deprecated and planned for removal image manifest v2 schema 1 and "Docker Image v1" formats.


Banjo Dos ☣️'s avatar
Banjo Dos ☣️

@[email protected]

What is it?

  • Aardwolf-Social aims to be a familiar and user-friendly federated social-media application. Choices have been made to replicate the visual feel, and functionality of Facebook with some elements also being borrowed from Mastodon (hence familiar).

Who is it for?

  • Anyone that wants to use a privacy-oriented social-media site with Facebook-like feature set.

Planned Features at a Glance

  • Familiar user interface
  • Long-form posting
  • Calendar
  • Groups
  • Integration with existing Fediverse networks (Mastodon, PixelFed, others)

Current Status

  • In Development, not ready for use

Technical Details

  • Built with for reasons of code security, and performance
  • Designed to be Modular! Though it is being developed as a packaged application, the project is actually split into multiple logical parts that can be swapped to suit the needs of the developer/sysadmin.
  • Frontend: Currently using (WASM), (CSS Framework), and (Icons)
  • Backend: Currently using , and
  • Docker images are planned, developer images were working but need to be refreshed.


  • There are two repositories "Aardwolf" and "Aardwolf-Interface". Aardwolf is the primary repo for the application, and brings all of the parts together (Actix backend, DB Models, UI Templates/Translations, Rust Types). Aardwolf-Interface is a secondary repository for being able to work on the user interface without the need for a complete Rust development environment.

  • The main repo (Aardwolf) has been recently updated to run on Rust stable, but uses the Ructe template system which was never fully implemented.

  • The interface repo is presently where all of the Yew framework updates are being done. Approximately 80% of the HTML has been added to the Yew application but so far none of the routing or functionality has been added.

This is the GitHub Organization Page. The two Pinned repositories are the ones being actively developed.

FErki's avatar

@[email protected]

I accept a few new customers in the coming weeks.

I'm on a mission to enable high performance IT systems and software delivery for growing organizations.

Contact me when your:

- systems getting too slow or old
- IT solutions are getting too expensive
- software and infra takes too long to change
- customers face too many bugs or outages

I often work with projects like:

See my profile & DM me for details!

PGConf.EU's avatar

@[email protected]

Want a sneak peek at some of the accepted PGConf.EU conference talks? Here: postgresql.eu/events/pgconfeu2. Other sessions are still pending speaker confirmations as we’re tirelessly working on putting together the schedule.

Jobs for Developers's avatar
Jobs for Developers

@[email protected]

Sentry is hiring Senior Software Engineer, Platform

🌎 Toronto, Canada
⏰ Full-time
🏢 Sentry

Job details jobsfordevelopers.com/jobs/sen

Albert Cardona's avatar
Albert Cardona

@[email protected] · Reply to Albert Cardona's post

The web-based open source software was devised as "google maps but for volumes". Documentation at catmaid.org and source code at github.com/catmaid/CATMAID/

Modern enables hundreds of researchers world wide to collaboratively map neuronal circuits in large datasets, e.g., 100 TB or larger, limited only by bandwidth and server-side storage. The goal: to map and analyse a whole brain .

Running client-side on and server-side on , it's a pleasure to use–if I may say so–and easy to hack on to extend its functionality with further widgets.

The first minimally viable product was produced in 2007 by Stephan Saalfeld (what we now refer to, dearly, as "Ice Age CATMAID), who demonstrated to us all that the web, and javascript, where the way to go for distributed, collaborative annotation of large datasets accessed piece-wise. See the original paper: academic.oup.com/bioinformatic

See also public instances at the virtualflybrain.org/ particularly under "tools - CATMAID - hosted EM data such as this first instar larval volume of its complete nervous system l1em.catmaid.virtualflybrain.o)

Screenshot of CATMAID software illustrating various widgets to analyze neurons and neuronal circuits.
Screenshot of CATMAID software illustrating various widgets to analyze neurons and neuronal circuits.
Louis's avatar

@[email protected]

Doing SQL for over two decades. I used Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL/MariaDB and in the last 6+ years PostgreSQL.

I can say with confidence, PostgreSQL is for almost all cases *the best* option, by far.

At this point I'd say that there is no justification to pay exorbitant license fees for Oracle or SQL Server for any new project. Except for very few niche use cases, PostgreSQL offers more features, *and* better performance, even compared to Oracle.

If you _must_ use Oracle/SQL Server for a legacy project, consider hiring a professional to migrate your project. It'll pay off next time when Microsoft or Oracle start to count your CPU cores.

Arthurr :debian: ⏚'s avatar
Arthurr :debian: ⏚

@[email protected]

Un gentil administrateur de bases de données ().
Je suis sous depuis très (très) longtemps.

J'aime l’esprit du logiciel libre et de ses communautés.

Je suis en télétravail depuis de nombreuses années et quand je ne travaille pas :
- promener mes (et parfois mon ) dans la forêt
- cuisiner pour mes filles (et elles sont difficiles)
- cultiver mon punk
- chercher les œufs que mes cachent dans le jardin
(suppression auto des msg)

Andrew Atkinson's avatar
Andrew Atkinson

@[email protected]

From 2 amazing open source projects & , w/ 9 months writing to 1st draft, 12 mo. editing to “in print,” 15 chapters, 26 mo. since contract signing, 35 contributors, 450 pages, & 900 newsletter subs…

📖🚀 It’s done and in print! TY! 🥳


Planet PostgreSQL (Unofficial)'s avatar
Planet PostgreSQL (Unofficial)

@[email protected]

Karen Jex: When I grow up I want to be a Database Administrator (said no-one ever) karenjex.blogspot.com/2024/06/

Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:'s avatar
Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:

@[email protected]

📘 Big news! My book-in-progress "PostgreSQL Mistakes and How to Avoid Them" is now available in @ManningPublications Early Access Program (MEAP) — I hope it will help application developers, software architects & database administrators not only avoid mistakes but also learn the right way to do things in .

Use code "au35ang" to get 35% off 💕

🌐 mng.bz/D9mR

Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:'s avatar
Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:

@[email protected]

Couldn't be prouder to announce the release of the PostgreSQL 16 Administration Cookbook! Massive thanks to my co-authors Gianni Ciolli, Boriss Mejías @tchorix, Vibhor Kumar and Simon Riggs, and Packt for a spectacular effort on a book that is bound to be a valuable resource for the community.

🌐 Amazon: packt.link/6PurB

🌐 Packt: packtpub.com/product/postgresq

🌐 Amazon UK: amazon.co.uk/PostgreSQL-Admini

Claire Giordano ✨'s avatar
Claire Giordano ✨

@[email protected]

Hello! I am part of the Twitter migration & just changed servers, am now on hachyderm.io. About me:

* Work on open source PostgreSQL community initiatives at Microsoft
* Live in California in USA, a transplant from NH
* Host of Talking Postgres
* Co-creator of POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con)
* Love sailing in Greek islands
* Alum of Sun, Amazon/A9, Citus Data, and Brown CS
* Love chocolate lab

Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:'s avatar
Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql:

@[email protected]

So hey! I started my computer journey with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum in 1984, studied Computing Science and worked for a bunch of companies, mainly in . I discovered 25 years ago and never stopped using it & engaging with the community. I'm now lucky enough to work in a related role, occasionally contribute to & frequently speak about it at conferences. I also sing and play the guitar & keyboards (badly).