洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected]

Given a database that supports GET, atomic SET, and atomic DELETE operations, is it possible to implement a list that can be safely appended to?

{Insert Pasta Pun}'s avatar
{Insert Pasta Pun}

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

@hongminhee does order need to be preserved, and do you care about duplicates?

dee, love and enby's avatar
dee, love and enby

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

@hongminhee is only-once reading of a list item important to you?

Emelia 👸🏻's avatar
Emelia 👸🏻

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

@hongminhee I'd think no, since the client would need to first read the data before appending to the data and writing it back.

티르's avatar

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

@[email protected] atomic compare-exchange가 있어야 scalable하게 동기화가 가능하다고 알고 있긴 해요. 멀티프로세서동기화 수업 들은지 좀 돼서 기억이 가물가물...