Hollo :hollo:'s avatar
Hollo :hollo:


Security Update: Hollo v0.3.10, v0.4.11, v0.5.5 Released

We've released security patches for Hollo in versions v0.3.10, v0.4.11, and v0.5.5. These updates address important security vulnerabilities, and we strongly recommend all users update immediately.

Docker users can update with:

docker pull ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:0.5.5
# Or your current version series: 0.4.11, 0.3.10

For manual installations:

git fetch
git checkout 0.5.5 # Or 0.4.11, 0.3.10
pnpm install

For complete installation instructions, please visit our docs.

Thank you for using Hollo and helping keep our community secure.