![Semantic attributes for ActivityPub
The OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions currently do not have a specification for ActivityPub. However, Fedify provides a set of semantic attributes for ActivityPub. The following table shows the semantic attributes for ActivityPub:
Attribute Type Description Examples
activitypub.activity.id string The IRI of the activity object. "https://example.com/activity/1"
activitypub.activity.type string[] The qualified IRI(s) of the activity type(s). ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Create"]
activitypub.activity.to string[] The IRI(s) of the recipient collections/actors of the activity. ["https://example.com/1/followers/2"]
activitypub.activity.cc string[] The IRI(s) of the carbon-copied recipient collections/actors of the activity. ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"]
activitypub.activity.resend_count int The ordinal number of activity resending attempt (if and only if it's retried). 3
activitypub.actor.id string The IRI of the actor object. "https://example.com/actor/1"
activitypub.actor.type string[] The qualified IRI(s) of the actor type(s). ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Person"]
activitypub.object.id string The IRI of the object or the object enclosed by the activity. "https://example.com/object/1"
activitypub.object.type string[] The qualified IRI(s) of the object type(s). ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Note"]
activitypub.object.in_reply_to string[] The IRI(s) of the orig](https://media.social.fedify.dev/media/01935d47-71d1-79c5-af27-43fe929b61b7/thumbnail)
ALT text details
Semantic attributes for ActivityPub
The OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions currently do not have a specification for ActivityPub. However, Fedify provides a set of semantic attributes for ActivityPub. The following table shows the semantic attributes for ActivityPub:
Attribute Type Description Examples
activitypub.activity.id string The IRI of the activity object. "https://example.com/activity/1"
activitypub.activity.type string[] The qualified IRI(s) of the activity type(s). ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Create"]
activitypub.activity.to string[] The IRI(s) of the recipient collections/actors of the activity. ["https://example.com/1/followers/2"]
activitypub.activity.cc string[] The IRI(s) of the carbon-copied recipient collections/actors of the activity. ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"]
activitypub.activity.resend_count int The ordinal number of activity resending attempt (if and only if it's retried). 3
activitypub.actor.id string The IRI of the actor object. "https://example.com/actor/1"
activitypub.actor.type string[] The qualified IRI(s) of the actor type(s). ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Person"]
activitypub.object.id string The IRI of the object or the object enclosed by the activity. "https://example.com/object/1"
activitypub.object.type string[] The qualified IRI(s) of the object type(s). ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Note"]
activitypub.object.in_reply_to string[] The IRI(s) of the orig