洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post

Fedify 基盤(기반)의 BotKit이라는 이름의 聯合宇宙(연합우주)(fediverse) 봇을 만드는 프레임워크를 브레인스토밍해보고 있어요. Fedify보다 柔軟性(유연성)은 떨어질테지만, 그래도 훨씬 짧은 코드로 簡單(간단)聯合宇宙(연합우주) 봇을 만들 수 있게 하는 게 目標(목표)입니다. 어떻게들 보시나요?

import { createBot, mention, text } from "@fedify/botkit";
import { RedisKvStore } from "@fedify/redis";
import { Redis } from "ioredis";

// Create a bot instance:
const bot = createBot({
  // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain":
  username: "greetbot",
  // Set the profile icon (avatar):
  icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"),
  // Set the bio:
  bio: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${
  // Use Redis as a key-value store:
  kv: new RedisKvStore(new Redis()),
  // Use Redis as a message queue:
  queue: new RedisMessageQueue(() => new Redis()),

// A bot can respond to a mention:
bot.on(/hi|hello|what'?s\s+up/i, (ctx) => {
  return ctx.reply(text`Hi, ${ctx.actor}!`);

// Or, a bot also can actively publish a post:
setInterval(async () => {
  await bot.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);

export default bot;
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@[email protected] · Reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s post


import { createBot, mention, text } from "@fedify/botkit";
import { RedisKvStore } from "@fedify/redis";
import { Redis } from "ioredis";

// Create a bot instance:
const bot = createBot({
  // The bot will have fediverse handle "@greetbot@mydomain":
  username: "greetbot",
  // Set the profile icon (avatar):
  icon: new URL("https://mydomain/icon.png"),
  // Set the bio:
  bio: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${
  // Use Redis as a key-value store:
  kv: new RedisKvStore(new Redis()),
  // Use Redis as a message queue:
  queue: new RedisMessageQueue(() => new Redis()),

// A bot can respond to a mention:
bot.on(/hi|hello|what'?s\s+up/i, (ctx) => {
  return ctx.reply(text`Hi, ${ctx.actor}!`);

// Or, a bot also can actively publish a post:
setInterval(async () => {
  await bot.publish(text`Hi, forks! It's an hourly greeting.`);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);

export default bot;