
Inautilo's avatar

@[email protected]

Mizu.js · Build dynamic web pages without heavy frameworks ilo.im/161hgq


Inautilo's avatar

@[email protected]

Mizu.js · Build dynamic web pages without heavy frameworks ilo.im/161hgq


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework

@[email protected]

Today, thanks to @ellemedit, we've added two more example projects to !

If you're interested in Fedify and these two frameworks, take a look!

Kagan MacTane (he/him)'s avatar
Kagan MacTane (he/him)

@[email protected]

Revised , w/hashtags: I loved living in for decades, but moved back to last year to be with my Sweetie. I'm a front-end (, ) in the early stages of writing an novel (maybe 1st of 3?). I love languages and ; I speak some , some , and lots of from . I love stuff, , and . I'm , , , and . I'm here to find new friends.

Aral Balkan's avatar
Aral Balkan

@[email protected]

New blog post – Kitten Kawaii: porting a React library and Next.js web site to Kitten

Small Web is the exact opposite of the Big Web. But what does that mean in practice? I wanted to find out by porting Elizabet Oliveira’s lovely React Kawaii app to Kitten. How does Kitten hold up to the frameworks of trillion-dollar and hundred-billion-dollar corporations?

(Spoiler: pretty darn well, actually.)



Axel Leroy's avatar
Axel Leroy

@[email protected]

Some 4 months ago, while researching the stack we could use to rewrite my employer's website, I asked myself the following question: "What if I rewrote my personal website with Next.js?".

I ended up doing it and wrote down the experience: my process to build this new version, the improvements I made and what I wished had been easier.


.:\dGh/:.'s avatar

@[email protected]

Okay, is a pain to work with on an internal network. If you're using GitHub for your things, that's okay, but for everything else is not.

Is there any other alternative?

BTW, this is Coolify: coolify.io/

Josh's avatar

@[email protected]

Hello, fediverse! I'm a father, elder millennial, and software developer primarily in the ecosystem. Though I do enjoy working with , , and other and/or frameworks. I came here like many others as part of the . l'm looking for professional networking, learning, and socialization.

I love , , , , , , and .

I want to move to one day!

Martin Wenisch's avatar
Martin Wenisch

@[email protected]

Po mesici na Mastodonu prisel cas na

Jsem programator z Liberce. Pracoval jsem pro ziskovky i neziskovky ruzne po svete. Pro B&MG Foundation v Keni, v >c.d, vytvarel jsem Zbrane pro Ukrajinu a podobne. Aktualne programuju vlastni socialni sit WRKS.

V tech stacku mam TypeScript, Next, AWS, databaze a v podstate vsecko kolem toho.

✍️ Pisu pravidelne o vsem, co mi prijde pod ruku.